ChatGPT Zapier Plugin Integration & Automation | Tutorial

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welcome back to web Cafe AI where we do daily AI videos and in today's video we're going to look at Chad gbt and plugins and more specifically the zapier plugin all right to begin if you don't have access to plugins yet go ahead and check out the link down below it's going to be a plug-in wait list so you can go ahead and click and then get essentially aborted onto the waitlist I suggest when you give your reasoning you want to say it's either for work or something in that matter of just testing it out for a personal life as well but go ahead and enroll in the waitlist but without further Ado let's jump into today's tutorial so what we know about plugins essentially is that it just basically gives access to chat gbt the ability to utilize the underlying function of the apps so for example OpenTable would be restaurants uh Karma shopping would be you know the idea of like shopping on the internet if you want a more in-depth tutorial on just an overview of plugins go ahead and check out that video right there without further Ado let's go ahead and look specifically at zapier and how to use utilize this now if anything with chat gbt you can kind of talk to it like it's a human so the first step would be like okay well if it's using zapier it obviously needs to use flows that are built in zapier but there is no zapier account here so how do we do that so we're going to go ahead and ask Chad gbt how can I build a zap with this plugin and then let's go ahead and let chai gbt respond all right so as you see here it's going to list out the steps of how to do this and it's going to give essentially honestly too much information let's go ahead and just jump to the meat here give me the link I can build a zap plugin with and then from here let's go ahead and let Chad DBT produce that all right so as you see here what's an important indicator is that it's saying it's using zapier and from here you can see that the link to configure and builds apps is going to be this one so we're going to click that and then as you see here if you're familiar with zapier this is a little bit different of a interface now in zapier you have your folders your different flows and stuff like that this is separate from that so the idea here essentially is any flow you build here won't be going back to your original main account so all you need to do essentially is going to be add new action so they call them actions in here and then we're going to do an action type and today essentially I want to show uh using Gmail and essentially I'm going to send one email to another and basically use AI for most of it so we're going to say Gmail send email now if this doesn't show up there is a chance that you need to create this up your account so all you need to do is say manage accounts and then you'll be able to create a zap your account connect whatever email you want to add here but for me I'm going to go ahead and do my email from there we're going to go ahead and input a couple things so what they do here different from what we've seen traditionally of gbt and zapier is when you're building out an automated flow of zapier and using chat gbt you'll notice you'll be have a lot more discretion on the blocks and the data inputted between those blocks so if you're more interested in learning how to do this at scale or better understanding of the intuitiveness of this make sure to check out other videos here at AI Automation and all that stuff we go over which comes to charge between zapier but for the purposes of this tutorial all we need to do here is I'm gonna go ahead and let AI figure out the subject figure out the body and then for the two I'm gonna have actually a very specific person we're going to send it to which is going to be the uh courses at web Cafe Commerce now you can also let AI figure out which email to use as well so probably if you input it in the chat and you'll be able to you'll be able to grab it essentially but from here we have set up our flow so we got send an email we're going to use it's sending from our webreesta account and we're going to send it to our courses account and then we're gonna have ai figure out the subject and the body and it looks like there's a little bit more information we can add here for the purposes of this tutorial I'm not going to add any more but looks like you can add an attachment and label a signature and so on but for now we're just going to go ahead and say enable action and then we have it as Gmail send email and what we're going to do from here is we're gonna go ahead and jump back over to chat gbt now that we're back in chat gbt we're going to call upon this action saying using Gmail send email I want to send an email with a subject line uh inviting for a conference call and the body being a timed schedule of this event occurring a week from now so let's go ahead and see if the plugin is able to pick up on this understand which app I am referring to and so on and then we'll be able to check in our Gmail if the email was sent so as you see here in order for the first step to understand whether it's working or not you're going to want to see a little indicator here saying what it's being used so in this context obviously we're using zapier as we chose that as the enable plugin all right perfect so I went ahead and created the email and then what it wants me to do so it doesn't send it right away is it wants me to review and confirm the email so I'm just going to click this link here and then as you hear see deer all and boom it looks like you can also edit the underlying email here if you want to just add some stuff maybe add some CC but for now we're just going to go ahead and click run and then let's go ahead and check our Gmail all right perfect as you see here we got the email so invitation to conference call dear all and the same body as we wanted before and it worked like a charm now that you understand how to use the zapier plugin in Chad gbt what I would strongly suggest you do is don't use this plugin specifically on Chad DBT there is limited capabilities here you're basically trying to use and leverage AI for different plugins and tools with one arm tied behind your back what I suggest you do is make a free zapier account integrate chat gbt into that zapier account and then learn how to build out flows directly on zapier's backend because through zapier's back in you're going to have a lot more control and I can kind of show you that right now as you see with zapier's back end it's already giving you the ability to rename these flows and have a better understanding of how to use these flows but on top of that let's go ahead and just jump into a random flow right now so I can kind of show you what's going on you have a lot more discretion with essentially what you're going to do so the way that zapier works is essentially you'll have your Chad gbt block and then you would basically pull in a Gmail block and kind of go through the same process but this is a lot better because with the gbt block you're able to pull data elsewhere so maybe I'm pulling data from Twitter I'm pulling data from Facebook I'm pulling data from another email elsewhere yeah this is overall a lot more effective way to utilize zapier when it comes to AI so if you're interested in learning more about that go ahead and check out the playlist right there we go over a bunch of different gbt and zapier flows that are all completely automatic but for now for the purposes of this video now you know how to use AI with Gmail when it comes to using the zapier plugin I encourage you to check out our other tutorials here that actually go into more intricate ways to you know utilize this and leverage this but without further Ado I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Webcafe AI
Views: 29,035
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chatgpt, zapier, openai, dalle, bannerbear, synthesia, ai automation, gpt tutorials, chatgpt education
Id: 2ajn8Oc-kKg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 24sec (444 seconds)
Published: Sat May 06 2023
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