The Imperium of Man is Awesome

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making fun of the Imperium is like breathing at this point it just comes naturally to me I mean how could I not I'm a card carrying Eldar fan it's what I do whether or not the criticism I have is valid as irrelevant it's in my blood but sometimes it's best to just lay all your cards on the table so here's me being honest I think the Imperium is pretty great not in an in Universe sense of course it's abominable but out of universe the Imperium goes hard you know it's true fellow Xeno fans let's be honest the Imperium is what gets people into 40K the faith of everyone in it the gothic field to everything how unbelievably horrible it is but in a cool way it's interesting and appealing in just about every way you could want a war game faction to be and for all my ce's complaining about it I figured it's only fair to finally say something nice about it a nice relaxed video about everything great about the emperium its backwards technology its backwards attitudes its backwards ideas all of the things about it in real life are horrendous and evil but in the world of things that aren't real the Imperium is nothing but Banger after Banger an old lure it went hard a new lure it still goes hard and it just keeps going on and bringing people in to spend thousands on plastic let's go through some of those things that make it just great and while the Imperium is pretty awesome you know what else is awesome knowledge and you know where you can get knowledge brilliant the sponsor of today's video brilliant is the best way to learn math data and computer science how is this the case you may ask through the thousands of interactive lessons available now and the new ones added every month lessons might I add that are fun and engaging to get through story time everyone I had a course in college with the professor did not once look anyone in the eye her gaze was permanently fixed to the same point on the back of the classroom how engaged do you think I was the answer was not in the slightest but with brilliant you won't have that problem all the mini games and Graphics keep you interested in what you're learning which is good because my attention wanders like it wouldn't believe and since it's all at your own pace how busy you are isn't going to ruin your cours work learn as much or as little as you'd like to brilliant is here to help you learn not hinder for a firsttime course you can't go wrong with how technology works if you're going for a career in anything remotely technological it could help you out and even if not it's fun to learn how the stuff we use every day works and just for a little bit of extra incentive using my link in the description and pinned comment you can get the first 30 days of brilliant free the first 200 view can also get 20% off your annual plan that's HTTP panras Noor for both of the above deals it's never too late to learn and there's no better way to do it than with brilliant now then on to talking about the Imperium I think we should start nice and simple something everyone can agree the Imperium does well variety take a brief moment to imagine something in the real world could be historical could be relatively modern chances are there's something in the Imperium that matches it alternatively just think of any science fiction Trope from the 1980s or earlier and the Imperium probably has that too now an naysayer might say that means there isn't an original bone in the imperium's body and in all fairness yeah but there's something I firmly believe that I'd like to share with you all it doesn't really matter if something's original if it's awesome as hell besides originality is in something any 40K faction can accuse another of lacking the key thing about the impus variety is that it is an empty variety at least not entirely in some ways yeah I think it's fake variety how many Space Marine chapters are described as being different from the rest because of how Valiant self-sacrificing or brutal they are because if you had a dollar for every lore video that opened with the blasters chapter differs from the rest because of their brutality you'd probably be a millionaire but on the flip side of that coin you have stories about Space Marines you have stories about the Imperial Guard you have stories about the mechanicus S as a battle the godamn adeptus AR bees all of those things are wholly different and all of them are something you can read about and enjoy with the Imperium the variety of stories isn't just with the subactions within it either there's entirely different tones and genres of 40K books to read solely within the Imperium the most common thing to find is probably Balter porn which I know a lot of people will dismiss as action slot but if you're in the mood for a story about human shoot alien with gun then there's nothing wrong with it but there's plenty of more Nuance stories as well I was reading a rogue Traer Anthology a while back and that's a fun mix of political drama family drama and of course action scenes you want some comedy go get yourself a copy of kaius Kan want to stick to the Imperial Guard but with a more serious and gritty atmosphere gun's ghost has you covered and Hell the codes themselves have plenty of cool lore and stuff to find within them you don't even need to get your lore from stories and narratives the lore can be easily digested through the rule books of the games and you know for all the fun lore channels like to have remember that all that sweet lore is in service to a tabletop game you want an endless horde of models to throw at your enemy Imperial Guard want elite units that pound-for-pound surpass anything the enemy has to throw at you space Marines or custodes if you really want the Elite of the elite want something in between those sisters of battle which are also great if you're a fan of the imperium's religious aspects alternatively the Imperial Knights because sometimes you don't want tactics in your war game sometimes you just want to jam a jagger down someone's throat and that is the absolute most barebones reasoning for going with any of those armies within those armies you can do all sorts of mixing and matching to make them completely distinct from the armies of other players even if you've got the same Imperial subaction the guard can be entirely infantry if you don't mind spending several thousand or you can double down on Armor and artillery Space Marines can rush into melee focus on guns or mix and matches your needs dictate and just to make sure you really get the point let's do a little mental exercise real quick imagine Warhammer 40K without any of the non-imperial factions no zenos no chaos none of that stuff 40K as a game would be just fine there would still be multiple armies with vastly different play styles to suit all sorts of tastes as proof I present to you the Horus heresy that game is pretty much entirely based around just Space Marines and you can still get all sorts of different builds going within it and all this is solely from a rules variety with modeling included you can do pretty much anything because of its heavily fragmented nature the Imperium has a leg up on other factions in this regard much as it pains me to say it obviously of course there's the inspiration thing I was mentioning before but even beyond that think of how much you can Homebrew with the Imperium there's always making the classic Homebrew Space Marine chapter but look beyond that the Imperium has roughly a million worlds though that's really just the best estimate and the idea that it has reliable information on every single one one of those worlds is laughable the administratum is ass at what it does you will not find Good Records in their Halls so here's an idea for you kid bash an army of Guardsmen to hell and back with necron toao and voton parts say they're using the rules for one of those armies but in the lore of your dudes they're an imperial world who retained far more stuff from the Dark Age of Technology than most other worlds did alternatively kit bash your army with bits and pieces from age of Sigmar or fantasy maybe you can run them as Orcs saying that their abysmal accuracy scores because they're using vastly inferior Tech to the rest of the Imperial but they are from a pret of warrior world where survival of the fittest is key there's your home brew lure reason for why your Guardsmen hit like Orcs or and bear with me on this next idea because it's really getting out there run a game of Warhammer fantasy or age of sigar with your Imperial Guard Army put the emperor's finest in Flack jackets and helmets and have them wield swords Spears and Hell Birds there's plenty of worlds in the Imperium that are at Renaissance level Tech after all who's to say you can't make it work when it comes to lur and modeling the only limits you have with what you can run as an Imperial Army are your imag ination and what pieces you have to hand and well yeah that's true with every faction most others are going to have some sort of theme you can't really get away from the elars are always going to be space elves the Orcs are always going to be green and brutish but the Imperium is literally anything you can imagine a person being giving it far more room for home R than most other factions and I love that about it feel like I've been on the rather General subject of variety for a while now so how about we switch things up a bit something else the Imperium does flawlessly are its Aesthetics you know the big one it has massive Cathedrals on top of things that probably shouldn't have Cathedrals on them like Titans armor so Baro it looks like it's about to come to life and yell at me to reform the Holy Roman Empire and gold so much gold enough gold to Blind a man if he's in direct sunlight there's probably people out there who can put it into nice and fancy sounding academic words to explain why the imperium's aesthetic is so appealing but I'm not one of those people and I'm not about to use big words I barely understand to hit a page count this is a YouTube video not my college Capstone so I'll just use stupid words what US normal folk have it's cool as he you've got the sisters of battle with their Halos and plate mail power armor Imperial Guard officers who couldn't decide if their dress uniform should look like it's from Ancient Rome or the Renaissance so they ripped off both and who could forget the Space Marines they're the face of 40K for a good reason they're big their helmets look like scowling faces and while admittedly I'm predisposed towards Spartans as far as super soldiers go there's a reason they're the face of 40K Space Marine armor is some of the most well-designed stuff I've ever seen from a modeling perspective from a general design perspective you just can't beat it clip that now if you got to because it's going to be one of the only times you hear me admit that every outfit in the imperium's wardrobe just looks cool from the most basic to the most outlandish I got to admit I never thought I'd find candles to look badass but the Imperium proved me wrong on it even something simple like the standard Guardsmen well yeah just rip straight from Starship troopers look pretty great but back to the Space Marines real quick because oh my Lord the Dark Angels I understand a lot of people think custodies are the peak of Imperium Aesthetics I really do they're all gold and the most outlandishly designed armor you've ever seen perfect for 40K but dude just look at the Dark Angels I cannot get over the power armor and robes man solely based off their aesthetic they're the best Space Marines and it's not even close come on now you know there's no competition and the funny thing is it's not exactly a complicated design Choice put robes on a dude and power armor that's it that's something pretty great about Warhammer overall though to be fair a whole ton of its concepts are just x with Y attached and yet it still looks great that's not to say they only have Cathedral looking stuff the mechanicus is a part of the Imperium technically kind of sort of and their Aesthetics my favorite wires and diodes all come together in a way that looks both incredibly Advanced and like something I could do in my garage at the same time or fellas like katakan yeah they're just Rambo yeah they're not original in the slightest but who cares they look awesome and that's as much thought as I care to put into the matter awesome in concept anyways GW update katakan please this man is melting before my eyes moving on from the highly critical analysis of their stuff look good I have have to admit something that outside of the context of 40K doesn't make me look good which is why I will preface that this is all within the context of 40K I love xenophobia I love Blind Faith I love it when the government kills billions of its own citizens and I love it when the concept of hate is the core of a civilization because you know what none of this is real there's the takeaway this video both for those of you who defend the Imperium because you think it's ideology is something to Aspire to and to those of you who hate Imperium fans because you assume everyone who likes the Imperium Goose steps down the street it's not real and in the context of it both not being real and all being in service of toys it's metal as hell I've complained about captain emis of the death watch syney responding with yes when asked if he would allow his entire civilization to be doomed just despite the Eldar that I think is very stupid given what was happening in that situation but in just about every other scenario that attitude is pure gold like when a tow watercast Ambassador was talking to an ultramarine going all o you wouldn't hurt a defenseless woman would you what would your forefathers think and then Kos sakarias just comes barreling in says yes and puts his foot through her chest that is Hardcore right there also incredibly funny is that something to Aspire to If We Ever Meet aliens in real life I'm going to take a bold stance here and say no we shouldn't drop kick aliens to death but the tow aren't real none of the factions are so when some Imperial Guard Commander gives a 5-hour long speech about how he's going to grind every alar in their craft world to dust it's awesome why shouldn't he this is a universe where how much gold you have on you determines how safe you are from demons why are you trying to take it seriously I'm not justifying the Imperium from an in Universe perspective again Eldar fan here and more to the point someone who can read gw's official statements on if the Imperium is evil or not I think everything they do is incredibly moronic at best and downright evil at worst but come on now fellas space Alexander the greats Conquering the Galaxy and the name of the Dead God he worships and anything who gets in his way is automatically a bad guy by virtue of getting in his way I'm not here for complex debates on morality I'm here to watch the minotaurs bulldoze an orphanage because they need to make room for a cathedral to house all the cool stuff they stole suffer not the heretic to live that line could give someone food poisoning because it's raw as hell it's a fun head space to put yourself into assuming again you have the processing power to go none of these people are real and I'm playing with very expensive Action Figures it's why my favorite 40K games are things like dawn of War and Space Marine you don't get paragraph after paragraph about whether or not the Imperium is evil and if the emperor is loving or not or if blah blah blah my name is lorgar and blah blah blah the true salvation to humanity lies with four versions of Satan you get a space Crusader screaming in the face of aliens he hates for being different and those aliens are returning the favor it's goofy it's fun and it's the Imperial guarantee and if nothing else rooting for the bad guys is a lot easier in a setting where everyone is the bad guy but having said that the fact you can take the Imperium novel seriously too can also be fun I mean I'll freely admit that I don't enjoy taking 40K too seriously and I'll happily make fun of things like the Horus heresy Forest but here's an a of Branch for me to you if you do like to try and take Imperium novel seriously take the Horus heresy remove any idea of it being part of a preexisting setting just pretend it exists in a vacuum no one can pump out 60 plus books about a setting if all of them are bad not even GW they've cut book series before for being horrible just ask yanari fans so clearly taking the Imperium seriously can end up with some worthwhile stuff which is neat there's room for goofballs like me and those of you who genuinely take things like the primarch seriously not that I'm ever going to stop poking fu at it but hey you don't have to take what I say seriously moving on from a subject that'll get angry Twitter notifications I want to talk about something a bit more nebulous potential the Imperium has more potential than anyone else in the setting for what you can do with them narratively again Elder fan here as much as it pains me to say it there's really only three major routes I can see them going down they can continue to barely hold on to existence across the craft worlds and Maiden worlds they can somehow get a miraculous Resurgence of their empire or they can finally all die they're cool narratives and the specifics can have thousands of different routes to be taken but that's what I think the overall options are the Imperium though tons of different routes to take personally I'm a big fan of the theme of dek in 40K as far as the Imperium goes so I think it'd be cool if it just shattered into thousands of many empires everyone hates each other the zenos are taking the chance to rise up fun times all around but that's hardly the only option you could officially split it into two empires with a great rift having the side with the astronomicon being like the Eastern Roman Empire and the side without it the Western Roman Empire it could have a full-on Resurgence which while I wouldn't find that particularly satisfying that's just me or what I'm actually coming around to is completing the comparison to Warhammer fantasy's Empire of man and officially making it the Holy Roman Empire in space have all these technically independent nation states forming a greater hole against outside threats but constantly squabbling amongst each other for greater power the state that holds Tera can be like Austria mcra can be Bohemia or whichever hre States you find the coolest I guess specifics don't matter cuz this isn't a scenario video I just think it's awesome how many differing routes the Imperium can narratively take hell you you really want to get out there have the high Lords and Gillman declare that the emperor in his Newfound Divinity is no longer the emperor he's moved on from the Mortal coil and thus someone who remains behind will take the position you can fit that into any of these scenarios imagine High Lords and the returning primarchs all vying for the seed of Emperor you can bring back the arguments of the Horus heresy about Mankind being ruled by either demigods or normal people and combine that with any of the above scenarios for extra fun if the Imperium stays together returning loyalist primar can argue that them returning means they should once again be in charge well Imperial Nobles argue that it was the average man who held things together for thousands of years and that shouldn't change kind of what happened when Gilman had to face that little high Lord's coup but you could go further with it if it splits in two you could have the primarch rule one half while the regular man rules the other and if it shatters into pieces it's a free-for-all some states band together under the children of their God While others take the chance to finally free themselves of Imperial Rule and all this Emperor nonsense I'm fully aware that the likelihood of any one of these happening is incredibly low but my point point is again there's so much potential in the imperium's narrative for cool things like that to happen the only other faction I think truly Rivals the Imperium in this department is the tow the newcomers on the Block who can expand in any number of ways and whose Destiny is anything but set in stone I just don't think they're quite there yet they've still got a lot of Empire growing to do in my eyes before they can do anything truly out there but I'm also happy to be proven wrong in that department and to cap us off one final note to end on the last thing I love about the Imperium of man ripping on it cuz you know what it's fun make fun of the Imperium making fun of it for being inefficient for being every single horrible ideology in history and the new ones we haven't invented combined into one for being so unbelievably stupid in every single aspect you can think of that it Loops back around to being cool it's endless material and I say this in a completely loving way honest to God Emperor I've heard it said before that you don't criticize something you hate or at least not as intensely as I feel like I do sometimes I love the Imperium and I love ragging on it yeah there's things that in my head I would change about it but that's just in my head I don't trust anything that comes out of my head neither should you it's just fun to make fun of it cuz you know what making fun of the Imperium and other factions get you some fun nerd arguments online and those go two ways both of them good either I have a fun conversation or someone tells me to kill myself which is the highest honor I can receive it's the kind of making fun of I wish people would celebrate more not one born out of malice but out of enjoyment I want more of this kind of stuff I tell you your failing Imperium will fall at the hands of my wraith guard you tell me you'll kill him a second time and we have fun playing a game of Warhammer and of course there's more reasons but those are my main reasons for why the Imperium is awesome it's a horrible toopan nightmare of a civilization that anyone who says they want to live in it or aspire to it is a goddamn fool it's evil it chews through people like popcorn brutal in every sense of the word and I love it in the Grim darkness of the far future there is only War propagated in part by an Empire that doesn't even understand why it's fighting anymore or why it's so wrong and when it comes to tabletop war games it's the gold stand you may be an elder fan like me the greatest good staunchest supporter or a DieHard necron supremacist but deep down in our heart we all know which faction got us into this hobby thank you as always to my wonderful channel members you are the Forge World worker to my Imperium letting me continue on another day when I really shouldn't if you'd like to support the channel feel free to subscribe or become a member either way thank you for watching and take care out there for real though someone just cracked the Imperium apart just a little Teensy tiny bit come on you can use it to expand the Imperial Guard range the Moran Empire the woyan kingdom the katakan Republic I assume katakan would be a republic it's just that instead of voting people into office to represent them politically they vote people into office to represent them politically based on their kill count president marau would have my vote I'll tell you that much
Channel: PancreasNoWork
Views: 276,765
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 40000, Imperium of Man, WH40k, 40k, PancreasNoWork
Id: oDr0MmtBavw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 48sec (1128 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 21 2024
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