Grimgor Ironhide - Simply Da Best

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some of my favorite characters in fiction are those that are less character and more force of nature like yeah making a nuance and interesting person is the best thing you can hope for when it comes to characterizing someone but failing that just making that character something that everyone else is forced to react and plan around can be almost as good and potentially a lot more fun it's how I imagine Darth Vader looks like from the perspective of someone who never knew him as Anakin Skywalker like in Fallen order a rogue one he's not a person he's Darth Vader he's a monster that's going to rip you to pieces and run away is the best thing you can possibly hope for there's little in the way indicating there's a human being under that armor just something that'll rip you apart without even noticing and fulfilling that fun role in Warhammer fantasy we have grimgor ironide malakith might be a better choice for Warhammer fantasy Vader overall but in terms of sheer Fear Factor I'd give it to good old grimore because grimore iron hide is to the average man dwarf or elf what Darth Vader was to those rebels in the hallway your death was set in stone the moment you cross paths with him it's just a matter of how long it's going to take for him to reach you let let me tell you a story and all its violent Glory but before I start grimgor's lore proper I just want to say that I think he's a bit of a Pioneer in his own way he would pick a trail and follow it no matter how long or hard the journey would be there's something fun about that concept that really absorbs me and if it's as interesting to you as it is to me I've got just the thing for you the game the Oregon Trail the sponsor of this video now I believe in the name of honesty it's best to tell you my genuine opinion about this game I can't stop playing it when I first downloaded I figured hey I'll check it out for a bit and see how it goes then 5 and 1/2 hours went by and I realized I had an eaten dinner finding supplies on the Oregon Trail be it hunting or going through broken down wagons for repair parts all the name of reaching the end it's the exact sort of gameplay Loop that hits everything I want and as a fan of History it's a portion of US history that isn't often looked at Beyond a mention of US citizens went East so it's great to see a representation of what the journey might have been like sometimes you make it through a region with zero issues sometimes every single possible thing goes wrong and all of your settlers simultaneously have diseases you've never heard of in your life I assure you I'm speaking from experience and there's some big things coming to the trail this month the game's already available on PC switch and Xbox platforms but on February 9th it's coming out for both PS4 and PS5 as a crossplatform bundle with a limited time 33% discount it'll be available from the 9th to the 25th for ps+ users only but there's still more to come because the Cowboys and critters DLC is also releasing it's available on all platforms already and will be available day one with the game on PlayStation new Journeys characters locations and more are all coming all for the low price of $5 you can even find cryptodes if you're lucky and I can promise you this is entirely worth it so what are you holding out for Pioneer in Waiting go to my link in the description and check out the Oregon Trail today it's that magical sort of game where you can play a run for as long or as little as you want and still enjoy your time spent play the Oregon Trail today because catching dentary has never been this fun now then let's get mean and green the tale of grimard iron hide begins when one day the chaos dwarfs had a brilliant idea the orc slaves were strong wrong yes but they were still Orcs they were stupid needlessly violent and had a habit of beating their fellow slaves to death at a moment's notice and obviously that's just terrible for their profit margins they weren't being nearly as sufficient as they could be so the chaos dwarfs decided they just needed to make a better orc they went to work with the Fest of magics and succeeded they had made the black Orcs And overall it was quite unfortunate for the ca ORS that they succeeded in making bigger stronger smarter Orcs because you see they made bigger stronger smarter Orcs apparently the thought of this going poorly never occurred but to be fair they don't have Jurassic Park to watch in Warhammer it wasn't an immediate Rebellion but it came soon enough and when it did Grim Gore iron hiy was at the front of it taking down his captors and escaping alongside some other black orc slaves of course very few in Universe actually know this backstory for him as far as most people know he just kind of showed up in the Badlands one day with his bodyguard of fellow black Orcs du Immortals naturally he immediately took charge of wherever he went because for Orcs biggest his boss and no one was bigger than grimore was and even if they were he'd still slaughter them eventually though he ran out of other Orcs to butcher partially because most other Orcs wanted to join his tribe and see what this guy was all about mostly because he was an absolutely terrifying monster to behold fun little fact about him if you went a day without a fight he'd start causing fights amongst his own tribe out of boredom if he went two days without a fight most Orcs And every Goblin that went near him got slaughtered he's never gone more than 2 days without a fight because all the green skins under his command are terrified of that ever happening and entire campaigns have been organized at a fear of what a grim G will do if he doesn't have anything to fight in front of him to get back on track though after he ran out of Orcs to fight he decided that he'd go see what those dwarf Slayers were all about after all a death cult seeking Redemption and glorious battle seems like the perfect thing to test his axe against so he goes to carak kadrin the home of the Slayers and after a few battles it shuts its doors and tells them to piss off and let's just focus on that for a second the dwarfs who are religiously motivated to die in battle refuse to fight grimgar anymore because of how brutal he was and dwarf Slayers generally aren't the type to be truly afraid of their deaths they seek it out with Glee and for most of them it's at best a disappointment when they survive a battle that's just how monstrous grimore was and his journey was just beginning rather pissed off about this development but already this far north in the Warhammer World grimgor marched his army right off to ke he heard the humans around here spent all their free time fighting chaos and they'd surely put up a good fight and in all fairness to the Slavic soup of cultures that the kites are they were the best fight he had yet and also of the best rations Grim Gore had had yet because best fight against Grim Gore just means he last 5 Seconds instead of one against him much like everyone who invades Russia however grimgor didn't prepare for the winter although to give him some credit winter in this case meant Zarina catarin kept freezing his entire army with a single massive blizzard it's a bit of a cheap shot and not something you can really prepare for though anyone who blames her for doing said cheap shot is an idiot I wouldn't want to fight grimore directly either every time he left the storm she conjured would stop but when he'd come back with more Orcs she'd just go whatever and started up again though it took some time and God only knows how many orc lives he finally got the hin and went back to the world's Edge mountains Gathering more Orcs and hoping that whatever enemy he found next wouldn't just toggle downfall on him over and over again sure enough he found a bunch of night goblins while he was [ __ ] around and lower levels of some conquered dwarf hold chasing after them he found more tunnels that went deeper and deeper and having nothing better to do he went right in them want to take a guess what he found down there more night goblins and scaven a lot of scaven you might think that the scaven would be a poor fight for grimore being cowardly and weak and all that and in a 1 V one case you'd be right but is anyone familiar with the rats knows you never One V one es scaven you w v one 100 those furry bastards and Grim Goro is finally in green violent Heaven he never ran out of things to kill and when the rats brought out the big guns like rat ogres or rattling guns things were actually exciting and these were the best rations he'd ever had it's worth mentioning that he was entering hell pit the place where the scaven make things like hell pit Abominations mutant r ogres and other things that would make any sane being piece right the hell out and sure enough at one point the rest of his army retreated to Upper levels and this was grimgor's time to shine he found a narrow tunnel waited for throt the unclean to send his best creations and started swinging and swinging and swinging and Swinging until nothing was left and he had done what no one else before him had ever done breached into a scaven city such a Monumental accomplishment should have been down in the history books but in true orc fashion grimgor probably didn't know what he had done and definitely didn't give it [ __ ] all he cared about was that all the fun things were dead and he was bored so he left throt actually planned to go take care of grim Gore himself which would have resulted in an early grave but when he got there with his Creations the green monster that was butchering his stuff was gone naturally he took his frustration in not being able to kill grimore out on the Empire because the scaven loved to make themselves feel better by hurting others after this the story turns into that of your average D and party he just started wandering the lands killing things I guess that's what he had always been doing but now it comes across as even less goal oriented than before for instance he just kind of decided he was going to go to the chaos dwarf lands and started causing them all sorts of problems at one point he declared war on the ogres in the mountains of M in their own lands which as you can see from the Total War trailer in the background right now not even the chaos Gods could successfully do that he even found a massive horde of chaos followers who were on their way to keyli since they heard that Grim Gore had done such a fine job of weakening it now dear viewer Andor listener how do you think that went for the chaos horde did you guess they were slaughtered on mass if you did yourself on the back cuz that's what happened he killed so many of them they thought he was a demon Prince that only existed to slaughter chaos and you know what that brings me such joy to hear that the closest thing to keeping malal Cannon was the living brick named grimore Ironhide but despite even this he was pretty bored everything he fought was boring him because everything he fought had a life expectancy of however long it took grimore to get into melee with him it was like he was Warhammer fantasy saitama there was nothing fun left to fight nothing fun left to do everything went down in one quick swing of gnik where's the fun to be had now with that though we come to a bit of a Divergence in grimgor's story because on the one hand we have the end times but on the other hand we have storm of chaos and while non- Cannon and a proper [ __ ] show all on its own grimore Iron hide ends up becoming the highlight of it in the funniest way possible for those unfamiliar with it storm of chaos was when GW wanted the end times but allowed fantasy players to submit battle reports to dictate how the campaign went in this timeline grimgor fought against the cha Lord crom the Conqueror some chaos undivided Lord I don't really care to talk about much except for his relevance here his and grimgor's army fought and they both butchered the other guys 18 bodyguards so they fought each other to a standstill unfortunately grimgor's Army wasn't up to Snuff so it got routed grimgor and I want to make this very clear did not Retreat from the battle he was piss at his army for retreating so he ran after them to make them all come back to the fight crom for his part went to reinforce aran's Army pretty happy he got to fight someone like Grim Gore but overall just kind of nonplused about about the whole thing as grimgor finally got his army back together he heard about this chaos loser who is even tougher and stronger than crom he was excited it was time for another fight and in the real world Games Workshop had realized that chaos was losing every battle it fought and despite the fact they ignored the rules and kept moving chaos up it continued to lose and lose and lose some more because they allowed the fan base to participate this opened the doors for their special faction to actually fail and fail it did in desperation GW just asked people to vote on who they wanted to win surely the fans of the franchise were going to vote for the army that wanted to destroy the franchise they did not they picked the green skins Grim Gore showed up as Aran was killing sigmar's reincarnation and giving his generic evil bad guy speech and kicked him Square in the balls before declaring he was the best and wandering off to make a bigger Army all the while his current ones slaughtered the forces of chaos around them and Carl France finally showed up to clean up whatever the [ __ ] was going on in front of him I imagine he was mostly just confused seeing the greatest threat to his people on the ground and this massive orc running around hollering like a chimp also fun fact it took longer for Carl FR to reach miden hind from aldorf than it did for archon to reach it from keev plot armor it works wonders Games Workshop swiftly declared everything here non-canon and swept it under the rug now it's time for the end times orag the great green Prophet had a revelation two orc Gods mean two orc champions of the Gods for Mor we have Scar snik and he's not relevant to this video so that's his lot for now the other is who else but grimor for gork as for what he did grimgor is perhaps the only non-chaos character to get some serious winds under his belt aside from maybe Nash but after his book he stopped getting those wins after being told he was one of the two green skins who would unite them all into one big W grimgor immediately marched East towards cath along the way he encountered what was apparently a pretty large orc Empire before killing the guy in charge and it was now part of grimgor's orc Empire although in saying that he wasn't building much of an Empire because everyone he conquered he took with him the hob goblins that reside died in much of the lands between Cath and the old world were also brutalized and added to his horde when he finally arrives at his destination with a much bigger Army he just adds to the mess that Cath had become by that point the chaos dwarfs had taken the great Bastion alongside some scaven and miscellaneous chaos tribes and were getting ready to invade the rest of cath when grimore finally showed up and long last here he was ready to take revenge against the chaos dwarfs for what they did to him all those years ago and by God did he get revenge millions of green skins Came Crashing Down as grimgor engaged the leaders of the chaos dwarfs in head combat the battle lasted for hours but I'm sure you never doubted the end result gromor and his horde killed them to the last and gork and mor were dominant over the chaos gods in the East with that however it was time for grimgor to head back the best fights weren't to be found in cath but back in the Empire of course before that he had to make a few pit stops and somehow in all of this mess he became the Incarnate of Beast magic phenomenal planning is always techless I'm sure that was entirely on purpose he also at one point burned down nippon's Dragon fleets but who who cares nippon's lore starts and ends with they trained Clan Asen GW didn't care about their lore so I won't pretend to either his first of the two major pit stops was visiting the lands of the ogres the volcanoes in the mountains of M range and decided to start erupting as if the very Planet itself had realized Games Workshop was destroying the setting and it might as well help them out so the ogres were in a bit of a rough State and good old greasus might BMI as registered on the RoR scale gold tooth decided he'd be the king of all the ogres ever grimore wanting more ogres in his arm than the already impressive amount he had took issue with this greasus in turn took issue with grimore and the two of them went to blows greasus actually nearly managed to take him down but grimgor was destined for better things to do than died to the Warhammer world's first Walmart Chopper and killed Gus I would have said bigger and better things to do but uh there's not really much in existence bigger than Gus after that Vengeance was finally had by grimore for he marched straight into the homeland of the chaos dwarfs and rip their lands apart there really isn't much to say about it since the chaos dwarfs by eighth edition were already tertiary parts of the lore at best and honestly their lore in the end times pretty much just amounts to conquered parts of Cath and were murdered by grimore so with that the march to the West Was finally nearing its end and then Tas abruptly ended the march by teleporting grimgor's entire Army and himself directly to middenheim the ORS think it was the will of the green Gods but in reality it was just teas desperately looking for more things to throw at ARC on incidentally this is one of those fun end times moments where you think about it and wonder how the times happened at all Tas brought grimgor's entire Army Of Orcs goblins ogres and more directly to middenheim that was not a small army with that in mind why did he not just teleport archon's forces into you know I don't know an active volcano or the shattered remnants of ulwan so they all drown or how about take all the magic power used to cast that spell and instead of trying to teleport people just fire a magical Kamehameha at archon's face but whatever I'm not techless I guess the only option was to teleport in the rampaging AR Army of morons for grimgor's part he was teleported close to the incarnates themselves and not really caring about saving the world just started swinging he probably would have taken down a couple of the incarnates with them or not for malakith showing that while he may be the mama's boy to end all Mama's Boys he's pretty clever he told grimgor that in no uncertain terms was he the best but that archon git said that he was the bestest instead and grimgor should go and show him what's what I'm not making that up paraphrased a bit sure but malakith talked to grimgor like he was an orc and pointed him towards arcade on and honestly this is one of the few end time bits I wish we got to see more of it's honestly a little shocking we don't see more of that in any Warhammer setting it sounds like a pretty Surefire way to deal with any Orcs you encounter though to be fair it does rely on both the Orcs being willing to listen to you and you not caring about anything in whatever Direction you pointed them towards but grimore now as convinced as he needed to be he and his boys Rage Against the chaos Tide The Immortals W fourth and slew thousands and skarsnik led the Army against the forces of chaos grimore had his own task though and he'd see it done no matter how many chaos Marauders Knights or demons he had to kill on the way to Aron and it was a lot but grimgor managed to reach his way to archon more or less unscathed and once more did the Avatar of the green Gods fight against the ever Chosen and to give grimgor's credit at first it was going much the same way as it did against archon and storm of chaos he was a living green blender that Aron just couldn't put down and he even lost one of his greatest pieces of equipment in the process of fighting them but gamees Workshop wasn't going to let a last minute player decision ruin at this time and archan released the demon in his sword which resulted in grimore getting his head taken off rest in peace grimore Ironhide you may have lost but in the end you truly were the best as for any reappearance in age of Sigmar all seems to be quiet on that front gorre seems likely to continue on being the main orc character and for once that's a change I think is ultimately for the better grimgor is a living blender and the embodiment of Orcs just wanting to smash but gorre has some semblance of actual character and personality if that fills your heart with sorrow however Rejoice because total Warhammer exists so even if you can no longer champ in his cause of hitting things until they stop moving on the tabletop you can still do so here of course undoubtedly there are numerous ways you could go about uh acquiring an approximation of a grimgor iron hide model but those ways are rather crass and UNC I won't show you any directly so as not to be shot by Games Workshop lawyers but I assure you there are ways for now though Total War time digital do or don't grimore lore positive he's the smashi orc ever he goes around saying he's the one true git he's the strongest orc to ever exist and sometimes when you click on him on the battlefield he just starts shouting say my name so if you're in the mood for a legendary Lord that's all about smashing people to bits he's for you solving your anger issues are all well and good but it's a lot more satisfying to just beat someone to death you could also pick scar brand for this but then I will judge you harshly relatedly if you want your leader to be proper threatening he's still the best choice for you any Warrior who faces grimore promptly dies that's the end of the matter rat ogre Dragon champion of One race or the other I'll promptly die in the face of grim Gore's Fury undoubtedly he has hundreds of grudges for the dors particularly so if you've got a special hatred for the vertically challenge there's no better option than grimore and while this may seem a bit dismissive of the guy I'm kind of out of lore positives for Grim Gore now I don't mean that in a rude way it's just that as a lore character he's very simple if all you want is to have a fun time smashing stuff you want grimore but that's about all you're going to get out of him even the other or characters have more going on for that and the Goblins as ever get a bit more characterization than their taller counterparts but grimore just exists to destroy whatever is unlucky enough to be in his way today so there's not much room for the nuances of his thought process as for his gameplay positive though there's naturally more to say in that department for the campaign side of things picking him as your starting legendary Lord makes it easier to recruit black orc big bosses reduces the upkeep for black orc and big and units gives a chance for black Orcs to spawn in any W you start and gives a bonus to campaign movement range as you can probably guess from this sort of thing thing he's all about helping you get the best boys possible in your army and getting them more they need to be his traits that buff his army specifically are similar though not exactly extensive he gives some Buffs to Black orc and big in units but that's about it aside from the red or blue line skills everyone has as you can probably guess things like buffing your troops or having any semblance of leadership aren't what you want Grim Gore for no you want Grim Gore for his performance on the battlefield and I have a very handy two-step guide for just how to use them step one is to select grimore and right click an enemy unit preferably a l hero because he has an ability to debuff them but anything will do step two is to forget about him and go manage the rest of your army with this two-step process gromore will obliterate whatever you throw at him and you can repeat the process until the battle is over and his unique items his blood forged armor and his axe gitnick only make him better at it now those of you familiar with Total War May understand that for a variety of reasons grimgor has gained a reputation of not being the best legendary Lord especially in multiplayer to that I have two simple counterarguments one I do not care about Total War competitive multiplayer never have never will so any arguments about his viability stemming from there can go right to hell for two I'm not playing at [ __ ] stomp Omega legendary end times skull Blaster difficulty mode where your unit of Max experience black Orcs get white by a unit of scaven slaves I'm here to have fun with AI modifiers for the campaign making the place smart and get some economy Buffs and their battle AI is also a smart as it can be what I'm not a fan of is giving the AI an extra 5 billion to all of their stats so with that in mind grimore is going to butcher almost anything you throw at him he's not the best melee legendary Lord in the game but he's damn close and he's great at taking on both other Lords and heroes and large enemy units if you can somehow get him the sword of cane then congratulations you won the game as for his downsides lorewise it's pretty much what you'd expect from someone like Grim Gore if you want someone with any amount of character depth or whatnot then you aren't going to be finding that here he's just here to make things dead he has the same level of character depth as Kid Buu and only a slightly larger vocabulary I mean even other green skins will have some kind of attachments like scar snik and his pet Squig he loved that thing and it was genely distraught when it died in the end times and naturally of course he's a bad guy like as evil as you can get without being part of chaos even more than the other Orcs grimgor loves war and tearing people apart there's nothing even like scar Nick's aformentioned attachment to his Squig the only people remotely considered something akin to his friends are as immortal's bodyguard and when he's gone a couple days without a fight even they aren't totally safe from his wrath so just accept that when loading up a grim Gore irony campaign you are going to make the world immeasurably worse as for his downsides in the game there's a few it'd be nice if he Buffs some of the green skins more monstrous units like the spider or the giant I understand why he doesn't and black arcs are quite the good infantry unit but it'd be cool to see the real Heavy Hitters get some Spotlight with them fair is fair though he's the embodiment of the Orcs brutality not the brutality of whatever weird [ __ ] they bring to a fight without a mount he's also stuck foot slugging across the battlefield it could be worse since sooner or later you're going to be spending a decent Chuck of time fighting the chaos dwarfs and they're not exactly the speediest folk on the planet but a solid ranged Army could give them a lot of trouble if they can keep away from him kiing grimgor to death is always going to be his biggest weakness at least to me so especially watch out for the wood elves he's not going to break until he has like three hit points left so that's not the biggest problem but triggering Army losses on the rest of his forces is a perfectly viable way to negate grimore so heads up for that strategy as well a themed grimore Army is either going to need some mods like I'm using to give him some additional units to play with and buff or it's going to be gimped when your black orc doomstack gets shredded by hell storm rocket batteries and last game play con he starts in the mountains of mourn and I really don't like mountainous areas in total Warhammer you'd think narrow mountain passes would be great for choke points but almost every Army you'll fight in the mountains can just underway teleport and ruin your entire plan fighting dwarf's early game is also a tremendous pain in the ass and from personal experience that has not changed in regards to the chores and in total Warhammer 3 grimgor has to deal with the ogres near a spawn which while they can't underway right de your Capital it does mean he has to deal with their f bad asses turning his turn one Army into paste around them admittedly this is more of a green skin problem than grimore specifically and with the aformentioned mods you can give yourself something like orc spear boys but if you're the most vanilla player on the planet it's something you'll have to deal with at least until you can get some upgraded provinces under your belt and that is the lore in gameplay of grimgor Ironhide for all the dismissiveness I might have shown towards him in some bits I do like him a lot while yes he's incredibly simple there's nothing inherently wrong with that and it can make for some fun moments if you have a group to play it with maybe have a campaign session of Warhammer fantasy roleplay involve grimore showing up sure there's not going to be much in the way of debate or anything along those lines with him but it could be a great time either holding them off until some ritual can be completed desperately trying to run or hide from him or pulling a malakith and pointing him at something you really want gone and as always thank you to my wonderful channel members you were the GS Nick to my grimore letting me severely reduce the quality of whatever Warhammer setting I'm talking about at the time if you'd like to support the channel feel free to subscribe or become a member either way thank you for watching and take care out there I think it would be very funny if grimgor came back in age of Sigmar and his only actions are to kick AR out of the balls point at him and laugh then go back into the heavens to rejoin gork and mor or something like that no major plot points no actual storyline with it he just shows back up Kicks the Grand Marshall of the Apocalypse Square in the taint and leaves truly showing once in for all that even though his Planet exploded he truly is the best
Channel: PancreasNoWork
Views: 285,785
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, Warhammer Fantasy, Warhammer Fantasy Battles, WFB, WHFB, WHF, PancreasNoWork, Orc, Orcs, Greenskins, Grimgor, Grimgor Ironhide
Id: nZaHD6x_zhw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 26sec (1466 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2024
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