GAUNTS GHOSTS - The Tanith First and Only explained | Astra Militarum | Warhammer 40k lore

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the astrom militarium is one of the most diverse armies inside warmer 40K regiments come in all shapes and sizes with their own cultures beliefs and battle doctrines today we going to be looking at the tanif first and only guard regiment the tanif first are a unique guard regiment their history is a story of loss tragedy Grim comedy and Brotherhood the Tanny first more commonly known as G's ghost are a popular regimen and have inspired a popular book series inside the black Library the ghosts were raised from a frontier World known as tanith in the Sabbat worlds sector a heavily forested Frontier world tanith originally was a fudal world ruled by a planetary monarchy this rule came to an end when the wood Warriors legendary tanif Fighters over through the monarchy organizing the world of tanith into democratically elected city states the planet was covered in dense forests of mobile trees yes that's right I said mobile these forests were known as nwoods animal plant hybrids the main industry in export of tanith was this nellwood where they would carve and create sculpures from them these moving forests made any roads of pass through the trees quickly Obsolete and for this reason the tanif have developed an almost Supernatural sense of direction bred into them by it adap to this environment the tanif people were pale skinned and darkhaired with a lilting sing song accent when they spoke their dialect of L Gothic most tan men were tattooed with blue ink from the time of their youth at their founding three tan regiments were raised a majority of the regiments is being made up of infantry with some supporting vehicle and a few artillery pieces the regiment sourer Lon share of the troops from local planetary Defense Forces known as the militia men some more dangerous criminals were also pressed into service the leadership position of this force was assigned to Colonel commissar ibram G is incredibly rare for a guard regiment to be put solely under the command of the commissar this honor was granted to ibr G by the war master I go into more detail on ION G at a later date in a separate video cuz he's got a very interesting story and it's something I'd really like to talk about when G landed on tanni he was not pleased with the original appearance of his troops they appeared a scraggly mess of ill disciplined scruffy soldiers however his opinion would quickly change G not wanted t or enjoy the Comforts of tanith ordered immediate departure from the planet a move that was quite fortunate during this departure a chaos warfleet arrived and began a full scale invasion of tanith G was left with a single hard Choice di on tanith defending own heroic but lost cause or evacuate as many troops as he could gather the regiments were quickly loaded and transported to carrier ships but not before the chaos Invasion began GA survived being one of the last members of the regiment to make it off planet and he reorganized of surviv into a single Infantry Regiment the tan first soon also known as the first and only alongside two-thirds of the regiments being killed the tan regiment also lost majority of their heavy equipment and the entirety of the tanif officer corpse on the regiment's first Battlefield on the world of black Shard the tan Guardsman mad Lin calling the nickname gauns ghosts use of the nickname ghosts had a duwal meaning the first is that ga's division to abandon tanith made ghosts of them the second is that because of their exceptional stealth and scouting skills the regiment troops were ghost like on the battlefield and thus the tan first and only join the ever moving meat grinder known as the astrom militar room the Troopers of the Tannis first and only are some of the best Scouts recon units and marksmen in the entire astrom militarum due to their adaptation to ever moving Forest of their home World they are excellent Pathfinders due to the Natural skills and tent the first and only are extremely effective in stealth missions but it's proven to also excel in defensive Urban operations and defensive sieges even though your average tanif treer is considered more specialized than your average astrom militar and Guardsman the tanif have two forms of truly Elite infantry Scout Sergeant MCO leads the first of these Elite squads simply named the scouts these are a kin to the Mythic tanith wood Warriors the scouts are made of the very best Troopers when it comes to Recon and cover Ops the second Elite division in the regiment is a snipers excellent Sharpshooters who have proven to be deadly unarmed their long Las lasgun variants unlike some other regiments much of the responsibility for Battlefield decisions Falls onto the sergeant of a given Squad and his or her second in command who hold the rank of Corporal although the squad layouts can bury depending on certain operations the T squads tend to be made up of dedicated Marksman a heavy weapons team several C man A flamer and A foxman in general the ghosts maintain a balanced Squad capable of handling a range of adversaries and issues the regimen also gives an EXT amount of freedom to individual squads while they are still expected to achieve the goal of orders given from commanders and Colonels the sergeants given a huge amount of freedom in which they complete their tasks the mix of independent squads communication through dedicated boxmen and light infantry specialization allows the regiment to be extremely effective at out maneuvering enemies and also reacting to change on the battlefield at lightning Pace Colonel Kar gon reinforces this unique operation Style by ensuring all his officers understand the overall tactical situation with all his conflicts even sharing prohibited information with his officers to ensure they have as much information available in handhand combat the tanif use their silver war knives the lack of heavy armor allows them would be fast and agile with these knives with some of their most skilled melee combatants facing down chaos space mares in close combat their most unique and arguably most useful piece of equipment are their camo cloaks made of chamine the cloaks are refractive and blend its coloration into the W's surroundings making them almost invisible after the regiment's disastrous founding the tanif began to take part in the sabat world Crusade against chaos forces beginning in 755 m41 during the Crusades the ghost GED an elite reputation as covert and Scout Troops being instrumental at the capture of numerous worlds however the tanith would not only face threats from chaos they would also gain deadly rivalries with other regiments including the vul pony blue Buds and the jantine patricians notably the town of first was accomodated by an Inquisitor early on in attempt to acquire a men of iant STC which unfortunately had been corupted by chaos during these early actions the tenof took heavy losses through Friendly Fire incidents extremely dangerous missions and difficult attack orders with the destruction of tanith the regiment had no source of fresh recruits causing their numbers to fall drastically low we even murmur of the regiment close to extinction however new recruits would come from unlikly place on vast an imperial Hive World a chaos cult managed to fully take over one of their High cities known as Vera these chaos cultists numbering tens of millions launched a gigantic attack and Siege on the neighboring city of bhive only Fielding a m 500,000 PDF troops fing have called for aid from the astr militarum being reinforced by Tanny first and only with Colonel commas G beading the defense of the city The Siege was a desperate battle with the chaos CST unleashing wave upon wave of infantry and armed columns on the city many of the laborers of Bing hiive joined in the defense of the house City being named scratch companies in a desperate last ditch attack gone alongside his tanith and F have scratch companies led a strike on the chaos leaders Mobile headquarters killing the chaos warlord however this was a p Victory The Hive was all but destroyed its inhabitants abandoned the city many of these scratch companies were allowed to D Joy the tal regiment refilling their ranks and bringing fresh Talent inside the regiment What the verin hi Troopers lacked in scouting and stealth ability they more than made up for in Marksmanship with the majority of the Snapper divisions being made up of bingh hard's Troopers this also marked the first time female troop were presentent inside the tan first 10 standed years after the regiment was raised the tanif had been involved in a large number of campaigns G and some h p tan was sent on a mission to gion this order was widely viewed as a suicide mission the ghosts were then merge with another Recon regiment the 81st badon to form the 81st first Recon regiment this new regiment was placed under the command of Colonel Lucien Wilder 18 months after making Planet Fallen gon gun's team was extracted by Crusade forces after an inquisitorial investigation the team members were sent to join the 81st and first regiment and G was stripped of command after becoming the political officer for 4 bers G began to suspect the sacred sites the As militar and were fighting over to secure were actually chaos in origin armed with more evidence he called his contacts in the tan his team that originally was dispatched to gion and then discovered the sites were a huge chaos trap attempting to flee the chaos trap the 81st first regiment was caught in a rear guard action with moral bombardment imminent the regiment faced complete destruction in a valiant display Colonel Wilder sacrificed himself so the regiment could Escape G was again granted the command of the remaining tanith was incorporating the surviving belladon allies into the regiment although this is a very brief rundown of the history of the ghosts I would recommend reading the book series Dan AB did do an incredible job of these through the period of History i' spoken through the ghost did take part in a number of notable battles firstly the first tree battle on black Shard which I alluded to earlier they were tasked with utilizing their expertise in light infantry and reconnaissance they were the spearhead slicing through Enemy Lines before the arrival of the 10th Royal sler regiment their objective LED them to a chaos dominated Fortress known as The Citadel the forward teams infiltrated the stronghold uncovering an ancient artifact amidst of ruins surrounded by the strongholds Defender the ghost fought with unmatch bravery the mission shifted from reconnaissance to demolition as he placed charges around the Sinister Relic in a heart stopping escape the regiment withdrew just moments before the explosive ignited obliterating The Relic this catastrophic explosion shattered the enemy's morale and mystical bonds faced with the loss of their Unholy Relic the entire chaos Army descended into despair culminating in a mass to a side another notable battle for the ghost was on for his binary for months regiments of the astrom militar were deadlocked in horrible trench warfare on the manufacturing planet for his binary represented one of the regiment's greatest victories and perhaps finally validated them as a fighting unit while deadlock in the trenches the tanith managed to repel a chaos line offensive such a degree of success that they pushed them back beyond their own lines however they were cut off by a sustained curtain bombardment from the main Force after linking up with the victory drons under Colonel zor GA red his men and gathered up its stragglers he pushed on deep in the shriven imp placements finding no resistance using a magl train Network and an accessway the two regiments infiltrated The Citadel deep in the mountain ranges and destroyed the bastions Munitions and ruin his psychic weapons before falling back the blast that followed obliterate the C positions and mared out its Defenders ending a longlasting deadlock another notable display was on the Hagia Shrine world the ghosts fell upon one of their Darkest Hours here after Lord General Lugo turned an assured Victory into a bloody massacre G the commanding officer was Blain and disgraced in what was presumed to be his last mission the regiment was charged with a safe escort and of the holy relics of the saint Sabbath's shine world the battles on Hagia were hard fought and bloody with a large number of Troopers being wounded in the initial phase of the honor God Mission the comradeship of the regiment itself was put to the test as cracks in the relationship between the original and the newly joined burgus St began to show at the action's end the ghosts have scored a major victory for the Crusade and the regiment personally with significant steps towards the integration of the new bures into regiment being made and G himself regaining his honor at the loss of that incompetent law General on fan the ghosts really proved themselves in their Co operations they dropped into the high ALU city of siren home under a Reign of Fire from arch enemy attack Squadron the ghosts were initially left uncoordinated they not to the extent of the other guard regiments acting in the field that day undersupplied while fighting seasoned chaos Soldiers the ghost once again proved himself to one of the most stealthy regiments inside the guard the ghost managed to win a victory at siren Hill not by sheer Manpower but through the independence and resourcefulness of their common soldiers later in the campaign the ghosts found themselves fighting the W's capital orenberg where the leader of the archman forces on the planet the blood Pat was meant to be stationed with the actions of a special infiltration Team Code named lisal taking a pivotal role in the eventual victory for Imperial forces on this most vital world the tan of garnered much esteem in this campaign in the eyes of Lord General van boits but no number of battle owners could make up for those regiment lost in the war zone of this polluted world as they took heavy casualties the final battle we'll talk about is a battle monax monax was a deaf world and went down in both regimental law and Crusade archives with a degree of mystery having bedded down in weight for the arch enemy assault for almost a week the tanith eventually moved on a significant enemy Advance with the intention of hitting it from the flank however the T sad predicted and the flanking elements were engaged and pinned down as the jungle areas became overall with a sudden rainstorm While most of the regiment were left pinned Down Under Fire and the Fier condition a small Detachment of men under gone and callback separated in search of a missing platoon commanded by Ron for reasons classified by the Inquisition they pulled back and was reinforced by a similarly sized attachment of V Pony Blue Bloods this task force continued beyond the enemy Advanced and located an ancient structure assaulted by thousands of chaos troops and in a late action late inexplicable by tacticians wipe them out to a man without suffering any losses this success is still a mass dispute with the odog xenus and the malas but in reality the ghost Force alongside Eldar to repel the attack thank you everyone for listening today the ga ghosts are an incredible regiment I absolutely love covering them the book series is probably one of my favorite 40K book series and I would honestly advise everyone to read through them because they are great if there had any regiments you like covering or if there's any other videos you'd like doing feel free to let me know also big shout out to everyone give me constructive feedback and and encouragement the love generally means means so much to me and it's honestly a dream country to have so many people watching these videos thanks again but guys see you in a bit [Music] bye
Channel: Starsage
Views: 1,787
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tanith, hive worlds, imperium of man, warhammer lore, 40k lore, space marines, Imperial Guard, astra militarum, warhammer, horus heresy, tanith first and only, emperor of man, imperial guard lore, imperial guard history, ibram gaunt, imperial commissar, iron snakes, white scars, adeptus astartes lore, hive city, commissar gaunt, blood pact, games workshop, leman russ, gaunts ghosts, first and only, warhammer audiobook, 40k audiobook, horus heresy audiobook, lasgun
Id: 6Hg5bqqEMAE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 24sec (984 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2024
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