How the Pyramids Were Used as Powerplants & for Interplanetary Communications

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what is the purpose of like the pyramids of GE oh yes okay yeah so the Great Pyramid is a power generation system or it was when the when the energy shot out of the Apex the uh magnetized Crystal Granite Obelisk would capture that Ambient Energy and if you had something called a Jed you can connect that Jed with a wire which we have pictures of the hieroglyphs of them doing this to light bulbs and electroplating devices and everything else and you can power tools so you had power tools power lighting capability through Ambient Energy the same technique that Nicola Tesla used to build the warden Cliff tower that was eventually you know he lost the funding from JP Morgan and then the bent pyramid is Not Bent because it was an accident they got the angle wrong that's baloney the bent pyramid was told to me by one of my mentors who was a homegrown egyptologist that passed away a couple years ago unfortunately plus the soul uh it's a Diagnostics tool and so inside the B pyramid which I've climbed all the way to the Apex from the inside have you been to the inside gold all the way to the top I haven't visited the Ben period I've only been to Giza when you get into the top and you look over you get to see down to this other um uh I guess you want to call it a room and in that area he said if somebody was sick or injured they would be brought into this one chamber which I've climbed into I took 140 people in there in groups it would be there's another area would be full with water and then they would gong this Stone and it would create this resonance that would vibrate throughout all the different other Chambers and the person at top they call them the priest he would look over and he would see almost like an x-ray of the person's body I know it sounds fanciful but that's what was said if you look at the bent pyramid and you look at the Pyramid of the sun side by side it's the same exact structure the bent pyramid and the pyramid PID of the Sun in Tio Tuan Mexico got it got it got it got it got it very similar shape yeah so the shape isn't an accident it's not the exact same but I hear what you're saying the angle change the change of the angle the the look the feel of it you kind of get the idea now the argument for the one and two to with KH is is they're going to say that this would create the most uh structural Integrity whereas the Ben pyam I think that they say that they were using like a mud blocks right and didn't the those those stones are limestone and and and this the pyramid my understanding is that they was kind of collapsing under its own weight something like that the bent doing a whole show on this I believe yeah the bent pyramid you see those areas on the corner that are dark and all kind of chewed up when you go up right on them you notice that they're actually burnt they're charred and then there's a debris field coming off of the corner down into where the sand is and I have some of the samples that we've had looked at those samples of charred Stone burnt Stone and what's going to burn and charge that stone and create these explosions there's another area around the other side where a huge piece of it's been blown off you can see that it's a it's hit and it's blown out not collapsing and so what would make that amount of debris fly that far away from the pyramid if something collapses it falls straight down M yeah this stuff goes up and out and you can kind of calculate the trajectory you go oh man something impacted this a projectile impacted this pyramid uh so it's another remnant of the ancient war in my opinion that same water I told you about earlier um but the P pyramid is is like that by Design so you're saying that these pyramids were Power Systems not all of them this one was supposed to be a um according to my source a Diagnostics tool but the the the Great Pyramid of Giza was a power system power plant yes I've heard this before and books written about just by Engineers yeah and how would it function as a power plant well it functions well you like I said running water underneath Granite creates physios electricity yeah in the area that you walked up that grand Gallery yeah there's these slots on the side okay there were there there's and we estimate or we we hypothesize I'm sorry that there were rods in those sections they call them resonating rods okay and that would step up the energy going into the king's chamber and then from there there was some type of fusion that would happen if you notice that a stone box inside the king's chamber has a big chunk missing off of it and if you look across directly to the wall 20 ft away you can see where that chunk that flew off impacted the wall and created the shape of that broken piece M how can you break Rose granite and send it that distance and crash into another piece of granite and have it break into that piece so we know that there was an explosion in there okay y so evidence of an explosion it's a power generator now the the the queen what I was talking about ear the Queen's chamber water would flow into that and Christopher Dunn when I interviewed him the other day after all these years of me talking about this I had no idea he had the same hypothesis this is a guy is a real engineer he the the water would go down there and through electrolysis they would extract hydrogen atoms from the water okay so if you if you take a battery like a 9volt battery put it in a glass of water you'll start seeing bubbles okay that's the hydrogen coming out of the water okay you're extracting it's that easy to do it's not it's not hard I'm trying to make the point like it's not like real science it's simple um you just need to understand um positive and negative volts anyway so but why why hydrogen the shafts of the pyramid those open shafts they align with star systems they align with Orion El debron sirious star system right all these different star systems on different alignments on the different procession of the equinoxes what communication method do we use right now like at SEI and in modern technology astrophysics to try to communicate with ET we transmit information on the hydrogen frequency because it's the most abundant frequency in the universe so in my opinion this is my own hypothesis now see I always tell you the difference between text and my hypothesis on those alignments we would transmit information to those Stars system updates on our Breakaway civilization to our other so they were not using it as a power system to they use it as both it's a multi-functional stone computer and a power generator so it's a power generator for you know Egypt whatever they were doing okay and then it's also a communication device for other galaxies correct that's my personal opinion other other star systems not galaxies sorry other star systems right isn't a Galaxy a star syst system well our Milky Way galaxy has trillions of star systems inside of it so oh got it yeah yeah and there's trillions galaxy has the star systems and each star system we are within one star system got it got it got it and how is the Arc of the Covenant related to this well when the Great Pyramid for some reason stopped producing enough power they took the Arc of the Covenant and they created that Rose Granite box inside the king's chamber and they put it inside of there what is the Arc of the Covenant it's a power generating technology how do we know this because what what is it what do people think it is I've heard the Ark of the Covenant does this holy thing that existed that uh you know just protected the Hebrews and protected them from the Pharaoh it's a lot more than that when you begin to read read even the biblical text you discover it was technology the person that that handled it had to have on rubber boots right it's electric you had to have on special rubber gloves you had to have on these breast plates to help defract some of the uh radiation that was coming out of it and if you didn't have that stuff on and you touched it you die instantly people thought it was holy and magical no it's just technology you get you're getting shocked to death right right now uh the descriptions of this thing sending out lightning bolts and and all this stuff and vibrations and buzzes it's electrical so some some scientists at a university in America reproduced it utilizing the same instructions in the biblical text reproduced what the Ark of the Covenant and guess what it generated so much power they had to shut it down and anyone can Google that look up the experiment and watch the videos on YouTube of them doing it it's real it was technology and that's what was inside of the uh the stone box how do I know it's the same exact dimensions at the Arc of the Covenant and that's what happened when Moses AKA probably aanan I think it was really the person uh fled Egypt he had uh it wasn't slaves building the Pyramids by the way this take the slave thing out of your mind it was no slaves building pyramids didn't happen people were building and working on the pyramids because they were honoring the Gods there were no Hebrew slaves in Egypt building pyramids did nowhere nowhere does it even say that there's records of the payroll and even the medical expenses to help people out who got injured or hurt at the job site at the temples and that stuff is in the museums it's all documented so it's not just me saying that but aanan started uh bringing in the one God religion the monotheistic religion he's the first one to bring that in we're going to we're going to we're going to worship the great amen amen ra he started telling his people to go around and deface all the other gods erase them from history chisel them all way that's why when you go to Egypt you see all those chiseled faces way all the noses broken off and all that it's not because I hate to say it but it's a fact it's not because white people didn't want to know that let us know that black people were in Egypt that's that's not true I'm going to tell you what it is it's not true I've been there long enough to know and I know enough history to know when the white people actually arrived there these things were broken before they even got there they even got there yeah so there's enough noses still that still exist by the way that are on display that tell you well wait a minute if these are just as old and these still have noses then these never got beat up but anyway the point is he then took these people and got created his own following his own cult following they all wanted to worship one God and am men said there'll be no other God but me CU I'm a jealous God that made it into the Bible right and he then uh decides to take his his people cuz then now the other the politics are like we got to get this guy out of here he's destroying our history he says okay I'll leave I'm taking my people with me he goes into the Great Pyramid and takes the Arc of the Covenant with him and takes that out into the desert this is why you had to Chas them down you just lift it up and take it out long you have the boots on I mean it's clear instructions on how to do it oh I thought it was like enclosed no no it's not enclosed it's just like a lift up thing with two handles on each side oh okay they took it out of the king's chamber the Pharaoh the new Pharaoh said man that's the power source so it was justified to chase him yeah yeah like if he takes that we we lose all we're going back into the stone ages that's the power source we got to get this guy now yeah that's what it was all about the power source oh wow but he ended up getting away with it he got away with it yeah with that one there were a few more there were two more arcs of the Covenant but they didn't have one who had them uh well there was one in China and one in meso America what did they make with it in China nobody knows yeah you know they got three pyramids in China that match the same Orion alignment as the Great Pyramids and Alignment that we have at uh Giza on the Giza can you bring that up yeah bring up the China pyramids line with Orion so who were the group of people that built the pyramids these were the Atlantean people yeah they had humans working on the pyramids cuz I mean you know if I own a construction company and I'm and I then I have a master architect underneath then I have a foreman underneath them then I have the the workers so yeah so that's how it is so the workers are doing work under the toage and and utilizing tools in the way that we taught them but at the end of the day um it's the it's the master blueprint coming from one master architect there you go China's on the left right there the xan pyramids they're called the what the xan X Ian you see those three they're perfectly aligned with the Ryan next one is the t2 Aon perfectly aligned with the Ryan and the third one obviously is the pyramid is the Egypt perfectly aligned with the Rion as well Master architect this now a traditional mainstream uh scientist would look at this and go of course we're going to line these structures with the three brightest stars in the galaxy right yeah and if there was nothing to read back then there was nothing to watch there's no Tik Tok there's no Instagram the coolest thing going on is the night sky right and when you look up in the night sky you start making out that's ran belt this is a whale this is a giraffe whatever it is um okay so that's what the traditional mainstream correct uh philosopher or scientist would say can we see the P the just pictures of the pyramids not align just like a face on I never knew that there are these pyramids in China it's hard to get um access to them it's hard to get access to the face on lot because China doesn't want them out they they don't even let people visit them there's one what is that ah they're keeping them sacred you see there goes one there they've got it nicely covered with some nice trees yeah did they plant these trees looks they planted they planted them yeah they they covered dirt and planted trees on top of them and why do they want to plant why do they want to cover this what benefit would that be they just don't want people to know that uh there was an advanced civilization yeah exactly more cover up more the Chinese pyramids and the pole star is that that's not beneath the pyramids is it no that's a different area right there he's looking at the uh the Terracotta Warrior terracotta Wars yeah that's totally different but yeah wow a lot of incredible stuff there in China but yeah they got the pyramids too now the alignment is extremely hard to do so that that alignment happens on a processional period so you're talking about a massive span of time you're talking about it has to align every uh well depending on the procession every 13 14,000 years right so all of a sudden you look at the the younger dras era where we had a mass extinction level event happen right above Syria and just decimated that whole region and down even into Asia not the perfect time to be building a pyramid complex so you got to go back another processional period to get the right alignment to make sure it works and you have to build it to that where it aligns with these Stars show up right over the pyramids on a specific time so now we're going back 36,000 years the same age as the great period the same age as the Emerald Tablets of do whoa H can you tell us about the not go go tapy but the there's another uh ancient structure near there that that you had talked about Darren coyu I think so yeah Darren coyu is an amazing underground city there's a bunch of them yeah there's a bunch of them correct and this one was discovered by a farmer and when they opened it up and went down there it can hold up to 30,000 people going down 12 stories deep into the ground to the water level yes and even areas for worshiping and and cattle livestock and all of that no sign of any collapse 14,000 and ventilation shafts leading to the highest levels to bring oxygen to the people at the deepest level and what is your that's advanced technology because when you have a ventilation Chef this wide an inch or two wide going cutting through solid Stone down 12 12 um uh uh stories what kind of tool can do that yeah that's interesting why would they build it though why would they want to live underground good question all the cultures around the world all the indigenous cultures have the same story at some point there was a disaster either did not it's not known if it was war or geological it's not known so geological would be comets or something like that and War would obviously just be a neighboring tribe right yeah so these people called the ant people took them underground Lakota tribe the Hy tribe the aboriginals the the people of Egypt also and in the go to the Cairo Museum you see the ant people depicted there that took them to underground Chambers and then of course the people in Turkey same story they were taken Underground they were this structure was built to keep them alive not by them by the gods pretty interesting and why would the gods just stop whatever was going on well you know we're talking about some people with big EOS you know it was uh always you know I'm the best I'm I'm I'm better than you I got the most resources at one point how the war happened when they came to this planet they were forbidden to touch the wmds the web weapons of mass destruction this what in TBL weapons of mass destruction they stole some from niburu and brought them here and hid them in a mountain but they were then said they swore that they would never use them but then of course some of the relatives discovered them years later and decided to go get those weapons and use them which created the evil wind on Earth which started killing a lot of people and then that's when they said well anky went to his father or knew and said can you stop the evil wind and goes no I can't so get in your sky ship and for Boe that means get the hell out of here do you is there is there a part of you that's like like so so much of this isn't proven MH is there a part of you that goes man one day I might well one day you know we're all going to pass and you might not know what really happened what's really going on in the world does that frustrate you have you accepted that these are things just can't be proven like like how do you yeah I see it like this I'm I'm planting seeds for trees that are going to grow that I'll never sit in the shade of wow and you're okay with that I'm okay with that I've done my part and the grand scale of things in this Incarnation I feel like I've done my part do you ever wish that you would get a sign from these Advanced beings from these cultures that exist in different galaxies or solar systems in 1977 when we moved to Miami in opaka we live next to the opalak airport I was outside in my backyard this is how I got into all this I was watching the planes go over my house in the backyard because it always intrigued me how can the plane be going so slow but I know it's got to be going fast to stay in the air then this day this thing came across and cleared the Horizon in seconds not minutes and it was a glowing not a fullsize cigar not really an egg but kind of in between metal glowing metal and it went across and then it stopped and it came back and hovered above me and was gone again I went running in the house I told my mom oh my God I can't believe what I just saw it didn't have a wing fusel Lage none that stuff I knew what an airplane looked like as a kid and I went to my library the next day at my Elementary School Rainbow Park Elementary in opal laga which is still there and I told my teacher I have to get the encyclopedia the old Google and I went and got all the Aerospace information and started researching swep wi deltawing intercontinental ballistic ballistic all the different types of submarines I looked for anything that I could see for what I saw in the sky I never found it but that's what led me down this whole Rabbit Hole the discovery I became a kind of a quasi Aerospace historian and that led me event technology led me into ancient civilizations
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Keywords: andrew, andrew schulz, andrew schultz, akaash singh, alexxmedia, alex media, alexx media, michael jordan, mj, jordan doc, espn, dennis rodman, goat, flagrant 2, comedy, funny, sports, basketball, baseball, football, golf, tennis, championship, finals, world series, superbowl, mark gagnon
Id: zMTtW7Bfe4g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 1sec (1141 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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