How to Garen & CARRY for Beginners (Best Build/Runes) Garen Guide Season 14 League of Legends

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yo what's going on guys going to be showing you how to carry on Garen here in season 14 with the best building runes possible he did just get buffed as well his W now lasts for 4 seconds of 30% damage reduction instead of two at all ranks which is pretty sick considering he maxes that last we have phase Rush Nim Solarity water walking with conditioning overgrowth attack damage movement speed and scaling HP we could definitely leash here getting to Lane early on gear for the most part isn't that valuable because his first two levels are horrible at level three you can do short trades extremely efficiently with a auto QE you phase Rush away and you have W on the whole time so you're taking reduced damage but this early on there's nothing we can really do for the first couple levels you're just looking to farm get XP Garen shines at level six and with his first full item which we are going to be rushing down stride breaker stride breaker lets us hit phase rush really easily off of just a uh QE stride breaker so it is going to be stride breaker Trinity everything after stri Breer and Trinity is entirely situational Gwen's early game isn't that good either she kind of has to scale twoo Auto Q run away she's a big level six character and a big first item power Spike character but before that she's also kind of trash I guess you could kind of compare her to train Amir CU with how she has to build up her her sewing Stacks or whatever just like how trir has to build up rage cuz if she doesn't have those built up she doesn't really do a whole lot of damage Boop just going for the QE yeah we could have just follow this all the way in she doesn't have Flash she's just dead that's really easy G someone who doesn't have uh this is coming to me too I I'll just reset if someone just takes ignite TP it's good for all LS it's good for just Lane Tempo but all in all sets them up to die quite a bit I want the Ruby Crystal super early stride breaker very important the wave's already coming to us so I didn't mind backing if she didn't if she doesn't TP here she's going to miss so much she had minion Advantage several more minions than I had my minions were also lower so I knew that they'd come to me naturally I think she decided to hold on to her TP maybe to avoid a noooo repeat game but noooo can always come back with Scuttle crabs and whatnot she doesn't have Flash she doesn't have boots either we'll go ahead and do a wanted to Q E missed my que onto a minion burnt my w when she went to hit me she's got the way pushing into us pretty heavily now she seems to be worried about nooo gank she's not showing up yet okay there she is she's free all right we'll go a and run her down get her with a QE get my w you want n gets the snare I got my phase Rush one more Auto does it nice that's huge we just push now so free man these n gs are great in general though don't expect kills on Garen pre6 they're just not going to happen unless the enemy Dives you or unless you're jungler ganks garen's damage pre6 is incredibly predictable and uh stagnant it's your r that gives you the shock Factor the all-in factor now that we're playing from the lead we can kind of do whatever we want but in general yeah you're just looking to take short trades whenever you're all three of your abilities are up you can go in for a auto QE have W on when they go to hit you or you can go in for a QE W whenever they go to hit you but to proc the phase rush you do need three separate hits so if you are looking to actually proc your phase rush cuz you need it to get away like they got a nasis Wither gang plank Barrel blow up slow um like an irelia stun if they have any kind of skill shot or SL low then yeah you want phase rush to go off so you can mitigate the slow or just dodge the skill shot all together but Gwen doesn't actually have anything she's a weird match up where pre sick she doesn't even have a slow at all so here I'll just walk into her Auto QE W great trade for us we kept it short it's not as if we're going to all in or two death but still a one trade we have high healing from our D shield and also from our passive as well so these short trades will overall build into a snowball lead beautiful we can use our e in Auto reset we can use our uh qes and auto reset as well when we're farming these minions this is an awkward position to be in hit it with the Q we have a bunch of bonus damage against Monsters on our e it clears really really fast or E also does shred armor it's a big reason why phase Rush has a much higher win rate than conquer on GAR cuz if you can stay on top of them and get that 25% armor 25% armor penetration it's a big deal it's for 6 seconds as well missed a couple of minions there so risk to farming with spin instead of Autos she's only level five it's like she's trying to slow the wave down or something we're going for an auto QE you see how we phas rush away we take one turret shot we minated it with W she took way more damage than us and we're fighting underneath her turret she's dead here noo comes we just die it I have my R so I'll ghost it away q e and r and I walk out she can't survive we got the garar obviously if noooo didn't come there I wasn't going to use I wasn't going to like true all in di I'd wait for my phase rush and for my w hit her with an auto QE have W on against her shot and pH Rush away only take one to two her shots Max we got to leave R of minions looks like we get two plates here as a whole that's really really good she's following super far behind I'll go ahead and reset since we already got two clean ples there's nothing left to stay for here I could spend gold not going to be able to get anything else I don't have R their comp's really tough but as long as n goes full tank we're fine I I don't personally preach for full tank nooo too often me personally I prefer to play more of an AP hybrid but when his team completely lacks a proper front line squishy mid squishy both bot laners and a Bruiser top you might as well just play in full tank with uh Sunfire rush or Hollow Radiance depending on which one you need against their team their triple physical irelia MF Rex IO with Sunfire instead of hollowed Radiance and then noooo can even go for unending despair which is another kind of armor item Auto QE here's the phase Rush got my W on we kept the trade short and we win it heavily it's hard to out trade the gar uh shield on W plus the 4 seconds of 30% damage reduction think she's got a w down yeah n is coming back I like it go ahead and leave a control word here oh wow there's two of them oh boy she doesn't know what to do she can't solo me she she's very easy to gank with no ghost she was greedy and ran ignot she I don't you're not allowed to do that buddy nice we didn't miss a Minion for it with an auto E I think she's actually just dead here Auto q a Auto R then we walk out not bad it took so many turn shots too it's time to push I could potentially just leave it frozen yeah you know let's go ahead and do that I'll manipulate it a little bit more the wave's in a weird spot Auto Q it's just these melees are too far forward I don't think this is a true freeza anymore yeah it's not true freeze the melees were just too far forward spin to win we can back for stride breaker it makes it to where we don't even have to set up a combo for phase Rush with an auto attack or end it with an auto attack we can just QE stride breaker or stride breaker QE stride Breer has more range than our Autos so it can be a good tool to get to them because it slows them and speeds us up it lost its ability he that it had from last season but it's a self speed up now as well as a slow not just a slow going to Max our QC here yeah good luck to her man this is about to get really hard for her stri break q e w decent trade I don't have R I keep if I can keep the trade short it's whatever uh misfortune's coming I'll run this way oh there's a lot of these guys over here I'm still on ghost I might need some help though depending on where bran runs nope I'm fast that was making me really nervous they just sent their whole team over here we're getting nothing cuz my support decided you know what what if I run at them 1 V4 in darkness genius personally I would have never been able to pull off that maneuver as well as she did it was brilliant was really really good the best thing you can do as a laner when you're Lane roams especially if you're really far away from it just stay in lane and shove you get tur plate for free uncontested get her the stride break didn't quite connect cuz she did that little Shield maneuver I think we can di or so we'll go and just push there's no reason to freeze when I can get plates or kill and or dive with my all you just needs to play around me and play around top side cuz our from what I just saw from sen I don't think it's worth playing around B Lane at all you get a pretty quick feel as a jungler of which lanes are receptive and which ones aren't now we can do an auto qw stride break we literally take two shots and we're under there forever I'm going to heal it back through passive as well her wave's gone kind of flat horizontal it's going to push into me now you'll see my minion die way before hers and a Q There It Is didn't have my stride breaker up but it's up now with my next q combo it's hard to call gear and Q a combo but we can chain it into one I think bran might have warded when he was here I'll tank it got W on we got to leave this isn't going to work she ignited me it made things tricky me soaking the true damage they're probably going to get dragon here which sucks so don't know if there's a whole lot we could do probably just die for we need nooo to tank though with his R so he just needs to go all right never mind take it back that's annoying J she's using her crap on me her R hurts bad it also heals her a lot too so makes it hard all right round five here we go let's see it need un tank first stride break Auto er noo die is definitely not worth you just need to back off after you drew aggro it's fine we get turret we they're already going to get dragon as is so that part doesn't really bother me at all Gwen does at least lose more golden XP and that has bonus firsts turret gold which is an extra 150 not bad I kind of want this Scuttle crab they're B might yeah they might all be coming over here he might Smite this will see strike breaker doesn't actually do damage so I don't think it'd be worth to use it on Scuttle they took away the damage aspect they loaded it all into the self speed up to justify it against s team we got to go plated it's kind of awkward versus Gwen we'll go executioners versus her and now we'll start building for Trinity best part of Trinity for Garen really is the sheen proc if she stays for the turret here I'll just teleport immediately I don't want to give that up I'm not seeing her though that was a really slow wave arrival I'll go ahead and take that red buff as long as Lux doesn't I have ghost stride breaker some executioner heal cut for the Gwen aelia rexi and eventually probably MF as well all right I'm queuing in I'll hit with stride break Auto e got W on I don't have my R though so that kind of sucks we really couldn't kill II there seemingly our whole team hitting her Gwen's being greedy I have red buff she's one full item I'm Tier Two Boots versus her no tier tws I got heal cut as well I should win this even with Rift maker needing a Nerf we'll Rock You in W on stride break she's got her R up again which is really something yeah she wins that that's wild she actually wins that's insane there's nothing noooo can do there rexi ended up getting on me granted I didn't use my R against her cuz it was on cool down but even if I had she still had enough health I needed to retreat and go back in with more Health back up n is in trouble here he's got to clear the wave he's got to press R save yourself they're playing really really heavy top side at the moment at least I have TP I'll just TP in shove wave might actually be oh never mind no Herold got the wave pushed at least killing Gwen at this point it's rough I can still do it over time but I can't raw all in her she's just she's strong enough in The Meta right now it's not going to work absolutely not they're all missing it's making me nervous making me really nervous nervous hit it with the auto key and we'll run away possibly have something mid here I don't really want to ghost for it feel like I have to go ahead and W that Q stri break R down you go buddy I'm still on ghost so good luck to Gwen yeah she missed everything well played Buddy mf's free here if no can survive Auto Q E my stride breaks on cool down oh we don't win this oh no holy crap that was scary they don't I don't even have my R mf's kind of fed too she's too full of items that was a while dragon's coming up in 20 we need to be alive for drag Lux is going to a weird spot as our mid laner where she going see she's hitting a really weird side angle yeah I don't know I don't even think we can win this drag fight now but I have no clue what Lux is doing she's not playing near her turret to clear minions and poke them off turret at all she's just like hiding in Bush she's pretending like she's Noo-noo or something very strange Lux Behavior well they're not even on dragon that is bizarre we need to honestly just get dragg here I might even die still wild how much damage Bran's doing we could try just sitting on the split and seeing how that goes I'm healing up fast they still haven't seemingly gone for Dragon I have my w and R go stride break q e w down she goes huh this is strange got to press r on her got the Gwen probably not worth it nice little seraphine Flash after Trinity Force everything is hyper situational we already have some heal cut Black Cleaver wouldn't necessarily be bad although they don't necessarily have armor yet so it probably be sterck here bam dancer is also not bad our team's just kind of squishy so I think sterex is better get some tenacity holy crap brand just straight up fighting at 1 V2 almost won that Bran's a wild character man nef gets a double Lux just seriously defend turret like Lux go mid there's the only thing your character is good at is playing underneath turret this is your time to shine it's like having a zerath just constantly roaming or hiding in bushes how could you it's hard to kill the mid maybe nooo can hit it oh almost stride break I don't have my R who is this it's irelia Auto Q kite towards the back of her thing I think she overcommitted there pretty hard time out the bran r that was a solid fight they overcommitted so so hard though Baron's a good option here we get them to over commit for it we will have to turn epic monsters do cancel healing oh noo used Q on Scuttle crab there got luck shield and seraphine shield noooo needs to tank he does true damage with Q we're going to take this in time we're definitely going to lose mid turret Baron 300 gold a piece should be worth it plus bonus stats this Baron should chain into next dragon as well all right I'll ghost this guy down oh jeez I'm dead Rex side goes in teammates are chasing somebody maybe they'll get her I don't know probably not worth in the end one kill to three I guess gold wise it still might be worth if we didn't lose hu a huge shutdown Lux got a shutdown MF got a little shutdown so I guess it gold Wise It's Worth we just need to stay with back line no chase our back Line's too squishy to where if noooo and Lux Chase Lux being immobile noooo being low damage it's just not good we got to play backline Heavy saraphi sent our whole team slow even Garen is somewhat slow at least in short distances I'll let her get that turret my TP if I TP to Turret she'd just break it TP be full cool down but DP Dominion she takes her and walks away she two full items this is where Gwen gets kind of scary wa she's really burning R here Auto Q she's kind of missing a lot she still gets me she missed a lot of her RS we're two full item imp partials she's really just two full item we have tier two boot Advantage which granted she isn't doing mainly physical damage but still with executioners it's crazy she did ignite 261 on ignite does 310 so she still had about 70 more damage for the ignite to do so it wasn't that close to me living I would have needed 80 more health or 71 more health I guess technically not that much cuz we do have health regeneration so probably closer to 50 or 60 more HP total I have TP for drag I got TP just need someone to go in all right here we go Big seraphine R got our stride breaker Big E and she still almost gets a kill holy crap misfortune's doing so much damage wild oh I rally is here if someone can help me over the wall I want that plant she just took the plant away that doesn't help them at all she just didn't want me get into the drag pit down you go rexa just q and R s's dead here this is awkward we're just focus iria she's D to die quicker got a big ew on yeah we chased Gwen down I think Miss stride break or or it landed I can't tell yeah that's big oh MFS here this is bad this is bad oh that's insane unu still got it that's insane Misfortune messed up she needed not to touch the dragon holy moly dude she's her damage output's stupid I'm going to have to get dead man's or some kind of armor jeez hurts that was the drag soul for them if they gotten that drag I think that was Soul no wonder they wanted it so badly the new new Frozen heart's a great pick it's going to help a lot I have an awkward amount of gold me Moon plate should be good dead mans will be good death dance would be good for sure their biggest threats they have on their team is if Gwen is in basically if nobody hits Gwen and if she's in the thick of the fight or just Misfortune in general cuz she's so fed so it really is MF and then Gwen number two got with the stride break press r on his head well played to bran Auto Q Gwen's over here she's heel cuted reiz on my forehead we need the shield from somebody here ooh Misfortune got wrecked I got a w on ster stride break down she goes red buff burn finishes that was so freaking good for us we'll go in with the QE she can't use the abilities these fights are nasty dog fights that seraphine R was so big it hit Misfortune dragged her forward I hit her with a single Auto attack and it did ding near half her health it was wild it's the only way we can reach Misfortune cuz when Misfortune stands still who's supposed to hit her when she has four people in front of her no one can get to her other than sarapen are that's the only thing we have to touch her I could get to this guy I think we should just get the inhib though Auto E Auto I want the sheen proc yeah just just leave this is a bad thing to stay for ideally we take a buff on the way out if there is a buff cuz five Buffs for us and them not getting one is a huge uh Power swing but there may not be that oh cool so yeah instead of them having five blue Buffs also now we get five it's that's a 10 blue buff swing it sounds so silly to say out loud I never thought I'd say that in my my life oh dang they ended up getting it there they're converging yeah we can't really fight there is that a brand skin his Q looks so weird I can go ahead and finish one of my items I don't know what Lux is doing she's not really defending M she just wandering around I'm sitting on so much unspent gold oh n's going in yeah I need to I need to reset so badly here okay Senna hit something big MF low Health Lux misses are on a literal snare Target oh my goodness snare Target with vision she lands everything else though so we'll take it got phase Rush on I mean we literally just take Baron here there's nothing else we can do other than maybe force top turret we don't have the mid minions newo tanks does true damage I shred off to the side with my bonus e damage against Monsters got 340 attack damage R ad is pretty high right now 3 338 Scuttle got 4,000 Health what the heck all right drag is coming up it is their soul we kind of have to be there I'll let nooo show first might be able to get a pick here would be dicey got a stride break QE I don't want to have to R yeah we take drag we don't try to force an end we can't MF presses R shreds wave whether it's uh Baron Minion or not so drag is the only thing we can do maybe kind of hold mid while we wait for it so they don't shove it down if they're crazy they're actually going to step up with MF and brand probably to try to steal this so just pull it out pull it out I I I could definitely see MFR brand trying to Y this they have plenty of damage to attempt it they seriously didn't try that was their soul they did not even try they really don't want to risk it for the biscuit right now this is big gets the knockup gets the snare we can't follow it reze is so slippery we need to take the red buff right now and go bot there's nothing left for Us Mid we already got the inhib there there's literally nothing to fight for here it's just a random fight no pressure like the pressure is already there we're not applying any extra pressure really by being there we already have the super minis crashing down and now we have five red Buffs it's so freaking broken dude like two red Buffs is a big deal but we all have extra healing a slow on autos and true damage on Autos Santa range is starting to give Misfortune some fits she can hit a big Q through the wave on the misfortune to do about third of her health all right disengage disengage Q stride break got W on drop the r on her head now she goes oh I'm dead that fight went horrible I wasn't able to get out Senna clutches it with the seraphine rexite r Senna eh not great Gwen ended up doing most of the damage I took you think it would have been Misfortune but now it's two item Gwen it'd be nice if they didn't get rid of gargoyle stone plate nice knockup really is up in 10 they could probably take the inhib if they really want to here sarine wasn't out of Mana we can always come back for that later warmogs wouldn't be bad but I think dead mans are Force to Nature is better I'd rather have dead man since it is faster than uh force of nature is I don't feel like I really need the magic resist for right now 50% reduction against magic damage at the moment and then we have nearly 70% against armor all right we need to get this Scuttle so you can find something doesn't really matter where he takes as long as it doesn't crash it in the wall should be a pick oh nice ghosted too there's no way he can weave it around yeah he needs to take this wide through middle I was thinking there's no way he can do that through Raptor camp a missed it Q ew going to press r on her head down goes Gwen go use the wall she flashed got MF flash at least that's good they need to get away from Misfortune dude nice Lux snare that's so good that's game Q ew that's GG's even with out the noo knock up we still won that with sarapen Sena scalling wild let's take a look at damage dealt damage taken in runes looking at damage dealt against enemy Champions we did have the most in the game on GAR not bad at all for second most damage somehow Lux did the second most in the game that is shocking to me Misfortune was number three s a close up behind and then everyone else was about the same Noo-noo in fact did more damage than rexi which is hilarious I find that a lot of assassin type junglers especially physical assassin type junglers damage output at late game is horrible it's really terrible if you're playing full eality kha'zix full eality Talent or just kind of assassin rexi late game they're practically unplayable just really really weak they're they're super Tempo based you got to end on them early damage taken okay with that being said sure there's kha'zix builds that work fine lame that's fair for damage taken we did take the second most in the game behind rexi just cuz he was dying so much Noo-noo was up there as well and for self mitigated we took second most in the game behind unu not bad for Run High Valley all in all garant Top's in a really good spot right now he can't trade effectively or he can't consistently trade to his Advantage until level three for the W damage reduction and then he can't typically get solo kills until six that being said all in all he's very solid if you guys enjoyed this Garen Top Lane video let me know what Champion you'd like to see next down in the comments below my name is King sticks thank you for watching and I'll catch you guys next time
Channel: KingStix Gaming
Views: 22,829
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 77-_3rVKgpc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 31sec (2071 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2024
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