How to Achieve an Action Mindset (and Stay Disciplined!)

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high performance training action mindset this is important how do you develop the action mindset but actually also here i should just add this in here how do you actually get the action mindset and then make it a discipline this here it is first thing you've got to adopt well there it goes is your let's try this your 30 minute daily block people tell me all the time but i got this dream or this goal i'm like great what 30 minute period of day are you going to work on it today what do you mean well you said you have a big goal right yeah big idea right yeah okay show me when's the 30 30 minute block that that thing gets today it's a new idea you say right yeah okay where is it is it 1 30 to 2 is it 4 to 4 30 is you're gonna check it at five right after work till 5 30 then get on the commute a little later like when new ideas must have new blocks of time write it down new ideas must have new blocks of time if you got a new idea someday someday big dream and it doesn't land in the calendar at least listen daily 30 minute daily block of time of course you're not going to get momentum it's got to be look if you won't give it something 30 minutes a day it don't matter to you just be honest like any good parent will tell you this like if you don't spend 30 minutes with your kids a day i mean good luck in having that connection good luck in forging that future good luck in helping that person feel loved and supported i mean if something is important to you you give it time is it true so if this idea is important to you immediate mindset this is what i immediately do 30 minutes and if it's a completely new idea it's got to get at least 30 minutes if i want it to actually come true and it's important from the time i set the idea the next day it gets 30 minutes big new idea must do it if it's important to me the next day it gets 30 minutes not four years from now like right now i have a big partnership i'm working on like it completely came into my life totally interrupted my life i don't have any time but it's important i found 30 more minutes a day right 30 more minutes is easy to find for everybody people don't think they can it's possible i just had a friend and i get a huge argument over lunch about this not everybody can find 30 minutes and i'm like who can't find 30 minutes more a day like show me who which a little more disciplined a little more planning and preparation who can't find 30 more minutes a day well i you know i'm busy and i have all these things you'd understand i'm like okay walk me through your day boy i have to get up i gotta get everything you know get the kids ready for work i got to get in the car i got a commute that commutes an hour every single day i can't take away that i got to do this and this and this and i'm like what if you didn't drive what do you mean well what if you didn't drive the car so that your focus and attention could be doing something else well i got to do the commute i don't know um i've noticed that a lot of cars have a passenger seat and some of them even have a back seat and if you sit in one of those you don't have to do this and i just got you an hour a day so many people are so they believe so deeply that they are managing their time so great i'm like no most people have so much free time they have no idea it's that they are distracted and unprepared or addicted to consuming that they're losing little little pieces and especially here in the united states you guys have heard me rail on this the average american four hours of television a day don't tell me you don't have 30 minutes a day i don't know anyone who can't find 30 more minutes a day for a great new idea that can change their life you got a new idea it can change your life find your 30 minutes every single day number two remember the first output rule first output rule says this got a big new dream big new goal big new idea don't think that you have to do what we've all been taught which is begin with the end in mind because sometimes you don't know what the end in mind is but you know the first step so what i tell people is like i got a big new idea i go great what's the first output that you would have to create on that immediately what's like the first output that would start you on the path um i i don't know okay figure that out first step first output right first step is not the research what's the first output let me give you an example when i began my career i said one day i'm gonna do video courses end in mind you can do all my online courses that was the big idea i brendon burchard i'm gonna do online courses guess what i didn't do i didn't say well i better figure out the whole curriculum for all the courses for the rest of my life begin with the end in mind didn't do that i said what's the first step that would allow me to start doing that okay first step get in front of camera teach and post it on the internet that's the first output one teaching video on the internet so i went and i got my stupid little at the time flip video camera so you guys know about those got a flip video camera i duct taped it to a box i put on my cleanest shirt at the time and i stared at the camera and i taught and i pulled off the flip video camera and i spent four hours uploading it on the internet you remember that probably not but you remember that yeah upload upload upload upload and then it wouldn't play because it was wouldn't stream fast enough but i spent the time the first output to me building an online course empire one video what's your first output do that now that's how you maintain momentum the reason people don't stick to their habits is because they're waiting to create the output someday i'm like what's the first output do it that's the thing to work on right now when you've got that 30 minute daily block work towards that first output because you get the first output you got real momentum you get the first output your dream your idea is realized it's tangible it's like oh i did that thing first output if you don't know the first output of what you have to create you don't even have a dream you got you gotta you don't even have a fully thought out idea first output make it do it create it post it do the thing that's it i want to write a book brendan but i don't know what the whole book is i'm like great first output first page write it what do you mean i don't know what the book is write the first page but i don't know what the book is write the first page first output would be the first page of the book right write the first page but i don't know what the five chapters are i don't write the first page see you don't have to know the whole picture first step do the first output because you get that first page done you'll probably get that next page done you'll probably get the next page on and you'll start getting clarity of the project a lot of the creativity of life comes in motion not beginning in speculation okay next up number c 90 day challenge i can't believe how many people have a big dream a big goal and they don't set up their own 90 day challenge like okay what's your first output good job appreciate you but you got 30 minutes every single day in 90 days where are we 90 days three months let's go because see what most people are they're scared to commit to the big idea and dream oh don't commit the first big idea dream not for life just like you won't ruin your life forever don't commit to your new idea or dream forever i need 90 days give me 90 days man commit to that thing 90 days and get at it for 90 days reevaluate after 90 days where you're at don't think most people don't take an action because they think well i'll have to do this action forever just like they worry i'll be ruined forever there's no forever there just isn't it's just now none of us are guaranteed anything so if what we have is right this moment and we're looking to the future and we're working towards that good job in 90 days where are you that's it what'd you do in 90 days did you lose 5 pounds great you don't have to say i'm going to be completely life transformed i'm going to have six pack abs and still drink pina coladas on the beach with 40 people in bikinis around me no no no no dude lose five pounds you got 90 days go like just set the 90 day challenge for yourself and get at that and then worry about the next series of goals after that so if you've got a big idea or a dream and you're really committed to it commit to a 90-day challenge and what does that mean for you specifically what's going to happen at the end of 90 days how you think how you feel how you'll move what will achieve what outputs are created get really clear on those types of things you'll be so happy you did without these things there is no idea into action there is no momentum that's why you didn't stick to your habit because you didn't give it 30 minutes a day you didn't stick to your habit because you didn't even know what you were supposed to do you didn't stick to your habit because you didn't at least set a time period that was realistic for yourself that was doable d you gotta have your drop list there is no new idea in your life without a drop list of things to stop doing a drop list i'm dropping these things i'm not doing these things i'm saying no to these things i'm getting this off the agenda i'm letting that responsibility go it's the things you aren't going to do that help you do the things that you're going to do so you got to spring clean a little bit if you got new dreams in your life spring clean what are you going to stop doing right i'm very very very disciplined about this for me personally i have one of my own personal practices on the first of every month i make my drop list every month not once a year every month i go okay this month what do i need to drop because inevitably you know i'm i'm moving so fast i pick up new things i'm doing all the time right some new idea new dream new thought because i'm trying to innovate i'm trying to be upfront i'm trying to lead i'm trying to change things and then what ends up happening is i throughout the month other people also do what other people give you responsibilities give you ideas give you programs they're adding on to your plate all month long you're collecting a bigger and bigger plate right some some month i start i go okay well this month i'm gonna do these five new things and the end of that month i realize you know what i'm not gonna maintain five i'm gonna drop two of them i'll stick with three but i can't do all five that's a drop list without a drop list i have no idea how you can keep adding new things make sense some of the biggest breakthroughs in our life is when we just stop doing the things that we know aren't right for us next up big important one the friday friend status call everything that we know from goal setting comes back to sociology if you don't have someone you're doing something with actively if you don't have an accountability partner you don't have a coach you don't have a friend you go to lunch with or someone you talk it through then the odds of that happening for you are so low because you're not we're social beings we need processing time with other people and the more processing time we have usually the more progress we get right it's why therapy's so powerful and unlocking people or coaching so powerful and unlocking people it's like oh i'm processing oh i'm getting distinction i'm getting more progress you need that friday friend status call if you got a big new goal or dream all i want you to do every friday at the end of the day literally five minutes 10 minutes 15 30 minute call whatever it is pick it up call your friend and say i did this this week struggled with this this worked that went well you now you go how did you do and just you got one person in your life every week you're talking about momentum with i don't care if it's your mom i don't i prefer this as a human so not the cat but a human that you every single week you talk through things with like where are you oh i don't care if it's a librarian i don't care if it's your social worker i don't care if it's your brother i don't care who it is gonna be the stranger across the street don't talk to strangers if you're pg-13 but everybody else have that conversation and just on a friday go hey man this is where i'm at because if you won't do that i promise if you don't socialize your learning you will not achieve your dreams you must socialize what am i learning where am i at how's it going what am i struggling with you got to ask for help but you need a consistent basis big dreams require weekly check-ins write it down big dreams require weekly check-ins so who's going to be your weekly check-in accountability coach friend mentor who every week check in and if you're like well i don't know anybody everybody hates me you know what go on your facebook page every friday at five and go this is what i learned this week this is what i tried what did you guys try and all the people who make fun of you delete them and everybody else say good for you so easy life's very simple next create motivation triggers when i walked in this door today it's the same when i walk in the doors of of my conference rooms at um when i'm doing my seminars that when i usually my doorway trigger meaning that's what a motivation trigger is i a trigger is something physical or tangible happens and you attach either a statement or an action to it okay trigger is something tangible that you say or do when something else happens so when i walk through a door and that's every door of my life i walk through a door my mind almost always says because i've just conditioned it over and over and over doing this i walk through the door my mind says i am a happy man entering this space ready to serve i'm a happy man entering the space ready to serve it's been since i was like 20 years old one because i always want to remind myself i'm happy i have so much to be grateful for so do you so how are you reminding yourself that you're grateful that you're happy that you're good and then i remind myself i'm entering the space ready to serve not hoping to serve not maybe one day i'll deserve to serve i'm ready right now whatever i know i believe in my ability figure things out i'm ready to serve now i don't need permission i don't need more money i don't need more team i'm ready to whatever whatever i got i'm ready let's go i don't need new things more things better things tons of things i'm ready to serve right now let's go i'm not ever waiting to provide service to the world ever you don't have to have the big stuff the fancy stuff just go i didn't have big fancy cameras and lights and fancy big flip charts when i started this it was me in a really dirty shirt with the thing uh the buttons too hung open like you know it's like it was so nasty and gnarly and bad it was awesome and i was ready to surf you don't have to have everything i was watching this documentary recently on i mean man usain bolt uh one of the greatest well he is the greatest sprinter of all time right and you see the scene of him and he's doing sprints in a field uh with like this sort of little belt tied around his waist tied to a chain tied to uh you know um we would call it a weight sled but you could barely call it that a little metal sled where you put on like you know weights like a 45 pound weight from it like lifting and it's like so he would sprint with this little things when you go to the nfl or i work with my you know my major teams they usually got they got the fancy sleds these longer sleds that glide when you take off that release proportionate amount of tension along with the weight as you speed up like very fancy contraptions now this dude the best ever is down in jamaica in a hot field with this huge belt on with like one coach not 12 coaches one coach standing there next to him he ties this thing and when he takes off this thing is bouncing along behind him it's like that just like you're like and he's the world's best because he's not waiting to have everything to train he's training i'm not waiting to have everything to serve i'm serving so many of my people well one day when i have a following i'll post some stuff i'm going to start posting stuff now one day when i'm ready i'll put myself no there is no one day to be ready you're ready now go it is a mindset you must have you're ready to go so that's one of my triggers walk through a door i'm entering the space as a happy man ready to serve let's go that's just one one trigger i have all sorts of other triggers i have different doorway triggers so like when i walk in my house i say something a little different to myself then i walk in my office but other triggers i have when a door closes in a car every time a door closes in the car i say something else to myself when i walk into my office i take a first action that triggers momentum for me like you need to have first actions or space triggers that help you stay your best they're ultimately all geared towards one thing how can you remind yourself to be at your best and how do you use physical objects time periods um situations to get yourself there that's the question that's your job these are motivation triggers because if you're not triggering yourself the world's doing it for you and if the world's doing it you know what the world is going to trigger you towards angst outrage distraction consumption it's not going to trigger you towards you being your best self so if you didn't maintain your habits this year go on my youtube channel and and type in the word you know type in the power of habits and you'll see a video that will teach you how to set some more of those examples right if you look in a mirror you should have a mirror trigger see your reflection of yourself say something to yourself i know that sounds like just like positive thinking kind of stuff and you know what it is because what's the alternative stupid thinking negative thinking scarcity thinking you need to have a little bit more triggers set up to make you work and sometimes if it's not just you get somebody else to do it get a coach to do it a mentor to do a friend to do it but you need to be triggered to be your best how are you currently triggering yourself to be your best man even though you've been with me for years you know we kind of now everybody does it but we're the first one to do it when the smartphone came out and the first alarm was available to be set a label i created this training and put it out about saying hey use this alarm label on your phone to send yourself reminders to tell you to be awesome put your three words in here that pop up and remind you who to be use this as a trigger to be your best instead of a box of consumption because this can be a weapon for good or a weapon that takes you into distraction but it's up to you just like the rest of life self-reliance it's up to you hey y'all i hope you enjoyed this episode if you did would you please smash that subscribe button and also post any questions you have down below because it's these questions that you're all asking that inspires these episodes i'd love to hear what you think about it also if you would love to join us on our next upcoming live training we call it our high performance experience coaching program if you like some coaching and have some perspective and get some two hours of live with me every single month then click the link in the post down below so you can join us in hpx coaching i'd love to give you some more strategies more insight and more interaction to help you reach your next level of success until next time again please subscribe share this video with anybody who could be inspired by it today and thanks one more time for being part of my community
Views: 255,045
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: self-help self-improvement personal development the charged life, personal growth, motivation, inspiration, motivational video, motivational speaker, inspiring videos, inspirational quotes, motivational quotes, life quotes, life coaching, high performance coach, success strategies, the charge, the motivation manifesto, brendon burchard, developing action mindset, taking action, staying disciplined, developing discipline, healthy habits, staying productive, achieving goals
Id: uwi1i-ayzt4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 15sec (1155 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 03 2020
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