236 Easter Eggs In Fortnite!

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fortnite has more Easter eggs and references than you would ever imagine so here's a bet I'm going to go through all of them in one hour kick back and relax as we start with the Ninja Turtles thanks to the battle pass we all got to unlock four free emotes each of them contains references to characters from the show like foot soldiers mousers and even parts of metal head epic honestly put a ton of effort into the collab and that's why there's even more Easter eggs with the NPCs if you went up to Splinter as each of the Skins he would have unique responses which are all directly from the shows anger is self-destructive always thought it was others destructive Rafael We Must Fall many times before we learn to stand then why did you make me later because you asked not the only awesome crossover we got with chapter 5 because Family Guy also came with a giant chicken if you use a sponging bag emote not only will you hear Peter's laugh but it'll change each time you use it one of the best Easter eggs in chapter 5 has got to be the community grave every time someone gets a viral clip the devs take notice and put a memorial on the map this time of player managed to crash their car between two trees getting stuck and now it's immortalized here forever so is an emote that references a show that's blowing up right now when Reaper Showtime came out players were shocked to recognize the music it's actually a fan song about hasb been hotel and even the site is based around the character if you land at Grand Glacier you can now find the most hilarious chest ever there giant bushy shaped like a deer but look behind it and who did this this a't no accident when we asked fortnite to explain themselves they replied saying it'd be a pain in the butt and if you own John Wick's official skin you're lucky to get two secret edit styles with the new season these didn't just change his hair and clothes they also cut off his fingers spoiler alert he has to chop it off in the third film and they carry the detail over to his new Styles in fortnite and that's not the only great reference in chapter 5 because the Family Guy set is full of them from the iconic petercopter to the wacky waivers but my personal favorite is the scratcher we all know what it's for get your butt scratcher here butt scratcher have you playing the Lego mode you'll know the insane amount of dialogue there is with hundreds of NPCs in fact there's 50,000 lines of dialogue and if you have Aura she might say she gets so mad she wants to flip an entire Island upside down if you know you know it doesn't stop there speak with me alel and there's a small chance to tell you how he's nervous about anything shaped like a cube I think we all know what he's referring to with the new Jam tracks there's tons of new songs coming to the game every week but one of them might be familiar than the rest you can now catch B Biv devau and rotation in the shop and this is actually the music that Turk dances to in Scrubs recognize it yes it is the iconic default dance and now we could finally recreate it entirely in game one thing is taken the community by storm after it was discovered hiding on the chapter 5 map in the north you can find closer Castle secluded on a rock but this place has way more than you can imagine on the top floor you can find mid's office chair straight from his room in Chapter 2 it's looking out over the island and leaving many people wondering if he's returned and if you're skeptical that's not the only evidence pointing towards m is coming back over at Grand Glacier check out the elevator sure it doesn't work but it does have the same doors as the agency we first saw these in the top secret trailer and they were never used the game until today so something's definitely going on here if you ever found the Peter Griffin boss and wondered why he wasn't wearing his iconic clothes it's actually a real outfit from the show in the lottery fever episode The Griffins win $150 million and of course Peter spans half of it on a solid gold tuxedo and that's not the only crazy detail at the train stations each of them has their own language because the map is inspired by parts of Europe you can find French German Greek and Italian areas split across the island so when you visit one station the announcements can be in French and the next in Greek no matter what your language is set to if you head over to the northeast corner of the map you could find a bunch of wind turbines in a small oil platform obviously a great call back to the rig from chapter 2 but after some exploring inside you could find tntina's helmet resting on a chair there's even a reference in the imagined order hidden away in Lego fortnite when exploring your world you can find randomly generated structures like Villages caves or broken down houses but one of them is insanely rare to find the io bunker it's the classic hatch from chapter 1 and two and now people are starting to discover them in Lego there's also some secrets in fortnite Festival load into the main stage and before you cue your songs take a second to explore the theater cuz there is an evil plot hiding behind you head up into the left stands and you can find a bird and Cat plushy who are planning to kill someone yeah definitely creepy if you find yourself at a society POI with some time before the the storm closes take a look at the paintings around the place this princess fish stick's home World a bunch of fortnite fish in a barrel and even a picture of ruined reels before it was ruined giving us a glimpse at a PE wide we'll probably never get to see dudy steps is home to Peter Griffin and there are plenty of hilarious Secrets because of that the first one is outside where you'll find this flag and honestly it should be the official flag of chapter 5 but the best Easter egg is in the town where the fountain is Peter Griffin as an angel what is going on when I first heard about the grand Glacier it sounded way too too familiar creepy Hotel abandoned in the snowy mountains reminds me of the Overlook from The Shining well I guess the developers also thought that cuz if you head into the hotel's maze you'll find a statue buried in snow with an axe next to him yeah it's a family-friendly version of the shining's ending where Jack freezes to death in The Maze while holding his axe or E the egg a little less freaky head south of the map where you'll find an island that creates a love heart Bridge it's adorable but also sets a seed for a perfect wedding venue and that's exactly what the stone frogs are looking for just across you can find a wedding cerem happening between two frogs in love and all I'm saying is we need more wholesome secrets and one of the longest running gags has been the lack of Family Guy in fortnite two years ago this image was leaked showing an entire scene from the show with the blood cut out it definitely wasn't a troll because there was too much effort and yet time passed with no news after so long we all gave up but now that chapter 5 dropped Peter epic made sure to troll us one last time with that same secret back bling playing the scene from all of those years ago things get real Sinister when you think of peely as as we learned in the Big Bang event he is currently missing from the poster a major part of season 1 story was how peely got kidnapped and Jones is on a mission to save him his capters weren't messing around if you landed up various peel wi you could find secret rooms that had his banana peel in a chair looks like they held him hostage here before moving on which is a little messed up for night sh then it didn't stop there if he tried to equip peely during the season his icon was secretly updated right there in the locker his missing poster appears the first time they've ever done this for the story and if you're ever playing Lego with a friend when they decide to leave the lobby and it even plays the classic Lego death sound one of my favorite Secrets though is hiding in plain sight on the first page of the Season 1 battle pass you can find this Banner belongs to Hope and seems like a regular old cat right well it's actually a reference to this iconic meme from last year not the only adorable creature hidden in chapter 5 as you explore the island you might come across the return of coral buddies they've taken the game by storm over the last few years and are here once again to entertain us in fact the Islanders love them so much they even made a movie at ruin reels you find this poster for revenge of the coral buddies now that is a film I'm going to see not the only cool detail hidden around the map there is one house full of Easter eggs in the very north of the island there's a house called Closter Castle seems pretty creepy but head inside and you'll find the home of a chapter 4 enthusiasts the whole place is filled with memorabilia like splits Bowl gongs and even the peace syndicates arcade machine keep exploring into the fields and you'll probably find one of these windmills they were at with chapter 5 but there's a hidden joke if you find them all the first one is called the Old Mill pretty normal until you find the other windmill all right I guess they could have think of another name but just wait until you find the other other windmill one place you won't get much loot is at me ela's RV sure it's a blank spot but it's definitely worth checking out if you're a fan because it's actually the same RV from chapter 4 he officially made it onto the new map and this wouldn't be a Secrets video if I didn't bring up the best Easter egg of all when you eliminate Peter Griffin he pulls off the funniest death animation in fortnite history ah and when we finally got the return of OG fortnite players were excited to uncover the game's longest running mystery and the shipping container yard players broke a storage unit only to find a suitcase hidden inside this thing was indestructible and when they got a closer look it showed a tiny factory making bushes since its Discovery this has been the longest unanswered question of fortnite and even after coming back it has given us no answers four years ago you could originally find a fish on the wall which looked like a big mouth Billy Bass from the early 2000s if boted in front of it the sign would start dancing just like the real thing not the only POI to hold the secret risky res has a lengthy history from impossible challenges to becoming the block but before all of that it had an incredible Easter egg on the sign no one really paid attention to this thing despite the fact epic changed it every update they would throw fake movie titles on here in parody real films like Cabin in the Woods or the hills are haunted around the OG map small Huts appeared one by one made out of wood brick and eventually metal as you know the story goes that the three little pigs built their houses in a similar fashion but you would never consider a simple hun like this to be a reference the best food truck though was fork knife a van that no one paid attention to back in the day it was an on the nose joke about the name of the game and people loved it so much and even turned into a secret POI over near fatal Fields you can find this mine in the ground and looking at it from a top down view it was a fork at a knife and a cave that lasted even longer was there since the start except this design was a victory umbrella but still not as forgotten as lonely Lodge's resident if you went to one of the lookout Towers you would start to find chicken feathers at the top pretty weird until you entered and F even more clues feathers drumsticks and a radio when we figured out who lives here it was the last person you'd expect to be eating chicken that's right tender Defender this guy lived at lonely Lodge and he's some kind of freak I guess but still won't explain the terrifying mystery of wailing Wood's basement hiding in the deepest floors of this POI you could find a single teddy bear alone in a room nothing to keep him company except his own reflection in the mirror probably the creepiest thing you could do with a teddy bear yet here it was well actually forget that this is the creepiest thing you could do hey what happened and that was the first time we were haunted by an Easter egg in the early days some players walked up to a television only for it to show a dancing monster from Save the World okay they need to bring this back it's an iconic Secret at least we can explain the mystery behind this huge troll one of the first times epic ever pranked us was with a truck hanging off the map on the trailer you'll be tempted by a chest but the second you opened it the L would fall off the map and most of the time you would too pretty funny way to troll people but they also did it in style as this was a reference to The Italian Job there's also a reference which barely anyone picked up on around the island Som houses had a milk carton in the kitchen obviously you'd expect that but this innocent looking carton was hiding a secret and plain sight this design is inspired by a music video it's almost a one toone copy of the box from blur's coffee and TV they eventually turned it into a back blend and put AJ Jones as missing on the side not the only classic to be referenced 18 years earlier the movie Castaway dropped and the devs must have loved it because they put this onto a tiny Island and lazy Lagoon The Rock spelled out SOS with a soccer ball lurking nearby a simple but amazing homage to the help in the sand along with Wilson Tom Hank's friend that's actually a ball speaking of movie Legend Stanley passed away just before the return of fortnite X Avengers and they had to pay tribute to him so naturally they added secret dialogue when you won the endgame LTM showing you his catchphrase excelsia now would it be fortnite's best Easter eggs unless I brought up nose of course they were everywhere you could probably make an entire video just on these guys but I'm going to highlight one location that puzzled everyone there's a random Hut on the map guarded by gnomes and if you broke in you'd find them surrounding loot probably the most unsettling chest I've ever opened and there's an Easter egg that puzzles players to this day Shifty shafts is known as a beloved Pui that mostly consisted of well M shafts got all there was to it except for one day when the secret streamer room appeared suddenly an area is filled with a green screen a whole desk setup and cameras it was extremely random with some people thinking this is referencing a streamer or talk show host some references are more obvious than others like the oldest Easter egg in fortnite over time you've been able to find countless ouses with a moon symbol on the door that's right it's the bathroom from Shrek something that put a smile on our face was whenever we dropped at these structures to dat they are some of the only pois to be made entirely of builds and you can find animals like a fox a crab even a llama you can edit these too so defending yourself was extremely fun in 2019 we got the Pump It Up emote you might not get this reference until it's compared to the iconic video of the dancing pumpkin man from 2006 ironically he gave them permission to make this emote but then threatened to sue epic anyway when they added it a couple years before that we had the first ever fortnite Mars which not only brought skull Trooper to the game but secretly gave us crossovers they weren't allowed to do we got a beetle Jess who has gone entirely under the radar for years as an unofficial Beetle Juice skin not to mention Kyle the 13th one of the only references to Jason vor's in the shop hopefully these come to Battle Royale in the future but they're probably waiting to do an official collab and Fort nightmares 2022 everyone was so distracted by The Inquisitor that no one cared to stop at the graveyards yeah across the map you can find these tombstones all over the place and they were full of secrets like one being available for subl contact Gabel While others were definitely not a secret apocalypse bunker although there were some gravestones that told us who was buried there like me alil who was on his third life out of nine someone also forgot to thank the bus drivers so did he murder them I'm not risking it from now on now there's a detail that literally no one's talking about in 2020 we got the Ghostbusters collab for Halloween and everyone let out a sigh when they realized it was just default skins except when you look closely they have an insane detail included which starts with the male versions on their belt you can see an old walkie-talkie from the80s and that makes sense Ghostbusters is a pretty old film and they use dated Tech but take a look at the female outfits and they're not using walkie-talkies at all they have newer Tech because the Ghostbusters remake is set during the modern day that cast was made up of actors from SNL and it's not the only time they've been referenced in fortnite in 2016 they made a sketch with Tom Hanks where he dressed in a pumpkin suit what's my name d David S pumpkins eventually skull Trooper was compared to the skeletons from the SNL skid and it looks like fortnite went a long with it cuz a year later they dropped Jack Gordon obvious reference to David S pumpkins anyway let's let's take it back to 2019 where we were all enjoying fortnite Mars and fighting the Storm King for Save the World players though they have been fighting him for years and got their own update instead this included a brand new hotel to explore and as they entered the building they found yeah look familiar to anyone pay attention to the carpet it is very close to the iconic design of the carpet from The Shining The Overlook Hotel is known for this pattern but more importantly look further down the hallway and you'll see two gnomes staring right back at you of course they're meant to be the creepy twins from the movie not every Easter egg is in game though one of the greatest references is in an episode of South Park in 2018 all the kids had to choose Halloween costumes and showed up to class like this you know got to pay close attention to realize every single one of them is wearing you guess that a fortnite skin but it's what happened after the episode aired South Park themselves posted a photo of all of the outfits and their concept art isn't this incredible I never thought I'd see the day Kenny was dressed as Raven or stamp became Leviathan and I also didn't realize that we've had a Michael Jackson emote in the game for years and never knew about it fortnite dropped the reanimated dance in 2018 and it's quickly become one of the most popular emotes out there I always bring it back to the store however if you look beyond the flashy music the dance itself is really familiar that's because this is taken from Thriller by Michael Jackson putting them side by side it's obvious where the inspiration lies now it's not an exact copy it makes sense but there's always room for an icon series down the line Ash Williams was a cool addition though and he arrived on the island with his very own cabin from the Evil Dead franchise this thing was Jam back full of Easter eggs from Ash's chainsaw in the shed to The Cellar he locked his sister in I love finding the Necronomicon but the Greatest Secret of all the iconic talking moose another official collab was a year prior when fortnite dropped a mummy and Frankenstein's monster on the surface this was just a simple Halloween crossover but they actually went all out for this these two characters have been around for a long time and if you equip their edit Styles you'll see a unique effect that could only be found on these skins it's a vintage film effect that's both a throwback and a secret that went totally under the r are honestly I want more skins with vintage stuff like this now I got to mention the most famous Halloween Easter egg in fortnite history and how they expanded it without anyone realizing feel like everyone remembers when balloons appeared above storm drains in 2019 it broke the internet with every player desperate to see Pennywise in the game but of course it never happened and we all kind of moved on that's until a year later when they updated the Easter eggs with a new edit style for night night these clown skins used to be super colorful and then the Night Fright style drop making them look suspiciously similar to Pennywise another outfit that was way too similar as big mouth on the surface this guy is super original but he had an alternate version that was poisonous when people earned it they'll be given the skin with the Marvel series tag added it was only for this style and left a ton of people confused but there is an explanation for this it's a reference to carum a Marvel character who's a fusion of Venom and Carnage which explains the huge tongue whether it was supposed to be a collab and fell through we'll never know but we do know about the secret vehicle at Camp Cod turns out technology wasn't the only detail in the ghost Busters event over at this POI you can find a car covered in a sheet and of course it's easily identifiable this is Ecto one the iconic Ghostbusters vehicle and while it's never drivable the barn has the word dirt written on the side just like The Shed from the movie it's about as obvious as the time players found this hockey Mash trying and save the world one look at this and you can immediately tell who it belongs to so yeah if Kyle the 13th wasn't enough epig are taking their Jason Vorhees appreciation to the next level with an entire Shrine dedicated to him in 2018 they updated fatal Fields with an entire new design it was converted into a Halloween theme park it featured a pumpkin maze haunted house roller coaster and food trucks for Hungry visitors for season 6 the entire battle pass is themed around cubes in Halloween giving us Fable an obvious knockoff of Red Riding Hood and most of us know about this she is clearly supposed to be from the fairy tale except you have to look deeper to realize that fortnite made it 10 times scarier Fable is are running from a big bad wolf in this case dire instead she's chasing him eventually she hunts him down and cuts his tail off which you can see on her belt then look at her glider and she turns it into an apple pie for a grandma so many people own Fable and have no idea how terrifying she is but there's some other Halloween outfits which are based on urban legends and no one realizes hollowe head might just look like a dude with a pumpkin head but he is meant to represent the headless horsemen same goes for the Bobby Yaga an old woman on the surface but she's based on a Slavic folk tale of a witch who cooks and eats people even children kind of makes this skin a little more creepy and of course you can't ignore the good doctor who is clearly inspired by Dr jackal and Mr Hyde the edit style is even named Hyde the terrifying Easter egg that no one was expecting was in the early days of chapter 1 arbii wasn't expecting a simple teddy bear in the corner to stalk him what I found an Easter egg what was it the wait what and that feeling of being watched extends to the fortn nightmares Lobby from 2018 if you look closely in the window you can see a mystery character watching you which could be a reference to Michael Myers he's literally known for stalking people through the window and it's become a horror troll all because of him and I'll say this make sure you don't bring Coral buddies along if you watch a spooky movie at the start of midas's Revenge you can pause for a few seconds and see this warning on the trailer zoom in on the small print and it says the event may not be suitable for Coral buddies so I guess they're not old enough yet to watch horror films if you prefer to encounter your own horrifying experience players in Camp cod had a chance to be jump scared back in Chapter 2 you could just be minding your own business until suddenly a ghost flies out of a grave yeah this was an insanely rare EAS Easter eggs hardly anyone got to see it but there is another Easter egg that vanished without anyone realizing one of the cool secrets in fortnite has always revolved around the T shotgun since the very first season if you look closely enough you could spot a hit a mini game on the screen by now everyone knows about this but not many realize it's been deleted with the attack redesign in Chapter 2 they completely change a screen leaving this Easter egg behind a pretty unfortunate side effect of the new graphics yeah one of the strangest secrets we have ever had in fortnite is Indiana Jones's head what's came out people went into replay mode and looked under his hat only to find a message for lamb and Finn from their dad it was meant to be a wholesome tribute but apparently epic didn't agree because they just deleted it from the game but I just can't explain why epic removed a reference to one of the biggest franchises in chapter 3 the beach was suddenly updated with a sand castle obviously this looks like any generic Castle until fans noticed that it was strikingly similar to Helms Deep from Lord of the Rings at the same time anyone playing on switch could see extra details that made this Theory way too convincing and The Chariot on top the Lord of the Rings TV show was days from releasing people waited and waited and nothing happened then the sand castle was mysteriously removed so thanks for trolling us epic but we could all agree that fish stick song was a bad idea in season 2 if you listen to the fishy flori mode it said but it wasn't always like this in fact if you use this just a week before the lyrics were completely [Music] different yeah I wasn't expecting fish stick to be rated and fortnite was embarrassed I got to say how did they write this record it and turn it into an emote before realizing but epic Bandon outfit with an amazing reference right before anyone could realize when impostor mode released it kind of broke the internet Among Us and fortnite combined it was a recipe for success and they knew it it was a love letter to the OG fans with Easter eggs all over the map like Kevin the cube and the zapatron but one of the coolest Parts was in the files a bunch of Jones's with different suits originally they were going to be mandatory and obviously a reference to Among Us crew mates with all the different colors only one problem agent Jones is a battle pass skin so that was never going to happen you know how the story goes with the removal of imposters there's no chance of us ever wearing this outfit again one of the craziest hidden rooms that ever exist wasn't even on the map in Chapter 2 they add a location that could only be accessed on spawn Island you had to enter a building and force your way down the elevator to find secret ghosts and Shadow facilities Not only was this hard to find but you only had a small amount of time to check it out before the bus left my favorite secret rooms are the ones that reward you for finding them and shuffled shrines absolutely Nails this it started off as a regular puzzle where you'd have to outrun a boulder and discover LW but no one told us about the extra room that could only be found by emoting yeah once you dance it would reward you with an exclusive Indiana Jones eote but if we're talking about one of the first ever hidden rooms in Battle Royale let's take it back to Pleasant Park it's a classic POI and no one expected this boring house to hold such a Cool Secret there's a small hole under the stairs and if you followed in and broke this wall it would reveal a huge emergency bunker with CCTV cameras lab equipment and a ton of loot but the most underrated Pei of chapter 2 was the shadow Safe House well started off that way but over time fortnite kept changing it to become its own radio station with a recording studio downstairs eventually the Gnomes took control and began making music which was pretty strange but nothing compares to the final update which confused everyone out of nowhere the POI was changed again with more stairs that could lead you further down break a few walls and you would find a storage room kind of cool I guess until you walked up to the bookcase and opened it revealing this I don't know what kind of files are in the cabinet but they must have been important it makes you wonder what actually is the first secret room in Battle Royale well it all revolves around this tunnel from chapter 1 I totally forgot about this place but man it brings back memories anyway if you dare to stick around in this dark tunnel you can break one of the walls and discover a hidden area add two chests in an ammo box which is a fitting reward for anyone who found it but I personally love this secret from weeping Woods in Chapter 2 epic loves to put hints in trailers and for the Spy season they showed agent peely dressing up behind a bookshelf shelf this was under the agency but it was a clue telling us to check the bookcases around the map weeping Woods this let us find an underground facility that was revealed as the teddy bear headquarters they were hosting a meeting probably discussing what to do with the known prisoner around the corner the fact that thousands of people walk past is not knowing the bookcase could open is insane sadly Deadpool wasn't in there holding tuxedos but you could find a Hideout that belonged to him this area was only able to be found in the lobby you had to click on a vent and it would lead you to his bathroom if you went even further and found his PC they' let you play a mini game on it where you had to go skiing with evil pees chasing you not every basement is terrifying though fortnite once secretly added a replica of a TV show onto the map chapter 4 celebrated the release of Aaron Jagger with his family basement you can find this in Anvil square and it was full of references to the anime from greci's desk to the infamous notebook only veteran players will know about this area from season 9 a huge mansion was added in the middle of the desert replacing an abandon building there were so many rooms in here and if you went into the basement you would find a hole in the ground with three chests inside seems a little random but fans of John Wick will know exactly what this is referencing there's obviously a lot of no Easter eggs in this game but no one really remembers the room at Hydro 16 it went under the radar for a ton of players and was discovered when breaking this wall next to the staircase inside there was a gnome being flushed down a golden toilet whether this is some kind of ritual or they really want to get rid of this guy we'll never know some people think it was a reference to Midas but we haven't seen him for years unlike his crew turns down in chapter 3 the vents of cover Cav were full of secret Areas if you follow one route it would lead to a tiny room with darts a planning board and a bean bag this could only belong to one person's sky and if you kept traveling through the vent system you'd also find our gaming setup with a PC and a mini fridge speaking of tech there's a random update in the middle of chapter 1 which affected this house in retail Row for some reason now a satellite could be seen outside the garage hinting at something more if you were curious and walked inside you could look underneath the car and see a hole immediately there's a CCTV camera on this door so clearly someone doesn't want you here and upon entering you can see why this is basically another house full of equipment exercise machines and storage but my favorite detail is a stack of dog houses in the corner every time a player broke them outside for loot this guy had to come out of the basement and replace it with a new one got to love when fortnite breaks the fourth wall which reminds me of the steamy Stacks bunker in Chapter 2 this was a total misdirection people found a secret staircase that led to an empty room and sometimes there would be a chest and that was it or so we thought if you destroyed yet another Wall music would begin to play this is the algorithm from tened at the end of the movie they hide the pieces of it across the world and one of them found its way to fortnite another movie Easter egg could be found during the Marvel season for mon of starter Island was the MCU heli carrier and this is full of details like Nick Fury's eye patch but the strangest was this Lock vault in the bridge it's a starter Island so obviously you couldn't find a key card for it and people tried to bring them over from the main map only for it to stay locked it was the biggest mystery of the Season until one day players figured out how to break inside they drove a boat all the way up here and use the glitch to teleport through the wall only for the vault to be completely empty from confusing everyone to being humiliated fortnite once out of a room that backfired they spent weeks planning this adding a cave entrance that was blocked by a huge Rock our challenge was to team up and destroy it to reveal the cave and with 5 trillion HP we had our work cut out for us well that's until someone used a cow catcher which annihilated The Rock within seconds revealing the lonely henchman trapped inside a few seasons earlier we had Stark Industries on the map and one of the most underrated Parts was Iron Man's house by the lake yeah that one fortnite went even further with this by adding a secret underground complex with all of Tony Stark's gear even the Iron Man suit kind of reminds me of lazy lak's anomaly basement this was a room that seemed innocent but had a secret challenge that would give you loot at the middle table you could activate jewels in a certain order and a rift would appear You' use this to unlock an edit style for agent Jones but it was also full of details that belonged to midus the best part this basement was connected to a similar one across the way allowing you to use this as an underground Passage between the two something else you might not remember was in the snowy Island in chapter 1 and just off the coast there was an ice block which had 5 billion Health as usual we work together as a community to break this no gout catchers needed people theorized what could be under here another Frozen Monster some loot maybe a Mythic only for the health to reach zero and disappoint everyone hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold is it just a bunker dog go was backed against the wall on the Resident Evil trailer we were all distracted by the zombie outside but look closely and you'll see the typewriter from the resident evil gains use these to save your progress and that's exactly what it says right on the paper and in the Cinematic for Wilds the characters get surrounded by Velociraptors this is of course a subtle reference to Jurassic Park where they also get trapped in the jungle one of the coolest Secrets was in the reveal for Morty if you're wondering why exord is in here this is a one toone Recreation of a loading screen from season X well instead of those terrifying mechs it's just Morty Not only was this a not of chapter 1 fortnite was also teasing the return of brutes who came back the next season not the only time they foreshadowed something in the trailer for Mega you could watch people dive off a skyscraper and just swing around we got even more suspicious when it had similar music to the leap of faith scene from into the spiderverse and of course those suspicions were confirmed as Miles Morales released with the trailer perfecting the [Music] scene one of my personal favorite Secrets is when the Alien Invasion happened they got to Superman who's surprised by the news but if you look on his work computer he's playing fortnite as Batman a movie reference no one talks about involv Wendell and walnut these guys went under the radar and even had their own short film to go with the set if you watched it you still wouldn't realize there's a hidden tribute to Over the Hedge The Heist is extremely similar to the barbecue scene and even the yard looks identical one of the most underrated Secrets is hiding in the Spy season battle pass trailer as they break down each character they get to meow and for a split second you can see his age on the screen yeah yeah he is 6 years old in cat years but what does that actually mean well if you convert that to humans he was 40 years old at the time maybe 43 now and I'd say looks pretty good for his age moving forward to chapter 3 this was the time we got destiny skins in fortnite people love this especially when the trailer dropped paying a ma to an incredible secret they all stand outside a cave and blast the enemies causing piles upon piles of loot to spawn this was actually possible in Destiny 1 where you could find a specific loot cave that everyone went to and after clearing it there were a ton of engrams to collect it was ridiculous a secret that's less subtle was the reveal of Darth Vader as a tier 100 outfit he was obviously going to make a big appearance in the trailer and that included an amazing reference as he's chasing down peely on the baller coaster he starts to lock on makes sense cuz that is exactly what he did in a new hope during the trench run when for a revealed the Halo creative MB Griff off for Ninja a dance battle hey wait does that mean we can ADV dance battles come on ninja what do you say uh save it for new that's of course a reference to what Ninja tried to dance at New Year's I'm not seeing enough movement speaking of Halo when Master Chief was announced the game awards he randomly came out of a [Music] fridge yeah he was ried here in the story but a refrigerator is a weird place to choose right well it's because Master Chief spent years in a cryo chamber and this was fortnite's way of reactivating him but for a split second in the my hero Academia trailer pay attention to the Montage of characters and you'll see deu bowing to all might it's anage to the first episode where all might says you too can become a hero fortnite loves these tiny references that only fans would pick up on like in the mega cinematic when Thunder drifts on his bike seems familiar right taking it back to a more nostalgic trailer season X has one of the best in just a few seconds you could find nods to every moment in chapter 1 if you blink you miss a boom box spray can and durburger Rift these were all there when drift got taken from the California desert in season 5 I especially love the zero crisis cinematic there is so much detail in here but no one really pays attention to the beginning as Jones falls from the battle bus he lands in a bush and takes 99 damage this means for the rest of the battle he is fighting dozens of enemies and even the foundation with just one HP still not as wild as the time we saw the zero point reveal an entirely new reality for a split second it had super realistic graphics and a bunch of people worshiping the orb they were literally doing praise the son from Dark Souls and the weirdest part is that this remains totally unexplained to this day a detail that was hidden in the background was during the Chrome season yeah it had a lot of problems but the trailer was incredible well we're all focus on the seven getting Chrome to death you can look in the background for a handful of frames it reveals three back to tanks one of them has a banana inside the other has a llama and in the middle Luke Skywalker and barely anyone talks about this instead the Mandalorian has been getting more attention and that's why fortnite gave him his own LTM thanks to Mando's bounty we have a hilarious trailer which shows of hunting down peely Not only was this a odd to how Mando freezes people in carbonite but you could even go in game and find Frozen peely in his apartment another incredible detail came to the island with Wolverine as he gets approached by fortnite characters this happens he's actually surprised by his claws because of the island removing his memory casual fortnite fans would have noticed this but they kept the continuity anyway and I can't believe I never noticed is secret after 3 years but in Deadpool's reveal trailer he's reading fortnite magazine on the toilet yeah they have their own version of Vogue but it gets better the cover star is Agent peely who won banana of the year it's a shame fish dick didn't win an award but he's too busy fighting in the jungle just ask trigger fish his revealed trailer was pretty intense and that's cuz it was based on a scene from Apocalypse Now from an understandable image to revealing the black hole months in advance season 99's trailer was amazing I mean everyone remembers Jonesy and peely having a great time time in the bunker that's all that happened we don't talk about the incident but we will talk about the arcade machine they were playing this durburger game is the same one that appeared during the black hole months before we even knew about it by now most people know the free fortnite trailer is a parody of Apple's 1984 commercial but epic went further with some of the details on the wall you can see the app store's terms of service projected which talks about the 30% cut they take every purchase one of the most impressive things fortnite does is giving back stories to the most unexpected outfits like when they dropped the slurp Legend pack these were clearly just reskins made of slurp juice but fortnite released a trailer anyway as they get created in the slurp Factory you can spot Chaos Agent in the background which explains they were his experiment the Terminator 2 Thumbs Up is one of the most iconic scenes of movie history and we've seen it reference to games like doom and among us but now it's fortnite's turn and they did it with a Twist instead of just copying it they decided to give the movie an alternate ending where AIA Jones saves the Terminator just in time a secret that's way more subtle is in the chapter 2 reveal trailer we all thought fortnite teas the island flip in season 5 but they did it way earlier than that as the black hole transitions to the puddle you can see the camera rotate 180° through space revealing that we flipped upside down the whole time so that brings us to the zero crisis cinematic there's so much going on here it's hard to keep track of things but if you do look at the tow truck that drives off a bridge on the driver's side there's a decal that says NC 27518 which means this truck was taken directly from epic games office in North Carolina and one of the longest running Secrets involved Bri bombers glider this thing came out in 2019 and people have used it as their main combo hundreds of times but never discovered a secret button after four years one player discovered that shooting midair with bright bomber the Brite bag and the glider would unlock a button to shoot rainbow rockets and let's rewind even further back to chapter 1 because it turns out fortnite has been teasing something since the very beginning in some areas around the map you can find a small briefcase with graffiti on it and if you look very closely it says Thor this was of course leading up to the original superhero season but Thor himself didn't release until 2 years later and the greatest example of hiding in plain sight was in chapter 1 you might remember the dur burger that showed up in a desert in California this was obviously to promote the new season but people are so distracted by the burger they failed to notice a much bigger secret if you looked at the desert on Google Maps there's a huge circle on the ground at the time no one paid attention cuz it didn't mean anything until a year later when the Vault appeared on fortnite's island now it made perfect sense if people were blown away by how long epic were te using this that's especially after they renamed it multiple times at the zero point and now the bridge now imagine looking at your favorite skin using it every day only for a trailer to completely blow your mind this happened with Lil whip for years he looked like this and was widely accepted as his normal face until recently it turns out liil whip had his eyes closed the entire time the only thing that got them to open was being crushed by a building so I mean I can never look at him the same it's just like peely who's been a Derpy banana since the dawn of time but it wasn't until last month that Donald must revealed the insane story behind his creation we all thought he was just a random skin but it turns out Donald's brother Chad hates bananas that to troll them they add a peely and that's why Chad uses his skin in all of his videos so if you're wondering yeah secrets are hidden everywhere in the game even dying has a story when you get eliminated a small drone collects your body and it's been like this since day one it wasn't until this year we found out the robot's true origin the former epic games artist shared his design for a flying turd and save the world but it got used for br instead this caused people to look at save the world again and they found the elimination robot just with a couple extra parts what people analyze one of fortnite's most famous weapons I don't think they expected to find a secret message the legendary pump shotgun has been around for a long time but only a handful of people notice writing on the side it says 11693 which is the original release date of Jurassic Park turns out the reference even goes deeper with smart young lady also known as clever girl but fortnite chapter 3 launch players are scrambling to explore the map they wanted to learn it as fast as possible yet no one noticed a collab teaser hiding right under our noses this house seemed like an innocent puy but it felt kind of familiar we Shrugged it off for three seasons and that's when the Dragon Ball crossover was announced immediately people realized it was the kame house and fortnite have been teasing it the whole chapter so as you can see epic is really good at foreshadowing and they do it as subtle as possible when we entered chapter 2 for the first time no one expected a new map to have old pois half of the island was from chapter 1 and we assumed it was for Nostalgia but this was secretly a teaser years in the making when the next map came around we watched a flip blowing our minds even crazier this island had the other half of chapter 1's pois which means the black hole split the map in half years before we even learned about it not everything is a total surprise though one of their more obvious Secrets was the foundation during his reveal fans thought his voice was super familiar then they analyz as suit every hint pointed to the Rock but it was just speculation we'd have to wait almost a year for the moment to break the internet and he's not the only character to surprise us Chaos Agent has been around for even longer but it took years for us to learn a pretty important secret he was added to save the world in chapter 3 and they hired a voice actor but that's when we realize Chaos Agent is Russian no no no that is impossible I don't think anyone was expecting that but even when we figure out a mystery it could be completely wrong in Chapter 2 you could find a prison cell which someone broke out of and on the wall there was a calendar looking closely you'd see March 2020 with a birthday on the 9th and x marks a spot on the 31st very interesting cuz on that day it was oro's Final item shop and he was obsessed with treasure but things were starting to line up or so we thought because after freaking out and thinking Oro stage of Prison Break nothing happened we forgot about it but one person didn't the developer who made the calendar years later he revealed it was a tribute to his daughter for her birthday and nothing more to celebrate Easter the developers released the egg drop scoop seems like a simple joke but this is an exact reference to R from The Simpsons speaking of my favorite shows SpongeBob has inspired countless parts of fortnite like take the bow which references the classic imagination scene and of course I have to bring up the world's tiniest violin it's iconic but there's a reference which is so hidden nobody knew about it for years and 2021 people realize that Raptor's description felt off calling him a true Daredevil who has a very hard time turning down any challenges that come his way even stupid ones okay especially stupid ones feels a bit random right well this is actually a tribute to C day was known for wearing the skin while doing the most derpiest challenges let's talk about agent Jones because this guy is a walking advertisement for collabs his Styles include all kinds of references like Daryl's Poncho Batman's belt even the mudhorn Signet from the Mandalorian and it goes further in the chapter 2 two live event he shoots with this pose which Bears a striking resemblance to Han Solo and then when you actually play as Jones his Idol animation is referencing Jonesy the first item shop pose a few years later we got a new threat in the island with the Alien Invasion while we don't don't know much about them there was dialogue at the time which revealed they only ate cat food seems a little weird but this is a reference to District 9 where the aliens also obsess over cat food but from cats to Bears the Grizz skin was pretty underrated when it first came out and over time people have forgotten about this guy but his built-in emote can't be ignored the suit raises Grizz up into the air just like Rafiki from The Lion King so you got to give him credit for this rewinding all the way back to chapter 1 takes us to one of the first loading screens in Battle Royale it shows a default skin hiding from Rex which which is obviously Jurassic Park's kitchen scene now definitely pay attention to Eco a community concept that became its own skin and every detail on this outfit is a reference of chapter 1 whether it's the loot Lake chest plade Dusty Depot on his leg or the durburger restaurant on his arm it's full of images even live events get recognition like the final showdown pickaxe or the volcano back Bling That erupts when you get eliminations but there's a secret that tease the collab years before it came out and it could be found on the heli carrier from chapter 2 Not only was this thing a on toone replica from the movies you could head to the bridge and and find Nick Fury's eye patch on the table seems like an innocent reference until Fury actually released a year later now thousands of people didn't spot this detail on Cypher PK's Dragon glider it's a really bright cosmetic so it's hard to notice the pink bow wrapped around its arm turns out this is the same bow wrapped around his microphone and his wife gave it to him when they first met an even more subtle reference can be found in the loading screen of the Second Street Fighter bundle which included this photo showing that beating the crap out of pe's car for no reason seems random but this is a nod to a bonus stage in the original Street Fighter where you literally have to fight a car that leaves you scratching your head well there's an emote for that and it's referencing an iconic moment from P fiction where John trol is equally as confused but you really had to pay attention to even notice a hit in Easter egg for Tim the tapman he is Infamous rep playing as tomato head and dying to fall damage time and time again so when the chapter 3 resistance trailer came out it was hilarious to watch tomato head fall to his death in the background and I seriously didn't expect one of the collabs to be evil dead though when that released it was full of details like the cabin from the movies but the best secret appeared when you talk to Ash as spidergwen he says you remind him of a wrestler he once knew and that wrestler is Toby Maguire Spider-Man before becoming a superhero he was the human spider and in that same scene the announcer is Bruce Campbell the same dude it's not the only Marvel reference with the reveal of the p1000 skin people quickly realized the trailer was a little too familiar in fact it was a one toone replica of this Iron Man scene from The Hammer to the cave walk out and if you looked into the item shop recently you might have spotted an original skin named drop D it's based on a community concept but there's one key difference the t-shirt and now it says don't talk to me which is a reference to it talk fortnite who Mains power cord one of my personal favorites is an achievement that could only be found during the Water season if you dealt 1,966 damage to sharks you would earn shark repellent which is a joke from Adam West Batman another classic reference is the Disco fever emote that seems like a normal dance at first but it's taken directly from the disco scene and Saturday Night Fever well the Vulcan salute emote is marked as is a regular cosmetic It's actually an image to Star Trek who knows maybe this was even meant to be a collab at one point only one could hope now let's take a look at the Rubik's Cube emote and the colors on this thing are very different to the ones in real life and that's cuz they are inspired by the fortnite cubes with purple gold and blue tiles speaking of the last reality their Invasion gave us some incredible Cosmetics like the PLU Arian Gothic loading screen any fan of art will recognize this as a parity of American Gothic one of the most famous paintings in the world and thanks to the zero crisis event there's a super hidden refence which could tease a future crossover the image for the event was Jonesy tying his headband and preparing to fight but there's more to this than you think comparing it to Rambo you could instantly see the reference but you really have to look closely to notice this Attack on Titan Easter egg the official loading screen for Aaron joerger is him in mega City while his pose is instantly recognizable as the season one poster you quickly realize the Cyber Dragon is meant to represent the Colossal Titan people also missed the hdden meaning behind Primo moves a classic emote that is taken directly from an equally classic movie and the The Breakfast Club Claire does this dance during attention and fortnite loved it so much they put it in the game there's one Easter egg that went over millions of people's heads and it only appeared during forn nightmares 2019 as you enter retail row a message would appear and say beware the horde spawning hundreds of zombies but this text had a secret version at night instead it' say what a horrible night to have a curse which is a famously annoying part of Castlevania 2o and while everyone knows about the Mortal Kombat Easter egg in the season 3 trailer there was more to it than you might think as Brutus falls to the ground ocean catches his helmet which most people forgot about but it turns out you see the end of the story with her edit style which is actually his mask but one secret could only be found in an item shop image to troll everyone for April fools fortnite once dropped a ston meme scan and called it Diamond hands in the background it wasn't gibberish the stock market had real fortnite companies on it you can see no sweat insurance durburger and Pizza Pit along with these other names on the screen the best part is how all these guys are getting a huge stock bump except for kevolution energy which for some reason has plummeted 999 and anyone who's been playing fortnite for years will probably remember the most agonizing quest of all time once they asked us to open seven chest at risky reels to unlock the visitor skin the entire Lobby dropped here all at once every single game and it was just insanely chaotic so in Chapter 2 epic had an achievement called impossible and the best part it could only be found if you open seven chests at a drive-in theater and on Chris Farley Saturday Night Live there's a sketch which is one of the most famous skits they've ever done and the devs are clearly huge fans because they decided to immortalize this moment with the showstopper emote and I didn't even realize these Billboards were a secret reference until years later you might remember posters from meow's restaurant in The Invasion season but when you got close to them they changed to a hidden message saying submit pretty creepy but there's a reason for this happening and you can find it by watching John Carpenters they live from 1988 in the movie this exact same thing happens where regular advertisements are replaced by instructions like obey another classic alien movie appeared in the same season as The Invasion began Rick plays different tones on a keyboard just like the iconic scene from Close Encounters of the Third Kind one of the best Secrets was in the background of Captain America's trailer in 2020 he arrives on the map thanks to bif Frost which means Thor brought him some people were skeptical about this at the time but it was a hidden teaser for the upcoming Marvel season and fortnite's oldest reference could be found on this paper plane glider from 4 years ago back then it was super hard to notice but now we have the advantage of Replay mode so look under the wing of this glider and you'll see the words my jeev from 22 Jump tree another Overlook chapter 1 secret was this saloon car carrying a Christmas tree it Blends into the world so much no one noticed it was the same car from National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation and the subtle references keep coming with this small boat at log gem Lotus had a pirate sale telescope and bucket all because it's a nod to the boat Jack Sparrow uses a Pirates of the Caribbean but there is one Easter egg which has an insanely rare chance of appearing as you play fortnite you'll eventually be killed by a bot I mean it's just does to happen but pay attention to the name of the Bots that eliminate you because some have deeper meanings double plus good is a reference to 1984 at atheno where Apollo is asking which island you prefer now the flare gun was first teased in a short film at the World Cup which was meant to be a comedy skid but players immediately wanted to know if it would actually release little did they know all we had to do was look at the crate and read the number which secretly teased season 3 and the flare gun and if you've ever walked through the map and noticed the most random posters on the walls you're not alone they're not lowquality sketches though these are actually love letters from epic to their own history and one of the most recognizable posters is this image of jazz Jack Rabbit which is over 20 years old but a secret that nobody found is hiding in the Mr Beast map when playing it's very easy to ignore the version number at the top of your screen but this got people thinking could you go back in time well if you type the island code into a search bar and then add V1 to it you'll see that fortnite locked access to every single version except for 89 we were never supposed to find the name survival challenge and those Mr be statues we're all used to well they're Jonesy now the best part is the placeholder video instead of Jimmy telling us what to do it's an epic games employee you think at this point fortnite would hate hackers but there was actually a time they left a secret message in the files for them in 2018 leakers discovered an upcoming item called the porter bridge and well it already sounds ridiculous all they had to do was look at the description you shouldn't be seeing this text how you find this are you magic of course the whole thing was a troll with the name poking fun at the unofficial fortnite guide which taught us how to build a bridge but a secret that nobody talks about is carved into the mask of the visitor using free cam mode you could peek inside his helmet and find nothing but hackers ripped his model from the files and they discovered a bombshell in the layers of the Mask you could find a hidden Jonesy face without eyes it's terrifying still not as weird as what hackers found in the device event in one of the cut scenes we sit in Jones's office and watch Silhouettes Panic through the wall all it took was a few mods and suddenly the camera revealed everything showing John Wick running around in the buildup to this same event we could see midas's office and it was full of detail details but something was missing there was a book that was too far away to read and that's when hacker stepped in revealing a secret drawing of a pickaxe it caused the community to explode trying to find the hidden connection between Midas and Oro and the Mystery still continues to this day that's not the only time hackers got our hopes up after finding a way to glitch clbo into creative mode they discovered an exclusive feature that was never there before for some reason he could dance at least it was an adorable emote unlike fortnite's biggest troll that targeted hackers directly a season 3 came to an end people spotted a huge meteor in the sky and the community exploded trying to learn more about the mystery if you aimed up at the meteor you could hear these really strange noises which some people investigated but when they put it into a spectrogram all they got back was take the L luckily they got rewarded years later when epic did the same thing in Chapter 2 instead of trolling hackers they decided to give them an exclusive look at the end event months before it even happened you can see the pyramid firing lightning into the sky just like the cube Queen did you don't you don't need to be an elite hacker just to find Secrets sometimes all you got to do is save an image in fortnite's Newsfeed people have downloaded the images and discovered some hilarious titles like the release of Mecha Morty where the developers named it cranking 9s Morty as a reference to this Morty Rick where are you I'm in fortnite Morty I'm cranky 9s Morty I'm cranking 9s sometimes they even use it to tease upcoming skins turns was seen in the 2019 Community Choice and even though he lost the vote players waited forever to get this skin he stayed on release for over a year and we began to assume he was never going to come out until one day the newsfeed image was secretly called just wait until you see what comes tomorrow everyone was so excited to see what epic had in store and when the shop reset turns actually arrived with his own message for hackers reading it's finally here we did it but did you know that epic almost completely ruined one of the biggest surprises of the chapter a mysterious Rift appeared at the end of season 3 which had a secret message everyone missed after extracting the rift audio and running it through a spectrogram leakers found a giant figure of galatis towering over the island months before the event but there's a very different kind of message for a fan that they will never forget in chapter one you could find a small piece of paper in a house near greasy Grove that hit a note it read Andrea will you go to prom with me Eric Well turns out he was a huge fan and asked the devs to add it as a joke and they actually did not only did they add it to the game but Andrea said yes making this one of the most wholesome Secrets at all of fortnite from the beginning of chapter 2 there's a mansion on the left side of the island that seemed pretty Innocent but actually held an insane secret if you looked at the house and Gardens from above the shape spelled out the name Noah a huge reference to Noah's Arc and a warning for the flood season and in Chapter 2 Season 8 epic added one of the greatest secret messages of all time when the Cube Escape from steamy Stacks the entire building was smashed open and the sign on the ground was scattered everywhere instead of spelling kevolution energy it now said Kev out which was a hilarious joke because the Cube's name is obviously Kevin but did you know fortnite once secretly roasted one of the biggest companies in the world after fortnite was banned from Apple Store they threw some shade in a very secret way not only did they replicate the 1984 commercial to humiliate them but the next item shop after the lawsuit included outfits like oppressor since they felt like apple was a bully and even the payback skin which was exactly what they're looking for and most Live Events are pretty serious epic likes to joke around with a few of them preparation for the devour of Worlds forite posted several teasers which all had hidden messages left by the devs inside each of the image URLs you can find things like battle bus go Burr jetpack go vroom and lasers go pew pew honestly pretty hilarious but it turns out epic was actually hinting at what we'll be doing in the live event from Iron Man saving us with a jetpack CU driving the bus and shooting galatis in 2022 players are curious when they found a new house on the map called Grim Gables inside of it you can find a special grandfather clock with an upside down face but it gets even weirder from an entirely upside down room to a well time creative map of Hawkins this is an an awesome tribute to stranger things season 4 and its main villain VNA something less obvious was found at the beginning of chapter 2 with the introduction of steamy Stacks hidden inside the power plant was this pile of pink Donuts half Feen on the control panel and Homer Simpson definitely appreciates this one but what happens if you combine two Easter eggs into one and that happened with the reveal of truckasaurus in chapter 1 probably the most OG secret of Battle Royale which pays Tribute to The Simpsons as well as Transformers and epic bus love comedy movies because they keep referencing them on one part of the chapter 2 island you could find a house with a red car inside as the weeks progress so did the POI and eventually the legs holding the car up weren't strong enough and it went straight through the window just like the famous scene from Ferris bu's day off but did you know that this forite trailer has six references in under a minute it starts with some characters finding a UFO just like 1982 is the thing then we see crop circles as a homage to signs Mo Mando opens his front door a pickup truck gets abducted and Theo uses five tones on a keyboard all of these scenes are actually from close and encounters but the coolest part is when the Mother Ship opens up and destroys the SP which Independence Day fans will definitely recognize I just didn't expect the Jonesy skin to also be a reference when Cod melf was given a blue variant everyone realized it was an Easter egg from Rudolph the Red-nose Reindeer I me talk about a throwback but from Sand to snow chapter 3 brought us a memorable secret with this innocent refrigerator in the desert who would have guessed that such a small detail was an actual teaser for the Indiana Jones collab the best way that epic tells a story is through map changes and when stealthy stronghold was released there are plenty of secrets to uncover at the beginning nobody was suspicious about this broken down truck or a helicopter in the tree until weeks later when the Pui was revealed as the layer of the Predator now it became obvious that these vehicles weren't there for decoration they were taken directly from scenes in the movie the craziest addition was in chapter 3 when greasy Grove hit a mind-blowing Easter egg one of the destroyed houses included a bathtub hanging off the edge and you're probably wondering how could this be a reference and that is until you watch Family Guy's most popular scene no no no no no no but a Shameless outfit was featured in season 3's battle pass and it was a knockoff of John Wick from his beard to the infamous pencil luckily they were able to do an official version but we will never forget Reaper's influence the same season also had a not mega mind with the Leviathan and it's pretty clear how similar he is to Minion from the movie It's Not the Only Skin that was heavily inspired when relax fit Jonesy first released most people thought it looked like fat Thor from endgame but it was actually a direct reference to the big Labowski another famous 80s film appeared in the trailer for season 9 with Neo tilted being revealed and one of the blimps showing the future is yours people noticed a reference to Scarface and I'm still not giving up on Back to the Future even years ago epic was teasing this the hoverboard trailer was a huge reference to Marty McFly and then they added a flying DeLorean into BR Donald mustard even made some tweets about it so who knows if it'll become a collab one day but there's one super hidden Easter egg from the highest rated movie of all time the chapter 2 map had this specific wall which seemed pretty normal except it was actually an important location from Sha Shank Redemption where the treasure is hidden fortnite loves adding details and places you'd never expect with the Dragonball crossover they left an Easter egg just for fans of the show the boosed kai emote has an exclusive aura that only appears when you play as beerus so Jones Is Now technically a part of the seven but did you know that some huge characters originally had completely different names the foundation was going to be called The Chosen and before his release the scientist was codenamed visitor Volta just recently the Paradigm was planned to be Singularity but epic also changed their mind think we're seeing a theme here when clbo was released the community loved him he was so adorable that fortnite themselves said they would destroy tilted if anything happened to him well this turned out to be a secret teaser when Columbo was deleted from the game tilted Towers was also leveled a secret that only 1% of players have discovered could be found at greasy Grove there's a small tea party happening and you can see macaroons and a red hearts teapot it's a pretty on the nose reference to Alice Wonderland so could this be teasing a future crossover Donald mustard loves hiding things like this not only in game but in the background of his Vlogs I just didn't expect to see him in one of the world's biggest movies because Donald has a secret cameo in Avengers endgame and that is just the beginning in fortnite Star Wars event we were shown a part of the movie but nobody realized that Donal mustard is in this scene he plays one of the Stormtroopers who gets shot down and he hasn't just been in the background of films with the release of last year's Matrix movie you might have recognized this guy on the chapter 3 island you probably saw this llama it was built as a tribute to Ukraine alongside raising 100 $44 million to send humanitarian relief although Rifts aren't always reliable in season 1 an unlucky Duo experiences firsthand when the next season came around fortnite paid tribute to these guys with the tombstone on the map if you tried to catch a reality seat they have a pretty unique design but these are based on real life helicopter leaves that actually spin around like this if you want to blast to the past there was a heartwarming story that happened in 2018 and most of the community has no idea a teacher placed a met with the students he agreed to make their chemistry exam about fortnite if they got enough retweets and they got triple what they asked did you know Darth Vader neels went eliminated which is a reference of Star Wars Battlefront or what about this secret arcade machine speak to the foundation at sanctuary and he will offer you some off-road tires available for purchase this is of course a reference to the infamous troner tires glitch which sent the foundation statue flying across the map RVE cave has a ton of Easter eggs to find including the ego plane from chap 2 which was originally a reference to Lost meanwhile the sealed vault door is still here and items like a gladiator peely and pirate ship wheel pay homage to the past we all know about the time when peely took on driving lessons crashed a bus and hijacked a truck but it wasn't until the Collision live event where we learned just how useful this turned out to be and at the same time pey's Journey was a reference to the iconic truckasaurus Easter egg over at reality Falls a mysterious hatch could be found deep underwater this is another reference to lost and GTA 5 even had a similar Easter egg back in the day returning to the Rock Family one of the parents is reading Cypher PK's how to win book that was originally added in Chapter 2 for Star Wars fans Darth Vader's official trailer is a one toone Recreation of a scene from Rogan and in the season 3 cinematic you can see a stormtrooper being too short to ride the coaster if you read the description for MJ's back bling it mentions her ban the Mary Janes and spider git is a part of this and just a few seasons later she arrived in the game alongside her a new edit style for Bush Ranger was included in Brie larsson's Locker bundle and was foreshadowing the release of the reality biome if you get down while wearing the among us crewmate back bling it will make this sound yeah the same sound that plays when an impostor murders you if you head to the sanctuary and break this innocent looking Bush you will find the shrinking chair from chapter 2 but did you know that the foundation has a special feature that can't be found in any other fortnite skin when creating the rock epic added two extra bones to his face that allows him to do the classic eyebrow raise during the Collision event we pulled out a laser sword to take down the io's Army this weapon is a subtle reference to the energy store from Halo in the same event you could also see an abductor floating around in outer space this is because the island dumps all of the ways from the ocean straight into the orbit but if we rewind in the chapter 2 end event you can spot prisoner Jonesy in the custody of the I/O this scene alone has two major Easter eggs because on the screen behind Jones this text may look like nonsense but fans were actually able to translate it if you pay attention to the number on agent Jones jumpsuit it says d204 this is the same number that can be found on the door to the bridge and is on the Jon Unchained outfit that was released in chapter 3 in Epic Games Unreal Engine 5 Matrix demo you can find Easter eggs such as Joe's chug jug and a gold llama and fornite itself if you use the Matrix bullet Dodge it adds Neo sunglasses to almost any skin at The Daily Bugle POI you can find comics and newspapers spread all over the place but if you look closely enough you can make out characters such as Green Goblin on the cover weeks after this Easter egg was found Green Goblin came to fortnite over at the snowy Mansion you can find yourself in a hedge Maze and hidden inside there is statues from colossal Coliseum and a Terminator no Monument if you talk to metal team leader while wearing the doctor strange outfit she would bring up your pink synthoid friend AKA Vision you can also be spotted in the background of the comic so his skin could be right around the corner but did you know that smoking drinking and peeing in the pool is actually Cannon and fortnite wa so much for being a wholesome game I mean oh never mind I take that back during the Collision event we saw the zero point flicker through realities including the Star Wars universe but at the very start you could spot a durburger that was found in a desert in California technically this is a direct portal from fortnite to our world over on Twitter Donald mustard has been teasing fortnite collabs under our noses and has been doing it for years something as innocent as a Lego roller coaster turned out to be a teaser for season 5's crossover skins you can see the Mandalorian The Joker and Ghostbusters on the ride Donald has also posted numerous teasers for Star Wars at-ats and Darth Vader sometimes things are obvious like when he showcased prisoner Jonesy Midas or even Doctor Strange before they were all revealed but sometimes it is super subtle like for example exle Donald rambling about a pair of jeans a few days before Jean Gray comes to the game he goes even further posting about the Eiffel Tower to tease the collider POI or this picture to foreshadow the ice Moon he even shared this video a month before he watched the chapter 3 island flipping game if I had to go over every single Donald teaser we will be here for years so those are all the Easter eggs in fortnite it's been Tom me you keep it here on top five gaming
Channel: Top5Gaming
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Keywords: fortnite season 2, 1 Hour Of Fortnite Easter Eggs, fortnite, fortnite easter eggs, fortnite secrets, fortnite season 2 easter eggs, fortnite season 2 secrets, fortnite new, new fortnite, fortnite new update, new fortnite update, easter eggs fortnite, fortnite event, fortnite live event, live event fortnite, fortnite live event secrets, fortnite season 2 skins, fortnite season 2 battlepass, easter eggs, secrets, fort, nite, battle royale, new, update, video
Id: sNEK4h2zJ7s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 21sec (3801 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 02 2024
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