Fighting off Walking Nude MEN | I'm On Observation Duty

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it [Music] [Music] hello and welcome to another episode of ghoul grubs yeah aaron and i have been playing scary games all day we're emotionally exhausted this this music is kind of how we're feeling right now [Music] let's do it we're on observation duty i don't know i don't know what this is either select level the old house or the new house oh great question let's start with the old house yeah it sounds fun out the old it was the new uh no you chose the old oh okay oh there's a message coming in attention [Music] i thought i was saying numero uno numerous anomalies have been detected lately pay extremely close attention to the surveillance camera footage and file an anomaly report as soon as possible okay when you notice something has changed okay okay so the paintings to doors one close one open there's a chair facing that way there's a railroad painting guitar on the ground thing here pills picture blah blah blah the things on the ground chair chair chair yeah box chair headphones and plant on the yeah on the table painting of something painting of another thing chair person cabinet with weird shape mm-hmm back to here okay everything's wait is that door open now this was open okay how about is it only the two rooms i think there's more rooms okay yeah let's keep looking at the roof okay the shelves laptop here door open door open anomaly file an anomaly report what room is this i don't know anomaly spotted in no it wasn't bedroom how did you change this oh okay uh what is this dining room this is the living room living room i think or kitchen what uh abyss presence door opening there we go send report pending all right bathroom uh-huh there's a fire hydrant there's a picture fractal like a tool album of some kind all right anomaly's fixed yeah door's closed super is that painting different nope does some okay let's go back here chairs cabinet weird shape thing this is rough what this game is rough because not only is there the potential to be jump scared and freaked out yeah but there's also the potential for folks at home to be like these guys are [ __ ] idiots they didn't even see the table up here so i don't know which is scarier frankly this is a thing back here uh-huh remember that okay i'm gonna quiz you on it all right lamp table ashtray box box downed chair on a wooden pallet okay nothing different here as far as i can tell laptop yep all looks pretty good nothing moving was that box there wait was that that box was there was the one on the left there next to the dresser these boxes that one yeah yeah okay right oh god oh that's how i feel right now i know was that oh this is different this painting's different yeah i don't remember that uh it was it it was a train tracks ah um extra objects painting an anomaly painting anomaly yes report pending naughty naughty anomaly was a pain why i was a pretty bad boy the pain all right yeah it's back okay great okay sweet everything's fine everything looks the same here okay everything looks the same [Music] nothing's different do you remember that game we played years ago with barry where it's just like a grandma walking down the road through a graveyard and at the end she dies yeah that's awesome that was fun yeah it was great that's we we've sure had some good times what the [ __ ] okay everything's normal here i don't see any changes child's still here guitar still as if child blew out of mouth patoo eco's guitar spitting child i wish i could spit guitars i'd be making millions the only thing i spit are hot rhymes leanne rhymes yes sarin leanne rhymes is anything gonna change does something move i heard it really yeah is that the sound it makes when something oh oh oh corner bottom corner bottom corner there's a man what there's a man there near the file and anomaly report oh jeez oh look at that hi uh file a [ __ ] reporter sorry i just i was just taking a look abyss presents intruder right or ghost or whatever uh i'll just say a intruder because it's just a person okay see if anything changes here once the report's been done pending how did you see that i think the speaker's blocking you no type of intruder [ __ ] um ally what is this guy um i know it's scary yeah okay it's just a [ __ ] guy was he there before no okay there's a man on the wing of the plane just a sweet little ghost man up there do you like it oh my god no ghost a best presence [ __ ] yeah abyss presence i swear to god does abyss presence make any sense i don't know there's uh nothing happening in here as far as i can tell just a normal everyday bathroom i took [ __ ] in there three days ago well then what the [ __ ] is it yeah ally can you look that up for us man in the corner living room what oh is yeah sure just a [ __ ] weird dude yeah is there a clerk oh wow there's a nude man [ __ ] hurry up and report oh whatever [ __ ] all right maybe it was always there okay intruder get him out of here please also a weird sounding soundtrack some kind of new age might yeah nude intruders are the worst kind in in neuters okay fix the guy's still here well yeah that right yeah i'd be vastly more concerned with try other on that guy i did you did yeah light anomaly okay that's what light anomaly is an actual light i think he's just there he's not just there i don't know man nothing's happening all right the light anomaly's been fixed and there's nothing happening in here everything's fine here everything feels great yeah this is a staircase what a mildly unsettling game it's it's pretty upsetting i'm not gonna lie i'm upset i don't see anything different here are is there um are there consequences to us not fixing these things ally all right for [ __ ] sake well i don't know man then uh camera malfunction extra object no uh painting anomaly shadow anomaly yeah try it toaster that toaster's always been there i don't know man i think it's just there it's not just there are you sure of course not we would have seen him before what i think it's a door yeah intruder yeah i'll give it a shot what attention warning we are detecting multiple active anomalies in your area oh oh yeah please locate them and say okay cool wow you're so right all right there's more anomalies what what it said that we're detecting multiple yeah what are they i don't know aaron no i'm nervous i know i'm also nervous good job al thank you yeah that was great um [ __ ] is there like a boom what was that wasn't there it's the clock well what the hell else is an anomaly i don't see anything that's different i must be some kind of freak stupid man yeah that's beef that's new [Music] excuse me i'm gonna go ahead uh other that's [ __ ] weird yeah could you hear what it said it was just like balcony 3 30. what the [ __ ] boy this game is creepy weird there's no other found in kitchen there was a blinking light or something yeah maybe that's a light anomaly um camera malfunction object disappearance object movement trilight anomaly abyss presence that might that make makes sense right light anomalies when a light turns on yeah but that little beepy light was lady that's so true oh that's new uh oh hurry up and [ __ ] unpinned high i wonder what he's so upset about oh god what happened uh two anomalies active mission failed what the [ __ ] you talking about there were too many anomalies ah [ __ ] dude i'm terrible with this uh are we getting many anomalies all right is this gonna like freak out is this gonna scare me all right it's just gonna scare me i'm feeling scared big scared oh missing option missing option oh oh good button one it's over you fix nine five five to nine oh okay it was four anomalies what the [ __ ] try again are they the same anomalies this time around or is it different oh it's all different different oh my god we're not good at this dude we're stupid we're just straight stupid well we did we did see six out of nine anomalies nice because we the the painting we just didn't get to uh put it in how stupid are we dumb as far as i can tell okay oh dude that thing wasn't even there what that that bp light thing next to the door oh there it is sorry wrong room i was thinking of a different room embarrassed man what an interesting game i know it's pretty sick yeah i did not like that nude man intruder i was not a fan of his yeah i get it it's like i get it so i can't interact with anything right okay oh man this is just this is yeah yeah this is this is for birds yeah you're good at uh compare games but only when you can do your 3d stereogram overlay cross-eyed yeah cheat um i am not seeing anything different right now because that's okay it took some time was was that thing always on the box this glass yes okay yeah i was kind of thinking about that too i don't remember that being there um object uh it was an extra object yes in the kitchen in the kit chen all right okay and no extra object i guess it was always there yeah we just oh wait what the that painting over the couch on the left that's new this yeah that is not yeah i don't remember that being there that's the same exact painting it's always been is it really yeah i don't remember there being like a ghostly person there but yeah yeah [ __ ] i oh oh that was outside in the real world oh yeah motorcycles on uh the highway sound like uh ghosts in the game i've noticed that all day um man like nothing's changed as far as i can tell babyface do you see something ali oh oh my bad thank you yeah seriously frictional normally there's [ __ ] no there's [ __ ] nothing out of the ordinary right now is there something out is that something new is that right i don't know i don't know how difficult they get with this you know like how like tiny everything is it gets real tiny oh there's a guy oh sir sir balcony intruder okay that's good time to go good sir that's been bob sitted i'm sorry okay that's been fixed okay so we got one intruder gone you singing tool over there this one's the easiest room whoa was that sound no [ __ ] dude they're they're slow playing us on this yeah i'm sincerely like like a dingleberry on this just just [ __ ] wasting everyone's time and money i'm assuming this organization somebody's paying them try uh try painting anomaly that's that's the same one it is the same painting i just feel like that squiggled near her face is different all right okay you know what i'll i'll give it a shot yeah i don't know we don't have anything else to go on painting anomaly nothing's different nothing's different nothing's different nothing is different for those of you at home we are singing made-up lyrics to the tune of 46 and 2 by tool my favorite tool song it's a great [ __ ] song yeah it really is good oh i think it's because it hit one minute dude literally i haven't noticed [ __ ] anything i'm such a like i'm blind apparently did you see something i think i might have seen something this no that's always there unless that's it's peeping what oh it's beeping son of a [ __ ] uh yeah a life multiple anomalies oh wait is this like a motion sensor no no no i think that's them sending you the message camera malfunction no tamaled other just start sending in reports what is so stupid oh well how did i even get this job what a fool i was are you like nowhere near the house dude i hope for your sake that's the case yeah seriously dude oh we lost holy [ __ ] we lost boy we like sucked that game what was like really that was not good that was that was awful one out of five there were four that we missed wow wow we suck all right one more time [ __ ] oh my god let's do it i feel good about this one all right all right i want to really really peel over it go through everything detail-wise that i'm remembering yeah i got it [Music] i know the pieces pizza fits i know the pizza fits yes there was something there wow i thought that was just like a hole in the couch and i was making it up but there was something sitting out there [ __ ] it's okay it's a fresh new uh opportunity it's a new day it's a new down a new life for me [Music] it's new day afternoon jeez man it's so weird how like sometimes it's like oh the plant has 36 leaves instead of 37 but other times it's like a huge fat naked guy staring at you and yeah making a sound oh i'm an adoboli probably probably dude i don't [ __ ] know i don't i did but i i mean we're not doing well but i really like this game i know it's it's very like i want to keep playing more and more oh my god dude i'm losing my [ __ ] mind here i'm losing my [ __ ] mind i feel like the first run through gave us so many more obvious ones no right you're so right about that i just have to accept that i'm dumb i think that's i think that's what's happening in this world i mean like i think all points all timelines converge on this moment to to show me oh my god there's something there that's new that's a new object yes that's new [ __ ] it's floating around yes uh uh extra object [ __ ] yeah i'm a goddamn wizard there's a globe or whatever well done good me go me well done why don't you freak next time you will be so lucky all right all right normally fix great excellent was that plant always there yes yes i don't know the bathroom baffles me yeah i feel like they could change patterns in here and you'd yeah none the wiser yes i'm thinking that the wallpaper is changing and it's so detailed that we're not noticing i keep [ __ ] looking at the wallpaper and this x over here or i guess it could be a plus sign um yes but there's there's oh dude dude i'm about to pee please don't but i could i know out of anger not doubting you pee anger anger p wait go back to the other room yeah was that ashtray all the way at the bottom always there the whole try it bedroom extra object i honestly cannot remember um fudge man fudge nope no extra objects is there some kind of lighting thing happening in here or stop making noises editors uh please oh oh the thing's gone what's oh yeah look at that uh toilet missing objects object disappearance uh please put in some slightly spooky atmospheric music nah put in some elevator music okay yeah whatever you like [Music] all right normally fixed great we got two that's good yeah that's one more than last time thank you for reminding me i really appreciate that box always there handles okay there's yeah no guy tables headphones hoagies grinders nothing's nothing's a miss hoogies and grinders hoagies and grinders navy beans navy beans navy beans meatloaf sandwich what the hell are you talking about sloppy joe schlopper it's the lunch lady song by adam sandler all right oh my god [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] is there something missing in here i feel like there could be something missing okay send a report baby it was it's the naked man he's missing yeah where is he who is he [Music] oh my god [ __ ] god damn no my [ __ ] can't take this much punishment [Laughter] first of all that's not true secondly oh my god jesus christ that was [ __ ] wild yeah boy when you catch them in the act yeah very strange object movement yup how about that send that report you this scandalous man that's [ __ ] silly it's like whoops although that said i don't know if i would have noticed it if we came back right and it was just on the other side okay so we've gotten three we're doing pretty okay yep uh nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing freaks on a leash my dad is going to kill me oh son of a bee were these like closer no no they're the same same as the boxes those bricks the lining of a ship it's like i don't know how specific things are getting you know i mean yeah it's like maybe maybe like like for example like that wha oh whoa that's a light anomaly yeah barely noticeable yeah maybe they're going easy on us this time yeah but like i was like maybe this wall's different you know maybe they added like a thing here you know yeah something that's like so inconspicuous let's give them stupid clues for they are stupid all right anomaly fixed all right well i feel like they're doing that i don't know are they fixing these anomalies mystic powers uh i feel like we're doing good on this round yeah it's going okay i'm kind of proud of us nothing's changed nothing i am not afraid of any ghosts i have to be honest i'm not afraid of any ghost if you saw a ghost that you'd be afraid oh yeah you'd be like oh ghost and you're like oh i i would hate the idea because i mean once you get to a circle there's a new object oh yeah or is it an intruder i can't tell what that is it's okay just try different things uh backing outside objects or extra objects it's like a dog or i don't know [ __ ] jar we'll find out [Music] yay excellent dude this is yup going pretty well i'm feeling good feeling very good well i'm feeling good oh yeah feeling real good spooky why deserve a cookie was that chair always facing the painting like that yes this one no the other one on the other this one yeah they were all facing out interesting that by itself is weird i know is the idea that like you're checking out this house because there have been reported hauntings and therefore i don't know some poltergeist [ __ ] happened and things were already tossed around oh my gosh is anything different yet did you notice something what ally saw something i think is that chair on the left moving like the one in front of the painting is it moving oh oh yes no no uh yes and and that and the chair what yeah these paintings are objects are moving file report the painting's moving yes oh i guess it would be a painting anomaly then or objects yeah i guess object moving right yeah object movement i think it was happening with a couple of different ones nice because the chair was like right in front of the painting before cool good job ellie we got three sleuths on the job nothing can stop us this is helpful all right that was true yep yeah it's back to where it is baby okay it was just that painting that was sliding around man how far does the rabbit hole go on these ones okay it's two oh two minutes gone so i guess we're not letting too many anomalies go unnoticed which is good yes we've never made it to a second oh we're getting a notice what see the the oh that's got to be like a whoa oh object movement okay yep that's it done chair movement i never would have noticed that chair being there no probably not no i would have yes because i always like the clear shot of the trash can it makes me feel good makes me feel what's the what's what is this man i don't know it's like that beeps sometimes that's got to be a motion sensor or something yeah an indication that something is happening somewhere but like what room is does this go to the kitchen balcony it is yes but that's the balcony oh ah so it's not beeping anymore [ __ ] i don't know i i swear to god this is like a motion sensor or something because there there wouldn't be just one uh like other room type deal you know is there some kind of map only four rooms well i want to see how they're connected you know what i mean yes because like what is the what is this room i don't know oh okay okay okay what is that this chair yeah yeah yeah that's that is this chair i don't know but i think that chair moved yes okay so we're looking which chair this one truck no yeah the in the other room which one that one i don't think that was always there oh it's like way further over here yeah yeah yeah yep okay a lot of object movement yeah i'm just trying to [ __ ] get a sense of all right all right so this is balcony okay and then over here is kitchen this is kitchen okay right what what really it was always there that doesn't feel right boy this game's playing tricks on us that's really [ __ ] oh nude man oh yeah oh hello well day sir he's an intruder um so this one has got to be like front front door or maybe it's bathroom i don't know i said good day leave us be put on a shirt put on some pants and do a little dance okay is there like an open door somewhere within view i don't freaking know man son of a this is turning me into like a paranoid man i know i know wait wait go back is that an arm in the door yes there's a person there oh yeah intruder intruder nice good eye man thank you it's because i'm skayward i'm hyper vigilant on account of my terrification [Laughter] fix that and now i'm like get out of here we are [ __ ] rolling in the goddamn anomaly though right can this uh level end i know how many anomalies are gonna give us as wild wild and crazy kids what brought them crazy kids wild nothing's different out here what is the in the bathroom was that soap always on the sink the soap yes was that always there well yeah okay oh okay cancel go back the other way no more seeing anything different dang i know dang is right that's different i hate that yeah yeah don't like that at all didn't even like the first one yeah that's way more upsetting yeah okay gong 3 p.m damn oh movement yeah what what does this mean maybe you know what i'll just go kitchen movement or maybe oh you know what abyss presence because like it's just there maybe ghost oh i don't i mean making the beeping noise just yeah making the machine beep yeah i have no idea um okay what about ghost great band hmm whoops nope i guess it's just a [ __ ] thing that happens every so often uh oh yeah i guess i can try other do i get penalized for wrong ones it doesn't seem like it i think you just are unable to file other reports yeah just kind of works against you nope i i guess it's just a thing that happens ah [ __ ] yeah i know [ __ ] i'm dude to be honest with you i'm one step closer to the edge it's like geoguesser but with parallel dimensions i have to determine where i am in this house what the [ __ ] was that what oh jesus whoa whoa is that an intruder i don't know we heard ali gasp and we were like what what's the problem did they change the wallpaper there's like nope there's a head in the sink that's gotta be an intruder right oh no i'm getting notifications that there's more anomalies you gotta try oh [ __ ] okay cool multiple active anomaly shut up [ __ ] all right look around fast uh [ __ ] panicking oh i'm panicking skywalker over here oh wait oh that wasn't the intruder yeah uh uh the extra object yes let's do that so there was something else in here that we didn't see yeah an intruder or a ghost god fix please great okay okay [ __ ] man well that still means there's one somewhere yeah because there were multiple when we got that message uh [ __ ] and spotting ghosts is hard oh it's like what the with the dillio bro what the dang diddly did leo i'm actually pretty impressed with the bathroom on this round yeah yeah we've had some we've had a good bathroom run you're so right tan thank you yes nothing nothing nothing nothing oh uh headphones moved yes they did moving object awesome now awesome why don't you eat my dick spirits of the underworld how long does this go i know what was there something in the middle oh man oh my god there's a walking man hurry holy [ __ ] hurry hurry hello that's [ __ ] weird i gave you the [ __ ] creeps please fix that anomaly yeah oh man this is where you don't want bureaucratic red tape okay thank god we're gonna have to bring that up to our superiors the report is pending jesus boy ali you called that one aaron and i were like what a lovely day jesus uh i guess we probably would have seen the creature when he appeared that the [ __ ] it just kind of hangs out um nothing oh we made it to 4pm do we have to go until six like five nights at freddy's [Music] oh the bedroom oh there's a spot what oh this oh yeah what the [ __ ] oh oh [ __ ] oh what the hell we missed that dicks no way yeah there was a spot on the ground two million dollars active mission failed there was a spot on the ground good spies oh man heck at all heck at all wow that was fun though i really enjoyed that yeah um hey now 18 there's still four that we miss i guess four is the fail state yeah i think they just keep upping the amount whoa god what did we miss i feel like we're [ __ ] eagle-eyed on that round yeah we were doing very well damn huh do you want to try the next level next time on game games i kind of do right like yeah let's do it all right all right all right next time on google grumps oh that's right cool grumps are you transforming oh no i
Channel: GameGrumps
Views: 964,263
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lets play, walkthrough, gameplay, egoraptor, danny, game grumps, gamegrumps, funny, arin, letsplay, gaming
Id: SGLUcm2wBg4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 7sec (2467 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 30 2021
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