I spent a day with CARMEN & LUPITA: "Conjoined But Individual"

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This show is sponsored by BetterHelp Online Therapy. Visit betterhelp.com/padilla because sometimes existing is exhausting. My name is Anthony Padilla and I spent a day with Carmen and Lupita to uncover the truth about coming of age as conjoined twins. What complications does sharing half a body present when, for instance, one sister wants to be intimately involved with her boyfriend and the other has absolutely no interest? What would happen if one of them were to fall ill or if one of them were to die? By the end of this video, we'll find out if being attached at the hip has encouraged them to perfectly mesh into each other's yin and yang or if their unique struggles have forced them to feel collectively isolated from society. [music] Hello, Carmen, Lupita. Hi. Hi, you too. I was like, "This has happened." [?]. [music] It's been two years since we last had you on. What was the reaction to that video? A lot of, "You know Anthony Padilla?" Then, you said through a screen. Yes. Yes. Yes. Now, you could say yes. Yes. Yes. [laughter] [music] Since we last talked, you've become insanely popular on social media enough for tabloids to write gossip articles about you. That I'm trying to break up Carmen and her boyfriend's relationship, which I am, but not the point. So, it's true. No. That's true. Let's address the controversy now. You're going to break them up. That's true. I am not the third wheel. You're the second wheel. He's the third wheel. No, I'm the life of the party. We would to make an official declaration, Lupita is the life of the party. I said it. They said that you needed to get surgery to be separated and one of you refused. They took it and ran with it and left nothing factual in it. Where did that even come from? The surgery that they were talking about was actually back surgery that they were thinking about giving her. I got scoliosis. They just didn't know how to do the anesthesia. They're like, "Not right now. You're young and walking. Once you're not able to walk, we'll do that." Are you progressively heading toward not being able to walk? Not right now. Mostly towards when we get to our 40s or 50s. That's for future Carmen to be worried about? And she sounds like a problem for them. [laughter] They also said that you guys are a hoax. We just are faking it, I guess. Yes, we actually have strange contraptions set up here. Wires. You just can't see it. You can't see it but it's there. What do you think is the biggest misconception about you? A lot of people assume because we are conjoined twins, we're mentally handicapped as well. Even from teachers, they'll talk to us like a small child or they'll underestimate our mental capacity type of thing. Really? [music] Do you get recognized a lot in public? Now I do. A couple of days before Christmas, we went to New York. We were waiting for our friend. A bunch of kids, maybe 20 of them, just swarmed us and I was like, "Hello?" A zombie horde surrounds you, pictures are taken, and then you're just like, "What the [redacted] just happened?" [?] Do people treat you you are some sideshow attraction? Remember the rodeo? Oh, my god, yes. There's a rodeo that happened every Father's Day weekend. There was a tent. It says "Sideshow". We get to the end of it and we just hear some guy just go, "Oh, my god, are they part of it, too?" Did you expect that to [crosstalk]? No. We were about to leave and we were like, "Oh, okay." It shows how ignorant humanity can be, but that's not, obviously, everybody. People are obviously curious, but it all depends on how you ask and approach it. Was any part of you prepared for the attention that the internet has brought you? People already took pictures of us without our permission anyways and people would give us money for no reason. Wait, who'd would give you money? Certain religious people sometimes would feel bad for us thinking that we need to save up for the surgery. Oh. They would be like, "This is a donation for the surgery" and we went, "What surgery?" What do you think is the most annoying question that you get most frequently? I can understand the whole who controls the legs and the walking? We started physical therapy when we're about six months old, then we didn't stop until we were about 17 to coordinate the walking and Balance. Balance. Apparently, we share the same face because when she got her nose pierced, they were like, "If she gets her nose pierced, do you feel it?" I'm like, "We don't share a face." Like, I don't feel this. [laughs] Did you feel that? Yes. Is that common? That's her shtick. It's her shtick to hit you in the face? Yes. Then just be like, "I feel nothing" That's to prove a point. Starting off at 9, 10, people would ask us the sexual questions, stuff about or no-no squares. Are people like, "Oh, we're just curious."? A lot. They justify their rudeness or their lack of human decency with, "Oh, you can't just blame us. We're curious." I'm like, "Fair enough, I guess." Do you welcome people asking questions or is it like, don't ask? Depends on the situation. I guess there's just time and a place. Some people like to disregard that. [music] When you were born, you were told you had three days to live-- You weren't told, your parents were told. You could not comprehend-- Yes, we were told we have three days to live. Yes, okay. I'll count down the days, bucket list will be completed before then, thank you. Why did they say three days? Most conjoined twins don't really live past a week. It depends on how many organs you share, how many you don't, if you share a circulatory system, stuff like that. Why do you think you guys have been fine for so long? Pure spite. You're living out of spite? Yes. Who are you spiting? Everyone, god. [redacted] you, everybody." Okay, I didn't say that. Do you still deal with a lot of health complications? We used to have a lot more digestive issues. We have endometriosis. That's how we found out the hard way that we can both feel the pain. We're on certain medications, a lot of things have been regulated because we are older. Sorry, I'm noticing that you're counting Carmen's fingers. She also has anxiety, so she'll pick at my fingernails. I have an anxiety ring. You have a ring on and a-- Oh, it's an anxiety ring. Are you just used to her just playing with your fingers all the time? You'll see her just grabbing my hand and just doing that. A lot of things is just instinct at this point. You're not like, Home Alone blueprint, trying to figure out how the f--ck you're going to make pancakes today, you just walk in the kitchen and figure out what needs to get done. This is the only life we've ever known. This is what we've always known. A lot of people have questions about how you can drive a heavy piece of machinery. I just pretty much do everything driving-wise. I'm allowed to drive with one arm, because if I do technically both arms, I'm afraid I'm going to hit her in the face. You're not afraid, you've done that before. That's true. I do the steering wheel, I do the pedal, brake, gas. I do the turn signals. You get the fun job. I feel useful. That's the only reason why I do it. One question that I received a lot on the last video was, "What would happen if one of you were to fall ill or if one of you were to die?" Is that something that you've ever talked about before? Before we continue learning about the world of Carmen and Lupita-- I was a mute for eight years. You chose not to talk for eight years, is that true? I didn't talk, at all. I'd like to point you toward the previous episode that we did together, "I Spent a Day With Conjoined Twins", which you could find here or on the uncensored podcast version of the show. If you want to directly support this series, every penny of profit from my new Youtooz figure will be going directly back into improving this show. Links for all of that are down below. While you're here, I'd also to thank our sponsor, BetterHelp, for their continued partnership. If you've been keeping up with this series, you know that therapy has been really beneficial in shaping who I am today by allowing me to have empathy for my younger self, and therefore, understand who I am today more. Therapy can be customized to whatever's right for you and can be useful in providing tools to help with motivation or feelings of depression, anxiety, stress, insecurity or whatever else you might need. BetterHelp has been continuing to improve throughout the years, and screens all their therapists to ensure that they have experience and that they're certified and licensed, and provides customized therapy that offers video, phone and even live chat sessions with your therapist, so you don't have to see anyone or even speak over the phone if that's not something that you're comfortable with. As many of you have probably found out by now, therapy can be expensive and the price of finding a therapist that you like and connect with can be overwhelming, which is why BetterHelp offers a more affordable alternative to in-person therapy, where you can start communicating with your therapist in less than 48 hours. Thank you to BetterHelp, who are giving "I Spent a Day With--" viewers and listeners 10% off their first month at betterhelp.com/padilla. That's better H-E-L-P.com/padilla. Now, back to the world of Carmen and Lupita. The death thing, we're not dead, so I don't really know. Yes, I don't know. You have to find out the hard way? [?] and find out? When we're about 14, 15, I got a cold, ended up turning into pneumonia for her. I got past it after maybe about almost a week, but she was still going through it. I was in the hospital for 15 days. You were in the hospital too because she was sick, even though you were feeling fine? No, I was just chilling at home, you know? [laughter] In what ways are you different? We share most of the same friends. She's a bit more of a picky eater than I am. I was a mute for eight years. You chose not to talk for eight years, is that true? In school and stuff, I didn't talk, at all. Would you talk for her? Pretty much. My mom said if I had nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all, so I didn't speak for eight years. You knew that she talked, right? Or, Lupita, were you just not talking to Carmen at all the entire time? No, I just whispered in her ear what I wanted to say. She'd be the vessel for your words? Yes. What was that like for you to be her mouth? From a very young age, I would take care of both of us. She had writing problems, so I'd have to do both my work and then just be a scribe for her. When was the last time you guys had an argument? When we were little, we learned if we team up, we can go against our older sister and bully her. Oh. This older sister? That older sister. You like getting bullied over there, older sister? No. [laughter] Do you ever get tired of being addressed as a packaged unit? It can be dehumanizing at times when it's actual direct conversation. People that have known us for years, if you know us, you can refer to us as our names. We are still two separate people. Is it difficult ever for you guys to decide on the same top, the same fashion style? No, she chooses everything. You're the personal stylist? If I let Carmen do it, it's oh no. What would it look like? A lot of sweatpants and sweatshirts. Who cares about fashion when it's cold? [music] One of you is dating a person? Yes. Just one of you though? Yes. That's a huge difference. He's a nerd and he's annoying. As long as Carmen is happy, I don't really care. Did you know that Carmen was starting something with someone? Yes. How'd you feel about that? If I wasn't comfortable, she would have broken up with him. If she wasn't-- We weren't all in agreement of what the situation is, I wouldn't be dating him in the first place. What was that like meeting him, and then you being there even though you know that they're interested in one another? It was super awkward. I'm not going to lie. My limits of dating was mostly just talking to people in situationships. Is that what it's called? When you're talking before like the actual. That's the situationship? Oh god. You are old. I am old. What was that like meeting him in person? You said awkward. I'm aromantic and asexual. I don't really feel anything. The boundaries in your relationship, your romantic relationship have evolved with you, is that a constant check-in? Are you like, "Lupita, is this cool with you?" We thought at first it was more of convenience sake. If she was just trying to [?] for us, looking back now since we were little she was like, "I don't have any interest in anybody." She's not a big fan of physical touch. I have personal space issue, and I understand why. You've had s-- Because of-- Wow. It's Carmen's fault? Yes. Is there a line that you draw? If he touches me, I'll punch him. Anything that's shared is off-limits, here down? Here, here down. Great line. Great line. What is that like, being around them when they are trying to have more intimate time? I disassociate or go on my phone. You didn't see her just disassociate earlier? You mean when she was blindly looking up into the stars? Yes. [music] Marriage and kids and stuff like that. Is that even on the table at all? The easiest way I can put it, can't have kids, don't want kids, have a lot of unresolved mental health issues that we don't want to pass down to someone else that doesn't deserve it. Marriage-- We've only been dating a year. Lupita, would you ever let that happen? I don't care. Her plan is bum off me until she can't-like she can't-- Like the leech? No. like a tumor, get it right. [music] Tell me about how you became famous on TikTok. I actually don't know. I was making fun of them and that's how I became famous. You talk a lot about how Lupita is the one that's running the page, does that mean that you don't want anything to do with social media? I just let her do her thing. I'm not a big fan of the actual creating part. If she wants me to do something, I'll do it. That's pretty much it. Do you get a lot of comments about the fact that you're conjoined? I don't know why they feel the need to tell us, but they'd be like, "If I were conjoined, I'd want to analyze myself." I'm like, "Cool." I think that brings up a really interesting point. It's the expectation for something to be different that makes someone really unhappy with something. You never had an expectation that life would be different and therefore how could you ever be unhappy that it was the way that it is for you? Someone else can look in from the outside saying I know the way that I expect life to be because I've lived life by myself as an individual person and I can compare and say, "Oh that would be a little bit more difficult. I could never handle that." Life is difficult for everybody. It just depends on what specific obstacles are in your way. Life sucks. It's meaningless but you have to put meaning to it. What is the meaning that you put on life? I'm funny and I'm better than everybody else. You live it in spite? Yes. Your TikTok page at the top says "Not a Q&A account. If you want to know more, go look at our YouTube, google it, or stay wondering", and that's because you don't want to put that much time and energy into answering every single person's question? Repetition of each question, it's really annoying. They still think we have to answer them because we're the conjoined twins, a lot of people don't like it that we've set those boundaries and we're keeping to them, but we're not bubbling and just eager to answer every and all questions you may have even if they're-- Stupid. Even if they're dumb. [laughs] You're the filter, Carmen? Yes. Do you hope to take your TikTok career further, like do you hope to be entertainers? Our deal was the traffic that goes from TikTok, save up enough to just go off-grid after a while. We don't want to do YouTube and everything like that forever. Good. Get out while you can. It's been far too [?]. You're in too deep. [music] Do people often assume that you both want to do the same exact thing with your lives? We do relatively want to do the same things. Since we were about three or four, we've always wanted to work with animals. She's going to go back for vet assistant and I'm currently going to go for vet tech. That just came naturally that you both were attracted to working with animals? We grew up with our godmother and she owned a goat farm. We really started that little push of, we want to be more that [?] Do you have your butcher's license? I also have my butcher's license, which is not the point Oh, you get to experience bringing life into this world and ending it. I'm going to pick that one, though. Bringing life into the [?] That one. Let it go. All right. You got five seconds to shout out to promote anything you want directly into camera. Go. Subscribe to our YouTube channel, Carmen and Lupita. Don't subscribe. [laughter] Don't subscribe, you will regret it. That is reverse psychology That's right. That means you're going to do it, right? That's wrong. That's what it means. That's wrong means that you're right. Well, there you have it, I spent a day with Carmen and Lupita and I find it incredibly inspiring how they've refused to allow the outside world to hinder their sense of self and it makes me wonder, why do we assume anyone born different than us is having a negative experience with statements like, "I'd kill myself if I were conjoined". Are we actually just projecting our own insecurities and fears or do we have so much more to learn from others than our assumptions might lead us to believe? [music] Do you know we call our birthday the extraction day. Because technically We weren't born. You were never born. We don't exist, this is all an illusion. [chuckles] You were never born. We're John Cena, "You can't see me". A lot of people were never born, if you really think about it. I wonder if John Cena was born. You still can't see him. How are you supposed to know and ask him? I'll try. Okay. Fair enough. I got a hook up with 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin, maybe he knows him. [?] hookup with Fred, John Cena was in the Fred movie, so maybe through a round about way, I could ask Fred to ask John Cena and I'll also ask 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin, The Movie to ask from a different angle so that he'll know that there's multiple different people trying to get in contact because they both want me to have my question answered, was John Cena born?
Channel: AnthonyPadilla
Views: 2,976,267
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Keywords: anthony padilla, padilla, anthony, i spent a day with, interview
Id: cwk13myz15I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 41sec (1061 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 01 2022
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