Wolfram Is The Best ChatGPT Plugin

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We've been developing an AI Advantage plugin  resource for you that is freely available from   today on out. Brace yourselves, because what  we're witnessing right now is nothing short   of a historic moment in the world of AI. ChatGPT  and Wolfram Alpha have combined forces with the   release of the brand new Wolfram plugin. So at  this point you might be wondering, what does that   exactly mean? And for me to really answer that, I  need to show you some examples of what Wolfram can   do, especially in combination with ChatGPT. And  that's what this video is going to be all about.   Because Wolfram can handle complex math, pull in  real-time data, create visuals, and write even   better code. It's a great tool for solving math  problems and accessing accurate information, which   is something that has been challenging inside of  GPT4 to say the least. And before we get into it,   think about ChatGPT and Wolfram as two buddies  helping you with a do-it-yourself project at home.   GPT4 is like your skilled friend who knows all the  best places to buy materials, can recommend the   right tools, and gives you a general idea of how  to get the job done. He's great for quick answers,   finding resources, and actually building the thing  you want to get done. Wolfram, on the other hand,   is like your engineer friend, who insists on  calculating the exact amount of paint you'll   need down to the last drop. They might drive you  a little crazy with their attention to detail,   but when you need to make sure your DIY project  won't collapse under its own weight, like for   example building a treehouse, they're the one  that you want on your side. So first things first,   very briefly, how do you install this if you  don't have it yet? Once you have ChatGPT+, you   go to settings, beta features, turn on plugins,  and under GPT4 you can go to plugins and enable   the Wolfram plugin. If you don't see it here, you  can go to the plugin store, and under the popular   plugins you can hit the green button here to  install it, and then we're able to enable it. At   this point it should be noted that you can combine  it with other plugins, but for this video we're   only going to be using Wolfram, as it is probably  the deepest plugin here, and exploring that should   suffice for today. Okay, so let's get into our  first prompt here. How about this? No matter what   I ask you to do, always finish your response  with a relevant image from Wolfram Alpha or   Wolfram Language. Never respond with text alone.  Do you understand? And now GPT4 comes back with   yes I understand, and we're ready to hit it with a  normal question, but what you will see is that the   output differs significantly. So if I tell it,  tell me about emperor penguins, and hit enter.   Usually we would get some facts, as a helpful  assistant would put them together for us. With   Wolfram enabled, it's a whole different story.  Look at that. We immediately go to the science   angle. Emperor penguins scientifically known as  Aptenodites, Aptenodites, Aptenodites, Forsteri,   belong to the kingdom of... Here is an image  of an emperor penguin, so we're getting an   image and a scientific description, plus how  about this? We're getting a taxonomic network,   plus you get a history of the Wikipedia page hits  for emperor penguins. Yes, Wolfram can do this   too. So with this one simple prompt, you can go  super deep into various topics, and as per usual,   this is the context your conversation is happening  within. So if I go ahead and now say, write me an   essay about emperor penguins, you can see right  away it respects the context that we fed it above,   and now it's writing a flavor of the essay  that is way more scientific and based in fact,   as opposed to the typical essay structure that  we usually get. Obviously, this works with most   topics, you can let Wolfram go deep and then  run your prompts afterwards and expect a more   scientific output. Powerful stuff, honestly. But  now let's move on and let me show you another one,   and this one was so unexpected when I saw it,  because Wolfram Alpha inside of GPT-4 can tell   you if you're allowed to drive your car after  a certain amount of drinks, depending on your   weight, gender, and location. So if I say, am  I too drunk to drive after three large beers   over four hours with a weight of 180 pounds as  a male in New York City? And then it goes ahead,   gives you the blood alcohol limit, and then moves  on to calculating it. And while it does that,   let me tell you, after running this prompt a lot  of times, not every time does this work perfectly.   So errors do happen, even within Wolfram that is  usually super reliable. This might be the case   because we're still in the beta version, but  just know that you can never fully 100% rely   on the outputs that you get here for now. Look  at that, for example, here it did an error in   its calculation, but it's smart enough to figure  out that it did that, and it runs it again. And in   the second attempt, it tells us we have a blood  alcohol concentration of 0.0. And look, using   common sense, if you drink three beers, you're  not going to have a blood alcohol concentration of   0.0. So I'd say it gets it right more often than  it gets it wrong, but just know it's certainly not   perfect. What I would argue for in defense of the  Wolfram plugin here is the fact that it shows you   the exact step-by-step route it took. And this is  so powerful because now you get all the formulas,   you get all the calculations it did within, and  then you can follow along. So yet again, ChatGPT   is not a solution to all of your problems, but  it's a fantastic first draft for the solution to   a lot of your problems. Same goes for Wolfram. You  feed it a simple prompt like this, it lays out the   entire calculation, all the variables included,  and then it even corrects its own mistake. And   look at that, it did five attempts and still  doesn't have it, so it doesn't seem to be working   very well right now. But I'll tell you this, when  I tested this twice before recording the video,   once it just got it perfectly right on the first  try, and the second time I had to run it twice,   and it got it right on the second try. Maybe let's  stop generating and try again. And there you go,   on attempt number four, it actually got it right,  showing us that our blood alcohol concentration   would be 0.061, which is below the legal  limit, and you could actually drive. But again,   respect this disclaimer that you shouldn't rely  upon this information. And let me tell you,   what I showed you here just scratches the  surface. If you go onto their website,   there is so much more. For example, if you go on  surprises and click on one of these, for example,   how a dog sees a cat image, it actually shows  you an example of how a dog sees a cat image.   Is this how you see a cat? And not all of  these translate to GPT-4. So for example,   if I run this one inside, it's not going to  work, but most of them do. So explore in here   and then start combining them with the prompts  that you already have and unlock some brand new   capabilities. And with that being said, let's  move on to the next use case. Okay, so next use   case is all about BMI. And before you phase out  and you're like, okay, I've seen BMI calculators.   This is nothing impressive. Yes, yes, I agree. Let  me just run this prompt in here, which calculates   the BMI for my height and weight. Then I'm also  going to say include a visual representation of   the BMI map. And this is where it starts getting  interesting, because we're going to get a graph   that I personally have never seen before and quite  enjoyed in here. Look at that. It shows this graph   and which weight range you fall into. So by simply  copying this prompt and changing your gender,   your height and your weight, you can get a graph  like this for yourself. And then it even shows me   that in terms of height in the USA, I'm in the  97th percentile. Interesting. But this is where   it starts unfolding its real capability, because  these things could all be done with Warframe up   until now. But the combination of that plus GPT-4  is where it starts getting interesting. Look at   this. If I paste, now calculate the weight  loss regimen to lose four kilograms. Also   generate a weight loss progress graph. And here  we're starting to tap into the reasoning engine   of GPT-4, right? We're calculating a weight  loss progress regimen for us, respecting the   context that we gave it above and the BMI that  it calculated here. So it tells us we need to   function at a calorie deficit of 500 calories per  day. And this will result in us losing one pound,   which is 0.45 kilograms per week. And then here  you go. Here's a beautiful graph on how much   weight we can lose in eight weeks following this  regimen. And one interesting thing here. Look, it   switched to kilograms. And that is because one of  the core capabilities of Warframe is conversion.   Units, time zones, you name it. Warframe is really  good at that. So whenever you need to convert   units, always activate the Warframe plugin. And  you can actually expect reliable and consistent   results. As in with GPT-4, it was kind of tricky  because it was really not good at math. And look,   this is just one example, but you could use many  of the prompts you discovered up until now and   combine them with some of the data that Warframe  produces to get superior results that were not   possible before. Okay, but now let me share one  last use case here. And this is a particularly   interesting and very, very practical one. And  those are the financial capabilities of Warframe,   okay? When you're making big life decisions, you  will want all the information you need. And I   would argue that chat GPT with Warframe might  just be a great starting point to begin that   conversation. Yet again, if you're writing a book  or essay, chat GPT is fantastic at getting your   first draft. Not at writing the whole thing. Same  thing here. If you're starting to make a decision   like taking out a mortgage for a house, then  this is a great first point of consultation.   So let's run this prompt which says, what is  the monthly payment on a $400,000 mortgage at   a 6% interest rate for 30 years? The most basic  calculation that you could do by yourself, or you   can use one of the many interest rate calculators  across the internet. This is not something tricky,   right? Yes, it's kind of nice that we get to  use chat GPT for all of this now, but still,   this is not outstanding. But wait a minute, look  at this answer. This answer gives you so much   more than yeah, approximately you're going to be  paying $2,398. No, it really breaks it down. What   is the effective interest rate? It gives you a  graph of how the payments are going to break down   over time and even a payments table. And because  this does involve the reasoning engine of GPT-4,   the results will vary every single time. So if you  run this 10 times, which I have, not every single   time are you going to get this payments table for  each year. Okay, but yeah, there you go. After 30   years, you're paid off and you could get even more  details by looking at the results page where it   actually ran this question through Wolfram Alpha  itself. All right, and this is what I'll leave you   with because you can go deeper than that. If you  use this edit function that, by the way, a lot of   people don't know, and it's so strong, especially  if you have longer conversations, you can paste   in the second part, okay, saying, also consider  that the interest rate will adjust to 10% after 10   years. And this is just a very realistic scenario  considering the interest rate changes over the   past few years. You cannot rely upon your mortgage  being at a fixed rate over the next 30 years,   right? And this is the type of scenario that would  not be that easy to map out with most calculators,   all while you're doing your napkin math. So simply  by saying save and submit, it will rerun this   scenario, but now it will consider the fact that  the interest rate might change after 10 years.   And this is the real power here. You can talk to  this as you would to a banker or a consultant.   You could run various scenarios simply by adding  a sentence that expresses your fears, thoughts,   or theories. And there you go, it calculates  the first 10 years first, and then it moves   on to the calculation afterwards. And not just  that, for learning and understanding purposes,   it really thinks step by step. If you open up  these toggles, you're going to see exactly what   kind of calculation it did and what data it used.  And there you go, for the first 10 years, you   would pay $2,398. And after 10 years, you would  pay $3,230. And beyond that, the question presents   itself, what other plugins could you combine  this with? Well, we've been developing an AI   Advantage plugin resource for you that is freely  available from today on out. Simply by following   the link in the description, you will find this  all-encompassing database that we keep updating   with the newest plugins. And the interesting  thing here is, this doesn't just feature the   name of the plugin, the logo, plus the description  that you get inside of Chetchipity. No, we ran   multiple prompts that explore the capabilities  of the plugins deeply. So for example, the first   one explores the features, the benefits, and the  examples. So if I load more and look at Wolfram,   here are all the technical features. And with  Wolfram being the deepest plugin out there, this   obviously doesn't cover everything, but it gives  you a fantastic overview. In the second prompt,   we explore how this could improve your work-life  balance, as that is a worry that many people have,   including me, as there is no balance, it's all  work right now. And then in the end, we ask,   why should I use Wolfram over Chetchipity? And it  gives you a bunch of reasons. And we ran around a   thousand GPT-4 prompts for all of the plugins out  there. And the best thing about this is, you can   now go in and search it. So if you want to look  for news-related capabilities, you type in news,   and it's going to find 287 matches among all of  these. And again, this goes deeper than just the   descriptions, because a lot of plugins allow you  to access some news sources without mentioning it   in the name or the description. So now you get to  deeply search these plugins all for free. Okay,   link to that in the description, and if you  want to learn more about plugins and explore   some of the capabilities they unlock, this  video is exactly for you. I'll see you there.   Oh, hey there, coming for  the last tip of the day, huh?
Channel: The AI Advantage
Views: 38,237
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: theaiadvantage, aiadvantage, chatgpt, gpt3, ai, chatbot, advantage, artificial intelligence, machine learning
Id: AsS5lIsirVA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 44sec (704 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 02 2023
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