How to Extend Background in Photoshop using Generative Fill and Outcropping

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hi folks Christy from Shark pixel here and I am really excited to bring you this new feature and this is probably my favorite feature that has been announced today there have been some major announcements from Adobe and from the Photoshop team and I cannot wait to tell you all about this specific one this is outcropping it's going to be a huge hit it's definitely going to change the way I work in almost all of my images and I know it's going to do the same for you so before we get started please note that these new features that adobe is announcing today are available in the public beta so if you don't have the public beta of Photoshop downloaded you're going to go to your Creative Cloud app you're going to go over to the left hand side scroll down to Beta apps and find the public beta for Photoshop and either download it or update it the version of the public beta that you want is 24.6 so that's the version that you need to make sure that you are working with and then all of these features are going to be released to you to play with and I cannot wait to show them all to you so in this video we're going to talk about outcropping it is fantastic so I've got this image here of my daughter and this is a composite that I created but let's say I wanted to change the aspect ratio of the image maybe I wanted to make it a little bit more of a horizontal image or anything like that so what we'll start with is our crop tool now you will see something new if this is your contextual task bar if you see that it's going to help you with a lot of the AI generated tools that we have and if you do not have it pinned and you go ahead and make a selection that taskbar is going to follow you around your screen so for me that's a little bit too much it's a little too nosy and in my business so instead I'm going to just drag and drop it and I'm going to come to my three dot menu within the contextual task bar and I'm going to choose to pin the bar position up there so it does not move around okay if you're not seeing your contextual taskbar for any reason you can go up into your window menu you can scroll down to the bottom and you'll find your contextual taskbar here in the window as well so I'm calling it the menu bar but it is more of a contextual task bar what are we going to do let's start with the crop tool so we'll activate our crop tool and I'm going to go ahead and clear any settings that I might have we'll bring this down all the way I'm going to go ahead and click and drag outward on the side of the image and I'm going to go ahead and accept this wider crop then I'm going to use the Marquee tool to make a selection all of your generative features are all based off of something that is selected so if you don't have anything selected meaning the mar you're not seeing the marching ants around any area you haven't done select subject or anything like that you're not going to get those generative AI or generative fill options to pop up so that's fine we're going to use our rectangular Marquee tool going to come over to the side of our image and make a rectangular Marquee around the side then in our contextual taskbar we're going to choose generative fill and then we're not going to put in any prompt we're just going to choose generate so what this is doing now is it's beaming this image up to the cloud it's going to reference the entire image using its Ai and machine learning it's going to look at the lighting the coloration the foreground the mid ground and the background and it's going to give you three options so here we have our three options so yes you do have to be connected to Wi-Fi variation one variation two and variation three I would say I love variation one look at the added wheat that it is added on the side of this image I mean this is just blowing my mind the clouds are seamless and they are just extended out it's exactly how I would have done it manually this is Bonkers all right there are two places to review your variations one is going to be in the properties window here you have your variations down here but in your contextual taskbar you also have the option to cycle through these using those left and right arrow keys as well so I really love this one up here that side that's good for me I'm going to go ahead and do the same thing on the other side to make this more of a horizontal so we'll go ahead we'll take our crop tool we're going to extend that out a little bit more over there and then we'll accept this crop maybe I want to make her just a little bit more in the rule of thirds except this crop make a rectangular Marquee around the area that we need to fill in we'll come to our contextual taskbar but if you don't want to you can also go into your edit menu and choose generative fill from your edit menu and again you do not have to input any text for this to work we're going to go ahead and hit generate and while I've got you if you're learning something new if you're excited about these new features comment below tell me what your favorite is going to be I know what my favorite is but I want to know what yours is if you like learning about these features when they first come out definitely consider subscribing and liking this video and sharing it with friends yes this is super huge it it's really a big deal and we want to tell all of our photo friends about these crazy new features so definitely give it a share make you look like the smarty pants because you're the first to know so here are our three variations we've got one we've got two and we've got three again this is way too dark for me I really do love version one I think it's the most realistic or you know I'm kind of tied version one or version two I want to know what your favorite is in the comments but here we can come in just crop up on the bottom a little bit maybe make this a little bit more of an extreme horizontal not extreme but a little bit more of a horizontal frame and that's looking great so if I hold down option or alt and I show you my before and my after with just a few clicks no prompts at all this is huge I just wanted to say one more thing so one of the biggest bangs of my existence right now I don't know about you is um having to create 9 by 16 vertical images for the front of my reel so for the image that goes on the front of my Instagram reel I don't know about you guys this is a big crazy thing that is super frustrating and I hate having to do it by hand so this is going to be a feature that's going to help tremendously with that we can do the exact same thing we did before with our crop tool we can come up here a little bit maybe come in on the sides the left and right sides go ahead and accept and we'll choose our rectangular Marquee and generative fill and choose generate it's going to take that image up to the cloud and it's going to give us a generation of hopefully the top of the water or you know more of the water column all right there we go actually I didn't even ask it to add the reflection of her but it's not bad it's really not bad I might darken it a little bit but that's um that's fine for me then what I'll do is I'll use the crop tool I'm going to pull this down a little bit more okay really make this a 16 by nine maybe bring it in slightly on both sides so that it is more of a sorry not 16 by nine nine by 16. I'll go ahead and press ok use my rectangular Marquee tool to make a selection of this bottom area of the reef and then we're going to choose generative fill and choose generate one more time again this is beaming the image up to the cloud Wi-Fi must be accessible for this to work and there we go there is our ocean floor so honestly uh either of the two first ones would be like spot on for what was actually there and I shot this so I know all right let me go ahead and just do a final crop of a 9 by 16 ratio we'll bring it in a little bit on the top and the bottom but again I do not want to make I want to make sure that I do not kind of cut off the um the model at all or the model's dress I'll go ahead and hit accept and there we are we have a beautiful 9 by 16 crop of the image that the Reel is about even when I am photographing horizontally I might go ahead and darken the Top If I wanted to very easily and quickly but for what this does in a fraction of the time it used to take it is such a game changer I want to hear what you guys think Below in the comments definitely like definitely subscribe if you want to be one of the first to know when new features come out and I cannot wait to see what you guys think of the other three videos I am releasing today lastly if you want to take a look at my almost 200 Page ebook on my top 20 Photoshop retouching tips you can check that out the link is in the description as well so have a good day happy exploring happy creation this is going to change the way we all use Photoshop and I'm so excited to see what you guys come up with
Channel: SharkPixel
Views: 95,038
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: YjDOxcURUpk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 6sec (666 seconds)
Published: Tue May 23 2023
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