So I Put Valorant UNDERWATER... (this was INSANE)

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today we are sinking valerant basically we're flooding it with water we have nine Harbor players on one team with infinite abilities so infinite wall infinite Cove infinite ult so we have nine Harbor players with infinite abilities versus every ranked valerant from Iron all the way up to Immortal now our one player he's going to have one ult per round and he'll also have infinite credits so he can buy whatever gun he wants the real question is if any rank will be able to clear the challenge this time because when we did this with viper well let's just say it didn't turn out too well our iron player for today is saitan our iron player picked Ray this is a pretty good pick not going to lie I do like the pick but I don't know if he will have the movement to out move the harbor players he might be dead as long as he doesn't get stunned he should be fine the players were giving me a panic attack oh he's dead I think he's dead oh my God he gets stunned but he should be fine wait I think Harver gets stunned too die nice try so our Hardware players are knife only just a heads up but the only thing is that they get stunned by their own oh which could be a problem because they can't even get the knife down if people run judge I feel like they just win against the harbors here so he's running he's got infinite ult he's got infinite boombot sorry not infinite ult but infinite Molly I feel like he should be using boombot a lot more because the harbors can't clear that holy crap he's just being oh I think he's dead here yeah the Harper gets stunned too holy crap man oh the race seals go crazy I think he's dead here oh he gets stunned I really feel like shotguns are the play here because you don't get affected much by the stun but let's see what he does I think he can even camp on top of the box oh he might oh he got two chot I feel like this is way too easy in higher ranks I think we need to give our Harbors some guns chat because the harbors get stunned by their own ult so we need to give them maybe a ghost or something like that no 100% this gets cleared by gold No Cap this gets cleared I feel like it's way too easy then again every time I say that nobody clears it all right let's go oh he's dead oh my god do I see why is he on a shorty by the judge oh he's dead dude we're going to get one round right surely we get one round just Spam Rus that's true I realize that he hasn't used his ult once he should be using his ult at least once right oh oh oh I just remembered he has infinite doesn't really matter yeah Harbor can play pop the old man oh I'm kind of surprised at his movement not going to lie why does he pop the ult can he pop the AL is he just going to try to defend here they're going to pop Co to use it to get close oh he's dead they're mugging him he's been mugged he's been shanked our iron player nice try all right let's get our bronze player in there ooh sunset for our bronze player we're going to add Eric in there and uh if it hits Eric then uh they can choose whatever map they want but we're going to Sunset for this one bronze player implex what's he playing Ray again dude can we have some variation is everyone going to play Ray I mean surely Ray is the best pick but maybe you could play Raina no one round oh Pop the pop the pop something you have infinite abilities he might be dead here ooh this Harbor's kind of playing smart the corner him he's being cornered he's got the shorty he gets the shorty down but oh he's dead the teabag coming out from our Harbor players with the first win of the Thon round I believe Satchel in PP field Come On Pop field pop the oh my God I think he's dead oh okay nice oh so pop the there we go show us the no comment oh why is he on a classic oh he's oh dear God oh no don't worry chat the higher ranks will clear this for sure shotgun is aate 100% the thing is the harbor players are going to use Cove to their Advantage so they're still going to swarm you they still have cover cuz they can put Cove down n comes out n comes out maybe we Satchel in or something we get one Satchel away use your Satchel to get away oh he's dead nice try you know I just realized Jeet could be a good play here if they could just updraft keep dodging unless the harbor ult hits you up but even so you'd still be safe because the harbors are Knife Only I'll probably be doing CS2 Customs that's the most likely content that's coming soon he needs to follow where the Ulta coming he's being L astray by one Harper oh my god oh he's dead at least he survived he's surviving a very long time this time oh wait wable utility utility oh I nice try all right silver let's go our player is playing fade chat what do we think about the fade pick we have some variation all right let's see the Strat I think we do have an AFK though it's not looking great but it is 1v8 right now I don't know why we have an AFK oh my God I just realized AMT CaRu this guy has single digit ping I believe okay okay I like it I like the strap it's looking good oh so smart might be dead here get supp PL down oh oh we live okay we got the plot down this is looking this is looking so good your Al gets popped our silver player might be able to clear this let's go silver oh uh-oh uh-oh I don't know what that sound is but something oh nice try chat do you guys hear that there's like this weird sound like and what is that sound is that Co breaking Co breaking all at the same time Jesus okay we're just running it I like it oh uh-oh uh-oh there's a dude behind you okay okay if we just keep running it like this maybe we should have played jet don't play Fade uh-oh uh-oh behind you yeah maybe the jet play would have been better oh this is so winable this is so winnable he's playing it so well I think he's going to get one round our silver player this is probably the no I changed it oh my God nice try okay even if you get stunned in the air as jet at least you're safe okay he gets one uh-oh uh-oh what is that Harbor aiming at what is G oh he's dead I'm predicting it okay I'm just going to call it here chat bold prediction in Gold the video ends this gets cleared in Gold 100% bold statement but if our gold player is an insane aimer and plays Raina then it's over uhoh uh-oh uh-oh uh-oh uh-oh hey at least oh oh these guys are getting cocky I think our silver player might even get one round already this is looking good for the silver oh the stuns going to come out Claudia is here though will they spot out Claudia they're going for the plant but Claudia's just trying to sneak up gets one hit no oh but gets taken down it's 4V one all I think our silver wins I think the silver has this it seems to be over but some guys on the defuse I don't know if the silver hears it gets it the have oh oh this is tough this is a battle so clutch from Jame time oh my God that's crazy nice try final round if they lose let's see what CaRu can do suggest uhoh I sest okay the comes [Music] out I Su uh-oh uhoh uh-oh okay we need to reload the spike gets planted though where does it get plant it gets planted on do they even know it's planted I don't think they even know it's planted suest you oh my god oh it's over is over chat it looks like it's over yep he's stuck in the middle Jame time whiffs the big knife oh wow is that that's a headshot on the knife and I say no planting when on defense we can do that I'm down to have no planting on defense just to balance it out a bit more right let's go gold player we've got the uh the most random one all right we we'll ask the gold player where they want to go gold player where do you want to go I think okay that's s good luck all right chat we're back with Ray I swear to God Raina or Jep is the pick here but let's see it okay this Ray seems to know what they're doing with the satchels and all that so this looks good harbers you might have to play a bit more strategically or raay seems to know what they're doing just a heads up all right oh my God he's dead oh my God he might be dead oh he satchels away he's so smart oh he's in the air he's in the air he's just Satchel he's so smart oh but he might be dead he's just permanently stunned he's just sing himself up this is a Str he's trying to make it somewhere but he's still stunned oh nice try a good Strat we've seen the flying R Strat it came out but unfortunately didn't do too well uh-oh uhoh uh-oh uhoh oh he's so smart the problem is his sensitivity gets so he can't Satchel properly because if he stuned his sense is screwed oh he bups the old gets three oh but he's dead Hy man okay this man needs a toggle you know on your mouse there are some mice that you can have a DPI toggle where you're able to switch between dpis so when you're stunned you need to pop the DPI toggle so that your sense increases and then you can move around because if you're not if you don't have higher sense while you're stunned I think that's the problem look if he gets stunned once here he just Satchel up all the time oh oh oh it's looking good it's looking good he's going through spawn he's dodging everything oh my God my man ising he's actually shoving oh uh-oh uh-oh uh-oh but they know he's here will he pop oh no he won't pop all oh he pops all now sees one he hits it okay uh-oh oh no he needs a DPI toggle now or else he's screwed holy crap look at the M the harbers aren't even here anymore they're just try to slow him down at this point he's actually a g look at him chat a man on an island oh those nades might kill oh those nades are com these harbers are getting too cocky they're getting way too cocky the nades are hitting oh but the Satchel hits himself there's three harbers left oh my God he's on 1 HP though no way he has to go for a play here or he can't get the plant down he has to to go for a play he's going for a play he might Oh I thought he died to fall damage 5 seconds left oh nice try the harbors have successfully stalled him out NT he was so close it was looking good until it wasn't I feel like this man just has to Satchel in right away just get in there Satchel satchin oh you're going to get stunned o is this the play he's going to draw them all over uhoh I think this Harbor lagged out what the all happened he had a clear knife what does this sh pop for sensitivity oh sh look at the amount of armor I'm just going to check this out yo my B can't even see he can't even see anything anymore all right for this one guys just hunt the dude you can only plant at the very last second okay so if there's no more option that's when you guys get the plant but your first option should try to be to hunt the guy if he's in an open spot then um you guys can try to just plant try to get him off the spot but as much as possible hunt First Holy Holy sh they found him out on a did he even do anything holy [ __ ] holy they're just fling on a oh my God just not looking good wait one Harbor died to oh wait the random nades are actually hitting oh my God wait I think we won the random nades are actually going crazy oh there's only two harbers left no way these guys got so overconfident they threw that so hard no way is there time though is there time oh no time nice try that was close I made a bold call and said that the plot I mean the gold was going to win but unfortunately he didn't all right let's get the pla in there oh dear God we're going to Breeze this is probably the best map for him Breeze is a great map pot don't disappoint shows your plat level oh my God the Rena finally someone with the ego to play Raina that's what I wanted to see pick Raina no go back to Raina you saw what happened oh there we go I love it ooh okay that's got some nice skins but he is going Vandal wait I don't think Vandal is to play I think judge is to play 100% wait so he drops all those guns there and then just doesn't do anything about it uh-oh uh-oh uhoh uhoh uhoh uhoh oh oh we have problems we have big problems we have big big big problems now maybe Vandal was not the play I thought we'd be hitting our shots but it doesn't look like it he does have a shorty though Jame time is right beside him I don't know if Jame time can even get in there Here Comes XTS oh oh oh oh oh but he gets to the SM off he's being St and he's dead my man was just warming up everyone relax he's going to pop off uhoh uhoh oh no oh no no Goodbye cruel world oh my God once you get stunned it's over wait for him to peek you easy kill he'll peek he'll peek relax oh my God they're closing in okay okay it's looking good okay nice o the harbors are closing in one behind you oh this is tough this is tough this is oh when the ult hits you you're done I think you're fine as long as you can manage a kill let's go uhoh nice there we go there we go two kills on the board nice behind you chase this guy chase him chase him down you still have 1 minute left still lots of time looking good double kill here nice oh we got one round for sure we get one round for sure it's over guys oh my God he's insane it's actually over first round if the harbor win this I will lose my not going to lie oh mying God oh mying God oh my God it's all left to this final Harbor no first round goes to the flat player he's on the board first win oh no go back to the judge man go back to the judge we pick up the judge oh he'll get two rounds here he'll get two rounds if he gets the so close where'd he goest it's looking good it's looking good it's looking so goodest our blood player might clear it I suggest you move I suest you I suggest you iest I Suk I suggest I suest you Mo I suggest you wi winable the harbers are throwing sest the harbers is throwing they're actually throwing he gets stunned you move I you move he missed up reload does he have time though does he have time this Harper is play chicken with him don't me nice try nice try stay I believe I believe easy easy get I Su double kill oh he's going in there we're going in there they know where he is Holy look at the oh that's so big Rog chicken oh that's crazy oh but he gets him they need to wait out the ult or he'll keep regening wait out the ult guys oh he doesn't have ult anymore nice try what a knife where's our diamondo let's get our diamondo in there oh my God he goes neon sh we have a neon okay okay okay okay okay judge surely we got judge right okay no judge he does have ult though oh he's moving he's moving oh he's actually smov in here oh he's just going to play on the Rope might be dead here hello oh no fing way noing way not even one kill no forg go everything about your aim just go judge all right here we go pop [Music] seal oh that's big he has infinite Dash too he doesn't even have to worry oh I think he wins no way cuz he'll never get stunned if he just keeps dashing around he'll never get stunned oh my God he's so smart every time the bar thing comes out just it's over it's over we ended the diamond unless oh he gets out no way no way no way no way just don't get cocky man just don't get cocky might get stunned here oh runs out of vult hasn't CH oh nice try I thought he had that he didn't get cocky his old ended that's true but even so he needs to pay attention to that because the the timer is Big he can only refresh it if he gets a kill uh-oh uh-oh uh-oh okay he cannot get hit this is so dangerous oh there we go my eyes uh-oh uhoh not in close not close not close not close no one's hitting him though no one's hitting him he looks good oh he got out he actually got out with 51 HP oh but he ran out of ult that's a problem he has no ult he has no dash anymore he's waiting for the regen oh he's just capping this looking good he has full Dash back with no ult get he get out nice try I think he shouldn't be popping ult early because ult will refresh his energy bar so he has to use up his energy bar and then pop up okay oh don't die here please don't die there's a dude behind you please don't oh thank God but he's on a vandal this time oh he's cornered here oh but we make the Great Escape we have a DC oh my God maybe now we pple there go there we go uhoh uh-oh you maybe 50 seconds left he's still looking good okay oh he's won nobody thinks he's going a oh he will get the plant on a he gets his first round yeah it's over uhoh uh-oh uh-oh uh-oh there's someone under diffuse can he make it in time he does make it in time oh nice try dude so close o up comes out we do have one AFK I take it back he's not AFK he's got 1,629 ping holy crap can you even scope in with that it's over it's literally over he pops the old he drops down tries to get a pick but doesn't see anyone he's looking good right now but oh my I let's look at his POV okay gets one but takes damage from that he still has old he has to pop this he has to get a kill nice [Music] nice I suest nice plant goes down come on man nice where's the spike though is it backside no I think it's on top oh you beside you I suggest you move I suggest you move I suggest you move I suggest you move I suggest you move guyss guys I suggest you move we're being out both F my over I I suggest you move I suggest you move oh oh he has time oh no he doesn't have time nice try oh so close it was only the plat player who's around all right ascendant let's go goena goena Goa goena goena yes oh these guys are playing so safe look at them look at them play this get one let's go ascended gets two looking good didn't pop B yet he can reload here doesn't choose to reload though let's see what he does instead oh gets three does reload this time he is going spawn now oh I think our ascendant actually clears we might not even need anemo oh now the ult gets popped he might run out of ult though that's the problem here I would have rather he popped it after planting Spike but they surely know where he is I take it back okay oh my God can he even see though oh my God I can't even see I'm going to the bird's ey view chat wait wait no no I got the diffuse off oh my God nice try oh oh we're just spamming this okay uh-oh uh-oh uh-oh uh-oh uhoh uhoh the judge no yeah if I play this I'm 100% going to judge oh now we're going judge okay oh he's got that heard the guy left one [Music] down two down looking good looking great oh get stuned though oh oh okay nice breaks his legs it's okay there's a dude on top here oh my will they find him okay I like this he's hunting down all the harbors before he actually gets a plant down the only problem is the Ninja oh the ninja drops he's hurt him I think he can run a here oh never mind take it back One V one it's over unless this Harbor can pull off him Beautiful by your ascendant player beautiful oh is he just tanking that oh he might die to this guy on the right I take it back I take it back oh my God he clears with the judge he 100% clears yep it's just too easy guys dude my man's on a hunt he's literally just going around the map he's oh oh he's KN out there's a dude below him oh there's a dude behind him does he see oh that guy behind didn't go for it I thought this guy would go for it cuz he was distracted whoever that guy was he should have had it oh oh but he won't be able to plant no way he doesn't get the plant down here no way he doesn't get the plant down after all that hard work he doesn't get it down no no no no no dude that so sad nice try he should have had that oh he's going to hold this with an up easy CL but the harbors are actually playing this okay okay this is rough I don't think he can even move if the harbest just keep contain in the spot and there's no problem they're literally just building walls around this man no way these Two Harbors are going to try right oh my God D they literally one shot this guy and our ascendant R now pull it off I think he can did he Knock by a judge oh no judge this [Music] time oh my God I like the Strat of not Ting early though I S oh he ran his judge that he placed there earlier I suest oh the Trap oh but he can't see oh he's oh Goodbye cruel world it's over for a player wait I take it back you know maybe he could use his blind but then that will also alert people to his position oh my God there's a dude right beside him oh yes he's out I Su I suest you move the plant's going down oh it's quiet for once the plant does go down I suggest no way he loses to a knife no way he loses to a knife nice try all right let's do it chat you guys wanted me to try I'll try it don't expect much though hav played this game oh my God not fracture man not fracture not fracture we thought it was easy I know I thought so too it has to be Raina wait I'm stupid I should play deadlock wait I can't play deadlock if I don't have deadlock oh my God I'm stupid dude someone should have played deadlock if they're a knife only they can't get through your walls what you just keep Walling yourself in oh dear God I'm scared man where's my judge there it is come on guys I see through the lives of the Jedi I suggest suest I suest I suggest you I suggest you Mo I suggest you move I suest you move I suggest you move I suggest you suggest I suggest you Mo I suggest sest you I suggest I suest you I suggest you move I suggest you move I suggest you moest sest ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow dude I'm probably dead here I suggest you move I suest you I can't see I suggest youest you no no okay I need to kill more people before I FL I suggest you move I suggest I suest I'm dead here I'm I need to get one holy oh my God man I cannot get TN okay I know where to go ch [Music] no way I Su I just got to keep moving I just got to keep moving I suggest you move I shall Sher suest I oh my God if I get the pl I get the dismiss I'm looking good pain and suffering I need the sheriff one 39 Oh my God I hit a bunch of them just Peak this please that's all I'm asking I suggest suest I suest you I suggest suest suest you I suest there's only one up I suggest you move I suggest you move okay maybe someone made it up I don't see them I suggest you move where the am I okay I lost holy you really can't see anything there man I should have play deadlock man I should have unlocked deadlock God damn it I'm dead here I'm dead here oh thank God oh my god I didn't even know where it was all right gg gg gg gg God I'm telling you I'm washed up I can't play these games man
Channel: eggwick
Views: 418,396
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 10sec (1990 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 06 2023
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