How to Beat "47 Meters Down"

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hey guys welcome back to the channel after the success of jaws we've seen quite a few shark based survival horror films and they've had well let's call them mixed results but one of those movies that was surprisingly entertaining was 47 meters down the movie follows two sisters as they go cage diving and it doesn't take long for things to get out of control they end up dropping to the bottom of the ocean and the pair must try to survive and get back to the surface all while being surrounded by bloodthirsty sharks in this video we'll look at each character's decisions and present alternative solutions that could increase their chance of survival the movie begins with our two protagonists lisa and kate as they're spending their vacation in a hotel in mexico that night kate takes lisa to a local club where they meet two guys lewis and benjamin both of them like doing various risky activities for fun and one of those things is shark cage diving the two girls get invited to go with them the following day since kate has some diving experience she loves the idea but lisa is quite skeptical and informs them that she can't go because she doesn't have a diver's license but the guys just laugh it off and tell her to not worry about it they all want her to go and eventually she gives in and reluctantly agrees to join them so the next day they arrive at the pier waiting for the diving boat the group is met by captain taylor and his co-worker javier the captain asks if they have any diving experience as it's required for the trip and the girls both say yes but they don't look so sure taylor simply takes them by their word and they all take a small boat to the diving ship which is very isolated in the middle of the ocean when they arrive the ship seems really old and is rusty all over the cage they will be taking is really just one big pile of rust and seems pretty unsafe lewis and benjamin repeatedly assure the girls that it's fine and they've done it many times without any mishaps during these first few moments there are numerous warning signs that could stop them from getting into trouble in the first place of course when operating diving gear you must be able to use it but that's not even the worst part the captain seems incredibly irresponsible he blindly trusts the girls when they say they have their licenses even though it looks like they're hiding something this might indicate a general disregard for safety which could lead to serious problems later on especially when one of the girls has no diving experience at all also the ship honestly it looks like a piece of everything is worn down old and just barely functioning this entire operation doesn't seem very professional and the girls were even worn by the hotel they're staying in to book their activities through them for safety reasons well remember what the concierge said that we should book all activities in tournaments now when lisa brings this up kate tells her that they only say that to maximize their revenue and that might be true to a certain degree however tourists are also much more likely to be scammed or tricked into dangerous situations in foreign countries especially when they're persuaded by very confident people so the crew sets up the cage and the two guys go first after the sisters put on their diving gear taylor gives them a few pointers on what to do once it's their turn he also shows them how all the equipment works kate already knows all this but lisa chose to be a complete novice check your air you should both have 200 bar that's your air okay this is another point for the captain should ask to see her license as lisa is extremely nervous and has no idea what any of the equipment is and the cage seems pretty fragile as well thanks to its thin metal bars not to mention its rustic colors furthermore the full mask and scuba gear that the two girls use is meant for deep diving usually shark diving is done on the surface and doesn't require you to carry an oxygen tank beginners typically wear snorkels anyway a few moments later we get to see the sisters as they slowly submerge a few feet into the ocean they get an amazing view of the sharks and can't believe how big they are in real life a few minutes later they noticed the cage shaking and it slightly drops downwards in her panic lisa yells at kate that they should surface immediately are you crazy no we would like to come back up now please listen stand by they both tell the captain to do so via a communications device in their masks as they're being pulled upwards the boat's winch mechanism breaks and the two begin hurling down into the water moments later the sisters crash into the seabed their equipment reveals that they are 47 meters below the surface to make matters worse the winch pulley fell down with them so there's almost no way to pull them back up and the metal arm from the winch is pinning the cage's door closed so the girls can't even get out because the communication signal at that depth is pretty weak they can't talk to the others on the boat this means that one of the girls needs to get out of the cage and swim upwards until they get a better signal but they'd also be exposed to the sharks after a few attempts kate figures out that she can just barely fit through a small gap if she removes her mask she climbs out and holds her breath lisa quickly passes the tank and mask back to her kate then manages to pull off the structure that's pinning down the door but in exchange she consumes a lot of oxygen because of the strainous task she swims up to the 40 meter mark where she's luckily able to contact captain taylor the man gives them instructions that they should stay in the cage and his co-worker javier will dive down to reattach a spare winch so they can get up it's also revealed that kade only has 55 bars of pressure left in her oxygen tank which is almost half and doesn't leave them with a lot of time but taylor warns the two not to rush back up to the surface since they will experience the bends also known as rapid decompression sickness it's a condition where the nitrogen in your body can block blood vessels and major organs through small clots and this can be deadly this is another pivotal moment since both the captain and cage should have assessed the situation more carefully both sisters have limited air and just sitting there for help to arrive has its consequences javier doesn't have their exact location so it could take some time to find them also he's exposing himself to the dangerous sharks so there's no guarantee he'll even arrive now in real life sharks rarely attack humans because it's not what they eat but in the movie they often bite people so here's what they can do while it might sound risky the two girls could disobey the captain's instructions and try to surface immediately that's because taylor's explanation of the benz is only half true based on the us navy's decompression table a diver can spend up to 5 minutes at 47 meters below the surface without decompressing throughout their ascent so they could surface pretty quickly if they do it up to 5 minutes after they hit the ocean floor but if the captain insists on them staying down there he should immediately call the coast guard for help he does this later on towards the end of the movie but it should be one of the first courses of action because the girls may be in more trouble than he realizes the maximum safe depth for a first time diver is 100 feet and that is the absolute maximum usually it's only up to 67 feet but the girls are at 47 meters which is more than 150 feet that's more than double what's saved for lisa since it's her first dive even for kate it's far too much since the limit for recreational diving once you get your certification is only about 130 feet these significant deaths put them at risk of something called nitrogen narcosis which is explained later in the movie but basically since they have little to no experience diving so deep the air they breathe can impair their judgement their sense of orientation and muscle function which isn't ideal when fighting for your life in the ocean so skate is heading back to the cage to inform lisa of the captain's plan of sending down javier a sharksman spy them seemingly out of nowhere when kate finally manages to get back inside the shark swims towards them and rams the bars almost breaking through one of the iron rods luckily he eventually leaves them alone after they try to be as quiet and still as possible this scene confirms our suspicion that the thin bars offer limited protection from such large predators if the shark had continued attacking them or if there is more than one of him they could easily break in leaving lisa and kate defenseless against the sharks we also see that the cage has a big light in each corner these knights can actually attract sharks which heightens the risk of them being attacked they should either cover or break them to decrease their visibility and risk of being killed after this the two have a brief talk but a few seconds later they hear the boat's engine buzzing and quickly panic thinking they are being left behind kate tries to contact the ship by swimming a few meters up like before but once again one of the bloodthirsty sharks comes from behind and tries to bite her she quickly makes her way to lisa when all hope appears to be lost they see a ray of light nearby and assume it's from javier unfortunately he can't seem to find where they are they decide that one of them has to get out of the cage and swim towards them but because kate has been outside more often she now only has 17 bars of oxygen left to ensure their survival for a little while longer the inexperienced lisa decides to go instead since she has more air in her tank as she makes her way towards javier's flashlight a shark sneaks up behind lisa and almost bites her she's able to quickly swim into a shallow cave where she temporarily hides the shark tries making its way towards the rocks but it's too large to fit in the gaps lisa could have taken this opportunity to do some damage to the shark she can use some nearby rocks and hit its sensitive snout or gills this might do enough damage for it to leave the area or lose interest in its prey moments later lisa comes by a dark abyss and conquers her fears by slowly diving through it and on the other end she finally finds javier but just a few seconds after their meeting he gets eaten by a shark later lisa finds his lifeless corpse floating in the ocean she checks his oxygen tank but it's completely empty fortunately he did have a spear gun and a new winch which she takes lisa hurries back through the darkness and finds her sister and informs kate of javier's demise she quickly attaches the winch to the cage and goes up to contact taylor she's able to reach him and tells him that he can start getting them up it's lisa we managed to attach the cable to the top of the cage we need to come up right now after returning to her sister they slowly began moving to the top and the girls are ecstatic however the girls celebration is cut short when the cable slowly breaks with only 28 meters to the surface taylor tells them he will slow down their ascent to not overpower the cable unfortunately shortly after that the wire snaps and the cage once again drops down to the bottom so when the cage first started to shake the sisters should have reacted quickly and gotten out of it they were in a very similar situation as the first time it broke it slowly started to drop a few inches after which it completely fell and before the wire ripped there were about 20 seconds where they could leave it took some time for it to break which they could have used to their advantage by unlocking the door and getting out as a result of the hard fall lisa's leg is caught under one of the bars and the cage's weight holds her down cait then checks her oxygen supply and it's down to 5 bars which means she only has about a minute of air left surprisingly this time taylor can contact them over the radio he tells the sisters that he'll drop down two tanks of oxygen so they can survive a little longer however the captain warns them that changing the tanks may cause nitrogen narcosis which leads to hallucinations and severe cognitive impairment taylor also tells them he called the coast guard and they're coming with a team of expert divers in about an hour they just need to stay put until they arrive in real life though it's almost impossible to last that long with just one tank of oxygen the ones they're using here are aluminum 80s which holds 80 cubic feet of air according to several diving websites that will last you only 30 to 45 minutes and that's under the assumption that you're not doing a lot of intense activities meaning that by the time the coast guard arrives it would be already too late so the girls patiently wait and eventually see the two new tanks drop near them the only challenge is getting them inside the cage while there are multiple sharks around since kate is the only one mobile she heads for the supplies even though her air is almost completely out meanwhile lisa tries warning her when the sharks are coming kate's strategy is to stick as close to the ocean floor as possible to reduce the directions where she could be attacked she's able to get the tank and replenish her air supply but lisa still needs hers kate is also able to take three flares however as she's heading back to her sister a shark quickly emerges she's able to fight it off for some time but just when she thinks she's clear of danger it's able to bite her kate drops lisa's tank leaving her with a quickly depleting air supply in this situation kate should have looked around first and made sure the shark was near her and she can stay down on the ocean floor so that lisa can get a better view of her surroundings as it was right when she got up that she was bitten kate could also use the flares if she's having trouble seeing meaning that she might have spotted the shark early enough to save herself furthermore lisa can tell her sister to take the spear gun they got from javier before heading out to get the tanks after thinking that her sister is dead lisa decides that she must do whatever it takes to survive using the nearby spearguns tip as a hook she's able to drag the tank into the cage and resupply herself with air just as the old tank is running completely dry so the last few decisions made by lisa are by far among the smartest she used the tools available to help her get out of a tight situation moments after breathing in the air out of the new tank we hear that kate is still alive despite being severely injured however her buoyancy control device or bcd was damaged during the attack a bcd functions kind of like an inflatable balloon that can help them get to the top when they make their ascent but not only is the bcd broken oxygen is also escaping kate's tank this leads to her only having a few minutes left before she once again runs out of air when lisa hears about the damaged bcd she thinks of a clever solution by putting hers under a bar close to her leg she then inflates it and can lift the cage enough to free her legs with only minor injuries following this lisa leaves the cage and finds her sister who's lonely bleeding out since they're running out of time they have no choice but to surface immediately even though there's a high chance that the sharks will attack them while ascending they contact taylor who once again warns them about the bends they reluctantly agree to go up slower and properly decompress since they face a severe risk of dying otherwise the pair also use the flares they grab to ward off the shark circling them but as one of them goes out and they light a new flare three big sharks are seen swimming around the girls now sharks don't actually circle you if they want to eat you but let's assume they do because once again that's how the movie portrays it here are a couple things you can do if a shark wants to attack you you should avoid any sudden movements also if the shark attacks you you must fight back aggressively and hit it in the eyes gills or snout as these are the most sensitive parts if you can try to use rocks as weapons and don't stop fighting until it leaves but even if the shark does swim away it may come back and try to attack again it's important to be aware of this and not just assume that you're free and when you're on the surface swimming towards a boat make sure to swim with long clean strokes don't smash the water too much as this attracts the shards anyway to avoid one of the girls getting hurt taylor tells them to release their vcd and head straight up to the surface they comply with the captain's advice and quickly go to the top but the sharks are still in pursuit the guys on the boat see the girls in the water and throw them a life saver the two go towards the group and just when they are a few seconds away from being on the ship one of the sharks bites lisa deep in the leg and drags her down back into the water she reacts quickly by pounding the nose and scratching its eye the shark swims away and the others manage to finally pull her onto the boat and it looks like they're safe in this scenario fighting the shark is a good idea some accounts of real people that were in a similar situation say they could escape the attack by hitting the animal either by kicking or punching them so moments after lisa lies on the boat we see that the air looks really distorted almost like it's underwater it's then revealed that everything that happened after lisa connected her second oxygen tank was only an hallucination from nitrogen narcosis in reality she's still trapped in the cage with her leg pinned under the bars she's merely laughing and giggling while thinking she and her sister made it out alive then while lisa is still hallucinating we see a few lights from the coast guard rescue divers they have finally arrived and are ready to get lisa out of here for real this time so those are some ways to beat 47 meters down as always let me know if i missed anything thank you so much for watching i'll see you in the next one bye guys
Channel: HitStart
Views: 976,347
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hitstart, 47 meters down, how to beat, how to beat horror movies, how to beat movies, how to beat 47 meters down, how to survive, how to survive movies, shark movies, jaws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 22sec (982 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 10 2021
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