"How That L Feel!?" Shedeur Sanders Gets HEATED Before Homecoming & Deion Saves Kid From QUITTING 😱

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I'm nervous we're gonna separate a man from the boys and he was going down telling what are you going you quit what are you in for when you put in a good hard day's work [Music] shut up shut up will the wins this game man runs a half [Applause] [ __ ] I'm like hit me from my heart McKinney they emulate I'm telling the rest but they're not doing then just hit me in a Becket later but let the scratch after the game they try they're trying to like get extra here some of your stuff like it's lame and I know they're not making playoffs we do and they're trying to make us fight umbrella I go cap nobody do nothing stupid brother we got summer Lou's going to the hair salon I'm telling my teammates chill just keep your cool we put fifty one on them and the defense got another donut hey I could see how to turn the airfield how did I turn the elf ooh yeah I know they say no now that want to be a humble bra it's on break homecoming week this spirit is oh let me think of a big word what's a big word for like like as in like it's excitement everywhere static it's static that's the way this girl there's no wrong let's do it when you go wrong I don't know where it says just came up it proposed a Brooke [Music] you ask brick in the homecoming right now I'm the only one that got asked [Music] [Applause] right now hey guys together we got Bryce coming in a square but I'm trying to tell him how to really do it okay we have three points just a game I see by this poster and I'm like wow this guy spelled a word wrong what is the same no no read it tell me where to say I'll get Heidi give you homecoming with me and you good she don't know he was a little nervous at first so we have a bring him back to senses come here [Music] [Applause] [Music] nothing I said he's gonna egg stylee's a homecoming during lunch so we're trying to get started to stay at lunch and hopefully have hopefully more go to the cafeteria fried how about you better say no [Music] [Applause] yeah buddy just started jumping bright cuz we're happy for the guy it's just always showing them now every week is a homecoming week to me every week is a big week every week is a big game we have a myriad of of seniors and and they don't understand they probably have I probably six seven eight more games and they got to start taking this stuff serious man because this thing is gonna be open the blink of eye one thing that we coaches don't like is excuses then we got some can see they're really trying to get to college and y'all really holding them back baby what you waitin on you got off right what you waiting on you either you know I know them right he has an offer from a particular school he wants to offer from another particular school which I happen to know the coaches and I know they're not gonna offer him so I'm saying take this offer you a hundred or what brown one you're wanting to fit the brown DB you want me to do a live phone call right now to see if they really looking for you yeah you do call camera yeah I want you go to college I always want you waiting on OPAC dream we don't get these over today so you know let me the coaches meet right now man with all those kids on the team you close the you LM glad you're right the old side corners there's five eight cuz I got a kid right there he said he waitin on this you LM awful and I'm just trying to justify to see if it's real look call him riding that dog and call me right back are you going this isn't good he was upset because he was embarrassed we're trying to help you man we don't want you stuck with nothing everything they say is right man these college girls will go away like because guess what they get paid a lot of money being paid to women it's frustrating is heartbreaking because you want the guy to realize his potential and what he could be is it not is just a player but as a citizen and what do you mean since we knew what it is team [Music] well what's up bro what's going on make chicken bone I'm really telling faking don't really just make a wrong decision based off emotion you really want to play the game so I mean don't make a harder than what it is you quit something you're gonna quit everything for life you're gonna quit relationship you have put responsibilities to your child you're gonna quit a job or occupation you're gonna put on anything the quitter is a quitter quitter gonna continuously quit the right amount of pressure I feel like I need to do it over I need to do to get back on the team like it's football stunt man a lot smaller so whatever clothes need me to do imma do it so he thought about it and he know how we get down and he came back in and was very apologetic [Music] this for the division is Friday me this is for the division this Friday the roads of State goes to them Belva parents village Tuesday night I'm wearing the car no yeah solo dolo you hear me laughs no cow you can tell them just ready when I'm head of his city I'm bring you a thing I don't feel you're playing have you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm just ready when I'm editing city playing what the game is like really funny pretty close down yes sir [Applause] and into halftime is a close game right now [Music] [Music] it's unless you big white one red bleh-bleh [Music] i faith in the defense they're gonna stop the paper based on what they blew the way right now [Music] [Applause] are you high but I know it's opportunity for us to score so we gotta hurry up and get up [Applause] I hate playing in the mud I can't hold on to the boat cuz I love mud on it I'm surrounded then I just find Weaver he just thought [Music] [Applause] Weaver [Applause] [Music] okay game over baby number one let's handle your business man at home that's handling your business at school it let's be good be what the last time y'all walked over there and tell your parents Thank You Man I might reconsider what cars are going to up this cuz just whether it is a fool right now I get me talk anyway it's too cold out here I gotta warm up but this is nothing compared our gauge to take practice more serious that is it this is the house [Applause] come on where else do they really be chillin with the athletes hanging with the athletes eating with the athletes I'm waiting it's overtime the big o you know so check out the other rest of the videos right here and subscribe
Channel: Overtime SZN
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Keywords: deion sanders highlights, deion sanders 40 yard dash, deion sanders son, deion sanders dance, deion sanders interview, deion sanders, shedeur sanders highlights, shedeur sanders college, shedeur sanders day in the life, shedeur sanders money, shedeur sanders overtime, shedeur sanders 2019, shedeur sanders alabama, shedeur sanders interview, shedeur sanders state championship, shedeur sanders dancing, shedeur sanders, deion sanders overtime, deion sanders show, overtime szn
Id: 4-ox8zh2izk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 43sec (763 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 23 2019
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