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do you want to make your stream stand out and look professional so you can get more viewers on twitch let me show you how to add overlays into twitch studio beta like the other professional twitch streamers so we can accomplish just that so if you don't mind dropping a quick like on the video to help other streamers find this video let's get started so first things first we need some overlay packages and my favorite place to go is they have hundreds of different overlays alerts panels and pretty much everything you need for your twitch stream we're gonna be using the dark mode series pack so if we just click on here you can see that there's a nice cohesive package and if we look at the bottom we can make this full screen and see that everything is included in this package so we're gonna get the banner for our twitch stream we're gonna get all these different alerts we can get the webcam overlay the little stream label things at the top different scenes like ending and offline starting soon and pause and the package is going to include all of this so it's going to look nice and cohesive so if you guys want to check out i'll leave a link in the description down below where you can check out the different overlay packages but once you got your hands on some nice overlays let's go over to twitch studio so i can show you how to set them up so we have a nice clean instance of twitch studio beta and what we need to do is go to the top left corner we'll click on these three lines we'll go to file and then we'll click on settings from here we're gonna go all the way to the bottom of the middle right here where it says import scene so we'll click that and then now we have to find the dot overlay file that we just got from so we're going to click on browse for file right here and you're going to navigate to wherever you saved this folder at and then you're going to open the folder we're going to go to quick start and then we're going to go to streamlabs import and that's fine even though we're on twitch studio and we have the dark mode dot overlay file here because that's the package we got so we'll click that and then we'll click open and then now we'll click import file so now that it has finished importing the overlay we can see that some things aren't supported on twitch studio beta but that's totally fine we're gonna be able to make it work anyways i actually found a workaround for a lot of this stuff so if you see anything not supported that's totally cool don't feel intimidated i'll hold your hand step by step so after it's finished importing we're gonna hit the done button at the bottom and now we'll just do a quick check we'll click on the live scene now you can see that our overlay is now on here you see we got the stream labels at the top and then you see we have our different webcam overlays we'll go to starting soon and then you can see we have all of that we got pause we got end we got our just chatting and then we got our edit social media so the easiest thing to do right now is we'll just edit our social media we'll click on edit so we'll click on the youtube layer and then we'll go to the right and type in what our youtube handle is hopefully all of your handles are the same to keep it nice and cohesive but type in your handle to the text on the right and then click save at the bottom and then rinse and repeat that for each and every one so we have youtube twitter and instagram so now we have our different social media tags so let's go and plug those in we'll start with the starting soon screen and then you can see we have the twitter logo the instagram logo and the youtube logo so we'll hit edit on the starting soon screen and then we'll click add layer on the left hand side we'll click on the text you can see that we have all of our linked layers here so i'm just going to click with youtube to start click add and then it automatically puts our youtube name next to the youtube icon so then we'll do the same thing we'll click add layer we'll do text as you can see the existing linked layers got rid of the twitter and instagram honestly i don't know where they went but since it's the same for all of them i'm just gonna click youtube and click add and if you have a different handle that's totally cool but i'm just gonna drag this over here and we'll rinse and repeat for the twitter one as well and if you need you can also just click and then use the arrow keys on your keyboard to fine tune it if you have a different name for your other handle it doesn't matter just click add layer click text and then we'll just hit add so in this instance let's just put cpaws gaming and then you can drag it to the twitter space and then you just copy the different settings from the youtube one you can see that the aerial font it is this size so we'll just click back on the other one click arial this this size and you can just go and drag it like over here so it's really not too difficult and then obviously you want to click save at the bottom otherwise it's not going to save your changes so we got our starting soon screen done you can go through pause and end it's literally the same exact process so just do that on your own time so now we can click on the live scene by clicking on the top left and then we'll click edit and you can see that we have all of this different stuff on here i'm going to add something behind this so it's easier to see so i'm going to go to the left side click add layer and then we'll do screen share i'll click add and then i'll go to the right hand side here where it says full screen application i'll click change and then i will scroll down to my entire monitor i'll do monitor 2 because there's nothing on that at the moment and then i'll hit done so now we have our monitor being shared on the screen but as you can see it's above all of the other ones so you can't see anything behind it because it's on top so we're just gonna take this layer and we're gonna drag it all the way to the bottom so now we can actually see what half of these look like personally i'm a big fan of the more minimalistic look so i'm gonna be choosing this one in the bottom right corner so i'm gonna go and notice that the left hand side this one is the highlighted one so i'll just go on the other ones i'll highlight it i'll press delete key on the keyboard and then i'll hit delete and then i'll delete this one and then i'll delete this one as well and then i'm going to leave the stream labels at the top and i'll go over that in just a second but right now let's pick this nice spot for our webcam i'm going to put it in the middle right and now let's add an actual webcam i'm actually going to lock both of these layers so i don't accidentally drag anything besides the things that i'm working with so then i'm going to add a new layer i'm going to click on webcam i'll click add and now it's trying to use the brio which i'm using to record for this video so let's actually use a different webcam like this one right here and then i'm going to click done and i know that this camera is 1080p so i'm going to go in the top right corner and change it to 1920 and then the height is 1080. and then i'm gonna hit this little lock aspect button so we don't accidentally mess it up i'm gonna drag it so i can reach the corner and i'm gonna make it smaller because it is way too large i'm just gonna keep dragging it until i can get to about this webcam size and then i will drag the webcam behind the overlay so we can actually see how we're going to fit this in here and you can just slowly kind of work with it until it just barely fits in like so but i think that looks pretty good for now so i'm going to hit lock as well so we don't mess with that a lot of people are not able to set up the stream labels section of this however i found a workaround because twitch studio beta can't read text files which is how most people use stream labels and stream labels are basically just who's your latest follower who's the latest sub so on and so forth but luckily i found a workaround that uses browser sources so let's actually go to stream so we can get our hands on it i'll leave this linked in the description down below so you guys can easily follow along at home but if you haven't already click sign up and connect your twitch account or if you've already done that just click log in and connect with twitch very self-explanatory and easy process you just have to connect your twitch account and it makes an account for you once you've done that it'll bring you to your dashboard but we want to go to the left hand side click streaming tools and overlays gallery then we're going to click on the widgets tab at the top and then we're going to scroll down until we can find advanced recent events so we're going to click on create and then we'll click create a new overlay and continue so we're actually going to call this one latest followers because we're going to do this multiple times for each and every stream label that we want to do so we'll start with latest followers we'll click create my overlay and then now we'll click go to my overlays and then we'll click on the edit button on the latest followers one so as you can see at the very top right where it says body and ghosty those are my latest followers but i just wanted to show my latest follower not like the latest like 10 followers or however many so actually we're gonna click on the left hand side where it says recent events rotator and then we're gonna click on settings and then now we can see right here it says recent followers recent subs cheers tips hosts and so we're just going to replicate the process for the other ones underneath it it says events within the last two and then weeks so actually i just want to change this to months and then you can change it to like 12 months so that way it's always going to have something to show and then below it we'll just change the max number of recent events from 25 all the way to the left for one and then you can mess with the font options at the bottom here if you would like to make it larger or smaller personally i'm going to probably keep it at like 35 and we'll see how that goes but once we've made all these changes we need to click save in the top right corner otherwise it will not save your changes so if you're getting frustrated and it's not working make sure you click save now we're going to click this little paper clip chain looking thing where it says copy overlay url so click that it's going to copy it to our clipboard and let's go back to twitch studio beta so now what we can do is we can click add layer on the left hand side we'll click browser source we'll click add and then on the right hand side where it says web page we'll just ctrl v and then click the purple arrow to the right and now you can see it's displaying our latest follower and so we're gonna put that by little heart icon over here and as you can see the font size is a little bit too big for this so let's actually go back to stream elements and change that so let's go to the font size i'm just gonna take a wild guess and let's say 15 and then we'll hit save in the top right corner and we'll go back and now you can see it is smaller and it looks like it should fit just pretty much perfect so you can kind of align it how you would like and then the next time you get a follower the new name will show up so if you want to rinse and repeat the process for subs donations bits you can do that and i'll show you how to do that real quick so we don't want to mess with this one that we just created so we actually want to go back so we'll hit the back in the top left where it says back to overlays and then we can go to our latest followers right here and then we'll click the three little dots and then we'll hit duplicate and then we can click the little twitch button there and then hit submit so we're gonna hit the three dots on the new copy of the latest followers and then we're gonna hit properties and then we're just gonna change the name to latest subs and the game honestly doesn't matter you can exit out if you want and then hit submit now we're gonna hit the edit button on latest subs and since we duplicated it it's going to have all of the same settings so the font size the font anything that you had on the previous one because we duplicated it so literally the only thing we need to change is this drop down menu to recent subscribers instead of recent followers so you'll just rinse and repeat that process for cheers and tips for the other ones so we'll hit recent subs then we'll hit save and then we'll hit the little copy overlay url button then we'll go back to twitch studio then we'll click add layer browser source add and then we'll paste the link on the right hand side the new link not the old link and then hit the arrow and now it shows our most recent sub with how many months they've subbed so in this case it's doomsday barred with four months so we'll just drag that into the star because i'm assuming that's what the sub is and then you do that for donations and bits on these two so now we'll go to the just chatting tab which is our last scene so you can go to the left hand side click add layer add your webcam like we just did in the previous one and then you can do browser sources and add the recent events like we did previously so really i just want to show you how to set up the live chat in the bottom right over on the scene so we'll click add layer and then we'll click chat box and then we'll click add so now you can see that we have a chat box here there's no chats in it yet but we'll just match the size of this so i'm just going to drag it until we get it to fit inside our live chat like so and then now we'll hit save and now let's just start spamming some text and make sure it shows up so now you can see we have our live chat showing up here and then once you have your webcam in and your recent events it all be set because you have your live scene starting soon and end screen watch this video to my right it's gonna help you so much in your streaming journey and then comment down below spooky gang if you made it to the end of the video my name's cody and i'll see you the next one
Channel: Cpaws Music
Views: 54,798
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: rUbWKC0xS4g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 24sec (624 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 29 2022
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