Pace Morby - A Day with the Cardones

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ooh just says the cardones are on their way this is Jeff from a e saying that the cardones are on their way so it's never a good thing when you ask the cardones to come on your TV show and then you're late to your own TV show and of course out of all the lights I could have gotten I get the most random red light this isn't that what happens when you're late it's like the universe wants to punish you [Music] hey guys going over to film with Elena and Grant Cardone for triple digit flip heading over to the house right now it's 110 degrees but we're still gonna knock out and finish the episode that they're in then we're immediately going to wrap up filming with a e and then head over to the Kegley offices we've got a meet up I'll see you guys over there in about an hour and a half yeah this is the hardest part about social media right here it's just the time it takes to post one thing I'm glad it's I'm glad it's hard because then what happens is it's hard for you guys to compete with me because you guys don't take the time it's gonna be hot I bet you this camera is going to overheat in like two seconds out here 111 degrees right now how cool is it that three years ago we were trying to get their attention couldn't get their attention but then we went and got a TV show on national television and now we've got a good friendship with them you just want to be around people doing stuff you know like they're so busy creating they don't have time to criticize they're so busy inspiring people and and doing things hiring employees they have hundreds of employees six billion dollars in assets how do I get around successful people how do I get around people doing more than me that inspires me and gives me permission to do more myself of course I get on the freeway and it's a dead stop amazing the cardones are going to be there at 507 and I'm going to be there at 5 12. so I'm I'm the biggest piece of of the day I think there are probably like prepping them the cardones have been there for five minutes um I'm gonna get in trouble also I've I've learned to control my emotions normally like a normal person in this situation would be losing their mind like oh my gosh I can't believe I'm late and me 15 years ago I'd be doing the same thing like stressing out about being late okay here we go foreign with triple digit flip I can't wait [Music] so we've looked up to grant for years and years right he's just a guy that has worked his guts out built a personal brand inspired people and that sounds hokey but you know for people that are listening and paying attention like oh Grant Cardone Inspirations like dude what we don't do anything on our own nobody is inspired on their own I might be motivated on my own but I'm not inspired to do specific things until I watch somebody else do it and so Grant Cardone was a thought leader and an activity leader somebody that would go create things in our space and he took being a salesperson like a car salesperson and go how do I you know make money in business but then how do I then deviate that money into real estate and now he's created a six billion dollar portfolio in the matter of 12 Years insane Fourth of July is like 120 degrees today feels like 120 but it's only 110. it's blistering [Music] and now you guys are seeing this like this was you know the idea to do it so we come in here and mention the mantle bathroom stuff and then we can come back out and have our conversation about how the market and such okay Market outside again inside the bathroom okay got it okay so I download this app for Traffic and conversions which is a an event I'm speaking at in San Diego in like two months and I look through the app to look at who the speakers are and I see myself next to Jerry Norton okay Jerry Norton another Legend somebody I look up to he's a good dear friend of mine I would say he's probably my second best friend behind Jamil and Jerry says you know YouTuber flipping genius flipping Mastery right is like how people deem him people two years ago used to just call me the creative Finance king or the king of creative Finance or the sub 2 guy or the seller finance guy or the the whatever it was like very real estate Centric and what happened when we got the TV show is people started introducing me as Pace morby host of triple digit flip on a eh when somebody says I'm inspired by you the what I hear is I hear that person showed me what's possible and they gave me permission to go and do the same thing and what I love about all the content he lays out is that he shows you how to actually do it and you get to kind of watch his rise his progression his failures his mistakes his triumphs all of those types of things you're talking about making 100K you can there's just so much money out there you just got to be around the right people and hear what they're doing hey look there's no doubt the Market's changing but it's like a cruise ship trying to turn you got time just not a lot of it speed is money two weeks ago in the midst of all of this Grant and a whole bunch of our friends that are like the top 20 most influential people in real estate were invited to Grant cardone's actual office where we spent three days masterminding together now masterminding is like here's what a mastermind is it's sharing successful and unsuccessful business practices at a very high level so one person in the room is like I'm making a million dollars a month and these are my current struggles and for somebody else not making a million dollars a month which is got a lot a lot of people in that room they were like oh wow so you're dealing with that at that level well here's what I'm currently dealing with and the person at that level goes oh I dealt with that three years ago here's how you get past that and here's how you grow and those masterminds are worth millions and millions of dollars just getting invited into the room this was the first Mastermind I've ever been invited to that didn't charge money every other Mastermind charges money and I would have paid a million dollars to be in that room it was that valuable absolutely that valuable that's how fast Grant comes in he's like all right let's go guys thank you very much ask this guy what does he think about filming Grant Cardone 10x baby that's a billionaire all day a billion dollars beautiful man just like this guy his his watch alone's like a 400 000 watch I love it yeah I mean if you'll let me sell it yeah thank you can I get a credit on the show I think so I think if you ask something they would give you one what would I be called the PA audio Yeah just audio audio yeah I'm on the audio team I'm sorry um okay you just have one line sorry I'm texting your mom one line yep you don't have to say your name you just say what's after it I think this house is actually going to go pretty quick if we listed 999. okay can you do it again with 9.99 yeah yeah I think this house is going to go pretty quick if we listed at 9.99.9 you like it that's pretty rare Katie usually makes me do things seven times I think it's big I think I need the camera on me a little bit more often because you guys keep her honest it's actually not accurate I've never had you do something seven times how many times on average you tell people tell people the truth how many times you make me do it thank you three three times see what I'm saying apparently I suck who's the worst at Wildlife I can't I can't see it's me they were great they literally filmed that whole scene in less than 30 minutes usually we're on set for a e for like an hour two hours for the same exact thing to accomplish the same thing that was fun it's the more time you can get around them the better I mean was that your original plan to make a big story with that grants it was our original plan but part of the show was you know getting them to get us there because it tells a story you know and he definitely was his idea we can't just get there in the show we can't just go yeah we're gonna do this this and this because then there's no storyline so you have to start out by saying well we could do this we could do this here's the benefit here blah blah blah blah and then we always have to have like a struggle a game that gets played and then somebody has to be the one that wins that fight and so in this episode Grant is the one that won that fight it's going to be one of the cooler houses we do hey Shelly or whoever is somebody in charge of these keys okay I'm gonna I'm hands off anytime I touch a key somebody blames me or something doing a meet-up is always nerve-wracking you always want to have a good turnout you know you have Grant and Elena are coming into town you want people freaking coming you really want a good turnout Jamil and I traveled the country for a really long time doing meetups and our first Meetup we ever did had five people there and now we go do meetups we speak at events with thousands of people and it's just crazy how that changes so you want people to remember coming to your event you want it to be packed like crazy like they want to you want people to feel like they're The Beatles and then you also want your guests the people that are coming to feel like they're seeing the Beatles and so we only had like one day to promote this and get people planned to come out so we'll see what happens tonight I hope we have a good turnout you think I need new teeth I don't think so no these two teeth are made out of like 80 glue like not veneer glue like literally composite like epoxy when I was eight years old my parents didn't have any money and so the dentist was like oh for 100 bucks I'll just put a composite there and damn he did a good job because 31 years later that composite's still in on my teeth that's crazy I've even had two sets of braces on these Composites like you can very visibly see how small my little real teeth are through the X-ray and then the dentist whoever does the x-rays like damn so thinking about getting those replaced with like real veneers I think it's just a mental thing of like if I was riding BMX and my grip was made out of duct tape and my hand you know my handles made out of duct tape and all somebody did is like go on the non-sticky side of duct tape and it's like yeah it works it's fine wouldn't you be like in your mind going it'd be better just to spend a little bit of money yeah I think Grant card we were just on set with them and I he's driving with her so we'll see in person is he Wild I spent three days with him in Miami two weeks ago and it was like it is the opposite of what you would think really really okay you have to understand he's a great marketer outstanding right like you guys you see what happens with personal branding like you stay on top of it you show people what you're doing and people want to do business with you so he just learned how to get people's attention at a really early age and so when you're behind closed doors you're like holy crap this guy's like he's calm he's gentle he's sweet and um very strategic in what he talks about we have a special guest in the house Grant card game [Applause] Grant do you want to say minutes that's all you get not five two minutes to just say something say hello you guys want him to say hello [Applause] um when somebody sends me a text message and says hey pace can I get five minutes of your time what do you think that really means we get on a phone call how long do you think the call went two hours went two hours what's what happened I mean how would you talk through anything in five minutes it's hard I don't know what a fiduciary is what'd you call that thing charcuterie I said I ain't eating that I can't pronounce it I ain't gonna eat it um yeah hey good to see you guys here how many of you in real estate right okay how many of you got a team around you that you're like I can depend on my team I know we're gonna win be honest okay how many of you got a team around you you know you're gonna win and you know you're going to win at 10 x levels because that's what you need to win you got to be around winners folks [Music] just can't be around everybody can't be around everybody this world will give you all the choices you want most people unfortunately don't make the right choices they just settle for whatever the whatever kind of comes across whatever just shows up in the sewer that's family friends you got to go out on this planet there's eight billion people find a team that can win you gotta pick like this girl wins right here okay she wins and she wins easier because she win a winner so I win like I got that I will freaking I'll go through walls a glass uh jump off the building to win whatever it takes why because I want my family to win I want my kids to see a winner I don't want them to see a father anybody can be a father that's the easy part easy part man winning as a father is the hard part okay and then winning in a marriage is a hard part winning is a is a female is even harder than when it is a man on this planet you ladies in the room man you got a lot of a lot of those you got probably 30 cards against you right there you're working with less of a deck than I am just the way this planet operates okay if you got color on your skin it gets even harder brown and black gets tougher it's just for real you got to get on a winning team folks okay you got to put all your biases aside and you got to find out who is going to jump off of buildings go through walls and walk on glass because success is important in my house success is our duty it is Our obligation and our responsibility it's not an option it ain't play time okay it's not like okay I can have it or not have it I demand it how many of you demand it yeah find a team that will support you seven days a week 365 days a year 24 7 through Chrisman Memorial Day Labor Day all the days you take off Saturdays and Sundays we work seven days a week okay and some of you say I got to take off God's day God said you ain't done nothing yet God did everything before he took a day off credit in the heavens the Earth the rivers the oceans the mountains the butterflies and they said I'm gonna kick it some of you taking off Wednesday Thursday and Friday ain't done nothing that's arrogant man you're acting like a god you ain't a God yet until you take care of your family everybody agree so get it on winning team [Applause] welcome to one third of my day I hope you had a great time we accomplished a lot we have a lot of fun and we get to hang out with little people we'll see you in the next one foreign [Music]
Channel: Path 16 Studios
Views: 13,030
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: path 16 studios, path 16, path16, video production, production, production company, southern california, socal, ca, ca video production, video editing, editing, post-production, pace morby, grant cardone, vlog, a&E, triple digit flip
Id: K8dcIh3QdaI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 18sec (978 seconds)
Published: Mon May 15 2023
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