How to become supernatural, Dr Joe Dispenza | Framgångspodden | 535

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your personality creates your personal reality that's it and your personality is made up of how you think how you act and how you feel so the present personality who's listening to this podcast has created the present personal reality called their life so if you believe what I just said then in order for you to create a new personal reality a new life you're gonna have to change your personality in other words nothing changes in your life until you change that's the way it is welcome to the success podcast Dr yo dispensia thank you for taking the time how are you I'm very good I'm very happy to be with you Alex nice and uh the clock right now for you where where where are you right now uh I am in California in the United States I just got back from uh a two-week trip to Turkey we ran a week-long event in in the south in Italia we had uh 76 different countries represented with uh just under 1100 you know 1 100 people there and I was a super successful event and uh I'm back back in the United States for um just a week or so and and um coming out of the pandemic how were the reactions well one of the things that um I feel is so important is to do Live Events I think when you get a community of people together uh that are all practicing um personal change and transformation and they're being defined by a vision of the future and and are willing to step outside of their comfort zone or out of the known um something magical happens and so we follow all the protocols and precautions for for the pandemic uh you know we test before and after uh and we and we do what we need to do to meet uh to be together and um so we've been running I think that was our sixth week-long event since uh last November yeah you were in Florida also in Colorado yes forgot Colorado Florida a few times uh Mexico uh several times and this was our first event uh uh in the European area there so so we're happy to be back and and just a lot of happy people also the to uh to be together have you thought about to have a retreat in Sweden for instance yes you know it's funny that we have two corporate trainers that we have a corporate Consulting um branch of this company uh that are from Sweden and they were at the event in uh in Antalya and we were talking about coming to to Sweden and to do a progressive Workshop a three-day Workshop uh and that's in the that's in the main it's in the making it's in the works right now so yes we're planning on coming to Sweden yeah that's great that's great and it is remarkable that you are transforming people's life and helping them to unlock their greatest potential of becoming Supernatural how did this passion yo begin you know I think I think more than anything else um I think there's this feeling um that we all have uh that uh never seems to go away and it's an intuition it's an instinct that tells us that there's more to reality than this dream yeah and and I think that people come to this work for that feeling and I think that we're greater than we think more powerful than we know more unlimited uh than we could ever dream and my passion my interest is to take science and combine quantum physics with Neuroscience with neuroendocrinology with psychoneuroimmunology with uh the epigenetics electromagnetism and I think science is that language to demystify the mystical and to build models of understanding from a theoretical and intellectual knowledge-based analytical perspective but that knowledge void of experience is philosophy but if you can teach people how to practically apply it to to personalize it to demonstrate it to initiate that knowledge and do something with it if they can get their behaviors to match their intentions or their actions equal to their thoughts if they get their mind and body working together they're going to have an experience right and it turns out that learning information makes Connections in the brain but experience enriches those connections well the moment those neurons string into place there's a biological change that takes place in the brain another part of the brain makes a chemical and that chemical is called an emotion and the moment you feel successful the moment you feel empowered the moment you feel Unlimited I think now you're teaching your body chemically to understand what your mind is intellectually understood so knowledge is for the mind and experiences for the body and so what we learned in this whole process of transformation is that the more people understand what they're doing and why they're doing it the how gets easier so when the experience then is causes them to embody the truth of that philosophy it's no longer theoretical it's experiential and it's visceral so the experience then produces a strong emotion and the emotion then is what is the information coming uh back to the body that begins to select and instruct new genes and we've measured this on people that they could actually change their gene expression in in three or four days by doing this now if you've done it once it means you got to be able to do it again right so anybody who's serious about their own personal growth and evolution the replication of any experience will begin to both neurologically and chemically condition the mind and body to work as one so when you've done something so many times that your body now knows how to do it better than your conscious mind now it's innating you it's implicit it's automatic it's second nature it's easy you've become the knowledge and in a sense you've mastered that knowledge and you're in a new state of being so my interest is demystify that process so that people have within their reach all the tools begin to apply it to their lives and so I started my journey in 1986 I got run over by a truck in a triathlon and um didn't have a whole lot of hope uh that I would ever walk again I had fractured a six vertebrae in my spine and I had bone fragments on my spinal cord and the spinal one of the vertebrae were the neural Arch was broken and pressing up against the cord so you know the prognosis was that I'd never walk again and I needed a radical surgery and so I thought my God I'm not going anywhere doing anything I wonder if my mind could affect my body and and it worked and then so then I started studying spontaneous remissions to see if other people have had the experience of turning around Cancers and and Parkinson's and rheumatoid arthritis and and other disorders and and I interviewed hundreds and hundreds of people that actually did it and and I looked for the commonality and once I understood what was common amongst them and believe it or not it wasn't diet I believe it or not it was it was primarily mined and and so uh that forced me to see if I could explain those in in a scientific way and then be able to teach it to sick people to see if those same things that they applied properly in the scientific language could produce some amazing results and then use it on well people if you want to transform yourself from being in lack or poor to be successful to turn a disease around to to fall in love to start a new career to have a mystical experience will the formula be the same in after a couple years we started noticing people stepping out of wheelchairs we started noticing people going into remission and that's one that's got really exciting because you know I'm an empirical person and I knew that something was happening uh with these people in not in not over the course of years I'm talking about right before my eyes like there's a person in a wheelchair from Ms multiple sclerosis in a wheelchair for 10 years step out of wheelchair and start dancing around and I have to tell you I was more surprised than anybody you know when I was sick that's sick it's crazy right it's it's a miracle yeah so and how is that possible well that's a great question um and and you have to really begin to demystify the process because um anything that we do that is matter trying to change matter you want to get healthy uh you got to change your diet you got to exercise you got to do certain things you got to sleep better you got to take vitamins uh you got to get massage you gotta get acupuncture Chiropractic you gotta do drugs whatever you got to do to get physically chemically and emotionally imbalance all of that takes time so what we were seeing was that these things were happening in no time in other words the person was having an inner event that seemed to be as real as any external outer event now the end product of an experience uh in any experience we have is called an emotion that's the that's the chemical feedback the research on epigenetics Alex says that it's the environment that signals the gene so if the environment signals the Gene and the end product of an experience from an environment is an emotion I realize that these people were signaling genes ahead of their environment now genes make proteins and proteins are responsible for the structure and function of our bodies and the expression of proteins really is the expression of life so in a sense the person was making an inner experience so real that the brain and body didn't know the difference between the real life experience and the one that they were imagining and we saw biological changes in the brain we saw biological changes in their body so we started doing thousands and thousands of brain scans measuring people's brains before they came to an event putting them through four days or seven days of training and then measuring their brain at the end of four or seven days and it was a different brain the changes weren't just in their mind they were in their brain we were checking people's heart rate variability monitor teach them how to sustain an elevated emotional state not just for five minutes but to be able to do it for 45 minutes on command so that they could self-regulate in their life and slow down their reactions and responses to people and conditions in their life that would weaken them Their Fear their anger their hostility their resentment their own patience all of those emotions take energy for the body and the response is weakening the body so we measure gene expression we saw that people can change their genes in four days we measured the immune response when people give up fear or impatience or resentment and start practicing elevated emotions like gratitude and appreciation and inspiration love how it strengthens the immune system how do we saw that telomeres actually lengthen when people do do the work properly so we have great evidence in our scientific measurements and some of the scientific measurements that we are doing right now is changing the course of history we are we are proving to people right now how powerful they really are we have such compelling evidence that advanced meditators are more resistant to viruses we have the dated Joe that character cells do not do well in the plasma of advanced meditators we know that advanced meditators plasma will down regulate the genes for Alzheimer's we have evidence to show that there are a host of very powerful biological changes that take place where people practice this simple formula of creating coherence in their brain and their heart and when you have coherence in their brain in the heart that's the door to so many possibilities and and we've been working pretty hard in demystifying the process yeah but uh Dr yo how can the power of meditation change past traumas experience and memories yeah well that's a great question well think about this a memory is just where neurons actually connect and so you learn a bit of information right you learn you learn you learn how to ride a bike you read a book about it you read a book on how to cook uh Mandarin Cuisine you read a book on how to dance the salsa all of that information is stored in your thinking neocortex right so it's philosophical so a person has a trauma right the stronger the emotion that they have from that event the more altered they are inside of them the more the brain freezes a frame and takes a snapshot and that's called the long-term memory and that image or those series of images are embossed neurologically in the brain so the stronger the emotion the more we pay attention to the cause and that's what creates the memory now here's the problem the problem is that when we think about that problem when we review or we remember that that that past event we're producing the same chemistry in the brain and body as if the event was happening now the body's so objective it doesn't know the difference Alex between the real life experience that's creating the emotion and the emotion that the person is experiencing by thought alone so the body's believing it's living in the same past experience 24 hours a day seven days a week 365 days a year and so now the person can't think greater than how they feel so they feel sadness they feel guilt they feel pain they feel suffering they feel hostility and those emotions tend to drive the same thoughts for them to remember the reason why they feel this way and so people get caught in these Loops of thinking and feelings so that creates a state of being right so thoughts of the language of the brain and feelings are the language of the body and how we think and how we feel creates our state of being so without the person knowing this by reviewing and remembering the problem they're taking a thought and a feeling an image and an emotion a stimulus and a response and their conditioning their body emotionally into the past now the trauma does not only exist in the brain the trauma now exists in the body too as an emotional memory so if the person can't think greater than how they feel and they believe that their thoughts have something to do with their Destiny they're thinking in the past and if you're thinking in the past you create more of the same life so we started noticing that when people are altered when they're angry when they're frustrated when they're stressed when they're fearful when they're suffering when they're in pain the arousal of those emotions switches on a primitive nervous system that causes the brain and body to go into stress or survival and when we're in stress and when we're in survival we're always trying to predict the next moment based on what we've learned in the past and stress is Created from the loss of control the inability to predict what's going to happen and the perception that things are going to get worse so seventy percent of the time people are living in a state of stress and living in survival it's not a time to create it's not a time to open your heart it's not a time to be vulnerable it's not a time to learn it's time to run fight or hide yeah so all the inflammations in the body and all the like diseases they want to grow that way exactly so so now we were looking at to see what happens to the brain well when we're in stress and that person's in trauma and they're trying to control everything in their life they're shifting their attention from one person to another person to another problem to another thing to another place to another object and every one of those elements has a neurological Network in their brain so the arousal of the stress hormones causes their brain to fire very incoherently now when our brains are incoherent we're incoherent when our brains aren't working right we're not working right so so the the obsession of the stress hormones causes us to narrow our focus on whatever whatever the causes so when we're in stress we obsess we we Loop we overthink we narrow our focus on something so we thought my goodness there's some research out there that shows that if you teach people to broaden their focus to begin to instead of focusing on everything material and physical that's causing the stress everything that's known broaden their focus and put their attention on space on nothing and the act of doing that causes the brain to begin to synchronize to begin to unify to become more coherent and what sinks in the brain links in the brain so the person's brain starts functioning normally and starts to improve without any medications without any therapies just a simple Act and the more they do it the more order that creates that's created in their brain the more they can focus their attention and move into a more creative state what do I want how successful do I want to be how healthy do I want to be how much love do I want in my life you can ask the bigger questions by the same means when the person is gripped by those hormones of stress and they're not running from that Predator they're not fighting and they're not freezing and hiding but the chemicals are running their heart is beating because it's in an aroused state but it's beating against the closed system and the Heart starts beating incoherently when that happens energy leaves the heart and we stop trusting we stop believing in ourselves so we teach people how to create brain and hard coherence and what we discovered just in the last couple years is that when this heart starts beating orderly and it's a skill just like anything else you do like dancing in the South like you when you understand all that information and now you're in the application of it once you start to experience it and you get the feeling of what it feels like to be in the state it turns out that when the heart is coherent it starts informing the brain you'll see it the brain's starting to change because the heart is telling the brain it's time to create now it's safe to create it's the creative Center so the person all of a sudden can see a possibility that they never could see before and they can embrace the emotion of the event listen closely before the experience happens now this is fundamentally important because most people are waiting for their wealth to feel abundant and worthy they're waiting for their success to feel empowerment they're waiting for the new relationship to feel loved they're waiting for their healing to feel gratitude that's cause and effect that's waiting for something outside to change to take away this feeling of emptiness or lack or pain or guilt or whatever we found out that when a person can actually embrace the emotion before the event they can begin to condition their brain and body into a future experience and the brain and body don't know the difference so all of a sudden a person who was traumatized and had their had their experience now all of a sudden they're teaching their body emotionally how to live in a new environment and the body doesn't know the difference between the real life experience and the one that they're fabricating so in a sense thereby creating brain and heart coherence the stronger the emotion they feel for their new vision of their future the more they're going to pay attention to the picture in their mind and they're literally remembering their future and now there's biological changes in gene expression in neurological circuitry and brain coherence in immune regulation in digestive balance in microbiomes and all the things we measure show the bodies now out of survival it's time for growth and repair so the side effect of that is we see people with those serious health conditions that were actually initiated because of the trauma all of a sudden when they feel that elevated emotion it's like they've taken their body out of the past into the present moment and now the body all of a sudden recalibrates and if the quotient of their excitement for their new life for their new future the emotional quotient of their dream is greater than the Betrayal or the shock or the trauma there's immediate reorganization in the brain an immediate change emotionally in the body and now the person looks back at their past and we've interviewed enough people to know this is the truth and they say I don't want to change anything in my past uh I all of that brought me to this moment and that's the moment the past no longer exists so people can have a brutal past where we've had people that have had an abuse physical sexual um emotional that have gone through all kinds of abuse where suicidal had all kinds of health conditions and in one instant in one instant one inner experience from the meditative process begins to change everything about the way they see their past or seeing it from a greater level of Consciousness they're seeing it from a place of Love they're seeing that all of that had to happen it makes sense to get to this point and now they're no longer victimized by their disease they're no longer victimized by their past in fact they they'll tell you my that had to happen for me to have my healing now they're in a new state of being the the disease the trauma exists in somebody else they've just become somebody different and so the the side effect of that is we've seen blind people see we've seen deaf people here we've seen people in wheelchairs that have been paralyzed from Strokes step out of wheelchairs we've seen people with all kinds of rare genetic disorders that science had no solution for there it is and then it's gone so a crazy time in history for us because our science is just so compelling to show that it all lives within you yeah that's amazing that's amazing I'd like to hear you speak um but but and um for the audience that I listen right now in Bala and and feel like yeah I want to empower this I want to do these tools what should I do is it like they have to meditate every day is it like they have to work with their negative thoughts or what is the steps what should they do okay let's break it down really simply okay your personality creates your personal reality that's it and your personality is made up of how you think how you act and how you feel so the present personality who's listening to this podcast has created the present personal reality called their life so if you believe what I just said then in order for you to create a new personal reality a new life you're gonna have to change your personality in other words nothing changes in your life until you change that's the way it is so turns out the 90 of the thoughts that we think on a daily basis are the same thoughts as the day before same thoughts lead to the same choices same choices lead to the same behaviors same behaviors create the same experiences the same experiences produce the same feelings and the same emotions and those same feelings and emotions begin to influence our very same thoughts and our biology our neural circuitry our neural chemistry are hormones are gene expression our immune system all stay the same because we're staying the same so then there's a principle in Neuroscience that says that nerve cells that fire together wire together you keep thinking the same thoughts they keep making the same choices you keep doing the same things you keep creating the same experiences that stamp the same networks of neurons into the same exact patterns all for the reaffirming of the same feeling and you do that for 10 years on end the firing and wiring of those circuitries begins to hardwire the brain into a very finite signature that box in the brain that's created is the same level of mind and if you keep doing that it becomes automatic it turns out that 95 percent of Who We Are by the time we're in the middle of our life is a set of memorized behaviors automatic emotional reactions constant habits hardwired attitudes beliefs perceptions that have happened just because we've we've just fired and wired it the same way so there's a good possibility then in order for us to change we better start thinking about what we've been thinking about and changing we have to become conscious of our unconscious habits and behaviors and modify them we've got to look at these feelings that we feel every single day instead of just thinking it's a feeling say what is this is this guilt is this sadness is this unhappiness is this pain is it frustration is it resentment what is the feeling that I'm living by the majority of my day now that's lighting a match in a dark place and Neuroscience is called metacognition the word meditation means to become familiar with that's what it means so the more familiar with you are I can't with I can't it's too hard I'm never going to change it's my ex's fault it's my boss's fault it's my country's fault it's the government it's the weather it's my pain whatever that thought is that you accept believe and surrender to on a daily basis that's automatic you have to become so conscious of that unconscious thought that it doesn't slip by your awareness unnoticed you got to catch yourself saying I'm tired I'm unhappy that someone else's fault do you complain do you blame do you make excuses do you feel sorry for yourself that that personality has to change in order to create a new life so then you have to become so aware of your unconscious habits that you don't go unconscious to them in your waking day then you got to sit in the fire of those emotions and you gotta watch those emotions come up and you have to sit with them and know that there's something on the other side of them now this is where most people get up and say I can't meditate or I'm going to call up my friends or I'm gonna get on social media and make a post I'm gonna turn on the football game I'm gonna get distracted because I need something out there to make this go away and what we're saying is we're not relying on anything out there that's the that's the hypnosis that's the conditioning we want you to just become so familiar with that feeling that you catch yourself in your waking day the moment you start feeling sad and your energy drops ah you catch yourself so there's an unlearning process or breaking the habit of being the old self process that requires a lot of attention a lot of awareness and it takes energy you've got to stay conscious right so that unlearning process then the hardest part about change is not making the same choices you did the day before and the moment you decide to make a different Choice get ready because you're going to feel uncomfortable it's not familiar it's gonna feel yucky it's going to feel unpredictable it's not going to feel good because even people who feel sad and suffering at least they can feel that and that's familiar to them so you're stepping out of the known into the unknown now if you've done something so many times that your body now knows how to do it better than your mind that's a habit so then the body who's been conditioned into negativity into sadness into suffering into pain all of a sudden is saying hey Alex um it's been two hours since you've been complaining I mean you've been complaining for the last 20 years you're just gonna stop like that so the body starts trying to influence the mind to return back to the same familiar territory so the emotion starts saying come on you're a loser you'll never change your it didn't work last time start tomorrow and and those are the thoughts that are being influenced for the body that are the same thoughts that people think all the time so if they respond to that thought that thought's going to lead to the same choice that same choice is going to lead to the same behavior the same behavior is going to create the same experience the same experience is going to produce the same feeling and they're going to say oh this feels right well no it feels familiar the person who's Crossing that River from the old self to the new self that place that discomfort is not the known it's the unknown and that is the perfect place to create in so then if you teach a person then what thoughts do I want to fire and wire in my brain and with a certain amount of presence and attention and intention they can begin to Fire and wire those thoughts now they're installing Hardware in the brain keep doing it over and over again and it becomes like a software program it becomes more automatic now that's the new voice in your head that says anything's possible I can change I'm worthy of success I'm worthy of abundance you you program that nobody else did you program that then you say okay how am I going to be with my family how am I going to be in my relationship how am I going to be in traffic today how am I going to be on my zoom calls what would greatness look like today do do you write like a list of for you 2.0 I'll give you that I'll give you the I'll give you the instructions but here's the bottom line if you sat down and you closed your eyes so you weren't distracted by the environment that you weren't looking for your cell phone or for your for your coffee or whatever you weren't eating you weren't drinking you weren't smelling you weren't tasting you weren't up and experiencing you were sitting still making your inner World more real than your outer world and you rehearsed in your mind you look like an athlete and you rehearsed how you were going to be in any of those situations the science of mental rehearsal says you can change your brain to look like you already did it so with the practice of rehearsing how you're going to be in certain circumstances you install more neurological Hardware the brain doesn't know the difference between the real life experience and what you're imagining do it enough times install the hardware it becomes a software program side effect you start acting like that person you start acting happy nobody did that for you you installed the program then you say okay I'm not gonna wait for my healing to feel gratitude I'm not going to wait for my new relationship to feel love I'm not going to wait for my success to feel um abundance or empowerment I'm going to teach my body emotionally what it feels like before the experience now this is where the rubber hits the road because you got to trade all those other emotions and you got to find that emotion and you got to be able to feel it and you've got to condition your body into that state now that is the reinvention of self that is the relearning process that is changing from one personality to another personality now if you are a new personality and you're thinking differently and you're acting differently and you're feeling differently and you're not the old personality then there should be evidence in your life by some synchronicities some opportunity some coincidence something comes to you you don't have to go and get it in time somehow the opportunities seem to be flowing to you and and that's when you start paying attention to what you've been doing inside of you and you do more of it so simple process you want to change sit down and become familiar with yourself write down those thoughts I can it's too hard I'll never change pick three write down your behaviors you you make excuses for yourself you procrastinate you you know you you you you you complain I don't know pick three and then think of three emotions I'm angry I'm frustrated I'm impatient okay well that's the personality that has to go because if you want to be the new personality you can't take anger into the future that you can't that's not the new personality so what thoughts do I want to fire and wire my brain write them down what behaviors do I want to demonstrate today how am I going to be what what would love look like write those down and rehearse them in your mind so you prime your brain to do it and then say can I can I stay in my heart and feel love and gratitude independent of anything that's going on in my life now if you can and you write those emotions down gratitude appreciation A Love For Life a joy for existence inspired and you practice doing that you're going to become familiar with a new self and it's going to become natural and easy and you become it and so then people who do this I asked them where's the disease what did you where's the disease where's the where's the cancer and they'll tell me oh oh it's it's in the old guy I'm I'm somebody else that's not it doesn't it's not it doesn't belong there I'm somebody else and so we see people having those dramatic changes so meditation is a model that we use because the environment is so seductive that we have to close our eyes and disconnect from the environment our body has so many urges so many things that it needs and we have to sit our body down and tell it it's no longer the mind that you're the mind for the next 40 minutes and you're going to condition it into a new future you can't be thinking about what you're going to do tomorrow or what you're going to do on your to-do list you're in the predictable future you can't be Romancing the emotions of the pastor in the familiar past you got to labor for The Sweet Spot of the present moment that's where the unknown exists so we've broken it down to teach people really the science of how to do this and if they follow the formula and they do it the way we ask them to do it we've seen so many incredible changes so we have great evidence in our scientific research we got great evidence in the testimony of people who have changed their lives and I think evidence right now really is the loudest voice and and last Point everybody already knows how to do this you everybody has done something great in their life and they just got clear about their future and they wrote down all the things the choices they were going to make the things they were going to do their goals their experiences how they would feel they wrote down how they had to stop thinking they had what choices they had to stop making they kept reviewing the things they had to stop doing they just stay away from certain people certain experiences so they didn't return back to the old self they got clear on the emotions that would bring them back to no longer seeing the vision of their future because the emotion causes them to see their future through the lens of the past and they practice every day not because they they they have to because they understand the process of change and then when their life starts to change as a result of their inner changes now it's no longer a have to it's no longer oh God I gotta go do my meditation it's like I don't want the magic to end I want it to keep going and so right one of the things I'm proud of with our community is that we're doers and people do the work not because they have to but because they love all the amazing things that's happening in their life and they wouldn't miss a day because they don't want the magic to end and and what is the most effective and fastest way to become Supernatural to to be to become 2.0 is it like for because I'm wearing your website and and you have many kind of products you have many books you have meditations you have workshops but if if you just choose one thing to start with what is that oh my gosh I I am such a big fan of information I I think that it's so important for people like people say we have people that come to a week-long event there are prerequisite courses that they have to you know study and some people say oh I've been meditating for 15 years I'm just going to come and not do the core and not do the course and they're they're not they don't do very well because we use the science as the language right there's a language to transformation and so the knowledge that people learn is so essential for the application so I don't use any traditional religious cultural spiritual words that are going to divide an audience I use words that really unify a community so knowledge is the first step that's learning and making those connections if the research shows if you learn that information you don't review it those connections prune apart within hours so you got to repeat it you got to review it enough times then the practice is so essential the practice of doing something where you're actually taking that information and and practicing it so people make great strides and many people heal themselves by reading the books in in and practicing the meditations but the real magic if you want to see Miracles if you want to see things that will change you forever like just in Turkey we just saw an amazing amazing amazing amazing story of transformation huge tumor uh completely gone on this guy uh you got to come to a weak one it's seven days in and our data with the University of California San Diego our our research team people who come to a week-long event that are novice meditators that do a little meditation but not really into it at the end of those seven days there are so many biological changes that take place in their brain and body consistently consistently that at the end of those seven days they look like an advanced meditator because the immersion of it is the full where you're going out you're going all day and you're overcoming yourself all day and you're you're sticking with it until you break through and then when you break through then it's time to create and then that's when it gets pretty exciting so I don't think there's a shortcut I think it's I think it's great when you're with a community of people you know that's why we're still doing the the um the week-long events because even during the pandemic I I said we have to figure out a way to keep meetings so we run we run large events as I said but but you know the key is I think um information first and then after the information it's it's being consistent and then and it's just like anything else you you hit a golf ball once really well you want to hit it well again and so you gotta you gotta practice and so when people start practicing and they're piecing it together uh it gets exciting so I don't think there's a fast track I understand I understand I hope you come to Sweden soon we have a big audience here who who want to go in your event so oh listen we're planning on it I mean I literally the last night of our event in in Turkey I was with our my dear friends that are from Sweden and um and they were volunteers for the event and we were talking about finding a way to get there and we're planning on hopefully next year uh doing the progressive a progressive Workshop which is a Friday night all day Saturday and all day Sunday and that's the basics for people to learn before they come to a week-long and and so uh yeah yeah we we as we're planning on it we're planning on it yeah I also most must uh ask you this question you have already talked about it but um one of my biggest problems is that I tend to react quickly to negative situations how how can I cope with anger do you have any suggestions or advice yeah I'll tell you the first thing it's not that you react we all react the question is how long are you going to react that's the question so we found out that when people react emotionally with anger uh with antagonism there's an arousal that takes place because you're turning on the sympathetic nervous system and the sympathetic nervous systems and primitive system saying Alex whatever that whatever that is is a threat to you and if there's a threat a good way to deal with a threat is to get aggressive that's primitive it's animal it's very animal some people will say oh my God there's my ex and instead of getting angry they run they they they flee they're in fear they're like the fear is I'm better just getting away so they they Their Fear causes them to run uh uh so uh when people feel fear when they feel anger when they feel pain those are the primary stimulators that switch on that sympathetic nervous system and they used to stay that it's automatic like it's automatic it happens automatically that's part of the autonomic nervous system and you really don't have any control of it turns out that's absolutely not the truth so first thing is learning how to shorten your response to the emotional reaction so if you have an event that happens to your life in in your life and I say Alex why are you so mad today and you say oh it's because of this situation and this person this happened this way and I would say oh my gosh all right do you mean that that person or that circumstance is controlling the way you feel and the way you think now anything that's controlling the way we feel in the way we think makes us victims whatever that is now that's okay but if you keep that emotional reaction going on for hours or days and I say to you Alex it's five days what's up and you say to me I'm I'm upset from something that happened to me five days ago I'd say you have a mood you're in a mood now some people keep that same emotional reaction going on for weeks or months and then I would say well Alex has a angry temperament it becomes a temperament if we keep it going for now this is true people keep this going for years on end if it goes on for years now it's a personality trait so here's the weird part about it you ask that person who's been angry for years why they're angry and they'll recall an event from 10 years ago or a series of events from 10 years ago yeah and the research on the memory says that 50 of that story isn't even the truth that they can't even remember the truth they embellish the story and make it sound worse than it really was to excuse themselves from changing now what we tell people is forget the event doesn't matter the details of the event doesn't what matters is learning how to overcome the emotion so when you're sitting in a meditation and all of a sudden out of nowhere your body starts getting aroused and it starts getting frustrated and it starts getting angry and people say I'm doing my meditation wrong you know what I say to them no no no no you're doing it right because that has to come up so then so when the younger and the frustration comes up and a person's in a meditation they have one of two choices to quit which is what they've always done but if you're sitting with 1500 people and no one else is quitting you're not going to quit and if I teach you how to lower the volume to that emotion and I teach you a way to change that every time you settle the body back down into the present moment and lower the volume to that anger that's a victory because you're telling the body it's no longer the mind that you're the mind now it'll go well yeah well what about this circumstance and what about that and it'll get aroused again and then you notice it and instead of turning on the TV or getting on your cell phone or getting on the social media you lower the volume again now this is the work it turns out every time you do that that Victory you're telling the body that it's no longer the mind that you're the mind and then all of a sudden wants to get up and go it's busy it's got things to do and it's and and you become aware that it wants to do that and you bring it back to the present moment you're executing a will that's greater than the program now turns out if you do this enough times sooner or later the body surrenders sooner the later the body acquiesces it says I'm no longer the mind Alex is the mind and when that occurs there's a liberation of energy that anger that frustration literally turns into energy it's released into the field as information now you return back into your life and you see the same person or the same circumstance your response to them is going to be much less why because you took care of it within you you're not trying to fix it out there just that your response is different so now if you're no longer responding to the environment and your response to the environment isn't weakening the organism because stress depletes energy then you're less susceptible to the environment and we found out that when people do this their immune system gets so robust that you can take viruses like SARS cov2 virus and subject that virus to the plasma of advanced meditators and there's a resistance to the right the virus doesn't enter the cell why because there's energy for there's energy to be able to combat it so so it's because the person is not reacting so then shortening your response to that condition is a victory and it takes practice and so then how many times do we have to forget and go unconscious and be angry so we decide to no longer forget and keep remembering and stay conscious that's change right there so we use meditation as a model to remind ourselves who we're going to be when we open our eyes and to remind ourselves who are no longer going to be when we open our eyes and stay so conscious of it that we don't go unconscious in our waking day and if we do it properly then there's feedback in our life that shows us that you've changed and remember nothing changes in your life until you change and when you change your energy you change your life that's the way it is so teaching people how to change their energy every day and then be a scientist like okay I changed my energy now I'm not talking about parking spaces appearing I'm talking about here comes the dream here comes the job opportunity here comes the mystical experience here comes the healing here comes the change uh I nobody is so special to be excluded from this from this process I've seen all skin colors all Races all cultures all ages we have Elders in our work that their brains on on the brain scan are outstanding we have kids that are eight nine years old that that know how to move energy into their brain we have people that are sick that that are really really unhealthy that turn turn around serious health conditions you could be in shape out of shape you could eat gluten not eat gluten you could eat meat not eat meat no matter you could be anybody you want to be just learn the formula and and then and then practice it so that you see you see the outcomes in your life that's when it gets exciting hmm and if you want to have more about this if if the people are listening right now want more what should I do oh gosh um just go to I mean we have an introduction a packet there's a new um little uh 12 uh lesson course that we created called the formula uh the formula for brain and heart coherence it's 12 30 minute 40 minute lessons by me and there's some nice Graphics there's five meditations that go along with it my thing is experiment experiment with it experiment okay I'm going to change the way I think act and feel I do it for two weeks and I'm gonna see what kind of outcomes what opportunities start to show up I'm going to try it out as a scientist to measure the effects of me at cause so the formula is a good thing the progressive Workshop is a big big thing people that's where you can really get nine lessons of you know a week-long content and really immerse yourself in all the different meditations um the books are you know available there's plenty of plenty of YouTube stuff the testimonials the scientific research that we have on our web page is is super outstanding and you know my biggest value is really our community if you should um if you can recommend one of your books which one should you recommend to start with uh breaking the habit of being yourself that's that's a good foundation when I when I get lost in my life I go back to the basics and that's the basics that's a good foundation of the unlearning relearning breaking the habit of the old self Reinventing the new self that's a that's a good one for us to practice and and and um and then after that the placebo and then and then Supernatural and I put all the links here in the bio for the website for the books for the Retreats everything okay thank you very very much for taking your time Dr yo dispensa it's an honor to meet you and uh I hope to see you in Sweden and also maybe in La I will get uh a newborn next week so not for a while but uh visit you yes when you come to Los Angeles by all means just get a hold of my staff and uh we'll make time to have dinner okay thank you very much Dr yo dispenza you're welcome to Colorado foreign
Channel: Alexander Pärleros
Views: 848,832
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Alexander Pärleros, framgångspodden, svensk poddcast, poddcast, dr joe dispenza, joe dispenza, becoming supernatural, mindfullness, meditation, neuroscience, mind-body medicine, brain/heart coherence, chemistry, awareness, psychical reality, How to become supernatural, podcast, interview, manifesting, healing, energy, placebo, habits
Id: 4KG_-Lcm4qw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 1sec (3301 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 21 2021
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