How The Hardest Pokemon Game Was Beaten Deathless

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Pokemon Emerald kaiso is the gold standard of Pokemon nuzlock beating the game is seen as the final exam on your way to the nuzlockers pantheon and since my triumphant win over the game over 2 years ago the community has reached levels of Mastery that were previously thought impossible this is proudy he's about to beat Pokemon Emerald kaiso it's his 4002 attempt Champion Steven is on his final Pokémon all of proud's Pokémon are still alive after a couple of 10 minutes of calculations party clicks the final move of the Run mirror code he's risking one final crit malotic just has to [Music] hold that's the fuing oh oh my God boys we did it we did it we did it party isn't just delivering the pop off to end all pop offs because he pulled off a deathless Elite 4 although that alone would be a ridiculous accomplishment no he's celebrating because he just completed a run any rational person would have assumed to be impossible proudy beat the emerald kaiso hardcore Nuzlocke without losing a single [Music] Pokemon the early game is difficult in part because you're at the mercy of the game even though proudy took a few steps to maintain his sanity proudy uses a safe state to guarantee his first 10 encounters think of this as him cutting out every run he would have just reset for not getting the correct Encounters in the first 5 minutes but to keep things interesting he would only do this on Pokémon with encounter rates over 10% for example on Route 102 a Ral would be pretty nice but that's only a 4% chance so instead he takes a nean mail here how useful is it it's usually there for just one fight normally the starter decision is Easy by the end proudy would always take Trio the cpti is Far and Away the best answer for the Elite Four its speed is a huge asset and you can run a batshit insane Roar strategy against glacia which becomes a nearly impossible fight with any other starter so naturally for run 402 a chatter redeemed a chat reward that forced party to go with Torchic instead chicken runs as these were known were hardly the most promising but pry figured he'd be back at the beginning of the game soon enough and could go for it again with Trio for real and this run made its way by Rock sand the biggest reset point in the game the parts immediately following her got so easy that proudy was routinely running from the beginning to Watson in under an hour the chicken didn't make that any more difficult then he won the the Vol absorb Lottery made it past Watson and the various trainers on the way to gym number four Flannery the most difficult parts of this game from a nuz loocking perspective where your decision- making and planning matter the most come long after Rox San for most of the game most nuzlockers do want to play deathless and most fights are done deathless by most nuzlockers at this point however there are six key fights that everyone nuz loocking this game almost always sacrifices a Pokémon on a lot of them are late game double battles where explosion seem to be the only consistent way to beat the game let's go over the six main fights that the emerald kaiso nuzlock and Community determined to be the main blockers for this Challenge and let's see how proudy overcame them fight number one Flanery flanary does not need bad breaks to end your run her whole gym takes place in permanent sun and your reward for getting through all of her gym trainers is an insanely difficult fight even if you're not going for a deathless challenge Flannery's team is beautifully constructed to kill you for trying to exploit fire type weaknesses of course there's the sun to weaken water moves but water types can still survive thanks to their fire resistance and the sun does nothing to touch Rock and ground types that still threaten unmitigated super effective damage ek's Flannery has a simple answer to that problem every single one of her Pokemon has solar beam there's a few other fun coverage moves here hidden power electric on Ninetails Thunder Punch on Blazin wild charge on Arcanine earthquake on both Charizard and tyion and Ice Beam on cast form which by the way gets some significant stat Buffs in the game often times this fight is what is known as a box check did you get encounters that can stand up to fire types or did you miss them did you get something good with hidden power rock or are you left out to dry in flanner Sun a few of the Pokemon pry usually relies on weren't available to him on run number 402 but he had enough to work with including an unusual option that wound up helping quite a bit first it was Nido King's time to shine it's poison secondary type protects it from flanary solar beams but most importantly if you delay its Evolution it gets access to to head smash which is buffed in Emerald kaisa to have perfect accuracy head smash deletes the Nils tyion and cast form before The Recoil damage forces pry to switch against the Charizard remember how the chicken run was considered a meme it turns out to be really useful here Blazin is an ideal switch into Charizard's random moves as only earthquake threatens it Heatwave comes in harmlessly and Blazin koos the Charizard with a hidden power Rock a perfect coverage option for the chicken in came Flannery's own Blazin setting up one of the standoffs of all time chicken versus chicken funnily enough counters for Flannery's Blazin are usually tough to find the best option among available Pokémon at this point is probably Altaria which not only resists Blazin stab but also solar beam and is neutral to its non- stab and fairly weak Thunder Punch well that's assuming you're taking too and not Torchic proud's chatter actually put him in a pretty good spot for this fight Blazin also resists blin's fire and grass attacks and the gavor on proud's bench could switch in safely to the remaining two moves Sky uppercut and Thunder Punch gavor finished off the EV evil chicken and then pivoted out to another Pokémon that's mostly selected for its ability to do damage in this fight camerupt it'll be useful throughout the other Sun battles in the upcoming Team Magma areas as well but for now it finishes off flanary's Arcanine and Updates this run status to officially real so at this point proud's got to be feeling pretty good right how's the chicken run going so far terrible my box sucks No Way Around It my box is abysmal laughable box or not the Run continued through Norman who is easy if you have a team cap a of making it this far and through Winona whose gym had only taken out two of the past 100 attempts but the next bottleneck was approaching fast before I tell you about the next key fight in the run I want to tell you about something that's probably even more annoying than playing the same Pokemon game for 400 runs in a row keeping your personal data off the internet there is so much of your data out there right now your phone number your email address your shopping habits all of this is being scrape by so-called data Brokers every day who then sell it to people with intentions ranging from annoying to malicious the consequence can be anything from a robo call to actual identity theft data Brokers are required to delete your data if you manually request it but like I said I'd rather lose to Watson for 100 runs in a row because I didn't roll a volt absorb Lantern than go through all of that for something that shouldn't be a problem in the first place luckily this is where the sponsor of today's video incognate comes in once you make an account over at incognitomeme and Grant permission to them incognit will automatically and continually keep your personal data off the internet all you have to do to keep your data secure is head down to the link in the description that way you can worry about what's truly important like playing a children's video game with ridiculously self-imposed rules speaking of which fight two Maxi 2 turn one is pivotal in this fight there isn't always an easy answer to Maxi's lead his Tyranitar which has intimidate in EK what makes this Pokemon so difficult is that proudy also needs to be in a good position to deal with whatever comes in on turn two and a lot of the Pokémon that threaten Maxi Tyranitar are in a terrible spot against the fast special sweepers that can come in like Gengar and most terrifyingly exeggutor there is one pretty good lead for this fight though you can be on a chicken run thanks to a chat redeem and have one of the easiest answers to Tyranitar you could ask for blaz again it didn't just turn out to be clutch against the Tyranitar which was its main objective in this fight the chicken also came up big against one of the most difficult Pokemon to handle in the entire game Maxi zente this thing threatens incredibly powerful sacred fires to the point where the usual answer to get past it is wallet with mirror cat woba Fett but even that is scary and inconsistent proudy had pretty good counters for most of this fight Sharpedo handled Gengar tacu handled fagon but he had to improvise against the ente and wouldn't you know it but the chat redeemed chicken was the one who came to the rescue once again I think I superpow and just hope it High Rolls me High Roll doesn't crit and then I High Roll superpower I think that's the pl this is a good play I don't I would whatever the results are this is this this is the play this was the play there it comes I'm dead to e speed if this doesn't crit okay oh I'm exactly dead to e speed perfect r that was a perfect roll I'm exactly dead to Eed 70 on the [Music] nose Dak Prescott we're 1 in 32 to lose here sacred fire crit kills us solar beam and we win Dak Prescott I swear to God you will be more trash you will be so dead to me kid you're going to be so dead to me if you die here buddy [Music] yes wow I wanted to pop off there so bad but it's like 2 a.m. Against All Odds the chicken run rode onward fight three Tate and Liza this is where every Emerald Kaiser runner ever just blows up a Pokémon to deal with the double battle Legend Aries obviously that strategy is not available to proudy tatan Liza is one of many important double battles in the latter half of EK so let's talk about what's different in double battles AI manipulation becomes even more intricate in double battles and proudy relied on strategies like pre- damaging and pre- statusing even more for some of the most difficult ones in the late game the beautiful sunflora sweep relies on meticulous manipulation of enemy AI in order to keep it safe the opposing Pokémon must see specific koos on some floor's partner Pokémon too much HP and the enemy won't see a Koo and might swing into sunflora instead to little HP and the move going into the partner slot will be random and the switch won't be safe but if you keep it just right you can get the AI to pick specific moves opening the door to Safe switch ends while your sweeper gets set up sunflora is one of the only Pokemon Emerald kaiso that even gets access to a setup move crant was used here to add another layer to the strategy immunity to Psy type attacks you'll be seeing more and more of this kind of strategy later here it allows a Pokémon most people probably think of his mediocre in sunora to turn into the most used sweeper in this whole challenge able to take out five gym leaders by the time everything's said and done fight four Archie to plan out a challenge run like this you have to work backwards it doesn't matter how strong a strategy for the first 90% of the game is if it fails every time you reach the final 10% that principle is exactly why the majority of PR's attempts started with Swamper despite the strength of blaz again in some of these problem fights for a long time Archie was assumed to be possible with any other starter Swift swon Swamper gave you most importantly something that could outspeed and handle the destiny Bond quilf the single most annoying Pokemon in this fight which is saying a lot considering Archie leads with a suun and a Reiko in permanent reign in this fight but then there is a move tutor in Emerald kaiso that most people don't know about and most people don't need to know about I was aware of this guy's existence but I couldn't imagine ever actually using his Services he teaches the move mimic one of the most Niche moves in Pokemon Archie is a double battle tan Liza gave a pretty good template for how to handle difficult double battles manipulate the AI to draw attacks to one side and use the other side to build up an Unstoppable setup sweeper sunflora unfortunately is not going to cut it here in the rain it won't be fast enough to outrun some important targets like that quilf so what we actually need is something that checks two boxes one something that can boost into a strong enough sweeper to One-Shot Archie's team including defense ensive menaces like Metagross and Dragonite two something fast enough to outrun Archie Swift swimmers quilf and KRA one day somebody dropped a two-page document into proud's chat the suggestion of this document was that the only answer to this question was kingra sure kingra checks requirement number two easily enough as a swift swimmer itself but it has no setup moves you see we were looking at the wrong move sets both of Archie's leads suun and Reiko are carrying cmind you can make him more likely to use it by setting up a light screen with that in place kingra can outspeed steal Calm Mind on the next turn with mimic and start going to work but there's another critical piece and it's yet another lottery ticket that all but ends the run on a missed coin flip Quagsire the Whooper that becomes the key to Archie and a few fights Beyond him isn't caught until the Safari Zone and one of the most painful parts of this run is the knowledge that you can get this far and have it all taken away from you by a coin flip that doesn't come until after you've already fought your way through six badges only half of all whoopers get water absorb you need to hit the right ability for this strategy to work the chance to beat Archie without Quagsire is less than 1% yeah yeah yeah give me those give me those yes give me those proudy prepared to execute the Strat he L his scener gavor on the left on the right the secret weapon the chicken yes Blazin is the perfect partner for quaire in this fight Blazin will always draw water type weather balls into its slot and this quaire at level 63 is weak enough for both sukun and Raichu to see kills that lets kingra use up all three caline PP and proceed to sweep once the strategy gets going there isn't much that can threaten the scariest moment was when Archie's Dragonite came in and threatened extreme speed but it chose to try for a draco meteor KO on KRA and fell to Ice Beam before it could SW swing it's another fight that doesn't accurately reflect its difficulty when you actually watch the run but the fact that it took digging through parts of EK that even some of the most dedicated Runners have never used or didn't even know existed should tell you just how big of a roadblock this fight was for this Challenge and why he thought it just might turn out to be impossible chicken all the way all the way past Arie once thought impossible once thought not feasible can you dig it can you dig it can you feel that I think he's starting to believe fight five Juan Juan is yet another water type double battle in permanent rain featuring a ton of Pokémon that can abuse the weather condition once again the water absorbed quaire takes the heat off the setup sweeper that role once again belongs to sunora which sets up with growth when the boosted Sun Flora takes down the lanter with a pedal dance which in eka doesn't lock you into using it and doesn't confuse you pry technically already has his PB never killed two of his mons before from here it's free the pivot train on the right continues with quacky soaking up the water attacks and blaz again and eventually Ninetales coming in to take hidden power grasses Sun Flora keeps blasting and before long pry erupts into a fantastic pop off yes yes yes yes oh my god dude yes yes yes yes this was an emotional win for him and who can blame him this fight and the many gym trainers that come before it had been gatekeeping him for over half a year and nearly 300 attempts all we needed was a chicken and a dream chicken in a dream baby let's go we're eating we're eating so nice and if this much is possible why not more fight six the Elite 4 the Elite 4 is the most planned out part of this run even though this is the first time proud's even been here like I said earlier there is no point in using any strategy that gets you here if you know it's going to fail in the Elite 4 five of the six team slots are set in stone from the start of the run with only the sixth being more or less flexible as long as it's a strong physical attacker Fortress slow bro dusclops salamance your physical sweeper usually slacking but like I said it's flexible and septile uhoh already scuffed thanks to the chicken that did so much work to get him here the dusclops Slowbro and Fortress are there as planned but to account for the lack of septile prowdy has to take a different approach and he goes with melodic and two normal types yeah Kangaskhan is the bulkier one and zangus is the Speedster with pre-b burn and guts most of Sydney's team is pretty frail Sabai jolon and Alakazam can't take hits well at all the entire fight hinges around the Machamp prowdy doesn't just have to stall it out he has to stall it out in a specific way you need to KO it with melodic to draw in Houndoom and melodic has to be healthy so it can tank even a critical hit hidden power grass from the Houndoom something that's only possible because light screen was set up earlier in the battle there's also some important timing to the switches in this battle the Alakazam carries Thunder Punch which is another reason why it's important to conserve melodic Health in this battle proudy needed to take out the Houndoom exactly as his light screen off why watch what happens when this Alakazam comes in all right light screen dust clops don't hit me nice dude so good all right Milo go here we go boys here we go here we go this is the only this is like the big big sus point right here here we go three layers of spikes up we always kill with we always kill with surf after three layers we always kill with surf after three layers and we have we have one turn to reflect up so HP grass should do like minimal unless it crits if it crits we're steering hard nice let's go Milo come on baby shell Bell heals it shell Bell he heals us out of Alakazam Thunder Punch crit range light screen wears off here yep light screen wears off and now after three layers this should always kill unless I get par full [Music] pared okay let's go wait I think yeah this is kills right yep after three layers the Phoebe fight is where Kangaskhan shines as it's necessary to deal with yet another Sable eye on this team pry was already getting flamed in his chat for the double normal call but this is why he had to do it with gut zangus pre-b bured you need another normal type to stall this thing out but the fight really hinges on turn one where Gengar has lots of options that can wreak havoc on proud's plans does it hit a hypnosis or induced status through either of its damaging moves through ice punch or Thunderbolt or does it make things completely crazy and click Destiny Bond the move that almost made a grunt Quil fish into a run killer Yes Lumber helps but only so much the rest of the team has plenty of ways to stack statuses on you including ludicolo's grass whistle Crobat hypnosis and gardav War's Thunder Wave how big of a deal could one turn beam just watch prowdy oh my God no power no power no power no power no power no power no power no power no power no power yes yes yes yes yes yeah that's so good for our chances that is insanely good you have no idea you have no idea how good that is Natures can play a pivotal role in these runs and here a speed boosting nature on proud's melodic comes up big because the AI loves clicking speed reducing moves against Pokémon that have the speed Advantage gavor wants to click Thunder Wave here and all of a sudden the goose is loose the goose is loose boys the goose has entered the battlefield pre-b bured gut sangus gets in for free and deletes the gardav war of all the Pokemon in EK this is the one that becomes proud's Ace it's tempting to get greedy here and just Mash facade but proudy stayed patient realizing he can't afford to get up Health on the zangus against this ridiculously fast Crobat the patients more than paid off he switched out correctly calling a hypnosis which would have been disastrous into anything other than dusclops he then went to Kangaskhan which had the Speed Advantage after dusclops hit a rockt himb the speed Advantage looked like it was going to give py a free pass to Phoebe's next Mon and [Music] then oh yeah it is inter folkses can't Flinch anyway yeah oh my God it missed are you actually serious this was a huge break and prowdy ran with it there was just one question left kid zangus get back onto the field heart switching seemed like the best play here but it does something no nuzlock wants to do in the Elite 4 if he can avoid it it risks a critical hit oh my god zus Kmart mans Kmart mans yes Kmart mens baby we're still rolling that opened the door to glacia by far the most messed up fight of this E4 she may be an ice trainer but hail sucks so this fight is yet another to take place in permanent Reign once again so much leans on the results of turn one her lead glay is one of three mons on her team that can go boom and if it doesn't go boom it's a free to it knockout for melodic that doesn't sound so bad but it can also set up spikes and so much of this fight revolves around the ability to barely survive attacks from gla's Team right here right now early Milo versus the glal is going to make or break this [Music] E4 yes yes yes yes yes yes in a normal run this fight perhaps more than any other is built to weaken you for the rest of the Elite 4 there is no risk-free way through there is only the risk you're willing to accept against the reg ice proudy has mirot melodic to once again soak up an electric attack and hit back with a one shot but it has to hold this time a crit will KO R ice I'm begging you bro I'm begging you I'm begging you you've already crit me once you've already CR me once don't do it [Music] again yes my oh Milo come on Milo bab come on baby the Milo got you the early Milo has always got you boys the early Milo has always got you things slow down for a bit as slow bro comes in to stall out the dong there's basically only one source of risk here dong can freeze with ice beam and even though it'll take time to chip away a long enough freeze will end the Run remember the heartbreaking loss to Wallace on attemp 355 you don't because that was in a previous version of the script and I forgot to delete this line there's no way it'll happen here not with proudy right on the doorstep oh my god dude it's just missing we might actually pull it out [Music] here no I smoke too soon you got a deaw slow bro I'm begging you oh my god slow bro please slow bro oh my God slow bro oh my God that's four that's five are you are you actually serious is this actually going to happen to me again oh my God struggling you got a def slowo please I'm begging you I'm begging you no slow bro not like this man no not like this slow bro please not like this man yes yes slow moo yes yes what a roller coaster of emotions now it's time to unloose the goose the whole idea here is to get zangus in and I I I and I can't believe I'm saying this and to use Roar to force in Lapras a tech that proudy himself calls insane and said was a last minute decision his Elite 4 glacia strategy for Emerald kaiso relies on Roaring in the Lapras with with his burned facade sweeper so just so you understand the gravity of this every time prowdy clicks Roar the game will randomly choose one of three different Pokemon that glacia has in the back to send out Lapras is the big prize way Lord is okay Swamper loses him the Run okay lapers lapers lapers lapers lapers yes yes yes yes lapers no way no way I actually got the Lapras oh I oh are you I just threw so hard that was the biggest throw of all time I literally was I literally spam [Music] clicked that was the biggest throw of all time I literally just Spam flicked I have to Roar again I I I can't believe what I just [Music] [Applause] did oh my God are you serious wait are you actually serious did I just hit the one and three twice in a [Music] row [Music] imagine ever getting punished on a glacia fight and you probably didn't even catch the most ridiculous Dodge of that whole sequence when zangus finally went for the killing move on Lapras it was 66% to die to ice Shard and Lapras didn't click it there can only be one explanation for this the game knew the game knew how much proudy had dedicated to making it this far and it knew just how incredibly cosmically wrong it would have been to end the run like that zangus took out the Lapras even though it took too much damage to finish the sweep itself the rest of proud's team was still at full health and it was only a matter of time before melodic slobb bro and dusclops combined to finish off the rest of glacia team just keep the ball rolling man please two more fights all right boys cheers Bottoms Up hope every having a great [Music] Friday [Music] the goose was loose from the start against Drake and it did a fine job softening him up it took out lidios KRA and Tyranitar With a Little Help from installing slowo and dealt massive damage to Dragonite before dipping out so DUS Globs could absorb an extreme speed and finish it off a shadow sneak the the absence of Blazin at the end of the chicken run might be standing out at this point it's true it didn't make the Elite Four of this team but its presence throughout the run is a big part of what makes the Zango strategy possible thanks to blaziken's presence all the way back at Maxi 2 prowdy didn't need to spend the white herb to eat Tyranitar's intimidate there with that white herb still in his inventory pry was able to leave zangus in on the intimidate from Drake's Tyranitar it cannot stay in on the salamance though which is a massive problem throwing down huge stab air slashes and Draco meteors proudy has only one thing that can really take it down and that's slow bro which finally has an attacking move in Ice Beam but it has to come in safely and that's easier said than done by the time it's in it's down to nearly half health and by proud's calculations it's just over a 50/50 to survive the incoming Draco meteor the little bits of damage they had taken earlier on in the fight now loomed large Michael must [Music] hold [Music] [Music] oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God holy no way no way no way there's still the soul D lattos another absolute Beast that can kill most switchins with a crit that includes Kangaskhan which handles the dragonclaw but would have died to a crit there's no choice but to Pivot to dusclops and pray for no Critical Hits if it survives Shadow Ball into Shadow sneak should finish it call M do it call M please call M please call M oh my God oh my God we're going to St no way no way there's actually no [Music] [Music] way there's actually no way dude just one trainer stands between proudy and the impossible run the first part doesn't change lead Fortress into the Metagross and set up a to mitigate earthquake damage so far nothing mind blor turn two Spike on the Metagross this one was a little less obvious but one of the branches of this path requires the spike to work after the spike goes down you drill run into the Metagross which can but won't always lead to the AI choosing to switch out and that's where the branching paths split the spike was for a path we didn't get to see instead we got the significantly less flashy switch path in which Drake brings out Aerodactyl and proudy goes into full stall mode hit all four super [Music] good nice but miss it's out of Sky attacks okay so it's random moving now and no boost excellent nice AP Miss it's minus six [Music] okay nice no boost don't boost how is it hitting all these ancient powers man are you serious nice boost don't whye oh my god dude I'm panicking are you serious are you serious there it is there's one I don't know how many is left but oh my God it's struggling it's struggling holy I actually stalled it I actually stalled it and it only got one boost but but from here things get tense and proud's forced to make some tough decisions to keep his run alive against the last few Pokemon Emerald kaiso has to throw at him watch prowdy work his magic and earn unequivocally the title of greatest nuzlock in the world i' that like five rolls of mash [Music] crit oh my God [Music] D I live hydr pump is there any why would I switch if I'm or if I'm dead to just hydropump crit why would I ever switch cuz Kangaskhan is dead to hydropump crit outright so why would I ever switch here there's literally zero reason to switch no not at all [Music] oh my [Music] God Kangaskhan is the only I can go on random move if I go Kangaskhan and it meteor Mash boosts we're in a we are in a dicey situation cuz then it could it can double boost in a Milo and we're so sus I can live with this play I can sleep at night with this [Music] play if this boosts so be it [Music] man man [Music] oh my God it didn't double boost oh my God this is so risky though hold on King fake out plus spikes is 31% so it's at 69% minimum which is never a kill with surf the problem is it's like s it's there's so many overlapping roles with meteor Mash with Thunderbolt that if it Mash am I just dead to mash crit actually I'm like super dead to master it so we got two options one is go for the waterfall Flinch I guess I could recover pray for no Thunderbolt par the problem is if it Mash boosts again what do I do where do I even go at that point I mean could I recover if I recover and get pared though it's so bad if I recover and it mashes and it doesn't boost but that's like less favorable than just straight cating [Music] that's the oh my oh my God boys we did it we did it we did it oh my God we did it it's over it's over 42 it's over it's over oh my God oh my God it's over it's over it's over dude no way no way it's over one death equals reset Emerald kaiso honestly who would have thought that the winning run would be a chicken [Music] run
Channel: pChal
Views: 741,295
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, pokemon, gaming, pokemon challenges, challenges, pokemon challenge, pokemonchallenges, pchal, nuzlocke, pro nuzlocker, jaiden animations, smallant, ludwig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 10sec (2230 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 31 2023
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