How Sin Affects the World: Book of Genesis Explained Bible Study 8

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[Music] well again we're back in the book of Genesis and last week we talked about the fall of Adam and Eve and its effect upon mankind and I explained the concept of original sin now original sin is one of those terms that most people don't understand they think they do but they don't because they think that the words mean exactly what it says and you know in any field of expertise they kind of coin their own language and when they do that unless you're in that field of expertise then you don't know what that term means and so when we hear original sin we think of the original sin in which Adam and Eve ate of the forbidden tree right the forbidden fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil but that is not what original sin is original sin refers to the spiritual condition of man as a result of Adam and Eve's sin in other words it's the effect that Adam's sin had upon all of us we were born spiritually dead we were born with the Adamic nature we were born with this propensity to sin we were conceived in sin and that's what original sin is all about that sin nature that we have now tonight what we're going to do is we're going to look to see how sin has affected the entire world because sin didn't just affect man sin also affected the earth it affected our entire world so turn with me if you would to the book of Romans the eighth chapter verse number 20 and let's see how Adam and Eve sin affected the world says for the creature was made subject to vanity now I'm using the King James Version because I believe that it's the best translation and I'm going to explain a lot about this verse which tells you a lot about what I think of the majority of translations especially when it comes to this verse I want you to notice this is for the creature that word creature is the greek word curtis's and that actually refers to creation it's talking about our world or everything that God has created so if you would in your Bible just cross out the phrase the creature and right above it creation for creation was made subject to vanity not willingly but by reason of him who have subjected the same in Hope now of course a lot of people interpret this but I want you to understand if you translate it just the way that it says when it says by him it's referring to Adam and if you notice it says Adam who subjected the same and hope you see when Adam in the eve ate of the forbidden fruit they were hoping that it would make them wise they were hoping that it would make them like gods look with me if you would in the book of Genesis chapter 3 I want to read verses 4 through 6 and this is not going to be coming up on the screens don't freak out in the back it's not in your slides it's just something as I was going through after a nobody told him what slides to make the decide I don't read that but I want you to notice what it says in Genesis chapter 3 verses 4 through 6 and the serpent said unto the woman you shall not surely die for God knows that in the day that you eat thereof your eyes will be opened and you shall be as God's little G there Wow knowing good and evil and when the woman saw that the tree was good for food it's edible and that it was pleasant to the eyes who it looks good and a tree to be desired to make one wise she took of the fruit thereof and did eat and gave also unto her husband with her and he did eat but what they did when they ate of that forbidden fruit as they subjected all of creation to vanity now what does it mean that he subjected the earth of the creation to vanity well underline that word vanity vanity is translated from the Greek word meant a yoke days it literally means perverted now of course because of the society that we live in whenever we hear the word perverted or pervert we automatically think of sex right so what does perverted me well what does that mean well basically the word perverted means to deviate from what is normal so when Adam and Eve sinned the whole world became perverted in essence when Adam and Eve sinned it caused the whole world to deviate from what it wasn't originally intended to be from what was normal in other words the world we live in is not the world that God created for us to live in let me give you some examples of how the earth became or the world became perverted how it deviated from what it was supposed to be from what was normal first of all animals became carnivorous turn with me if you would to the book of Genesis chapter 1 let me read verse number 30 here we see before Adam and Eve have even been created we notice what God's original intent was for all of the animals notice what it says and to every every every beast of the earth into every every every fowl of the air into every every every you see that thing that creeps upon the earth wherein there is life I have given every green herb for meat and that word for me means for food and it was so now I want you to notice what were the beasts what were the birds what were the animals that crawled around on the ground what were they supposed to eat plants they were not carnivorous now I want you to notice what Isaiah chapter 11 verses 6 through 9 says this is a prophecy concerning the Millennium when Jesus Christ returns and he sets his kingdom up upon the earth notice what it says is going to happen this is Isaiah again chapter 11 verses 6 through 9 and the wolf will dwell with the lamb and the leopard will lie down with the kid in other words that the sheep or the goat and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together and a little boy will lead them your little toddler will be able to go out there and he'll be able to lie down with the leopard and play around with the lion also the calendar bear will graze and then actually what it means will graze together they're kind of gray's they're gonna eat grass their young will lie down together and the line will eat straw like the Ox and the nursing child will play by the hole of the Cobra and the weaned child will put his hand on the Vipers den they will not hurt or destroy and all of my holy mountain for the earth will be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters covered to see so originally the animals did not prey on each other they didn't eat each other so we see that that became or that deviated from God's plan when Adam and Eve sinned secondly thorns weeds and thistles came into existence look at Genesis chapter 3 let's read verses 17 through 18 and then to Adam he said because thou has hearkened and the voice of thy wife and has eaten of the tree of which I commanded thee saying thou shalt not eat of it cursed is the ground for thy sake in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth and thou shalt eat the herb of the field now the implication of this verse is that there never would have been thorns thistles or weeds had Adam and Eve not sinned in other words now you're gonna have to work twice as hard it's like when you go out and you plant your garden and as all these things start coming up but these weeds also come up and the reason that you want to weed them is because they grow faster and because they grow faster their roots go down deeper and they will steal all of the nutrients they'll take all of the water and it will literally choke out the plants that you planted so what do you do you have to go out there and we'd originally when God came in and he planted out him and even in the garden it didn't mean that they wouldn't work they were still gonna have to work but they wouldn't have to work as hard because in God's original world before sin entered into the world you didn't have these type of things she didn't have the thorns that thistles the weeds and last but not least sickness disease and death came into the world notice what it says in Hebrews chapter 9 verse number 27 and isn't it and it is appointed unto men once to die but after this the judge but not kind of like this because the Bible talks about a second death I want you to notice it says but it is appointed unto men to die how many times once God never intended for people to go to hell God never intended for people to be thrown to the lake of fire those who are thrown into the lake of fire are now protecting of what is known as the second death but I want you to notice here because of what Adam and Eve did death entered into the world and so now it's appointed in the middle to die how many times once everyone's going to have to die with a few exceptions now what are those exceptions well we know that Enoch walked with God and then he was taken we know about Elijah what about the ones you're going to be here from the rapture takes place if they're believers they're not going to have to die and Jesus told us that so there are some exceptions but if you're not part of the exceptions the interesting thing about it is it's appointed unto all men to die one time but God never intended for people to die more than once if you do that that's your own fault now look at 1st Corinthians chapter 15 verses 51 through 57 talking about death entering into the world behold I show you a mystery we shall not all sleep but we shall all be changed in a moment in the twinkling of an eye now I guess I should kind of talk about this as we go he says we shall not all sleep that's a euphemism when you see this word sleep it's talking about death now does everyone know what a euphemism is a euphemism is a nicer way of saying something that's what we think is socially unacceptable we don't say that so-and-so died we say that so-and-so passed away we don't say so-and-so had sex we say they slept together those are euphemisms so in the Bible many times that are talked about people sleeping and the reason that death is likened into sleep is because when we sleep physically what happens our body rest but our mind still goes we dream it's still active and so death is kind of like sleeping what takes place is your body goes into the ground and it begins to deteriorate but your soul is eternal and so your soul will either go to heaven to be with Jesus Christ it will go to hell and so you're still able to think you're still able to feel to touch to taste to do all of the things the only problem is you don't have a body yet but one day all of the bodies are going to be resurrected not just of the just but also of the unjust their bodies are going to be resurrected and rejoined with their solar their spirit also so Paul is talking about this but he's talking about Christians here so let's go ahead and read this behold I show you a mystery we shall not all sleep in other words we shall not all die but we shall all be changed nice talking about Christians here in a moment in the twinkling of an eye at the last trumpet for the trumpet shall sound and the dead shall be raised incorruptible and we shall be changed now here's what's interesting he says and the dead shall be raised incorruptible their bodies are going to be resurrected but those that are lives shall be changed for this corruptible must put on incorruption and this mortal must put on immortality so when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption and this mortal shall have put on immortality then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written death is swallowed up in victory Oh death where is thy sting o grave where is thy victory now notice what this says the sting of death is sin in other words the cause of death is sin had Adam and Eve never sinned death would have never entered into the world but because of Adam and Eve sin now the world is subjected to vanity it is now it's now perverted and it's deviated from what is normal what God originally intended the earth to be and all of these things that are now in the world or of the result of what Adam and Eve had done and that's the bottom line when Adam and Eve sinned the world deviated from what God intended it to be and all of this sick diseased rebellion crime greed abuse drought storms they were never a part of God's plan they are the result of the world being perverted by sin so as a result while we're living here on this earth we experience pain we experience hardship we experience difficult times and who gets the blame for all of this let's be honest in our society as a whole who gets the blame for hurricanes who gets the blame for death who gets the blame for all the suffering we go through and all the pain and all the hardships be honest God does God gets the blame and you've got Calvinists that are perpetuating this heresy and that's what it is it's heresy now I had a person come up to me the other day and they made the comment that you know I don't know why you hate so their Baptist it just blew me away I don't hate Southern Baptists where did you hear that well you were teaching bla bla bla bla bla and I was no no no no no no I love everyone I love southern that's me and Lisa were we were a Southern Baptist and the gospel was placed inside of me because of that I was saved in the Southern Baptist Church the one thing I don't like is Calvinism now if there are Southern Baptist or there's Presbyterians or there's any other denominations there Calvinistic the Reformed Church the Lutheran Church those type they will go why do you wait a minute wait a minute I don't hate those denominations what I don't like is Calvinism because Calvinism teaches that nothing happens that's not God's will someone gets right we don't know why God did that but there's got to be a purpose a child dies two years old the parents are just heartbroken the pastor gets up to preach the funeral what does he say we don't know why God took them but there's a reason for it we just don't know what that reason is one day we're gonna find out well people I've got news for you God did do that God doesn't bring the hurricanes the tornadoes the difficult times to come God is not at fault people that was Adam and Eve's fault had Adam and Eve never sinned the world never would have become perverted the world never would have deviated from what God intended to be normal which is no death no suffering none of these things that we see but all of those things are result of Adam and Eve so when you hear me get excited about correcting the errors of Calvinism that's the best way to say it how's that it's because I think it's blasphemy to blame God for things that the devil does I think is blasphemy blasphemy to blame God for the results of sin God does not sin God does not tempt us to sin the Bible is so clear on that Jesus said that the thief cometh to kill to steal in to destroy I come that you might have life and that you might have life more abundantly Jesus made it as clear as possible the thief does these things God does these things they are totally different but what's interesting is Adam and Eve is the one that caused all of this but God is the one that gets blamed look back at Romans chapter 8 verse number 20 this is as clear as can be for the creature greek word 'get esis Curtis Curtis which means creation so for creation was made subject to vanity what does Vanity mean perversion its deviated from what is normal what God intended not willingly but by reason of him who is him Adam who hath subjected the same in Hope what was his hope if we eat of this fruit that God doesn't want us to we will be made wise we will be made as gods therefore they ate the fruit but people I want you to understand something it isn't and wasn't God's fault now the great thing is there's coming a time when this world is going to be restored back to its original state back to what God originally intended the earth to be turn with me if you would to the book of Ephesians the first chapter of verse number 10 now this verse sounds religious be honest with you if you're reading through the book of Ephesians you just kind of gloss over it you go you know that's just religiosity it's a bunch of religious words no no no no no listen to me there is a lot of meat packed into this one verse and tonight we're going to pull that meat out is that all right notice what it says that in the dispensation of the fullness of times he that's God will gather together in one all things in Christ both which are in heaven and which are on earth even in him now doesn't that just sound religious but let me tell you it's not it is a fantastic verse so let's tear this apart I want you to underline the word dispensation because you need to understand what a dispensation is the word dispensation is translated from the Greek word we come week on amia which literally means House Rules it's a compound word it's made up of two words it's made of the word boycotts and nummis boy cost means house and um us means law when you combine these two words together it literally means house law but we don't say it that way what would we say it or how would we say we would say House Rules so literally what this means is House Rules so technically a dispensation refers to the way God rules over mankind during certain periods of history now listen to me because this is very important God has dealt with men differently at different time periods in other words God has changed the rules from time to time based on certain factors that's right you heard me say that I'm gonna put it on TV I'm gonna put it on the DVD so you can hear it listen to me God has changed the fools from time to time based on certain factors now people this isn't wrong in fact this is good and it's in it's fair you see we do the very same thing with our kids the house rules change as our kids go through different stages as they go from babies to preschoolers to children to middle school to high school to college to adults we change the way that we parent our children we have different rules for different ages preschoolers cannot cross the road by themselves in fact we don't even allow our preschoolers to play close to the road they're not even supposed to be in the front yard if mom and dad's not with them right but something would be wrong if your high schooler cannot cross the road by themselves by that time they ought to be driving see you see there's different rules for different ages so in a sense we have different dispensations with our children there's the pre potty-trained dispensation when it's okay for your baby to poop in their pants it's okay for them to reach it the food you don't slap them in the face when they take the food you keep the food away from because if they ever touch that food which is going in their hair and on their face and you got to giving them baths now you don't come in and say here are the rules I know you can't talk but don't you dare poop in your pants if you have to poop you grunt and all know that you don't do that do you you don't say here's the rules you can't touch the food no no no no you see that is that pre potty-trained dispensation and then you get them potty-trained and the rules change now you look at what are you doing do you need to go potty you don't do that you go to the bathroom you do that why because you've changed the rules certain factors have changed so you changed the house rules and then they have to go school and in even their school you have to be in the house before it gets dark and you can only play here in Billy's backyard I you know when I was growing up third and fourth grade we went downtown we went all over you know it's like mom dad were going downtown we would go to the the Union we wrote a bike's all over town you can't do that today I guess but you know we did that growing up but you better be home by dinnertime then you went out to plain you need to be in when it gets dark but that dispensation changed when I turned 16 had my car you know now the sudden rules are changing again we're changing those dispensations based on certain factors you know I tell you the hardest thing for me was to send our kids to college and you know they had a midnight curfew in high school and they go to college and now they're out on their own they come home and because they could stay out all night in college now they think they can do that in my home well when you're in my home that's really hard on me because now they want to come in at four o'clock in the morning because they did that at college yeah but dad still feels like he has to stay up and so now I'm not comfortable with the new dispensation I mean you know what I'm talking about parents of college kids oh yeah you see the dispensation change the house rules changed so we need to understand that God is the same way his house rules have changed as revelation of him has increased the more he revealed of himself the more he holds us accountable we're held to a higher standard than those who didn't have all of the Word of God we know that polygamy is not right today you can go back and point to the Old Testament but Jesus Christ has revealed this we go into the New Testament we're able to read what the scriptures say and we understand that from the beginning it was not so God created one woman for one man now there was a time and we'll talk about this at the end of Genesis when we look at the genealogies because that has much to teach us but we'll find out when polygamy came into being and how it was introduced into this world and listen that was a perversion that was a time that it deviated from God intended it to be but there was a dispensation when David a man after God's own heart had eight wives and we won't even talk about Solomon so let me give you the five previous dispensations from Adam to the fall in other words before the fall you had the dispensation of innocence I mean didn't even know what sin was they were both naked and not ashamed they didn't have a perverted thought in their mind Adam didn't go could you put some stockings on you know he didn't do that you know completely innocent completely pure but as soon as he sins his eyes are open all right but now the sudden there's these thoughts that are perverted in his mind all of these things are bombarding him and so now we have a different dispensation from the fall to know where we have the dispensation of conscience you know that wasn't right and from Noah to Moses we have the dispensation of promise God starts making some promises and then from Moses to Jesus Christ we had the dispensation of law God gives the Torah gives the prophets and so now these are the things that you're to live by then Jesus Christ comes and from Jesus Christ to the Millenium we have the dispensation of grace were under grace at this point now listen to me this might come as a shock to you there are more dispensations to come oh yeah now when we're changed the scripture says we will know even as we are known now remember as factors change God deals differently with us right so we still have dispensations to come which brings us back to Ephesians chapter one verse number 10 let's look back at that verse again that in the dispensation of the fullness of times God will gather together in one all things in Christ both which are in heaven which are on earth even in him now I want you to notice that the dispensation of the fullness of times God is going to gather together in all things in Christ now what is the dispensation of the fullness of times because this is telling us when God is going to do this so when is the dispensation of the fullness of times well let's just look at the Greek the word fullness is translated from the Greek word play Rama which means complete so this is talking about the end of time when time is complete when history is played out so the dispensation of the fullness of times the completion of time is the in time it's the final dispensation on this earth now did you hear what I said it is not the final dispensation it is the final dispensation when on this earth so the dispensation of the fullness of time is the completion of time referring to man's time schedule it's the dispensation of the fullness of the completion of time on this earth at that time at that dispensation God is going to gather together in one all things in Christ that's exactly what Ephesians 1:10 says let's read it again that in the dispensation of fullness of times in other words in the end time during the Millennium that's the last dispensation on this earth so during the Millennium God will gather together in one all things in Christ now what in the world does that mean well let's dig a little bit deeper let's tear that apart and find out notice that one big huge phrase together together in one that whole phrase comes from one Greek compound word it comes from the Greek compound word on AK if Allah IANA he Hanukkah if Allah Yama he is made up of two words it's made up of the root word kef a lien which means to bring back and gather around the center point now what this word is implying is that things have been scattered and you want to gather them up and bring them back to the center now what was supposed to be the center of the universe let's get spiritual that's a hint what was supposed to be the center of our universe God God before sin entered the picture God was the center of our universe everything revolved around God and God's will before the fall so at the last dispensation on this earth the Millennium the world is going to be brought back into a correct relationship with God everything will revolve around God and he is going to be the center of everything speaking figuratively but that's not all remember that this is a compound word and I've only told you what one word means there is a prefix that's added to this word and that prefix is the Greek word Ana which means again now the word again implies that this is the second time not the first time that this has happened right if I say let's go to town again what does that mean it means I've already gone to town once now if I say let's go to town again and you look at me and go again we didn't go to town today what are you talking about oh I mean let's go to town see if I say let's go to town again it means I've already been to town let's go back does that make sense in other words what this is telling us is that there was a time in the past when everything revolved around God there was a time in the past when everything revolved around God and God's will and when was that when was everything in a right relationship with God where everything revolved around God in the Garden of Eden before the fall now I want you to notice what Paul is saying he's saying that the dispensation of the fullness of time in other words at the end of time on this earth during this period known as the millennium everything is going to be returned to the it was before the fall it's going to be just like it was before Adam and Eve sinned now when I understand what Ephesians chapter 1 verse number 10 is saying when I can truly grasp at all of the sudden all of these other scriptures in the Bible begin to make sense turn to Romans chapter 8 verses 18 through 23 and I'll give you some examples it says yeah what we suffer now is nothing compared to the glory he will reveal to us later for all creation is waiting eagerly for that future day when God will reveal who his children really are against its will all of creation was subjected to God's curse but with eager hope the creation looks forward to the day when it would join God's children and glorious freedom from death and decay for we know that all creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time and we believers also groan even though we had the Holy Spirit within us as a foretaste of future glory for we loan for our bodies to be released from the sin and the suffering we too are waiting with eager hope for the day when God will give us our full rights as his adopted children including the new bodies he has promised us now I want you to understand ever since Adam and Eve had sinned there have been three different types of groaning in this world the creation groans because it is not the way God intended it to be animals prey on each other we've got all of these weeds and thistles and thorns there's disease there's corruption there's horrible things that is happening and this earth is actually groaning to be released from that then we have the groaning of us don't we want the suffering to stop wouldn't we like for people not to get cancer no one to be raped women not to be drugged drugged into human slavery and forced to prostitute themselves wouldn't we love to see a perfect world so we grown what's the third groaning who else groans the Holy Spirit groans the Holy Spirit makes groanings he's waiting for this to take place too but I won't go into this but when you when I teach on the gift of tongues we find out that the Holy Spirit intercedes on our behalf with groanings which cannot be at her and explain about that a little bit later sometime but there's that groaning also all because of what Adam and Eve had done but there's going to come a time according to fees in chapter 1 verse number 10 at that final dispensation at the dispensation the fullness of time that God is going to gather all things together revolve it around him like it was in Christ Jesus things on earth and in heaven everything's going to be taken back to the way it was before the fall knowing that look at Isaiah chapter 11 verses 4 through 9 read this again he will give justice to the poor to make fair decisions for the exploited the earth will shake at the force of his word and one breath from his mouth will destroy the wicked he will wear righteousness like a belt and truth like an undergarment in that day the wolf and the lamb will live together the leopard will light down with the baby goat the calf and the yearling will be safe from them with the line and a little child will lead them all the cow will graze near the bear the cub and the calf will lie down together the lion will eat hay like a cow the baby will play safely near the hole of the Cobra yes a little child would put its hand in the destined endless deadly snakes without harm nothing will hurt or destroy in all my holy mountain first the waters filled to sea so the earth will be filled with people who know the Lord Wow during that final dispensation we're gonna get a little taste of what not a little taste we're going to know what it was like before the fall we're gonna get to live on this earth the way that God intended it to be that's not the final dispensation but that's the final dispensation at the end of time for the earth and after the Millennium boom the great white throne judgment this heaven in this earth is destroyed and then a new heaven and new earth are created and we go into the eighth cosmic week but that's a whole nother lesson that's what we taught in the book of Revelation you
Channel: Cornerstone Fellowship
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Keywords: book of genesis bible study, book of genesis summary, book of genesis free, book of genesis small group, book of genesis, genesis, cain and abel, noah, creation, babel, creation of good and evil, tree of knowledge, sin, noahs ark, adam and eve, creationism, cornerstone fellowship, allen nolan, genesis sermon, genesis series, introduction to genesis, introduction to bible, book of genesis explained, book of genesis guide, how sin affects the world, effects of sin
Id: gKcAqKAIh0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 6sec (2226 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 17 2020
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