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If you were a domestic t*rrorist organization that came under attack by not the CIA, FBI, any alphabet agency, not even the local police, but by a 16 year old larping as Uma Thurman, what would you do? In this video, we’ll follow a smug 16 year old girl’s thirst for revenge against a domestic t*rrorist organization called the Noble Men, run by Stiffler, see if we can make better decisions, and fail miserably attempting to save everyone from their own idiocy. We start out following Becky, 2 years after cancer took her mother and 4 Neo N*zis invaded her family’s lakehouse and murdered her father, after which she, a 16 year old girl, brutally killed them all with flamethrowers, impalement, boat propellers, and point blank executions. Yah, and I’ll have you know I graduated at the top of my class in the Navy SEAL’s. This sounds like a nice fairytale she made herself believe, when in actuality, she was in the fetal position covering her ears while her dad was getting Saving Private Ryan’d. Apparently they were looking for a key they had hidden underneath the house, the key she’s now wearing around her neck. Crap, maybe she did kill them all then. Props. Whether she’s wearing it for it’s sentimental value of loved one’s lost to a senseless tragedy, as a proverbial chip on her shoulder, or most likely because she’s looking for that long lost treasure chest filled with 10’s of thousands of gold teeth that one of those sneaky Operation Paperclip Germans brought over with them.. You know some of them did. What, you think they just left them there for the Russian dogs? Well, judging by her habitual self-inflicted SERE training from escaping numerous foster homes and ongoing DIY tactical training, my bet’s on the Juden gold. Admirable. Most 16 year olds would still be moping around, getting scared by their own shadow, and blaming the Neo N*zis for ruining her life. I mean, they did, and she still blames them for it as she should. But the difference is, she knows we can’t change the past, we can only channel our rage toward the future. That’s why our protagonist heroine has conned and burglarized countless innocent, loving would-be families. So she can stay ‘off the grid and out of the system.’ Your dad was killed by Neo N*zi thugs, not Lee Harvey Oswald’s handlers. I don’t even think it’s possible to go off grid anymore. We’re surveilling uncontacted tribes in the middle of the Amazon rainforest.. You are running away from your foster parents. Besides, I don’t think you need to ‘go off grid’ to Nicholas Cage some 1940’s dental gold. That’s like a 6pm-midnight hobby. If you really think the Neo N*zi’s were a part of a larger group that is actively hunting you down for that key around your neck, I guess it makes sense? As for the Neo N*zis, maybe a more sensible option would be to contact a locksmith instead of murdering a bunch of people. I know, I know, but then the locksmith would report the dental gold. Well, you could just not have him open it? Or since you’re keen to murder people, he won’t suspect a plastic bag over his head after he pops the lock. Bonus is, a lot less people are going to be looking into a heavy smoker 60 year old locksmith’s death as opposed to a young white girl from the burbs with a rich family. This really brings into question the whole invasion of Becky’s family’s lakehouse for a key. You guys really couldn’t run a simple stakeout to wait until they were all gone? It’s a lakehouse which people often use for vacationing. Do I even need to continue here? Back to Becky’s training program. It consists of light jogging, nicking bark with a knife, rope-climbing, and parkouring into her own traps. All of which is entirely useless for any actual self-defense situation. Jogging? Hard to do when a 6 foot 220 pound dude grabs you. Light slashing in close range? Hard to do when a 6 foot 220 pound dude grabs you. Rope climbing? What is this, freaking Tarzan? Hard to do when a 6 foot 220 pound dude grabs you. Parkouring into her own traps? Nobody even needs to grab you for that one. Also hard to dude when a 6 foot 220 pound dude just skeet shoots you out of the sky with a 12 gauge. After her PTSD driven morning routine, she has breakfast with Elena, her pseudo more permanent foster mom.. I guess? She hasn’t run away from this one, on the contrary, she’s lived here for a year while working at the local diner. That’s a level of customer service you can only get from a modern western woman. You viciously berate an older gentleman for calling you ‘sweet-heart’ when thanking you. ‘Sweet-heart’.. A literal term of kindness, especially coming from an older generation where it was more commonly used and appreciated, which you should expect working at an old-time diner. Man’s probably come here multiple times a week for decades and you ran his arse out. Wasn’t your whole thing about keeping a low profile? Causing scenes over nothing and constantly getting fired causing you to move around more seems counterproductive, no? The reason you’re working at this diner is probably because it’s one of the few that still pays in cash, much of which ‘would’ come from tips if you’d give out more sugar with your pronouncements, toots. Ain’t getting that anymore, especially after not buttering the man’s toast. No worries, she didn’t actually kill him. It was just a little psycho daydream. The day goes by, she clocks out, goes home, and plays words with friends with Elena, during which she overhears that the ‘Noble Men’, an extremist group, may be making an appearance in town tomorrow to protest the upcoming election. And since humans need food, they will also be making an appearance at the diner. Okay, now that’s disrespectful. This, she lets slide. While washing cups, she overhears them arguing about the powderkeg of a rally to become mostly peaceful, like last year, which resulted in a bunch of Noble Men going to prison. This goes on for a good bit, all the while, the table is noticeably lacking in coffee, which they make the sweetheart behind the counter aware of. Po’ed about being prompted to do her actual job, she delivers the coffee, straight to the dudes balls. You could have just spit in it. This was such an obvious attack, I’m almost surprised he didn’t slap you back into the 50’s to get some manners. Yah, the dude wasn’t particularly nice. He could have said, ‘Excuse me Mrs, would you fancy delivering me a cup of coffee at your easiest convenience’, but c’mon, you left tap water on their table while you screwed off. Whatever, I’m not running an etiquette class. The real point is, you just unnecessarily provoked some good old boys, putting a target on your back when you’re trying to lie low. If that is what you’re trying to do. Which is questionable. Given the lack of treasure hunting in your off-time, It’s beginning to look more like you’re actually looking for a fight. Which is questionable. Given you're a small year old girl and he’s a jacked 6 foot 220 pound dude. I hope you at least developed the common sense to leave out the backdoor today. Nope. Looks like she should have spent less time on acrobatics and more time watching Nerd Explains. If she did, she wouldn’t have led an obvious tail to her home.. Unbelievable, you didn’t notice the beat up redneck truck following your bicycle all the way back? Wow. Your first move is putting your key into a cookie jar, and hiding that cookie jar under your bed, as if that’s not an extremely obvious place to check? You have near infinite ways to hide it. Under a loose floorboard, inside a throw pillows fluff, on-top of a ceiling fan, under a toilet seat lid, in a vent, inside a cutout in a closet door, under a slit in the carpet, anything better than a jar under the bed, especially with how clean it is under there, hell, literally just wear it like a necklace like you’ve been doing for years. If they find you, you probably won’t have much use for the key afterwards anyways. Because you’ll be dead. Which is really the more important thing you should be focusing on. Staying alive. That means not walking downstairs to meet the clear threat empty handed. I for one, am absolutely gobsmacked at this turn of events. You mean to tell me, after all that light cardio, Jane Statham over here got whacked this easily? Really testing my suspension of disbelief here. Becky launches a counter attack, headbutting Anthony in the face, and commanding her dog Diego to attack. Which goes about how you’d expect.. You really shouldn’t rely on your dog to fend off multiple armed attackers. Poor Diego. His dumbarse mom provoked some unruly psychos at the diner, led them back to her home, then pulled him out of his peaceful slumber to fight a bunch of dudes to the death because she was too stupid to just escape out the window with him like she’d bragged about doing numerous times in the past. In those fever dream flashbacks she was straight up blasting dudes in the face with pistols. In that whole encounter when she killed those Neo N*zis, it should have occurred to her that, “wow, guns make it so much easier to kill bigger people”, and then kept it for a rainy day like today. Apparently it didn’t, which is why she’s about to look like one of Captain America’s old punching bags. Or that absolutely mangled UFC fighter chick that’s been popping up in my shorts feed for some reason. The voice of reason in the polo then says, no joke, “what happened, I thought we were just gonna ding dong ditch her.” Lmao. Elena interrupts their little revenge plot, pumping her shotgun to signify that she means business, also signifying that she brought an unloaded gun to the fight. There’s no way she can rack it fast enough to take all three, which is why she should back up a bit at least. At the same time, who wants to take the first hit? Better yet, go back in time and get an AR15. I know they look like big mean scary black assault weapons of war that need only be found in the hands of soldiers or unscheduled visitors at schools, but that’s exactly why you want it. It’s effective at engaging multiple targets in rapid succession due to its ease of aiming, light weight, minimal recoil, fully semi-automatic function, and 30 rounds at your disposal. That’s 10 per jackarse here. What I’m saying is if I come downstairs and see this tussle, and the gunman doesn’t immediately drop the gun and start kissing his arse, I’m smoking him, and then the other 2. They broke into your house, slugged your doggo, pointed a gun at your foster daughter’s head, and refused to cooperate with hands not where I can see them. It’s 3v1 which is too much information to process, especially for an elderly lady with bad eyesight and worse reflexes. You have every right to shoot first and ask questions later. Anthony calls the bluff on the old lady's reaction time. Oof. That’s another notch on Becky’s belt. At a certain point, you have to realize you’re the common denominator here and evaluate your actions. Just saying, bodies seem to be falling wherever she goes.. And we’re just getting warmed up. As for the Noble Men, this is why you kidnap girls while they’re riding back home on their bicycles, not after they go inside and lock the door. Then you have to breach it quietly, deal with family members with guns, dogs, unknown building layouts, and home security systems. Duh. I honestly can’t believe they didn’t account for the fact that someone else had to be paying for this home, and thus lives here, which you hadn’t assessed or dealt with. 35 year olds can't buy homes, and you think this girl, a diner waitress, who’s certainly not collecting any fat tips, is just chillin here like Preston Waters? Freaking idiots. I will say, that was a great shot. I mean can we be honest here, that was an excellent shot, drawing from felony carry with a shotgun aimed in his direction. YOU GOTTA RESPECT IT Becky’s having a hard time appreciating his marksmanship, bum-rushes Anthony, and gets her face diverted into a door frame. The next morning Becky wakes up, not dead for some reason. Why the cold blooded murderers left alive the only witness that could identify them, I have no idea.. All you had to do was put a trash bag over her head for a few minutes. Bing bang boom problem solved. The only thing that’d probably get you is your blood on her hair, so drag her arse to a sink, wash it with some bleach real quick, g2g. You might be questioning whether they have time for this? Well, indoor gunshots aren’t as loud or distinct as you’d think. I’ve literally been in the other room of a house when a shotgun was fired and it just sounds like a big thud. If you’re a house over playing video games you won’t hear crap. In the movie nobody even showed up, which I’d say is very accurate. As far as the bullet being traced back to the perps gun, the short answer is, not gonna happen, especially if they don’t have the gun, and especially if it’s a stolen gun, which it most likely is. The bad news is, Diego’s missing. He probably bounced thinking screw this, Becky’s dumbarse is going to get me killed. Okay, so you’re not going to take any responsibility for this at all. Not even a little bit? Really? No matter, this was what Becky wanted all along. A fight to her death. That’s why she’s in the shed piling gardening equipment into a box, pocketing bear mace, and snagging Wernher von Braun’s masterkey from her cookie jar. Oh and eyeliner and nail polish. So she packs up her ‘stuff’ and heads to the first of the two Derrels in this town. Derrel is a name the thugs dropped at the diner btw. The first is an old lady. She only realizes this after walking up to the house and knocking on the door. Great strategy. What were you planning on doing if the door opened and it was the three thugs aiming a gun at your head? Right. Didn’t think that far, did ya. The second, is the Noble Men headquarters, as evidenced by the flag out front. Inside, is a bunch of boring conversations with their leader, Stifler. They’ve got Becky’s dog all caged up. Why? To torment Becky I guess? Look, you’re all obviously trying to make a good impression with King Stiffler, leader of the extremist resistance or something, so maybe leaving Becky alive and stealing her dog wasn’t a good idea considering you could very well be bringing heat to your cause. Have we not learned anything from John Wick? I’m not saying Becky is gonna Jane Wick them, but she could easily have reported the murder, provided DNA evidence, names, descriptions, and a lead on where they might be, which is here. Lucky for them, she’s taking matters into her own hands. Sneaking around the house perimeter in bright red. Lucky for her, the Stiffmeister conveniently left out video game blueprints to his assassination plot on Senator Hernandez. Becky starts snapping pics when Darryl leads Sean into his office, forcing Becky to hide under the couch. A completely freaking horrible spot given the open window, that you opened, and utterly clear view of you in your stupid bright red uniform by anyone entering the room. While the mini ninja is under the couch, Derryl tells Sean an enlightening, rhetorical story about how back in Iraq he had to choke a kid to death who was about to blow their op. Cool story, bro. If you’re so skeptical about Sean’s loyalty, why did you show him the NobleMen blacklist with names, addresses, and identifying information of all the key disciples? Pretty stupid if you ask me. You can tell your favorite story about murdering brown kids in Iraq to intimidate Polo, without exposing all the members of your organization.. Sean answers with the technically correct answer. No, then excuses himself abruptly. At this point, as Sean, you have to know you’re most likely going to be taken out back in the near future unless you can sack up and prove yourself by killing a kid too or something. When Daryll drags Becky out by her hair like Wardaddy did that SS guy, you better not wimp out like Norman unless you want to join her in the dirt. Speaking of weak links, Darryl also conveniently left his laptop open, unlocked, with the super secret blacklist in full view. Bro, your OpSec is trash. Why are you leaving critical information out all over the place? How hard is it to put it in a safe or close your password protected laptop and pocket the thumbdrive? Naturally, Becky pockets the thumbdrive, bolts to their shed, and just stumbles upon a goldmine of guns, gear, and explosives.. That apparently Weak Link didn’t lock up at all. Didn’t even shut the door. What an insane bout of sheer luck. Go Becky! Now, does she know how to use any of it? No. Sure, in her PTSD-cope induced false memories she heroically mowed down a bunch of Neo N*zis. As far as we’ve seen, she has zero training with firearms. I'm sure that’s not going to stop her from hip firing a belt med machine gun with plot-accuracy. Firearms training aside, Becky has shown a fatal lack of common sense, basic self awareness, or any real tactical knowledge. She’s bloodthirsty, arrogant, unprepared, untrained, and ignorant to the fact that she’s a child playing out some made up Kill Bill fantasy. The only reason she’s still alive right now, is pure luck. Her plan: Ding dong ditch them, leave a phone ringing at their doorstep with her name on the Caller ID, and destroy any element of surprise she had. Smart. Okay, let me stop you right there Misses Punisher. The One batch two batch penny and dime crap was intimidating because it was coming from a highly trained, experienced, brutal ex-special forces pipe-swinging badarse. You’re not. It sends them all into a tizzy, Daryll telling Anthony to go get the girl. Exactly how Becky planned… She wanted Anthony to follow her along into the forest, with him at her back just feet away, knowing that despite having every reason to, he won’t just shoot her in the back of the head, because then His psycho friend and child murderer leader will hear it.. Well, that was stupid. How did you drop your gun? Whatever, this hole really shouldn’t be that hard to jump and claw your way out of, then you can strangle her to death. On Becky’s side, she’s lucky he actually plunged in face first. He easily could have skidded a foot and fallen backwards or turned around in time to catch the edge Luke Skywalker time, then shot her immediately. Instead, somehow, Becky was able to bind him, put a grenade in his mouth, tape it shut, lead him to the house, then string the nade to the door. Even holding him at gunpoint, I don’t see how anyone would agree to any of this. This time her ding dong ditch was a little more.. Explosive.. This sends everyone into another Tizzy, specifically, Sean. Sean picks this moment, when Daryll is holding them at gunpoint, to say ‘scew this, screw the noblemen, and screw you you psychomother- Yah, that wasn’t smart. Becky could simply leave an anonymous tip to the police and be done, assuming she used a burner phone to make the calls to the NobleMen, which I don’t think she did judging by her yellow Iphone. You know she’s too bloodthirsty for that. Daryll and Becky get on a call. Daryll threatens to shoot her dog if she doesn’t duck off, Becky says if they do she’ll send his documented plans to attack town hall to the cops. It’s a stalemate. The hick tries to end it by grabbing his shotgun and standing completely in the open on the dock with his thumbs up his arse. Right after Daryll rips it out of his face, he hastily charges back out to kill her. Instead of physically stopping Twig himself, Daryll walks back inside and yells at the dude whimpering in the corner to stop him. Which is dumb because Twig is far more likely to settle down if it’s coming from Daryll than some punk he doesn’t know or respect. It’s also dumb because in the minutes Twig’s been running after Becky, Twig could’ve easily killed her. Becky nearly gets blown away twice. Again, lucking out that Twiggy is too stupid to 1. Pump the shotgun before needing to fire, and 2. Not announce himself before needing to fire. I don’t understand, was this your plan, Becky? It really looks like you’re just reacting and trying to improvise. Maybe, don’t use yourself as bait if you don’t actually have a plan? Oh wow, look at that totally unnecessary combat roll (59:30). What a badarse.. She nearly gets blown away a third time while in the fetal position. It’s okay, she’s got him right where she wants him. Coulda just tossed another frag grenade. If Twig had any semblance of intelligence he’d have simply kicked it back towards her and regressed through the door he just closed, waited outside for her to come out eventually, then gun her down. This guy is certifiably stupid. Just standing right on top of the grenade billowing out gas sucking air in with each hillbilly war cry as he empties his shotgun blindly. After sucking in enough gas, he’s reduced to his knees, pleading for mercy, begging to let him raise his son to be a good man unlike him. She asks him what his son’s name is. His response: Really dude, why on Earth, would you pick now to tell the truth. Well, it goes about how you’d expect. Her emotional bloodthirst for vengeance blinded her to the catastrophic tactical mistake of forgetting that there are at least 2 other killers coming after her, and she’s been making her location pretty well known. Stiff hits her with the most powerful tranq gun on the market. She wakes up strapped to a chair in front of Daryll. All things considered, he’s pretty chill. He goes through her stuff, pulling out that key. Funny enough, in the few minutes it’s been in his possession, he figured out how to unlock it, revealing coordinates inscribed on it. Becky had that what, 2-3 years? Lmao. In another surprise event. The old lady on the O2 named Daryll she met at the first house, yah that’s actually the founder of the NobleMen and Darylls mother.. It’s another stalemate. Becky knows where their only super important thumb drive is. If she tells them, they kill her. If she doesn’t tell them, they torture and kill her dog, then torture her until she is so desperate for them to mercy kill her that she voluntarily coughs up the correct answer. There’s a reason torture has been used for thousands of years. It works. Your best option is to make it easy on yourself. No point in getting your eyes gouged out and skin flayed off to just give up the answer anyways. Second thought, that doesn’t really sound like a stalemate. That sounds like hell. Becky’s answer: Ooh. That’s not going to go well. I’d have gone for more of a, “I’m just a little girl who's lost it all.” in hopes that they don’t fluck me up as bad before they kill me. Lucky for Becky AGAIN, Daryll didn’t tie her up properly. Bro, you had all night. I could have done a better job with a roll of duct tape that she would not be getting out of. Also, that’s why you tie her hands separately to the arms of the chairs in plain view. None of this loose knot behind her back out of view bullcrap. Just all around egregious, and in no way should Becky have been able to get free in any realistic encounter. Oh, eff off. Daryll, you don’t need 20/20 to thumb her eyes and strangle her to death. This is your thing. You’re really going to go to the little girls room instead of subduing Becky? You just left your frail arse mom to fight on her own. God dangit. Momma Daryll pulls a gun on Becky, but takes her eyes off the target to put a hole in the pooch. What the freak is that going to accomplish? You shooting her dog won’t make her fess up any better than killing her. What you need to do right now is subdue Becky. Keep the gun on her until your son finishes changing his tampon. Becky then uses her absurdly scarce available time while Daryll is washing up to talk with her dog, NOT picking up the gun or knife, and runs out of the house, leaving said dog in the house with the p*ssed off guy with the gun, instead of blasting him when he opens the bathroom door. Brace yourselves, it gets dumber. Daryll chases Becky into the woods, forgoing all of his special forces training, firing wildly and innaccurately with his double stack pistol that he apparently only loaded 6 rounds into. It runs empty, he stops to look at it, then tosses it. It’s okay, he catches up to her anyways. Because she clearly stopped and let him, with a tree right next to her that has a clear red smiley face marking she designated. This doesn’t set off any battle instincts in his head. Instead of simply shooting her with the loaded gun he should have had still, he steps forward confidently. Sigh.. I think it’s that smug look on her face. Like she’s not an idiot that has only survived on sheer luck. After watching him die slowly, she pockets the key, grabs diego, and what the freak. The mom is still alive haha. Holy crap. She’s tough, I’ll give her that. Problem is, that knife is really messing with her aim. A couple days later, Becky is sitting in some CIA office getting a job offer to hunt down, and I quote, ‘the most dangerous terrorist organization in America.” Doing what they have been unable to do for years. Let me translate, what they have been legally unable to do until they found a naive loose cannon to do their dirty work that they could pay under the table for deniability and kill off when they need to tie up loose ends. At least, I sincerely hope that’s the case and they don’t truly think she’s an employable member of the CIA’s counterterrorism unit. Becky accepts in her signature, “I'm a rebel bad bitch’ way. Fine, now where’s my dog.” I for one, cannot wait for her luck to run out. I got nothing, except, why did she give up that key? I can see handing the thumb drive over, but the key? Shove it up your arse or something so the CIA doesn’t steal the loot. Oh well, guess she doesn’t need it considering her new high paying job as Jason Bourne’s replacement. Daryll and the NobleMen had so many chances to put Becky into an early grave it was downright egregious that she survived. And for that reason.. I think the Wrath of Becky was Beaten.
Channel: Nerd Explains
Views: 120,149
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nerd explains, how to beat, cinema summary, dead meat
Id: _nyGyYsHAwA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 7sec (1627 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 06 2023
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