How to Visualize and Manifest Bigger Goals

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hey guys it's Brendan and in this video I want to talk about how do you visualize and manifest bigger dreams for yourself and I'm really I love this video already because I'm wearing a shirt representing where I'm from Montana but I'm in my new home in Puerto Rico living on my dream Beach and I get asked so many questions about like how do you do all these things and how do how do you achieve a long-term dream not just get stuff done and be more productive on a Monday and Tuesday but like move yourself to bigger and bigger goals and dreams in your life and I'd love to share that with you I got four big ideas for you the first one is obviously you got to see yourself in scenes in your life that don't currently exist and what I mean by that is you got to visualize specific scenes that you would love to manifest in your life in the future maybe you guys know I'm from Montana right I'm from this tiny Irish mining town that was economically depressed for a century by the time I got there and my parents you know raising us for kids I literally don't know how they made it I don't know how they supported us and we really really struggled but somehow I always could visualize things for myself and I remember thinking one time when I got to college I was like you know I would love one day to live on a beach and I would love to like get up in the morning go walk on the beach swim a little bit in the ocean have a nice breakfast sit down with my journal and then go about the day I could see myself talking with people and new cultures and traveling I could see myself being somebody who was a person of influence in some way or another and I had no idea how all that was gonna manifest but I did not fear to dream or when the visions came in I didn't like stop them and say well that's stupid because I'm just a kid from a poor town I did not know that one day I could live on my dream Beach that was not the point it was that I saw the scenes and I allowed to dream about them you have a lot of visions and you have a lot of dreams that you have where you just go well that's stupid or I don't like that or what would they think or Who am I to do that I'm here to tell you explore those visions maybe you were given those visions and those visions were gift to you that you're supposed to manifest and so what I'd love for you to do is think out 10 years 20 years 30 years and just try to imagine scenes in your life because what most people do is they don't see scenes in their life they just write down to-do lists and goals and so every day it's about if do lists and they're trying to just be more effective and productive each week but they're not seeing the bigger picture so even though they're getting their to-do list done they got a lot of goals they're not excited they're not enthusiastic they don't have that vision pulling them forward and so see the scenes that you might have in the future with your family you know see the scenes that you would have in your personal lifestyle like how do you live what do you do where do you go see the scenes of yourself performing or doing your work or your career see the scenes of yourself happy and fit and healthy and explore those and I mean every day like visualization isn't something you do once in a while on a birthday or when it's New Year's it's like every day so you guys know I wake up every morning and I stretch for about 15 or 20 minutes if I don't do my morning workout then I read some motivation or inspiration for 20 minutes then I sit down with my high performance planner I write down my day and then I push away from having written down that and now I just start seeing the scenes of the day how can I do them with joy and excellence I started visualizing a bigger picture and seeing just what comes in about my future I'm consistently engaged in future thinking future visioning and it's not like everything has come true but I'll show you know the scene that we're in right here from Montana to this scene I envisioned 20 years ago think about that 20 years ago I was like I'm gonna live on a beach one day when I lived in Montana in the mountains as far away as possible I am telling you more as possible than you actually know right now the second big idea I want to share with you in order to achieve that after you envisioned it in order to actually get there sometimes you're gonna have to prioritize skill building over stability and what I mean by that is maybe you you you have this idea they're gonna have this dream career one day well maybe you're gonna have to be an intern first and be barely able to afford rent to build up the skills that would deserve and grow you into that career right we we have to think about okay in order to have this vision that I have what specific skills would I need to develop this year next year over the next five years over the next 10 years to get there you know I was a kid that was kind of awkward while I still in walk word that was like I was the kid who I just I was kind of happy-go-lucky but I just I was kind of scared of people because where I grew up there was a lot of abuse and a lot of people smack people around where I grew up so I had to get over that and I thought you know I'm gonna be a great communicator one day so I started taking classes on communication reading books on communication you know reading the classics like how to win friends and influence people or how to be a positive thinker or how to be a person of influence or lead others and I just started studying communication when I want to do this work I had no idea how to do video I didn't know how to do podcasting I'd never learned HTML yet I didn't know about a blog I didn't know how to do an event at a venue let alone you know the thousands of people now that they come to our events I had to put that on my skill building sheet and say okay there's gonna be times that I'm gonna prioritize skill building over here having a stable job or having you know a stable income or having like a stable like I know exactly how every week is gonna go because I was gonna be a collector of skills I was gonna have that vision and go like collect all the skills to get there even if in the short term sometimes it was hard it makes it sense so make a list of all the skills you need to develop and then you have to ask yourself are you willing to compromise your lifestyle little bit to develop those skills sometimes that means working for let's pay sometimes that means going and getting a mentor and working with a company and and just starting from the ground up to develop skill but your skill set is the pathway to the greater visions of life the third thing I think you have to do which most people don't talk about is you have to build your network you got to build your network like I'm here because I've told a bajillion people like one day I'd love to live on a beach and I tell people in my network and you know maybe they had a job that was related or not related maybe they knew people who didn't have each maybe they didn't but everybody around me always knew the things I wanted to achieve I want to write a book I want to be a speaker I want to do podcasting I want to shoot on YouTube I want to you know be a person who gets to share about life transforming ideas and tools that inspired me that's what I want to do with my life I want to help people achieve their dreams faster and improve their lives and I would tell everybody that even though I started talking about that when I was broke I was struggling I was trying to get my morning routines and my habits together and my health together I was drinking my mind together it wasn't like I had everything figured out but I let people know along the journey what I wanted and I thought about the people who would I have to be friends with what type of people would I have to know in my industry in order to help me achieve the abundance to make my dreams come true so what are the exact types of people you need to know and I mean what I want you think is like who would you love to have on speed dial on your phone like the people of your influence the people in your industry oh you want to do you want to be a filmmaker great who are the great directors you would love to get to meet and have on speed dial on your phone right you want to have a job in this career or that industry who are the industry leaders and titans who you would love to have on speed dial and make it like a game to get to meet those people add value to those people befriend those people serve those people or work for those people so that now you're in that world because if you don't know the network's you need to achieve your dreams your dreams are really gonna be far away so build the network you need now and I would say you know the last big idea that comes to me is that you must make bold moves sooner than later I mean here's the truth when I was living here in Montana I envisioned myself living in the Caribbean zone today on a beautiful beach 20 years ago I visioned that if I could go back why did I wait 20 years to move here because I thought all these conditions had to happen before I could have the thing and I'm here to tell you sometimes the real trick is to put yourself in play in the dream sooner than later right you want to be a world-famous tennis player well don't think that you need to go do 50 things what you need to do is get yourself on the tennis court every day you want to live on a beach move to a beach yeah maybe you're living in a tent or a shack at first but you're on the beach and you're putting yourself in the motion of the dream right you want to be a filmmaker film every day right you want to be I mean you think about like the greats you think about like a you know like a Steven Spielberg I mean he was shooting every day as a kid it wasn't like he was waiting one day to have a producer come along and say let's make a movie kid he just started and that's what you have to do whatever your dream is please don't be like me and wait 20 years to access it what I should have done is just moved earlier but I thought well no this condition and then I'll make this and then I'll build that and the team will be here and it was like now that I'm here I walk around to go look at this beautiful place why didn't I come here earlier so I hope that serves you you've got more capabilities and potential in you than most people will ever tell you and most people will tell you oh your dreams stupid I'm here to tell you visualize it I'm here to tell you skill up for it get that Network and get yourself in place sooner than later because you can achieve extraordinary things but as my wife always says you can choose to be ordinary today or you can choose to be extraordinary so I say visualize my friends and go make it happen all right hey guys it's Brendan and I hope you enjoyed my video today if you did would you do me two simple things number one share with somebody else and number two click Subscribe down below that will help so much and then you get notices every time I post a new video also if you're somebody who's always like looking at my work and you're wondering like how does he do it all we have two new tools that can really help you reach what we call that high performance experience as you know I call you guys team HP X which HP X stands for high performance experience it's that idea that philosophy of living that says I want to live the highest version of myself I want to like this you know vibrant and connected and excellence driven like you want to reach that next level of high performance and success in your life that's why I call you guys team HP X and we have two new tools for Team HP x that everyone is freaking out about so I'll help you check it out the first one is our new high performance planner this is what I fill out every day to keep my mindset good and positive to live a happy life to really prepare myself for the day so it helps me not only just set my goals but make sure my priorities are clear keep a clean schedule review and rate and measure myself at the end of each day on the high performance habits that we know make you more successful this is available on Amazon or most bookstores anywhere it's called a high performance planner pick up a copy yet it's where I fill out every morning and our new HP X optimized many of you have wondered how I keep the mental clarity and mental motivation and creative edge this is our new supplement to cook HP x optimize you can also find it on Amazon this is the thing that gives me that like that that energy and that focus each day to be my best which as many of you all know was really important to me and I developed this because I had a brain injury in 2011 and it threw me off my egg gaming and my mind wasn't right and I just didn't have the ability to focus anymore and this is not a product to cure you know brain injuries this is a product for any person out there who says I want a little more focus in the day I want a little more creative edge I want my mine to be just more alert and aware and this is what the product does without caffeine without GMO without soy without all the nonsense look it up on Amazon it's called HP X optimized these are the two new tools for our HP X Committee I hope you engage I'll be able to look up them up on Amazon there's some links in the post down below where you can get them at the best rate so please engage again please subscribe please share stay part of team HP X and please as you know every single day you have a choice you can go be average or ordinary or you can choose to be extraordinary so my friends go big store night
Views: 144,597
Rating: 4.9550376 out of 5
Keywords: personal growth, motivation, inspiration, motivational video, motivational speaker, inspiring videos, inspirational quotes, motivational quotes, life quotes, life coaching, high performance coach, success strategies, the charge, the motivation manifesto, brendon burchard, visualization, manifestation, big goals, big dreams, reaching goals, achieving your dream, manifesting your dream, power of visualization, self help, personal development, self improvement, feeling stuck
Id: 5S-pFYjfXrc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 34sec (814 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 27 2019
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