How to activate and use Generative fill in photoshop 2024 the right way | AI editing

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hey guys welcome back to another exciting tutorial with your boy Salam Studios and today we're going to be looking at Photoshop Peter as Photoshop 2024 version 25 here so I I'm basically on a new document and first things first we're going to be talking about uh okay first uh let me import an image on the canvas and we're going to be looking at uh generative feel and what gener feel could actually do like uh basic things you could do with the AI prompts that is being added into Photoshop currently and um yeah I purposely imported the image on a landscape canvas so I could show you what uh what we could do and now if you'd notice uh my generative fill is grade out so first things first we'll have to fix that so I'm going to you know connect to the internet and if you notice we could actually not we can't use the generative field for now so uh I would uh if if you have this problem what you could do would be uh you know just move around uh turn on connect to Wi-Fi or something connect your computer to your internet and uh yeah uh one of the few things uh the first thing you would actually want to check out would be to uh close your Photoshop yeah you could actually close and restart with your computer connected to the internet and see if that works sometimes that would actually fix it so uh I think we should we should actually try that and see uh what the outcome would be yeah and be sure to be sure to refresh your desktop before you know reopening the Photoshop and yeah we have it opened and try to you know let's open up the image again and let's see does it have any difference sorry uh this time around I'm just going to stretch out the stretch out the image manually yeah well if you notice uh okay let me select the image then Inver selection from tax bar but you notice that uh the generative field prompt is still grade out so we basically can't do anything uh you could just use the normal content aware field uh that doesn't require internet connection of course so that that works anytime okay so just give it some time and yeah let's wait for Photoshop to do its thing yeah so you could see that he actually does a pretty decent job as um the content aware feel but you would kind of be limited yeah okay you see that prompt already comes up uh the generative fi so let's try it and let's see what what happens now uh You' see nothing happened and yeah uh that hasn't fixed it so there's fix it uh the first thing we want to do actually be to make sure you are signed in okay so let's head over to uh help and with sign in you need to uh sign in so I just realized that my network actually went off so I'm going to connect back and uh try again let's sign in sign in to your account okay so I have Creative Cloud account so just let let it do sting connect and yeah i' sign in and just follow the prompts you know just sign in in I had already signed in previously so I'm just going to sign in with my Google account yeah so once that is done yeah you could see that generative fi is now active yeah so it's as simple as that to fix you know fix the grid out generative fi prompts yeah so let's try let's let's try what generative F let's see what generative fi could actually do to our image so uh um I have invited a selection selecting the other parts of the background and let's we key that in and uh see what gener feel could do all right uh let's give it a moment now the beautiful thing about generative f is that it actually gives you three different results to select from which is really epic for me you know really epic in my own view so you get to actually choose you have three options you choose which suits you best all right so after hitting the generate button you give it some time to you know just look through and get those images generates the images that fit your prompt and it gives you you know the options okay so this is the first you see yeah it's done it's done getting those uh images so this is what it looks like the first first and uh as you see the dark bouquet background which actually looks pretty nice all right so this is the second and I think this this is this is nice for me as well this this looks really nice it looks really convincing and the third I think for me this is basically going to be the best yeah this is the best so yeah let's see what that does yeah we could actually select any portion of the image and you know type in whatever you want and let it generate now this is a very powerful tool because photo manipulation at this point is becoming really really easy like really really easy you know with AI it's going to be bridging a whole lot a whole lot now saving you time and you could see that from that it matches the the liting okay let's add uh futuristic dark futuristic sunglass or dark sunglass futurist stick sng glass yeah you can see that it actually matches the lighting in the photograph as well which is really great now cuz you don't have to do that yourself and it does a pretty decent job yeah really decent job so you see how that looks yeah some sci-fi looking glasses and you know yeah this kind of looks like a sticker but it's it looks it looks really really nice it looks really nice let's see what D sunglasses just brings up and uh wait for it to those thing generate the images and yeah see see that N I think this this actually looks nice uh a second I think yeah this this looks this looks nice that looks nice now this is another image so let's try the same thing on on on that uh uh future istic sunglasses I I I don't know I have this Vibe for sci-fi stuff right now so let's just see how that comes up okay let it generate the images run through and give it a few seconds depending on your internet and uh the speed of your computer process that and let's see oh okay now this kind of looks like a sticker n n this doesn't really work just doesn't really look oh okay this this is this is great this is great this uh this is actually great for me you know and you could just let's try out the same thing uh expanding the image let's see let's see what what uh we could do with Genera fi all right so you know just give it some time just give it some time and in a few more seconds it should be returning the images and yeah okay that's done so you see uh yeah he actually does a pretty decent job even though you'd actually noticed that uh the image was really cropped in so we don't necessarily have so much of information but it still does a great job like this second this he actually does a very great job as um figuring out what to include in the image yeah and uh I think there's one more let's see how that looks let's see how that looks see that now you notice there are little imperfections which you could actually just zoom in and fix on your own but yeah you could actually fix those imperfections easily just easily Yeah so basically that's it see you guys in the next video chiao Chia [Music]
Channel: Salem Ochidi
Views: 52,321
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Generative fill, Adobe firefly, Photoshop 2024, Photoshop beta
Id: xyzvsGQBFHs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 1sec (661 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 26 2023
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