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oh my gosh there he goes oh there he goes oh it's up hello YouTube today we are doing a game of valorous but everyone has infinite abilities now because a new agent has released in the form of a deadlock who the community is also down bad for we're gonna capitalize off the new agent and we're running games of infinite abilities with deadlock versus every single other agent that chat chose AKA four agents yeah we'll see how well to unlock those hey if you guys want to see yourself Live come on over to slash if you do enjoy the content please consider subscribing to the YouTube channel today we're looking at deadlock versus who and check it off raise that's your first suggestion I need four people to go against deadlock chat Silver Dude Silva won't do anything to deadlock I think duh potato I like my Microsoft pay consider Harbor oh is not bad he's blue Arbor okay third one no kill the Troy I think we'll win I'm down to do killjoy but killjoy might just Spam both like crazy though hey yo new Sage Battle of the walls okay why is sage green I don't know is this it I think the weakest match up here is against Sage by the way I think we should replace Sage but that's just me you know I am bribing you to do deadlock versus my main Cipher all right Chad troll of hands who wants deadlock versus Cipher and if we have enough yeses and yeah I think that's more yes than those we removed Sage right I think we removed kills right the ultra is boring man all killjoy doesn't wait for her ult and then and then it's just an old fest the superior Sentinel Cipher in red for blood okay anything else let's go test deadlock up against these people I'm gonna draw a very accurate deadlock now [Music] okay deadlock Cypher first attacker's deadlock okay where's my replication what the is this you know I just came back to Valerie so I don't even know how to play against the deadlock I've never played against the deadlock so I kind of don't know what's happening but this is a sound trap trigger thing right because her alt is op oh my God doesn't moral B than a bunch of ciphers on site look at this all right chat Deadlocks are trying to enter they have the biggest trip wires for flag but can they enter into sight against a bunch of ciphers odd pistol rounds they'll probably run out of ammo trying to get in but they do have their um uh that's the wall thing I think they're Walling themselves off where are they going are we going deadlock players oh this is self-sabotage I swear to God where are we going okay they're going through they're breaking up tripwire so it's looking good so far but the deadlock do oh this this dear someone sure hello nice shot by the way I forgot to tell you guys that these are all silver and gold players I I don't know what you can expect but yeah silver and gold players and for the Middle East deadlock versus Cipher there's one Cipher here just holding he gets taken down by the Deadlocks or walking up now ciphers just have to not be I don't know why they're peeking just let your trip buyers do the stuff for you oh my God this guy's stuck now oh the Deadlocks aren't playing together surely you'd think that Cypher wins on defense right I mean all they have to do is just chill and not die oh my god well on the first round's pretty crazy wait is it how much damage does it take to destroy a wall chip all right we have also wait wait that's not good who the hell voted for Cipher why this is like torture this isn't even fair you're putting a cipher who has a useless alt up against deadlock who just gets stronger with every old round now they have guns by the way what okay at least they have trip wires right okay they just have to not die Cypher blades you just have to stay alive that's that's all you need to do you don't even have to peek but there are no trip wires or mid for some reason I I don't understand why aren't there any tripwires here I have one deadlock who's already come up here probably gonna oh no it just gets taken down by one front doesn't even bothering the Cipro comes out but I get to see everything can we just keep bolting one body that's like wait I take this back oh wait where is he where's the Cocoon where the hell is the Cocoon I don't even know where it is a cipher player died but what oh my God the soccer gets a tooth came in oh 2v2 no 2v3 this guy's getting pulled help him oh wait wait you might win ah nice try all right now also surround once you get stuck in the deadlock you're pretty much dead I mean you can shoot it right do you think we can get you out of it but uh that's that's the only way right okay so hitting the hitting eight this should be okay for Cipher just play back man oh oh this is big spots three come on okay that's one no that's fine two for two we're looking good so far come on okay okay wait wait wait wait wait one deadlock Cipher Mains rise up where are we watching we almost had a round trip we were so close chat don't worry if Cypher mince can't do it surely the raised man I mean the razors can do it right we're only playing Cipher because one guy bribed me with money to put Cypher in this game but you know what he's here he's only here to suffer I'm kidding oh I love playing balance it's just I love Valerie wait Great Neck of God my territory my rules oh my God who voted for Cipher can we get a show of hands of who actually voted for cyber players to win what were you guys thinking what are they gonna do Chuck oh we've got a bunch of trips you know oh oh well can't they even make it out of Spawn wait wait wait wait we have a lone soldier I like this look at him go be quiet it's all about the silence what does the one second wait just one second one second here if this Cipher played okay come on General what what do you think General patoda come on guys come on guys come on come on guys a little glimmer of hope come on guys come on guys flippers of Hope limits of Hope come on oh play the old thing well ggs guys first game's done as we all know Cipher lost he's out goodbye Cipher Paige okay let's do Sage Sage defender or attacker where are we going with sage oh we're kind of split here you know what let's make a poll this will be so much easier if we made a pull so 60 of you think that Sage should be on defense let's do it it's time to vote here are your nine Maps now that's a lot of choices okay we're doing a set all right chuck round one Sage versus deadlock wall versus wall can the Deadlocks break through you can't boost yourself with the deadlock wall oh this guy's grimmels you're watching the grim wall come out no way okay what are the Deadlocks doing okay we're on attack last round two our last game they are setting up their big big trip wires on here but this won't matter right if some guy just like Crouch walks through this where the Wolves why are we picking whoa whoa okay I'm gonna lose my mind please they're all here don't break them just just wall them the walls two Sage players are down at least this guy's Walling up mid they're looking good so far keep the balls up keep the balls up this guy's trying to boost himself they are the wall bro we have two stage players left four deadlock players nice shot good shot okay okay looking good so far 2v2 kill yourself dude Sage should win this right surely oh my God this guy's actually peaking you're on defense you don't have to be this is so risky but it doesn't matter the plant goes down okay now this is a true test can the deadlock spam enough walls that the sage players can't get in or can the sage players actually just wall themselves on top of these walls but there's a stage player going on top oh the wall goes through give me one guy stew me one run run for the people right for the people and see all right round two let's do it okay wait it's been deadlock doesn't even go that far I thought it was as far as the sovo someone help him someone help him dude dude he's in front okay as long as the walls keep going this might be big I need to get because they're teammates we need to build a wall why is this guy okay so they wall that off there's one stage here women Odin by the way oh this is big this is big come on come on General General General General General Nice Shot General okay we got one the Calgary needs to arrive they need to get the res off this res is totally doable come on guys oh wait I forgot there's no resistance round it's two let's do go on please whoa okay okay that's looking good 3v1 2V1 okay surely they can't lose us surely let's go good round theme Sage Sage players get one back wait there's a deadlock use an ALT oh my God yeah I just realized deadlocked that's why I was thinking this was an old ground because the deadlock opened but whatever they want anyway this round you have alts okay see this guy's a hard worker look at him look at him go where'd he go see look at the amount of walls here this is what we want to see exactly oh it's one black king the rest is gonna be big come on Jack sir get the results this is where it happens you can keep harassing each other team prioritize the res there we go nevermind I take it back good stuff Jackson it's all up to Mori now last player oh oh my God guys guys guys guys guys guys guys guys guys doing it too the Great Wall of a sudden you're right sages are now on attack though the Deadlocks are now on defense no Rez this round no all this round by the way no oh no Jesus Christ what am I watching it's avatar The Last Airbender wait the Deadlocks are actually insane but these guys aren't even Walling they're not bothering tomorrow oh this guy's wallowing two walls come up now are they just waiting it out because the sage players gonna do they can wall over the deadlock while though I mean if you put the deadlock up against the jet I think Jeff wins that oh one for one good trade easy Club Nice Shot deadlock blocking up oh the Wall comes up thanks oh wait Sage players okay 2v3 get swiped down 2v2 they've got Spike now what oh they get there's these things are going a but they're going B home phones you hear the Walling Man Nice Shot by Jackson get some wall up too uh this is tough 1v2 with walls up the candy oh wait wait which actually might throw oh you might throw well he wore himself up he does he has to get this kill oh that's unfortunate who is the brush God what is these names I think the sage players win this one wait but no walls here what they didn't even cover this part they can just walk through this oh they do cover it that's a very good dude you guys have also this round toothbrush is lucky everyone has res the swing man oh okay okay oh because no one helps the sage there's no one helping the stage no one can even help that Sage because they're just getting altered rapidly look at that they get the sage that locks on defense might be too strongly they get another one here it's like a Spiderman there's only one Sage player left and he can't even res any of his teammates wait now muzzle Flawless round all right three or three wait this one's pretty close Chad this one's actually pretty close like I can't tell who's gonna win oh he's dead here goodbye Simon goodbye Simon oh no he's not dead wait oh oh oh a shot oh my God might be a throw oh my God the sage drops oh is there a time oh no time deadlock is dead without the lock okay obviously Deadlocks just won every single round with old chat because that's what's been happening oh my God we got that one oh God damn it nice shot okay Sage against the rose 3v5 no 3v4 why is it four where's the other Sage wait where's the other stage go oh and Spike is there oh but Sage gets one more it's 2v4 deadlock is just spamming here I'm just taking down it's all up to this one deadlock I think stage players are gonna win unless this deadlock can clutch and bring it to overtime it looks like a GG 4v1 with revs available oh we're dead okay chat so our Deadlock's record so far is one and one Sage players one Cipher players lost Sage one good job Sage players okay we have two options for the final game I think we just do one more game of infinite abilities two options for the final game do we choose Rays or do we choose Harbor so that we can come to a score about deadlock and infinite abilities raise or a harbor I'm gonna put it to a vote razor Harbor oh my God nobody likes Harbor wow this has been an all girls infinite ability game wait I forgot that's like fruit sorry raison attacker defense chat do the map first chat why the bind pick for what reason our race I guess raise is okay outside so you chose blind now we're gonna choose attack your defense no race players on attack okay okay yeah let's run final game of the day the Deadlocks of one one have lost one the real question is can be satchel by the looks of it does it look like these players can Satchel race players they still have nades they still have Roomba boom Bots grenades are breaking stuff they aren't doing good damage with the mates where are those nades going oh dude they're rating oh my God I think they're just throwing it up in the air deadlock guess what they're trying to get up but they their wall might prevent them from getting out there's one bedlock here in spun they're getting destroyed by these satchels not by the satchels I mean but by the uh the the the grenades this one dude's still long they're getting made into that wait 2v3 15 HP on this guy Queen card oh my God 45 HP oh the nades are going crazy now the nades are actually going oh my God 683 this is hell no this is actual hell how are our Deadlocks gonna get out it's all up to one person what's more gonna do getting pushed oh okay I don't know how that feels that's crazy oh oh nice try Envy the race player is almost through all right let's activate this round surely the Deadlocks now pop off because Ultra active right oh oh my God I completely forgot about Brazil I got one I got one will the raised players help though they got one they got two this guy gets sinking down oh it's red what can ren do oh all right Chad one two one [Music] no let's just run oh this race might be dead here this race isn't even using nades just walking up oh this deadlock Ulta for some reason this one oh it gets taken down oh 3v2 it's not so bad so far race players are gonna get the plant down but will they get greedy oh you need to be quiet then toothbrush the aim here run forward toothbrush stop the Mario oh it's over I feel like that was totally doable I feel like people I don't know oats are active oh here it comes what is this guy doing he's just in spawn was he acting okay oh we got one we got one team save you damn it oh he's got oh the first place got one back together wait it's 4v4 still so far before don't push my tight here I guess how to oh okay they got one raise raise is being pulled but can they get the race out I don't know no they can't 3v3 seems pretty fair so far I'm just naming just there's one dude walking up here oh big guns how did he miss that they do have Spike weight yeah they do have Spike what is there one Gopi you have Spike 27 seconds someone has to go big or go home they have to go big there's a big flag there's a really big flag be quiet be quiet [Music] what a play from General patella to what a monster the big play from the clutch master dude I think the Deadlocks can pull it back not gonna lie remember no Ultra surround I like the sneaky peaky they know there's one dude up there this is very sneaky oh from South come on that race didn't even hear him this is looking rough let's see 10 gets one uv4 this looks almost impossible this deadlock needs to go big like three kills big here four to one looks pretty one-sided but the oats are active now okay yep easy Club yep we got two oh just so you know the race players have won around where Deadlocks have holes so this is still really doable wait it got stuck there he goes oh there he goes oh it's up this round is this the last round chat because our deadlocked can't win around with adult is this the final round do you believe let's get the silent approach playing for picks the race players haven't even stopped oh deadlock guess what looking good so far they're playing for picks they're playing very silent oh there's a race play going here oh this is big you have to get this pool Pikachu race players are slowly they're actually throwing what are they doing was it deadlock players they're chilling you know that there's one here they're keeping him here there's one to raise heaven with it oh why is he off babe just use your distance oh race player got one's back 2v4 guess one okay can you Satchel over oh 2v2 Queen card there's still a deadlock coming all the way I just have to play time guess what oh it's all up to Sardar does he have time he's sticking oh oh my God the deadlock players get one around back now it's an old rounds again oh no Do You Believe show them my investment oh okay far no one's died yet oh but we do get one wait oh yeah race players do get one looking good so far for the race players will they win around with alt instead of the Deadlocks the Deadlocks do have B sight though there's a raise on the biggest flank though they get the plant down this race has a really big fight but this is everything well what is it do we do it's 2v2 guess what gets out now it's quiet all right nice try that was so close that was so close foreign [Music]
Channel: eggwick
Views: 475,151
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 23sec (1283 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 10 2023
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