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[Music] hi people welcome to my first YouTube video if you know me you know how long I have been procastinating this Channel or this video from uh finally I am here with my first YouTube video as you can see if I have to tell you something about myself I have been raised in India chandigar to be exact right now I'm staying in Toronto Canada the reason why I decided to make a YouTube channel was because I wanted people to benefit from my stories from my experiences and from the knowledge that I I have I just wanted to share it with you guys as well the topic for today's video is going to be how can you extend your study permit or your Co-op work permit uh from within Canada like I did so the reason why I selected this topic was because I got my study permit and my cor work permit extension within 7 days no I'm not an immigration agent but I used to work as one I just wanted people to benefit from it this video is going to tell you how can you extend your study permit or your C work permit I'm also going to tell you how can you fill your IMM 5709 e form along with it I will also provide you a checklist of documents that you need and that you can prepare before applying for your study permit or your Co-op work permit extension so without further Ado let's get started okay guys so let's start the video so first of all you're just going to type in gcq over here sign in with your ircc account so if you're applying for a study permit extension that means you already have a gcq account but if I chance you do not have a gcq account please register for one from here so you can sign in with your partner for example your bank account but if by chance you do not have a signin partner just log in normally with your username and password so this is how your account is going to look like once you sign in so just scroll down to the bottom you will see start an application and then apply to come to Canada over here so this one's usually for the agents but because we are not an a agent and because we do not have a personal reference code we're going to apply from here so because we are applying for a study permit this is where we're going to apply from you're going to go through all these questions very carefully and very calmly so the first question is what would you like to do in Canada which is obviously study how long are you planning to stay in Canada that should be more than 6 months usually even if your stay is for less than 6 months but just press uh more than 6 months the reason why I'm asking you to do this is because sometimes your pgwp can take longer to get approved and then it's better to have more days with you right so just press more than 6 months select the code that matches the one on your passport I am from India and my passport is in Indian so I'm going to write I indd what is your current country of residence if you're presently in Canada you should select Canada because I am in Canada right now I will press Canada you have a family member who is a Canadian citizen or PR no what is your date of birth so some basic questions but read them very carefully are you a lawful PE of us with a valid US citizenship no because I just said that I am an Indian what is your current immigration status in Canada so this is obviously student what is your marital status so I've never been married what are your Province or territory of destination if you're visiting multiple provinces or territories select the one in which you will be spending most of your time because I am from Ontario and I have been here ever since I've come here so I will Press Ontario so let's say you're a resident of Ontario but you've been visiting albera very often or let's say you've been visiting BC very often but still your college is here in Ontario and the most of the time you're spending in Ontario so that is what you're going to press anyways based on your information you can apply for a study permit in Canada which means obviously you're applying for an extension or a trp so we're going to apply for an extension here we go almost dead are you accompanying a family member who has a status in Canada no do you also want to apply for a work permit so because my course is a co-op uh course it requires me to do a co-op so I will require a co-op work permit along with it and initially when I came here in Canada I also got a coop work permit along with my study permit so that is the reason why I'm pressing this if by chance you're from a course that does not have a co-op uh so you just have to press no when does your status in Canada expire let's say it's going to expire December 30th 2023 and then next find out if you're eligible to apply have you had a medical exam performed by an ircc authorized panel physician doctor within the last 12 months if you remember when we initially came here in Canada and when we were doing a study permit uh process so we went through a medical examination by the ircc which was done by the panel physician so if you've done that within 12 months you just have to press yes if you haven't done that within 12 months so just press no but because I've already done that again in Canada so I'm going to press yes do you want to submit an application for a family member no because we are just uh filing an application for ourselves are you giving someone access to your application so here because we are applying for ourself and because we are the ones who should be authorized for our information apart from the ircc so we're going to type no if you want you can just go through all these questions in the past 10 years have you given your fingerprints and photo so if you remember again when we came here initially and we applied for a study permit so we also gave our Biometrics which are valid till 10 years so we're going to press yes there are fees associated with this application so if you do not know this application is going to cost you $150 which is according to CAD so yes I will be paying my application fees are you able to make a digital copy of your documents with a scanner or camera so please guys over here make sure your documents are clear because the ircc they're not going to ask you again and again that what does this mean what does that mean make sure your documents are clear if you do not know how to scan your documents just download Adobe scan on your phone and then just scan your documents and upload it on your laptop or computer so yes will you be paying your application fees online Al so it just says that you have to use a credit card a Visa debit card or a debit Master Card you can also use a MX card if you have one yes so review these answers one more time just to make sure you haven't put any error I know that you did everything right but it's just for your own safety and then it's better to check it in advance than to have the errors later on because trust me it's going to be a hell of a process just ask your friend or your family member to read it for you one more time continue Step One is use your account which we already did save your application we've done that step three is upload your documents we still have to upload our documents by the end of the video I'm going to attach the list of documents or checklist for you so you can take a screenshot from there and then uh just make sure that that you've uh already started collecting your documents in advance otherwise even if you do not have all your documents when you're applying for your permit uh make sure that you know you already have 60 days you can come back on your application and then you can upload your documents within 60 days paying your fees comes at last all right so here are the names of the documents that you need to download so if you can see this is is a document that you must must fill and I'm going to tell you how you're going to fill this document all right so if you do not know how to download this document just press the number of this just the same name of the document right if you do not have Adobe it's not going to download so just download Adobe so that you can edit this form because I already have Adobe on my laptop and I downloaded this so I'm going to show it to you so this is how the IMM 5709 looks like and you're going to fill all of this right so you're going to fill your UCI number over here if you do not know where your UCI number is let me show it to you so this is a photo that I just took out from Google for your reference and then this is where you can see your UCI number after you know what your UCI number is just press it over here so over here I want my service in English I am applying for one or more of the following apply for a study permit for the first time or extend my study permit so that is what we're going to do so your full name goes over here family name which means your last name your first name goes over here have you ever use any other name so no if by chance you have used any other name please feel free to type over here for example if you're married if you have a nickname if you have a middle name or something just type it over here toy agenda Got Dat of birth so the place you were born at so that means a city because I was born in chandigar and then the country which obviously is India yeah so my citizenship is Indian here you go current country or territory of residence Canada so my status is as I told you already it's a student and for you as well it's going to be student so over here you're going to type in the date from which your initial study permit was issued which you will find over here so you will see in your previous study permit date issued and you can see from here that you're going to type this particular date but just take the date issued from here so date issued from here and then when your course is going to expire you're going to write over here previous countries of residents during the past 5 years have you lived in any other country or territory other than your country of citizenship or your country or territory of residence no because I've always lived in India and Canada yeah if by chance once you've lived anywhere other than the country that you reside in or the country where you belong to your citizenship belongs to just type it in here your country or marital status so the same that we did earlier if you are married or common law relationship just type in the date name of your spouse so this is for office use only and then here you go have you previously been married or in a common L relationship no languages my mother tongue is Hindi so I'm going to type Hindi over here this one yeah are you able to communicate in English or French yes I can speak in English so we already did is right so yes so over here you can open your passport and you can just write down the number from your passport the country or territory that issued you the passport which is India for me and then the date the passport was issued the date your passport is going to get expired for this trip will you use a passport issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs that's already done for you you do not have to do five or six so this one's a national identity document it's going to be for your Indian nationality so because I'm from India so obviously Indian nationality uh if you have Adar card pan card or anything you can just say yes and then type it down here but it is not necessary for you to type it down so I would press no uh USB card as we said we do not have fun your current mailing address you're going to type in your address if by chance you have a unit number or department number the number of your street so make sure you're typing in the correct address because the permit is going to get to you through this address because it's your mailing address make sure you type it right city or town so it's North York provinces Ontario postal code here you're going to type your postal code so your residential address because mine is the same as my mailing address I'm going to press yes uh so your telephone number mine is from Canada so just type down your number over here 437 and then here you go if you have an extension press your extension over here if you want to give another number you can give an alternate number as it is asking for a fax number I do not have a fax number so I'm not going to type anything your email goes over [Music] here and then coming to Canada so the date and place of your original entry to Canada so when I showed you your permit you must have seen that there's an original date of your entry to Canada right so you just have to uh type it in here for example mine was October 2021 and then the place of your entry so for example I came in here through the Pearson Airport I'm just going to type pearon airport YY Z nothing fancy just the place where you entered right the original purpose for coming to Canada was to study so here you go please do not type that you came here to work or something so date in place of your most recent entry to Canada if by chance you've left Canada you've gone to India you've gone to any other country to visit or anything just type in the date over your when you reentered Canada if by chance you haven't left Canada till now then just don't type anything so just apply the document number so if applicable will provide the document number of the most seasoned visitor record study permit work permit all right so over here you're just going to type in the document number and let me show you how you're going to get the document number so once again when you open your um study permit your previous study permit you're going to see at the top you'll see that there is a document number already present in bold letter so just uh write down that number over here if by chance you have both a co-op work permit and a study permit you're still going to type the number that is present on your study permit and not the one on your Co work permit so details of intended study in Canada you're going to type in the name of your school so for example mine is senica just write down the complete name my level of study will be for example what course you're taking like I'm taking a diploma course my field of study will be just write down just see uh when you're going to see your study permit over here again you're going to see the institution name the complete institution name and then the type of study you're doing right so that is how you're going to site that complete address of school in Canada so because mine is in Ontario the address of your school if you do not know the address of your school please go on Google check it but please write the correct one if you do not know what your DLI number is what the DLI number of your institution is or I will just let you know how you can fill in the information so just write down da number ircc over here so you will see that there are a lot of websites over here but where you want to go is because that's the most authentic one and that's where we are going to go so just scroll down go to ircc DLI list scroll down again and then your Province The Province where your colleg is so mine is senica and then I'm going to type Sena over here so if you can see the tli number is right over here according to your campus just make your selection and then paste it over here right so your student ID number uh you must have a student account or your student ID card where you can see what your student ID number is uh duration of your expected study so you're not going to type uh the duration When you entered Canada or when you started your study from because the form is not uh going to let you do so so what you're going to do is just type in the date for today and then uh the date when you want your study permit until right for example I'm going to graduate in April I do not want to type April 2024 here but the date when I want to apply my study permit until right so let's say I want to apply my study permit until July so I'm going to type uh July 2024 over here and not April again so number four that is the most important one the cost of my studies will be so in my case I've already paid all my tution fees I do not have any tution fees left left if by chance you still have any tution fees left just type it down over here so for me it's going to be zero so room and board uh according to what I researched there is an index for Ontario for Canada to be appropriate which comes out to be around 850 which means that the room and board uh for Ontario should be $850 per month like I said that uh for example I'm going to extend my stay until July so what you're going to do over here is just uh uh multiply 850 by the number of months you're going to extend your stay until right so 8:15 to whatever months you're applying for for example 4 months 6 months whatever months you're um extending your permit for all right so over here other uh you can include the fees of your books the rent whatever if you have any extra cost for example travel or any other thing right but just make sure you know that you will have to provide a proof that you're paying for this as well right so it's better that you just type in zero over here just room and board and the leftover tution fees over here so number five uh funds available for my stay so over here the funds that are available for your stay need not necessarily be the funds that you have right now in your account so for example like I told you that I just paid my tuition fees in full right and for example the tution fees for one semester is around 7500 let's say so I'm just going to write 7 I'm just going to keep 7500 with me as an available fund right and then for example if you are working anywhere part time or fulltime uh let's say you're working 16 hours per week and then you're earning ,650 per hour right so just uh multiply it whatever you get in one month and then multiply it with the month like I said that the tution fees that you paid earlier so 7500 plus the uh earnings that you're getting should be over here for example let's say I earn $1,000 per month so I'm just going to multiply it with 7 that means $7,000 so for example I will write 14450 so that is CAD my expenses in Canada will be paid by myself if your parents are paying it for you you just have to put in their bank statement their salary slips and the information like how they paid for your fees and then the record like whatever proof you have you just have to attach that as well but for example I'm doing that for myself so I will attach my pay stops over here if you have your uh employment letter you can attach that as well but usually you just have to attach the pay St of your last 3 months and then your bank account statement as well right in addition to a study permit are you also applying for a work permit so like I said that yes I will be applying for a co-op work permit it says Co-op work permit because I'm not from cubc it is not relevant for me so I'm just going to skip uh 7th right and then education so have you had any postsecondary educ education for example if you've completed any course then you're going to type over year but if by chance you're still enrolled in the course and you haven't done that then you're going to type no and that is not just valid for Canada but anywhere if you've done any postsecondary education anywhere you can just type in over here so employment it is better to State all your Employments over here because uh the ircc can obviously see it anyway since they attached with the CRA and you can um uh attach all your employment uh just for proof that you have been working and then that you can fund your education by yourself right so just type in the date from when you started and uh two so the current occupation you at the city you're working from the territory and the company also the province it's also better to write more than one occupation obviously if you have more than one because it will show that you've been earning and that you can afford to stay here by yourself so background information within the past 2 years have you or your family member ever had a tuberculosis of lungs if you had TB just write down yes if no then no do you have any physical or mental disorder that would require Social Health Service medication during stay so if you have one you can write it over here but if not then no have you ever remained beyond the validity of your stay uh attended school without authorization so no obviously you cannot do that have you ever been refused if you have a Visa refusal before so you can just type down yes and the history will go over here but if not then no have you previously applied to enter or remain in Canada so when we initially came in Canada we did apply to remain in Canada right or just to enter Canada so we are going to apply yes if you answered yes to questions 2 a b or c please please provide details so over here you can just write down that um yes you applied to enter Canada for your study permit and the date if you want to write it's as simple as that you can just type that they will understand so have you ever committed or been arrested so no did you serve in military no background information is continued all right so are you or have you ever been a member associated with political party no have you been witness participated in ill treatment or prisonment no or so signature over here do you consent to be contacted by cic of course you should do this because if by chance they have any questions they can contact you right so your signature the date you're filling this form and then make sure you're validating this form as well because that will give you a QR code you can just simply save this document and then attach it because I just logged in again and then this is where it's going to take you again your homepage and then like I told you that if by chance you do not have any document you can just always come back it says that you have 60 days to submit your document uh so from the date when you created it you can obviously continue your application uh it will show you your questionnaire again and then continue so here is where we ended last time so this is your IMM form uh you remember I told you to save your document so you have to upload the file for your Sav document from here choose the file and then upload file so if you are also applying for a coop permit your college will give you a co-op letter you will have to ask your college to send you a co-op letter because you're applying for the study permit extension so once they send you the letter just upload it over here your passport so in the passport it's better to attach your uh the first page of your passport the last page of your passport as well as the Visa usually you can just scan your Canadian visa and then paste it so that they can see that yes you already have a Visa but then uh it's not important to attach all your other visas if you want to you can surely do that letter of acceptance letter of enrollment so if you want to attach the letter of acceptance that is the one that you initially got when you came here in Canada when your offer was accepted and when you completed all your conditions so you can attach that letter of acceptance or if you want uh like my College senica college it gives us uh enrollment letter for every semester that we've been in the college so you can attach that as well if you want to proof of means of financial support so like I told you your financial support proof so for example if you've paid your tution fees you can attach the document for your uh for the proof that you've paid your fees uh if by chance your parents are paying that for you if anybody from your relationship is paying that for you you can show the proof that yes they are paying it for you and that it has been uh paid already so like I fil that I will be uh paying it by myself so I will also attach my bank statement over here I will also attach my pay stops over here and I also have my employment letters so I can attach that as well if by chance you do not have your employment letter and you only have your pay stops for last 3 months that should be okay as well proof of upfront medical exam so this is very important if you're coming from a healthcare or a child care background like myself so you would need an upfront medical exam uh that means you will have to do a medical exam before you're filing this uh before you're filing for a study permit extension but is not necessary that you have to do a upfront medical examination because you can do that later as well once you've started your app medication and they the ircc asks you to do so but it can take longer so it's advice that you have to that you should do a upfront medical examination if you've already done an upfront medical examination you can just write down your ime number or just attach the photo that you got when you went to the panel physician right if by chance your course is not related to medical or Healthcare you do not have to upload your new medical examination you can just write down your you can just time down your old one right uh the one which you got when you were back in your home country digital photo make sure you're attaching a good quality uh digital photo over here you can also attach the same photo that you uh attach when you were initially applying for your study permit optional documents so this one is which I highly highly recommend you to attach it's going to be your personal letter or your personal sop if you can say so I can attach uh the one that I uh used for my application and then you can take an idea of the same template and you can write it down accordingly right so it just means that you have to write down the reason for why you are applying for your study permit so that the viser officer can look at so here is the fees once you've uploaded all your documents you can just uh pay the fees that's about it thank you for watching the video and before leaving don't for don't forget to subscribe like and share
Channel: Mishika Batra
Views: 31,058
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: study permit, study permit extension, canada, toronto, ontario, step-by-step, document checklist, template, 2024, co-op work permit, visa in 7 days, immigration, international student, imm5709, study in canada, study permit extension form, india
Id: d546xk2k_yY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 30sec (1770 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 20 2023
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