How to Access and Use ChatGPT Plugins - HUGE Ai UPDATE

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openai just introduced and released plugins for chat GPT and this basically gives you ton of new tools and ton of different capabilities for chat GPT you're going to find super useful so in this video I want to show you how to activate it to see if you have these plugins for your chat GPT accounts how to unlock it and lots of other options available to you so first log into your chat GPT accounts if you don't have the plus version of chat GPT you do need this for plugins so you do have to upgrade this is the paid version of Chan GPT that gives you Chad gpt4 and it also gives you these plugins that I'm going to show you in a second now to activate them come down here and click the three dots and then go to settings and here if you go to the beta features now this is rolling out as a beta to all paid members you will activate plugins right here so make sure this is checked on if you're not getting this yet it's not available yet to your account so you have to wait and then refer back to this video but I'll show you exactly what it is too so once you get it you know exactly how to use it so this is going to activate it then right here if I'm on 3.5 this is the free version of it that I could also use as a plus member but I won't see any plugins you see there's no plugins this one has this little icon for plugins and if I go down here you see plugins in beta is checked on okay so I checked this on and then as soon as I check this on I get this little section right over here you'll also get a pop-up that tells you more about plugins so plugins are powered by third-party application they're not controlled by open Ai and then it says plugins basically connect chat GPT to external apps I'll show you some examples and chat GPT automatically chooses when to use a plug-in so you don't have to say activate this plugin as soon as you activate it in your accounts every time that plugin comes in handy when you ask Chad GPT a question it will just activate it automatically Now by default nothing will be here you have to go to the plugin store and add them so I have two out of 3. now 3 could be enabled at any time but you could turn them off and add new ones to test them out there's a ton of different plugins inside of the plugin store you could see all the different plugins so on the bottom I could basically change different pages to see all kinds of different plugins but one of my favorite options here is most popular so you can see what the most popular plugins are right now as you're watching the video and right now these are the top eight most popular plugins and I'm going to make a complete video that I'll post tomorrow to show you an overview of the top plugin so I'll play around with about 80 90 of the plugins that are available right now and then I'll make a complete tutorial on which one I think are most useful but most popular would be a good place to start so this one gives you access to some real-time information okay I'll show you what that is but this is super super useful it's a little bit like getting access to the internet something chat GPT doesn't have yet I still don't have the web browsing version that's still not available to me that's coming soon too then you have kayak here so you could book flights for example so I'll show you that right now so if you go over here make sure you enable those plugins so you see I have to check these on they're enabled now I could use Chachi PT as I normally would but look what it does I'm going to ask it what's the weather today it normally wouldn't know that right because it doesn't have internet access and is trained on older data so how would it know information from today well it by default it just clicked on this plugin the latest recorded weather in Chicago is 63 degrees okay so that's today's temperature now I'm going to ask you what's the date today to make sure he knows that as well right you wouldn't know this otherwise but now he knows exactly what the date is now what I could do next is I'm going to use the other plug-in I'm going to say book me a flight from Chicago to La okay I'll press enter and it's going to probably ask me some follow-up questions because I didn't give it enough information but it will try to use Kayak right here so it says when is your departure so I'm gonna say is 5 30 and he found a flight just for me on 5 30. sometimes he asked me if I want a round-trip flight if other people are flying with me you could give it that information again to make your search more complete but as you could see in text format it gave me the price for non-stop flights here and it's gonna tell me exactly when a flight is leaving when it's returning and then it's gonna give give me an exact link here that I could click right here to book that flight through this plugin this kayak plugin and a bunch of their plugins do these kind of things they basically do all the research for you from these platforms give you the information in text format and make it really really easy to book flights and things like that using chat GPT and they also have this blog post chat GPT plugins blog post that goes much deeper in all the different aspects of the plugins and shows you what some of the most popular ones do but I'll do my own research I'll try every single one and I'll follow this up with a video to show you some of my favorite plugins in the next video I hope you found this useful I'll see you next time
Channel: Howfinity
Views: 103,734
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Keywords: How to Access and Use ChatGPT Plugins, howfinity, how to, tutorial, Youtube, how to use chatgpt plugins, chatgpt plugin, openai chat, chatgpt plugins, chat gpt plugins, openai chatgpt, open ai, chatgpt tutorial, gpt 4, openai chatbot, open ai chat gpt, how to access opeanai chatgpt plugins, open ai chatgpt plugins, chatgpt plugins demo, new chatgpt plugins
Id: mDRrhlB19XU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 10sec (310 seconds)
Published: Fri May 12 2023
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