How to Beat the NAZI ZOMBIES in "DEAD SNOW"

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If you vacationed in a snowy mountain cabin and  Nazi Zombies tried to kill you, what would you do? In this How to Beat video, we’ll follow  the Norwegion students, see if we can make   better decisions, and ultimately attempt  to beat the Nazi Zombies in, Dead Snow. If you think you could do better than  me, let us know in the comments! If you   like these how to beat videos, consider  liking and subscribing. Let’s get to it. After witnessing a random woman run down and  eaten by zombies that were suspiciously wearing   Nazi SS uniforms, we start following seven  students vacationing in a cabin in the woods. In the car, Roy tells them about a man in  the newspaper who was buried in an avalanche,   and was later found to have accidentally dug  six yards deeper into the snow because he was   disoriented. Vegard’s pro tip is to just spit,  and then dig in the opposite direction gravity   pulls your saliva. Apparently this is something  he learned in his military service. I thought this   was common knowledge, or just common sense. How  this man dug ‘six’ yards deep without realizing   he should’ve been falling back down is one of  the most idiotic things I've heard all week. It’s not going to be a sausage party after all,   they got some ladies coming too. There’s mention  of a Sara who was going to hike into the cabin on   her own. If that was Sara in the prelude,  they’re going to be coming up one short. The cabin they’re staying at is a 45 minutes  walk off the road. Only Vegard knows the way   in and out, so the rest will have to follow his  snowmobile tracks. He could have ferried them   to the cabin, but that would just get in  the way of doing some sick Triple X moves. I’m sure he never comes up here and it’s  rarely ever used, but it wouldn’t be hard   to pin some red markers on the trees to  mark the route so others could get in   and out if needed. Or if someone got hurt  and emergency services needed to find you. Not only is the route unmarked,  but there's no cell signal. Elon   Musk really needs to get that Starlink  set up so people getting attacked by   Things in Antarctica and Nazi Zombies  in the Norwegion Alps can call for help. Movie cliches aside, being in remote areas with  no ability to call for help and no way of anyone   finding you quickly is actually a risky thing  in real life. Just because it’s a movie cliche   doesn’t make it less dangerous. “Haha man how  many movies are there where some psycho is   stalking you with a knife in their hand, that guy  following us at night is so cliche, am I right.” Well I feel attacked. The group burns the rest of the  daylight off tubing, grilling wieners,   and playing twister until eventually, someone  has to use the outdoor laboratory. Nothing good   ever comes from using an outhouse at night  in the dark freezing woods. At minimum,   it’s freezing and uncomfortable. But worst  case, you’re alone, in a vulnerable position,   and your enemies can take you  completely by surprise. Not Liv though,   she gets that weird subconscious feeling  of being watched. Like something is off. Like anyone would do, she runs back  inside yelling about seeing a man outside.   Of course everyone tries to come up with  reasonable explanations like it being   Sara or a Moose, which has to be infuriating.  Knowing you saw something but your friends   just think you saw a rabbit or the  shadow of snow falling off the trees. That or they look out of a musty window and say, Yah, no shit you didn’t see anyone standing in  plain view of the window. If there was someone   out there they’d be operating in the darkness  of the tree line or in the house’s blind spots. With Liv being freaked out about seeing someone  outside, they should probably start using the   buddy system if anyone else needs to use  the port-a-potty tonight, or at least slow   down on the booze. I also hope there's an old  hunting rifle stashed away in a closet because   they don’t have much in the way of weapons if an  axe-murderer all of the sudden busts in swinging. Like a true Alpha male, Roy needlessly puts  himself in harm's way to prove there isn’t any   danger. He gets lucky that the man who snuck up  behind him was only looking for a cup of coffee. This dude is completely killing the vibe they had  going, but if we’re going with the whole movie   cliche thing, he’s definitely the strange old  man that’s going to start dropping history   lessons about an old evil that’s lurking around  these parts. It’d be wise to pay attention. If what this guy said is true, why would he be  traveling outside in these parts by himself,   unarmed. And why would he willingly  leave the relative safety of the cabin.   I’d be suspicious of this guy,  not the tall tale he was spitting. Everyone but Liv is disregarding this  as senile rambling, and even then,   she’s probably thinking what she saw in the  treeline earlier was the old man himself. Sara hasn’t shown up yet, but Vegard did say  that she might be arriving in the morning.   As far as they’re concerned,  there’s nothing to worry about. Before the wanderer leaves, Roy makes  another smartass remark that he doesn’t   take too kindly too. Whether his story  is true or not, the fact that this guy   is roaming around would be scary enough  to wanna watch your back from here on out. Naturally, all the disturbing  shit the old man was talking about   seeped into their minds and  propagated into their dreams. What the fuck brain, thanks for the visual of my  missing girlfriend dying and puking black blood.   I really needed that after being  told there might be undead Nazi   zombies lurking in these mountains with my  girlfriend hiking in by herself. I will say,   going hiking through somewhat treacherous  terrain by yourself with no cell signal   wasn’t too smart. I’m sure she’s fine and this  was just a case of an overactive imagination. Really, what is this guy even doing out  here? He doesn’t look like a hunter to me.   Maybe he’s not simply a ‘hunter’,  maybe, he’s a ‘ghost’ hunter,   or whatever the Nazi zombie equivalent  of a ghost hunter is. Ah, I know, this   guy is like the amateur Norwegion version of the  Hunting Hiter crew. He’s no Tim Kennedy though. I don’t want to put words in Tim Kennedy’s mouth,  but I doubt he would have trekked into the heart   of these evil mountains by himself, having only  brought a bolt-action rifle and a narrow-beam   flashlight, and then set up in the middle of  the open in a tent lit up like a Christmas tree. That would be the sound of your  bad decisions catching up to you. We already know this guy massively fucked  up coming here at night and by willingly   leaving the cabin to camp in a tent, but  let’s just rip through him some more. He   should have brought a camping lantern which  lights up over 30 meters in all directions.   His narrow beam flashlight is next to useless,  and coupled with a bolt-action rifle, acquiring,   engaging, reloading, reacquiring and re-engaging  is going to be absurdly difficult. If what he said   is true, there could be hundreds of undead  Einsatzkommandos out here. Impossible odds.. Even if he was a regular camper or hunter who  was only concerned about dangerous animals,   and didn’t actually believe his own  stories, he was still poorly equipped. He basically committed suicide. The nightmare, what the old guy said,  Sara still not here in the morning,   all stoke Vegard into going on a search  and rescue mission to try to find her. This is a mistake. He should ride  back into town to contact the police,   who will notify the Norwegion  Search and Rescue Service.   The SAR team is vastly more well manned,  equipped, and trained for the job.   Vegard going after Sara by himself without any  real training or equipment is not only dangerous,   but he’s also much less likely to find her or  be able to effectively rescue her if he does. On his way he finds the wanderer’s  tent, and inside, his mutilated corpse.   Seeing as there’s bloody footprints walking  away from the scene, this was no animal. I know they’re evil Nazi zombies and  all, but leaving behind a crime scene   isn’t going to do them any favors. They  have a leader, are somewhat intelligent,   and according to the legends they fled into  these mountains to hide at the end of the war.   Covering their tracks should be a strat residing  in their decaying brain matter. Stupid Nazi’s. Now as Vegard, do you keep snowmobiling  around the mountainside searching for   Sara with a murdering psycho on the  loose, or do you head back and get   off the mountain with the rest of your  friends so you can get help from people   that actually know what the fuck they’re  doing? I’m going to go with the latter. For some reason Vegard thinks  this is a movie and he’s the hero,   and decides to follow the murderer’s foot  tracks. It’s not a good sign when you’re   resorting to tracking down a murderer to find your  missing girlfriend, but it’s the best lead he has. Maybe undertaking the rescue operation  by yourself wasn’t such a good idea. Back at the lodge the group discovers a box full  of old gold and jewelry dated with the year 1942.   No bells are ringing that this might be related  to the World War 2 Einsatzgruppe confiscations   the wanderer was talking about. Not that it would  change anything if it had. There’s no way they   could anticipate that undead Nazi’s will rise out  of their icy graves and shank them for fucking   with their loot. To them, it’s old junk they  could pawn off to pay off their student loans,   which I’m sure is triggering  to any historians out there. While everyone’s playing with the cursed jewelry,   Hanna slips one of the coins into  Martin's joggers without him knowing.   I don’t get why she didn’t put it in her  own pocket if she wanted to take one. Liv seeing someone in the woods, the creepy old  man sneaking up on them and choking out Roy,   and Vegard not being back yet  hasn’t unnerved them one bit.   They’re all wasted and not using a buddy system  when visiting the outhouse a night. Sure,   you'd most likely get called a bitch by the other  guys for suggesting you tag team the toilet with   your bro, but I think it’s reasonable given the  circumstances. In the Navy SEAL BUD/S training   you get assigned a swim buddy that you can’t  be further than 3 feet from the whole 6 months,   because they get that when you’re alone you’re  weak and vulnerable. Especially when on the John. Damn, Chris is a freak jesus christ. Not  what I meant with the buddy system, but   it’ll do. Erland heads back into the Cabin to run  a victory lap while Chris finishes up on her own,   or so she thinks. When she goes for  the TeePee she catches a peeping tom,   or more technically, a peeping undead Nazi  SS paramilitary death squad soldier. The most   surprising thing is her lack of blood curdling  screams, not that it would help with the rest of   the group smashing beers and blasting jams.  There’s not much she can do at this point. What do ya know, there was  a gun in this old cabin.   Hope there’s ammo around and  it’s not just for decoration. Hanna tosses Martin the pump trench gun  and the boys head out looking for Chris.   Their investigation comes up empty, which I find  hard to believe. How did Chris get pulled through   the toilet hole without breaking anything. And  how was her blood not all over the snow leading   up to the house. The guys seem to think that them  not finding Chris means that everything is chill.   I’d think that it would be even more alarming.  Especially since they also found Sara’s backpack. Hannah takes a peek outside and sees  Chris’s head being waved around by a   homicidal maniac. The Nazi zombies sure  do have a sick sense of humour. Liv then   makes the almost fatal, cliche mistake of  having her back next to that same window. Cutting Liv’s hair with the knife to free her  was a clutch move, good thinking. Barricading   the windows and doors is also good, but everyone  needs to find things they can use for shields   and weapons. One of them should look around and  try to find spare ammo for their shotgun since   it’s the best weapon they have. I doubt there  is any, so Martin needs to be sparing with it   and only shoot when he sees the whites  of their undead eyes. Once all the   entrances are sufficiently barricaded up,  everyone needs to huddle in the middle to   one, avoid getting grabbed like Liv, and two, so  that Martin has a clear shot. Beyond that there’s   not much to do but hold out until morning.  I’ve never heard of Nazi vampires, so the   sunlight can’t be relied upon to vaporize them,  but Vegard might be back with the snowmobile,   they’d have better visibility, and more people  would be awake that could potentially help them.   Whatever is attacking them, it likely  doesn’t want to be spotted in broad daylight. Now it’s clear they’re dealing with zombies,   and judging by the decayed hand with  the Einsatz ring, the Nazi variety. Erland, having watched his fair share of  movies, starts freaking out yelling at   everyone to not get bitten. Hey, that’s my  job. Based on what the wanderer man said,   this is looking a lot more like an evil curse,  not a virus. Not that you’d want to get bitten   by a Nazi zombie. Zombies are just a breeding  ground for bacteria and infectious diseases. Hannah thinks they should run for the car,   which is a total joke. There’s no way they can  make it trudging for 45 minutes through the   snow at night while being attacked when they  don’t even know the way out without Vegard.   Besides that automatic fail, they have no  idea how many of them are actually out there,   it’s dark as hell and they have no flashlights,  the shotgun doesn’t have enough ammo and Martin   doesn’t have the training to operate it under  duress, and they’re all booz’d up, unarmed,   and out of shape. Good thing Hannah isn’t team  lead, because that would’ve been a total massacre. Erland makes the same mistake as Liv  by standing too close to the window,   but he’s not as lucky as she was. Running to the car is out of the question.  This zombie just pulled his head apart like   it was a watermelon. That’s like game  of thrones mountain levels of strength. And there’s tons of these freaks out there.  They just need to hold out till morning. To be honest, I'm somewhat shocked that they  survived the night. Colonel Herzog is a dipshit,   no wonder they lost the war. All they needed  to do is molotov the cabin and smoke them out.   Or tossed one of their stick grenades in through  a window to stun them before charging in to   rip their guts out. I honestly never  thought i’d have a job which entailed   helping Nazi zombies kill innocent  civilians. Dreams really do come true. With snowfall covering the snowmobile tracks  and obscuring the path back to civilization,   they plan to split up. The gals will  make a run for where they think is town,   while Martin and Roy create a  diversion to buy them some time. If only someone marked the route in an out.  Not that it would help much if the Nazi things   decided to hunt them in broad daylight, but  it would have given them a sliver of a chance.   Thinking about it, they weren’t  blindfolded for the 45 minute walk in.   They should have at least a general sense  of direction of where they came from. The distraction idea is also flawed. Creating  a diversion only works if you know where the   Nazi’s are located. Liv and Hannah could  easily be running right towards the zombies,   in which case Martin and Roy banging  on pots and pans isn’t going to help. Their best option is to stay  together, grab weapons from the shed,   and haul ass in the general direction  they came while daylights on their side. Damn Vegard was unconscious for like 12 hours.  Must’ve really jacked his head on something.   Looks like some sort of tunnel network.  Could it be, the old man wasn’t lying?   Using a stick and some gas from his snowmobile  he fashions a makeshift torch to go tomb raiding.   The unearthed graves are odd. There’s Nazi  flags, machineguns, grenades, helmets, yah   the old dude wasn’t lying. Vegard should grab the  MP40 before he inevitably runs into the murderer. It’s not reasonable for Vegard to jump  to conclusions and think he’s dealing   with Nazi zombies, but it could be another  Hiroo Onoda situation where some old ass   Nazi’s held out and survived in these tunnels  this whole time by mugging and murdering the   occasional hiker. Honestly, the Norwegions  should have hunted them down after World War   2. Why would you let a group of genocidal  maniacs roam free miles from your town. Vegard eventually finds Saras head, on display  as some sort of sick trophy. As heart stopping   as this revelation is, there’s no  time to grieve in the devil’s lair. Not too help the Nazi’s, but If they  still have functioning firearms,   why aren’t they using them?  Odd that they’d want to use   knives with the historical precedent of mowing  down millions of innocent people with rifles. Using his military training and the fire  of vengeance ignited from Sara’s death,   Vegard beats the zombie down with it’s own  helmet. The Norwegion military apparently   doesn’t train to double-tap their  downed enemies. It’s an undead monster,   you can’t expect it to be fully dead  from knocking it’s head around a bit. His victory is short-lived with another undead  Nazi climbing out of the snow next to him. Yah,   time to run back to the snowmobile  and Triple X your ass back to base.   Who knows how many of them  are buried in these tunnels. The Nazi’s corner him before he can get to his  snowmobile, so he’s forced to face them head on.   Defeating them is surprisingly easy. The  problem with Nazi zombies is that their   brains have decayed to the point where they  turn into shitty movie villains who throw their   enemies towards weapons that can be used against  them. That was basically a layup for Vegard. The throwing knife to the face was a pro move,  especially considering he’s cold, exhausted from   fighting, wearing thick gloves, on an uneven  snowy hillside, and stressed from being under   attack by undead Nazi’s. I’ve thrown axes before  and it’s a lot harder than it looks. I personally   wouldn’t have done that because I’d have fucked  it up and ended up just giving it the knife. He gets tackled off a cliff but manages to grab on  to the other zombie’s intestines Tarantino style. Hopefully this is an evil curse thing  and not an infectious zombie virus thing,   because there’s a lot of bodily fluids being  exchanged. He head butts the zombie off,   climbs back up, and performs some extreme  field surgery by stitching his carotid artery   closed with a fishing line and hook using  his snowmobiles mirror. Hell of a day. I   don’t think it’s possible to stitch a chewed  open carotid artery closed in the field like   that. The duct tape around his neck might help  a bit, but it’s just a matter of time before   he bleeds out. He needs to get to a hospital  A.S.A.P. if he has any chance of surviving. Vegard knows his friends must also be under  attack, and that nobody would believe him   if he went for help. So rather than save  himself he mounts a confiscated belt-fed MG-34   on his snowmobile and prepares for war.  There’s still that MP40 and possibly more   guns, grenades and ammo that he should’ve  stocked up on but doesn’t. Crucial mistake. When he fires her up for one last ride,   another buried Nazi smells the fresh  blood and thinks it’s his moment to shine. The zombie catching a facefull of tree-branch was  lucky. This is also why he should have brought   that submachine gun. The MG-34 isn’t really  made for blasting people off your snow boots. As expected, the diversion was a total failure.   Hannah is putting in work though. That’s the  other thing about zombies, their bodies have   decayed so much that their heads pop like  water balloons when you stomp on them. They   really should have grabbed knives or something  from the tool shed to defend themselves with. Liv isn’t doing as well, getting cannibalized  by the undead SS and all. The Nazi’s are too   preocuppied indulging on her tasty flesh  to notice that she swiped one of their   potato mashers. By the time they do, the  4 and a half second fuze is burnt through. I’m a bit surprised Liv knew how to detonate  the grenade. World war 2 stick grenades aren’t   as intuitive as modern ones where most people  know to pull the pin and let the lever fly.   With stick nades you have to unscrew   the inconspicuous looking bottom cap  and pull the string that comes out. Hannah hides in a tree which somehow works.  These Nazi’s must be blind to not see her.   She’s wearing a giant puffy red coat. Hannah  really should’ve taken that off. Being cold is   better than being dead. She accidentally climbs  up next to a bird nest, causing mama crow to get   pissed and start cawing loudly. By the time she  chokes it out, the zombies already found her. The tree isn’t the greatest hiding spot because  you’re basically trapped if you get caught.   That and your footprints in the snow will  obviously lead to the tree and then suddenly   stop. Hannah had no idea where she was  going and was exhausted by this point,   so the tree probably looked like her only option. She does have the high ground.. And expertly uses it to perform a super  smash bros link drop sword maneuver.   I can’t say I would’ve thought to do that.  She accidentally backs herself into a corner,   and knowing she can’t take it on one v  one, takes it with her off the cliff. Must’ve been a thick layer of pow  that cushioned that fall. According   to a physics.stackexchange post, falling at  terminal velocity into 15-20 feet of snow   should be survivable. Don’t  try that at home though. Problem with surviving a huge fall into snow   is that you need to dig your broken ass  back out. Hope she knows the spit trick. The zombie survived the fall  too, but Hannah got out first   so she gets a free penalty kick to it’s head. The boys aren't doing so hot  themselves. Roy does the Nazi’s   job for them by burning themselves out of  the shelter with a poorly thrown molotov.   Martin then pulls out his Nokia and rings the  cops. You’re telling me you did have a cell   signal this whole time? Why the fuck didn’t you  call the police when you first got attacked? Wow. He then takes this critical opportunity to start  yelling at the cops that they are under attack   by zombies in German world war 2 uniforms, and  gets hung up on. Roy is right, if you’re being   attacked by Nazi zombies, don’t say you’re  being attacked by Nazi zombies. The thing is,   even if Martin told them a hiker had gone  mad and attacked them and the police were   ready to respond, he wouldn’t be  able to give them his location,   because he doesn’t know it. And even if he did,  without route markers finding this place will   be difficult and take awhile. It’s also crazy  to me that nobody had a paper map of this area. The Nazi zombies failed to secure the perimeter,   so Roy and Martin are able to flee to  the shed stocked with killing devices. An all out war between the Norwegion students  and the undead Nazi’s ensues, waged with crude   instruments of farming and fieldwork. The undead  get clobbered rather easily, almost, too easily. Even though killing them isn’t too difficult, more  keep rising out of the snow. If you ventured into   some of my random earlier videos I made, you’ll  notice one called, “Your Heroes will Die Tired”. The point I tried to make is that hand to hand  fighting is extremely taxing and exhausting.   Your average person, AKA you, would be completely  smoked and out of energy after a couple hand to   hand bouts with the enemy, to the point  where if another attacker came at you,   it would be very easy for them  to overpower and kill you. Roy and Martin are running on fumes.  Just when all hope seems lost,   Vegard flies in with the upgunned snowmobile  and saws down a line of zombies. That should   buy them enough time for Martin and Roy to  get on the snowmobile and drive out of there. Vegard instead decides to pop a wheelie  and decapitate another Nazi with it’s skis.   The snowmobile gets pinned into a tree,  so Vegard suplexes the next zombie,   plants the snowmobile treads on  its face and opens the throttle. I’m almost feeling sorry for them at this point. Vegard wouldn’t have had to wreck his  snowmobile if he had brought more ammo, guns,   and grenades from the tunnels, or if he executed  a hot extract for Roy and Martin and peaced out.   Now they are’ unarmed and on foot with zombies  popping out of the snow everywhere. Not good. Nooo, Vegard was a badass. Why’d  they have to do my boy like that. Hannah arrives at the party  with a hatchet in her neck,   must’ve caught that on the way back. Looks  like it’s all down to Roy and Martin. Martin unloads the trench gun into the SS zombies,  but there’s only 5 or so shells in it. Not enough   to kill them all. One of the remaining SS zombies  tackles him to the ground and bites his arm. Remembering what Erland said about zombies and  not getting bitten, he fires up the chainsaw   to self-amputate his arm so as to not let the  infection spread. Did he not just get zombie   guts poured into his facial orifices? If this was  a zombie virus thing, you’re already infected.   I still think it’s more reasonable to assume the  Nazi’s are undead due to a curse, not a virus.   In which case there is no need to amputate.  Even if you assumed the worst case scenario   that you contracted the zombie virus, chopping  your arm off is a bullshit movie cliche and   doesn’t work at all. Blood pumps through  your body extremely fast, and likewise,   so do pathogens. For example, drugs injected into  your arm will reach your brain in a few seconds. Guess they didn’t cover that in your med school. His efforts, stupid yet commendable,  are rendered obselete when another   zombie rise from the grave beneath his  legs and sinks it’s teeth into his sack. Yah, let's go with the evil curse  thing. The movie cliche I would go with,   is that killing Herzog would end the  curse, deading all the undead for good. If they want to live and end this thing, they  need to kill him now before his backup arrives   in force. Martin and Roy freeze up, lose their  only opportunity, and are forced to run for it. Roy gets sideswiped by Herzog and his  intestines get caught up on a tree,   not sure how that happened. Martin looks back  and see’s Herzog grab some loot out of his   pockets. It looks like he connected  the dots with the wanderers story,   that all this was over the confiscated valuables.  Damn Nazi zombies, all you had to do was ask. This is the crux of the situation,  but I don’t really think there was a   point in the movie besides when Martin saw  Herzog take the loot out of Roy's pocket,   that this was clear. And really, I don’t  think this mattered much at all. Sara,   the hiker, and Vegard were all attacked before  anyone pulled out the box of confiscated goods.   The undead nazi curse seems  more territorial in nature. Martin races back to the burnt down cabin  and offers up the box of gold and jewelry.   Herzog accepts and reluctantly spares his life. The movie ends with Martin reaching his  car, grabbing the keys out of his pocket,   and realizing he was still in  possession of one of the coins. That’s why I always put the car in drive  immediately after I get in. So if someone   pops up on my driver-side window I can just jam  the pedal and peel out. It is understandable   that Martin wouldn’t be in the headspace to do  that, having had his entire reality take a hard   left with all his friends getting murdered by  Nazi zombies. That and he was spared by Herzog. So how could things have gone down differently? Sara really shouldn’t have been hiking alone,   but it wouldn’t have mattered if she  had a friend. Her death was inevitable. When Sara didn’t show up the morning after  the wanderer told his tale, Vegard should   have rode into town and gotten the help of the  police and Norwegion Search and Rescue team. I could see the rest of the friends staying at the  cabin in the meantime in case Sara did show up,   but they wouldn’t have been  alone as police and SAR teams   would be scouring the mountains looking for her. With the night approaching and Sara still gone,   I think it would be reasonable to  cancel the trip and head back into   town. I can’t imagine I'd wanna drink beer  and play twister with my friend missing. If they changed course at this pivotal point in  their decision tree, none of them would have died. Except for the Wanderer who was  out camping there like an idiot. If they did stay and Vegard went  off looking for Sara on his own,   which I suppose could be reasonable,  Erland and Chris’s deaths were unavoidable. If Vegard had put up route markers or the  others retained a semblance of direction,   it would be a 20 minute run to the  car. Could they have made it, I think   it’s possible given that the Nazi zombies  weren’t that coordinated or hard to kill,   especially if they all stayed together and got  weapons from the shed. When Vegard arrived at   the cabin and noticed it was empty, he would’ve  rode back to town and made it to a hospital. Once they all got off the mountain  and alerted the authorities,   the military would have rolled in  and closed Herzog’s casket for good. I think we could have beaten  the Nazi Zombies from Dead Snow. Thanks for watching, and remember, don’t  play dress up with jewelry stolen from   innocent civilians that were murdered  by Nazi paramilitary death squads.
Channel: Nerd Explains
Views: 3,173,323
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nerd explains, how to beat, how to beat dead snow, dead snow, dead snow movie, dead snow kill count, dead snow ending, dead snow explained, nazi zombies
Id: IXmEjiBC2sQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 43sec (1783 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 06 2021
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