How to Show STRONG HOME TIES For Canada STUDY Permit/Visa Application |5 TIPS To Get VISA APPROVAL

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hi everyone so in this video I'll be talking about the five ways that we can use to show home ties for your Canada study payit application showing home ties is extremely important in fact in your application you will should be able to justify to or provide evidence or documents to show to the Visa officers that you're going to return to your home country after the completion of your studies in fact if you applied for study permit and you get a refuser they're going to say I'm refusing your application or I'm not satisfied that you will leave Canada based on the following Factor factors okay so that does not necessarily mean only home ties and home ties is not specifically the only reason why your study permit is going to be denied so I talk about these five things that you can do you should be able to provide at least one am these five things that I'm going to be listing in this video irrespective whether you're a fresh graduate you should be able to do at least one okay let's talk about the five ways that you can use to show home ties for your Canada study permit application the ne the first one is going to be using letter of explanation now this sounds very simple but it is actually something that is quite important in your study payment application while you are writing your letter of explanation in the last part there's going to be a a place where you should State this is what you're going to do upon return to your home country okay so if you can explain that it is already giv them an idea of the thing that is going to be taking you back so the other four things that I'm going to be mentioning you can mention them in your letter of explanation but there are cases where you may not be able to show those other four but just talking about what you plan to do for example if you're going to do a masters let's say Masters in um civil engineering in Canada then you can explain you know upon completion of my masters in civil engineering maybe you want to take in take on do a PhD in in your home country you know or you want to work with the government you know or you want to start up a consultancy company these some of the things that you explain in details when you can do this is already showing this the Visa Vis that you have a clear plan there there's actually something that is trying to that that that would take you back you know upon completion of your study so always put this at the last part of your letter of explanation the second way that you can use to show home tie is actually employment okay so if you're employed in your home country you can actually get maybe a study leave you know or a reference letter from the company to state that oh um when you graduate from your study in Canada you are still going to continue working in your home country in that particular company that is already a h that is something that is actually taking you back I mean this may not be true for everybody there might be cases where you actually own a business so instead of talking about employment you can talk about the business say I have a registered business in my home country this is the business registration and I can't just leave my business you know upon completion of my St Canada without going to continue my business that is the reason why you should apply for something kind of relating to your business that you say oh I'm going to continue my business upon return to my home country so definitely get that if you own a company put your business registration you know any if you have pictures about your business business you can you can show that any other document related to your business maybe sales or some of the things that they're doing that is also important right if you have an employed you can get a reference letter from your company add your pay stop and all that that's going to be excellent I think the most important part if you can't get a letter to stay that they are aware that you are traveling and when you return you'll still going to continue working that is an amazing way to show home ties the third one is going to be finance and investment if you have investment in your home country in stocks and shares and other things you know although you can't do investment anywhere but at least if you have an investment in your country it shows that well you you really kind of tied to your country you can say well upon completion of my story I'm going to continue you know come come back to my country to continue to monitor my investment especially the ones that will require you to maybe attend some meetings and some things like depends on the kind of investment so think about what kind of investment that you have that's why I said not everyone have investment but at least you can't do the first which is a letter of explanation that I talked about the fourth one is going to be Family Ties so if you applying a loan and you have your wife and your children back in your home country that is a fantastic home ties but if you're apply alongside with your family you know your father sorry if you're applying alongside you're not your father obviously if you're applying alongside your your wife your children everybody applying together if you have siblings in your home country you can also talk about that if you have your parents still alive and they are in your home country you can also talk about that that maybe when you come back and finish a program yeah you need to be close to them at least to be able to you know take care of them in one way or the other so that is also justification okay but like I said not everyone have family member so it is not a negativity if you don't have any family member to show just think about this five ones that I'm talking about engine just choose one the last one is going to be property ownership this is amazing this is I love this particular one so if you have a house you know if you have a car especially properties houses you know real estate and all that this is an amazing way to show Pro uh home ties you can say well I have some of this property is back in my home country and I would really love to manage some of these properties upon return from Canada from Canada back to my home country so this is another way to justify so if you have the document for the land purchase or the house if you also have landed properties as well you know or houses it's you can use any of them right you can use property associated with that you can use you know any uh pictures and all that to show that you actually have the houses you can will take a picture over there it's a way to justify and just really give evidence to the VIS officer that okay this actually belongs to you like I said there is no way you won't be able to see at least you won't be able to have at least one of these to show if you're a fresh graduate out of University which means you don't have properties you don't have any investment you not even employed at that moment then if you're going to start a program what are you going to do with that program when you get back to your country that becomes your home TI you don't even need to show documents to that effect if you're explaining what you want to do back in your country when I applied for M I didn't even I just explained that you know yeah when I complete when I finish my master is what exactly I'm going to do in my country a concrete plan okay if you can do that even as a fresh graduate that is amazing fantastic so all of these five things employment Finance Family Ties you know uh property ownership you can actually embed some of these into the letter of explanation in order to make your case very concrete don't lose sleep over home ties it is not just the primary reason why Visa get denied I've always talked about the finance is about 80% why people get Visa rejection and the second one is going to be inconsistency in your program of choice the program that you're planning to do in Canada does not match with your background your career plans and all that then that is just that is just a no no for them and of those I want to do a separate video to talk about some of those two things so don't put yourself in uh in a situation where you have trying and having difficulty convincing the Visa officer about some of these things so Pro uh home time is it important yes but don't lose sleep over it focus on the proof of funds and your letter explanation where you talk about the importance of that course okay and if you do that and you can add some of these other Home ties as an added thing I think you should be at an advantage it is still not a guarantee even though you have a million houses back in your country uh it's still not it's still not a guarantee so I would say take your time you know just focus on every aspect of the application and do your best application if you can do that you know you don't have any other thing to do other than just to pray that your application comes out successful to that that's going to be it for this video if you are having a bit of issue trying to put some things together for your admission or your visa application you know you can reach out to me I can give you some insight on how to kind of put some things together you know based on some the free information that is available out there okay there's going to be a link in the description you can reach out to me through my website my contact details also there reach out to me and I will be glad to help you in this your journey to Canada once again thank you so much for watching this video If you haven't liked this video do to hit that like button so whatever new videos are released you will be the first person to get notified and also don't wait to subscribe and to this channel I will see you in the next video cheers
Channel: Peter Isesele
Views: 3,839
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Id: S5axkIYCvfo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 16sec (616 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 08 2024
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