How to Beat the DEATH TRAPS in "SAW 4"

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If Jigsaw asked you to join his sadistic gang of mutilators, what would you do? In this highly requested How to Beat video, we’ll follow Jigsaw’s 4th round of deplorables, see if we can make better decisions, and ultimately attempt to beat the traps in Saw 4. Think you can do better, let us know in the comments! Enjoy these How to Beat videos, like and subscribe! Have a movie you’d like me to cover, reply to this comment! We start out following 2 men in a mausoleum. One has his eyes sewn shut, the other has his mouth sewn shut. Both are wearing collars that are chained to a machine in the middle of the room. On those collars are padlocks and keys. Each person’s key unlocks the other person’s padlock. Naturally, the man that can’t see is aping out because he can’t really assess what’s going on, and the man with his mouth sewn shut can’t communicate their situation effectively, so the blinded man tries to yank out some slack on the chain, which pulls a pin and fires up the winch. They both start getting slowly pulled into the jaws of the winch, which, I can only surmise, ends with the collar severing their spinal chords. The blind man doesn’t know anything other than a machine started up and the slack on his chain is getting pulled out. He can’t know the actual mechanism in which he will be destroyed. I’m closing my eyes and trying to put myself in his shoes, and I'm coming up with not much. I think his fate is more in the muted man’s hands. What can the muted bro do? What I wouldn’t do is try to pull against the winch or try to hold onto something. Unless you’re Dwayne Johnson, you aren’t stopping it, especially with those 12 inch biceps. Probably the most effective thing to do is pull the electrical wires and cut the power cord with the mini axe the blind man threw at him. Nobody in these movies understands that machines require power to operate. The next best thing to do is jam the cogs with either a belt or one of the other tools, also a concept that nobody in Saw seems to understand. He could also try looping his chain around an object like the crowbar or one of the pillars which would obstruct the winches mouth, but it’s not as reliable as jamming the cogs. The tools would likely break or bend. I don’t know how sharp that axe was, probably not sharp, but he could try using it to cut his mouth open so he can tell the blind man to fucking chill so they can unlock each others collars. Now, I still wouldn’t trust the blind man to not choke me out when I went for his key, so you’d want to keep a shiv on deck just in case. The muted man goes straight for what would be my last ditch move, bashing the blind man over the head with a hammer to get the key. The mute snags the key, unlocks the padlock, then rips his mouth-stitches out screaming. Wait, you’re telling me you could have physically rage-ripped out your stitches this whole time, and you only decided to do it now, after killing the other guy, and not when your neck was on the line and you could have saved another person? Wow, okay. Across from him is another cassette and folder that says ‘Keys to your freedom’. Don’t ya hate it when that happens. You win the game only to be thrust into another. After Kerry’s disappearance, two FBI agents received a key, a message which reads, “open the door and you will find me”, and the late Kerry’s location. The SWAT team led by Rigg immediately raid’s the building. Upon entry, they come across a door rigged with some kind of device, so they cut a hole in the door and send in the iRobot to check it out. Rigg catches a glimpse of Kerry’s face on the drone’s camera feed and runs through the rigged door to try to save her. He’s a bit late though. Kerry’s chest was opened up and is now serving a full course meal to the local rat population. It’s a bad day to be the new guy. Perez looks over Kerry’s trap and says that Kerry had gotten the key but the padlock it unlocked didn’t stop the trap from activating. Both Troy and Kerry’s trap’s were executions, leading them to believe that someone besides Jigsaw is constructing these. Hoffman thinks this was Amanda’s doing. Strahm disagrees, saying that Amanda was 110 pounds soaking wet and Jigsaw was a bedridden cancer patient. I’m with Strahm, someone else is involved. But who.. I should point out that Saw 4 picks up after Kerry’s abduction in Saw 3. Jeff’s game is just starting, and Amanda and Jigsaw are still alive right now. The reason they suspect Amanda, is because Daniel, Eric’s son, told the police that Amanda put him in the safe. Another detective on the scene finds a bullet casing lodged between Kerry’s body and the contraption. Hoffman tells him to run it for prints. This bullet case doesn’t fit with the crime scene. There was no gun involved, no gunshot wound, and no plausible way a bullet casing would find its way into that crevice. This reeks of planted evidence, which Jigsaw’s no stranger to. Rigg is back at the station reviewing evidence, obsessed with finding a way to stop Jigsaw from murdering everyone around him. Hoffman tells him to go home and chill out. That he should rest easy knowing that Eric’s probably dead. Perez and Strahm show up and tell Hoffman to fuck off somewhere else while they work their FBI magic. Perez argues with Strahm about the other thing they heard in Kerry’s message. That two other officers were in danger. Strahm tells her to keep it on the DL so as to not spread panic. Ah, the classic, don’t tell other people they are in grave danger to ‘protect them’, trope. Nice. Hoffman leaves with his teddy bear, and gets abducted by pigmask while he’s filing some paperwork. Or so the good guys are led to believe. Hoffman is actually Jigsaw’s other apprentice, and was leaving to go abduct Jeff for their next game. There’s no reason for the police to have suspected Hoffman yet. Detective Fisk hits Perez and Strahm with the news that they got a match on the bullet casing, it’s Rigg. Oh my god, Rigg was Jigsaw all along. Well boys, looks like this case is closed. Sadly, Strahm is actually semi-convinced that Rigg is involved. Apparently the FBI didn’t send their brightest. What they should be wondering is why are they being baited towards Rigg. When Rigg gets home, he finds his wife packing her bags. She begs him to come with her and leave all this behind, but Rigg just can’t let go. Later that night after Tracy leaves, Rigg hears a door open. Thinking it might be Tracy, he calls out her name and starts wandering the house trying to find her. The silence would be worrying. Tracy wouldn’t be sneaking into the house like that. Rigg needs to grab his pistol, retreat into his room, lock the door, and dial 911. As a SWAT team commander, he should know not to be taking unnecessary risks, especially when multiple detectives have been abducted and murdered recently. If Strahm had called up Rigg and let him know that he might be in danger, Rigg might be a little more tactical about this situation. But no, we wouldn’t want to risk Rigg getting anxious. I’m not sure tackling a jacked SWAT commando through tarp while obstructing your own vision with a pig mask was the best idea. We later find out that Rigg’s abductor was Art Blank, the man who won the Mausoleum trap. He was a former business partner of John’s that’s now being forced to orchestrate Rigg’s game like Zep in Saw 1. If he refuses, the spine cutter he’s wearing will cut his spine.. Art Blank had weeks of freedom to prepare all these games, and his spine cutter is fairly rudimentary. It would be pretty easy for Art to foil the spine cutter by jamming the pincers. Then he could take his game’s instructions to the police, the Gideon Meat Packing plant would be raided, and the events in Saw 3 would have been prevented. Hoffman would likely have been found as Jigsaw’s rat when the teddy bear he was holding was connected with Jeff’s traps. Maybe team Jigsaw captured and threatened his family, but if that was the case why would they need the spine cutter. Alas, Art’s a good little boy and carries out his orders without thoroughly assessing his options. Rigg wakes up in the tub with a question mark on the bathroom door, and when he opens it a pin get’s pulled and the tv turns on with Jigsaw’s message. Oh now you grab your gun. Not when you heard mysterious noises in your empty home after your colleagues started dropping like flies. Rigg is undoubtedly going to hard charge right into this trap, but I think he has reason not to. He witnessed first-hand the simplicity of Eric’s game, and how all Eric had to do was sit tight. Eric and Rigg’s games are actually very similar in nature. He also witnessed what happened to Kerry, and how it was her obsession that attracted Jigsaw’s attention. He should know that Jigsaw’s wording is chosen carefully, and that a correction in typical behavior is necessary. Rigg just needs to hit Tracy up and have a romantic evening with her. Rigg walks down his hallway filled with random pictures of Eric and some broad. The picture trail leads him to a room with a stranger in a pigmask tied to a torture chair, and Jigsaw pops up on the tele again. Just walk away bro. You have the unique position of knowing how Jigsaw operates these games, and actually being in a winnable trap. Don’t be an unreflective dumbass like Eric. Sigh. God damnit. People really need to start checking for pin triggers. Rigg has tripped like three of them now. Looks like she has 60 seconds until this machine scalps her. Easy enough, checking the cupboard for knives that could be used to cut her hair free is the obvious first move. Jigsaw removed all the knives though. Okay, stuff some shit into the cogs. Done. Rigg seems thoroughly overwhelmed by all the crude machinery, so he falls back on his special weapons and tactics training. Unfortunately, this only temporarily halts it. My next suggestion was going to be to put a bullet through her hair braid, but since you expended all your ammo unsuccessfully shooting at the most robust areas of the machine, throwing a stick in the cogs is your next best option. Brenda cries out that the combination to the lock is in the gears. Who the fuck cares or has time to communicate and figure out a combination. And why didn’t you mention this earlier before half your face was getting ripped off. Rigg stupidly thinks that trying to put together the numbers in the circulating gears is a good idea. Wow, you got the number 6, just a few more rounds to get the other numbers and you can screw with the combination lock. Because you have time for that. All things considered, she got off pretty lightly. I’m sure they can stitch her scalp back on and do some plastic surgery. Of course, she’d be way more fine if Rigg wasn’t an idiot. When Rigg isn’t looking Brenda grabs a knife under the tv and attacks him. After Rigg beats the shit out of her he plays the cassette taped to her hand. It’s for Brenda. It tells her that a cop will try to save her, and if he is successful, then her game begins. It tells her that the cop will use the incriminating photos all over the walls to sentence her for her pimping crimes, and that the only way to stop him is taped underneath the T.V. Realistically, Brenda didn’t know that Rigg trying to help her would start up the scalper. Warning him wasn’t possible. She also didn’t know it was a knife under the T.V. until she checked, so telling Rigg about it wasn’t possible either. Brenda also had no way of knowing that Rigg was too preoccupied to arrest her. Still, pimping doesn’t carry that steep of a sentence. A few years or so. Attempting to murder Rigg easily could have led to her death, and a far worse prison sentence. She shouldn’t have attacked him and forced him to deal the final blow. Riggs runs down the hallways because he has pressing matters. Eric and all. He finds a box with 2 keys and a note saying ‘one saves a life, one takes it away’. One of the keys is for Alexander motel room number 261. With the scene secure, now would be a good time to call for some police backup and let them know what's up. There’s literally a phone right at the end of the hallway next to the hotel room door your next test is in. I see no reason why he can’t make a call. While Rigg is off making bad decisions, the FBI is hot on his tail. They got reports of shots fired at his apartment and went to investigate. Rigg is long gone, but Brenda’s lifeless body is still there. I don’t think scalping someone would kill them. Rigg must have a mean right hook. The evidence is pointing towards Rigg being involved in a game to save Hoffman and Eric, but they don’t have much to go off of. Rigg took the apartment key, which was the only clue for where his next test was. Strahm notices the pictures of John’s hot ass ex, Jill Tuck, and decides to have a chat with her to see if she knows anything. For as smart as Strahm thinks he is, this was a dumb move. You’re just being led around by Jigsaw, which has never worked out well. Jill’s interrogation reveals some irrelevant backstory about why Jigsaw is the way he is. Back when John and Jill were having a baby, a drug addict at her clinic mugged her and caused her to have a miscarriage. After which John became depressed, was diagnosed with cancer, and tried to kill himself. It was a bad month for John. None of this is really helping though. Rigg shows up to the Alexander motel and checks in. Inside his room is a box with some hair sticking out and a picture of his wife on it saying, ‘she needed you’. Looks like Tracy didn’t make it to her mom’s house. Oh, thank god, it’s just a pigmask with a cassette player. How many cassette players does Jigsaw have, god damn. The cops just need to stake out a radio shack and tail whoever is bulk buying. I’m gonna go ahead and say ignore this one. Rigg could open the adjacent door, find the next clue, and avoid this whole mess. Rigg hasn’t learned his lesson. He calls Ivan up for room service and forces him into the trap room at gunpoint. Inside there’s substantial photo and video proof of the man’s ill deeds. On the drink stand is a note for Rigg and yet another cassette player. Seriously, can we start monitoring who's buying all these in the year 2007. I don’t think it really matters if he kills this man or not. Rigg decides to assume the role of Jigsaw just this once, and forces the sick fuck to strap in to the bed’s shackles. On the nightstand there is a note for Rigg, something about the school where it all began, as well as another recorder for Ivan. Basically, he either sickles his eyes or has his limbs ripped off in 60 seconds. Wouldn’t it make more sense for him to have to choose between his Johnson or his eyes? Maybe that would be too much.. Without Rigg in the room, Ivan can cheat the trap if possible. The sickles will drop on a fixed path to his eyes. His head is in a horizontal vice, but he should still be able to tilt his head up or down the inch he needs to have the sickle hit his skull instead. The head tilt is an advanced move that Ivan can’t seem to comprehend, so he drops the first sickle straight into his eyeball. Now it’s too late to perform the head-tilt. The sickle embedded in his facial orifice kind of fixes his head in place. He’s too much of a bitch to drop the second sickle in time, and get’s de-limbed. Or I should say, dis-armed. Rigg takes a second look at that note and has a flashback to when he beat the hell out of a student's dad for abusing her at home. The father’s lawyer, Art Blank, tried to sue them, but Hoffman helped get Rigg off the hook. Art was pretty pissed about it, and threatened them. Clearly the number one suspect. I still don’t know why Rigg isn’t calling this in. Rigg goes back to the school and finds that same kid’s abusive parents nailed together. I also want to point out that it is flower power week. I think Rigg needs to take a moment to celebrate peace, passive resistance, and nonviolence before he condemns more lives in his hasty pursuit of justice. While Rigg is clocking in for his next Jigsaw lesson, Strahm and Perez get called to the bloodbath he left in the apartment room. Again, Rigg took the only clue as to the next location. Strahm and Perez ascertain that the room was rented by Art Blank for the past 6 days, a criminal defense lawyer and Jigsaw’s former business partner who went missing two weeks ago. Art Blank owned several properties, one of them a couple blocks away. Sweet, let's check it out because Jigsaw wouldn’t anticipate that 4D chess move. In the basement of the property they find two files left for them on a table. Written on the first one was the message "Open the door and you will find me", while the second message warned them: "You are in danger of getting too close... step back." This should be your cue to turn your badge in. Jigsaw legitimately planned this moment 10 moves out, and you both walked his path to the T. When someone is exercising that level of omnipotence over you, continuing to assault them is going to get you hurt. Back at the school Rigg is checking out the couple's situation. The woman wakes up screaming that she had won, and has a PTSD flashback to when the game started and she hit play on the cassette. So the rods that shish kebab them together are puncturing vital areas in her husband's body, and non-vital areas in hers. Technically, she won’t bleed out if she leaves the rods in. Pulling them out will cause her to bleed out. Knowing how her husband is a selfish, abusive piece of shit who will try to kill her to save himself, she needs to get yanking asap. The trick is to pull out the most vital rods first so he quickly loses consciousness from blood loss. This would be the ones in the neck areas, leg area, and torso area. As for the husband, well, he heard the message too. Preventing her from pulling the rods out is a futile game of whack a mole. She can select any of the rods and start tugging, and he has to react. Eventually she will pull them out, little by little. What he needs to do is reach back and choke her out. If he isn’t flexible enough for this, then he should pull the rod out from his arm and use it to stab her through the neck. Like reverse spearing. The husband doesn’t react quickly enough. The second rod the wife pulled out was the one through his neck, which was pretty much game over for him. She pulls most of the rods, but not all. That’s when Rigg finds her and the cassette player next to her. Again, like with Ivan, it doesn’t really matter what he does right now. These are merely lessons, not tests for him. There is no consequence for these lessons. He could shoot her in the head or unbuckle her, wouldn’t make a difference. What will make a difference, is if he learns to stop obsessing about saving everyone at all costs. Rigg pretty much ignores everything but the last part about the location of his next test. This dude is really confused right now. He leaves Morgan to sort out her own shit, as Jigsaw wanted, then froths over the location of the next test so he can swoop in to rescue Eric, which is completely missing the point. If anything, Rigg should have done the opposite. He should have helped Morgan get free since there was no consequence for it, then realized that Jigsaw wanted him to let go of Eric. I mean shit, Rigg gave her the key to her padlock, put his coat around her, and pulled the fire alarm so help would be on the way. He literally helped her in every way except yanking the last rod. With how confused Rigg is, it’s not looking good for Eric. The clue Rigg finds is a picture of his wife that says, ‘Go Home’, with the G discolored. Rigg somehow puts together the G from this picture, the G on Brenda’s knife, the G on Ivan’s shackle, and the G in the name of John Kramer’s former business. And that all this means that Eric must be at that factory. Wait wait wait. You’re telling me the whole time they knew about Jigsaw, they never once thought that maybe they should monitor the properties he owns and his business associates. Art Blank literally set up shop in Jigsaw’s factory without anyone noticing. The incompetence is staggering. Rigg leaves for his final test, while Strahm and Perez play catch up in his wake, because phone’s are difficult to use apparently. They get called to the school after the firefighters showed up and saw the massacre. The forensics team can’t discern what is a weapon and what isn't and dusts the trigger on a pneumatic bolt gun a bit too hard. That was just dumb. There is no reason why this weapon shouldn’t have been secured before 20 detectives started investigating the room. And is that really how the spike trap was prepared? Seems awfully difficult to line up the shots so the rod went through in the exact right spot. Perez get’s a call. Apparently Brenda, Ivan, and this couple were all represented by the same Art Blank that rented the hotel room and owned the building they found their folders in. He was the criminal defense lawyer that got them all off the hook for their crimes. And as a bonus, they also learn that he was Jill Tuck’s lawyer and John Kramer’s former business partner. This man is connected. They get the location of the other property Art owns, and it’s co-owned by Jill Tuck. Funny thing is, it’s this school. Why were all Jill Tuck’s properties not being monitored already. Why weren’t all John Kramer’s properties being monitored in addition to the abandoned buildings and properties that he built. Strahm and Perez decide to check out the rest of the building, and come across a room with Jigsaw’s ventriloquist doll in the middle surrounded by candles. The candles look recently lit with minimal wax drippage. Someone was here very recently. I think they should break out the iRobot again. Who knows what Jigsaw has in store for them. Jill, just walks up to it and hit’s play. It says that Strahm will soon take the life of an innocent man, and warns Perez that her next move is critical. The voice gets muffled, like the battery was dying, so Perez puts her ear up to it. I think Jigsaw wants you to fuck off and let Rigg play his game. I gotta say, the candles were a pretty sly way of making her stand right in front of the blast zone. Perez get’s ushered to a hospital and Strahm heads back to interrogate Jill to get clues as to where Rigg’s final game is taking place. Jill takes him on another time wasting trip down memory lane. Cecil, the man responsible for Jill’s miscarriage, was John’s first victim. John tracked him through a festival crowd, donned the OG pig mask, and chloroformed him. Chloroforming someone with a soaked rag actually takes a few minutes to render them unconscious. Jigsaw obviously learned from his ways and started doing tranquilizer injections instead. Cecil wakes up strapped to a chair. When he sees John he pleads for mercy. Whenever you find yourself in a situation and say, give me time to explain, and your captor responds saying, ‘time is an illusion’, you’re fucked. Especially when they place a box of knives over your face and tell you it’s a tool to free your soul. John tell’s Cecil that in order to stay alive, his face has to match the ugliness of his soul. He has to lean forward into the knives in order to hit the lever in front of him which will release his arm and leg restraints. His arms and legs are bound with blades jutting up into his wrists and feet, so any movement of his limbs will cause massive blood loss. There’s honestly not much Cecil can do here since John is standing over him watching. He’s not going to let Cecil foil his contraption. So the question now is, do you go slow or fast? I’d say slow, shit, I don’t know. Cecil does what is required and puts face to blades. Cecil gets free and understandably wants to attack John, but he doesn’t realize that he’s the dumb bull and John is the bull fighter. All this is basically pointless banter, and Strahm eventually decides to check out one of John’s first buildings, the Gideon Meat Packing Plant, which was named after Jill’s prematurely terminated baby. Again, why was this building not already being monitored. Jigsaw’s whole operation could have easily been compromised before anyone died in Saw 3 and 4. Jesus Christ. Like an idiot, Strahm rolls on the factory by himself. He did call backup, so he did better than Eric, but you’d think by now the cops would have learned to not carelessly assault Jigsaw’s locations. While all this has been going down, Eric has been hanging out with Hoffman in a warehouse. Eric is hog-chained from the ceiling and ground, and in his weakened and delirious state from being held captive for 6 months, pulling a Riddick level escape is out of the question. Hoffman can’t do much either, not that he’d want to. He orchestrated all this after all. While Art was out prepping Rigg’s traps, Hoffman sedated and strung up Eric, then hit himself in the face and tied himself to the chair which wasn’t actually hooked up to the electricity. Art Blank arrives and stops Eric from trying to hang himself and prematurely ending Rigg’s game before he gets there. I’m surmising that Art needs to keep both of them alive until Rigg shows or no-shows, at which point he can press the button on a device, which will deactivate all of their traps. I still think Art can disarm his spine cutter and foil the game pretty easily. Art’s next instructed move is to hand Eric the gun with a single bullet in it. Live or die, he makes the choice. They all look up and see the giant ice blocks held captive above Eric by a wire attached to the main entrance. Doesn’t take a genius to realize that if the door is opened by Rigg, Eric will get iced. Besides disarming his device, Art can’t alter the trap because his spine will be remotely sliced in half. As far as what Eric should do? Brace for impact baby. But in all seriousness, he should shoot at whoever tries to enter that door. Shooting the chain he’s strung up by won’t work. Demolition Ranch proved this. Rigg arrives at the factory and finds a note saying, ‘Patience, remember who you are saving. Time is on your side.’ Rigg, last chance, remember what Eric did wrong, don’t repeat the same mistake. Just before the timer runs out, Rigg busts the door open. Art tried to yell at him to stop, and couldn’t have known Rigg had a gun. He tries to tell Rigg that Jigsaw was testing him, and his final move as Jigsaw instructed, was to hand Rigg his final cassette tape. He could have been a bit more overt and open about what he was reaching for. Rigg thought he was going for a gun and dome shotted him. While Rigg plays the message basically telling him how he fucked up, Hoffman releases himself from his restraints and starts walking out the door. Rigg turns around, realizing that Hoffman was Jigsaw’s rat, shoots him in the back. That actually didn’t happen, because Hoffman somehow knew that Rigg was out of ammo and would pass out within seconds of him saying, ‘game over’. Hoffman also somehow knew that Eric wouldn’t off himself earlier instead of shooting Rigg, in which case Rigg would be in full health and Hoffman would be caught in his lie. Strahm somehow doesn’t enter the same way that Rigg did, and get’s led down a different path. He hears the gunshots of Amanda killing Lynn, and Jeff killing Amanda, and the noise of Jeff sawing off Jigsaw’s head. When Strahm enters the sick room and see’s Jeff, Jeff tries to kill him, thinking that Strahm was also in on his game. Strahm is the quicker draw though. Hoffman slams the door shut behind Strahm and locks him inside. I guess that’s game over for Strahm, at least for now. Hoffman locking Strahm up is entirely hinged on him not having Perez or SWAT team backup, which seems unlikely. It’s also hinged upon Jeff losing his game and getting killed by Strahm. If Strahm brought police backup, which would have been easy because he came from the school where tons of cops were with him, then they would have been able to secure the scene and Hoffman would be forced to continue acting like a victim. This wouldn’t really work well, because based on the tapes and the traps setup, the police would uncover that Hoffman was never in any danger and had managed to get out of his restraints when everyone else was dead, which is incredibly suspicious. Likewise, if Rigg was a few seconds late, Art, Rigg, and Eric wouldn’t have died, and Hoffman would be ousted as the accomplice after figuring out his trap was fake. Now that I think of it, Strahm might have actually been intended to trip Eric’s trap or kill Rigg in the process. Hence, ‘Killing an innocent man’. Why have Strahm interfere with Jeff’s secondary game of finding his daughter? Far after these events, John Kramer’s body was recovered by police and an autopsy performed. Inside his stomach is the wax coated cassette tape that Jigsaw swallowed before Jeff executed him. The medical examiner calls Detective Hoffman to take a look, and the movie ends with him playing Jigsaw’s final message. Let’s recap the pivotal points where different decisions could have altered who lived and died. The abandoned Gideon Meat Packing plant was Jigsaw’s first property he built and was in the news. Monitoring all of Jigsaw’s owned or built properties that were abandoned pretty much saves all the victims and leads to the death or incarceration of Jigsaw, Amanda, and Hoffman. Art Blank could have disarmed his spine cutter and brought the police in on Jigsaw’s game before it even started. Art was a criminal defense lawyer and had originally gotten all of his victims off the hook. There’s no reason to suspect he’d want to be involved in their deaths. Rigg intimately witnessed the mistakes that Eric and Kerry made, which had led to their downfall. He should have known that repeating them was foolish. But he wouldn’t have even been in this position had the cops monitored Jigsaw’s properties or if Art disarmed his trap. All said and done, I think we could have beat the traps from Saw 4. Thanks for watching, and remember, if you’re dealing with a Jigsaw trap, carefully check everything for pin triggers.
Channel: Nerd Explains
Views: 2,843,862
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to beat saw, saw, saw explained, saw movie, nerd explains, how to beat, how to beat saw 4, saw 4, how to beat traps saw 4, saw 4 ending explained, saw 4 explained
Id: SseW_6fXsQE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 22sec (1942 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 21 2021
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