How to ACTUALLY Climb Using Macro and Fundamentals On Garen S13 | Silver to Challenger #1

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see I just played the system I played by my fundamentals I got okay but like how many shrooms does this guy have you see I keep tracking items just to see how strong people actually are on the map so I can decide that I can Skirmish them or not you know it's always important to get a key tracking items through fundamentals you can get very consistent in your gameplay [Music] we could play Riven game in this anymore but it would be very unfair we could do Rhythm gameplay though and the thing is if I played ribbon top right here it's not the best blind pick but it's decent against enemy comb but I think playing Riven is kind of unfair we can do one super educational ripping game later I want to try one game of gearum Garen is like one of the Champions I love showing you guys how to play because Garen is genuinely so reliant on fundamentals in order to work Garen really does not have anything else going for him you know it's a very weak champion in the early learning phase so you can't really progress in the early laning phase and also his matches most of his matches are not that good I play against Timo annoying match up so what I'll be doing here in the Metro playlist again range matchup like this right I'm going to be running Second Wind simply if you don't know every every time you get hit like it will start stroking and you will you will heal a percentage of your missing Health but it also keeps ticking every time when Timo has his e poison you know the active keeps resetting it's very nice we take nameless club with plus because we're running ignite I'm going to be taking HP because I don't think armor air magixes is really helpful here and then we just have Nimbus Celerity and getting some very standard setup here and we take double adapter the thing we want to do here against the Teemo first thing I see is he's playing with flash ignite grass sorcery so it's more so a polymorite it's not too good for all Lanes it's it's poke which is perfect because I'm going to be running D Shield Second Wind so I can sustainable spot and then we're playing against the hecarim that is running uh ghost and face rush so hecarim as an early game jungler is not that strong same for Fiddlesticks 12 Chung is in this early game most likely want to farm to level six before they can really start impacting Lanes right they can look for early game uh for early ganks but both jungles are relatively weak in the early game so that's one piece of information I already have now when looking at enemy team comb and one thing I can already Scout is my target most likely will always be Samira the nice thing about playing Garen into Samira is that Garen really likes playing against melee Champions right they're the easiest to hit or he can always kill away from me hecarim has like movement speed and dashes and face rush but Samira is most likely my easiest Target because Samira as an 80 carry actually plays a mega range so we'll be going for this shoot most started setup we have D shield and second winch who allow us to sustain and my plan in the first for waves here will also be dependent on what the Jones are doing in the early game every game as a top player guys every single game we need to make a plan on a first waves okay they are by far the most important so what I want to do is try and get a ward on a starting position if I have his starting position noted then I will also know how to play up in the first four waves the first four is by far the most important you see my name as well first for waves there we go so I get this word down I'm gonna wait a little bit I can wait till like let's say 50 seconds and the reason I will wait till around 50 seconds is so that I ensure that I'm still in time with the first wave coming into my lane and I still have to Ward a little bit longer I could also opt to Ward the Raptors right here nobody's defending this so I'll be take my 3x I'm gonna work right here now this word is still good because I'm pretty much able to scout where the hecarim is starting anyways right so right now you see I'm back in time with the first wave I'm never going to be late and I'm going to just plant myself in one of these bushes if team of face checks me I can start q and trade onto him if he starts or boxing to me I can even start e because your e dues more damage if it's hit on a singular Target and what I want to do is just sustain and once I get my first recoil then the champagne becomes stronger and I can start looking for proxy my first early game here it's kind of hard right because team was very obnoxious in the early games very strong so we're just gonna sustain look to never be in risk and look for like I'm just playing for Farm okay I'm not looking to kill the Teemo I'm trying to get as efficient Farm as I can so right now Tim was not here I'm going to start the push and the reason I start to push is because right now what I'm pushing the Teemo cannot harass me as much because his Teemo is going to have to focus on lasting himself and because team was focusing on last I think that allows me to farm preparing for you see Timo cannot harass me because look he's far okay you can hit me there but it's fine he wants to farm himself and the benefit I also get from this is I will get my level 2 first and if I get my level 2 first this matchup becomes a lot easier me to play as well I'm gonna take X of this bush okay he gets a vision of me now so I back off I only need this away I don't need to scaster and that will give me level two because melee means actually give more experience so right here I'm gonna make my level two and okay it's bomb fighting I think this trade is still a bit too greedy though I shouldn't be training this heavily and it's simply no point I should just chill here this trade is very bad for me to do again I should have just played for very consistency yes not for these kind of Trades and here I also showcase you guys that I'm also too greedy I don't stick to my own plants I should just talk to my plan which is farming and I will be completely fine so now the line is gonna become a bit harder but it's fine my foot is fast at the top I hacker is fast at the top as well as we hadn't seen him so most likely he can respect the top as well I should have picked W seconds which would allow me to sustain a lot more but it's fine we at least did not miss any XP okay so we need one more melee right now and then we get a level three if your goal is just to farm anyways right like I should be doing this matchup getting your WS is completely fine and I'll just stop you so just sustain the Poke and as you see this shoot keeps re-ticking because of his poison right so that's why this shoot is super broken against D1 cyber Second Wind I've already healed hundred and I mean 120 almost with the second wind my t-shirt is healing me right and my passive visiting me that's why I'm almost back to full HP right now that's why I've said it makes so much sense against the Teemo okay so we see hackram actually passed the top right because with the word is 24 CS meaning it's far in every Camp same for Fiddlesticks so whenever we see a jungle in the early game guys the thing I always do oh my God the thing I always do is check their CS I might have to move here but I can't really help much this guy's a flesh though I'm gonna ignite for the movement speed and I got my face wash I don't know it doesn't kill him that's ugly I lose XP as well I think I missed the One auto attack there I mean I can't go there it's ugly maybe can oh no okay that's really bad I lost both I don't get the kill he had face rush and ghost so I couldn't kill him we at least know that this guy's 29 CS he's going for this Scuttle and then his Chrome is respawning because he started there so that's the information I have right now the early game went horrible for me I traded too much I was full HP that also made me lose prio and now I didn't get the key with both my Summoners the only thing I'm thinking about right now is how am I going to ever get a decent reset if I get a decent reset then I'm fine again oh my bad bad awkward time in there I want to make sure I get the cannon at least I'll take some damage for it but it's fine he must play it very well okay I want 1100 gold on my first base if I can just so that I can reset and get my Berserker scripts that will make my wrist at 10 times better a Teemo is going to get six from this mean wave because he has not lost any XP I have sadly lost exp so I am not going to be getting my six and the longer we land here it's kind of becoming more and more Awkward for me so I kind of have to try and find out it's a Time ring ASAP because we're kind of stuck in Lane here right now you see he got six so I want to oh I actually got hit that's terrible I want to get uh the next wave get my level six get my 1100 gold if I can so I need to try and farm efficiently get my Berserker screws and then we'll be back in the game I'm really struggling here in the early game but it's just because of the early traits that I did and it's completely on me if I had gotten the kill I would have actually nullified everything but the fact I missed it on the kill as long makes me be in a very awkward position right now that's fine we'll get back later through a fundamentals so right now all I need is a reset timer because I'm gonna collect this wave as fast as I can or just recall right now Tim OS kind of fast pushing part with his ultimate though okay I have to find the reason for myself okay I'll collect this I'll collect okay and I just want to look actually my fiddle six NK are top side they could look here if they could to help me secure reset then I'm very happy okay this is nice this guy's no flash remember I have that information okay so that at least brings me a little bit back it's their mistake for the hecarim to invade this but it's nice that I get to get the opportunity right because I'm down to play it I'm down 20 CS but this at least will give me some gold now back and now all I need is a recent timer Timor is not enough time to push this in before I'm back so I'm just gonna recall ASAP right now again we are quite far behind but this will help us out a lot now and I'm going to be buying this and this I could buy pink board I don't care too much about the pink word right now though most likely what I want to start doing next is Timo is going to push this and probably reset as well right because there's a lot of gold you got to play it and he has a lot to farm he's farming very efficiently and I'm going to catch this as fast as I oh he should be recalling so this is timo's mistake right he is not recalling right now he's missing out on his recent timer this is his lack of fundamentals because now I'm back with items and he still has to fight this recent timer for himself very bad mistake by the team on here that's what actually allow me to start trading right now a little bit as well just because I have to isolate I don't have my old set lead I also could be looking for a kill but at least right now I'm stronger than the Teemo so in 50 seconds when I get both my old and my um flash I'll be looking to kill this guy for sure he's being a little red though I'm just looking for traits like this it'll benefit me I am putting him in my kill range but I am not in Hill skill right 40 seconds from now he's dead if he does not recall he should be recalling if he doesn't that's fine now he's going to recall and that's fine I will try and make it hard for him to recall like I'm gonna try and annoy him I'm gonna cancel this Rico again to set up my own kill window very nice oh that's annoying your Q removes slow so that's very nice against the Teemo shows If you ever get hit by a stream you can just use your Q to reduce the slow he is a level ahead of me though that's the only problem I have right here I need to get level 8 as well and then I can kill him for sure he's bone fighting too use the potion I can't really kill him it's fine we're falling quite far behind the Cs but we'll still catch back up at a certain point it'll be much easier for me to push wave than it is for him he might be looking for a recall now and I'm fine with that I'm just gonna push so right now we're down 22 somethings yes right I'll just show you guys how to get back and eventually get a lead to and the try pushes as fast as I can I can get my pickaxe on my recall I just hard push this so that I can get another Rico for myself back Teemo will come back with a lot of items and it's all fine I'm gonna recall I'm never staying for the plate here I have to find my own reset again as well look at this guys either this is okay that's a lot of gold I'm getting my pickaxe now and I'm going to to my whip as fast as possible right now I want to try and get to a position where I can actually start proxying because Landing mode won against the Teemo is not beneficial for me right he just he just beats me every time because it's ranged against melee so it's very awkward for me to be playing under my turret I want to try and see if I can get into a position where I can start proxying against the Teemo to get out of this laning position and it's one of garen's biggest strength yes super super fast wave clear but it needs access to it first maybe I could utilize one gank right here from the Fiddlesticks and with the one gank that would allow me to then check this guy down get priority and I'm gonna look him to go for my Victim to go for my plates my first six is looking I'm pinging too I'm gonna ignite for moving speed and then start going and open I need to make sure that he cannot go stealth oh that's all good okay well it's all okay what do you want me to do okay beautiful that's what we can do he flashed the light My ultimate follows it sucks that hacker was instantly there to counter gank but at least we got the kill we got Splash they flashed at around 10 51 that's why we have timers so 1550 is Teemo flush I have it 1550 for myself but Ella's gonna see it I don't care I go that's hard push now it's finally a timer where we have something hecarim is most likely on Harold he must do that for eight seconds it's perfect I want to push two plates right here proxy next wave and recall again proxy will ensure that I lose no waves right okay so now we're only 20 suspense beautiful ah there we go getting a reset it now we're getting close to our Mythic I think hecarim is still on here we got two plates back so right now we're almost back to even because we have two kills he's going for hard steel what is that decision what was that about Mr Timo I'm gonna go for Supernatural it's very good against Teemo against the shrooms I don't really need my yellow trinket anymore and again I want to look for Windows where I can start proxy if I can proxy I'm the happiest person I don't want to blame 1v1 against this team one with the proxy it means I'm a tracking hacker hasn't recalled yet skirmishing right here so I'm going to look to Heart push this wife and actually look to proxy there we go get my face rush and I'll try and use this to proxy right hecarim is that anyway so hecarim cannot stop me from doing this either and I get all the means perfect and this is perfect for me I'll hard push this wave Teemo cannot chase me if he does he's gonna lose It On full wave he cannot chase me here and this will give me free access to finally start playing for free all right this Camp is respawning this Camp is up there we go hecarim is still dead free Camp get back in the game this way I see Scotto's respawning both so this Scott was actually not there sadly that's fine we got a free Raptor Camp it's still something I'm assuming hecarim opens up back at the top side but I can't know for sure I'm gonna go back to top side so now we're only 15 cspn fine let's go back to Weber Mythic in 200 so what I want to do right now is high push this as fast as possible recall get my method get back on the map playing towards idle Spike super super important for always so right now just quick hard push you see I'm only playing with I'm only playing with waves I don't care about the demo Miss Cannon so I'm angry Gotta Wait for voice to run out and Records Timo doesn't have the fastest pushing power so right now I have to push this and this before I have to collect the wave right so really this is phrases a time for me all right hacker Miss ricoat I see that he has a clip so he's relatively strong now he's on a spike I don't use both side but we have our Mythic now again this was the timer for Teemo flesh so we know he has no flash right now getting close to 11. I lost one main that's okay we won't lose much more and now I have Mythic he does not so now I'm finally stronger in the world one lane all right we lost one million worth of each speed I might lose one last hit no I want oh he's dead I'm gonna ignite to get him into the execution range and there we go and that's why we played towards our spikes guys damage to back after and recent he did not the second time you missed a recall window I punish and now we're very strong so you see this lighting was faint was kind of rough for me because I messed up in my first four waves but I still played consistent fundamentally with my recent timers the way I manipulate my waves and even though I was behind like 30 to 40 CS right now we're only a little bit behind and that's just through consistency all right there we go now we're almost even gonna get this for free as well again at the second dragon that's completely fine I get my Spike now I can really start getting super far ahead because of this let's try this proxy one more wipe reset see if I can maybe impact the rest of the map right now killing Teemo again will not really change out on this game I have to start looking to see if I can maybe kill the Samir I get their shot down right she's a very big shot down this wave is two shot all the way right now so realistically I have like a minute of tempo because team wants to push at this wave and this wave and this wave before it gets to my turret meaning I have around a minute right now to look to Rome I think getting armor is fine so we go oh no I want this I can go into both items right now I can still go for the armor option or the Mr option my fellow sticks is invading here with Kane I want to see if I can kill Samira I'm about to flesh my bunch of olds I'll open up here I'll first take this because why not I don't see anything on the map right now and now I can decide do I go both after this or do I end up going to top Teemo is not pushing instantly okay he's got another separation all right back to go time to go to top I don't see their Boat Lane if their boat name was here I'd probably move both I don't see them they're a bit too late they're on the fat Spike too she's stupid and tab is hard for me to kill and I'm losing a full can of wave right here not worth it so I'm gonna end up going to football anyways here oh my teammates can see it's fine my finish is going to look for a gank right here I'm Gonna Act safe so by me walking backwards here this baits and Timo to walk forward my face which just has to go though all right this guy should die face rush in a second I'm not going to Old I'm gonna keep it up there we go it's good for my 506 to actually get the kill here I mean I have an oriental support I don't know what that is about but besides the Oriana support 506 is the only AP damage Source we have so him getting resources and him getting gold is actually very good for me and like our mixed damage profile so I'm completely fine with that I'm going to do the same thing hard push the swipe as fast as possible and look to Roman impact the rest of them okay I'm going to try and counter gank this if I can he should have Alt I don't think I can kill I'm lucky what I can do is collect next Midwife and then um take for Scott to top side Gomez responding top side that's what I'm seeing right here I don't think I'm roaming both because hecarim is there said that my king died nothing I can do about it though I'm gonna take this 40 this is respawning this is maybe up I don't want to kill this Teemo again this game already anymore because like killing the Teemo he's already like kind of weak you know in the sense that killing him again will not change out from the game I have to try and impact the map here but it's very tricky K might look to go both so because he's looking to go both I can push over Midway there's also might Force R to come back to Mid if she is not I'm just gonna hit mid turret as much as I can okay can't apply any more pressure here now I can push this way push next wave then look for Harold ways first then Herald I can't start Harold instantly my fiddle wants to look here oh it's a fake one oh this is smart I like this I'm gonna walk through the shroom to kind of bait them let's go oh he's not gonna go then I just go top bro I'm gonna go to top bro your AFK stop wasting my Tempo huh all you got on waves here all right we're almost back to test his permit now at least we're very close to our item two swine gives me more temp on this wave I'm not gonna slow push into a hard push I'm actually just going to insta hard push and I think I'm going to skip out on Harold guys I'm going to try and rumbot with my Tempo I want to try use my Tempo to rumble right here I think on my way I can buy my second item so I want to recall I think recalling here is better and this guy still hasn't recalled for a long time right now so I can look to get a shot around right now my pink work too my team's already looking before me though I don't like this too much oh maybe it's actually really good HP anyways he's not going to be allowed to catch from it so because of that I can just push at the Midwife right now Harold might hacker might be on the herald I can one shot him though I'm level 14 right now oh I walk through a team of trap there we go what what did my what happened to my Silence by the way it should be silence there that's fine we are playing like that bye stay mad that's the guarant strength right there you don't need to buy any extra damage when you have ultimate Knight you one shot any Pig in your way and I'm not gonna attack the knocking 100 Stacks we shot on the hecarim so we pretty much just defended The Herald on weak side considering that my team was formed four people both right and I'm two people on top but I still deny their play so my team shut down enemy bot Lane and in the meantime I shot on their play massive massive on the map because we win at both sides winning at both sides it's crazy crazy good now I'm just gonna temple on the wipe I don't care about this little Teemo I still want the wave fan then my Tempo is away here and I don't have to stay here anymore it's hard to prox freaking me out I think I just I want to look I don't know how it's gone anyways I think I record it now and I would love to be bold I can maybe answer here again I have Tempo on top wave because I played for it super fast and I'm gonna start building Mr now my fitness is doing it with one HP I respect the Hustle but I think it's not optimal play I'm gonna walk into both because I have 10 point Top Lane I see this guy a stopwatch so I first check items make sure to do that because Recon it's Third Dragon Knight so I would really want to defend this I'm moving here this is their win condition anyways oh where are you going I'm gonna Flash oh but you're kidding me uh which are absolutely kidding me why is there more gone out there randomly I can use my W on their Q and I missed the timing good job Alloys if you use your w at the correct time you get 75 tenacity so the queue only lasts for a milliseconds but I misstand it now lose the full turret we should get the dragon though so that's something I just messed up my combo sucks it's fine I'm gonna cue forward there we go we'll move to slow breaker and my cane is here that's why I want to go get him into execute range there we go this guy might die yeah he walked into another shroom no we did not okay good there we go push this out here comes there I'm not gonna mess with him anyways he just took his wrap off so it's gone I'm gonna reset right now my sideline is bought I'm picking on the way this is my side light I will claim my sideline I don't care if King goes both I want to be bottling right now there's nothing for me to do taught so I will run Bots I don't care if King goes as well like I'm saying this is where I'm supposed to be on the map so I will be going here I don't care if we're both here I have nothing to do in Top Lane Midway is pushing anyways I'm going both side with maybe we can kill the Ari and else this guy will let me both anyways it's my position to be another map very important to be assertive In This Moment every time you're in base guys choose your side lane where am I supposed to be on the map especially if you're at the wing condition you choose your side then okay if somebody else is doing condition let's say this Kane wants to make a dish right now he would choose the sidewave and I would allow him to be where he wants to be right but I want to be both that means I'm going both I don't care about this Teemo all right let's see this guy's getting really annoyed with me I'm sure of it hello boss hope you are doing good that was too early all right it works I should run I know this guy's no flesh I'm gonna heal super fast right now with passive and with red buff oh this guy's an old by the way there we go a little bit of spinning there we go did you put your subscription bro hey all right so here how do we optimize our build how do we make our build a bit more fun I think right now I have enough resistance against everybody right I have resist against this guy this guy I this item made me a little bit Overkill to be honest I don't think I needed to buy this but I mean I've went for it anyways now uh I could go for fandomancer maybe not worry federman's navory let's see I think that in this is pretty nice I think move speak is very nice since a champion like champ is like Garen like Darius Olaf they don't really have any Mobility right they have no dashes so moving speed is their only form of getting mobility and that's why I'm just buying so much movement speed like right now if I don't hit sure I have this right now let me have face rush I have Solarity for movement speed I have my Q for movement speed and that these two items give me movement speed as well so I just have so much Mobility right now after a moment speed like look I have 500 movement speed by default it's crazy and right now I just want to roam see if we can get a pick and then maybe start for next year this guy's in Flash I have face rush just an eye like this I'm gonna move what all right Ari I'm so fast by the way as long as I don't Auto attack the timing oh if you time your W honestly see guys you only get CC for a very short duration because uh W gives you 75 tenacity this guy's a Flash oh I'm gonna use keeper moving speed and that's not like too aggressive I want to play for Nash or something here but miss click basically guys I miss click master I break it there for the Blue Book my bad thing I did not want to take it I'm sorry 30 for my old that's kind of what I rely on for damage so do not push this wave in general I don't want to Auto attack too much time this up but here we just after this and now I have tampon bot wave we can move and run oh well that was a misclick I'm gonna use my w correctly here oh it didn't even hit me all good we're gonna get tab on both wife again so we can play for the dragon my target here is still probably Samira she can't really Dodge any of my abilities too I'm very broken against the Tomato Champion all right we have to jump on both wave only for hack Rim okay stop you can do whatever he wants here now when neutral objectives was secured like this guys in the neutral is secured get other resources okay I don't have to be on the central anymore I'm just going to admit my trial why not Midwife is all right like the neutral is already secured you know all right no it's fine we should play for next year we can play for it for free all right it's no olds we have both with Tempo I mean okay so Nasher micro is macro is kind of non-existent in the cinema it's very hard to play for Nash but my Potato Sticks likes my call so I'm just gonna start it off we have two people showing both Arcane is in base but I think me and phil6 can do it as two men as well as long as people are showing them both unless they have rewards here which I don't think they do so because two people are showing a boat like from enemy team's perspective right now they can never know that we are Nash because I see too oh everything is faker but the hacker is both so I think we're still fine I don't think we're fine oh wait can kill Samira no we can do it can kill Samira okay there's three people but Timo hecarim and Ari are both so I guess this is actually going to work uh it's a it's a weird angle I don't do damage damage to the Nash either none of the fiddle sticks but we end up getting it okay I'm gonna collect this this guy keeps saying my sideways uh there's a Top Lane tier two still that's like standing gold on the map right so I think you can just stay here and look to play for it two people are dead I'm not really scared of Ari I'm not really scared of Morgana and Timo was bought there we go this guy's there as well so I can for sure push this in before anybody arrives yeah it's very fast pushing turrets and now we recall I could go for an avoid I could go for Phantom then sir or I could go for stab rocks but I don't have that much to burst about this I think I like the nobody or I can't do it okay let's go phantom dancer and then I will do this and get this towards the board as well now we're just gonna get our 40 crit I think it's fine all right again I think my target is still this guy and we see hackers on Two and a Half items R isn't two enough items she hasn't finished her rabbit on Shield while she finishes her rabbit and she's much stronger but the Samira is on three items so that's definitely my priority Target okay hecarim is dead I'm just gonna look pretty modern I think playing three waves with the snatcher buff is completely fine because they have barely any engage if enemy team had a lot of engage such as like orn or like if they have horn or like these Champions that have like multiple layers of like heart engage then most likely it's better to group up with your team and play the next shot with two waves but since they have no engage besides like rhr and Morgana Q which is relatively easy to dodge where you just play three waves of pressure three ways right because it's very hard for enemy team to control threeways at the same time and we can apply pressure everywhere unless we die that's the only thing we should not be doing we're going to help the homie out as well the double kills dragons one and a half minutes I'm just sustaining right now with my passive here get more gold in this uh out time I think we could have ended the game that I had my team not die but it's fine I'm not too much nothing else to do other than just farming some gold right here so that's what I'll be doing 1K for my nobody sure if it's 100 correct but like Ari is gonna have iTune up two although I got the kills but let's see maybe I can trap the heck from here too she's still on or he's still on two items I'm guessing it's farming Camp so you can get his last item oh are you kidding me 20 at HP you're lucky lucky again push the wave just don't Auto attack and you're always Gucci and let me run away but I should have used my w i just sustain anyways my passive I don't care too much tip on the wife now Grumble actually help me get my D shield look and Rome hits me my D should start oh wait I installed my t-shirt I don't have it anymore okay I'm sitting you will [ __ ] your tissue as well all right we're gonna have three dragons now we have insane attack speed see that's actually so tanky it's hard to kill so we have two people pushing top they're all coming both here I think so I think it's 5v3 here I'm not sure I like our odds definitely don't what he killed one of them I'm just trying to voice damage trying to waste that time chill I'm well aware of my situation my team is pushing you know I'm being annoying to them see if I can cancel that okay they're just walking now okay I'm not volume base one minute for Nash I guess we just get our novory you can always use your Q to reduce lows right when whenever I'm slow I just use my Q to the too much it's so broken all right let's go bring it on the board Let's see we have three dragons now my target is still some Mirage is four items now I should just get three and a half a heck and we're still on the same items crazy I'm assuming okay yeah so he finally finished this item so I did one thing where it was taking him so long you see I keep tracking items you just to see how strong people actually are on the map so I can decide if I can Skirmish them or not you know it's always important to get uh keep tracking items I'm gonna walk away and then walk back in so they shouldn't have no idea that I'm here so we might face it I can go wash with them we should play for this or ironically I've not seen my nail on this game I did not know we have vanilla Nyla whatever 8K now it's not my preferred Target I don't really too much damage to him but not bad still have my old ER I wish I am tired with this all right this is Clay macro a good gameplay if I want that this game was fine you see I just played consistent I played by my fundamentals I got okay but like how many shrooms does this guy have I actually put my sweep around I just probably consistent with my reset timers and all that and then this game ended up being this it has a full collection bro look at my passive healing Loveless I don't know why should this guy ever get the chance oh I might get the chance okay you might one shot me he's about to get this one so now what we don't win you're kidding me with this [ __ ] what happens with my team hey all right let's see if you can watch with somebody no Sonia has no defensive items I can't wait for this guy ah there we go nothing you can do you have zombies yet all right that's why I got these two items at the last at the end it'll actually allow you to do damage we can just push I still have match we have three in hips or two and hips we should just be pushing should be dead no he's a full tank oh it's up with this samira's not here though I'm not that scared I want to hit it soon dragon we can end we don't need to solve we can send our guys back alive now right all right that's one guy done 50 miles again though 50 on the outplay button I bought this too I got perfect W timing look at my moving speed by the way I have 600 moves between that team fight that's not okay by the way that's three not okay all right GG ready guys there you have it I am not a good game player I messed up my game in the first four waves I made a plan didn't stick to it right so I fell very far behind but it's completely fine because through fundamentals you can get very consistent in your gameplay [Music]
Channel: AloisNL
Views: 65,407
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: League of legends, League of legends Riven plays, League of legends riven challenger, challenger coaching league of legends, Alois Riven, Alois_NL Riven, league of legends cinematic, league of legends music, league of legends reaction, Riven Montage, Riven guide, League of legends riven coaching guide, league of legends laning tricks, aurelion sol rework, akali, irelia, league tier list, 1v9, challenger
Id: t94BSYwbtjI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 25sec (1765 seconds)
Published: Wed May 03 2023
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