Before committing to Grooming your own Dog, do this

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thank you for joining me live from The Grooming table I am Amy Lee certified Professional Pet Groomer since 2013 but you know it is absolutely my pleasure to share with you the secrets of the pet grooming industry so you can provide the same level of quality care to your beloved pets at home as I provide to the pets I groom in my professional Grooming Salon welcome to go groomer guys it is so awesome that you're here what we have created here on this community is amazing we have a community of pet Professionals of pet owners homeg groomers people who come from all over the world who are here to share secrets and learn valuable knowledge about pet grooming products tools equipment where to get them it's essential that we have what we have right here guys go gromer on YouTube and I am so thankful that you are all part of this CU it is amazing so Pat yourselves on the back and I'm so glad that you joined me tonight because we have a great topic I think I'm going to answer a lot of people's questions tonight um about grooming I think I can sum a lot of things up in in my little demonstration here tonight that I'm going to give to you well I don't have a demonstration I'm going to talk to you I do have a few things to throw up on the screen that are going to be pretty interesting so just wait for that what is the topic tonight's topic is before committing to grooming your own dog do this do what I'm going to tell you before committing to grooming your own dog you must follow this advice so listen up guys perk your ears as I run through these things I want you to focus on putting great importance on these key factors and ask yourself if you will absolutely commit to learning and implementing them in your grooming sessions what I'm going to share with you tonight guys if you implement this into your grooming sessions you will have success these are some good Secrets really good Secrets the first thing that you need in place is this you must create a safe comfortable well lit space in your home to groom your dog this is very important lighting is essential something we often don't think about right what's the lighting like in the room where I'm grooming my dog I'm telling you it's very important you must be able to see what you're doing to avoid accidentally injuring your dog with grooming tools even a brush can injure a dog if you're brushing too hard and you cannot see too well you cannot see that the skin is becoming red or irritated quickly you can cause brush burn even just with a brush guys lighting is so so important let me show you some you know I told you I'd be throwing stuff up on screen here let's check this out all right if the lighting in your Grooming Room is lacking if it's there you're seeing a lot of Shadows okay this can really obstruct your what you're doing your ability to really see what you're doing so if the lighting is lacking consider purchasing some of these affordable options to illuminate your grooming sessions guys I'm telling you we don't often think about lighting but it's important and I'm going to link these they are linked in the description below of this video so you would be amazed if you're having trouble with lighting if you add a couple of these puppies and they're affordable into your grooming area where you groom your dog you'll be amazed at the difference that good lighting can offer you when you're grooming it's simple it's one of those simple things that we don't think about so often right so the first thing that you need to do if you're going to groom your dog yourself is make sure that the area you're grooming in is very well lit and if you don't have good Lighting in your your uh if it's in a basement or if it's in a garage or if it's in a spare room you can add lighting guys light it up I'm telling you big difference all right and and Along on this same little subject that I'm talking about here is creating a good space for you and your pet creating a safe comfortable space to groom your dog for both you and your pet it's very important it's important that you're comfortable too and that you're not stepping around on junk cuz youve you've you've shoved The Grooming table over into the corner of a room that's like full of junk no give yourself space make this comfortable for you and your pet make it welcoming for you to want to be there because it changes your mood it changes your Vibe you know put on some nice music if you'd like to it's a good idea to elevate your mood as as best best you can when you're grooming your dog but definitely make sure that you've created a comfortable space for both you and your dog you must have a dog grooming table guys you know I say this all the time I do I say it all the time but it's true you must have a dog grooming table with a grooming arm that you can hook a lead onto um you have to be able to safely secure your dog for for grooming it's important there's many reasons a grooming table also elevates the dog so that you can work more easily it's for you too guys and if you can't afford a hydraulic table or electric table cuz say you're only grooming your own dog please buy a portable table they make portable dog grooming tables let me show you something I got something else to show you here throw this up on screen this dog is safely secured on The Grooming table you'll notice the grooming arm the table the groomer helper Loop and you'll notice a grooming arm hitch very important having your dog secured on The Grooming table also helps your pet understand that you want them in that space and it encourages the dog to behave for you very important it takes away some of their stress when they're safely secured on the table this is very important if you're going to groom your dog yourself it would be best if you had a grooming arm with a Groomer's helper grooming Loop to keep them on the table and safe from jumping off cuz sometimes they get a little crazy they get a little um adventurous should we say we don't want them to jump off the table for many reasons they could hurt themselves but then it just creates this thing where they're constantly trying to get off the table you want them secured on the table that tells the dog something I'm safe up here I'm safely secured it's very important for their mindset and be sure to use a grooming arm hitch just as I showed you in that little video demo thing use a grooming arm hitch that hitches to the Groomer's helper to The Grooming arm so the dog can't do this you want to keep the dog close to the grooming arm and they you know it keeps them from spinning around it keeps them from jumping off the table it it encourages better Behavior if your dog is resistant to grooming to any part of grooming The Grooming process safely harnessing your dog as shown in that little demo will often be the missing link to give good behavior from your dog to you on the grooming table if your dog isn't properly harnessed it can be the missing link of why you're having issues with your dog's behavior on the table they need to feel secure it's very important so I linked a couple of grooming tables in the description below you'll see a lot of links as usual scroll through them couple of grooming tables we got some electric ones hydraulic and portable um a grooming arm a grooming Loop the Groomer's helper a grooming arm hitch they're all Linked In the description for you they are absolutely ental when grooming a dog safely and successfully so that's the first step to getting successfully grooming your dog yourself things you must ask yourself and be willing to commit to before you say I'm going to do this I'm going to be my dog's groomer then you have to do all these things that I'm telling you today you just got to trust me I wouldn't Lead You astray I promise the second thing I want you to commit to is can you provide any and all required dog grooming methods to groom your dog can you provide that are you physically and mentally capable of grooming your dog because if you're not you're setting yourself up for failure and it's going to it's going to be discouraging to you so I want you to ask yourself these questions am I physically and mentally capable capable of grooming my dog when I say mentally I mean do you are you are you able to communicate properly with your dog on the table and not let your dog run the show you have to run the show not in a cruel way just you're the leader in this grooming session and your dog needs to know it and grooming large dogs if you have a large dog you really need to ask yourself if you're physically strong enough to Grim this dog it is a lot of work it's not that it can't be done but I want you to ask yourself these things before you commit to buying tools spending money you know um purchasing any of my Helpful Dog Grooming um options on my go gromer Learning Center you I want you to ask yourself these questions I want you to save the money if you can't commit to to what I'm telling you here tonight okay and when I say can you provide any and all required dog grooming methods I mean are you willing to commit to the job the same as a professional groomer is you are taking on The Grooming needs it needs to be done like a professional would now when I say like a professional I don't mean it needs to look exactly like Amy's work well you'll get there cuz I don't know if you've been grooming for 20 years but 20 years ago when I groomed my Grooms didn't look like they do today they look better today but the methods were all the same it was all there I had the knowledge I just had to hone my skills and you will hone your skills you'll get there trust me every groom is an experience and take something from every groom look at your dogs when you're done when they're walking around or playing in the yard and say oh wow I really left way too much hair on on you know on the underbelly of my dog he looks he looks short now or whatever just pick your work apart that's not you'll always improve guys with every groom but what I want you to ask yourself before you commit to doing it is can you provide any and all required dog rumming methods can you do that are you willing to commit to that and no shortcuts no skipping steps I didn't feel like bathing my dog that's part of the groom do you hear me part of the groom if you can't commit to the whole grooming session as a professional would then you should probably consider not being your dog's groomer because then you may have skin problems you can't skip vital parts of the groom you can't just to say I gave the dog a haircut the skin and coat care is very important skin care is very important the bathing brushing drying conditioning is so important you can't skip it it's part of the groom so are you are you able to commit to to all this if so then we can move on okay so this is a good idea here and I helped you guys out with this so you need to create if you're going to commit to to being your dog's groomer you need to create a schedule for your dog consisting of daily bi-weekly or weekly brush outs uh bathing between full haircuts every two to three weeks bathing and conditioning brushing drying you need to commit to this and make a schedule cuz this is now your dog's schedule you made it you're your dog's groomer you need the schedule but I got you covered on that so yeah you want to be bathing brushing drying in between about every two to three weeks depending on the length of your dog's coat and their lifestyle if they get really dirty they may need bathed more than every two weeks and that's okay if you're doing it right and you're using Safe products and properly rining them from the coat it's fine you can bathe your dog every week if you do that now and of course in our grooming schedule that you need to create cuz now you're going to be at the dog's groomer you need to keep at least about a six week schedule for full Grooms for the full haircut guys then that's the whole deal that's the nails the bath the dry the brushing and the haircut but you can have this all on a schedule if you're not willing to do this then you're not willing to commit to becoming your dog's groomer and caring for their grooming needs your dog's complete grooming needs you have to care for their grooming needs if you're going to commit and I know you want to so just take my advice guys you can do it but you have to follow my advice here so many people allow their dog to become matted or wear an unkempt coat before they even consider addressing the grooming needs that's not we're not talking about that we're talking about you're committing to being your dog's groomer so we're not going to let our dogs get in those conditions before we address their grooming needs because you're now the professional you're now your dog's groomer and you're going to take care of it if you don't maintain a reasonable grooming schedule with your dog and put off grooming sessions it will not set you up for successful sessions when you are attempting to groom the dog that's in desperate need of grooming you you're not setting yourself up for Success most pet owners or people who are new to grooming they're not skilled enough to groom a dog in that condition and it's it's going to fail you're going to fail to complete the job when you attempt it you're going to be disappointed and you're going to you're going to hesitate to get back up on the horse so don't set yourself up for failure keep your dog on a schedule make a schedule I want you to have success if you plan to be your dog's groomer so I created something for you yeah it's free would you like it it's fun I created a free dog grooming schedule for you to download and print out okay let me show you I have a picture that that one this one so this is what I created for you guys if you want to download it it is free and what it is is you're going to create your dog's own grooming schedule for the next 6 weeks it's customizable to your dog's grooming needs and it will help you maintain the dog grooming requirements for your pet because you're going to ride it on there you're going to ride on there you know on June 1st is is brush out on June 4th is brush out on June 12th is Bath condition dry and brush out you can do nails anywhere in here too you don't have to save nails for the day that you actually do a full groom but you can write it all on here guys write it all on here you'll print out several copies of these and keep it for each each month the things that you're doing with your dog to keep them maintained and well groomed just like a professional right now you have some new tools just like a professional you have your own little schedule for your dog so feel free to download that I made it for you only just the other day I thought about it and I thought I should just make them a schedule I should make them a schedule then they have it it's it's it's for them it's for them to groom their dogs it's linked in the description below it is free to you all of you so please take advantage of this gift from me to you cuz I made it for you and I want you to have it all right but right now stay here okay here's the next key factor I want you to ask yourself before attempting to groom your own dog have you obtained the basic dog grooming number knowledge that you need to groom your pets safely so important so important without the knowledge it's really not safe to groom dogs and you don't need the knowledge of a 20-year groomer but you do need Basic dog grooming knowledge if you're going to use tools on your dogs I can't stress the importance of this enough if you do not have basic dog groming knowledge and a clear understanding of dog grooming tools products equipment methods all that how to use them if you don't have a clear understanding of that you're not setting yourself up to have successful dog groming sessions and I want you to remember dog grooming tools such as Clippers guard comb attachments shears they're not magic if you purchase a beautiful $300 Clipper that doesn't mean your Grooms are going to look beautiful you need the knowledge must have it that kind of hurt so the tools aren't magic you have to be comfortable using them and you have to understand how they operate you really do I did create I have an online dog groming course for the very beginner so if you're serious about being your dogs groomer you might want to purchase that course specifically the person who has no understanding of dog grooming and is seeking the knowledge needed to groom their dog at home that's what I created this course for the person who knows very little to nothing about dog grooming and you will find it on my go gromer Learning Center it's linked below you should also sign up for my Weekly Newsletter guys if you haven't already it's freaking amazing I enjoy reading it when I get it so if you visit my go gromer Learning Center it's link below you will find many options other than my course there are other options to help you learn Basic dog grooming and transform your struggles when grooming dogs so please please please please value the advice that I am going to be if you're going to be your dogs groomer you have to really value this advice guys get the basic training that you need to safely and successfully groom your pet without it you cannot succeed you cannot without the basic dog grooming knowledge that you need you can't suc Ed it's it's going to be stressful it shouldn't be SCH I don't want grooming to be stressful for you guys it shouldn't be so if you come to the grooming table prepared with some knowledge the right tools your dog is safely secured on the table you got a nice well-lit area to groom them in if you come to the grooming table like that you are going to succeed you will and I want you to I keep saying that cuz I do so this leads us directly to the next key factor we're going from hey do you have the basic knowledge to gri a dog before you would attempt it now what will you purchase professional dog grooming tools and equipment to groom your dog successfully I need you to ask yourself that I get a lot of emails people saying that Clipper is $200 can you can you can you find me a Clipper that's $50 bucks no I can't if there was a good Clipper for 50 bucks every professional groomer would be using it do you think we like spending $300 on Clippers no if we could save the money and do the same produce the same work we would but you can't you've got to have professional dog grooming tools because they are made to groom dogs not just to sit on a Walmart shelf and look pretty in a box and you get it home and it's worth less worthless a waste of money you have to ask yourself are you willing to purchase professional dog gromming tools and equipment to groom your dog this is a question that I want you to ask yourself and be willing to spend the money to purchase the same tools that Professional Pet Groomers use are you willing to do that if you are willing to purchase the same tools and spend the money that Professional Pet gomers use that and I think you're ready to commit you have to have all these things guys if if you're not willing to spend the money on the appropriate capable tools then please do not consider grooming your dog yourself because it's really truly not even safe at that point some tools are just so pathetic and they're not safe professional dog grooming tools were made to groom dogs and that is the safest thing here's another thing what are the minimal necessary tools that you need I don't want you guys to go buy everything because it's it's there or because you see me use it in a video you may not need everything to groom your dog at home yourself safely and professionally you may not need everything but there are minimal necessary tools that you do need for grooming your dog and I did make a great video showing you exactly those tools that you must purchase to groom dog and it's linked in the description below it's a really good one but it shows you I think there is six that you need to have really all the tools and products are linked in that video's description if you go watch it later and I do encourage you to watch it before you purchase any dog groming tools at all please watch that video that's Linked In the description and I wanted to show you again this one see this dog is is safely secured on the table so important to have a grooming table guys you can't skip it you just have to have a grooming table and the items mentioned earlier which is the the loop and The Grooming hitch you need those to safely secure your dog on The Grooming table and have successful grooming sessions this is very valuable very valuable advice guys and I want you to succeed if you do the things that I shared with you here tonight when I'm sharing in this video you will have successful dog grooming sessions and your dog's grooming needs they will always be met I promise you that's the idea that the dog's grooming needs are always met and that you're armed with the knowledge and the knowhow and the tools to get it done safely and it's going to turn into be a hobby for you cuz people start grooming their dogs and they absolutely love it and so do the dogs it is a bonding experience for the dog and the pet owner you will have this experience with your pet if you groom them especially if you come to the table with confidence because you've armed yourself with the knowledge and the knowhow to do this job appropriately and safely okay now it's time for your questions if anybody has a question hold a line in front of your question like sbcc toy snowers just did perfect thank you Sean Sean says Amy when will your scissors be available again oh boy are they sold out they they do sell out quick I know they do they make them and then they're sold out and then they make them and then they're sold out and it is a cycle they will replenish them they're made by keni they're wonderful shears she says I have a set but I want to buy another one because they're so great well thank you Sean I'm so so happy that you do love my shears I do too and I know you have a set of my shears because I groomed with you at your place and you have a perfect setup to groom your dogs you know the importance of this and I love it I love it so Sean they will be back in stock real soon it takes them a little time when they when they're out of stock they might still have like I know that blending Shear sells out a lot and it is fantastic I love my blender it's a soft blender but often they'll still like if you didn't want to buy the whole set often times they'll still have the straight or the curved you know I don't know if you want to buy another whole set or if you just wanted to have a spare straight or a spare curve um they may have those in stock but sometimes the whole set sell out because it's it saves you a little money if you buy the whole set definitely so I'm scrolling through here looking for for questions guys if you hold the dash bar and then type your question I'll see it and I can get you an answer I see we're coming from all over the place guys and I'm so happy to see you thank you for coming I am so happy to see you all um I did see a question here somehow I just scrolled really fast but let me let me get to it my eyes aren't as good as they used to be either guys thank you Court Jester Court Jester is showing you how to put that line in front of the Janelle thank you guys see we have wonderful people helping us right here in the chat aren't they awesome I I love my moderators um Janelle Court Jester you help us very much thank you for that you help me Amanda G has a question says hi from Indiana Amanda I'm from Indiana too I live in Pennsylvania now but I'm from Indiana says looking for some s some suggestions for grooming a senior newy 135 lbs with a CCL tear wow oh boy and a and a um laxa patella so we've got some knee issues some joint problems too standing just isn't much of an option for our guy all right Amanda this is what I'm going to tell you I will tell you right now that the new Funland is probably the heaviest dog I've ever groomed now I didn't say largest did I I've groomed some lean burgers that were bigger than the new Funland that I groomed but the new Funland were heavier they weighed more a newy is a solid little brick they're a big dog they are a big dog um so because they're heavy I can't assist them much that's for sure now what I want to tell you about that is it's always good to have somebody helping you with a dog that large because especially a dog that large that has troubl standing so first of all have a helper Amanda have somebody with you if it's one of your kids that's capable or a friend or your spouse or whomever have somebody commit to to helping you with this this senior newy because this is hard on them so here you go what I would do for a senior newy I would try to do as much of the work for the dog on the floor and new Funland are so so good to work with they're just like oh they're not going to try to get away from you you know any other dog you try to groom on the floor they'll be like I'm out of here you know I'm free but a newy no they'll say oh you want me here okay okay I'll sit here yeah they're really good so with bathing bathing and conditioning is so important for that newy coat because it is such a thick dense undercoat and it really does need to be cleaned regularly at least about every eight weeks I wouldn't put it off anymore the bath in the condition and a blow dry wouldn't put it off more than eight weeks so what you can do because well you going to get them in your bathtub no probably not um if you have a standup shower stall or anything like that and you can hook something up to the plumbing you're going to have to do that because you need a good rent station for that thick coat and let the dog lay on the shower floor let him lay there everything's contained in the shower let him lay there definitely got to hook up something with your plumbing you need good Plumbing you have to rinse that coat thoroughly and you have to clean it thoroughly so I would say that let him lay down in the shower um you're going to want to towel them off as much as possible their coat is much like a sponge it holds so much water and you don't want to spend 3 hours drying this dog and a dog doesn't want to spend that time either cuz he's a senior dog and he's tired so what I would do then is I would bring him out of the shower or you can do this in the shower you're just going to have a lot of hair there definitely use the absorber towels to absorb as much water out of the coat as possible everywhere before you even attempt to forc dry um like I said the coat is like a sponge that coat holds a lot of water so use your absorber towels they're much better than cotton towels for drying a heavy coat like that if you don't have absorber towels guys they're Linked In the description below and I can save you 10% it's down there it's in the description go check it out so they are very helpful but you're going to have to do most of that work Amanda on the floor because that's what's safest for the dog and it may be uncomfortable for you so what I suggest is that you definitely put some mats down for you to sit on I don't want you sitting on concrete or sitting on a very very hard floor because you're going to be there for a while put something down to make it comfortable for you too and the dog absolutely yoga mats anything to absorb some Shock yoga mats are cheap um any type of foamy mat you know that you can get it's cheapest it doesn't have to be fancy you're just trying to absorb some of the shock Factor between the hard floor and you and the dog in the hard floor so I'd say that's that's my best suggestion honey there's there's no other magic trick for a a dog that's 135 lbs and has pain in their knees and their legs and it's hard to stand there's no magic trick that's the best advice I can give you on that um I'm looking for any other questions here I see we got a Super Chat a little bit of this and a little bit of that who is that from it doesn't tell me the name why doesn't it tell me the name oh that's weird you know YouTube keeps changing things okay well anyway whoever did that getting so saluted thank you for the Super Chat I really appreciate it I mean little bit this and a little bit of that that's right it's what it takes to groom them that's what it takes thank you so much I app appreciate your Super Chat all right I wish I could see your name I want to shout you out I don't know what's going on with YouTube sometimes they keep changing our platform a little bit it's great but changes up a little bit Jeffrey Underwood has a question and I see the hands raising I like the hands raising says I was looking at the jelly Loop tether for the grimming arm okay the the the the tether for The Grooming arm got you um does it slip up and down the pole or does it grip nope it grips you have to pull it tight tight and it has a clamp so when you pull it tight in the clamp then when you let go the clamp holds it where you want it because remember we want the grooming Loop that's around their neck we want the hitch to be pulling down away from the trachea not straight in front of them because that's still kind of pulling up right it it needs to be harnessed fixed it needs to be fixed to The Grooming arm at an angle down so it pulls away from the trachea and I will say this since you mentioned the jelly Pet Loop to my knowledge the jelly Pet Loop that goes on the grooming arm they do not make one with a fixed o-ring their ring slides I don't like anything that will slide when we have our dog secondly hitch to that grooming arm extender hitch I want something that's sticking that's there it's not going to move like the groomers helper or the Alpha Dog Loops they now alpha dog has Loops that have free floating rings and they also have loops that have the solid stitched into the tether and it won't move that's the important thing it has to stay here so it doesn't slide up here and start you know when your dog's moving around it could be a problem so yeah it stays really nice Jeffrey I'll tell you I've been plugging that one a lot lately cuz when I picked it up from Hershey I was like this is great my audience is going to love this and it's affordable and so it it's a win-win so definitely Candice Clark says I am in grooming School congratulations and grooming rescue pups so that and groom and in grooming school you're grooming rescue pups so they're nervous and they're hard to clip the Paw hairs and the nails and they pull their legs away okay so you're looking at some advice well I like to share space now be careful you're talking rescue dogs you don't know these dogs too well right so I don't want to lose my spot here um you don't know these dogs you don't want to be in their face but you want to share space with them keep a hand on them at all times they feel that you you're here with them that it's a little bit of assurance for them instead of it feeling like you're working on them you're working with them stay close to them keep that other hand on them at all times and just talk real nice and calm and remember these are rescue pups they're really probably not very familiar with dog grooming so you know don't forget that so they're learning to accept it it's not normal never been a part of their life not normal normal for them they don't know what it is they don't know what the tools are so I'd say you know just work with them calmly quietly keep a hand on them share the space with them lean into them sometimes I'll lean against a dog and let them touch me they know I'm right you're not alone here I'm here with you we're doing this you it's it just seems to add a little Comfort to dogs Jenny sein is super chatting too blessed here sharing the we oh you are so getting saluted Jenny Jenny you are another one that has created a fantastic space for you to groom your dogs in it is hotnot girlfriend so you see guys it can be done so many people in this chat have created a perfect place for them to groom and they're not a professional groomer that's what you need you need that space it has to be set up for you and your pet it is the the first thing and well lit it has to be that's what's going to set you up for Success um Kathleen says Amy what's the difference between using thinners as opposed to using chunkers well thinners is just a word for a blending Shear or a thinning Shear the difference in chunkers and thinners is the amount of teeth on the shear I can't reach it the amount of teeth on the shear and the space between the teeth on a chunker there's a lot of space between the teeth right that's going to remove a lot of hair it's okay if you want to but some people like a soft blend like like my blending sheer it's a 52 tooth it's got a lot of teeth and they're really close together that means it's going to to blend very subtly it's not going to remove a lot of hair when you're blending it just produces a smoother look so the more teeth closer together there are different sizes of blending sheares too guys so this can get a little confusing there's like 5 and 1/2 6 and 1/2 7 and 1/2 inch blending shears mine are is 7 and 1/2 look at the spacing on the teeth that's what's going to tell you it's not going to remove a lot of hair if the facing and the teeth the teeth are real close together it's not going to remove a lot of hair it's a safe blender for you especially as a beginner a chunker Shear is going to remove a lot and you may if you don't use it properly it's going to look choppy so you might want to you know not go for the chunk or Shear until you're very comfortable and confident with your grooming but that's the difference honey it's the space between the teeth the space between the teeth that's the difference between a chunk or and a blender there is a lot of space between the teeth on a chunker and Candice Clark says hi hi Candace says I have a six PB Chi so a Chihuahua to groom with collapsing traia what's the best way to safely secure her on the table good question I'm going to try to not rip my mic off and reach something back here okay normally when we harness a dog on The Grooming table this is the Alpha Dog lead guys see how I said this is fixed it can't slide around up here it's sewn on there okay now trachea issues so here's the dog instead of putting this under their neck under their trachea pull pull their front arm through it okay pull the front arm through it and just Loop this so this is coming right across their chest that's it and and around under their armpits that's how you want this loop I wish I could show you gosh darn it I don't have a dog in here I hope that makes sense so instead of it being around the the neck pull their front arm through there okay now it's going to be crisscrossed around their body and bring it under the armpits and then they're still safely and then you can adjust it so that there's not a lot of slack okay and then they are safely secured absolutely safely secured and I do that I do that a lot for older dogs as older dogs age they they definitely get everything is more delicate on an older dog and puppies puppies that's how I harness a puppy absolutely Ely so I guess I never showed you guys that in a video I need to show you that and I will so I'm so glad that you asked the question Candace and I hope that helped and I hope it makes sense so um Lois says Amy I've been watching you for about a year before I take on being a full-time groomer for my Shih Tzu I'm planning tidy up between Grooms think I'm ready to go I think that's the perfect place to start instead of saying okay I'm going to buy everything I'm going to set everything up and I'm going to groom my dog every 6 weeks and then you're going I'm a little stressed out I don't know if I want to do that you're starting at the perfect place Lois you are going to do sanitary and brushing and bathing and conditioning and drying working with the coat before you even attempt to say now I'm ready for the next step now I'm ready to tackle that groom I think that's perfect so kudos to you for doing that because I really feel like taking things in steps like that getting really good at this before you attempt that is a good idea and you're still taking them to regular trips to their groomer so this is perfect your dog's grooming needs are met and you're learning a lot by maintaining them in between and you're going to continue to learn to the point where you'll say you know what I might be ready to try to groom my dog now and that's good it's a good starting spot I'm so happy to hear that um I just jumped around here Jeffrey has another question I was looking at the jelly Loop tether for The Grooming arm oh I already answered that I'm sorry got it oh Amanda you're welcome no problem Court Jester Court Jester has a question Court Jester says do you know the muffin man do you know the muffin man the muffin man the muffin I don't know where it was from but I remember that from being a kid do I know the muffin man just kidding how are you doing I hope you know how amazing you are thank you for what you do for us Court gesture I'm not amazing I'm just hanging out with my friends sharing all my secrets telling Secrets I love it when you guys are here thank you for being so supportive Court Jester you're always here and you're doing amazing things as I understand Court Chester is getting ready to take on the um science of the skin from Eve San Bernard it's going to be a fun ride I want to tell you you're going to learn so much it's fun everything you learn in that course is amazing amazing so thank you Court Jester Kathleen says Amy I just sent you a question further up different okay got that one honey got you I did see the question this time thank goodness Candace says how do I secure a small CHI with a collaps and trany okay I got that one too thank you love your advice you're very welcome I hope that helped you understand how I harness a small dog with a collapsing trachea so instead of that Loop coming here you want it coming across the body under both the arms and coming it's now over it shoulder blades that's how you're going to harness them with a loop okay it's safe and guys you can do that with any dog any dog it just doesn't have to be a dog with a delicate or collapsing trachea you can harness your dog like that as long as it's safe now you will have some trouble with the grimming hitch but you could still use it you could but it it yeah you could still use the grooming hitch and it would be okay um Jeffrey said I just got some kenchi blending shears and pretty much right out of the box they catch on one of the teeth okay I'm glad you mentioned it Jeffer good glad you mentioned it did I do something something wrong 5B Yorkie silky hair if you noticed right away and I have noticed guys this happens to all of us sometimes we get a pair of shears brand new and if you feel a blending Shear catching a tooth you're going to ruin the shear if you keep operating it if you just got this Jeffrey you call kenchi if they kenchi kenchi stands behind their stuff I don't know where you bought it from most Shear manufacturers will stand behind their stuff um probably nothing on Amazon so I hope you didn't get it there but if the teeth are catching it's going to ruin the shears and they're not properly working you need to reach out to them kenchi has a 30-day no questions asked money back guarantee or an exchange so you would call kenchi if it's a kenchi shear and say look they're these teeth are catching on my blender and you know how do you want me to proceed and they'll walk you right through the process but I'm glad you mentioned it because now I get to share that with with everybody cuz I I'm sure this is you guys have had this happen I know it's happened to me right out of the box brand new sheare I'm like oh that's not good and if you keep working it you're just you're crunching down those teeth you're just messing up your shears so you don't want to do that so I'm glad you asked the question thank you and I hope I answered it and helped you out too um Candice says yes it makes sense can I can I hope the C hook the cross hits to a thing yeah I believe you'll be just fine with that Candace especially you're talking about a very tiny dog so yeah I think it'll be just fine Jamie says hi Jamie I got another stand standard py py puppy standard P that's s like a Tong I got a standard poodle puppy standard poodle puppy anyway I got a new standard poodle puppy Ellie May she's four months old oh I bet she's awesome and she won't let me clean her feet and she won't let me clean she won't let me do clean feet she don't bite she's sweet she Wiggles more than sad Grace was okay she's four months old she's supposed to wiggle she doesn't know about this stuff yet so safely securing her on the table is a great idea kind of calms down the brain a little bit lets her know she's safe you're right there with her you definitely don't encourage Wiggly Behavior like hold still okay a good girl no she's not a good girl if she's doing that be gentle maybe you're not being gentle enough remember a puppy at four months old you're going to train those poodle feet the skin you're going to train the skin to tolerate a close clip that's a close clip you're probably doing a 15 blade I wouldn't do any I would do a 10 blade on a puppy's feet because they're skin is still so tender you'll work up to a 15 blade maybe a 30 blade after she's over a year old or something because you've shaved her feet so much the skin has toughened up to it but go for the 10 blade maybe it's the size blade you're using maybe that's what it is it can be very irritating to the skin so um just keep working with her she's four months old she's not going to like it she's not supposed to like it yet she's learning she's learning what grooming is and you're teaching her so be patient and be kind to her because she's you you want want this impression of grooming to to be a good thing you know from here on out moving forward so always make sure it's nice and calm and everything's good um Susie says I have that question also Pamela Pamela has a question I have problems with guard Combs which ones that fit on which Clipper I have so many videos on that thank you so much I could sit here and take 20 minutes and tell you what which guard Combs fit on each Clipper but I have already covered that in videos um I have many videos on my channel if you're using a 5in one Clipper like The Flash The Flash five you can only use blades for a 5 in1 or guard coms for a five in one even the wall braa will work those blades um if you're using an A5 blade you have to use standard A5 blades guard Combs why wide blades they only make them for A5 Clippers so that's only for your A5 you can't use a wide blade on your kenchi flash keni flash 5 now however the only exception this piranha if any of you have the pirana the guard combs for our wall km10 Raptor our A5 Clippers are the ones that work on the piranha okay because this is a hybrid Clipper it's mimicking a regular standard clipping blade but it isn't quite because you can see it is not the same as a regular Clipper blade it's still got the plastic little stuff in there it's a nice Clipper though but it is not the same but it mimics the A5 blades but I have videos and charts and stuff that explain all that and I can't really get into all of that now but I think I just sort of narrowed it down a little bit for you I hope so Susie um you definitely have to do your homework to know if you're getting the right tools and blades for your Clipper you have to know that Jenny Southerland says have you used the Eve St Bernard red for sensitive skin yes I do have that and the conditioner and it's nice very nice I don't think there's any of the Eve St Bernard products that I have that I wasn't totally impressed with but it is nice and hydrating it's well balancing that's nourishing that's what you want I really like the caviar to um that's a super good one but yes the red is good in fact I have it sitting right over there I just had it out for I think it was Little Gus it is wonderful and yes the eve San Berard products are more expensive guys so please don't waste them follow the dilutions don't over mix your shampoos that you're throwing a lot away when you mix it in your mixing bottle um but boy are they worth it Jamie has another question what chunkers do you use to get rid of a lot of poodle hair Sadie has a lot of pole she Sadie has too much pet clip on her okay um what I use I do use chunker shears over even Big Gus he's kind of poly he's my doodle but his coat is very Poly on Standard Poodles a heavy curly coat I love chunker shears to smooth down all my guard comb work so sometimes you you know it leaves a little bit of lines and stuff and and the chunker shears is what I use and I use two chunker shears one is more pricey it's the kenchi peacock I absolutely love it and the second one is the kenchi love 17 tooth chunker Shear that's a great one the peacock is more comfortable but the love is fine it's 99 bucks and it does a great job so those are my two chunker shears I don't have any other chunker she I do have one more I have a curved zolita chunker shear and I do not like it because as we're talking about teeth catching that happened immediately when I got that shear and now I just say I'm using it then and it's a curved chunker which is very hard to do because they have to bend it after they make it and that's where the problem s come in so I would always stay guys stay clear of curved blending shears okay is they haven't perfected that quite so much yet really so I I would stay away from that all right guys I think I have answered all the questions and you brought some great questions to The Grooming table I am going to do something special for you in two weeks it's going to be Halloween right we're going to have a little fun with that okay so hey I don't know who you're going to see when you come here in two weeks Live From The Grooming table I don't even know what the date of that's going to be what is the date in two weeks I didn't even look I'm going to be me meeting with my members in a couple weeks too in November guys so if you're not a channel member and you would like to become one you got to hit the join button it's $4.99 a month and we do lessons together on on zoom and you always get PDFs to print out so that you're creating your own go groomer notebook all my secrets to pet grooming and the memberships here are highly worth it you guys get a lot for your memberships so if you're not a member you might want to consider being one but I was just looking for the date CU I want you guys to mark it on your calendar when we're getting together next live from the grimming table here we go the next life from The Grooming table is going to be November 6th which is a month Monday at 5:30 Eastern Standard time it's going to be right after Halloween no worries though we'll catch up on Halloween Okay so until then thank you for coming here tonight keep doing what you're doing you're you're you're here to get the advice you need and I love that you're doing that because that means you want to do right by your pets and you want to do a good job you want to do a professional job and that's why we share these secrets here so you all deserve a pat on the back for that because you're doing this for your pet you're trying to be better for your pet that's awesome and I know they're worth it you don't have to tell me now I am going to throw down the farmers dog Super Bowl commercial as you know I am a pro partner with them I am in their program partner program I can offer you a 100% free trial box of the farmers dog for your pets and I highly recommend it fresh food is the way to go just go look it up go look up the benefits of fresh food for your dog it's amazing it's immense but I can offer you a free box of that and I would love to do that if you just want to try it so there's a link for that in the description below and get your tissue tissues out because here come the tears I'll see you guys in two weeks well I'll see you in two weeks I will but maybe somebody else too or somebody you weren't expecting okay I'll see you then I love you happy Halloween because it'll be pasted but we're going to celebrate it I'll always take care of [Music] you slow down slow down I want to little be be I'm let's not do that again okay don't worry about the rest of [Music] I'm I'll be there by your side cuz when I see those big beautiful eyes looking into my I want to hold forever to have from this day [Music] forward come on Bear yes I do I'm going to love you forever okay [Music] there [Music] I'll be there you don't you don't have to worry [Music] be
Channel: Go Groomer
Views: 7,559
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: go groomer, amy leigh, dog grooming for beginners, groom dog at home, dog grooming help, dog grooming tips, groom your dog at home, groom dog, home dog grooming, dog grooming for the beginner, become a better dog groomer, be a better dog groomer, dog trimming, When to clip your dog before bathing, pre-clip dog before bath, when to pre-clip a dog, grooming a dog, dog groomer for beginners, Before committing to grooming your own dog do this, groom your own dog, Dog Grooming
Id: proTqNC5B7o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 52sec (3472 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 24 2023
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