ESCAPE ROOM (2019) Ending + Sequel Tease Explained

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hey what's up everybody welcome to found flicks on this ending explain we'll be looking at escape room the close quarters thriller where a group of strangers find themselves trapped in a deadly game while the movie is certainly quite simple it's pretty much just strung together sequences of different themed rooms and puzzles for our characters to tackle these assorted sequences are surprisingly quite thrilling and creative and definitely the standout aspect to the movie because everything else is pretty met from the characters who are no more than paper-thin pawns in the game to the outright silly and at times even questionable dialogue also perhaps the most glaring is the trap slash puzzle room idea itself is obviously quite derivative owing a huge debt to both the saw and cube series which is very hard to ignore it's almost like Sony wanted their own cheap horror franchise and we're like screw it let's just rip off saw and change just a few things this becomes even more apparent when the bigger story at hand is revealed clearly hinting towards further sequels to expand upon what is set up at the end so let's solve the twisted puzzles of escape room breaking down the plot how these strangers are connected and explaining the ending that hints towards a much bigger game at play the film actually begins near the end of our characters times in the escape room as a frenzied young man Ben falls into a well furnished study and quickly scans the room for clues to unlock his way out finding a puzzle with various numbers to slide into positions when sliding the first the wall of the room begins to close in on him crushing everything in its path eventually out of room to move Ben is pinned between both walls on the verge of being crushed but before we learned his ultimate fate we flashback to three days earlier filling us in on how our main characters found their ways respectively to the escape room facility for Ben his life seemed to be pretty much on a one-way track to Nowheresville working as a stock boy whose boss is so uncertain of he won't even consider Ben for a cashier position but considering that we see he has been drinking while working his bosses probably in the right here the next morning at work there's an odd black box waiting for him supposedly from his boss but before opening it we see that Ben isn't the only one to have been given a black box as we then move on to the bright young college student Zoey seen in class that she knows the answer to a question no one else does but is to debilitatingly shy to even speak out in front of others who after class is encouraged by her professor to branch out and do something out of her comfort zone over the Thanksgiving break and as it roommate Lee used to go home there's a similar box there for Zoey from her professor and finally there's Jason a whiz kid stockbroker first seen closing a huge deal who gets an odd present from his boss as congratulations the same peculiar black puzzle box each manages to get it open in their own respective ways that help us understand their respective personalities so he threw her formulas and research jason cheating by following a puzzle box youtube tutorial and bin by accidently smashing it open with a hammer which is probably what i would have tried each our personally invited to the Minos escape room where the first person to escape will be rewarded with $10,000 all arriving at the nondescript Minos facility there are three others who weren't given introduction like those just covered so I knew they wouldn't be around to along there's Amanda ex-army who seems to have a problem with fire super escape room aficionado Danny who successfully completed over 90 escape rooms and Mike who won't rough around the edges seems like a good guy saying that his nephew got him to try this out having no idea what he's getting himself into well as it happens no one has any idea what they're in for as this escape room isn't about fun and games as they're about to find out sitting in the waiting room bin gets antsy wanting to go out for a cigarette but the door handle breaks off in his hand revealing what looks like an oven temperature control knob searching the room for potential clues Amanda flips through magazines seeing they're all addressed to the same person dr. Wooten you a name that pops up in every one of the further escape rooms at some point and thusly seems like he must be pretty important meanwhile Zowie spots a copy of the book Fahrenheit 451 determining this must be the setting for the knob which instead turns on several heating panels in the room starting to slowly increase the temperature Amanda already getting upset by the increasing heat trys to ask someone sitting on the other side of a window for help to no response and after finding a key in the pin of a fire extinguisher they unlocked a window and it's not a woman at all but a mannequin a voice on the other end of the phone telling them to follow the rules which definitely doesn't sound like something jigsaw would say whatsoever hanging up causes more heat panels to turn on the temperature getting closer to roasting them alive and when getting a panicked Amanda a glass of water Zoe spots what the call was referring to a sign on the wall requesting them to use coasters when she pushes on them on the table an air duct behind a painting slightly opens they figure out how to use cups of water to keep all six coasters pushed down allowing each of them to escape and for the final glass as they're out of water poor Ben has to sacrifice the booze in his flask to get out just as the room is engulfed in flames finding themselves now in a log cabin the group is mortified by what just happened that the game appears to be real with deadly stakes though Danny disagrees and laments on being trapped with a bunch of whiners who don't get escape rooms okay well they did just burn an entire room to the ground but yeah I'm sure you're right buddy a combination lock on the door is opened and they step outside into what looks like a wintry snowy landscape with frozen ground surrounding them but it's partially faked with high-tech screens learned when Danny bumps into the edge barrier the opposite of the previous room here the temperature is slowly dropping below freezing we're looking for what the next puzzle is Mike finds a fishing pole aided by Zoe thanks to a clue scrawled on the side of a boat finding a stuffed polar bear and retrieving a magnet from its mouth using the magnet and pole in a fishing hole in the ground they pull out a key frozen in a block of ice luckily Ben is a smoker with a lighter but when Danny asked him to toss it over it doesn't quite make it and he walks over to pick it up only for the ice to explode beneath his feet trapping him in the freezing water and within moments he is dead well a lot of good being a so-called expert did you Danny since you're dead they're forced to use their body heat to slowly melt the ice the temperature in the room dropping below zero once getting the key out and using it another door opens on the other side the ice beginning to quickly explode out beneath them all still making it safely across to the next room which is probably the coolest looking in the film a billiards bar but everything is upside-down and bolted to the ceiling many feet up on the phone this time they're told to watch their step as a piece of the bottom drops out revealing a very long drop below so he gets to work on a sliding puzzle on the wall which when assembled corresponds to specific colored billiard balls which are used as the code of a four-digit safe Amandla finding the missing 8-ball inside that will act as the door handle the ground continues to fall away piece by piece Amandla tumbling down and almost losing the eight ball in the fall but she grabs it quickly tossing it to Jason before the final piece falls beneath her hanging on desperately to the extremely strong phone cord for dear life they do attempt to rescue her but the court finally breaks sending Amanda plummeting to her doom entering room number four the door marked triage referring to the sorting of injured people based on their level of emergency which has particular poignancy here for each of our players as in the room are recreations of their own hospital rooms on their own time in the hospital here learning what it is that ties these strangers together each was the lone survivor in a deadly accident or situation Mike was a coal miner who got trapped in the tunnels after a collapse and everyone else died including his brother Ben had just gotten his license and went out for a joyride with friends but he'd been drinking and they of course have a crash of which he was the only survivor Jason claims he was trapped on an overturned boat with a friend saying that they had to share one red jacket the same found in a previous room only for his friend to go nuts and swim off though Jason was still a later save for Zoe it was a plane wreck and as they learned for Amanda and ie D explosion and Danny a carbon monoxide poisoning that took his entire family so now we understand this is the reason they were chosen for the escape room and whoever is behind it knows everything about them and their lives as each room contained extremely specific references to their past and they ultimately want to see which one of these sole survivors would come out on top in this extreme scenario a TV in the room flips on featuring a heart surgery and a timer of five minutes begins along with the message to put their hearts into it Zoe believes they should actually stop playing the game and proceeds to smash all the cameras around the room watching them while Jason and Mike make use of defibrillators surging Mike to increase his heartbeat to dangerous levels and pushes him too far causing Mike to flatline and die but Jason is undeterred thinking it might also need an extremely low heart rate reading as well hooking himself to the machine calming his heart rate which works and the door opens also unleashing poisonous gas into the room and begs Zowie to come with him but she's still too preoccupied smashing things and they were forced to leave her behind collapsing and foaming at the mouth after they leave though seeing the last camera she smashed actually contained an oxygen mask down to the final two they are now in a trippy black-and-white pattern room with a hatch in the floor Ben chives Jason for his callous behavior which led to Mike's death but he retorts that Ben can't take the moral high ground here since he was responsible for all of his friends deaths in the crash and Ben now realizes that Jason lied about what happened in his story of survival that Jason is the one who turned hostile just as now only caring about his own fate and actually killed his friend so he could keep the one jacket for himself ensuring that he made it out of the situation alive they still have to work together to open the hatch and they're surprised to see his strange liquid on their hands which in a kind of fun and bizarre twist is some kind of hallucinogenic drugs and the two started to trip absolute balls there's only one antidote though leading to a brawl between them and ultimately Ben takes out Jason for good when his head smashes into a table and leaving this room takes into the study of the beginning yet he didn't get crushed as presumed utilizing a shield on display to pass through the fireplace and reaching what must be the end of the game now in the makeshift control room center in a large warehouse where he meets the game master who has been operating their trip through each of the rooms and he explains the ridiculous sinister reason for their trials that the minos escape room is a game designed to entertain a select group of very rich patrons who pick a kind of theme for each round of contestants to go through their own personalized puzzle rooms this time being sole survivors making reference to previous contestants like athletes and savants okay so this was all for some rich a-holes amusement but Ben still won fair and square right he's the last survivor where is that Tim can you promise me buddy but instead of handing over the cash he attacks been strangling him but a surprisingly alive Zowie he used that breathing apparatus in the previous room and busted her way out shoots the game master Ben still knocked out here angles the gun away from Zoe but before he can shoot her Ben awakes and smashes his with a glass container and shoots him killing him miraculously the board on screen declares them both to be the winners and the two promptly leave and head to the hospital to deal with Ben's injuries getting the police involved to investigate what happened Zoe returns to the Minos building but finds it completely abandoned with no evidence of anything left behind boy these guys are sure quick at cleanup though there is a peculiar graffiti tag that catches her attention reading no way out which upon further inspection she realizes is an anagram of dr. Wu Tan Yu whose name was seen several times throughout the various kei prunes and with this tiny clue left behind for Zoe most likely you is the true mastermind behind these games but with no evidence there's nothing that police can do but Zoe isn't about to give up on finding out who they are seeing her meet up with Ben six months later who now is doing much better than before as a salesman for vegan dog food moving up in the world did it seem Zoe has been busy - pulling out a binder full of information on Minos including faked articles covering up the deaths of Jason Amanda Danny and Mike and found another surprising clue embedded infinity triangle logo for Minos hidden within it is what she believes are the coordinates to the company's location in Manhattan asking Ben to join her and going there to take them down for good no it seems Minos is aware of their plans seeing them testing a new escape room scenario set on a plane the trial participants failed all overseen by a shadowy figure on a video monitor declaring that it does have a four percent chance of success the figure presumably dr. u approves as it wouldn't be a fair game without giving them a chance which sounds pretty much exactly like jigsaw again I honestly was surprised how similar this all ended up being to the Saw series u basically is jigsaw testing people with tragic histories to fight for survival same exact thing I mean it's so much like the Saw series the only thing they're missing at this point is a little puppet guy coming in on a scooter or something to deliver the game's rules hopefully I don't go that far what [Music] I puzzle face are you interested in solving a puzzle hmm really come on this is exactly like saw its you guys are killing me here this is seriously the best thing that you guys have come up with puzzle face I love you so this whole thing is being orchestrated by a well-connected and extremely well-funded shadowy corporation headed by dr. u they must have some serious power considering how much they can set up and dismantle their elaborate rooms in addition to access to every detail of their players personal lives and because of this Minos presumably would have to have some kind of connections to the government as well how else can they possibly get so much info and be able to even pretend to be someone the players know as we saw when sending the cubes or even creating fake news stories and all the other insane feats they seem to pull off with ease they have some serious power and again money to pull anything like this whole crazy operation off but I would wager their lavishly wealthy audience provides more than enough income to keep the games going or it sure it looks like it I mean jeez the ending implies they are going to somehow takeover and retrofit a commercial airplane specifically to put Ben and Zoey back in the game the logistics of doing this is baffling but to me notice they're like no big deal as much of who they are is left in the dark literally as we never even see what dr. u looks like presumably a sequel would start to peel back the layers on the organisation and who their audiences perhaps with Ben and Zoey returning to find them or maybe they just died one thing is for sure since there would have been previous games a sequel would definitely feature a new set of players in a new game with a whole bunch of crazy themed rooms and puzzles going through the whole same thing all over again as the various escape rooms will obviously be the selling point of these movies and since the movie only cost ten million it may double that on its first weekend to all see you for ask a perm - and with that we've reached the conclusion of this ending explain on escape room you know it's hard to boid comparison to many movies that have come before it but I did like their specific take of puzzle rooms even though the characters were of no substance that's not really the point of a movie like this we're just here to watch them get killed in elaborate scenarios one by one and on this the movie certainly did deliver what did you guys think of escape room and its ending what would you like to see in a potential sequel let me know your thoughts in the comments below make sure to LIKE subscribe and follow thanks for watching found flicks see you next time
Channel: FoundFlix
Views: 2,588,691
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: escape room 2019, escape room ending explained, ending explained, ending, explained, sequel, 'trailer, clip, final scene, end scene, twist, escape room, escape room movie, minos, saw ripoff, spoiler, spoilers, sequel tease, wootan yu, foundflix ending explained, foundflix
Id: VXk5qYKpq0Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 49sec (949 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 17 2019
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