ChatGPT + Zapier Plugin = Social Media MONSTER 👾

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hi Jason here in this video we're going to be having a little play around with the zapier plug-in for chat GPT and obviously there is thousands of use cases for uh having zapier working in chat GPT because it connects with 5 000 different apps for a start so you can imagine the possibilities are endless but for the purpose of this video I'm just going to try out a couple of interesting things and I'm also going to use another plugin called video insights so in chat GPT if you haven't got them already you can go to settings beta features just there and then you should have plugins hopefully by now you are going to need the Plus Account for chat GPT to be able to do this but it's only 20 a month so no big deal there but if we just go to plugins and make sure it's switched on and then you can go to the plugin store just here and then you'll be able to select zapier from there and also video video insights there it is and then once you've installed it you just make sure you've got the little box text right there and the other box ticked just there I'm using video insights because I want to connect to a video and grab it um grab the content from it basically so what I'll do is I'll go to my own channel and I'm just going to take this video here it's about 10 minutes long we're going to just grab the URL for it and then we can use that in a prompt and then have the system here go and grab the content and create some tweets for us and then we're going to try and use zapier to schedule those tweets and post them out to my account so fingers crossed let's give it a go here um so the first prompt I'll put in will be can you go to the following YouTube video and create 10 useful and engaging tweets with Emojis and hashtags and then post them out in a multi-step zap so fingers crossed they said that was quite a a tall order I think but we'll we'll give it a go so let's see what it's up to so the first thing it should do here it is is use video insights that's the plugin that will then go on to uh the video read the transcript pull it in and then give it to the chat gbt to start doing its magic and here you go so it's going straight through the transcript and it's it's done this one here Google went AI mad at its i o event mentioning AI 143 times exciting times ahead um and then it's got Google workspace and so on one thing that it hasn't done and of course I can get it to sort this out uh if I was doing this for 100 real I'm going to be posting it and everything is I would have it then add the URL of the video to each tweet as well um and what I can do I can I can just let that run I think now let's create a multi-step zap to post these tweets and I'll I'll stop it before actually doing it but we'll we'll go right through the process and then zapier is is doing its stuff look at all this it's now creating code here basically telling zapier what to do you will need to connect your zapier account to chatgpt and in the process of doing that you will also need to enable two-factor authentication so be prepared to do that if you go down to here and then settings uh data controls just there it says mine's enabled but you yours may not be at the time of uh doing this so you need to enable label that and then when you next log in to chat GPT you will likely be presented with a QR code and then you're going to need an authentication app to be able to get you access to do that two-step authentication I use the Google Authenticator app and that worked perfectly for me so here here it is wow look what it's doing now uh great I've created a multi-step zap that will post your tweets on Twitter you can confirm and activate the zap by following this link now I see what it's doing here is it's just doing one two three four five six seven eight nine ten zaps which I would then post by clicking on that button now I can be uh you know much more clever about this and have it create a scheduled posts out if I want to but this is just kind of a demo so I'm not too worried by this but I'm going to click on confirm and post a tweet and if we just uh click on that it should activate a pop-up window or a new window at least maybe if I stop let's just see how far it's got the fifth tweet is ready to be posted blah blah we'll stop it there and now let's click confirm and post here we go this is what happens you basically get a confirm and run action event coming up here where you have to just press run and then it will just tweet straight out and then you have also got to have connected your Twitter account to zapier and we can show the results I'll just tweet that one thing I don't think it matters too much here's the Tweet URL go to my Twitter account and there it is look at that uh Google went AI mad blah blah blah done now you can as I say schedule this what you would have to do first of all you can just tell you can just tell chat gbt that that's what you would like to happen and it will guide you through the process but I know from having played around with this that what it will do is get all of those tweets into a Google sheet and then uh zapier will go in and grab each tweet and post them on any a specific thing that you would like it to do so daily at a certain time weekly whatever you would like so that's how you can do it with with zapier there but it's pretty cool that it can just do this I mean can you imagine the possibilities you can really just turn Chat gbt and zapier into a Content producing Beast if you wanted to I mean you're going to be sending out a fair few zaps so you might want to just check on their pricing in terms of you know how much they they cost per zap and how often they run and so on but even so it's just amazing having this ability to generate content and then distribute it all over the place and if you're using something like HootSuite then you could also generate all of the content here send it to HootSuite HootSuite will schedule it and send it out so uh um any anything that works with zapier basically um is just going to be fantastic with chat GPT another thing we could do is we could just say something else like can you take all of those tweets and create a new Google doc using zapier and write them in there there we go and now I've just got to correct a zapier because this doesn't do it right every time and then let's see what it does this time then another little uh test of zapier's ability with chat GPT to create the right kind of stuff here we go look at this instructions we can see it all all happening create a new Google doc with the tweets and then the document has been named Google I O 2023 tweets then it's just doing all of the content and hopefully it will manage to fit it all in a single zap because one thing I've also tested and tried out is doing a full article and the article if it say it's a 500 word article it's too big to go into a singles app so what happens is chat GPT will split up the article and then do it in individual zaps to get it into that one Google doc is pretty crazy what it will do but it figures it out it figures it out uh here we go the Google Doc with all the tweets is ready to be created please confirm that you want us to create the document okay so there we are there's all our tweets we just click run and then that should be it it's done we can we can just you know just watch it do its magic basically and that's it you can click show the result details but I wonder if I go back here now and just click uh done I'll just click done just to let chat you be to know that we have done that and then there you go great if you need any further assistance feel free to ask enjoy your day let's go back over to here and click show the results and it might have a link there you go it has actually got a link uh going directly to the file by the looks of it so we'll click on that and see where it takes us oh no okay the request is missing a valid API key whatever that means well I'll just go to my I'll go to my drive then in that case and we'll go and see if it's there there you go it's right there I can see it right there let's open it up perfect Google I O 2020 tweets and there we are look at that amazing it's crazy isn't it what what are we gonna do with this stuff there are just so many options with zapier and uh you know creating content with chat GPT and analyzing videos summarizing videos content creation Now is just it's just so simple and easy with the power of chat GPT and and with zapier you can start putting it all over the web I would be really interested to hear from you guys as if you've used the zapier plugin already with Chachi busy how are you using it love to know because there's so many different ways of doing it please do put comment underneath if you've used it already and let us know how uh you've been benefiting from this new plugin and if you're interested in a chat GPT in general an AI then you've got to come over to our free group here I say our because it's mine with 4 800 other people and we all come in here and talk about Ai and chat gbt and how we're using it and the latest coolest prompts and everything there's a link underneath this video just click on it and you can come and join for free and get involved we are pretty much the number one chat GPT uh Community as far as I can see online and we don't have all the distractions that you do in a Facebook group with with messages and all that stuff it's just pure your chat GPT content with no distractions so I think you'll really really like that but um that's it for this quick video demo here of the zapier plug-in together with video insights to actually create some content from a video transcript and then create tweets and then publish them out using zapier pretty cool but if you like the video please do press that like button and subscribe for more like it and thanks for watching and I'll see you in another video in just a second [Music] foreign
Channel: Jason West
Views: 52,641
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chatgpt zapier plugin, zapier automation chatgpt, zapier chatgpt, how to use zapier for social media, zapier plugin chatgpt, zapier plugin gpt, zapier openai plugin, chatgpt zapier integration, chat gpt zapier examples, chatgpt zapier automation, chatgpt zapier ideas, chatgpt zapier plugin example, chatgpt zapier use cases, zapier chatgpt twitter, chatgpt zapier google docs, jason west, zapier plugin use cases, social media auto publish, social media auto publish plugin, zap
Id: rkBcY8jqZzg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 47sec (707 seconds)
Published: Wed May 24 2023
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