How I Beat The "Impossible" Nuzlocke

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no way he explodes here right no way what what's coming up is by far the hardest part of the game this is radical red this game looks easy we're gonna destroy it um [Music] that's the plan this fight is so scary pc get the out of here egg slash is just a monster man i'm sorry it's just an actual monster all right we got our own mudkip boys where's the real koga fight where's the real koga hiding dude is this like janine's gym so when we last left off we'd eaten koga and we finally have surf available so naturally let's first get some items that we couldn't get before slobre night okay okay power anklet nice special attack evs for the power lens king lorite okay all right boys welcome to part three of the radical red hardcore nuzlocke this is my second attempt of the game first one died to a random rival fight in front of diglett cave we have six badges we're past koga we have surf we're on nine deaths so far which is a pretty good not gonna lie our team is looking pretty sick and it will be looking even sicker and that we have access to surf we're gonna pick up a zapdos i'm planning to pick up a caldeo um and we're gonna try to do the end game in this video um did you know that you're not subscribed to my channel you're probably saying that hey i am actually subscribed um but you're actually not subscribed so make sure to hit the subscribe button let's do this let's lead off with a quick ball okay this is going to take a lot of false swipes beautiful and now switch okay so it's at 1 hp oh my god it's put to sleep now boys listen hear me out on this one okay so there's actually a bug in this game okay where if i'm at 1300 instagram followers right my catch rate actually raises you guys want me to catch the zapdos right we're like two followers away here right like it's not there all right perfect now we should be able to do it thank you guys i'm not sure how many turns we're on we can probably time our ball like now right oh okay dude i'm so afraid of accidentally clicking energy ball yeah i think we got a return to the skittled it'll do strat some one two skittlediddle do see that's how easy it is that's what you have to do it's all thanks to your guys instagram followers unlucky we're going coil fish boys okay i have no idea where to get keldeo so we're just exploring here lapper site okay that one's actually useful we have a lapras so where's keldeo what happens if i head down there does that get me to keldeo um um guys do i have a dig pokemon i do are you serious that seems like it needed a little bit more testing don't you think imagine if i didn't have a dig pokemon there you can legit just softlock okay i see kelio that was easy eins spiderman oh [ __ ] worked nice beautiful time for the may fight the plan is pretty simple we power up punch the soul rock runs to play uh okay so we set up drizzle then we power punch the soul rock and then we mega evolve and sweep let's do it boys all right drizzles set up switch probably on a stealth rock turn here and we're going to power up punch we're not going to mega evolve this term because we want to keep damp just because of that i like how the ai didn't see that that's insane power up punch breaks the sash gives us plus one attack and i think we just won mega evolve liquidation look at this monster see the item assumes you're gonna mega evolve oh that might be true plus one ice punch should kill this i'm pretty sure we live a close combat crit from blaziken here if she goes blazing last this should die if her [ __ ] are correct easy actually slower than flygon i did not expect that at all [Music] we're fine we didn't get crit okay but now we gotta switch on blaziken all right back up strats boys the question is do we go immediately into quill fish i think that's the safest play right i don't think we need to set up rain again all right quillfish go get him buddy pretty sure he goes for the attack here and not the swords dance [Music] yeah we should eat this for breakfast we're max defense he's intimidated yeah i get all right liquidation boys should be fine yep yeah i don't know if i would have sped though holy moly quillfish okay i see what brennan looks up to you now i don't know if we'll bump into each other again so please have this that's our encounter we just got a torchic all right boys nine tails are all to know here we go no i think it's odd enough all right boys this is gonna be a pretty scary fight we have some pretty good tactics prepared though gym number seven of the unknowns lockable game [Music] we obviously don't lead polytoad because it's faster so it would set up rain first and then torquel would set up the drought so we got to lead with aegis slash here potentially maybe even beta fire move going to polito to set up the rain stealth rock setup that's completely fine predicting explosion here which is why we're going to damp swampert oh he actually goes with a withdrawal that is worst case scenario for this the plan here was to power up punch so we can one shot this with ice punch but that's no longer on the menu so we go for the egg slash here okay that's perfect i'm pretty sure he wants to set up sun here okay he goes for the sunny day he's in chlorophyll gyro ball now deals more damage i think this ocos if it doesn't we always just shadow sneak though sun is now back up which is fine yep it's just oco's okay we'll scout for a turn here i'm pretty sure the high jump kick is coming sucker punch that's fine [Music] okay a little bit on the scary side [Music] i almost want to go gyarados paulie toad takes not a lot of damage but he's not he doesn't have any physical investment so in the sun pyroball is gonna set up a lot well it's not gonna be sun because it's gonna be raining it's close i think i like the gyarados i'm just not sure what the move is now i'm not sure if it's rain dance okay he goes pyroball dude that animation is not bad sun boosted powerball is a lot of damage man he might zen headbutt in which case rain dance is kind of bad oh man and if he goes zen headbutt i think we take two and we can crunch [Music] okay me i didn't realize it could burn i'm pretty sure he's going guaranteed zen head but i like egg slash here and then switch to kingdom during sucker punch and up speed yep [Music] problem is he's no no he's he's probably going pyroball here but he might stay a psychic type in which case kingdra i think doesn't kill so cringe dude this is so tough dude nice that's so good okay that's so good will you be this to out speed max speed cinderace when it's in swift swim it's pretty much exactly what it was supposed to do this was scary no more rain now though okay there's charizard that's actually kind of perfect no way she ever goes for a fire move here he always dragon pulses no matter what good we take that easy so easy bait the fire move into the drizzle wonderful so we just go to swampert and sweep i think we win this is checkmate right mega evolve liquidation in the rain boys this better [ __ ] kill there's no way this doesn't kill i'm sorry i can't beat chad into that how is that never gonna like how is a max attack mega swampered in the rain and i'm using liquidation on a 78 base defense pokemon you guys really thought that wasn't gonna kill come on porcol here typhlosion oh we got a freebie we got a little get a little freebie we do take the priority eruption here because this has fire type gale wings for some reason that was added to this game but it's in rain this deal is like no damage [Music] yeah look at that another freebie why thank you blaine how very kind of you pretty sure that poliwag and that swampert are guaranteed encounters by the way and you can always get these abilities on these by the way and always get these natures on these by the way let's protect and get we would never explode because it's the last pokemon right so we always go polly toad no way he explodes here right no way what we live we live we live we live we live we live we live easy easy the suicide blind holy doesn't concern you i'll have you taken care of pc go on ahead i'll catch up with you later whatever you won't be able to stop the boss anyway oh thank christ i can leave um here's a question is this team maybe too specific to beat a random grunt because my pokemon don't have very good coverage right now and they are all like physically defensive well only one way to find out boys rash that's it thrash really okay i was aware of explosion now we just win right oh jesus christ my heart dude how many more of these are [Music] there [Music] i forgot that that's a spinner all right here we go boys this is a toughy i had dig and teleport yeah by the way yeah it's just aquafang [Music] easy all planned guys oh there it is we got jumped boys wait am i leading musharna oh my god i'm not leaving musharda i threw i threw for content this is really really really bad zapdos just straight up dies to crit here [Music] yeah no this is not feasible all right well musharna has to take three hits here so [Music] okay that's really awkward that's really awkward okay uh keldeo i think surf should kill nicey nasty plots that's really good because i pretty sure surf kills here just go ma'am there's no way he goes mammo i have no answer for durant by the way okay easy mimic you that's so awkward yeah i think we should be okay stinky all right that's that's okay that's okay break the disguise you just [ __ ] kill this and not die possibly that would be really sick okay it's not ideal but oh god i have no answer for this dude [Music] all right how much is life orb i think i think this is enough yeah yeah yeah okay just no flinch no crit and we're okay i thought that was a crit for a second i was about to lose my mind are we fast enough there's no way we're not right i should have calc this we're not fast enough well wait no i have speed evs all right die please still not over by the way we're faster okay okay kill kill kill please kill phil please just kill please just kill please just kill okay we are in this we can't one shot the mammoth one it's focus sash boys musharrana stored power teleport to zapdos or no his caldeo should be enough right calio should be enough earthquakes it's a little unfortunate i gotta take two man okay we take one more [Music] not quite boys i have to trick room and then hard switch zapdos he 100 ice rides here so i just keldio i'm a god i'm a [ __ ] god of this game holy [ __ ] no nuzlocker in the world would have gotten out of that situation with zero deaths i guarantee it to you literally not over we're not healed i have a plan though predict the trick room switch to musharna so we trick room ourselves mushroom gets killed off and then durant revenge kills jerk room is negative priority well that's awkward isn't it chat so we're probably getting swept by this right that's what i'm hearing here let's hope the hack creator [ __ ] up the trick room coding yep there it is boys so zapdos lives a psychic and i'm pretty sure thunderbolt kills that looks like it'll be enough okay monster [Music] monster okay i think we got to maximize our chances to win here and i think we sat garados i think we stacked a rant there's a higher chance we just wipe okay should kill through solid rock and trick room should be over after this [Music] okay i'm not gonna lie we might wipe to this dude i'm thinking drill picks right regardless we always go for fruit here this is so sweaty nice critical he's super luck though i'm not gonna get mad at that if he doesn't crit we live one and then we u-turn and then we kill right don't crit i think he's guaranteed too actually if i get sucker punched here i just lose right all right keldeo my friend my boy wait wait wait how much damage is rocky helmet we have it rocky helmet is not one is not 10 it's 18 this is dead right this has taken 36 percent damage our mineral with surf is 70. okay okay so we can substitute here right um which means we're in sucker punch range which means he always goes sucker punch which means we calm mind the thing is if we're assuming ai doesn't work this way and he doesn't sucker punch until he's out of pp then we should test that by going to zapdos installing it out with reflect instead and then just stacking the durand yep that's one that's two that's three that's four switch to rain on five right and now we iron head right we assume that he's out wait do we even die if he's in if we entrain to test the flinch double flinch [Music] okay see you durant name one nuzlocker who could have gotten out of that alive name one but me this is a tag battle if all three of my pokemon die here but my tag battle partner wins it is not a wipe it is only a wipe if the tag battle partner also loses why am i so scared this is gonna be easy it's only a mega mewtwo why in psychic terrain dude how bad could that possibly be am i right scrafty coming up and toppoo layla coming up all in master balls i love to see it wicked blow let's do it this should kill this always crits sniper boosts it up and i didn't turn on battle animations and there's the ttar everything is recording going exactly as we planned because the toronto has weakness policy we can't afford to not one shot it so what we're going to do now is we're going to mega evolve and we're going to rain dance we're not only removing his special defense boost on his rock typing but also giving a water type bonus to our attacks now the problem is you say pc this lapras only has boom burst well mega lapras in this game is liquid voice which makes boom burst a water type attack let's see the mega lapra sprite boys beautiful it looks so different from the original nice okay and scrafty actually lives that's probably good for us that's gravity is like a non-issue right now alakazam if dialga were to attack zam here i think we have a really good turn on our hands the problem is if both die and lapras takes like a significant amount of damage then both mega mewtwo and excadrill come out which is not very good i think expand force okay nice and now go excadrill [ __ ] okay there's no way they use a non-psychic type move on lapras and we ev this to always outspeed the mega mewtwo dragon pulse the mewtwo i would say that is the worst thing that could have happened i really want to avoid like mewtwo and excadrill being out i think we just killed the mewtwo i think this is an okay position okay diago goes down here intimidate dude dallaga going down there is so good that exca being intimidated is massive actually i wonder if i can just stay in here dude i think we go lapras and sack it so lapras is gonna die here because he's gonna go for dazzling gleam oh he goes expand force okay that's unexpected yeah and zam earthquakes meant earthquakes external not dying there is a little unfortunate wait why didn't my lapras die holy sh 10 hp boys i'm gonna protect just in case we can maybe pull out something here man ice cream would have actually been good um just in case we can actually pull out something here but i think lapras always dies here and then we bring in the egg aside for free and i think a 2b ones good thing he protected the last turn me protecting was actually important there i don't even know if zam can kill this [Music] we'll find out i guess we have a few hpv's think we died of that dude what a god this pokemon is let's go you guys excited for claire's gym redesign look at this okay so if everything goes right here we should win within a couple of turns here a couple minutes um that's if claire never switches out her aerodactyl we're gonna set up drizzle and switch to swampert set up two power-up punches and just win from there stealth rock would be completely fine rain is up we go to swampert we get taunted beautiful oh she switches that's actually good yep that is perfect actually now we're plus two and now we just sweep until rain runs out which it will before we can finish the sweep but we should have answers to everything she's literally just gonna lose one month for every rain turn now another turn of rain i didn't actually calc this range all right awesome earthquake and now i think rain is over five and a half hours by the way guys all right that was the last rain turn we even to almost always survive a draco meteor except if he hits a sixty percent crit range on a crit um and to one shot with aurasphere we're scarfed so we're faster easy boys easiest gym leader i would say we should be fine right we pretty much have an answer for everything not sure what i'm trying to say i don't care pc we're battling i won't take no for an answer we're very much expecting and would like to see the stealth rocks here and we're going to power up punch [ __ ] don't kill don't kill don't kill don't kill don't kill don't kill don't kill max hp don't kill him killed him killed him killed him killed him killed him killed him kill him pop that air balloon baby all right no more speed boost blazian for the elite four boys hell yeah look at this thick boy holy moly we're fine we should kill okay my man literally gave up dude didn't we evita i would speed this i guess i failed that task okay whatever i swear i evita would speed this no all right boys do we go for the mogul move aqua jet is the question there's no way the best nuzlocker in the world would click aquajet for content here right [Music] all right fine fine fine [Music] jesus christ all right that's uh my doraledon dead okay love to see it i'm not sure how that even happened but here we are wait why am i not dynamicing i thought i clicked the button are you serious dude well losing swampert would be really bad here but i think if i'm max geister i'm gonna be okay oh nope never mind it's faster i'm just gonna lose swampert nice cool all right see you guys tomorrow i'm not sure what we do now honestly all right awesome thunder wave beautiful okay okay okay okay okay max repel okay and block i'm too scared i'm using ingrain one two skittlediddle it's fine i'm pretty sure we're supposed to timer ball soon one nope technically we should have been counting pp you can count balls yeah but he has paralyzed turns which makes it awkward oh one two skit a little use let's go it's here this is it okay master ball one two skittled it'll do i was so nervous about this chat you have no idea all right hey if you're watching on youtube we're about to enter the elite four did you know that only like ten percent of the people that watch my videos are subscribed to my channel that's probably not true i haven't looked at setup in a while it's probably closer to like 30 percent or 40 now hopefully anyway i hope you hit the subscribe button i really appreciate it and i hope you guys enjoy the elite four i'm going in we got a hoop for the rain team here the hail team has a chance to stop this four-hour theory craft completely in its tracks if we get the hail team and then she gets a freeze with blizzard it is over and i mean over and i mean over like it is we cannot win from that point rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain yes okay belly drum trick room that is so completely fine [Music] burn here means we just facade nice it's all good just facade the poly toad healing pulse the snorlax [Music] that's one down baby also that burn means that ludacola can never freeze the lacks we just facade and we heal pulse [Music] swampert that's wonderful just facade and wish this is her bulkiest pokemon and it's gonna get annihilated here [Music] turns out plus six on 160 attack based pokemon is pretty strong boys this is the last turn of trick room i believe facade and heal pulse primal kyogre is on the field boys we're going to facade and protect no shot bucko no shot bucko and ladies and gentlemen we have an elite four on our hands [Music] i would like you to heal me thank you very much we're no longer using mega snorlax why is that you may ask because mega audino has regenerator in this game which is busted daddy bruno please grind me all right team warner team two that is team two okay the urshafu is what's difficult about this is water type urshifu with focus sash mega i don't know keeps regenerator in this game it's really really good all right there's the u-turn that's fine critical it shouldn't matter here there's the zakian immediately goes to the big guns huh you know what's better than a sword a shield and a sword who was worried about this pokemon again as he goes down all right there's the beautiful blaze again we're not going to kings shield because he might swords dance the ladies switch is super safe here pretty sure psychic kills here all right sizzler all right that's cool just back to slash on the u-turn there's the urshifu he might u-turn which would be awkward but there's no stealth rocks here so this is not that big of a deal yeah it's all good back to scizor and we just keep doing this dance yeah this is unknown lockable i just got really lucky with my encounters because i encountered the guaranteed egg slash and the guaranteed mega swampert guys okay he wants to attack egg slash now if you couldn't tell by what the ai is doing he's pretty much uh we pretty much don't have to switch out of slash anymore for the rest of the fight with ease i'm not sure if he swords dances or sky attacks here and i'm not sure if i'm maybe kill with shadow sneak no shot a bucco shadow ball here oh shadow ball on the incoming lucario is really nice why how could i lose big slash baby all right um there's two teams here i think they're equally difficult all right that's team one we're actually completely fine with not mega evolving audio here because the only thing autonomous switches into is dragon pulse which is completely fine uh as non-mega so we just straight switch to egg slash here no light screen there was really nice oh my god okay no light screen boys okay there's the mimikyu this is actually so good for us this is such a good spot we get to break the substitute here we switch on the swords dance this is a little bit scary it's a little bit scary we need to avoid a crit exactly this turn it's one turn of reflect nice two turns of reflects and then the egg slash safe is 100 the asus switch is 100 safe oh my god audino is also okay i think it's safer actually lacks is a the only way i lose this fight i think nice that works and now literally just protect lack switching into a play rough there is the only way i lose lax needs to be fully hp for the gengar speaking of which i think i l i think crit might be a range actually i'm not sure but we can't die to poison and we have a choice band so this always kills [ __ ] easy man okay here's the marsh shadow this only has ghosts and fighting type moves so by switching between a ghost type and a normal type we will eventually run it out of pp there's no pp maxes it's 10 drain punches should be pretty easy there's number 10 [Music] and we'll protect the check if he's really out yup he's done all right gotta stall out five close combats on this egg slash beautiful the only ai that isn't abusable is random ai now all of the elite four members up until this point were f babies what's coming up is by far the hardest part of the game i don't really mind either team here i think i prefer playing against team one all right he wants to taunt he wants to stealth rock he wants to do all sorts of cutesy lead [ __ ] we're just gonna fire off dazzling gleams until this thing dies this is team one this is the aerodactyl dragonite dracovish team should have read it man [Music] alright incoming double iron nice wing attack animation [Music] critical hit okay that's one double iron one earthquake used we're going to go into manda buzz here on the earthquake and we're going to stall him out of double irons using mana buzz the thing is i don't actually like stalling out earthquakes completely here because audio getting paralyzed is kind of whack i think earthquake crit is like 150 damage i'm gonna wish here i am in range i have to protect [Music] all right boys here it is primal diagonal baby cue the mystery dungeon music the good news this really likes to spam roar i've been told we're gonna dazzlingly we're gonna start doing damage super scary sukun can't drag out can't be dragged out too often if it's too low it can't deal with um salamance okay [Music] there's the lacks that's a perfect target next time protect on such and roll goes through protect my game but nice spin okay i'm dazzling gleam [Music] okay no sukun nice al king's shield i guess [Music] okay all right i don't think he sees the kill on this with dragon pulse i'm pretty sure i can draco here i think we lost shouldn't have risked it you have no idea we're in so much trouble here pretty sure he roars wow okay [Music] nice he might not outrage i have to go aegis slash it's the only safe play mal mattel is alive dracobish is alive mens is alive i always shadowball i can't risk the double switch okay this is the this is so good that we're in this we're in the game we're so in this [Music] oh my god okay king's shield that was the perfect switch for him to go for okay we gotta dodge one crit boys [Music] hold [Music] oh my god i really want to kill this with egg slash but i don't want to i don't want to risk the free the pair on the switch in so the mail mattel has fallen the ultimate prediction here which is not really the ultimate prediction at all is that he goes exactly men's here because he has to right it's his only play so we just u-turn into a [ __ ] look at that oh i should have switched we did it for the content baby we need that extra chip damage for ice cream to kill it's a total lie i'm telling you i need that u-turn chip easy here we go boys and with that radical red will reach its conclusion see ya but but but but he used to use that one strategy that one strategy is not fair he used the tools the hack creator put in the game on purpose he can't do that mega evolved dazzling gleam for some chip damage here bait the taunt get the mega out pretty damn good leader okay and switch to man to buzz on the stealth rocks oh earthquake interesting wasn't expecting that just go for the foul play here can we get away with no stealth rocks here okay that works why is this on the champion team man all right there's the toga kiss boys here we go i don't want a u-turn there critical hit you love to see it and just start with the calm mind number one baby call my number two and it seems like radical red champion can be beaten not only in two attempts but with two pokemon oh true it would it would be three because i did lead with the audio you put all of these gen eight mechanics into the game and all it took was a gen 3 crocodile set to beat the champion huh this is a sash no it's leftovers loseable for sure boys loseable for sure let's just not get crit chat that's all that needs to happen [Music] okay dark cry looking a little scary but it's okay there it is boys and it has a sash so it's not gonna die in one hit nasty plot turn one okay no critical no sleep that animation is beautiful good job oh he did get the sleep just ice beam just ice beam just ice beam just ice beam okay gotta hit the rest here i'm pretty sure i survived one oh we actually don't survive that okay that's fine though we got the revenge kill with a slash [Music] you needed four pokemon spoiler alert i'm probably gonna need five i don't really want a king shield on a rock polish here and the latias is pretty damn safe it's one pokemon left after this what could it be could it be arceus eternitus could it be xerneas or ivatel does shadow sneak even [ __ ] kill from here it does not but if it would ever would have been a a better position what do i want out against his last pokemon i think audino no shot bucko it's ditto it's choice scarf ditto ladies and gentlemen that is the final pokemon on the champions team of radical red fun fact ditto only copies five of your pee pee i don't think he deserves to be killed chat what a garbage team after lance has male metal primal like i don't understand and that's radical red two attempts unless lockable by the way this is the hardest pokemon game that's ever come out pc it's so hard please play it let me write you a youtube comment about how hard this game is the gameplay loops of this game for nuzlocking were just not fun now let me get this clear let me just make this straight this doesn't mean that it's a bad game again it could be a fantastic pokemon raw mag i think it's a bad game for nuzlocking which is something the creator has stated this game is like really cool for like a casual playthrough if you're interested in like building like cool competitive pokemon for a playthrough thanks for watching guys hey guys if you like this run and you'd like to see all the work and planning that went into it the full attempt is uploaded to the new pokemon challenges vod channel that is live now go check that out it's linked in the description and in the comments i'd appreciate if you guys subscribe to the new channel there's also a lot of old vods of my old runs being uploaded there right now for those runs that i did on twitch that never made to the youtube channel i hope you guys check those out as well and uh yeah thanks for watching [Music] you
Channel: Pokémon Challenges
Views: 1,977,911
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, pokemon, gaming, pokemon challenges, challenges, pokemon challenge, nuzlocke, pro nuzlocker, radical red, radical red nuzlocke, best romhack, hardest nuzlocke, hardest pokemon game, best pokemon rom hack, pokemon radical red, pokemon nuzlocke, mega evolution, pokemon sword and shield, gen 8 pokemon, corwn tundra, new pokemon, new pokemon trailer, new pokemon game, pokemon adrive, adrive, smallant, mahdrybread
Id: faMFeVBtq9I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 21sec (2721 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 14 2021
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