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If your pool was a magical healing genie, and  by genie I mean grave full of vengeful rotten   corpse demons that reneged on their deals, and  by deals I mean implicit nonverbal agreements to   sacrifice your children in exchange for healing  your terminal illness enacted simply by..   Swimming in the pool, what would you do? I’m going to break down the mistakes made,   what you should do, and how to beat  the BLOATED GENIE in NIGHT SWIM.   We start out following a young girl. Her deep  slumber is awoken by a toy boat ticking around   in the pool because whoever built this house  put no effort into soundproofing it. The toy   boat is such an annoyance that the little  girl simply must don her bunny slippers to   deal with it at this late hour. Well, more  so because it’s her terminally ill brothers,   and she needs to save it.. Apparently.. She grabs the pool cleaner to fish it out. Only   now, the boat is fully submerged at the bottom of  the pool, having taken on too much water. Sweet,   let’s just leave it until the morning. It’s  no longer a nuisance, and it’s not like your   terminally ill brother is going to play with  it right now anyway. Besides, it’s a boat,   it’s supposed to be in the pool. Alright  alright, enough ripping on the lil one.   She’s downright determined,  scooting her bunny slippers to   the edge of the pool. It’s a slippery one. That’s what you get for breaking curfew.   Her mom’s figure appears, lending a hand  to help her out. When the girl surfaces,   her mom vanishes. Like she was a ghost. Then everyone’s worst primal fear being in a pool   by yourself at night happens. The lights  go out. Safe to say her arse should have   dolphin-jumped out the goddang pool as soon  as she surfaced. Absolutely no good is going   to come from doggy paddling in murky waters. When she finally goes for the side, little Tommy’s   boat pops back to the top. Hot freak have I  ever seen more obvious bait. Evil Jelly Bean   Trail strikes again, and you know this girl can’t  resist this jelly bean. Even when it makes zero   sense to go for it. Bitch, you got yanked into  the pool by an invisible force, f*ck the boat.   get the hell out of the pool NOW. Little Susie vanishes, sucked down into   oblivion by the pool drain demon. A stern  lesson to never enter a pool by yourself   at night. And if the ghost of Randy Orton RKO’s  you into your backyard pool, you butterfly your   arse to shore without a second thought. Since that storyline hit a deadend, we’re now   following Ray, Eve, their daughter X, and son X.  Get this, they are looking for a new home and boy   does this real estate agent have a deal for them.  3 bedrooms, a lovely community, 1 owner for past   couple decades, in a great school district, and  priced to sell. It does need a little TLC to spiff   it up though, oh, and a little girl was murdered  in the pool. Did I mention it’s in a great school   district? Yah, the real estate agent fails to  disclose this key fact, because they have no legal   obligation to and it’d sell for less. Look, I get  that it’s not a big deal if gran gran slipped away   in her sleep at 92. It’s a bit different when  an 8 year old mysteriously disappears down the   drain. It’s on Ray and Eve to dig up this info,  which you should do especially if you’re getting   a strangely good deal on a home. Luckily WikiHow has you covered.   Upon discovering the happening, you  could pinch pennies, buy the house,   then fill the pool and put a swing set over  it. But are you really willing to roll the   dice on whether or not that did the trick? Are  you prepared to open the blinds one morning to   find your daughter swinging by her neck? Maybe  just wait for the market to cool down a bit.   Before they head out, Ray’s eye catches something.  Oh my god they left her slipper in the pool. Ray,   having taken one too many balls to the head  during his days as a pitcher, decides he must   fish it out. Bro tries to crawl out onto the  tarp to grab it instead of using his cane. Why   am I even helping, dude, it’s old pool garbage,  leave it and go take your family to lunch.   It’s not looking good. He’s all caught  up in vines. He does make it out alive,   unlike little Susie. Probably because he GTFO’d  immediately. Now had he been tempted by the toy   boat or a Babe Ruth autographed baseball, safe to  say it would've been all over. Pool drain demon   needs to work on its choices of bait. Eve takes Ray to see the doc again about his   episodes. Seems his MS has progressed to secondary  progressive MS. Symptoms include spasticity,   stiffness, numbness, difficulty with walking  and general coordination. The doc prescribes   him a regimen of aquatic therapy AKA  swimming, hopefully supervised.   With that in mind, it only makes sense to buy the  house with the pool. After we get it thoroughly   inspected as you do, of course. Ray and Eve opted to sign the dotted   line without doing so. Which is why Ray’s the  one to discover the drain clogged with rotten   soup water that Little Susie’s corpse has been  marinating in. You’re gonna wanna get the cut   looked at with a healthy dose of antibiotics. Now they hire the pool inspector. He tells them   their pool is fed by deep groundwater. I guess  that explains away the sludge. Nothing a little   chlorine shock can’t fix. Time to jump in. Later that night,   Eve goes for a.. Night Swim.. The lights flicker out. Without me having   to say a word, she gets her feet out of the pool  as fast as possible. The pool light suddenly turns   back on. Eve’s rightfully spooked, and immediately  goes to check on her family. I’m glad she’s not   just brushing it off as an unlikely coincidence.  Hell, I think she’s about to kick off a house   history murder mystery research montage. She wants to have a pool cover installed,   and get the lights checked out. Unfortunately, it  won’t be in time to keep Whiskers from ‘falling   in’. The only remnant is the cat’s collar,  which the family finds in the morning.   Ray fishes it out then goes to rebandage his  wound. Only, the severe laceration he sustained   from digging through the drain a day ago is  completely, immaculately healed. I’d hesitate   to speculate that it was magically healed in  exchange for the cat's sacrifice. This doesn’t   seem like the give and take type of demon. Though  I suspect that in some quiet part of Ray’s brain,   he’s thinking the same thing. Okay, so in exchange  for a cat’s life, a cut on our hand is healed.   What’s a fair trade for MS? Does a neighbor kid  count? How bad do you want to play baseball again,   Ray? Don’t you dare put that pool cover over me or  the deals off! EFF. Oh you're going to pay.   The mental f*ckery escalates with Eve having  a nightmare, waking up to another nightmare.   Ray’s lapping their pool at 3am. You need to pinch  yourself super hard or something. Whatever you do,   do not go near that pool. Ultimately she  doesn’t, so we never find out if that   was the demon playing tricks or not. Based on the doctor's reports, I’m inclined   to believe it was actually him. Trying to  get that sweet sweet demon healing. She’s   never seen such a miraculous recovery. I’m a bit perplexed. Everyone that’s gone   for a night swim, including the cat, has been  vanished or close to it, except Ray. Dude’s   just splish splashing without a care. Is this a clever way for the demon to ensure   they don’t move or fill up the pool?  I mean, how could their family deprive   Ray of his means to a full recovery. Is it too early for Eve to put the pieces   together? The case is thin, no doubt, but there’s  been a lot of strange happenings. Her nightmares,   the missing cat, Ray’s mysterious recovery.  Maybe. Maybe she just needs one more sign,   and lucky for her, I think this demon’s  gonna give her one she won’t forget.   Gavin asks his dad to throw some quarters into  the pool he can dive for. Ray promises to come   over after he finishes benching. While submerged,  a coin falls in. When Gavin pops to the surface,   his dad isn’t there. Hm. must have been the  wind. He puts his goggles on to continue.   Another quarter plops in further toward  the deep end, and another even further,   and another right on top of the pool drain.  The proverbial evil jelly bean trail, strikes,   again. Gavin should be old enough to 1. Realize  that a coin tossed into the pool by nobody is   freaking strange, and 2. Having it happen 4 more  times leading into the deep end which your father   told you not to swim in, is also strange. Bit  of a red flag. Might be worth popping up to the   surface again. If your dad still isn’t there, then  something really weird is going on and you need   to get out and tell your parents about it. After snagging them all on one breath, he notices   a figure at the edge of the pool. He surfaces,  and like all the others, nobody is there. He   thinks it’s just his sister Izzy messing with him.  So naturally, he swims back to the deep end.   This kid is DUMB. Talk about being  led around by your nose.   Lil bro, are you in a trance or something.  Snap fingers, snap out of it. Do you honestly   think a girl is trapped in the tiny pool  gutter? I feel like I’m trying to herd a   sheep away from the danger. Painful. Can you guess what he does next? Yah,   he sticks his hand inside. Wow. I’m utterly disappointed that I’m going   to have to continue watching this kid sleepwalk  through this nightmare. As for the demon,   this was a free layup. Bout as in the bag as it  gets. How did you mess this up? I swear to god,   if this ends with Gavin beating you up with  a wiffle ball bat because ‘he’s not afraid of   you anymore’ like that Pennywise punk, I’m  gonna jump in and drown you myself.   Gavin runs inside to tell his mom  what happened, then she discusses   it with Ray. At no point does anybody open  up about their own strange waking nightmares   and weird occurrences by or in the pool. It’s Izzy’s turn. With her parents out on date,   she invites over a boy from the swim  team, Ronin, for a game of Marco Polo.   She has no idea what’s coming. At this point she still doesn’t realize   it’s not Ronin. Hell, she thinks he’s  just messing with her, prompting her to   dive into the world’s deepest backyard pool  ever in search of him. Falling right into the   bloated corpse monster’s ambush. It’s all over for Izzy, until she kind of   kicks her leg a little hard.. Sending drain bro  back into the abyss. Good god, man. In. the. Bag.   What’re you even doing? So little Rebecca  Summers and the cat have simply no chance,   but you let Eve, Gavin, and Izzy go, literally,  and even straight up heal Ray’s MS. I think   you’ve gone soft. Time to hang up the towel  and kick your feet up on a pool chair.   When Izzy surfaces, panicking, Ronin tells her  she was only down there swimming around for a   few seconds. Disconcerting. Whatever is going on,  it can severely warp our perceptions of reality.   He tries to calm her down, saying maybe her foot  just got stuck in the pool cleaner. She agrees,   but only so he doesn’t think she’s crazy.  Good move. Don’t want to add to our problems   by needlessly making people think we’ve lost  it. Start with telling your own family first,   see if they’ve had any spooky run-ins. Gavin  seemed to be acting pretty strange recently.   Gavin actually is the one that confronts Izzy  about it. She tells him that their mom and dad   are finally doing great, and to shut his mouth  because nobody will believe them anyway.   The silver lining here is that the lack of  spookiness outside of the pool would suggest   that simply staying out of the pool will  keep you safe. Kind of a risky, selfish,   temporary measure that relies on your whole  family understanding the threat. There’s also   no guarantee it couldn’t tiptoe up into your  bedroom at night and slip under the covers with   you. There’s no guarantee that filling the pool  will cease the threat, nor running away to a far   land which doesn’t share the same groundwater.  It is their best shot, though. With Gavin,   Eve, and Izzy all ganging up on Ray, I think they  could strongarm him. Especially with building a   case. Doing a little research into the past  residents of the home. Their missing cat,   A little camera camera work to see if we can  capture anything on camera, etc. Look Ray,   do you want to swing a bat, or do you want your  family alive. Those are your two choices.   But eff it, go ahead and throw a pool  party too. I’m sure the pool monster   will enjoy watching from the drain hole. Gavin’s on the camera situation while Eve pries   the real estate agent, Kay, after she’s had a few  too many scoops of rum cake. Eve tells Kay that   when they fixed up the pool, the inspector  told them it hadn’t been used in 15 years,   maybe longer. Weird. Kay finally spills the  beans. A little girl had drowned in the pool.   At the same moment, Ray’s possessed. Against his will, he drags his chicken   fighting partner under the water.  Ray, Ray, Ray. Should have known that   gifts always come with strings attached. Well, that’s one way to break a party up. Nobody   wants anything to do with their family anymore.  Eve gets everyone in the car to drive to a hotel   for the night to get away from the pool. Only  it’s too late. You can take Ray out of the pool,   but you can’t take the pool out of Ray. He  starts choking, his veins coursing with drain   juice. Eve gets him stable in bed and calls  the doc to get him in next week. For now,   she has to listen to his possessed ramblings  about how ‘it’s so cool in the deep end.’ He   says he just needs to go back in one more time.  Clearly, he’s lost it, he’s unstable, and not to   be trusted. Eve needs to put a stone in her back  pocket to clobber him if he starts acting up.   While he rests, Eve goes back and drains the pool  into the sewer. I’m gonna take a guess and say she   just released this demon into the wild. But I  thought this pool was fed by groundwater, isn’t   it already able to move around about anywhere  considering groundwater is everywhere?   I think given the severity of the threat,  they need to relocate to a different state,   preferably somewhere that again, doesn’t share  the same groundwater, or river access. They   could simply google maps of aquifers to check. I’d  also ensure that no major rivers from our current   location enter our new location. Hard to do with  rivers intersecting most major aquifers. I’m   assuming this thing doesn’t travel by rain because  it’d disperse its soul too much. Like a T1000   reforming from its melted liquid droplets. Bit  risky of an assumption if this demon is hunting   them like the grudge. Really, Hawaii is gonna  be your safest bet here besides going to a rainy   rural area and surviving off of captured rainwater  for showers and bottled water for drinking.   Eve finally gets to Googling. She checks the  missing and unsolved mysteries database link   to the Minnesota Missing persons database.  Turns out, Rebecca Summers wasn’t the only   one. A lot more people lived at their same house  and went missing mysteriously. She calls Kay to   find out where Summer's family is now so she can  exhume the tragic memories of their child.   The mom, Lucy Summers, is strangely welcoming.  She tells Eve all about her husband and son,   both of which aren’t there. It’s quiet in  the house, too quiet. She’s also strangely   fond of the pool.. Sounds like Ray. So does  her coughing. When Eve asks about Rebecca,   Lucy insists she never had a daughter at all. More  coughing. Lucy starts ranting about the history of   the lake that once existed there. How it required  sacrifices in order to keep on giving miracles.   Lucy sacrificed her daughter so that little  Tommy could heal from his terminal illness.   Now, if you’re Eve sitting in that chair listening  to this insane story, knowing what you know about   Ray’s possession. You need to 1. Get the f*ck out  of there immediately. And 2. Remove your children   from Ray’s presence. You never should have left  them alone with him in the first place after he   unwittingly nearly drowned a kid. Okay.. so Ray’s screwed.   Gavin and Izzy return home without their mom  for some reason, and the kid nearly drinks a   glass full of the tainted water. Luckily the  water demon was stupid enough to create some   Jurassic Park ripples in it to spook Gavin off.  The kid disappoints us yet again by splitting up   from his family to go in search of their cat  outside by the pool after hearing his collar   bell jingle. You know, the collar that wasn’t  on the cat when it went missing. Dumb*ss.   It’s honestly physically painful witnessing  this kid blindly walk into another trap,   crawling onto the rickety diving board the demon  had violently shaken above him during his previous   encounter with the demon. Why would your cat even  be on a floaty in the first place? An aversion   to water is one of the most well-known  characteristics of household cats.   The pool cover begins rolling over the top of  him. Luckily, Izzy and her mom rushes outside to   stop the cover. Eve has Izzy run inside to call  for help while she dives in after Gavin. As if   Izzy’s phone isn’t in her pocket which she could  use to dial 911 right there. Please don’t tell   me you’re going to ask your clearly possessed  dad for help. Yep, that’s what she does.   This sneaky monster somehow knew  her mom would order her back inside,   thus planned out a broken water glass ahead of  time. Izzy literally falls for it perfectly.   When she whips out her phone that  was in her pocket this whole time,   Ray shows up just in time to bat it out  of her hands. See what I did there.   Underwater, Gavin’s nowhere, but there is a  dark hole where the drain’s supposed to be,   like a gateway to the upside down. Eve  ties off a hose, grabs her flashlight,   takes a deep breath, and dives in. Oh I thought she was going to use the   hose to pull herself back out or keep  herself from getting pulled in. No,   she uses it for one last ditch breath of O2.  Cool. But I’d think dragging the hose in,   then stopping all your momentum to snatch a breath  would be counterproductive. You’d want to dive in   as streamlined as possible, trying to carry  as much speed as possible from gravity.   She finds Gavin, grabs him, then  attempts to ascend. Only problem is,   there are a lot of demons that want both of  them to join them in their watery grave.   After a 3 and a half minute long breath  hold swimming voraciously while panicking   and dragging the dead weight of her son,  she finally makes it to the surface.   Immensely lucky. Any of those pool demons could  have easily grabbed and pulled her under.   It’s not over yet. Ray’s come to ensure that  the water gets to have Gavin for eternity.   There’s just one thing the groundwater didn’t  plan for. A teenage girl with a bat. God dang   it. It’s literally going to end with a kid  beating it up with a wiffle ball bat.   Ray’s life flashes before him, his  love conquers the demon’s possession.   He pukes it out. But the water requires  a sacrifice. If not Gavin for his health,   then his life for Gavins. As the  water begins to take hold of Gavin,   Ray dives into the deep dark end. Gavin  immediately pukes, now free from the curse.   Right.. But the family gained nothing. No miracle  was really granted for their sacrifice. It was a   complete net negative.. If Ray declined the  MS treatment in order to be with his family,   that should have been fine, because  he never took from the water.   Well, now they’re going to have a hard time  selling the home with their dad being under   the pool and all that. Maybe you could make a new  deal, like each of you loses a limb in exchange   for your dad back. Idk. I wouldn’t, this demon  clearly doesn’t give a sh*t about fairness.   They finally get around to  filling the pool. The end.   This family was given, frankly, an absurd number  of opportunities to recognize what was going on   and GTFO before Ray drank the swamp juice. For that reason,   I think Night Swim was Beaten. Moral of the story, never swim alone.
Channel: Nerd Explains
Views: 153,997
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nerd explains, how to beat, cinema summary, dead meat, night swim, how to beat night swim
Id: JT1WWjM6q8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 37sec (1237 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 01 2024
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