How the AR15 works! SECRETS of the SYSTEM!

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even in its standard direct impingement configuration which is kind of debatable because inside the carrier here is actually a piston so like the bolt itself is the back of it is a piston so it's kind of a piston system so first of all let's go over the process of what actually happens when you pull the trigger and around you know goes out the barrel typically you have the bolt carrier in the rearward position you'd insert a new magazine like let's say like you ran out of ammo and then you can either engage the bolt catch which is right here or the ping-pong paddle as it's referred to you can smack it or you can press it with your thumb you know different ways to skin a cat at that point the bolt carrier strips a round from the magazine chambering it the hammer is in this position ready to be disengaged or released by the trigger so you pull the trigger this goes forward it then makes contact with the firing pin which is housed inside of the bolt carrier group so when that hammer goes forward and strikes the firing pin what happens the firing pin will then strike the primer of the round this is the primer so this is inside the chamber right the extractor is holding on to the rim of the case so now picture this in the gun like this firing pin strikes the primer the primer ignites the Gunpowder in the case making so much pressure that the bullet is forced to be unseated from the case then force down the barrel which is the path of least resistance so when it's going down the barrel it reaches a point where there's a hole drilled in the barrel itself and right here is the gas block and sometimes they're in different positions that could be further up there are different lengths gas tubes once the projectile goes past that gas port the extra gas is behind the bullet get forced into the gas block which then diverts it to the gas tube you can kind of see it right there that gas tube comes all the way into the upper receiver and you can see it right then that thing right there and that gas gets diverted actually into the gas key this is the gas key and there's a hole through this that comes down and then back into the carrier so as soon as it gets to here there is an expansion chamber a gas expansion chamber I'll show you that right now firing pin out so picture this in the in the carrier itself right this is kind of like a piston on a car so be up behind here now this is where all the gas gets trapped or diverted and then these two holes right here are actually ports for excess gas right so that's why you see in slow motion like there's like vapor or gas that comes out of these holes that's extra gas that the carrier doesn't actually need to build up to disciple the action so sounds like this and then in this forward-most position it's locked into the the chamber here which is called the barrel extension so as you can see right there there are little grooves milled out of the barrel extension itself the little two on the bottom or are actually feed ramps when this is locked in to the extension here right the bolt actually turns so let's say this is still Meharry pretend this in the carry you can see that this actually turns once it gets past the initial grooves that are that are milled out once it gets to a point to where there's enough pressure built up in the system it will push the carrier back and because of the cam this is the cam it's placed right here you can see there's a twisting motion so when it's like this is unlocked position in like this it actually turns and locks itself into the barrel extension so once enough pressure is built up in the system it unlocks and then pushes the carrier back this right here as you can see interfaces with the hammer after the the round has gone off and built up enough pressure to push the carrier back again it pushes it back and this whole thing see how that just reset the hammer this whole thing goes back into the receiver extension otherwise known as the buffer tube right and then the whole system starts over again so that's how it works so now let's go over individual parts and show you little ins and outs that you may not know about your gun so first of all you'll notice that there are little rings three little rings and that's for more than one function one obviously is to build up enough gases behind it so it seals the system more so than if it was just a solid part so it has the ability to be a little bit larger than the bolt itself too to seal those gases behind the expansion chamber hear this little bell portion or a little trumpet portion if you'd call it that it traps the gasses that's why a lot of people are so worried about when there's a gap in your rings here and I actually have a mythbuster series on just that and I'll actually include all the links in the description box for those if you're interested so that's one of the purposes another is to actually scrape the carbon from inside of the carrier another thing people don't really know about the carrier itself does not actually make contact with as many places as you think it does so when it's inside of the upper receiver just put the carrier in you can see that it's kind of loose in there especially towards the back so but when you get towards the front you'll notice that's a lot tighter and that's because the carrier itself does not actually travel along you know the entire surface of the carrier itself it just travels on these four rails but a lot of people don't know that so like when they lubricate their carrier they'll lubricate like all these parts and you can do that's not going to hurt anything the loop will spread itself around accordingly but all you really need to address are these rails here and then pretty much anywhere you just see like your gun wearing so and I call that letting your gun speak to you but a lot of people don't know why their buffer makes noise you why are there little weights in there this is actually to control what's all bolt bounce because those weights are kind of free-floating in there they actually bounce into each other and reduce the amount of bounce the bolt experiences when it comes to an end here if you're a new shooter this might be for you a lot of experienced shooters will know this and it's kind of like one of the first upgrades a lot of people do there's a lot of different types of muzzle attachments there's flash hiders compensators muzzle brakes thread protectors suppressors but the one that comes standard on most ar-15s is called a birdcage flash hider but what this does is it actually reduces your muzzle flash because a lot of people go with shorter barrel lengths this is a 16 inch barrel the original AR was actually designed with a 20 inch barrel when you get the barrel shorter there's more unburnt powder that escapes the barrel and that unburrow turns into like a big ol muzzle flash like a small explosion at the end of your barrel so something you also notice is there's only holes on one side this is the bottom so if timed correctly all the gases that are escaping are skinned escaping towards the top which in turn pushes down on your rifle decreasing muzzle rise so that's the the concept behind this is to not only decrease muzzle rise but get rid of that flash another thing that a lot people don't know take a look at this inside the upper here there's a little sort of Halfmoon kind of cutout and that's actually where your cam pin resides if you were to have like an x-ray portion this little hump right here is actually where your cam pin is and your cam pin also does make contact with part of your receiver that's why you'll see like a little bit of wear right here on the side of the cam pin there's corresponding wear inside your upper right in front of the cam pin area there's a lot of wear actually right there and that's why a lot of people will install a roller bearing as opposed to just a straight up piece of solid steel they'll install like a roller bearing right here so it has less friction inside of your upper on certain carriers there are these grooves channeled out here and a lot of people may not know this because you depending on what kind of upper you choose you may not have a forward assist a lot of people think forward assists are not necessary to the function of an ar-15 but the forward assist is basically a workaround if the Sprint the action spring itself can't seat the bullet you can't apply enough force with your bare hand like your finger to get something seated so it's ridiculous when someone says well you can just push it forward with your thumb you know if it didn't go forward with all that that spring pressure and all that mass going forward why would it go forward with your thumb the forward assist actually just kind of like a little claw and it literally locks into these grooves here 2-inch inch or your carrier forward so if there's a bunch of dirt in your chamber and it was like locked back to here it can actually still go forward forward forward forward forward forward forward until you get all the way back like let's say your receiver is so dirty it can help you work past a malfunction is what it's for and I have had malfunctions in the past where I literally have to like bang this with my the front of with the palm of my hand or push with all my body weight forward on the forward assist so it is actually useful so when people say it serves no purpose that's because they're only running factory ammunition I do recommend getting a forward assist model upper receiver so another thing a lot of people sort of ignore or just don't know about is fencing and also on the magazine catch area on the original version this fencing didn't exist this fencing I believe did that actually was a problem because this this button could be depressed relatively easy against gear or on the ground so fencing is actually to protect this button here and visually you can tell that's what it's for but some people just may not actually realize what this is and and why it's there same with here so this makes it to where even if something is up against your magazine latch area you can still actuate the release like let's say my thumb is the ground you know or a wall still will allow this to actuate so without this something again see receiver you know you can't actually release the magazine so another thing that people don't know about this is more leaned towards users that have never like built a rifle or done their own maintenance but typically inside the hammer there's a spring that engages the middle a middle groove on the the hammer pins here but uh on the trigger pins the the arms from the spring that the hammer works off of actually locked in to these grooves here holds it in place and makes it to where this can't be pushed out just with vibration alone so hope you guys enjoyed this look at how an ar-15 works and in little little parts of the system that you may not have known about please share this video and then you know let people know have a good day thank you for watching I hope to see you in a future video
Channel: Douglas Thompson
Views: 100,473
Rating: 4.8370848 out of 5
Keywords: How, An, Ar, 15, Ar15, Ar-15, Works, Operation, Operates, Work, Does, Things, You, May, Not, Know, About, Facts, Fun, Guns, Shooting, Rifles, Rifle, The, Didnt, Secrets, Gun, Direct, Impingement, Pist
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 9sec (729 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 03 2017
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