DISCOUNT - The right & wrong times to ask | Rolex | Omega | Breitling | Audemars Piguet | Tudor

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[Music] welcome back watch people now today i want to talk to you about prices and discounts not just for the rolex watch brand as well so all you fans out there have other watch brands hang on because i'm going to come to those in just a few minutes let's get the elephant out of the room first let's get the rolex discount out of the way now firstly if you're buying anything from the rolex professional range in other words stainless steel rolex sports watches in particular um and most of the bi-metal ones and pretty much all of the gold ones as well in 2020 you're probably not going to be able to get a discount even from some of the more commonly available shop window watches such as the yacht-master ii um you know you'll often walk past an all-face dealer's window and see a bi-metal yacht-master ii in the window would you be in order ask him for a discount on that watch well why not um it's in his shop window if it's in his shop window it can't be that sought after can it that would be you know my way of putting it to him but look they're probably going to feed you the old line that you're privileged just to be able to have the chance to buy it in the first place and that they are not offering any discounts whatsoever now to be fair to some degree they're right because look that yacht master ii in their window will sell to someone and it will tell to someone at full price and they probably haven't got another three or four out of the back to replace it with either so i think guys look there's no crime in asking there's no harm in asking but i wouldn't push the point with the rolex professional range because it's probably not going to happen when you start talking about precious metal watches outside of the professional range when you start talking about biometal watches outside of the professional range namely datejust mainly of course and then you certainly are in order asking for a discount because these are strictly shop window washes these are watches that are available from just about every authorized rolex dealer right across the world so there's no reason on earth why you shouldn't ask for and it's my belief why you shouldn't get at least five percent off the window price if they say to you that look we don't discount our watches at all just say well look that's fine but i've got another authorized dealer that will give me five percent thank you very much have a good day and i just get the feeling that they'll probably decide to match that because they will believe that there are all price dealers out there prepared to give you five percent maybe even seven percent off the price of a stainless steel and gold rolex datejust and also some of the non um some of the stainless steel models that haven't got the so much salt after dolls like the blue dial et cetera et cetera look the bottom line is guys and the rule with discounts and authorized dealers is there's no harm in asking but at the same time you don't want to make yourself look stupid in doing so so leave the discounts alone with the sports botties is my opinion unless it's a shop window sports watch absolutely do not be asking for a discount off of a submariner or a gmt or a daytona because you're just gonna get laughed out of the store in all honesty but there's a caveat to all this guys there's a another little part to this story isn't there now we all know that all fries dealers are asking you and encouraging you to buy what is that you may not necessarily want before you're going to get offered the chance to buy a watch that you really do want a hot sports model for example and invariably this will usually be from the datejust range now we're coming up to the time of year where a lot of men buy a datejust they buy them for their wives they might buy one for themselves as we approach the christmas period now here's the thing um my thoughts on this are are as follows look if they want you to play ball with them in their stores and buy watches that you don't necessarily want to buy or you're happy to buy but they're not number one on your list then they should be prepared to play ball with you so my way of approaching this will be look i'll play ball with you you know i want to get on the list for a dayton or i want to get on the list for a submariner et cetera et cetera i'll buy you a datejust but give me 10 you know play you know play william with me i'm playing ball with you i'll scratch your back you scratch mine so i think if you're gonna buy a datejust from any authorized dealer to try and move yourself up that ladder you are perfectly in order in asking for that discount and of course don't forget guys if you happen to be traveling out of the uk or whichever country you residing a lot of these datejust models are available duty-free at your airport so for example if you're traveling outside of the eu in the uk we will probably be able to obtain most of the datejust models that you'll see in most authorized dealers windows if that makes sense i.e the bi-metal models you'll be able to buy them with 20 off so there's actually with so many cheap flights around these days it's almost the case for buying a cheap ticket out of the eu not even leaving the country buying your watch at the airport and then just coming out and going home something that did crop up in my mind once the once we leave the eu depending on what sort of trade deal we get there's a possibility that we might be able to buy duty-free watches when we fly into countries such as spain i don't think that is going to happen i think that the trade deal that we end up with probably won't allow us to do that but it's something worth thinking about for the future um on to other brands tudor for example are you in order asking for a discount from your tutor watch absolutely and apart from maybe the black bay 58 possibly look most of the other watches i would definitely be asking for a discount for not the harrods obviously not the harrods black bay that's you're not going to get a discount from that but again we're talking shop window watches so if anyone doesn't know what i mean by shop window watch if you walk past an authorized dealer's shop window and a watch is in the window it's a shop window watch all the sexy stuff is either out the back or it's not in the window at all so if a watch is in the shop window do not be afraid to ask for a discount from the tudor range i would start off at being really cheeky and asking for 15 and work your way backwards from there when we look at brands such as breitlin and amiga etc then we really start to pile on the pressure uh i would suggest then that you look at starting at 25 again aiming light aiming higher to shoot a little bit lower most of the watches in your authorized dealer shot window from the brighton and the mega range you will definitely be able to get a discount from you must ask you should ask you're in order to ask and in fact if i'm honest the sales assistants will probably be surprised if you're too polite to ask so please please please make sure you asked for your discount other brands that you'll see in your local high street you know we're coming up to christmas so there'll be people out there going to buy gucci watches there'll be people out there buying bremonts there'll be people out there buying long jeans and all sorts of different brands always always always ask for a discount and my suggested starting point for all of those sort of brands is 20 to 25 you can only ask if you don't ask you won't get now guys look there's no doubt about it that retailers across the world in our high streets and shopping malls have had a rough year they've been closed for what i don't know a third of it and they will have sales targets to meet and they'll no doubt be worried about their christmas targets and their christmas sales so that would be the time for you to strike whilst the iron is hot discounts discounts discounts it's vital that you do not find yourself in a position where you're afraid or embarrassed to ask for a discount you know look one of the things that you can do and i did a video called the uh poker face walk away buying method of how to buy out a watch you should go back and watch that video guys but one thing perhaps that might go down well with the dealers that you're working with the authorized dealers in particular is if you've got your eye on a watch in the window rather than show a lot of interest in the watch before you ask them if a discount is available just walk into the store and say look i'm going to be perfectly honest with you i want to look at this chew the watch in the window but i can buy that watch at 20 percent off another authorized dealer would you be prepared to match it and that puts them on the back foot straight away straight away they know that look there's no chance of them selling you that watch unless they give you a discount of sauce now their answer to that is probably going to be well we couldn't give you 20 sir but we could probably work something out then you're talking then is the time to have a look at the watch um and take it from there but i just want to reiterate that you know i want to save you guys money this coming christmas i know we're getting to the period now where people start to look for christmas presents watches as christmas presents etc etc on the second-hand market it's precisely the opposite in the pre-owned market all of the dealers that i know and associate with right across the world they're all struggling to find stock and every one of my sponsors for example at the moment they're more interested in buying i believe than selling and it's the same right across the watch dealing world pre-owned watches are hard to find at the moment they're hard to come by and dealers are more interested in buying and selling so discounts available from pre-owned dealers i think is obviously going to be more difficult and you're certainly not going to be talking about the same sort of potential levels that you could potentially be talking about with the authorized dealers um guys look for a relationship with your authorized dealer speak to him let him know that you're not stupid that you're aware that you can buy these watches in other places with discounts particularly when we're not talking about brands such as rolex brands such as audemars piguet langan's honor vacheron constantine piaget different brands all together again you're going to have to go into either a boutique or you're going to have to go into somewhere like harrods or selfridges to watch the wonder room etc and look guys look you can only ask okay brands like vacheron etc discount prg discount bremont discount uh audemars piguet depends on what you're buying but discount um you've got to ask you've got to find the courage to ask and if you feel awkward if it's not really your way of doing things just take me along with you guys just imagine that i'm at your side and i'm there trying to help you don't always accept no for an answer and it doesn't do any harm to walk away and come back half an hour later and say to the salesman look are you sure you don't want to do business with me because i'm ready to spend but the price has got to be right guys i hope you enjoyed that one thanks for watching and we'll speak again soon [Music] you
Channel: Paul Thorpe Watch Dealer
Views: 19,103
Rating: 4.9389315 out of 5
Keywords: best auction for rolex watches, Paul Thorpe, Rolex bubble, Rolex prices gone mad, Why is Rolex so expensive, Why are Rolex watches so expensive, Does my Submariner, Rolex dealers near me, How to sell my Rolex, Jenni Elle, Rolex unboxing, 2020 Rolex models, New Rolex models for 2020, Rolex latest models, rolex watches 2020, new Rolex releases, Rolex, 126610LV, 2020 Rolex Submariners, how much is my hulk worth, spitfire planes, spitfire, WW2 Spitfire, Spitfire Engine, WW2, IWC
Id: r6PhRFrM7hc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 16sec (736 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 06 2020
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