HOT - The £13k ROLEX that could be worth £50k in 5 years or less - Or could it?

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[Music] [Music] welcome back watch PayPal now today's video is going to be hugely educating at least I hope so I'm going to teach you about something that unquestionably takes place within the watch industry other industries as well but the what industry of course is the one that interests us now the video is basically called the 13,000 pound shop window Rolex that could be worth fifty thousand pound in five years time or could it now a word of warning before you go any further and we get any further into this video it's really important that you understand the disclaimer that I'm going to offer to you right now this video is a video that you need to watch from start to finish or not at all if you're going to watch just at the beginning or part of this video you are in danger of going away with some false fight information this video will include some deliberate misleading information some inaccuracies because I'm going to try and fool some of you people today during this video but you need to understand that I'm going to be trying to fool you during this video and it's vital that nobody watches half of it and thinks they're suddenly armed with some inside information and goes away and acts upon it so guys please either what's the whole video or simply don't watch it at all now today guys I'm going to talk about something these generally recognized in the trade at least as being called a PTAs artificial price inflation price manipulation market manipulation whatever term you wish to give it now market manipulation and price manipulation goes on a lot within the watch world and it's fairly easy to do as long as you have three or maybe four things the first thing that you need is that you need fluffy videos that you are able to produce or have produced on your behalf and of course you need a national preferably a large international following via your you Tube channel or some other kind of means could be Instagram it could be Facebook it could be Twitter it could be any good high level social media platform because at the end of the day you're looking at producing eye candy that's capable of sucking in a few suckers so what you actually need is videos that are similar to the myth I believe that some supermarkets would secretly play and inaudible but subconscious message to buy buy buy now the other thing that you'd need to take brought to take a part successfully in API artificial price inflation you would need some pretty severe financial backing but that is not too much of a problem for a lot of people within the watch business most watch dealers worth their salt most watch people involved in the industry whether it be from a social media viewpoint or whether it be from collecting or dealing or whatever if you're in to find what is and you're in that world you're probably alright for a few quid so funds is not necessarily a problem if you've got this on your mind now Helders IPO I work artificial price inflation today I'm going to show you how I would do it it's not a practice that I've ever participated in it's not a practice that I would ever participate in because I think it's fake it's phony and to a large degree it's actually quite sinister I'm not sure about the legalities of it I've never had the need to check those out but today guys I'm gonna deliberately try and inflate the price of a particular watch in front of your very eyes and show you exactly how I would do it how it's done and how some people get away with it now this is not necessarily going to be an easy video to make because you know me guys my production skills are somewhat limited and I try and produce videos that are easy for the layman to understand rather than the I to appreciate but bear with me now the first thing that you need to choose is a victim and that victim is the watch that you are going to decide that you are gonna IP I artificially price inflate now for this case and for this instance and for this example I am going to choose my recently purchased 18 carat still and gold Rolex sea-dweller I am going to pop that up on screen for you right now so that you know the details of that watch and I acted I am gonna try and deliberately convince you guys out there that this watch is a simply must have model if you want to make money big money on a particular watch over the next three to five years and this is why I've always believed that social influences if that's the way expression a little height to be described necessarily is a social influencer I would like to think that I'm a lifestyle influencer rather than a social influencer and someone that offers education but this is where social influences have a large degree of responsibility both from their pocket and also morally because look if you participate in API you are basically guilty of stitching people up but having said that sometimes it can also work in their favor depending on how well it's done what model you choose and how good you are at your job [Music] well guys I'm short we can all agree that it's Rolex enthusiasts over the years the brand has been pretty kind to us owners more often and not we've invested our money into the Rolex brand only to experience a rather beneficial price increase as time has gone by now today I want to talk to you about my absolute favorite watch in the entire Rolex watch range and that is of course the rural Exede when I won to double six on three a watch that I simply can't take off of my wrist I've been the owner of this watch now for the last six months and I can quite safely say for me it's the watch that has impressed me most more than anything over the years even more than the much sought-after Rolex Daytona now this particular model I think is a particularly good investment one for the future and I'll tell you for why there are three things that come into play here rareness first of all this is not a watch that you will see in many local authorized dealerships shop-window and if you do it's probably already sold just waiting for it's genuine owner to come and collect it they'll use it for a bit of eye candy if you like to attract him no customers the second reason is is I'm hearing from good sources in Geneva my contacts within Rolex that this model is due to be discontinued any time soon or could very well be this discontinued any time soon we all know what happens to rare popular rolex sports Maltese that become discontinued everyone wants them and the price shoots through the roof now a third reason though I think this watch is a the best-kept secret if you like within the world of rolex sports watches it's the fact that it's also quite rare don't forget it's the second largest sports production watch that Rolex have ever made behind the James Cameron Rolex deep-sea sea-dweller but also it's in biometal it's the first bimetals and probably the last rolek sea dweller that the company will ever produce now I've been looking around availability office watch over the last few weeks and there is a marked decrease in the amount of these watches that are available rest the short they are slowly but surely being sucked from the market by clever investors and people in the know so I'm extremely pleased to cite you that I am the owner of a Rolex one two double 603 and for me it's definitely one for a future I hope you've enjoyed that little review guys and my close-up photography my close up work with what is currently my favorite Rolex watch of all time thanks for watching [Music] so with that video now suitably aired among the watch by in public and I'm going to be really honest with you now guys and say that the watch buying public are amongst the most naive and the watch selling public are amongst the most naive when it comes to watch prices and I can tell you from experience that there's no one quicker to jump on a price increase then private sellers private sellers are very astute quite often unrealistic in their expectations as to what their watch might be worth now by insinuating that their watch is suddenly worth a whole heap more than may perhaps believed what you do is you create almost the stalemate amongst the private sellers the private sellers all of a sudden will not want to sell those watches because they believe they could potentially be sitting on a goldmine and if they do start to hold them around they will invariably be asking for crazy prices now it's a further firm up and back up your words and your artificial inflation of the prices of this particular watch what you would do is you would put up say three or four in suitably in suit where is for price ease such as I'm going to pop up on screen now so you'd start to advertise this watch as a private seller at say seventeen nine nine five now guys look I don't want you to take these prices too seriously they're just it's just an example I'm not suggesting that these are the right prices to start there in this or the wrong prices they're just prices okay so it's just an example so what you would do is you would advertise say three or four of these watches at seventeen nine nine five it's a further firmer the belief that these watches have suddenly gone up both in price and desirability now what you would then do is you would let the selling public do your job for you because they will now start ringing around asking for big prices for their bodies they're going to get turned down but that's absolutely fine because what you then do over the following two or three weeks is that you slowly remove those what is a 17-9 95 so make it look like they're being sucked off the market and they're selling and you suddenly come in as a trader and you advertise them at 27 9 9 5 that's as a trader not as a private seller so that trade is looking at this in what is going up some people will know what's going on but more importantly the public one the public will see a watch that a week or so ago they could have bought for $17.99 five it's now been asked 27 995 their confidence is going through the roof by the hour as to the value of this watch same thing again 2 3 4 weeks you slowly start to remove those what is from sell and then you hear everyone with the big one which is the final price you go in at forty nine nine nine five leaving some of the what is at twenty seven nine nine five up for sale those watches at twenty seven nine ninety five that the ridiculously expensive just a month ago all of a sudden are starting to look like a good investment now none of these figures really meta to the holder the stock compiler who has bought a large number of these what ease to play this game because all he really cares about is this is at the market trend and the market price for this watch just continues to go up and up and up and actually it doesn't really matter to him a great deal if those what is don't sell because at the end of the day no one else is selling them either because the private sellers will be looking for the big prices the dealers that won't be buying in at the big prices which puts you as the holder as the guy that's been out on bought 15 20 of these what is maybe 25 you put that puts him in a very very comfortable driving so now look guys to be honest with you when it comes to price manipulation I could seer and talk to you about it all night because there are lots of different T's to cross and eyes to thought if you were going to do the job properly and to be frank there are things that I don't really want to reveal in my videos because I don't want to encourage people and give people the wrong ideas because there is a crossover with this that I might decide to cover one Bay but for a moment at least I think this is more than enough ammunition for bad people to do bad things if that's what I wanted to do them I'm hoping that this just acts as an educational video rather than a bad guys tutorial and I think it's very important as well to go back to the actual watch that we've used for this particular topic a lot of what I've said about this watch during my fake video if you like is actually true there aren't many of these watches around who knows when Rolex are going to discontinue them it's not my favorite watch of all time you know that you know what my favorite what is the James Cameron Rolex deep sea sea dweller so there was some truth in what I told you about that during the phoney video and what I'll also read is that the video that I've just shown you was produced in one of a simplistic terms not really meant to try and do anyone and it was really meant to try and give everyone the chance to truly understand how price manipulation can work not only in the watch business but in any of our business where supply and demand is the key factor hope you enjoyed that guys let me know what you think don't forget if you liked the video if you enjoyed that video please please please give me the thumbs up drop me a note if you want in the comment section below let me know what you think and play subscribe thanks very much for watching more spiky insane [Music]
Channel: Paul Thorpe
Views: 72,013
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rolex Auction prices, best rolex auction, best auction for rolex watches, best auction for Rolex, one more watch, Rolex bubble, Rolex prices gone mad, Why is Rolex so expensive, Why are Rolex watches so expensive, How important is Rolex paperwork, Does my Submariner, Rolex repairs under warranty, Rolex dealers near me, Jenni Elle, Rolex Price Increase, Rolex unboxing, bark and jack, how important are box and papers, Rolex Hype, Rolex waiting list, Rolex prices
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 28sec (988 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 06 2020
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