GAREN GUIDE | How To Carry With Garen The Entire Game | Detailed Challenger Guide

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hey everyone I'm coach shippies and I've been a professional top laner or head coach for the past eight years during this time I've reached worlds and MSI multiple times now I'm a full-time coach with a ton of passion towards helping players unlock their potential and climb to their dream [Music] rank how's it going guys today I'm going to be teaching you exactly how to learn a master Garen now a lot of people see this Champion as one that should only be played in lower ELO however I disagree the champion is extremely powerful regardless of your rank however if you are Master tier or above I do recommend strictly using Garin as a counter pick because if you don't you're most likely going to get punished in Lane a lot of the time however for the most part you should be fine because especially this patch when they Nerf basically every other Rune in the game except for FAS Rush which is garen's main Rune he feels extremely strong right now so I recommend you giving him a try and this guide is going to help you do exactly that first up we're going to be covering the runes and gar has two main Pages however you will be taking one the majority of the time and that is the phase Rush page now this run page is extremely powerful on Garen as it really helps make up for a lot of his weaknesses in terms of Mobility because it's very easy to stick onto your opponent when you have phase rush and get the full duration of your e down and even when you're running away if you get ganked you can pop it on their jungler and just boost on out of there and it's really going to help increase your chance of survival so I recommend taking this page most of the time and I will be teaching you how to optimiz it now although this page has a bit of variety in terms of secondary runs the primary runs are quite simple where you're going to be running nus cloak and Solarity every game as you really want to be maximizing your movement speed on Garen and then for your third Rune you're either going to be taking Gathering storm or water walking now you will be taking Gathering storm most of the time as the Rune will always give you value however water walking can be very good in games where your mid-match up is extremely volatile so say for example you have y vers yasu mid silus versus T something along these lines a lot of mely action Fizz FZ versus anything basically Champs at half to snowball Champs that are going to be fighting early water walking can be very valuable because it's going to allow you to gank mid between the lanes mid to top a lot quicker and you're not going to lose as much Farm top and if you can be the differen maker in these volatile mid matchups most of the time whoever gets the first kill you probably see in your games it's going to snowball out of control and if you take water walking it can help you be the Difference Maker in that situation now as for the secondary runes I recommend running resolve a lot of the time especially if you're a beginner you can take this Rune page every time but for the most part you will be running resolve anyway and you'll be running demolish the Rune that has a ton of value no matter what that's going to outweigh anything from the bottom tree and then you're going to be running either second wi bone plating or conditioning now second wi of course you will take in matchups where you're afraid of their poke damage Champions like Cannon GP basically any range champ or Champs with range spells stick and wind is going to be very valuable and then bone plating is going to be very good verus Champions that don't have range spells so Champions like Riven Champions like ja Champs like Darius where they have to get onto your in your face basically get Mele range of you to pop it B pling will give you value and then conditioning you can take in free low match ups so matchups such as Shen Champions like Mali where they don't really do a ton of damage especially on this patch where they buff Dar and shield it can be very easy for you to sustain their damage and then conditioning scaling is going to outweigh the other two however in alternative you can take for secondary runes and this is for the more experienced gar as you can actually run inspiration with Cosmic insight and free boots now Cosmic Insight of course one of the best runes in the game and if you take it on Garen you're going to have your ghost and your flash out more often now Garen is very reliant on Summoner spells to team fight even though he scales extremely well he's still garant he's still very immobile but if you have your ghost in your flash up it's going to fix their problem and if you have Cosmic inside you're going to have them up more often so this Rune feels extremely good on GAR if you can get away with it if you don't need resolve for Lane I definitely recommend GRE and taking this page and then free boots is just free money and also extra movement speed so you take this as well moving on to Gar second Rune page the Conqueror page now this run page can be a little bit of a trap at times so if you're ever unsure what to take I recommend defaulting to phase Rush however if you are versus a dive comp conquer can be very good and a dive comp is essentially when you ver a bunch of Champions that have to run into you so if they have hcri jungle with let's say silus mid yon mid yaso Champions that have to run into your team to do anything they're not going to be able to range you from far away they have to come into you so you don't really need the phase rush to stick onto them to chase them down because they're coming to you so in that situation conqueror can feel extremely good and on conquer you're going to be running Triumph every game tenacity and Last Stand these will never change as tenacity is going to give you the most value Triumph of course gar doesn't have Mana you don't need presence of mind and then Last Stand is the best out of the three it will do the most damage in the majority of your games and then for secondary ring you will always run sorcery with ners cl and Solarity because even though in some matchups you may feel you need resolve you can't really for to not have any Mobility on GAR you need some of the movement speed perks from this tree so I do recommend running sorcery second if you take conqueror and only running conqueror when you vers a dive comp or to simpli FY a bunch of merely Champions up next we're going to be covering summon the Spells now there are quite a few options you can take on Garen however I do recommend defaulting to Ghost and Flash the majority of the time as these are the Spells they not only scale the best but they also help make up for garen's lack of mobility and there's a spell you should never take on Garen and that is teleport this is a bait on Garen because you don't really need it you have so much sustain in Lane with your passive and dor Shield you don't really need to use it to TP back your TP flanks bought a quite weak early game and then mid game the more items you get the more points in que you get your movement speed is only going to get higher and higher it's very easy for you to run from Lane to Lane the TP is just a bait on GAR and I would never take it but as for alternatives to Ghost and Flash you can take ignite in very certain situations so especially if you have conqueror ignite is good as well when you verse a bunch of melee Champs or if you're just in a matchup in general let's say they have a Gwen or they have a silus or a Fiora Champions with a lot of healing and champions that have to fight you from close range ignite is extremely good and then for exhaust the final option I would only take this in matchups such as Kenan or such as trendir wher Kenan it's going to be easier for you to stick onto him and beat him down you can neutralize his burst and especially in team fights you can help your team out by exhausting his ulti and then vers trender it's really easy to use exhaust to K out his alt and then you re-engage of course Tim when his Al runs out but for the most part you don't really want to just sit there and fight TR to the death you want to use exhaust and kite them around to play around your cooldowns and having exhaust and either flash or goost together is going to be really helpful with that up next we be covering item builds and we'll start off with the starting item where most of the time you will be building Doren Shield as Garen is quite a weak laner so you will need Doren shield in a lot of matchups to help you survive and most of the time you will be wanting to stay in lane for 1100 gold however there are some matchups where I will go Daren blade and that is in matchups where they have no ability to force trades onto you so Champions like SE Champions like trundle they literally hit you if they run towards you you can walk away worst case you can que away but they're not really going to be able to damage you and Daren blade does scale better than Daren Shield so if you can greed and get away with it then of course it will be better but for the most part you will be defaulting to the shield now as for your first buy it's extremely important that you stay in Lane until you get 1100 gold now there may be challenging in some matchups especially in higher ELO however I found even in Challenger you can get to that point if you're playing for it if you're going to the Lane with the clear plan I don't really want to fight this guy too much I just just want to get my 1100 gold and that doesn't mean you never trade of course but your primary objective is to get 1,00 gold before you base because if you can do so then you can buy Berserker greas which is an extremely good first buy and it'll allow you to get back to laner it'll allow you to proxy between the Tails it will allow you to do a lot of things space them out get onto them whatever you need to do these boots are going to do the job for you they feel extremely good if you can get them in one go and then if you've got the inspiration tree if you've got free boots and you're playing morph scaling then you can just go iron Spike first and try to get your stride breaker as fast as possible and then if you're somehow unable to get to 1100 gold if you're versing a good laner or you make a mistake or get ganked then trying to get pickax at least will be your next best bet and as for your first item you will be building stride breaker every single game no matter what you may have seen some people in your games run Triforce but this is the biggest bait I've ever seen this item just feels completely horrible on Garen and I've never played a champion from game to game switched out one item and felt such a massive difference in power as I did when I tried out Triforce Tri Breer is just B than there's no reason for Triforce and for stride Breer the build path is better of course you can go iron Spike whip pickaxe and with iron Spike whip you can actually proc phase Rush very easily with just QE Spike Triforce you're never going to be able to do that the wave clear from stride breaker better of course staying on your opponent with the slow getting away from them with slow there are just so many reasons to build stride breaker and the only reason you build Triforce I guess would be the initial Q damage because while you're spinning you're not procing the sheen so it's completely worthless in my opinion and I would never build Triforce and I recommend you never build it as well now as for the second item this is where it gets a bit more exciting as you're going to be picking up an early Zeal this item is extremely gold efficient it's only 1100 gold and it gives a lot of stats that GAR wants attack speed move speed and crit Chun of course you mainly want it for the attack speed and move speed but gar Z can crit that's not bad but for the most part this item just feels extremely good to pick up early because it's so cheap and even though you're delaying your second item it's really good to get when you're ahead and in some games you can actually build two of them so let's say for example you when your lane you've watched this guide now you're the king of laning you base with 2200 or, 1900 and a dagger you can pick up two zal come back onto the map extremely powerful or if you base when you already have one zal and you have around 1100 12200 gold second zal can be good in that situation however for the most part you will be sticking on one zal because you don't really want to be delaying your second item for too long but the reason it's fine to delay it for one Z is because if you're ahead especially verus your lane opponent even though you're delaying your second item he's delaying his as well because he's behind you right he's not going to get it faster than you or even if you're only up 300 gold or whatever he may get it but you're still going to be strong with the Zeal and it's going to allow you to get push in some matches where you wouldn't be able to in the S side linee you're going to be able to eat camps easier run between the lands it's just going to feel extremely good so I recommend picking one or two of these up and then once you've got the Zeal done your second item is mainly going to be over whole breaker STX or dead man plate now H breaker will be in games where you want to be split pushing so there are two scenarios with it I don't want you to tunnel on it every game the main two scenarios where you build H breaker is when you're in a matchup that is going to allow you to break the tower where you otherwise wouldn't be able bble to so most AP Champions Canon Vladimir Rumble they struggle with breaking the cannon creep the super creep when you've got whole breaker and then tanks in general or chog they all struggle well not chog actually he can eat it down but basically any other tank they struggle with handling the super creep so that's is going to allow you to break Tower in front of them and then in games where your whole team is playing poorly is the second scenario where you know you're probably not going to be able to win a team fight your whole team is behind so you just want to go hold break it and try to split push your way to Victory and then for Dead Man's plate you'll build this in games where you want to be team fighting and you're versing a bunch of range Champions the dead man feels extremely good having that movement speed getting between the lanes and in games where they don't have a ton of melees where they have range Champs you're really going to need all the movement speed you can get to get onto them and stay onto them and then as for sterex you'll be building this in games where they have not too many range Champs a decent mix a balanced team comp and you want to be team fighting STX is the safest Choice that's never going to let you down and then in games where you don't want to split push as well and then as for Black Cleaver I would build this in games where you need the armor pin directly however this can be a bit of a bait as gar e gives you armor shred already but if you're vers a tank top tank Jungle of course black cleav is going to be very good and then and more I'd almost never buy it the only reason I have it here is if you're versing a Triple AP topside comp and as for your boot will be Berserker re almost every time but you will go M treads in games where they just have a ridiculous amount of AP and CC so let's say they have amumu sigani Leona just too much crowd control you will be building mer Treads and then play the seal caps in the same situation but for ad Champions when you ver a full ad comp moving on to your third item now most of the time Dead Man's plate is going to be feeling pretty good it's going to allow you to do what you want to be doing on GAR you want to be pushing up the side and then rotating from side to an objective or to a team fight and the extra movement speed from dead man is going to help you just do just that now the times you don't build it is if you've already built it second item of course you can go sterex or you can go black cleav in games where you need armor pin straight away but you also need a bit of tankiness as well so you don't really want to go full mortal reminder in a game where they only have one tank but if you verse a tank in the Sid Lane then black lever can feel quite good but in games where you do verse multiple tanks mortal reminder will be your best armor pin item because this item even though it's mainly for 80 carries gar uses the crit chance quite well and the build path feels a lot nicer than the other items now as for the Alternatives you can also upgrade your Zeal into a rapid fire Cannon now I see a lot of people do phantom dancer but I think rapid fire Cannon is much better it actually gives you extra range on your Q although it's not much and extra damage it feels a lot better to me than PD so I recommend rapid fire as a zal upgrade but of course if you have two zal maybe you can get both but by then you probably are going to be selling your second zal anyway so most of the time your Z upgrade will be rapid fire and then Alternatives you can go force of nature in games where you need magic resist now this is garen's best magic resist item because it also gives them movement speed so that feels quite good and then randuins in games where they have two crit Champions so a yaso mid and a normal ADC randu is going to feel quite nice and as for your final two items if you don't have any Mr by now I strongly recommend picking up a force of nature unless they're a full ad comp then in that case you can go death dance but if not you'll be going false nature of course and then you can still go death dance if they only have one AP threat and you already have M from that point and then you'll be building mortal reminder in games where you need armor pin because building Black Cleaver as a fourth and fifth item does not feel good cuz by now you already have a bunch of HP and resistances so mtal reminder is a superior armor pin item and then rapid fire Cannon of course is just an upgrade to your Zeal and some games you will sell out your Zeal and buy another one of these items but most of the time it'll be fine just to upgrade it to RFC and down below I have some full six item examples that you can gain some inspiration from and if you're really struggling to know when to build which item then just copying these is going to be fine as a up next we're going to be covering the laning phase and I'm going to speed up this part because there actually not a lot that goes into early laning on Garen the most important thing you need to know is having your clear game plan in mind I want to get to 1100 gold before I base and then you want to be building either Berserker grees or iron Spike whip most of the time it will be Berserker Greaves and once you get that Spike you can actually start to win a lot of your matchups because around that time in the game 5 minutes 5:30 you'll be level six you have Berserker Greaves three points in your e you can really start to lay down some damage but if you try to play two aggressive early game get punished and you have to base you lose CS XP maybe even die to a gank you're not going to be able to get that Spike and you're going to be weak for a lot longer time because if you have to base in by Ruby Crystal or a long sword you're just not going to have the same amount of power that you would if you stayed in Lane to 1100 so that is my game plan in this game versus set I want to farm out 1100 gold and I recommend going darn Shield most of the time to be honest i r d blade because I'm greedy I want to Max it and of course it scales a lot better like we just talked about but for most matchups you will be going Shield but vers set because he can't really trade onto me his Champion is such short range I felt like I was confident that I could greet Dar blade so it is match up specific objectively but if you're feeling confident that you can greet Dar BL and get away with it let's say you vers 10 I don't know Dr Mundo and you're you feel like they're not punishing you and in that situation you can go daren's blade against the next Mundo and see how it feels so this this guy I'm starting to play a bit more aggressive at level four and I'm just looking to bounce the way back and forth I'm playing ping pong with the waves essentially where you let them push the first stack and then you start to build waves four and five together and then you bounce a big way back to them so that you can get the wave crash in and then I'm fogging trying to find their jungler so I don't get ganked wait for my ward and I come back now unfortunately he was able to hold this freeze I wasn't able to fully crash it because I was scared of the jungler that's just reality unfortunately if it was 1 V one I would have staunched him and let my wave come in but because he's got a jungler looking to gang me I had to go sort that out first and now I'm just letting the wave come back to me again I'm just playing ping pong with the waves waiting to get 1100 gold where most Champions you would actually base after crashing that initial wave but on GAR you don't want to do that because you want to get to 1100 gold now you may be thinking if Garen is such a weak early game Champion how can I get to my 1100 Gold without basing and the answer is your passive garen's passive is just so broken it gives you such an insane amount of Health regeneration and if you combo that with Daren shield and even second when as well if you need it there's no real champion in the game that can force you to base I've actually versed a couple Challenger veins while making this guide and both times I was able to get 1100 before recalling of course they could have played a bit maybe if I vis a Korean Challenger vein they could have made me base but for the most part you'll find if you come into the game with a clear game plan of mind that's what you want to do you want to get your 1100 gold you should be able to get it 99% of the time now of course there will be a harder situations there will be some matches where is harder than others but if you have their clear game plan you should be able to do it and here up against the sit that is my plan and now that he's base that is my opportunity to base as well so I'll be one-shotting this wave as fast as I can matching its base and then coming on to the map with my 1100 gold and that's when I'm going to look to play aggressive of course you don't want to play Passive the entire game even though you're a good scaling Champion you just need to know your timers and the most common timer is after you've spent your 1100 so here I'm coming on to the map well I'll skip forward a bit coming on to the map with my Berserker gaves board and ideally you would base at exactly 1100 1500 is not too good right right you've got a long sword and a Berserker geve which you might think that feels better having an extra bit of AD but that just means they have more money to spend as well you really want to be matching 1100 to 1100 if you can but it's fine it's not the worst thing in the world and now my game plan it's going to be pretty hard for me to kill this set his Champion is not extremely weak even if I freeze the lane it's not like I can just beat him out right so I want to be pushing and then moving I want to be pushing and ganking mid pushing and running into the jungle and ideally I'll be proxying between the waves here I play for fruit of course I took a a bad trade and now looking to punish the jungler who invades our jungle and I'm just looking to use my PRI to attack the enemy team because in some matchups you can play for the solar kill of course but ver set it's going to be very difficult and now that I've got red buff off their jungler it's very easy for me to punish him but my main goal coming back into the lane with my 1100 gold was to push crash the wave under Tower and then I would have three game plans in mind I would have a proxy like I'm going to do here most likely proxy clear the wave walk into the enemy jungle eat their camps chase them out or I'm I'm going to flank mid or I'm just going to run down river and pressure right there's three main game plan you're going to be doing and the most pressuring is what I'm doing now proxy between the wave running into the jungle of course here I need to base but for the most part you want to be proxying and then running and trying to make a play or eating the enemy camps now for my next example I wanted to Showcase some aggressive options you have because waiting for 1100 gold might sound boring and in some matchups you might have to just do that but there are a lot of situations where you can play aggressive at the right timer so primarily you can look level one where Auto q auto phase Rush your away you can take a there especially if you have darn Shield it can help you a lot in those sorts of Trades especially darn Shield versus darn blade if you take an even trade it's going to be good cuz garen's passive and darn Shield you're going to have a lot more regen than them and here I'm just letting him push me in still but I'm going to look to trade onto him with my Q right there I didn't look to do it because he's level two no reason to take a level one vers two fight but now the main time I want to show you is going to come after this where most people you verse are going to probably look to crash wave three like this guy's doing and you just want to be looking to farm trade on them with your Q if you can obviously in a lot of situations you won't be able to if especially here when there's a ton of minions but you really just want to be looking to attack them on the bounce back so here actually runs up my jungler where most people won't do that right this guy's a Halo player most people will stay in the lane and then the timer you look to punish them is coming soon where if they crash a big wave under your Tower you are going to get level four before them and if you can punish that window level not every match up you'll win 4 V3 to be honest but a lot of situations you can and trundle is at no exception we're here I'm level four vers three and I Look to all in them straight away I pop ghost Fage Rush chasing him down running through him so that I'm constantly getting Auto attacks and I was able to solo kill this ignite lethal Tempo trundle purely because I abuse the fact that I know when someone crashes a big wave into me I'm going to get level four before them so now in this example I wanted to showcase exactly how you should be playing against tank Champions or free matchups in general where you really want to be taking demolish and once you've had your 1100 gold base you want to be playing for demolish proc tail plates proing between the waves and playing for pressuring the map so when you ver a champion like Mal fight Champion like or cion it doesn't really matter if you kill them because they are still going to do the same job they're going to be a tanky front line engage for their team so it doesn't matter if you set them behind you want to be using the pressure you're going to get the prow you're going to get to impact the rest of the map while also getting yourself ahead at the same time so playing in this way where you're getting yourself ahead from Tower plates proing the waves between the tower and then running into the enemy jungle eating his Camp sitting him behind you know chasing him out maybe even killing him in some situations ganking mid if they play aggressive you are pressuring top jungle and mid at the same time while simultaneously getting yourself ahead from Tower plates now that is all ideal it'll be very hard to do that every single time right even if you're Versa tank if their jungler gets three kills bot he can run up and kill you so you really want to be playing around where the jungle is and how strong they are even if they're top if they're a weak Champion let's say they're playing Herm level four level five they're not really going to do anything too are they and here normally you wouldn't be proxying that early in the game to be honest but in this game I was actually able to because this m fight either he was autofield or you know just unexperienced top laner in general and here I'm just playing to break toil plates every time demolishes up so here I'm not pushing this wave straight away because you want to be building waves you want to be stacking two or three waves together and then pushing it in so that if they try to block the wave it's going to be very difficult for them and if they walk up you can punch them of course where here I didn't spin onto them I didn't want to ruin my wave but in general you just want to be building waves together and then using that built wave to proc your demolish and then walk behind the tower and start to proxy and here I clear the wave and now he's trying to block my minions right he doesn't want to let me demolish but I do damage to him I can beat him down and eventually he has to let me and now he's feeling frustrated he's Ting me and he's calling his team for help as aliser is running up I'm drawing people to me so I'm helping bot Lane as well in theory but most of the time support's not going to roam top in your games most of the time you will have to waste the jungler's time make him come to you you know phase rusher boost on out of there is just such a good champ to proxy on because especially with phase Rush it's going to be very easy easy for you to survive ganks worst case you have to flash or ghost but it's going to be very easy for you to survive and even though it might feel bad oh I got ganked in had to burn ghost you're wasting the enemy jungler's time you're still impacting the game in that way and then eventually when they're not pressuring you when they give up on trying to kill the Fage rush really fast Garen you're going to be able to keep procing to demolish get this Tower lower and lower and eventually you are going to be able to break it and the way to counterplay it is what this Mal fight's doing is blocking the wave from reaching Tower and it may be hard in some situations but as long as you're building wave and trying to and damaging them when they're blocking the wave eventually you will be able to get the tail down so I'll skip ahead here where a skirmish actually breaks out where cus went for Scuttle crab we're able to win this one and then from this I was able to get the top Tower and even if I wasn't able to break it versus malire right let's say he was playing really well he was blocking all the waves he was not letting me break the final play eventually he will have to base he'll have to recoil or mid game will start people will swap around and I don't even have to be in this Lane anyway eventually you will be up to get it but the main point I'm trying to get at is your game plan versus these free matchup should be take demolish proxy between the waves proc demolish when you can and then look to pressure the enemy jungler or mid and for my final example I wanted to Showcase what I was touching on earlier about how you can use your PR to impact mid lane as well where in this game versus Renekton of course got my 1100 Gold by I Spike whip this game and I'm going to be looking to push and pressure the map I don't really want to be playing to kill this Renekton of course he's not an or or Mali kill him does do something but I can't actually kill him to be honest Renekton at level six very powerful champ but here I'm able to get Pro as I was the one who B first and now I'm going to be looking to pressure mid Garen is just such a fast Champion High movement speed with q that it's pretty easy to get back from M to top after a gank and here the enemy mid jungle is playing aggressive mid so I see this as my opportunity where here even after I pushed my wave top and I was walking down river I would have been looking mid and seeing okay if the enemy mid let's say he's playing a sitting under Tower playing safe of course I would not have gank them in that situation you gank mid if they're playing aggressive you make the mid laner unable to play the game if they're playing Fizz or silus Y especially and they're trying to play aggressive and playing for solo kills it can be very easy for you to use your PRI to screw that match up on next we have abilities tips and tricks and comboing and we'll start with gar Q which is the spell you should be learning level one and also the spell you should be maxing second and you can be using the spell to get around the map mid game and even getting back to Lane you should be abusing the high amount of movement speed you gain from the spell to get from place to place don't just walk like any other normal champ abuse the movement speed of the spell gar Q is also an auto attack reset so you should be abusing this mechanic to get an extra Auto attack in for free and maximize your damage another tip around gar q and I'm pretty sure not many people do this I haven't seen them use it much but gar Q can actually be used to cleans slows so let's say you're wered by nasus slow down by Jenna you can just use your queue to cleanse that slow instantly and then you're going to be getting your maximum amount of movement speed where if you use your queue before they slowed you then you're going to be slowed regardless and a cool little trick you can do with gar QE granted it won't come up that often in game is that if someone is standing very close to a thin wall you can actually cue them over the wall moving on to Gar W now this spell not only grants you a shield but it also briefly grants you an insane amount of tenacity you want to be trying to use this ability just before you get stunned to reduce the amount of duration that you'll suceed for and a cool trick you can do with gar W is the way his passive works the health regen is if you get hit by an enemy Champion then of course it's not going to be healing you anymore but if you're just going to be hit by a little bit of damage so let's say for example or a narq or a Nar Auto attack and you block that damage with your W Shield it's not actually going to break your passive he's not actually doing damage to you he's just breaking your Shield so your passive is going to keep ticking which is extremely useful in range matchups moving on to guarantee it's a pretty straightforward ability you just spin around and chop if run up that's near you you'll be maxing the spell first and once you have three points a e you should be able to one shot the Caster so it that's very good wave clear and some tricks with the spell is you can actually cancel your auto attack with it so if you Auto attack and then e it's going to cancel the auto animation but still get get the damage off as long as you've practiced it and you can do the same thing with your Q you can Q E which is very very common on GAR one of its most popular combos I'd say so you want to be looking to cancel your Q animation with the E another thing about gar Z is it actually spins faster the more attack speed you have which is a huge reason why you build Berserker gaves early and you build into early Zeals because you want your Champion to be spinning faster doing damage more quickly and breaking the armor as soon as possible and as for gar ultimate the pretty straightforward ability is a poter click execute which means the lower HP your target is the more damage it's going to do you only want to be using this on low HP targets primarily to finish off a kill and my tip for this is you can actually buffer this spell as it takes time for the ulti to come down from the sky the big sword but if they flash away from it but you've already started it it's still going to follow them or even if they CC you knock you back it doesn't matter if you start the ulti channel time it's still going to go off regardless the only way they can cancel it is by going invisible the champ like vain can be very annoying and un Lane against any champ if they walk into the bush as you're starting your ey they can actually cancel it so make sure you ward your bush of course when you're going for an all in but for the most part you should be fine as long as you know how to buffer this spell and my other tip for the ultimate that you need to watch out for is your ulti actually cancels your e so let's say you're spinning through the whole team spinning through three people and you ulti straight away your e is actually going to be put on cool down which most of the time it won't be a problem but it's really good to look out for especially when you're eting through multiple people and a tip with de men's plate as you know if you're Auto attack or Q you're going to lose your stack you're going to lose your extra movement speed but if you just spin if you just use your e you're not actually going to lose your p iive so this is very important for side laning where you use your e to clear the wave and even your stride break if you have to and you can keep your movement speed so you can keep running between the lanes keeping as much movement speed as possible and not losing any additional time moving on to garen's Combos and the most important ones you need to know are the combos where you can pop your phase rush so before you have iron Spike whip you need to be using an auto attack because your e even though it's constantly doing damage it only gives you one proc of phase rush so you need to be using Auto QE to pop phase rush and then once you have iron Spike Whip or stride breaker that is going to be another stack of phase so you can pop it by just going QE stride that is the most common one but I see a lot of people make the mistake especially early on before they have iron Spike where they just QE and they're not able to pop phase rush and it's very hard for them to get away and if you need to prop your phase Rush level one you need to use autoq Auto as fast as you can and if you ever need to you can use your ulti as a stack of phase rush let's say later on into the game when your your stride breaker sorry is on coold down the way you can proc your phase rushes by QE alting and running away if you need to and as for the final combo all in combo this one is extremely important that you practice the timing because what you want to be doing is you want to start with q and you want to be Q flash e stride breaker into ulti and you want to be timing your ulti that you're getting it down just as the Silence from your queue runs out now this is very important and you got to practice the timing a lot because the more points and queue you have the longer your silence will be so basically more points and Q you have the longer you can spin through them but it's really important that you get your ulti in the last possible tick of the silence because from that point they are ever going to flash away you CC on you scoop your away with a they're going to be trying to get away from you but if you Channel your ulti before they can do that the ulti is still going to go through regardless I'm next going to be going through matchups and before you begin I just want to make it very clear this is a in general tier list for all ELO brackets this is not specifically for Halo because if it was a lot of these Champions would be higher up on the list especially in the skill matchup tier a lot of these matchups are quite difficult and challenger but in other elow brackets they fine for example while I was making this Garing guide I started on an account which was around Diamond one to master MMR and those matchups and the skill skill match ups here and below and even the matchups that our opponent sided were very easy for me I was able to outplay them with essentially knowing my limit on GAR knowing my back timers things like this I was able to win these matchups but once I started the account I started climbing and I vers 1,000 LP Challenger players of course these matchups were very very difficult even in the skill matchup teer so most of the time if you're below master or even Diamond a lot of these matchups are going to be skillies but the hard ones especially are going to be hard but I'll go through them next now starting off with the hard matchups now if your lane opponent and these matchups are playing extremely well or almost perfect there's not going to be much you can do you need to be willing to go down XP and gold and the lane is going to be tough but you will outscale most of them except for K in vain but even against kale there's some counter play however verse vain this is garen's hardest match up by far and I recommend Banning it because even though I played against it multiple times and every time I vers it I actually solo killed it early they still just outscaled me so hard that eventually got to the point where there's nothing I can do and eventually as especially early game when they Rush static shiv their wave clear becomes so insane they can keep you stuck under the tower poking you down and there's not really any room for you to outplay them however the way you want to look to beat these range Champions is you want to do a two trade process so the first trade you want to utilize the bushes to run at them and try to get onto them with your Q with your e and just take a short trade and stride breaker and phase Rush away now once they have 34 HP you want to be looking to use either your ghost or your flash to all them with ulti and even if you flash onto them full combo them and they don't die die even if they live 1 HP it's still extremely good they're going to have to base they're going to give you a lot of breathing room in the lane because most of these Champions except for Ken and kale a lot of them will not take TP so if they basally have a lot of time a lot of time to push a big wave under Tower maybe even proxy the next wave and you're just creating a lot of breathing room by yourself by forcing a huge trade and getting them low HP now that may not always be the case if they're playing extremely well but I found for the most part if you utilize the bushes and utilize your flash well you will have opportunities against these players if they make mistakes now as for the matchups and the opponent side of tier these matchups are going to be very difficult if they play to pull the weight back towards them so say for example verus darus or Olaf if they crash three let the wave come back to them it's going to be very hard you really need to utilize the timer in which you're level four and of course for St if you don't not all in them with that they could probably still win if they're full HP but you want to use that to trade onto them get them low get yourself low CU they're going to hit you back and then regen back with your D shield and your passive and then when they're trying to freeze it's going to be a lot easier for you to crash their freeze now if the jungl involved of course it's going to be difficult but in terms of pure 1 V1 the matchup if you're able to get them low before they freeze it's going to be very good for you and the best timer to do that is the timer when you're level four and they're level three that I showcas in the laning side of the guide and then other than those Champions if you vers a champ like n or aan it's going to be pretty hard if you can get 1100 gold first base get tier two boots once you have stride breaker those match ups are very easy however it's very easy for you to run them down in the Sid Lane with ghost with stride breaker a couple Zeals and even Dead Man's later on you can really start to solo kill and out scale them but the early Lane may be hard just run darn Shield second win and utilize your passive W moving on to skill matchups now there will be some variables around where this Champion should be depending on your bracket for example while making this guide I some master tier at roxes and fioras and the match up was extremely easy but when I ver Challenger or even Pro Player players playing these champions of course the matchup is in their favor so it really depends where you are but for the most part if you're in a ELO Breet diamond or below if you truly understand Garen and you someone that doesn't have an extremely high level of Mastery on their Champion you should be able to win it and this guy is going to help you understand the champion well so I'm confident you'll be able to be fine at the very least but most of these matchups you do outscale them Garen scales extremely well so you should be able to beat them on S Side Lane even though in some of them you will have to cite them out for example for trendir you're not just going to sit there and beat him down he's going to beat you down but if you utilize your stride Breaker by slowing him utilize your phase rush and even if you take exhaust in that match up you can cut him out cut out his ulti re-engage with your ult and you're going to be fine so there is some skill to it of course it's the skill match up here but for the most part I would say if you're extremely good at gar you should be fine in these matchups now as for the gar fav matchups it's very important that you don't go into these match ups thinking all right I win this match up I'll just fight them level one that's just not the case Garen is extremely weak level one and it isn't until around level five especially with your 1100 gold bu that you can start to win these matchups even though they're in your favor even though it's in your favor it doesn't mean you win the entire time it wins it means you win most of the time so for example forsus Garen if you fight him levels 1 to three he is going to beat you down and if you get low he'll let the way come back into him and he can really look to solar kill you but if you play around your level five level seven with iron Spike Whip or even Berserker Greaves then you actually have a good time to you beat him in the lane because he can't block your e with his e of course so you're actually able to win trades against him later on you just can't win them early it's important for all of these matchups that you basically write down how the matchup went you learn from it because even though it's in your favor you're not going to beat them the entire time so it's on you to identify which time that you beat them and then act upon it in future games and as for the free match up same concept again you don't necessarily hard win level one some of them you actually do versus malite or shyana you can actually win level one and sing especially but for the most part you want to be running demolish in these matchups and playing for tail plates because even if you kill Mali or singed a couple times it doesn't really matter of course it's nice if you get a free kill take it but I'm saying primarily your game plan should be after your 1100 gold base you should be coming out out onto the map and trying to proxy between the waves break Tower plates and impact the map that way instead of just trying to shut down your lane 1 V one I'm next going to be covering the mid game and there are two main Concepts I want to teach you in regards to playing the mid game on Garen the first one being your main job in mid game is to create a numbers Advantage for your team because you're so powerful in the S Side Lane and you're so hard to kill especially if you have summon spells stride breaker phase Rush it's very very easy for you to get away from any type of gank now the reason you want to go on the opposite side of the next objective is because when you pull people to you you want to be allowing your team to take the objective for free so in the worst case scenario even if you die from getting 2V1 or 3v1 your team is still going to get something in return where if I to have pushed top for example even if they send their whole team to stop me even if they send five people and they kill me they can still take the objective right after but if they do their B of course they're going to lose something but of course you don't want to die ideally you just want to be creating an numers advantage so the best way to do that is to push waves under the bot tier two make someone react to you keep them stuck there keep them choking clear the wave as high up as you can every time and then you fog into the jungle you eat camps you threaten them under the tower if they leave sorry like this tail on and this example he leaves the tail which of course he can't do I know here I can onot him and I was pretty conf confident I could survive this gank of course I didn't but looking back on it if I dodged that nly spear I would live so it's just my bad right I could have played it out bit but it doesn't really matter too much because even though it's a one for one I'm creating a number Advantage for my team as you see now they've killed Fiora because they know they see nly bot they see telon bot they know they can play a 4 V3 they can play Super aggressive aggressive and no one is really going to counter them and the second most important concept I want to teach you in regards of playing mid game on Garen is the pin and fog where in this scenario I'm deploying bot because Baron is the next objec of spawning which means I want to be creating a number Advantage for Baron of course a very important objective and at this point I actually beat Fiora so now I'm looking to push the ways under Tower and I'm going to look to keep him trapped under the t two and fog between the L we here I'm fogging towards mid I'm making the enemy team think I'm going to be ganking them and if they play aggressive as they're looking to fight mid of course I'll commit but they're not in this scenario no one's even showing mid so I come back bot as fast as I can and here I'm a couple seconds too late which in the scenario doesn't matter but if you ever drop your wave completely and let it walk past the tier one for example and your ver a champ like or mal fight camil where they very good ganks they can use that timer to punish your team so it's pretty important that you don't let it drop if you can avoid it unless you're making a play and here I see them playing aggressive mid so I commit a little bit more than I normally would but they respect my timer again so I just head back bot I'm repeating the same thing over and over again until someone makes a mistake eventually either F will make a mistake she'll run to a fight or and then I'll be able to break the Tower or the enemy team will make a mistake they'll play too aggressive and I'll be able to punish them yet clear the wave again and fog again pin and fog pin and fog do it on repeat until you see an opening and you could eat camps while you're doing this as well if you wanted to but here I noticed the Israel is playing a bit too far up and I'm clearing their Vision I'm threatening them this isra was thinking about me the whole time he's scared to push mid even though they're stronger than my bot L they could have got mid push if they wanted and here I'm just using my pressure to alleviate pressure from the rest of my team which means they can play more towards Baron they can control the top River and if they ever get caught if there's ever a fight I'm going to be there where here Kasa gets killed and here I'm just pin and fogging again where if they out the baron of course I'm going to fully commit and if they don't I'm just going to repeat the pin fog over and over again up next we're going to be covering team fighting and I've broken down team fighting on Garen into three main categories the first one being your position your position should be you're going to be flanking from either the side or the back you want to be attacking them from a different angle because gar is terrible at front to back settings you can't run through their team you can't just hit the front line you don't do that much damage but you're extremely threatening from the flank in this position I'm actually able to flank unseen I'm on a pink which is a bonus it's not necessary but if you can it's going to be good and here I go too late of course I hesitated because I have five people but in the end I do my job I flank them unseen which is better and I'm able to kill one and get out cuz Garen is extremely slippery you've got stride breaker you've got your phase Rush ghost and Flash it's very easy for you to assassinate one guy and get away as long as you're attacking them from a different angle if you're running straight through all five of their teammates you're probably not going to be able to do so but if you're attacking from behind you get straight onto their carry even if you have to flash you can one shot them and phase rush out it's going to be very hard for them to lock you down and the second concept you need to know to Team final Garen is holding your spells and I actually showcased this in a recent video I made where Adam played gar at Worlds and he showed this extremely well but I have another example here where my XT Violet sent me this clip of him playing Garen and he holds the Spells quite well where here if you can see it could be very tempting for him to run in onto this Draven onto this Ivan and try to get a kill but the rest of his team if you notice they are waiting for the Jace to come out of GA they can't run past him and ignore him they're going to get chunked as soon as he comes out of GA they have to finish what they're doing they have to wait for him to stand up kill him again before they can commit so Violet knowing that if he goes in now no one's going to follow him up he waits he holds his spells till the right time and as you can see as soon as his team is finished killing this chase out of GA he commits and his team is actually able to follow him up as you can see the re Dash as well and the fight's going to go a lot B because he held his spells until the right time until the time his team could actually follow up his engage and the third and final concept is spacing where Violet actually showed it very well in the second clip but I'm going to show it again where in this example Cante is flanking where normally on Garen of course you want to be flanking but you don't really want to have two flankers it can work sometimes of course but for the most part if you do double flankers it's very easy for the enemy team to engage on your team CU they're just a stack of three it's really easy for them to get turned on so more often they're not as best to keep with one flanker so here M Cante is flanking so I want to be spacing them I want to be close enough to them that they're interested in the fight they're trying to do damage to me but not far enough away that they leave they leave the dragon fight they turn on Cante I want to be close enough to follow him up when he's here but not too close that they can engage on us before he's here so here I'm doing just that spacing back and forward trying to dodge their skill sh but keeping them interested right they see me walking towards them they start walking towards me I step back they step back we're playing this dance and now that cassant is close enough I pop GH I run in and now I'm able to engage cuz cassant can follow me up and we're actually able to wipe this fight where if I wented too early or too late of course it could have been really bad and in this example even if I went late it probably would have been fine but it's just an interesting concept to keep because if you can space to the point where you keep the enemy team interested damn that was bad at me if you keep them interested then it's going to be very easy for whoever's flanking on your team to join and in the the scenario where Violet showcase where he was flanking he was spacing enough that he can't get engaged on but the enemy team can't engage on his team either our mix would be covering garen's identity and the mindset you should have when piloting this Champion the first point I have and an analogy I really like to use is that Garen is basically the Top Lane castom where they're both extremely weak early game in cident susceptible to being punished by ad mids gar by range tops but once they start to scale once they get level six they're quite strong at level 11 they're quite powerful and at level 16 they really start to take over the game they're very similar and regard and a lot of people don't see gar that way they play gar 2 aggressively one to three and because of that they get punished and they're unable to snowbo the game later on where C players most of the time they're going to be playing safe until six because they don't really have their ulti they don't have their Gap closer before that so it's easier for them to see their Champion as a week early game champ than you but it's still the same and the reason I like to say Garen is Top Lane c not a champ like kale is kale is more the Top Lane Cog more where he's just a stand still turret he's just DPS right really good scaling DPS that doesn't move very much and Garen is similar to Casten cuz they like to get stuck in with the boys but they're similar because they're weak early and they scale around the same time and if you have the same months as you're playing Garen as you would when you're playing cadan you're really going to start to have more success the second point is Garen is basically a farm vacuum he's one of the best Top Lane Champs in the game are eating camps and it's very easy to snowboard just from farming now especially early game if you're in a losing match up on red side it can feel quite good because at level seven onwards Garen can actually start to eat kugs very early on into the game and it's very easy to get ahead of your opponent if you eat two or three kug camps but of course you don't want to annoy your jungler make sure he doesn't want the kugs first but then if he's playing botside of course it's very easy for you to gain a lead purely from eating jungle camps now in the mid game section we did talk about the pin and fog and playing between the lanes using your Sil Lane power to keep someone stuck under tier two and then playing between mid and Bot to really impact the game now gar is one of the best Champs in the game of doing so because his move speed is just so high especially once you have five points in Q de man's plate couple Zeals whatever you want to build it's going to have movement speed on it most likely it's going to be very easy for you to C from bot to Mid if you ever need to be a part of a fight so if you ever ver a champion that also doesn't have TP when you're playing Garen you have such a big Advantage it's a lot easier for you to go from sight to a team fight than them so if you can make it so you're in a situation where either you have them stuck or even if they're in a winning match up even if you've got the wave even I've seen a lot of times well I've played a lot of games where I've been in a losing match up on Garen I lose the S Side Lane but I walk up to him I Quee him stride breaker e One Shot The Wave prop face Rush on him and he's trying to chase me down but I'm out of there I've got my fase rusher he's not going to catch me and I'm able to use that movement speed I've already cleared the wave and I'm able to use garen's inate movement speed from Q to get to a fight much earlier than him and we did talk about it a lot in the team fight section but you should be looking to threat the opponents from a flank Garen hates running front to back he can't just run through the whole enemy team most of the time you're not playing Olaf you really want to be looking to flank the opponent from the behind and then even if they see you coming and they're respecting you you're still going to be applying a lot of pressure in in that way and for my final point I just have a general game plan a guide like this even though Garen is not the hardest champ in the game I'm still giving you a ton of information it can be hard to process it all at once but if you have a general game plan in mind it's going to help you feel a lot more clear and what we want to be doing in the game and the general game plan on Garen is of course get 1100 gold base look to play aggressive on that timer and if you're in a position where you can win your match up Look to prox You between the waves clear the waves maybe proc demolish run into the enemy jungle eat their camps through mid through and jungle we've talked about a lot throughout this guide because it's the most important part about playing gar by far and if you're able to do so you're going to have a lot more success in your games I'm next going to be going through a full early game review and in this example I did get a kill level one but I lost all my sums I lost a bunch of XP and the kill only needed me a ruby Crystal so it's not the biggest advantage in the world but I'm still able to snowball my Lane to really take over this early game regardless of their kill and the reason I wanted to Showcase this instead of a full game is just because garen's early game is the hardest part about him he scales so extremely well he's so good at Team fighting later on two three it it and the mid game we went over that extensively but the early game is going to be your hardest challenge so here trundle of course beats me I'm playing quite safe I'm not letting him trade onto me I'm just trying to pick up as much CS as I can without giving him a trading opportunity especially in this game I lost my potion and here I'm able to pop Fage Rush Auto QE so if he chased me down I could get away with it but if you notice when I was level one I was not looking to do that because to proc FAS Rush level one you have to Auto q auto which takes a long time and during that time he's going to be beating my hidden so here I'm just looking to get my CS let the wave come back into me if I can but if not it's okay I'm not too worried if about getting pushed in this match up cuz it is a trundle not the most threatening champion in the world and then my main goal is of course to get 1100 gold before I base as normal so I'll speed up the game a little bit because now getting a bit slow and I'm just looking to CS basically I don't want to look to trade on them too aggressively of course here I can clear the mini wave and get a push but I don't really want to fight him I don't want to trade HP with him all I want is my 1100 gold and here he's doing what he should be doing he's freezing the wave and I'm actually looking mid I'm thinking about ganking mid but I choose against it to be honest in that situation if I had ghost and Flash I would have gone for that air was playing way too aggressive and I had a timer where I would have lost some XP because he had a freeze of course but I'm really going to change the scope of that mid match up because he's a low HP as here and if I'm able to kill him of course it's going to be really good but even if I'm not I'm really thring up space for zeraf so here of course tr's looking to punish me but I'm respecting I'm sitting too far I'm not sitting too far forward I'm sitting far enough back that if he goes to me I can pop phas rush and escape and now my phase Rush is on cool down which is another concept about early game Garen play around your phase Rush cool down we here of course if I had phas rush I could walk back towards him and I'd be fine but I don't and by the time my phas Rush is back up he's actually level five so I don't want to play too aggressive and then I call for a gank because the wave is coming back towards me so I wanted carus to punish the trundle when he went for a ward but he didn't really understand which is okay you know not all junglers are going to understand your intention but here we're able to kill him anyway cuz the wave is coming back towards he's playing trundle there's no way he can see us without making himself in danger so we're able to get a kill and now normally I could freeze this wave but I'm level five Garen which means when you're level five your E1 shots the casters like we talked about so it's very easy for me to push in base and now that I've hit my 1100 Gold Spike now I'm going to look to play very aggressive even though I did have a kill before I had a ruby Crystal I'm still an early game Garen I can't really use that Advantage at all and that's okay I'm going to use my advantage later on and now especially since Ka has gave me that gank it's going to be very easy for me to snowball so now coming back onto the map at this point with my iron Spike whip I'm going to really look to play aggressive and the reason I ran iron Spike instead of berserker G is because this game I took the inspiration page one of my favorite setups on Garen and the reason I did so is because even though vers trundle you might think bone plating is quite good which of course it is demolish is not that good vers trundle you can't really break tows in front of them and also if you notice they have four range Champions they have nley air they have kaisa Milo so I really want my ghost up this game as much as possible and Cosmic insire is going to allow me to do just that and with Cosmic you run free boots which doesn't allow you to rush Berserker Greaves but it's fine rushing stride breaker is very powerful as well as long as you don't delay it if you can get it before the enemy champion before this trundle gets his Mythic I'm going to really look to put down the H on him so here I'm back in the lane and even though I'm ahead of him I don't really just beat him outright 1 V one he's still a stronger champ than me early game but I will look to out scale him here I dropped a couple CS for no reason not sure why but it's fine I'm going to be looking to build waves and start to proxy whenever I can and in my head in this game I was thinking level seven would be my timer when I get an extra point in E I feel like I would be able to trade on him from that point but before that it's going to be hard so I'm just looking to build a big wave and then try to proxy so here I'm probably going to look to trade on him if he walks up but he's respecting he knows he's not a bad player and now that I've crashed a big wave now this is when I really look to start to impact game I'm not going to poke this trundle on the tower I don't want to let the wave come back towards me and try to kill him he is a trundle he's pretty safe I'm going to impact the game by proxying the way between the tower and if you saw there he tried to stop me but he can't and and then I'm going to look to roam I'm going to look to take over the jungle thre nly eat camps thre mid and that is how you carry the early game on Garen if you can get to this position you can get behind them it's going to be really easy for you to take over and in some games you won't be able to just walk past your lane opponent you might have to walk around walk around the wall to get behind them but if you're if you manage to get behind them even if they're stronger than you it's going to be really hard for them to stop you if they ever get onto you just face rush out of there and here if as you notice I G this a there I'm threatening mid I noticed he's playing too aggressive and I went on him and look at this I'm spam pinging C assault C assault but Riot did remove that ping feature from the game unfortunately so he doesn't see it so luckily we have a ZF as well and he's able to gun them down and we're able to get a double kill purely based on my game plan right where here if I was playing purely to win my Lane 1 V1 heal the 01 trundle again which does literally nothing he's not playing F he's not playing Riven shutting him down doesn't really do that much of course he's not oror mal fight it's better to shut him down than to let him get fed but what my main point is it's not the most pressuring thing I can be doing I can be using my pressure to impact the entire map instead of just my Lane opponent and sitting this trundle behind is not going to be as impactful as sitting behind nle or asir so from this point here I'm going to look to get a base off and get my stride breaker and unfortunately normally on Garen you're going to look to Ward The Herald and at least play for in some way but unfortunately here I used my timer to gank mid to gank the jungle so there was a time where I couldn't want the her so they were able to get it but it's a worthwhile trade right I'm not saying you have to play for her at every game of course in the situation I chose to give give my cryo around hero to double kill them at Jungle which is definitely worth so anyway here I come back and I'm just looking to do the same thing all over again I don't really want to play to kill this trundle it doesn't really interest me I want to look to take over the map eat the enemy jungles camps and make this a really unable to play the game that is how you're going to win most of your games on garant if you're able to get into this position and it's impossible to be able to do this every single game you might get counterpicked by Dar she might get camped of course it's going to be hard I'm just saying this should be your goal because this is the most pressuring thing you can do on in early game so it's what you really want to be trying to do but anyway here you can see I win trades now so I'm looking to stack a big wave and get behind them again and there's not much you can do also you can take plates on your way out even if you don't have demolish your queue will do a lot and here I'm going to repeat the process clear this wave look to g go eat camps and in this case a there is not showing so I'm probably just going to eat this Camp right you can see how it's very calculated what I want to be doing with my lead I'm very I wouldn't say reactive but I'm aware of what's happening on the map and I'm playing accordingly and here look I took the jungle cam right in front of n I'm wasting her time she's trying to pressure me and the this whole time the my entire team is punishing their bot Lane right I've pulled the nly top if she didn't come i' eat all of her camps which I kind of did anyway but now she feels very pressured she's trying to get me back for eating her camps pretty sure I wasted ghost here but it's fine I'm wasting your time my team is pressuring bot and I'm not saying that's always going to be the case if you waste enemy jungle time your team's going to do well that's definitely not the case at all I'm just saying it's going to increase your win chance significantly and if he went bot if he protected his team in this situation I would have just continued to eat more and more of his camps so now from this point I'm breaking down Tower plates and normally you would have to match your Lan opponent's base from this point but on GAR that's not the case especially once you have stride breaker you don't really need to recoil because one gar doesn't have mana and two you just have so much sustain with your passive you have to be pretty low HP to need to base so most of the time on GAR mid game you're only basing when you need a very important item a big spike and here berserk agrees one dagger it's not the biggest spike in the world so I can and play for plates and now that tr's back into Lane I'm just thinking I want to repeat the process build a big wave crash down to the Tower and play between the towers proxy eat camps annoy the enemy jungle and annoy the enemy mid that's going to be consistently my game plan throughout the majority of my gar games because that is the highest chance of impacting the game of winning the game but now trundle is no slouch I can't just completely ignore him and here he ults me so I have to cut it out and I actually broke one of my rules here where I didn't play around my phas Rush cool down cuz I was feeling overconfident I was so strong and because I didn't do so so he was able to beat my head in a bit but it's actually okay cuz gar has a lot of sustain not the worst thing in the world is just keep that in mind playing around phase Rush is going to be pretty consistent most of the time and here I'm basing because I do have a big spike I have berserk agrees and zal together and now I'm going to be extremely powerful now coming back onto the map from this point the first thing I noticed is that trundle based after me which means he has to react to me I have the opportunity to pressure and if he doesn't react to my waves I'm going to break his structures so me knowing that I'm going to look to clear a wave under his Tower and look to attack enemy jungle I don't want to hit the tower a couple times trund will show up and I Wast my time I'm going to run into the jungle and try to eat camps and here I get the red buff on L I'm going to look to th her and I'm just impacting the game I'm making nly feel very unable to play but in this situation their support was running to me I'm pretty sure yep there he is so I respected and I'm just drawing people to me I'm playing aggressive enough that I'm making people react to me but not too aggressive that I'm going to die and this is going to be your biggest skill when learning Garen because there'll be a lot of situations you think you'll die and you won't actually die cuz you have phase rush or the the reverse right you might die when you think you're safe but you just really need to learn the limit because face Rush gar not a lot of people know how to play into it especially a good Gar so it's very easy for you to play to the limit of your champion and here of course they try to kill me again but I'm just too fast I've got ghost phase Rush stri breaker zal just all these movement speed items I'm just it makes me mobile it makes my Champion have hyper Mobility it's very hard for them to lock me down and in this situation they tried to pressure me for a long time I played to their limit to keep them interested and then eventually my team came in backed me up and we're able to wipe them I'm next we're going to be covering the draft now out of all the matchups I've covered so far on GAR draft actually matters the least out of all of them however your matchup actually matters the most if you can pick as late as possible in the game try to get R5 B4 B5 and get a counter pick this Champion is going to feel much stronger than if you were to Blind it not saying you're not going to be useful if you blind but you're going to be much much more powerful in the game if you can pick Garen in a good matchup and there is still some things we can fine tune in regards to what you play with on your team so if you're playing Clash with the boys you know what your com wants to be looking like and what you don't want to be ring on the enemy team that I can go through and we'll go through it now so to start it off you're going to want to be banning vain every game that you play Garen because V top is his hardest match up by far and even if you don't vers V top V 8 carry is still going to shred you so it's a good band regardless and as for Champions you want to be seeing on your team for Jungle you want to be having a lot of crowd control cuz Garen has no CC of his own so he peers really well with Champions like Sani and Malai who have a lot of crowd control and Magic damage in their kit these Champions are perfect with Garen and there's other Champions that are good Champs like Ramis Champs like Zach however the reason they are not as good is because these Champions are quite weak early game so the enemy jungler if he sees a gar top with a Zack jungle very easy for them to invade and punish them early but if you have a Sani or a Malai then it's going to be fine those Champions are strong enough early and even if they get invad and get behind they are still going to be useful regardless now as for Mid and 80 carry the reason why I drop doesn't matter too much is because of these roles where you can have two Styles you can either play range with gar where you have say an air or a zerf mid and the enemy team has to die dive onto them or they're going to get poked out and then when they dive on you can spin on through or you can play with a dive comp you could have a diving Med such as AIA sorry AAL or Silas and you can dive with them and same with ad car you can dive with your Kaiser or you can play outrange with a jinx it doesn't really matter but as for support you want to be having CC for two reasons so let's say you have a nautilus or a r going be very easy for you to team fight and follow up their engage but if you have an enchanter it can feel okay with Garen later on in the game of course if you have a Yumi or saraka however their early game is going to be quite weak if you have a garant top and let's say a Yu support your team comp in general is going to be so weak early game your jungler is not going to have any options he's probably going to feel quite stressed and the enemy jungler is going to have a ton of options he's going to be able to invade he's going to be able to punish top or bot it's going to be very hard for your team to play so ideally you want to be having a strong bot Lane so it's easy for your jungler to play through them moving on to the Champs you don't want to be seeing on your team but jungle these are going to be Champs that have no CC and their physical damage Champs like Graves Champs like Kindred even Champs like Leen will not feel very good with Garen Le of course being the the best out of the three but Graves and Kindred are going to feel awful and as for Mid you don't want to have the same thing Champs like aan are going to feel terrible even jce mid not so good just ad Champs in general from mid and jungle don't feel great with Garen some of them can as long as they have crowd control Champs like poppy jungle would be a lot better but just in general no CC Champs are going to feel horrible with Garen and as for ad carry you really don't want to be playing with low damage ad so let's say for example you're winning s side lanee and you're trying to create a numberers Advantage for Baron later on into the game if you have a Jin a champion I hate playing with on the sing Champion you don't really have any Baron threat if they gank you with three people your team's not actually going to be able to burst down Baron unless they have a Caso or something so if you have a Jin and a normal damage mid a champ like zerf you're probably not going to be able to clear Baron in regards to your pressure so it's going to be very hard for you to close out the game if you're the only strong member on your team and as for support we just talked about it very weak Champions early game like Yumi you don't want to be playing with Garen because the entire map is just going to be too weak moving on to the enemy team Champs you don't want to be seeing when you're playing Garen Champs that make you unlikely to pick pick him for Top Lane will be Champions at a very hardened Lane so Champions like vain K himer very difficult range matchups can make it unlikely that you want to be playing Garen as for Jungle there's going to be two categories Champs can easily kite you or champ can punish you early game so in my opinion Lilia is actually the hardest as it's very easy for her to run you around she has a lot of percentage HP damage and you're not really going to be able to look to punish her early game as you want to be playing for your 1100 gold base and then other than ler Champions like rexi and Alise a very strong early game can make it easy for them to punish you and stop you from getting a good Recall now as for Mid you don't want to be versing a ton of sustained damage the Champions like copia can be very difficult a z later on but Casio is actually one of the hardest and as for ad carry it'll be the same thing Champs like kogmo even a VIN ad carry a ton of sustained damage it's going to be hard for you to kill them before they shred you as you have to run towards them and then as for support you don't really want to be versing en chants Champions like Lulu can make it very difficult Champs like Saka they can heal or Shield whoever you go on it's going to be very hard for you to burst them down with your single Target abilities and as for the Champions you do want to be vering for Top Lane it's going to be Champions where it's easy for you to proxy and impack the map that way so my favorite match up is actually Mali as he's trying to poke you down with q but you're just going to sustain a backer Dar shield and your passive and eventually you're going to be able to play between his Towers proxy break demolish on his Tower plates and impact the map in that way and then even later on into the game it's going to be very easy for you to play mid game because he wants to roam he wants to use his ulti and when he does you're going to break more and more Towers especially when you get ho breaker it's very easy for you to play into Champions like Mal fight or or and as for jungle you want to be versing Champions where it's very hard for them to lock you down and they have skill shots Champions like Lon and nly are just perfect because if they go on you it's very easy to just proc phase rush and boost on out there dodge their skill shots and even if Lee hits Q it doesn't matter you're still going to get on out they don't do enough damage to kill you and as for Mid it's going to be two categories I have mely mids like silus or Fizz that have to go in or range Champions that rely on skill shots so Champions like zerf if you're running towards him with Ghost and stride Breer he is not going to be able to hit you with anything it's going to be very easy for you to take them out and then the melee Champs they have to go in so it's easy for you to silence them stop them from Zing or fizzing and then spin on through them now as for Eddie carry it's best of his Champions that do low amounts of damage to so Jenner is the absolute favorite of course he skill shot rine as well he's just perfect adverse even a poking Varys would be good to ver as well or that old Ash build Champs like that they do not very much damage but they have a better utility it's very easy for gar to play into them and as for support you mainly want to be vering mely supports as they don't really give you a lot of trouble your you blocks a lot of their CC and if you tank a full norless combo you're helping your team in a different way whereas if they had an enchanter it's very easy for them to keep someone of life that you're trying to go on up next I'm going to be covering how to counter Garen how to exactly play against this champion and the first tip I have is try to make him base before 1100 gold because if Garen comes back to Lan with Berserker grees he's going to be pretty strong but if you can make him base before that make him buy a long sort a ruby Crystal he's not going to be a problem and the two main ways you do that is if you're playing a rign champion of course you want to look to poke him down and force him the base as fast as you can if you're playing Kenan or GP just look to harass him or if you're playing a Millie Champion such as Olaf Darius even Renekton Jack Riven doesn't matter any melee Bruiser you're going to look to crash wave three under his Tower let it bounce back bounce back towards you and then call for a gang it's really easy to punish gar in early game when he just has darn Shield especially if you're a strong Bruiser but if you're jungler doesn't want to help that's okay most of the time you're going to be able to beat him anyway especially if you're another ghost Champion such as Olf or Darius you can really look to solar kill him but if you're not if you're just playing champ like on Jacks if you ran ignite in that game it's going to be very easy to punish him now let's say for example you're playing rton with Ignite wave comes back towards you and you don't think you can kill him even if you all on him with Ignite and chunk him to a quarter HP and he has to base that is fine your main goal with this Wave Control is not to kill this guy your main goal is to make him base and buy a crappy item because if he has a a Berserker Greaves and comes back to Lane there's going to be a good chance he can trade on to you but if he comes back with a ruby Crystal and you have one as well most likely your Champion is going to be stronger than him depending on matchup but he is not going to be maximizing his power if he buys a sub power item and a lot of that ties into the next Point have a clear game plan in mind to punish him now that is the first sequence your before your first base how to punish him make him back before 1100 but in general most of the Champions you play versus gar will be stronger than him even if he does get the 1100 gold base he wants a lot of Champions can still beat him you would just want to have a clear game plan in mind how am I going to punish his champion because Garen scales extremely well so you really want to look to get an advantage over him early game and he's very easy to get ganked in a lot of champ by a lot of Champions sorry let's say you're playing Camille of course you might not be able to all kill him 1 V one but it's very easy to set up gangs if you're playing for it a lot of people make the mistake I see they just push wave after wave under to and they just let gar and farm for free where this Champion doesn't mind being harassed under Tower most of the time unless it's a very strong Champion like Kenan or like vain he doesn't really mind coping a bit of harass because he can sustain it back with d shield and his passive so you want to have a clear game plan of mind with the wave make could come back towards you punish him or in some situations crash keep him under Tower and play for Tower plates with demolish because his damage is not that high early game doesn't really matter if he goes on you and then look to carry the game in a different way just the worst thing you want to be doing the worst thing you can do is give him wave after wave just push him for no reason have a clear game plan of Mind how am I going to punish this guy's week early game and act on it now this third point is probably the most important out of all of them where you want to be keeping him stuck in the lane because Garen won't take TP TP is terrible on Garen and most Champions you play will probably have TP now the way to counter him way to abuse your TP over him is to let's say for example you've been playing up the lane for 5 minutes he's looking to base you crash a big wave under his Tower you base a new TP straight away I see a lot of people make the mistake they base and they think oh I don't need a TP I'm not going to lose any Farm they walk back to Lane but the time it takes you to walk back to Lane gives Garin a base which means he's very happy but if you TP back and now you've got you know you've spent your 1100 gold you've got an item over him and now you're just pushing weights keeping him stuck under the tower he's not going to be able to base and spend his gold and now that he's stuck under the tower to with a darn Shield even you can either do two things you can let the wave come back into you hold a big freeze and then when he bases you're going to lose a lot of XP or you can look to start proxying break Tower plates depending on your Champion run at the enemy jungle it's going to be very easy for you cuz they can no longer really gank you they're not going to kill you with a Dar Shield gar in that early game jungler it's just not going to happen unless you're playing Super disrespectfully so keep that in mind if you have TP and your versus gar it's very overpowered to keep him stuck in the lane and for the final points play for heral a lot of Champions you play versus Garen are just going to be all right strong within him at 8 minutes even if you're in a bad match even if you're playing or or m fight your thread on the hero team fight is going to be a lot higher than Garen he doesn't really come online until stride breaker and he's definitely not going to have it before a hero fight so try to play for it water it before 8 minutes ping your jungler to play for it and try to secure it because Garen is so weak early game you really want to be looking to get an advantage but if you're playing a champion that's also weak in Lane a champion like Mal or or Orion try to play for the herald instead and the other point being Mark Garen and team fights now not every Champion you play in Top Lane can do so but Garen should be looking to flank but if you can Mark him and stop him from approaching your team let's say you're playing Champion like Nar Nar is so good into Garen mid game because if he tries to flank your team you can just chase him down now of course you're not always going to be playing n but a lot of Champions can do so Champions like Darius Olf Camille basically every Top Lane Champion except for a tank can Mark Garen very easily which means you can stop him from flanking which means his impact in the team fight is going to be very low and to wrap it up we're going to be going through the main takeaways I really want you guys to keep these things burned into your brain because although there was a ton of information from this guide these are the most important things first one being play for your 1100 gold base if you can get berserker gz or iron Spike on your first recoil your success rate on this Champion is going to be a lot higher than if you play aggressive level 1 two and three and you have to buy a ruby Crystal second point being proxy between the lanes and play to attack the enemy jungle mid don't really tunnel on playing for a 1 V one kill on your lane of course sometimes it's good but most of the time the most pressuring thing you can possibly do is play to attack the entire team the entire top side of the map third point being mid game look to create a numbers Advantage your Champion doesn't have any engage really but you're pretty strong in s Side Lane and in s Side Lane you're very hard to kill so you can use that pressure to make people react to you or keep someone stuck if you can keep their top laner stuck under Tower then you can play between the lanes and th a 5v4 or if you can make someone gank you your team can play 4 V3 your main goal from using your SL line power is to create numbers advantage and the final point being practice playing to your limits because Garen is so hard to kill like we just talked about in the S Side Lane but you really want to be knowing your limits on them you don't want to play too aggressive and be a free kill or too passive and not draw anyone to you cuz you're not creating numbers advantage that way from playing too passive and if you get killed you're not creating numbers advantes as well after because the whole minute you're dead coming back onto the map they have a huge timer to make a 5v4 of their own so practice playing on that line that is what's going to separate the good Gar from the bad ones because if you can minmax the amount of pressure you're having in the side lane your win rate is going to be extremely high now to wrap it up we're going to be going through the main takeaways the most important things I want you guys to burn into your brain the the first point being play for the 1100 gold base because realistically most people are not going to be dying to Gar early game if you die to a gar one of three when they have Dar Shield you must have done something extremely bad where if he gets 1100 gold comes back online with Berserker Greaves now he has a lot of options to actually play the game properly second point being now that you have those options play to proxy between the tows now you won't be able to do so every game but that should be your game plan because it's the most pressuring way to play league right now and if you can do so you're going to have a much higher success rate in your games proxy between the to thr the enemy jungle thr enemy mid eat the enemy jungle camps and you're going to be impacting the whole game instead of just your lane now the third point being mid game play to create a numbers Advantage for your team whether that be a 5v4 by making your lane opponent stuck under Tower and then grouping with your team or a 4 V3 by making someone gank you you want to be playing for that numbers Advantage because your Champion is so difficult to kill on sidelane and you're so good at pushing you should be using that to create an advantage for your team and even though your Champion has no real form of engage you can create a numberers anage and help your team in that way and the final point being practice playing to the line now this is the most important part about playing Garen mid game in my opinion because I see a lot of people mess this up where you should be playing aggressive enough to pull people to you but not too aggressive to the point where you die for free because if you're dead you cannot create a number's Advantage for your team it's very easy for them to group during your death timer during the time they wait for you to run bot push a couple waves they have a lot of freedom to punish your teammates so if you ever get caught out in s Side Lane now they have another minute and a half to just with your teammates and if you play solo Q quite often you know it's very easy for people to get caught out especially if they have five people in your teammates have four so if you want to be maximiz minimizing the amount of times that happens you want to be playing to create a numb Advantage but you really need to get good at that line you want to be playing so aggressive that they have to answer you they have to send multiple people to deal with you but not too aggressive that you're not able to escape it with your face Rush with your ghost whatever you need to use to escape it it's fine as long as you do so okay guys I'm going to wrap up there and I recommend you guys give Garen a go I don't think I've laughed as much playing soloq as I did while playing Garen the champion is just so much fun and the skill set you learn on this Champion especially the Mame mecro is going to help you on a lot of Champions because gar kit is so simple that means anything you practice in regards to Wave Control mid game erro things like this it's going to be a lot easier to think about on Garen because you don't really need to think about his abilities too much so I recommend you give them a try for that reason and what whatever Champion you want to see next let me know down below as usual but other than that I'll see you guys next time
Channel: Coach Chippys
Views: 72,112
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Garen guide, how to play garen, garen combos, garen season 13, garen top, garen s13, garen build, garen beginners guide, garen guide for beginners, garen guide lol, garen guide s13, garen guide season 13, garen guide league of legends, garen build s13, garen runes s13, garen guide top, how to play garen s13, challenger garen, challenger garen guide, season 13 garen, s13 garen, coach chippys, garen for beginners, lol garen guide, lol garen guide s13
Id: qFZEvkf9odg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 21sec (4161 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 18 2023
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