How To Be Socially ELECTRIC By Not Needing To CONTROL EVERYTHING - Secret Potential Hidden From You

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good evening it's Owen and Julian sitting here on my roof in the Hollywood Hills of Los Angeles and we're gonna be shooting into right now is a video on the power of your release muscle and what do I mean by a release muscle that could mean a lot of very interesting things what it is is it is something that is in direct contrast to your control muscles what do we mean by that well in life we're taught that we have to control everything and that if we overthink things that we'll find the solution but there's this other power that you don't even know you have that's completely amazing which is about letting go and letting things come to you and this will allow you to be at your optimal power now the simple question that I'd lead into this with is what happens to you when you dream what happens to your imagination when you just completely let go fall unconscious what does your mind start doing it comes up with all this crazy stuff and what also happens when you really really let go maybe during intimacy right what happens you'll feel really good what happens when you're dancing going crazy and you let go or maybe you're in the zone in sports and you let go and something's moving through you so this video is designed to be on this topic of your release muscles and what you're gonna learn here is really a process that both Julian and myself have used for many many years now the video that you're about to watch funny enough is a seminar it's from a free seminar that we did at a four-day event now you might not know this but we actually do full four-day events where we'll improvise incredible content where you come and you network with other like-minded people and you'll get a ton of energy it's electric a full four days and we started doing this this year we did one in Los Angeles we did another one in New York we have one coming up September 12th to 15th in San Francisco this week later in the year in Chicago LA New York again Julian's even doing free events like this all over Europe where are you doing it in Europe coming up going to Zurich Vienna and Berlin I'm gonna be wilder I'm doing another one in Charlotte New Orleans Nashville Miami it's gonna be amazing right why do we do these free events where we just improvise we do it specifically because we want to work on this whole release this is our art form where we just let go we let the energy move through us and we see what comes out we do this both in our public speaking but also in our socializing we go out maybe go to a bar club and just rip the place apart have way too much fun we do that by letting go so much electric energy will come out of you when you do this I want to tap you into this power it's gonna be life-changing for you so what we needed to do right now is to lock in and get ready to learn how to experience this release muscle but also guess what come out to a free event we've got so many them coming up I'm really excited for this week's in San Francisco come out to one of our free events click the link below click the link to come to a free tour you're gonna love it and you're gonna see exactly how we use this type of release muscle in action and we're gonna get you doing the same thing in the meantime right now to lead in this and to prime your mind to think in this way we are gonna launch into an incredible seminar that's gonna change your life starting right now so lay back and get ready to learn how to tap into your release muscle as far as your communication we want to get it to where it's high fidelity and you're looking at this right now and you're like eh he's probably might I'm not this is a mic that is I mean maybe I am and I don't know it but if you look at this this mic here I'll cover it does it sound any different when I cover the mic ok so it does at home but not here I'm not miked I can do this here this room can be filled 500 people I could do this weird right I've also spent a little bit of time in my life at nightclubs just a little bit so I can get over the volume but at my vocal technique is not perfect by the way you know honestly it's not but there's certain things that are good about it where is this coming from if I bring you up here and you try to communicate you're gonna be communicating and most likelihood not for sure maybe you're learning now through what's called control muscles say that with me okay I want what we want to do here is show you how to communicate through what's called release muscles so when I'm talking to you right now I not controlling anything first of all I'm not thinking of what I'm gonna say could you see that I'm not thinking what I'm gonna say did I bring up a presentation with all these little powerpoints no I didn't okay there's no PowerPoint maybe there should be it's an improvisational talk free talk but there's no PowerPoint likewise I don't need a mic why is that what is going on I'm in release now let me say this here's the best way how it introduces topic to you the first thing is this how creative do you get when you have a dream think about this for a minute how creative are you and you dream how creative you just gonna sit there staring at me how creative how creative maybe some of you guys have a boring dream you know like it really crap boring I do on occasion I've noticed my dream some of my dreams honestly you take the most creative movie maybe I don't know what's the most grated movie maybe avatar what's the what what is it anything avatar interstellar is crazy what sad John wick I haven't seen okay my phone number too of that that was so violent bro I left there host:look oh I feel like I got God I'm like one of the victims but I heard he died but but I like the creativity that he hasn't it right all those scenes there's a true creativity with the fighting scenes I heard number three's even crazier okay okay what are the most creative movies Doctor Strange haven't seen what's that huh I'd never seen only not so good am I missing out okay so yep last one 90 days of him yes okay so if you guys want to even go past a Night at the Museum so now even some like avatar I've had a lot of my dreams I'm saying this because I know you've had the same thing I know you have where you'll have a dream so creative so out of control and your mind just does it for you it handles the dream for you that is a trance state and it is a trance state of release stay with me Tran State release okay it's a translated release now what is the other great trance state of release that men women or anyone in between or wherever throw that in these days okay the days and the days and the okay that anybody any human or even non human or non-human Hugh ed okay whatever it is what is the ultimate state of release that they would feel what is it right now let me ask you a question for the guys in here have you ever had someone who you're intimate with and you coached them about how to experience the release have you ever coached somebody through that product of some people they can be very judged they're very judged and they don't know how to release ever coached someone through that it's a very beautiful experience very beautiful truly beautiful assurance okay like you can you can do some beautiful and it is and I'll tell you why it's so beautiful you wanna know why because it prevents breakups it stops from fighting when your partner feels so happy and satisfied it really does reduce fighting okay and when you really know how to do it you'll see laughter and tears and intense release it's so powerful it's so amazing well the main way that you're going to coach them through that on how to release is not to be trying to control it that's what we do as human beings we try to control everything it's this it's an urgent need to control and that same need to control makes it where we can't climax the very first time that I ever was with somebody I was 19 I remember it was almost impossible for me to finish I thought I was gonna finish in like ten seconds you know the movie American Pie what is it Nadia remember that was it Nadia I thought I was gonna be like that four hours later I'm like I've got to finish on my first time this is crazy I mean I was dead after you ever see the you ever see the mouse that the mice were like after they reproduced they died from exhaustion I literally thought I was gonna die from exhaustion because I was not gonna add my first time leavening so what was it that made it where you know sitting at home by myself oh all day every day no problem especially as a teenager was it's no problem at all but why is it that when I was with somebody which is a lot more exciting I couldn't finish and why a lot of people who you might date may struggle to finish themselves why do you think that is it's the need to control they can't let go it's the same problem with dance and dance the greatest dance comes in letting go so what it means is that the energy is moving through you if you'd like to get to a point where you can climax or help someone - you've got to coach them to go I mean I don't to get too crazy I don't want everybody to get to arouse but like like you've got to get into a trance and you've got to allow you're got to allow your mind to sync with the sounds with the feelings the motion touching and you've got to allow yourself thinking now it's in out or up down whatever it is and that creates a trance state of release and what will happen is it's the in and the out what happens is they call that fractionation it's like you feel it more pull back feel it more pull back and then the sit then the trance amplifies so what I'm doing public speaking what I want to do is I want to go into a light level trance or what I'm doing is I'm releasing I already know the information how do I know because if I dream that informations all there these I'll have dreams of like the most you know I'm like looking at some Norwegian Fjord with castles everywhere and like the crazy things you're seeing I'll wake up I'm like man could I wish I could draw this but I can't I've had crazy plot lines I've had people that were like you know messing up my life like look at me in the eye and be like you don't gonna ruin your life right I'm like why they're like you know I'm like I do and then I wake up and I know the truth I thought ulcers if you guys ever had that I've had that so the idea here being is that your dream state your unconscious is a lot more powerful than you think when you're watching Julie - myself up here we are operating at a level that you may not be familiar with but you have it is a potential that you have you have the ability to be an incredible salesperson you have the ability to be incredible at dating you have the ability to go into you know a nightclub environment talk to everybody there never run out of things to say always have jokes on the tip of the tongue stories ways of relating social calibration awareness of what the other person's feeling you got to understand I can see all of you like I can look in your eyes right now and I know what you're feeling because I'm not in here so whatever amount of mental processing power I would have mental bandwidth I don't need to burn that trying to talk and think what I'm gonna say next I can look at you and all that bandwidth is freed up what that means that in social interactions you have what's called calibration say that word calibration what that means you can feel a lot or what somebody else is experiencing high-status people often have that you wanna know why because when you're confident in your status you don't micromanage as much so for someone who you're dating they would probably prefer that you have access to this because you're not as likely to make them uncomfortable is a really big factor okay so what we're seeing here as far as energy work and letting go is that same exercise of letting go that also feeds into public speaking sales that ability to make someone laugh and look how painful this is because a guy will come to us for social skills advice and they'll say what do I say to be funny and in our minds we're like just think the feeling of funny look at them in the eye and they'll start laughing and I mean this couldn't go a lot further than just funny okay catch my what I'm saying no yes I'll leave that to you so this goes a lot further than that and what it is is this is that people they love genuineness they love genuine energy that isn't being filtered they want you to be yourself you know the great advice we get in dating what is it what is it what is it how can the be yourself be the worst advice ever to the points almost like an evil conspiracy I mean it's not it's it's good advice taking the right way best advice ever taking the wrong way that eighty ninety percent of people do worst advice ever why is it the worst advice take a guess oh I'm a little nerd dork I shouldn't change myself I shouldn't improve I don't need to change anything someone's gonna love me for me the dork don't change don't change right same a corporate over Overlord kiss be yourself don't worry it'll get handled it just keep by my little corporate processed food go to my little job that I give you and you can be a battery in the matrix and I can get rich don't tell them to change didn't you hear the news be yourself don't talk to anybody just be yourself because they want you to be a battery that is their agenda it's demented in my view however what is the way in which being yourself is a very powerful thing it's a letting go that's where you're actually at your best self because you're not muting yourself you're not dumbing yourself down for most of you in this room I look you in the eye you're just dumbing yourself down man that's all it is you're Jeff dubbing yourself down now the idea of releasing as Julian teaches that's the idea of making a habit that when there's dense energy in you it comes up and it goes out what we do instead is we try to control it and stuff it or medicate it which is just really bad and guess what what is it that we do this why is it that most people in society do this what's going on if what I'm saying maybe it resonates with you maybe it doesn't by the way if it doesn't I love that because it means you're thinking I think you're wrong but I love that you're lovely to think so you know allowed my view to so bottom line is this if what I'm saying makes sense and there's huge potentials that you're not tapping into why society like that because first of all the average person who's addicted to their control muscle will watch me and Julian doing speaking and they'll say no that came from practice that came from years of doing it over and over they got a technique look at the technique No do you want know what this was unlearning do you really think I learned this or do you think I under this what do you think okay who here has ever been out with me to the club and kind of see me do my thing anybody here okay so when you guys see me doing my thing do you think that I learned that or unlearned it what do you what's your guess I unlearned it okay just going around and joking with people in flirting we could all do that you got to unlearn what's stopping you from doing that you've all done it at times I remember I was 17 years old at my friend's party and I met this girl named Natalie it was so funny I've told the story a few times and for the first time in my life I started dancing I didn't know how to dance before I started dancing I took her over the bed now I was 17 nothing happened but the bottom line is I thought it was cool I took her the bed we chatted for like an hour and normally I could never talk I was so shy I could never talk and I was commanding and I was fun and she was all about it and at the end I got her number and I know you guys think that's lame but the point is I got her number right I'd never done that later she later I chatted on the phone I was all nervous she didn't want to see me and you know then two years later was my you know story that I told you about the four hours okay so you have the idea so what's going on here is that you want to unlearn a lot of what you've been taught now why have you been put in this mode simple it's called corporate greed you've always known it you've always known why the movie the matrix is popular because it's called corporate greed it's also called demented demonic energy there is heed guess who runs the corporations the same demented demonic energy it's the same thing and they're doing it in scale now that's just an opinion I can't prove all that I don't think every corporation is bad I'm not joining some anti corporate group I just like to have fun I'm not about that life and I actually think corporations do awesome stuff we're at a hotel right now I think this hotel is awesome I love this hotel don't get me wrong okay love corporations but I also know that our society energetically do you really believe that the state of mind that most of us are in is how human beings got from the southern tip of Africa all the way up the coast in Europe into Asia into Australia into North America crossing the Bering Strait you really think it was this kind of crew no okay so clearly we do have certain potentials that were unaware of many of these people that came around before modern society they were in a trance they were connected to the gods even if there was no gods but they felt that and it empowered them there was things that they could see like myself keeping my immune system up I know when I'm about to get sick I can feel it I can stop I can rest there's things I'm attuned to I know what thing to say next I can feel it I can look at you there's energies I can sense I batoon things energetically when something's bad is happening I often feel a spidey sense I can feel what's up and you're thinking what's he saying right now is that really true oh my god boy crazy clamber dude don't take my word for it why don't you go freakin see it rather than me making a wild claim why don't you see it see it for yourself I'm not you in no way shape or form but someone says something obnoxious and agrees like hey it spidey-sense should you believe that if you believe that you are dumb but what I would say is at very least be like wait a minute so this little short balding ginger guy with a potbelly in manboobs is able to do all these things I've seen on video been thousands of reports of him crushing it he's doing something he's able to do improvisational speaking like this he has the largest organic phone because I can't do paid traffic cuz of my subject matter so what's going on why is he doing this I guess it was the step by step book I got public speaking for dummies and did that okay where does all this content come from do you guys see the level of creative output so understand where's this coming from I want you to do this this is not about me doing this it's about you doing it and I wouldn't be saying this to you because I believe it was condescending and offensive if I didn't wholeheartedly believe that you could do this I know you can do this I don't care if you're some guy in a wheelchair who just like look it looks like you got his face kitchens you can tap into side up my friend Sean Stephenson little dude you ever seen Sean Stevens in this guy's amazing look him up this guy has energy control like you wouldn't even believe so I don't care who you are I don't want to hear your stupid excuse I don't care about it I don't like it to me that's just more that demented this that runs people what I want to do is show you what your release muscles are because you don't even know you have them and the reason why society doesn't like it when you know what this is here's why because they want the negative energy to fester they want the negative energy to fester why do you think it is that in our culture nowadays comedies under attack why do they go out why did that dark energy go after comedy to where we can barely say anything without walking eggshells why'd they go after comedy because when we tease each other and we joke about each other what some people call offensive what is joking about each other if I say my balding ginger is that meant to offend me what does it do when I joke about me being a balding ginger it takes something look at my hair it's falling out she now traumatized this could be having the courage to walk up to attractive people and go talk to them do you know how hard that be balding I'm kind of fat right now do you know how hard that would be and if I'm afraid of being offended what's gonna happen is I can't walk up and talk or attract anybody period so they want to make it where they're gonna hide someone like if Julian jokes with me and teases me that's gonna help me because it puts me in a release frame what is the purpose of comedy and teasing each other maybe even offending each other a little bit what's the purpose of it is it to hurt each other's feelings that's called release it's called you make it a big joke look my firstborn son Vincent's autistic some you guys know that right if you guys are like oh um that kid oh you're [ __ ] oh my god oh I said the word [ __ ] oh my god are you offended your little kid Vincent's autistic is that helping me no it's not you got to make it fun if you guys met my kid Vincent he's way too fun now I know it sucks the energy of the room when I talk about this like Oh what if that happened to me you want to know what if it would happen to you you'd be fine if you're not somebody who's walking on eggshells and worried about being offended so that same thing that you're worried about that you're worried that offensive talk that same thing that joke now if it's just meant to be nasty that person's just a loser and an idiot somebody who's just trying to offend people for no reason is a loser and an idiot but when somebody jokes with you they're trying to break down your inner resistance with me and Joe and hang out we're not on eggshells in front of each other we tease each other we joke around that Chris camaraderie that creates bonding what is the best form of flirting teasing joking making it not so uptight making it not so serious that is your release muscle teasing again there's so much misinterpretation around teasing and flirting why would you tease oh I'm teasing because I assume the other person is cool I'm assuming that they're high self-esteem I'm assuming that they are fine and complete people with agency and I'm teasing them in order to lighten the vibe so that we can all go be dorks together you wonder the ultimate thing with meeting people are creating attraction it's not actually being higher-value like you think do you want to know what it really is it's about being all dorks together that's honestly what it is yeah well you can all be dork I'm telling you yeah thanks seriously that's all it is okay if I come up here and I do a speech and I'm trying to be mr. higher-value even though I've talked a lot of braggadocio stuff but I'm trying to give examples you see the idea honestly if I come up here and I'm like I'm a dork you're a dork we're all dorks we all you know go to the bathroom and sweat and all something look at my head well I think I'm so cool I'm sweating I'm bald I'm kind of fat like I've got to know I'm a dork honestly you're a dork like we're all gonna die someday guys seriously and the only way that we can avoid death is like doing this silly thing oh and then like a kid pops out and this is like little babies like err and all stuff that's like how the human race continues that I as far as I know so hey I'm still hoping to try that one day but you see the idea so basically we can all be dorks together that's called a release but you see there's so many people by the way there's a negative undercurrent of people who think honestly you could never become more attractive and those people are in control muscles Michael you don't have this jawline you know this nose you know this uh-huh because there's so they're literally society brainwash them so deep they're in so much control that what happened is that led in negative energy what is one of the major ways that dark energy gets in you a feeling of lack of control Finn the lack of control feeling of lack of approval feeling lack of safety till them not knowing what's gonna happen so you dwell on it too much self attack attachment so that lack of feeling of control lets in crazy negative energy in the person and they crave control more and more makes them very negative what we do instead is we release that's what Julian and he's gonna talk about this insect that's what Julian teaches release work and that's and what that does is it gets the energy moving up and gets it to where you're releasing because look if I go like I'm not even gonna do it because I would recommend several days but the way that most of you guys would use your voice it's from the head and it's from control instead of being from the body and from release okay if I even do it I will throw my voice and I wouldn't email to teach that it's like I'm honestly too scared to do it how you guys do it I'm literally afraid to do it how you guys are doing it okay it's like a like I'll try to get some examples of it but okay so just stand up here try okay I'm gonna go hey can you do that okay so he's scared now okay come here come here come here okay do it as loud as you can loud as you can loud as you can getting the idea that's actually pretty good have a seat okay so um you come up here for a sec okay just go as loud as you can okay he's actually pretty good so you know we're doing have a seat let me say this oh you guys have seen a lot of videos like this right a lot of time guys come up they're actually not in release I think what's happening here is we're moving energy together right now do you guys feel a little bit more loose as I talk about all being dorks you know it's funny that frame alone that we're all gonna be dorks together that frame alone makes you be like wait I don't need to control everything and you relax Christmas starts coming out cuz that's the first time I've seen in like a couple years that two guys in a row came and could access the release muscles can you guys give them a hand for that so let's bring it back to the beer self advice because I do want to build on that okay you here be yourself and like you said could be the best advice or the worst advice now it is in fact the best but where we mess up is that we assume though we know who we are right that concept that is you it's like well I'm the little shy introverted person that's me I'm the low-energy person that's me is it and that's where we mess up is it you see yeah you hear advice you hear advice like fake it till you make it right I'm shy so act confident until you make it but that's not the case it's act real until you remember and this is what's so key when it comes to letting go you here for example in terms of flirting of the concept of push-pull right this is super classic what's a push I hate you what's a pull I love you right adding some polarity in an interaction and we think oh that's a great technique push pull let me work on my push let me work on my pull but what you don't realize is that that naturally happens when you're just being you right because you're either on the people pleaser side in which case all you do is pull it's the person who just agrees with everything it's like no conflict no polarity just agree if I'm the most agreeable person I'll be the most likeable person and people will want to be with me tell me something are you from LA no that's great what do you do I love personal trainer that's the best yeah what's it what's your your favorite movie bro speak up oh yeah that's my favorite movie too I love that yeah yeah what do you like about it of the hustle yeah I like that too the hustle is my favorite part yeah that's actually the go-to of people pleasers by the way the worst is they'll even repeat what you said you might have friends like that it's like oh you know the hustle is like oh really the hustle like that's our conversation they just say the last thing you said and not and agree it's like no polarity and that's a lot of people now on the flip side you also have people who all they can do is push right it's the people who just can never really compliment can ever just really be vulnerable or relaxed all they do is like haha tease tease tease tease tease and keep teasing and it's like I just insecure just slow down it's like huh tease now those two people okay the people pleaser in like the teaser you could say they'll hear push pull and it'll actually be good because the people pleaser for example they might learn to playfully disagree every now and then right like what's your favorite movie you said so anyway that it like just something like that like ah that's your favorite movie really yeah interesting so I hate that movie I despise that movie I piss on that movie I [ __ ] on that movie visualize it your favorite movie next time you watch it me just [ __ ] all over it dude see how you're laughing but you see that kind of like in the media they would hear about teasing like like dead Julian said he pooped on their movie right and like oh meanwhile what are you doing you're giggling like a little kid we're just entertaining you it's just called a joke what does that say about the way people interpret others that they're so weak that they can't take any kind of joke I believe I am confident that people enjoy humor my view is that other people are cool but the main thing is to have fun with you it it makes it silly it makes it fun it means that we could be dorks together and then you could tease back a little bit we could have follow each other it shows that we're friends it shows that we're not sensitive or weird that's what teasing is like you know I'm not weird you're not weird we're not those people that need to control everything we are all the dorks together we're all dorks together that's what teasing is meant to be it's not meant to be this heavy thing certainly never mean to cut anybody down or hurt them or manipulate them it's meant to show we're not those uptight people stuck in control instead we're all dorks together that's the frame of it and that's where push-pull happens naturally too right if you're being yourself and you're not being a little people pleaser or an insecure little teaser who all you do is just tease guess what if you talk to someone like say we have an hour conversation and I'm fully being me you're fully being you are there gonna be some stuff we disagree on yes are there giving you some stuff we agree on yes push pull yeah it just naturally happens when you're being real and when you let go of playing a certain character when you're being everything that is you that is being yourself and what does that come from letting go of who you think you are letting go of that little identity and also understand how that identity came about you know it's crazy if you think of social conditioning especially understanding safe frames right say you're a kid and someone tells you you're stupid right a teacher might say that or a kid in class you stupid and say you believe that like oh I'm stupid you know how that affects your identity and your entire life in your experience of the world it's insane that little seed I'm stupid changes you could say the color of the lens through which you see and experience everything it's like now everything is through I'm stupid whatever happens to you oh it's because I'm stupid ah that's not for me cuz I'm stupid oh that person you know that didn't work out because I'm stupid and the snowball effect just builds to the point where you might be sitting here believing deep down inside I'm stupid I can't be myself I'm stupid really from a little belief that for some reason a younger you who's a kid who doesn't know any better decided to believe build the snowball effect here you are that's not you who you think you are is not you let go of that and realize who you truly are the you who appears in those moments where you get into a flow state right that's the best time to to really like bring awareness it's like when you're in a flow that identity fades away and you actually are being everything that is you and that's when people really connect okay so that's the first thing going deeper understand the different layers of communication okay there's the words themselves that's one layer right what I am saying right now and we tend to value this the most it's like the words are everything this is why you here how do I network how do I meet someone how do I date learn the lines it's all about the lines but guess what did we exist before lines before words right is a lot of our communication perhaps pre verbal death are you able to communicate with someone who doesn't speak your language and get a sense of who they are and how much status they have yes so why are we valuing the words that's the last thing and this is actually what allows me own and the the clients we work with to never run out of things to say because you stop placing so much value on the words themselves the words are simply the vehicle for you to deliver your vibe okay but it doesn't stop there so the words is one layer that's the least important layer don't even worry about that okay going deeper it's how you say it okay so for example I can talk like this or I can talk like that okay the tonality the punchiness okay that conveys a lot more about who you are now there's a third layer going deeper than that though and that's the intention okay so for example he said it before if I look at you and I'm just thinking laughs boom you're driving okay you see how crazy that is for us so when guys are begging us to be told what to say it's you got to do the work yeah and we're happy to give you a funny thing to say 100% we do it all the time I love that stuff say hey are you guys the best friends you have the same facial expressions and they go crazy they'll start laughing it's awesome but there's another level to it where you're not just this one dimension a little puppet who's like best friends like now what Julianne L yeah so that's a third layer you know it's the intention behind it and I'm aware of all those layers by the way at all times it's like right now I'm aware of the words I'm saying I'm not paranoid over it but I'm still aware like I'm speaking English right now I'm aware of the tonality and I'm also aware of the intention the intention is I'm communicating this point focus on me let this land let this click if you want to make someone laugh the intention is laugh you will laugh if you're talking to someone and you're like you know what I want them to kind of get drawn in guess what my intention is I am awesome I am awesome I could be talking about math right now but you're just gonna get sucked into that frame that I am awesome that's the intention okay so that's the third layer and then there's the fourth which is where do you reside in terms of safe high vibration energy or low vibration energy and that's the thing that comes before at all and you've got a master and become aware of all four of those layers don't just get stuck on the words on the superficial layer that really does not matter okay people connect with those deeper layers we Zone in on those deeper layers when you meet someone new right say I'm like you know what you have a business now hypothetically and you're gonna hire someone to take over here are some resumes read them and pick someone it's not enough right say you talk to someone and you have an hour to interview that person are you just gonna focus on what they say hey so I study this thing and I'm a great person and I think I can totally take over your business trust your business to me no you're gonna focus on the vibe the energy like the feel right not the words that's what we're attuned to remember we come from before words that's how we connected with each other before okay I would see this all the time back in the day teaching a lot of dating advice I would travel around the world and guess what I'd be able to teach that same advice all around the world and you'd have to go and demonstrate it Shaw it's done all around the world if people didn't speak my language yeah you got to understand out dumb this looks to us to because you've got all this is our life you got all these people limiting beliefs yeah I can't do it on the height the money there is for that then they've got their local Geographic limiting beliefs right and it's like this can't work in Boston the mean streets of Boston you will never do this in the Irish land of Boston and we're just like it's just my numbing you know and you there literally you look at their pupil they're completely derping they're half out of it they're carrying tons of trauma they're stuck in their control muscle it's completely locked in the reticular activation system is blind to every opportunity that they could ever see they're stumbling all over themselves and then rather than being willing to admit it they're gonna blame it on the mean streets of Boston or just any other stick that they can take that beat themselves over the head and then we're like it's not true and honestly because we run seminars they're gonna be like you're just saying that do you take your seminar and we're like well maybe that makes some sense too but honestly could you just come out with us and like watch what we do and we'll show it to you and then you try to show it to them and it's like they can't see it but that's the great thing about success is that hey if you can get this down and you stand out over everybody else because most people are so trapped in a jail of their own making that when you crush it you're gonna go ahead of the pack the other thing with the city then by the way the reason you might feel more stifled or more pressure there like everyone says it it's like everyone from Boston is gonna say Boston's this is the hardest place the mean streets of Boston if you're from LA you're thinking the same thing that's not true LA is the worst place for me I was thought Switzerland is the worst place why because that's where you grew up and that's where you've been conditioned and there's a lot of anchoring there it's just very very heavy and it touches a lot of as we're talking about here that deep-rooted trauma that happened during your childhood that's why when you go on vacation it's always a lot easier to just loosen up look it like you're a different person you know everyone if you think about say dating everyone in Europe thinks Americans they're all [ __ ] guys and girls all [ __ ] right everyone in America that's not true you've seen those French European movies they're [ __ ] in Europe everyone thinks that of each other because it's not where you grew up it's not where you've been conditioned okay and once more it comes down to removing that conditioning and unleashing all that is you okay but I did want to touch on those four layers of communication here's another thing that happens when you let go of that trauma and the things that run you you see the world for what it is okay remember this the internal always colors the external until you do this type of work you will not see the person who's there in front of you and if you don't see who's there in front of you you will not be able to relate you will not be able to calibrate okay if you're someone who's in a very strong state of fear per se you're gonna project that outwards that's what your focus your Ras okay your selective focus is gonna pick up on your sitting here in this room if you're in a state of fear you're like am I gonna be singled out are they gonna point to me what if they ask me a question and I don't know the answer do I look good did I dress well enough for the event to where do I stand what are these people thinking of me right you talked to someone new where are the threats where are the threats you're not seeing them who they are you're projecting all that on them right and no wonder then you can't really relate or calibrate because you're not calibrating and connecting to who they truly are let go of that and start seeing the world for what it is and that's where you really stand out okay not only do they send this person's on it on the most important layer okay like a higher vibration they just sense it off of you they also see me for who I am they connect with me on an authentic level and they're not controlling their unstyled and just that to you is so much value ok I've said this for years fun carefree passion those are the three things we're all after it's like a drug everyone wants that more fun everyone Samee more carefree everyone wants that passion that aliveness if you're able to unlock that or unleash it you don't create it you simply unleash it you will be like a magnet and people will just want to be around you you know I ever I saw recently was like the Jim Carrey Netflix documentary thing and he literally said that if you watch that documentary there's one point in it where he's like this is where everything just took off for me and I forget the words he used it but it was so key he's like I realize people just want to stop caring so much tonight is how to go first and that's where he started making this whole persona of just not caring being carefree and people just got drawn to it like wow someone who doesn't take themselves too seriously it's not trying to control someone who just lets loose thank God and they just get drawn in so the question is what's blocking you from letting loose and you all have this okay just think of someone who you know you said like you with your your first little girl attempt your date attempt your encounter but but even someone say you take someone who's on the street really shy okay you could go to a video game store if that still exists okay you walk in and that's alright my mind goes like some little video game store say it exists you're probably gonna walk in and I'm assuming a lot of people in there are quite shy and stifled I'm assuming okay and that person who goes in little Johnny he buys his little video game when he walks out of the store he's probably even more stifled just walking back to his place to play the game probably in his head he's like don't talk to me he's got my game just get me home alive just give me home alive can't speak up if someone asks him for the time it's like Johnny what's the time came back I was like trying to get back home now that little Johnny who can't speak up who's [ __ ] himself walking down the street of the game when he gets home and he puts on that game and he puts on his gaming headsets Johnny transforms into the most charismatic loudmouth guy you know Johnny goes on a rant right you hear this like those video game chats are insane they're just vibing back and forth there and leashing however Johnny can only do it on the video game so it's there there's nothing missing that is part of Johnny getting out of his own way and releasing not trying to control a persona just letting it go and if he learned how to do that in all instances that's how you get there it's not Johnny like learning with a little line it's like okay what's what's the line are you guys best friends same facial expressions it's not going to work that is a great line though you know and you also got to trust your gut instinct here too you know it's like there's probably a part of you things like it can't be that simple it can't just be a line yeah it can't if you believe that how gullible are you how gullible are you to think that a couple lines are gonna change your life how gullible are you to think that you can avoid doing this type of work you wanna hear the funny part too will encourage people to do this kind of work to get their social skills and dating life down and people will say oh they're pandering to the masses who just like positive platitudes do you know how dumb this looks to us when we go out with nothing prepared at all running laps around the environment crushing it and they'll think no the real way to do it is with a stack of lines but they're just saying to be positive and I will read this and you know what I take from that honestly people are just demented that's what I get from it people are demented they're so trapped in their negative frame that they believe that everything has to be controlled that they can't release and the same people that do that in my opinion honestly I bet you they don't even enjoy physical intimacy they're like I got it what's the next one got it what's the next one well nuts got it what's the next one cuz they can't enjoy that one well not just that like even during they won't enjoy it it's like you're with someone and say get intimate what's going on instead of actually being present right occupying your entire body truly connecting to your partner they're in their head and the whole time they're analyzing they're like okay I'm here am i doing it right am i doing it good enough huh what are they thinking of me am i did is it is what I thought it was am i still cool am I still trying to control let me control this movement so I was like it takes you completely out of it it becomes this very competitive it gets you in this paranoid state of mind and no wonder it's a huge problem for a lot of guys to just not be able to get it up it's so common and it's more common with the people you really like like that partner you're like I wish I could be with that person that's a person you're gonna not be able to get it up with it's insane right and then it's like oh well let me look instead of the lines there it's like let me look for the pills and stuff to help it's like no you got to do this work we did bring some you know unless you want the pills at the back no but you really got to examine - it's like that autopilot thinking you know there's a friend who's a great marketer he told me years ago he's like you know what I really respect you you guys are doing because the best way to market is this the best way to market is realized that every single person just wants to stay in their little bubble and they really don't want to change they don't want to change at all a program where a product saying hey you're gonna have to do some work and really change is actually not appealing you know if you heard me talk about transformation mastery alive I'm like you're gonna go out we're gonna do the work that's the worst thing I could possibly say to sell something what people want to hear is hey you don't have to change at all right you can stay in your little bubble you don't even have to do anything here's a little line or here's a little trick and it'll do it for you it'll do it for you but it actually won't even change you so you can just stay the same and feel a little better about your pathetic situation it's like how people think that whoever is elected president is going to dramatically change the country in the economy no you know how you change the economy yourself how can the president change the economy I probably pissed off out the room but you know my point and likewise if you want to know why this is happening it's actually pretty straightforward the idea of America is that instead of having a king or a queen every single person is a miniature king or queen that's a whole basis and foundation of America okay when they went against Britain to get rid of the king they said we're gonna have a democratic election that's the whole idea of America's freedom right so the advantage of that is that you don't have a situation with a monarch because by the way a great monarch can actually be good but usually a monarch does not have the evolutionary pressure to be really good and they can actually be horrible so that's why you don't want to have the monarchy system you want to you want to have freedom okay but what happens is the downside is that what happens to a monarch a king or queen what kind of people are around them is that people giving them a lot of critical feedback in most cases what happens if you give them on our critical feedback in most cases what do they do they chop your head off but so how do you get near the monarch you give them nothing but good feedback about how great they are in most cases well when you have a world of little kings and queens what marketers do is they say just say how you are you could be just like this but we'll fix it with this one little products so you're not asking me to change so what we live in in effect is a free society - what that's debatable but the in general compared to back in the day but at the same time what we live in is is what's called a yes-man society say this with me yes the man Society so you're told you can stay the same you don't need you're perfect how you are and we will just handle it from here and any business that doesn't tell you that is probably not going to be very successful a lot of our job in our teaching is that part of why every release was called long-form content you guys ever notice it release very long form content is we've got to prime you to even get ready to win or to even change your thinking towards your own success we've got to get you ready so the by the time that we meet you you know maybe we offer you something you're like wait a minute I could do a program where I work hard and I have to break through my fears and change and transform as opposed to tell you that you could say the exact same and just say some little line and it would be all good and this is why if we were to teach social skills or dating if we go on you know say a late-night talk show what's the first question they're gonna ask oh what's the line what's the line or they'll say what's your success rate and it's like maybe it's not even about your success rate as much as it is about being okay that you're gonna connect with the people you're meant to connect with really the question should be are you connecting with the people that you're meant to connect with not are you tricking a bunch of people that you're not meant to connect with to connect with you that's disgusting that's creepy but they come from that mode of like avoiding pain avoiding rejection magic pill and it really gets scary to think that that is the level of consciousness and paradigm of thinking of most of mainstream society they are literally batteries in the matrix conforming to a corporate agenda it is really scary and their potential is really switched off they don't even know who they are they don't know what they're doing here they don't understand a larger picture of life and they'll go to their grave without ever having actually woken up pretty crazy to think about no different than cattle just being led to the slaughter it's really intense and the question is you want to be that cattle or do you want to wake up and that's why we push you to wake up by the way that's what we're up here pushing you so hard that's why we want to push you it's and it's not I'm not gonna say life or death like you would physically die but it's a lot it's a point of spiritual life or death that we push you to want to awaken and for you to take a part of your responsibility map because like they'll tell you a lot of a lot of times they'll teach you in climaxing in intimacy as they say you have to take responsibility for your own climax right you've got to own it if you can't wait for someone do it for you well the same way you have to take responsibility for your own awakening you have to take responsibility to ingest the right media and ideas into your psyche yeah and it's our responsibility to and that's why we're pushing you so hard it's like imagine again like the whole cattle to the slaughter we're like the two cows that just ran off we're like there's a slaughter let them know and everyone's like yeah we're fine it's like get off get off it's like that's your responsibility if you saw the [ __ ] slaughter you're gonna do whatever it takes to get the cows to kick the cattle off that ramp whatever it takes right click the link whatever it takes okay another way of viewing this by the way okay in terms of where you know people focus and audit yourself here is through the paradigms and I've talked about this before of having doing or being right if you go on the late night show and it's like oh so socializing dating why is it that they ask so what's the line right why is it that everyone's focused on the line because it's about having right people focus on that it's like how much money do I have that's how cool I am how good-looking having having oh do I have the best arsenal of words right they determine their value their worth on what they have and they think that the more they have the more valuable they become this is why 99% of people all about looks and money right now as you move up you kind of let go of that and most likely a lot of you are in that middle ground where you've let go you realize you know what it's not about looks or money right and then you move into the doing paradigm and you might be in this phase where if you're talking to someone as soon as you stop talking you feel your value drop you're like oh they're gonna walk away if I stop talking because you're hooked on the doing you think that the more you do the more you execute or even in business the more you hustle that's your worth and then as you move up it goes to being or just the vibe you put off the feel you put off just who you are that makes you again whatever you call it attractive high-value successful and so forth okay having doing being most people are stuck in having that's not what works okay doing is a little better but you've got to move to the being and that's why we keep pushing on this like this is how you change it from there and this is what gets you the results don't be so gullible okay people even tell your friends like what do you mean like you're studying social skills trying to learn some lines that doesn't work they're right it's not enough they're actually right how gullible are you you got or take the hit and realize like man if I believe that I'm kind of dumb right and don't ya even guys like Joe Rogan they'll ask him what they think of this type of content and he's like oh that's no one I don't accord him and he's like kind of just like dismisses it I'm like good for you because the way that it's been presented to Joe yeah he's right to dismiss it yeah and never been presented to him in a way showing the announcement yeah and again it's it's also nuanced where it's not black and white it's not like oh never use it like it could be good training wheels push pole could be a good training wheel too for example trigger a people-pleaser into re owning different parts of themselves right so it's not black and white but it's not the destination we think it is we simplify it like that's the destination and then we fall for it and people play on it right you'll see videos like steal my lines and it was like the magical lines to steal how gullible are you okay you cannot avoid doing this work and the sooner it hits the sooner you realize it the sooner you'll get results in the sooner you'll enjoy those results okay and once more it's changing that approach to instead of me trying to build something control something build this image build this ego maintain this ego validate the ego then hooked on approval it's like must keep validating the ego and then there's the fear of them seem through the ego and seeing who I truly am and now I feel like an impostor instead of that is letting go of the ego letting go of control and letting that true you shine out let the you that like little Johnny playing a video game just riffs and his charismatic and engaged let that version of you shine out all the time and let go of all the blockage whether it's past trauma addiction to what people think the fear of rejection so on and so the cove that let it shine and you'll realize it's not that hard don't make it so hard it's like you know when we break it down this way it seems very difficult it's not you let go of all that stuff and it just happens by default it's effortless like a seminar like this effortless yeah I hope that you guys are realizing what you're actually seeing as far as improvisational speaking right now as far as the vocal use as far as improvising as far as improvised humor as far as engaging the audience and where they're at and giving them what they need and so on and so forth and I hope that you're seeing that because don't be passive to this experience right don't be passive to it really say to yourself wait what are they doing up here why are they able to do it at that level what's going on there okay yeah cuz cuz do you realize we just freestyle this whole thing by the way like I didn't plan it with Owen where it's like so then you're gonna say this thing and then I'm gonna jump in and I'm gonna talk about the the having doing being okay and then I want you to bring it back to how how we're improvising it make sure everyone notices okay and then I'm gonna say this I'm gonna build on it so we got the game plan let me also rehearse this seminar at home a few times I got my PowerPoint I've rehearsed it you know in front of the mirror a couple times that's how I'm able to just let it flow here no that's not how it works right and it's the same with people trying to learn public speaking right you might go to a class it's like so talk like this eliminate hums and ahhs little do they realize that sucks the soul out of it yeah I'd rather have an um in awe like I could stumble I could add an um every five seconds quiet like I'm doing right here and it's still more captivating than the person who's like so what I want to talk about today is this No okay so again techniques do help okay it's not not to know techniques at all but this is the foundation I would much rather have this like this type of speech would win at all times over someone who learned all the like speaking skills the same with even marketing right we talked about this before you could learn the perfect marketing script and deliver it with a lesser you could say vibe behind it and we could have a worse marketing script but with a better vibe who do you think sells more yeah we're the anomalies in the in there's a there's a sub world called the internet marketing world there's people like Dan Kennedy Frank Kern Ryan Deiss they're amazing but we're like an anomaly to them people from that world they'll come into our events and they're freaked out that we're not having to pull out every little thing in the book that we could just give a lot of energy and then just talk about our event just give some facts about it say when it is and that half the people in the room will wind up coming it shocks them they are shocked by the types of launches and products that we do or things like that why don't we have every little thing down and the reason why is because if somebody's trying to get better at dating as an example they can memorize every little tactic but the idea behind that is that you stay the same energetically you don't release your trauma you don't work on what's inside of you and then you need a million things in the arsenal in order to even old attention so if somebody's not very charismatic because they're contained they're energetically contained they're gonna need a lot of firepower to hold somebody's attention there and the sad thing is it's so sad is that then when they run out of things to say that they memorized the person leaves and they say every time I run out of those things to say I try to go natural the way that they're talking about and the person leaves it doesn't work we get it it's an entirely different paradigm a new paradigm is like a chick hatching from an egg and the entire world is different there's new sets of rules to some extent paradigms is like the Russian dolls and there's you know each layer of a Russian doll you you say this after me integrate say that and transcend so it's basically integrated transcend it's like Russian dolls we keep those same lessons that we got back in the day they're still in there but there's entirely new paradigms and that was why to teach what we're able to do now in dating or social skills it was so crucial that we incorporate things like personal growth self-help release work and some guys would say oh if you're gonna do some help now are you dumbing it down you've got to understand just straight dating tactic is dumbing it down that is dumbing it down that is pandering to the masses this is us showing you why we're able to do what we do and giving you the exact pathway to get there we don't want to be stuck in dumbing it down that's why we had to expand and in every single thing that we do and say release work energetic work myself up stuff or the stuff that we both do cuz we teach we get start each other's programs that all those old lessons are still in there they're all still there all the best parts of it is still there we might not be as explicit but you know what we mean you're not dumb you know it's all still in there but we're broadening it to incorporate that elite level skill set that skill set that is legendary we want to show you how to become a living legend not just this kind of little guy and also bring your awareness to what you resonate with in terms of just watching us or being here with us like why are you even here I'm sure of course it's the content but there's something beyond that where it's like when you could say we go first like this in terms of just releasing and just letting it flow it connects with something beyond just your little mind it connects with as cheesy as it sounds the soul like there's a part of you it's like that's fun carefree passion that rawness not the superficial fakeness you know you see that every day everyone's fake everyone puts on a front left and right it's so rare to see a spark of authenticity it's so rare to even see someone passionate about something like how many of your friends are really into something excited about something like you see that [ __ ] spark light up very few right to the point where even here we could be talking about something that like a topic that doesn't even help you I could be talking about how to make a frying pan in extreme detail for three hours but if I'm passionate about that it's I'm not but say say hey what's that what's that live for that I like my grandfather my grandmother my parents we come from a generation of frying pans and we've been perfecting and here's me after understand like when I talk about this I like the [ __ ] up this is what I dream about frying pans and there's this one way to make a pan we're instead of using this one metal fabric on the side okay and this is Sookie on the side you gotta add this other metal fabric that's a little different do you guys know the difference we had a flan pan and a stainless steel pan no Teflon it's actually a weird chemical it can poison you they say crazy right that we actually for the sake of convenience I don't know this is short on this my understanding for the sake of convenience we spray it with this anti stick thing you know it's funny we always want the unnatural solution for convenience and it always winds up in some weird cancer that is a metaphor for life the frying pan made of Teflon is a metaphor for your life and what you got to do is you've got to switch to that stainless steel pan and you got to get some olive oil in there or maybe not even olive oil it could be avocados oil there's a lot of different oils now coconut oil and you can sniff that coconut oil or avocado oil or Mac you don't do the virgin extra virgin coconut oil you got to do the real thing if you're gonna cook with it you know now notice that by the way past couple minutes talking about frying pans in oil I'm not even done right and we could literally riff for an hour and guess what because again it's it speaks to that soul like there might be that little voice in the very background like that could be you there is this and you let me out let me like it's why you let me out I did it over an hour in Seattle in an event on Birkenstocks I said give me a word they said Birkenstock sandals I did over an hour I crushed it so hard yeah that was a very captivating speech he won't know what makes you so captivating because I'm not focus on the content I'm not allowed to focus on the content so I have to make it captivating it's probably more captivating that an improvisational speak now keep it keep keep in mind that when we do a paid event right these are ripping events when we do a paid event we will do this level of communication but within with a specific curriculum because we have a specific point that we want to get you so that's very powerful in a paid event but when you're meeting somebody it's not a pain event I know in your mind look it is the paid event what I do MOT my meeting someone my daddy is a painter base it's serious right like when we're doing something where we are teaching a paid event we will really iterate that curriculum and it stays on track it is timely in each point yeah but that said meeting somebody is not a paid event they didn't pay you good money to meet you it's the more about the vibe frankly that's why even an event like this we would just riff right that's the main idea of it right there's an energy that's there people think that they're selling themselves sometimes people will say when you're meeting someone in dating that's like selling I'm like ah it's like selling but it's different it's a more energy based I mean if you were to talk to someone who you know is it you're going up to and you're like you want me to sell you on all my features and benefits I have this so I've got a degree I've got that that's like the exact thing that if anything would make them not like you in fact a demonstration of higher value I almost like better a demonstration to lower value remember what I said we're all dorks we're all dorks together that funny thing you know if you're like oh yeah it's look there's like that's so much worse if you're doing it with seriousness then if you're like it's a little bit carrot that's you know they're like stop right and they get all excited by it right is that joking around that makes it so powerful you got a potbelly you know you're like I'm pregnant would you like to see a kick they're like what I'm like if you'd like to I invite you to feel the kick and they're like okay I've been like you know their hand goes there and you go like that they go ah ah they start laughing there you go I'm lactating right now would you like to can I may I invite you to feel the lactating so like oh my god you know right and then they're like I'm like Oh milk you know right and they and they're on the floor laughing next thing you know you're running off for some wild kinky adventure together because we're all dorks we're just a bunch of big door so we can let go the problem is when you try to be so smooth and suave what happens that you generate that energy back and then they don't want to go have wild kinky fun with you because they're trying to be super smooth and swab it said are you just being dorky and fun yeah you're not putting up a wall right this cool high value guy thing we'll say high value and it doesn't make sense but it's actually presenting a wall of them getting to know you better when we come in here and speak to you we want be fun and we want to share but if we come in too uptight that uptight energy it's not a good vibe this seminar could have got so intense like you've got to step up and show your Worth and yes and yours how you did right and you guys would you know like and you leave here with your head spinning rather than fired up to go out and just share yeah and the other big big one too by the way with this type of work when it comes to whether it's socializing business or again creasing your status is the lack of neediness that's like one of the biggest filters everyone's like how needy how needy it's like you just feel it off someone neediness is like cancer literally it's social cancer I want to jump in here I'm gonna be real with you yesterday I met one of the most attractive people I met in my life honestly doing nothing like you guys would be like I'd like doing nothing nothing and I literally was marveling as I left like that's pretty trippy that is that easy and we've been talking today and like I'm literally like looking at the social meet up like whoa you know I'll show you later and and literally what what I was actually asking myself I'm like what was the driver of that like what drove that and it was just the point that I don't think I felt a shred of neediness I really didn't I just talk so normal that it would make sense for us to be in touch it wasn't even me that suggested to be in touch and that will happen more and more when you take down the neediness cuz the neediest creates a wall it's this weird taker vibe no matter how subtle it is it can even be the stingy lack of neediness now if you're feeling needy go talk to people anyway don't let that hold you back don't say oh all right now okay then what you do is you just own it and you go from there even in your most needy state you still have to be able to talk to people and communicate you have to be able to communicate authentically from whatever state you're in laughing but yeah laugh be like I'm the knee I'm very needy right now I should have watched more of Julian and Owens videos hello but and then make them fault okay so but then from there what you also have is you can still move towards your ideal so you know that complete utter not need eNOS is the ideal but if you're feeling needy take action anyway okay now notice how what I'm doing how are we getting into this say one of it is the kind of release work that Julian teaches at transformation mastery that is so powerful because it creates a baseline of non meetings that kind of work so so excited for you guys but going deeper it's also in the action that you're taking so much like in physical intimacy it's that repeated motion and action that gets you out of your head so when we're up here speaking something that I do is I just embrace the silence and I just feel each word and as I feel each word I get present to the moment and I feel a light level of euphoria it's a lot it's like not on the level taking Molly although I've never taken it but I'm I'm very sure it's not I'm not grinding my teeth I'm sweating but I'm not granny my teeth but okay sorry um but okay okay you know the light figures I'm gonna say something nasty I remember I've never thought a super negative thought and like about other people in a long time I was at this rave and I saw these two kids on Molly like doing this finger thing in front of each other but just looking at their brain cooking like this I'm just like if my kids ever do that I'm ending it okay so okay so anyway like I'm like you could do anything you want but I cannot find you grinding your teeth in a club like like okay okay sorry okay but anyway delete believe yes we're all awesome okay so I know a lot of you guys have done I'm sorry for dissing you okay so look I still want your business I take it back yes ma'am society yes man society do it lights you can still get successful with that okay so using our method you can fry your okay so cannot really yes you probably can a lot most people party I'm the weird one I'm just jealous okay that's really what it was it was jealousy that I don't get okay back on track so what I do is I basically just keep what I do is I sit there it was a moment i okay I just sit there and I just feel each word and you get a buzz off it is that presence at the moment but a lot of people require a chemical to be put in their mind they don't know how to let the serotonin kind of drip they don't let they don't know how to let the dopamine drip like that little drip and so what happen the longer that you're present and you just engaged with each word and you merge your energy into each word it's almost like hooking up with somebody but it's different clearly we're not going there okay final exercise okay you see the idea okay but you get you get a high off of it and now what happens to us is we believe that we have to hook up with somebody or we have to get money or we have to get some kind of accolades to feel that but remember I was saying that you've been disconnected from your potential that trust me I've had a lot of material success and there's nothing that I can get in terms of material success that will give me the high of just getting present that doesn't mean not to go after material success as you've seen when I'll sell but there's a high that you get that you know because it's not mutually exclusive guys okay but there's a high that you get when you get present to the moment okay this is why we want you releasing trauma letting go we want you to know what your control muscle is and your release muscle control muscle is like the oars on the boat you can paddle frantically if you need to those oars are there for reason but they're release the muscle is like throwing up the sail and then you still have the rudder here and you can kind of let it move but it's moving it forward for you and then occasionally you get in a weird sticky situation and that's what the oars are for you know on that weird sticky situation that's why we need to have thinking we might even need to feel certain pain that's there is an indication and it can help us it all exists for a reason everything in our psyche exists for a reason you don't need to disown it you can actually own that petty party or self it's it's a very beautiful part of you that has a lot of use but the problem is when it controls you right it's like if you have a horse is the horse helping you or are you just being dragged around into a tree and that's the most of us with our thinking and those control muscles is dragging us around and it's pummeling us and there's a lot of agenda from a lot of dark forces that are pushing us into that mode to make us that battery is my opinion I mean I could I could do a whole documentary on this just like a two-hour like Netflix like it'd be like by the end of it people be like whoa they'd see things very differently I like corporations by the way but I do I think I'm this word here where the corporation corporations made the light the camera like those Sony cameras are awesome Zeiss lens those are corporations or corporation I love that stuff but there is a degree to which you can like I love it but I think that we also have to understand it does that make sense like we could love social media but we have to also understand how it's affecting us yeah I guess the last thing to really ponder on is just the idea of core confidence you know this idea where there's core confidence and situational confidence situational is say you're a boss and at work you're probably to be a little bit more confident then out meeting strangers right due to the situation now go a little deeper than that it's not just a situation like oh am I work or not at work right it's also depending on for example a certain line depending on having a certain amount of money depending on looking a certain way you don't want your confidence to depend on anything and it goes hand in hand with what he just said in terms of I need the money to get there it's like no you can access that state right now that's the definition of core confidence there's nothing missing right what you're afraid of though tell us we already know why are you afraid to have confidence whether you're successful or not what's the reason tell us we already know what it is why are you afraid to feel good right now to be happy right now to let go right now to be confident right now if you don't have all the accolades what's the reason you're afraid tell us what's that that's interesting well I'm I heard a couple interesting answers what's your answer you would there's a okay fear of loss you know what's um okay so you know it's funny I think we're moving the room energetically a little bit here but there's an answer we normally get what's your answer people would have no more purpose so their fear and that's the answer that most people will give and I felt it Julian let me be honest I feel that at times now because I'll sort of come in and out of this so at a moment where I'm just kind of not in a Goods own all starts thinking like that too and I have my moments you know do you guys see the video that we made where I was like showing me like spazzing out did you see the one on Julian's channel I'm open about it right did you guys see that it showed me having like this crazy pain body attack and screaming into the my whatsapp do you guys see it yeah see I'm not fronting up here right like I'll I'll show you my weak moments too I'm not just like oh you know I'll show you I'm like did you see how much pain I had in my people I was like it was like super crazy right but um bottom line is that we have a fear that we would that if we became confident for no reason or happy for reason we would lose motivation right we lose driver I got this fly my head this whole 7 or maybe you lose the drive to get rid of it ok so like this is weird so well you know what the joke of that was what I said earlier in the seminar you remember the flies thing and now I got a this is the first time I've ever had to fly me ok so like literally so we have a fear but right now when me and Julian are sharing up here are we doing so from a space of we feel bad and until we do a certain seminar we feel good what's the space we're coming from now see the problem is we talked about how to get energy you feed off it energetically with what you're doing if you're doing it because you need that outcome to be happy it actually sucks you of energy is frenetic but what happens is when you already feel good you'll want to share that joy you can't help it you want to you ever been mad you just want to make someone else really mad you're mad you want to yell to me ever have your significant other you got mad you want to make them mad come on it's ok guys we've all done it right ok the girls in the room you could tell me no your scenes ok you've never been you never had that ok so ok we all do it we all do it everybody does it so that would you're in a bad mood you'll feel it need to spread negative energy it's really sad that we do it but we do do it likewise we're in a great mood we want to spread positive energy whatever energy we're receiving we're gonna want to spread it so when we want to give and we get presents we open ourselves up to receiving positive energy so why it's so important that we learn how to release because if we're festering with negative energy what do we attract we become a receptor point for more negative energy is so critical to let go because if we don't we keep attracting more of it and we go further than the drip say that's what we're saying you guys and we look in your pupil because right now I'm looking at most of your pupil and we're creating a non judgment environment and a lot of you look very awake a lot more awake than you looked earlier I know that you're probably tired to even here a lot of hours but you see the general idea I can see that right so we're trying to teach you we're trying to show you how to access that so that you don't have your life just burned by in this weird Derb state and also a lot less professional success you wind up not getting what you want anyway we want to show you how to be able to out-compete because you're feeding off infinite energy you know you'll need to have downtime there's yin and yang but it'll it'll change the ratio of that dramatically and you're not going to resonate with also the things that hurt you more last time when your control you you resonate with ways of healing that are actually hurting you further that's why most people in the weekend what are they doing to to relax and burn off Seema because they're in so much control that they have to poison their brain to even turn it off they're physically at a point where they need chemicals and poisons show their brain off I would sometimes things are so much in plain sight we don't ponder them consider the degree of alcohol in our world think about that for a minute it's so much in plain sight we don't even question it but how bizarre that is what does that tell you about the state of our society [Music] in terms of that fear of like losing the drive remember this misery tends to be our first teacher don't let it be your last meaning what gets us to this point usually to say start working on ourselves getting at this type of work is some kind of miserable events whether it's over the course of your life you're like you know what enough enough it's like that misery that gives you the the drive or you just experiment makes me feel like such a pathetic person you're like I gotta do something about it so it might give you that spark but it's not what will carry you to you know the the goals you could say it's like you gotta let go and like when you let go be motivated by say misery fear scarcity and you shift to as cheesy as it sounds love in abundance it's a lot more powerful you enjoy it every step of the way and again it gives you that energy instead of taking you know instead of you like running away like oh the fear and like in people sense it it's like huh and guess what here's the other thing to ponder if you think that man if I stop feeling miserable I won't be motivated it's like what are you even doing it's like why do you need those things like I need to be motivated to make money and etc etc it's like why do you need that if even when you get it you're still not gonna let go of that fear of being miserable because you're hooked on it's like are you just gonna spend your entire life miserable getting superficial results but not enjoying it cause you're still hooked on miserable you got to commit it's like why do you want those things to not be miserable start there in lower level paradigms the key marker of it is that everything has to be hard everything has to be difficult you know you want to go do something oh I don't have the money to do it I'm too tired all the energy to do it there's no opportunity everything has to be difficult and it feels so real so you've got to always be pushing into your abundance you'll see it to where you know I will see this in myself I'll tell you why I've recorded myself like crazy I can see speeches that I do that are amazing I see speeches that I do that are mediocre or not that great I'll do hidden camera work as you're aware with my dating stuff and I'll see when I crush it I don't see when I don't and it's always that I'm making it harder than it has to be I want to make it easy so I'm gaining energy from it and that there like we said is that release muscle [Music] I've been speaking for weeks you're probably having a moment seeing this right because Julian knows what my level is he knows me way too well for this stuff and you know the grind I just came off of and I know that you're sitting here watching this going this guy's in another level right now you remember I texted you I was like I've been another level right now literally event some of you guys know right you came to LA for de la 5 de New York for de New York 5 day Hawaii recorded non-stop and all these things product launch and I've done this for months look at this I've been in another level I told you member I told you this and I texted you and I'm like you're gonna think I'm crazy I've been crushing these I did this by accident I was on four hours sleep for a week I'm actually that one day of four hours sleep look at me right now I'm in a nether remember I said to you I'm like we should get folks on another sub now I'm in like another level I'm literally in another level like I literally just kept trying to get this down and tweaking a lot of what we're teaching you here I had to keep tweaking my brain I'm like got to dig deeper how do I do it oh and it all came down to that release muscle it's like I wake up on four hours sleep I'm like not again this is way too much this is ridiculous I mean maybe the joke will be on me when I die of like a heart attack at 52 right you're like oh I miss your release man got your sleep you know and I'm like yeah you know right who knows right I'm not saying in the perfect case but I definitely been hitting new levels of this it's like speaking of getting easier product creation is getting easier dating advice stuff that I teach just crushing it like on levels I'd never thought I could results wise whoa whoa whoa whoa and I talked to you about that person I met last night who's just very attractive it's just so easy it's just getting easier and by the way look I'm on my journey just like you guys okay I'm a little further up the road in this one area just like how all of you are further up the road in areas that Joe and I are right you might know accounting better than us maybe you know about real estate better than us maybe you know how to flip a hamburger better than us and this is a cool thing to know obviously doesn't get paid as well but it's pretty cool right I'm sitting there flipping the hamburger I'm like I don't know what to do you're like release I'm like it's not working you know I burned it right so you know so you're further you're all further up the road in areas that we may not be women in this room are further the road in emotional intuitive nostalgia and I are probably you'll have gifts that we may not have or maybe you don't want to don't want to stereotype you I don't care okay whatever it is okay whatever you want here but the main thing I'm saying is this we have just put some work in here we push ourselves and a lot of this came from the work that we did with guys and dating advice and seeing where they struggle and us kind of being like well we can only take you so far within a certain paradigm so we want to push different paradigms that's why we created TM it's why we created a lot of myself up stuff it was because we didn't want to pander to the masses and just tell them what they want to hear we want to take them to whole different levels different paradigms and show you a lot of cool stuff that we've been experiencing sharing that with you so that's why it's been a great privilege to share that with you guys here today so we're gonna do a final exercise but this has been a great joy to be here today thank you guys so much for being here it really means a lot thank you guys for being here thank you thank you
Channel: Owen Cook Free Tour
Views: 199,972
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: release muscle, untapped potential, self help, personal development, personal growth, spiritual, spiritual growth, transformation, julienhimself, secret potential, hidden from you, tyler durden, muscles, socially electric, doing less, letting go, release, san francisco, hollywood hills
Id: VId4Yn_vRVs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 17sec (4997 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 11 2019
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