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If you had the chance to snag a ten million  dollar prize and the title of Best Assassin in   the World, would you do it? And if you’re stupid  enough to say yes, how would you survive?   I’m going to break down the mistakes made by  our tournament champions, see if we can make   better decisions and ultimately attempt to  beat THE ASSASSINS in THE TOURNAMENT.   Small town England has lived peacefully for too  long. Middlesbrough, the arena for this year’s   tournament of assassins, is a middle-class  industrial town off the tourist trail,   full of the sort of people who toss their drunken  priests out on the street and eat cream cakes for   afternoon tea. If you’re Father MacAvoy, you  spend your time using your priest’s collar as   a sort of pity badge and asking God why he  hates you so much. Little does he know, the   big guy hates him even more than he thinks. The real competitors in this game are scattered   across the rest of this clueless quaint city.  They seem to have been told ahead of time   that the tournament would take place here, that  the game isn’t restricted to the city limits, and   that there are no limitations in terms of what the  players can bring into the game. There appear to   be no rules at all, save one – Kill or Die. The night before the tournament begins,   they all take a dose of bye-bye juice before  ninja surgeons creep into their rooms and   implant tracking devices into their abdomens.  This tracking information is available to all   the players at any time. The players have  24 hours to exterminate their competition   or the tracking devices will explode. While we don’t get a rundown of all 30 assassins   and their special skills, Master of Ceremonies  POWERS introduces us to a few fan favorites.   LAI LAI ZHEN - The best assassin  in Asia for the last three years   who grew up killing for the Chinese Triad.  The odds for her start at 10-1.   ANTON BOGART - A stealthy French assassin and  parkour expert. His odds start at 9-1.   YURI PETROV - A Russian special  forces all-rounder who kills without   mercy. His odds start at 12-1. MILES SLADE - A wild card psychopath   from Texas with odds that start at 25-1. JOSHUA HARLOW - A champion who won the last   tournament seven years ago and who has returned  to find the killer who murdered his pregnant   wife. He’s given legacy odds of 2-1. Unbeknownst to Powers, there’s also a sixth   special contender – FATHER MACAVOY, that  pitiful alcoholic priest who’s about to   have the worst day of his life. Is it just me, or does this feel   like a lazy man’s Mortal Kombat? Look, we obviously know this tournament   starts WAY before the game actually begins.  You wouldn’t bring a saber to a pistol duel,   and we’re not showing up to this thing with  anything less than a full arsenal at our   disposal and all the above board googling  and dark web searches we can make.   The players knew the game would take place in  Middlesbrough. We don’t know how much lead time   they had, but if I had any at all, I’d find a map  of the town and begin using street view to look   for chokepoints, defensive positions, and the best  sniper placement. To make it easier on myself,   I would also place weapons in strategic places  around the city. That way, if I run out of ammo   or lose a gun, I’m only a few blocks away from  a reload. Same as the Most Dangerous Game.   I might also scour the city for human sized  metal boxes that I could use to block the GPS   signal coming from my tracking device. It’d be  the perfect place to ambush a fellow player when   they’re chasing us, by stepping inside,  disappearing from their tracking screen,   and then using that cover to shoot them  in the head while they’re confused.   Strategy number two: we’re coming into the  game with our own gear. Maybe we don’t go   full Splinter Cell with it, but close. We’re  talking a Honey Badger PDW with a 9 inch barrel   with suppressor in 300 BLK and night vision  goggles to ambush targets in the dark,   when we are going to do most of our killing. The  Eotech HWS 300 Blackout with a 2-dot reticle will   allow us to still make precise distance  shots with either sub or supersonic ammo   and a 3X flip magnifier. With an IR laser  mounted to our rifle, we can target other   assassins using our night vision goggles and  they would have no idea we’re there.   For our secondary, the Laugo Alien with a  suppressor and microdot, we’ll also want a mounted   light that gives off at least 1200 lumens and has  the ability to strobe for close quarters combat.   We also want to carry a few 9 bang flashbang  grenades, which as the name implies sets off   nine flashbangs. We want to tie a chem light to  it, which we can crack before throwing to magnify   the light output and get everyone staring at it  so you can kill them while they’re distracted.   Don’t forget to pick up some electronic hearing  protection as well. Going deaf mid-tournament’s   gonna cut our odds down significantly. We can also prep the gear we’re wearing,   like the lightweight CRYE Precision JPC 2.0 plate  carrier with a 4 NIJ plate in the front and back,   which can take a single armor piercing  round up to a .30-06. To cover our head,   we can wear a Protection group Denmark Arch level  3A ballistic helmet, which is rated up to a .44   mag and should stop almost any pistol  shot, so long as Agent Smith isn’t   lurking anywhere nearby with his 50 AE. The downside to all of this prep is twofold.   First – it’s expensive, running you well  over $100,000. Of course, that’s only one   percent of the ultimate prize money. As they  say, you gotta spend money to make money and   as a world famous assassin, we would have  that kind of scratch lying around.   The second problem is that you’ll stand out  dressed like an extra from Black Hawk Down.   Of course, this is England – anyone with a gun  is going to stand out, which is where carefully   planted weapons caches could come in handy. The tournament begins with 24 hours remaining. A   knock at the door wakes Lai Lai. Her  tracker locates one hostile outside.   Gun drawn, she advances and blocks the peep  hole with a do not disturb sign, then opens   the door to find room service outside. It must  be amateur hour, because she misses the assassin   crawling through the open window behind her. He attacks from behind with a fucking garrote,   because this is definitely a video game where one  Y press results in a secured kill animation. Not.   Lai Lai narrowly avoids getting her head sawed  off, but wastes her ammo popping off shots beside   his head. She gets the upper hand – pun definitely  intended – when she uses his own garrote to slice   off his fingers, then single-shots him  between the eyes in the bathroom.   Talk about a rude awakening. That’s one assassin  down, twenty nine to go. Lai Lai’s lucky it went   her way and her attacker thought bringing  piano wire to a gunfight was a good idea.   Call me paranoid, but if I know I’m going to wake  up with a target on my back, my night time ritual   is gonna look like I’m barricading a bunker  for the zombie apocalypse. At the very least,   I’m rigging a Home Alone-style flamethrower  trap on the windows, just in case.   Lai Lai wakes up after this other assassin,  meaning that the sedative she took   wasn’t specifically calibrated to wake all the  assassins up at the same time. One early riser   in this competition could knock out a few  contenders before they even wake up.   Maybe my mind goes to cheating way too early, but  in this situation, I might take a half dose of   bye bye juice and pour the rest down the drain.  One very annoying wake up call or alarm later,   and we have the early bird advantage  to track down the closest targets   and shoot them in their sleep. The first thing we do when we wake up   is strap that GPS tracker showing everyone else’s  locations to the underside of our support shooting   arm like it’s a pipboy from Fallout. Lai Lai had no need to open her hotel door.   Instead, she should have tracked the  dot’s movement on the GPS screen as he   came around the building and then shot  him when he entered her window.   Speaking of trackers… A sniper and a chubby assassin in a car   track Anton to a coffee and eggs diner where he  slips into the bathroom and slices the tracker   out of his gut. On the gamemasters’ screens,  this registers as him dying, until he flicks the   tracker into a steaming fresh pot of coffee and  watches Father MacAvoy swallow it down. Anton’s   dot reappears on the GPS trackers while he slips  out on to the street, essentially invisible.   Good God. This Anton guy came to  play, and I respect that.   Removing the tracker is a calculated risk  – everyone here save Joshua is a first time   tournament champion, so we don’t know if removing  the implant will disqualify us. Having said that,   when the only rule is kill or die, why  not tempt fate and see what happens?   Lowjacking the priest is a brilliant  strategy…if it works. Anton lucks out   that Father MacAvoy didn’t feel that metal  pill before he swallowed. Giving the other   assassins a wild human goose to chase so he  can sneak up and kill them is genius.   We could also get a thermos full of hot  coffee and put the tracker in there.   Then, we could lay a bait trap for the  other players and bring the killers to us   rather than playing Where’s Waldo in a city  the size of Providence, Rhode Island.   To lay the trap, we could find a narrow dead  end alleyway with a sniper’s perch above,   place the thermos around the corner, forcing  assassins to fully enter the dead end, then   pick off anyone who comes hunting. We need to be  sneaky about this, as a tracker beacon sitting   unmoving in an alley looks like a trap. If we can  tie a string to it and slowly pull on it to give   the appearance that we are moving in a direction  it will make the trap more convincing.   As Anton anticipated, the hungover  priest eventually leaves the diner,   where the sniper and chubby car killer target  him as a fellow player. The sniper one-shots   her competition in the car, but hesitates  to take collateral damage when the priest   stops to talk to somebody. Stealth Player Anton  sneaks up behind her and snaps her neck before   stealing her gun and following the priest. That’s three of our assassins out of the game,   with twenty seven and the  hapless priest remaining.   Well, Lee Harvey Oswald this sniper most  definitely is not. Sniping targets is a strong   strategy for winning this game…if we don’t  lay out in the open like a baby seal waiting   to be clubbed. Did she forget that literally  every player knows she’s up there? Where’s the   defensive positioning? Or any cover whatsoever?  If her head wasn’t up her scopes ass and had the   tracker on her forearm and spammed it like she  had OCD she wouldn’t have ended up looking down   at her own ass. Rifles are RANGED WEAPONS. This  bolt action rifle she has can hit targets from   300 m or 984 ft away. Why is she so close where  anyone with a 9mm and decent aim could shoot   her? I feel like I’m taking crazy pills. If we’re going ranged player for this game, we’re   picking a secure location, like a concrete room  with a single access point attackers will have   to use to engage us. Across that access point,  we’re laying down a trip wire rigged with tin   cans or glass bottles so we can hear ‘em coming.  With a marksman rifle like the M14 with a Trijicon   VCOG 1-6 rifle scope, that allows for very  accurate shots with variable magnification, as   well as rapid follow up shots, we’re  taking out targets left and right.   Honestly, you could hole up in your perch  until the end of the whole tournament and   pick off the last player who has to  come to you to win the game. I call   that the Hunger Games Special, and sixty  percent of the time, it works every time.   Lai Lai follows Anton’s tracker to a church  where she sneaks up on Father MacAvoy praying   at the altar. The location gives Father  MacAvoy a plus-5 plot armor buff and she   doesn’t immediately shoot him. Riiiiiigggggghhhhht. Maybe the   church is a fucking safe house. The church doors implode. Nevermind.   It’s a distraction as Yuri the Russian cartwheels  through a nearby window and tosses a grenade.   Lai Lai taps it back to his side with a bullet,  before more grenades fill the church with enough   smoke for a Michael Jackson music video. Yuri advances on Father MacAvoy,   taunting him and giving Lai Lai just enough  time to disarm him. God gets a front row seat   to a martial arts melee fight. Yuri spots a holy  water font and tries to drown Lai Lai in it. The   quibbling priest barely manages to distract  him. Lai Lai tosses Yuri back, revealing she   pulled the grenade pin on his jacket. Yuri’s guts  paint a mural across the Cathedral walls.   That’s four assassins eliminated, with  twenty six and the priest left to go.   Afterward Lai Lai sees Father MacAvoy doesn’t  have an implant scar. For some reason, she   decides she has to protect him until the  implant passes through his system instead   of sending him to meet his maker. This is like a skyrim quest to kill a   dragon that gets derailed by an orphan. Who knew  coldblooded contract killers had hearts of gold?   At the end of this whole thing, I’m sure we’ll  learn the real treasure was the plot armored   abandoned puppy we found along the way. It’s during this church fight you start to   realize all of your competitors are drama  club kids who got into killing to pay for   Julliard. Father MacAvoy should be dead –  like dead-dead – right here, right now. If   I see a man with a bleeping tracker kneeling,  facing away from me, it’s bang-bang goodnight   before he even turns around. This is a FIGHT TO THE DEATH, Lai Lai! For   all you know, he’s kneeling with a gun aimed  at your head under the folds of his dress.   Distraction is one of, if not THE most  important strategy in a game like this   and it’ll pop up again and again here. And Yuri – what the fuck are you doing?   Distracting with an explosion only to make  all the noise in the world coming through   the window. You know what would also have  worked? Tossing in a few more live grenades,   then pieing the corner like we did in  Rattlesnake. Two shots and we’re done here.   Once the church is full of smoke, he wastes the  distraction again to slowly pull up on the Priest   instead of blowing him away at a distance. Same  dipshit award goes to Lai Lai. She shoots Yuri’s   gun instead of his face. Why? Why do you  want to fight a Russian hand to hand?   Honestly, half the killers on this tournament  roster could be taken out while they’re   wasting valuable distractions. You know who’s NOT wasting distractions?   Our legacy player Joshua Hawley. Across town, he draws a killer named Cusack   into a darkened parking garage and peppers him  with questions about who among the assassin group   killed his wife. Cusack tells him he heard about  the kill from the rodeo psycho Miles Slade. Cusack   spots someone waiting nearby, and sneaks up to  discover it’s just a pair of empty shoes – a   cleverly laid trap by Joshua who appears behind  him and shoots Cusack at point blank range.   That’s five assassins down, with twenty five  players and the priest still on the board.   No one ever said a contract killer  had to be smart. Cusack – supposedly   one of the top 30 assassins IN THE  WORLD – gets taken out by the old   “look down, pie to the face” trick. You were dragging the whole team down,   Cusack, you dumb motherfucker. Over in the railyard, Texas Creep   Miles Slade finishes off a sixth assassin and  takes a finger trophy, before killing a dog   for kicks. This guy’s really gunning for that  serial killer bingo. He moseys into the busiest   gentleman’s club this side of Amsterdam. Back with Lai Lai and the priest,   she calls into the gamemasters and warns  Powers about Father MacAvoy’s tracker. Powers   doesn’t care about the priest and tells  her to handle it like a big girl.   Suddenly, a truck barrels down on the phone  booth they’re in. They narrowly leap out   as the truck comes for them again. The truck  crashes and catches fire. Father MacAvoy gets   drawn in by the female assassin’s siren screams  for help. It’s a trap. She pulls a gun on him,   just as Lai Lai shoots her in the head. That brings us to seven assassins down,   with twenty three and the priest remaining. At this point, these assassins seem so extra to   me, it feels like you could pick them off by  pointing into the distance, waiting for them to   look that way, and shooting them in the head. A vehicle could be a cool weapon in the game,   if you have impeccable timing, which this  assassin does not. Twenty seconds earlier   while Lai Lai was on the phone, charging through  the booth would’ve almost been a sure thing.   The problem with a vehicle is that it’s bulky,  it’s a massive moving target for gunfire, and,   well, it can crash in a fiery inferno  with the wrong twist of the wheel.   She would have been better off speeding  away after the first attack failed.   This female assassin in the car has terrible  timing AGAIN when she screams for help and   instead of letting him pull her out, she pulls  the gun while still in the burning car.   Yeah, because that’s going to  work out well for you.   As for Lai Lai, she needs to get her head  in the fucking game. Even if she’s decided   to carry Father MacAvoy to the finish line, this  assassin in the car is a tournament competition.   Go over to the car and finish her off before the  angel on MacAvoy’s shoulder gets him killed.   Lai Lai prioritizes debugging the priest in an  alleyway. She watches the GPS screen but misses   two approaching competitors – trackerless Anton,  on the roof above them with the sniper rifle,   and a killer cosplaying as a cop who pulls up  in a squad car and paints Father MacAvoy with   his scope laser. Lucky for the priest, every  player has a nifty catchphrase and a trigger   finger with a three second delay. Anton removes the cop from the game,   bringing us to eight dead slayers, with twenty two  mercs and one priest remaining. Powers has even   put Father MacAvoy on the board with 500-1 odds,  so he’s got that going for him at least.   Seriously, though. Disguise is a strategy  that feels deeply underused here. Dressing   up as a priest or cop is a 4-D chess move  that we could exploit to full victory.   It’s likely this killer killed a cop and took  his rig early in the day. If we had chosen   this strategy in our “create-a-player” screen  before the tournament began, we could own this   game. The Priest outfit is better for a stealth  playthrough and probably easier overall, while the   cop lets you open carry in plain daylight. If you don’t squander it missing your shots. With   the MP5 he has, he should have just lifted the  weapon while still in the car and shot through   the windshield, mowing Father and Lai Lai down  before they knew what hit them. There’s no need   to paint on a laser effect at this distance –  JUST. FIRE. Save your catchphrases for later.   Lai Lai and the Father commandeer the cop car  as Anton somersaults off like he’s auditioning   for Underworld and chases their reversing  vehicle. He lands on the hood and cements   his MVP status by riding the front bumper  when Lai Lai goes to run him over.   I hope the gamemasters got  all that on camera.   Look, I’m not going to sugarcoat it. If another  player could do all this AND he was invisible on   the only tracking gadget I had, I’d reprioritize  my gameplay STAT. Anton is our immediate priority.   The tracking screen on our GPS device is small and  doesn’t seem to be adjustable. I would pull into a   nearby field to test the range it actually shows,  then make it look like I’ve abandoned the priest,   hide just out of range of the tracking screen  window and wait for Anton to come.   Back at the gentlemen’s club, Miles  uses a girl as cover to watch the room.   Turns out there are NINE players clustered in  this club, apparently ignoring the tournament   completely. Miles spots a guy with a gun and  blasts him with the business end of his shotty.   Pandemonium erupts. Miles starts firing, taking  out club entertainment and other players alike.   One player sneaks up on him with a knife and  receives a lead enema for this troubles.   Miles takes cover behind an upturned table and  sends another player flying. Other assassins get   in on the bloodbath and Tony Montana even shows up  for a cameo. It’s all blood and bodyparts, until   Joshua walks in with plot armor so heavy it almost  balances out his enormous brass balls.   He uses another player as a human shield  and picks off the other posers one by one   until only Miles is left standing. Oh, Miles  and this killer cosplaying as a stripper who   leaps on Joshua’s back and plunges a dagger  into his neck. Miles riddles Joshua with lead,   then kills off the female player  before knocking Joshua out cold.   Eight posers were eliminated from the tournament  in this location, giving us fourteen players   and the priest still in play. Let’s just take a moment to admire   the raw awesomeness and stupidity of this  club scene. Why were a solid third of the   players chilling out in this bar? Why enter  the tournament at all if you’re just looking   for tail and tequila? It’s almost dark  out, meaning the game’s half over.   I would not recommend entering a den of killers.  Definitely not to kinda-sorta sit in a corner and   wait until you notice someone with a gun on them.  What sort of passive gameplay is this? We came to   kill some friends and win that dough, not live  out our regular Tuesday night back home.   If we’re going in, we’re cutting the power  off to the building first by looking for   the main breaker, normally located by the  building entrance, and shutting it off. Then,   we’re tossing a 9 bang flashbang grenade  in with a chem light attached to it.   This will disorient our targets. After that, we’re  going in with a strobe light attached to our gun,   disorienting them further and allowing us to pick  the others off one by one with two controlled   shots to the chest and one to the head. If we AREN’T going inside, which is obviously the   smarter choice here, we have a few fun options.  The first is to rig a delay on a 9-bang grenade,   then toss it into the main room and let the other  players pick each other off until only one is   left, at which point we could nail the straggler  in the forehead as they leave the building.   OR, we could simply back off to an  elevated position that has overwatch   of the gentlemen’s club and play clean up crew  after the bloodbath eventually kicks off.   OR, if we don’t care about the  safety of any gonzos inside,   we could grab some accelerant from the trucks in  the parking lot, and set the building on fire,   making sure to soak all the exits heavily to  make it hard to escape. Anyone who does escape   gets a love tap from our Honey Badger. First place is looking closer by the second.   Joshua wakes up tied to a pole in the gentlemen’s  club. Miles plays with his food until Joshua asks   why Miles killed his wife. Miles finishes off a  leftover player as Joshua cuts through his binds.   Miles returns and cuts off Joshua’s finger and  admits he didn’t kill his wife – Lai Lai did   it. As Miles goes to smoke his cigar, Joshua asks  for a drink. When Miles’ lighter flicks on, Joshua   spits the booze all over Miles, setting him on  fire. Miles escapes through a hatch in the floor.   Joshua steals a set of keys that happen to belong  to a gas tanker and takes off into the night.   Joshua is only alive here because Miles is  crazy – any other player would have double   tapped him when he fell to the floor. The fire breathing was awesome, though. Just   remember, the death match doesn’t give extra  points for originality. Without a shot of booze   and a loose screw, Joshua dies here and now. Eventually, only six players remain – Anton,   Joshua, Lai Lai, Father MacAvoy, Miles and one  other rando player named Carl Topuzov.   Lai Lai pulls over for ex-lax at a  convenience store. Father MacAvoy gets   jumped by a deep fried slice of Texas Toast. Lai Lai ejects Texas’ least wanted from the car   and tosses him through the glass  doors of the gas station.   Sure, she could, I don’t know, shoot him  while he’s distracted in the car…maybe   Lai Lai’s bored or something. Miles gets Lai Lai in a chokehold,   but the instinct to monologue is just too  hardwired into him. He tells her Joshua’s   coming for her. She’s about to finish him off  when Father MacAvoy begs her not to shoot.   She lowers the weapon as Miles suddenly screams in  pain and the tracking device inside him explodes,   splattering his guts across the store. Powers reminds him of this with a quick phone   call, warning MacAvoy that there can only  be one tournament winner. If more than one   player is still alive in four hours,  the trackers will kill everyone.   Joshua’s revenge rampage continues as he  barrels toward the convenience store where   Lai Lai’s busy trying to talk MacAvoy  into crapping his tracker out.   Topozov comes into the gas station parking  lot hot with a rocket launcher, only to get   crushed by an oncoming double deck bus. His death drops us into a top 4 position, but his   rocket launcher totals Lai Lai’s getaway car. With Joshua on fast approach, bulldozing obstacles   in his way, Lai Lai and the priest steal  the double decker and all the human cargo   inside. Joshua parallels the bus and fires off  shotgun blasts. Lai Lai shoots him in the arm,   making it difficult for him to return  fire. Whatever will he do?! Oh right…
Channel: Nerd Explains
Views: 556,628
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nerd explains, how to beat, the tournament, cinema summary, dead meat, the critical drinker
Id: wu0bDUCi63w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 33sec (1473 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 29 2022
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