The Great Flood Explained: Book of Genesis Explained Bible Study 15

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[Music] [Music] [Music] well good evening if you're visiting for the very first time let me just kind of explain what we do on Wednesday nights on Wednesday nights we go a little bit more in depth normally I will take a book and we'll study that book sometimes I do verse-by-verse I've done that in several books I've gone verse by verse through the book of Revelation it took us about two years and I'll be honest I tried to go paragraph by paragraph but many times it was verse by verse and the reason why is I didn't want to spend five to six years in the book of Revelation because I feel like the time is near so we wanted to get through it I've been through the book of Ephesians verse by verse it took about five years to get through that been through the book of James took about three years went through the book of Jude and took a year went through the book of Ecclesiastes and now we're going to go through the book of Genesis well I think I burned every one out in the book of Revelation so when I said we're going to start on Genesis just to make sure that everyone decided they would still come is that I said we are not going to study at verse by verse instead in our study we're going to cover the four main events which are the creation the fall the flood and the Tower of Babel and then we're going to cover the four main characters Abraham Isaac Jacob and who's the fourth Joseph now we've already covered two the main events the creation and the fall so now it's time to move on to the next main event which is the flood so turn with me if you would to the book of Genesis the sixth chapter I'm going to read the first two four verses in fact we're probably not going to cover all four verses I think we're only going to be able to cover the first two verses but I want to read all four so we'll take all of this in context now it came to pass when men began to multiply on the face of the earth and daughters were born to them that the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were beautiful very beautiful and they took wives for themselves all of whom they chose and the Lord said my spirit shall not strive with man forever for he is indeed flesh yet his days shall be 120 years there were giants and in parentheses I have Nephilim on the earth in those days and also afterward when the sons of God came into the daughters of men and they bore children to them those were the mighty men who were of old men of renown wow this is one of the more interesting passages of Scripture in the Bible and when I say interesting I mean interesting that's why we're going to take our time tonight we're not going to rush through this you know we could probably just breeze over this and cover eight verses tonight but I don't want to do that I really want to take our time and show you some things that I think you'll find interesting and it will also help you to understand more about the Bible and especially when you get to the Gospels and when Jesus comes on the scene and you see all of these people who are possessed by demons and you're thinking well what does the Bible have to say about demons and what are they well we're going to kind of get our first taste in the next few weeks on that now to really understand this passage of Scripture we need to keep it in context you see Genesis chapter 5 is the toda of Adam in other words the genealogy of Adam go ahead and turn to verse number one in chapter five we're gonna jump one chapter before this says this is the book of the generation of Adam in the day that God created man in the likeness of God made he him now underline the word generations generations is translated from the Hebrew word Tola da and it means descendants or genealogy in fact when you're reading through commentaries many times I don't know why they just won't say genealogies that's why I'm kind of informing you as to what this Hebrew word means so many times we get lost because it seems like every field has their own vocabulary if you're in the medical field they have their own vocabulary well it's the same way with theology they have their own vocabulary and that's why I'm trying to keep you abreast of that because if you ever do any in-depth studying you'll run across that vocabulary and you think what in the world is that but the Hebrew word took Paletta means descendants or genealogy so Genesis chapter 5 is basically the giana geology genealogy of Adam in other words it's a list of his descendants but but the first eight verses in Chapter six is also a part of that in other words the tolet of Adam that began in chapter five verse number one does not conclude until chapter six verse number eight and many times we don't catch that so if I started in chapter six verse number one you're not gonna understand why this is here and what it's a part of because we have the tendency to think that when we start a new chapter that it's starting a whole new section but we need to understand that when the Bible was written they didn't write the chapters or the verses in that's something we've done to help people to find their place in the Bible but originally there were no chapters and verses so in our quest to make it easier for you and we put in these chapters and verses many times we put the chapters and the verses in the wrong place so you need to understand that the first eight verses of chapter six really goes along with chapter five so the first two paragraphs in chapter six are part of the genealogy of Adam and they explain why God had to destroy everyone on the earth with the exception of Noah's family through the flood God had to destroy them he had no other option sometimes we get the impression that God chose to do that that he got really upset that it repented that he'd even made man and he said you know what I'm just going to destroy them all and he sent the flood he destroyed them all and then all of a sudden he had a change of heart and he said well I'm never going to do that again so here is the token of the Covenant that I will never again curse the earth and we think wow don't kick god off right but I want you to understand something God had to send the flood he had to destroy everyone with the exception of Noah in his family and we will find out why in the first eight verses of chapter six so let me break it down for you verses one through four in Chapter six explain how and why the people became so wicked in essence intermarriage between the sons of God and the daughters of men created a super race of people that super race of people is referred to as the Nephilim now once you understand who the Nephilim are you understand why they were so wicked and why god had to do what he did then in verses 5 through 8 we're toad why God had to destroy the super race of people and everyone else on the earth with the exception of Noah's family so if you don't understand the first eight verses you want to understand why God sent the flood you just kind of think that God got ticked off with everyone and said you know what I'm just gonna start all over and then he decided you know I can't do this because men's gonna always be wicked so I won't do this anymore and I just put the rainbow the sky as a promise that this is never going to happen again with people that's not the way it happened that's why we're going to take our time and we're gonna build up to the flood so you understand why this took place and then in verse number nine in Chapter six begins a new section that section begins with the genealogy of Noah and Noah means rest and it's referring to the root to the curse it's rest from the curse it's he's the comfort that comes now the Jews would say instead of the genealogy of Noah what would they say they would say but Oleta of Noah and just remember that because if you're reading along you'll find that and I don't know why but it just simply means the genealogy it's the Hebrew word for that so let's look at the first four verses in chapter 6 starting with verses 1 and 2 that came to pass when men began to multiply on the face of the earth and daughters were born to them that the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were beautiful and they took wives for themselves of all whom they chose now if you've read chapter 5 you know that all of the descendants of Adam before the flood live to be very old Adam lived to be 930 Seth lived to the age of 912 eNOS lived to be 905 Canaan lived to be 910 mihaela Leo lived to be 895 Jared lived to be 962 years old Enoch was raptured at the very young age of 365 in fact go ahead and turn with me if you would to the verses 2 verses 21 and 24 in chapter 5 remember this is the genealogy of of Adam but what's kind of interesting is he's just listing certain people's telling you the age he's telling you the sons and daughters but he says something very interesting in verses 21 through 24 when any could live 65 years he became the father of Methuselah and after he became the father of Methuselah Enoch walked with God three hundred years and had other sons and daughters not just Methuselah and this says this for everyone in the lists of the genealogies Enoch walked with God and then he was no more because God took him away and what's kind of interesting is when you study this in Hebrew it's basically the same type of phenom phenomenons that happens in the New Testament that they refer to as the rapture now every once in a while I'll hear someone say what the word rapture is not even in the Bible well of course no English words in the Bible wasn't written in the English people it was written in Greek so that's a very stupid statement the word rapture actually comes from the Greek word harpazo which means to snatch up and basically the Bible teaches that there's going to come a time when the Christians on the earth are going to be snatched up from the earth and Jesus taught that besides Paul and he stated it very specifically and we find in the Old Testament that there were several people I shouldn't say several two people who were snatched up who were raptured and who were those two people Enoch was one Elijah was the other and so we find that they were snatched up or he was raptured but he had a son also named Methuselah and when someone lives to be very old what do we say there is old as Methuselah Methuselah lived to be 969 years Lamech lived to be 777 and Lamech was the father of Noah and so we finally get down to know and we'll get down to verse number nine and then it will say let's start the Tola DA of Noah in other words the genealogy of Noah so when you look at how long the descendants of Adam lived before the fall or before the flood there's no telling how many kids each person had in fact it wouldn't surprise me if they each had hundreds of kids who had hundreds of kids who had hundreds of kids if you think about if a woman goes through menopause at about 50 52 and they live to wad 85 let's just make it an even hundred is that alright can we do that let's suppose that women live to be a hundred and they go through menopause at about fifty that means that they can have children about from puberty all the way up to fifty fifty to somewhere and there but almost half of their life they would be able to have kids well if they're living to nine hundred years and I'm assuming that the women are living that long too because women always outlive min right the women workers to death or they I'm just kidding no we just wish we were not just teasing but anyways women normally outlive men so I'm assuming that the women lived as long as the men did and the reason they lived that waste because they were very healthy so probably in their bodies they didn't probably hit menopause until 450 or 500 years don't you think about how many children that you could have and some of you had children about every two years to three years if you look at my parents when Radel was the senior carol was a junior I was a sophomore then there was like two and a half three years difference between me and Doug and then Doug and Steve were one year apart everyone thought that our family was Catholic yeah you know we would walk in and it was like boom boom boom boom boom and they would go oh you're coming from the Catholic Church nothing to know it's just that's the way it happened you know it's kind of funny no one's know how to have children should I tell people this I better stop never mind but but here's what I want you to see you can have children every two or three years and you think about this they're having children it wouldn't be impossible if you said okay every three years they're going to have a child or four years they're going to have a child and they can do this until they're four or five hundred years old and then the children they're having or having children and the children they're having are having children now no one really knows how many kids each one had all we really know is that the population multiplied low back at verse number one now it came to pass when men began to multiply on the face of the earth and daughters were born to them so you had a population explosion now I want you to notice that their daughters were very beautiful doesn't say anything about them in I'm sure the men were very ugly they probably had the long beards what you see and I don't think that they probably went bald and I'll explain why in just a little bit for a long time and then eventually it comes down to people like me but it does say that the women were very beautiful and be honest with you that comes with gnosis brought a surprise especially as you consider genetics I want you to think about it the further you go down the line in the genealogy of Adam and Eve the greater chance for mutations to occur now last week if you remember we were looking at the word thistles of what the word thistles means dar dar in Hebrew means to be set free it means to be released and it's talking about the DNA template so because of the curse God comes to ad misses you don't understand what you did I'm now going to have to pull back because sin cannot come into my presence and I am the life-force and I hold all things together by the power of my word we found that in the book of Hebrews and so when God pulls back things are not held together by the power of his word and so what he's telling them things are released they're free to begin to mutate and we begin to see these mutations take place and the further you go down the line in the genealogy of Adam Eve the greater the chance for mutations to occur but these descendants were very close genetically speaking to Adam and Eve and if you remember Adam Nev were perfect specimens before the fall when God created things he looked at that and he said this is good now let's be honest when I look at things and say this is good it's a lot different than when God looks at something as this is good because when God says something is good because he's omnipotent omniscient omnipresent his standard is so much better than mine when he says this is good he means this is perfect so Adam and Eve were perfect specimens before the fall so you know that their kids were beautiful Adam was the best looking man that ever existed with the best physique you've ever that anyone's ever had I mean this guy was unbelievable Eve was not down beautiful that's why when Adam sorry he said whoa man and she became woman right because this woman was beautiful now if they were beautiful you know their kids were very beautiful and their kids were beautiful and their kids were beautiful but the further you go down the line oh well that's why I look the way I do that's genetics it's the second law of thermodynamics that we talked about when all things are left to themselves they go from order to disorder and so we've had a lot of mutations here and now you end up with people like me that are bald and you know things just aren't quite right but we're further along the line so people I want you to understand that during this time when it says that the daughters of men were beautiful what's interesting about that word in fact it's bad in the King James Version because the way it expressed makes it sound like yeah they were good but in Hebrew it means ravishingly beautiful it's like oh my gosh these women were perfect tens now verse 2 tells us that the sons of God took notice of how beautiful the daughters of men were and they had sex with them look back at verses 1 & 2 and then we're going to focus in on verse number 2 now came to pass when men began to multiply on the face of the earth and daughters were born to them that the sons of God saw the daughters of men and they were knock out beautiful whoo and they took wives for themselves of all whom they chose which is a very important phrase we'll look at that in just a minute now this sounds like the sons of God married the daughters of men but it doesn't necessarily mean that and let me tell you why I say that the word wives is actually translated from the Hebrew word ishshah' which refers to a woman regardless of whether she's married or not it can refer to a wife but it has to be because it's in that context because if Shaw just actually refers to a woman in general whether she's married or not and the word took is translated from the Hebrew word Lacock which is very which is a very common verb in Hebrew but when it's referring referring to women it has a sexual connotation hmm let me give an example I'm not going to turn there you can write this down and go look at it later in Genesis chapter 34 verse number 2 it says that Shechem took Dinah took is the Hebrew word Locke and it means he had sex with her even though they weren't married if you remember he raped her but the word that she's there is that he took her now let's be honest men will say that sometimes to her wives won't we I don't know no one's do that I don't know if that's you men but sometimes we'll be in the grocery store my watch just looks kind of good as I'm following her from behind and so get over there whisper tonight I'm gonna take you I don't know why I say that way I just have always said that but that's the same expression that the Bible uses he took her so all this is really saying is that the Son of God noticed how beautiful the daughters of men were and they had sex with them they took the women so let's read verses 1 & 2 again and I want to replace the word wives with the word women because that's a more literal translation and I'm reading this out of the new American Standard because I feel like it's a better translation from the original Hebrew so here it goes now it came about when men began to multiply in the face of the land and daughters were born to them that the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful and they took women for themselves took means they had sex it cures that sexual connotation all right and then it says whomever they chose in other words they had multiple partners they were very promiscuous so the bottom line is this the sons of God began having sex with the daughters of men and it wasn't just with one they didn't necessarily take wives all it says is they were beautiful and they began to become very promiscuous with all of these women and these women were promiscuous with them everyone with me now as you can see the whole key to understanding this passage of Scripture is knowing who the sons of God refer to who are the sons of God who is that referring to well there are three theories and if you're taking notes right these three theories doubt one theory says that their fallen angels in other words of the angels that followed Lucifer when he failed when he rebelled against God and these fallen angels left their natural habit and they had sex with these mortal women creating a super race of people which are referred to as the Nephilim another theory is that they simply refer to refer to royalty in other words the sons of God are the leaders among the people and they took multiple wives and had harems and that was their sin they were promiscuous they were involved in polygamy the third theory says that the sons of God are the descendants of Seth Seth represents the godly line and Cain represents the ungodly line if you remember when we talked about scene theology and theology is correct and we see how seat theology interweaves throughout the Bible well is as you look at seed theology Seth was the more godly in Cain was the ungodly and we understand because of the story of Cain and Abel and you know if you look at Cain's children and it's very important to actually study the genealogies in Genesis and the reason it's very important to do that is because their culture is much like many of our Native American Indian cultures when they used to name people according to their characteristics so if you look at the people Abraham's name was changed to Abraham which means father of many nations the first king of Israel was who Saul Saul means asked for we don't think that originally his name was Saul believe it or not it was changed to Saul and everyone just referred to him that even before he became king was of telling the story and the reason they do that is because he was the king that was asked for and then we get to the New Testament you have Saul who was asked for it someone it was really important and God changed his name to Paul and so we see that names are very important in the Hebrew culture so when you're studying the genealogies in Genesis we can study those genealogies and there's a story that's being told and if I had enough time we would we would actually do a series on the genealogies and in the book of Genesis and we would look at the story that's being told through the genealogies well this third theory says that the sons of God are the descendants of Seth and Seth represents the godly line and Cain represents the ungodly line so the godly descendants of Seth married the ungodly descendants of Cain and that was their sin now what do I believe well it really doesn't matter what I believe the only thing that really matters is what the Bible teaches I really don't care what you believe I'm sorry every once in a while I have a person come up to me and they'll say pastor you want to know what I believe and I'll usually say sure because you know I understand how social graces work but inside I'm thinking not really cuz it really doesn't matter what you think it really doesn't matter what I think what really matters is what the Bible teaches so what I want to do is I'm gonna find out what the Bible has to say about who the sons of God are because if I don't know who the sons of God are I'm really missing what this story is saying and I really don't understand why they were so bad that God had to it really wasn't an option God had to destroy everyone now in order to find out who the sons of God refers to we need to apply hermeneutical principles now does everyone know what hermeneutics is if you don't know what hermeneutics is let me just tell you because if you go away to Bible College and you get a degree in either theology biblical literature or Masters of Divinity whatever you're going to get your degree and you'll probably have to take a hermeneutics class hermeneutics is defined as the science and art of interpreting the Bible the reason it's considered science is because it has rules and these rules can be classified into an orderly system it's also considered an art because the scholar must know what rules to apply to the text when to apply them and how to apply them and if he doesn't he's going to distort the true meaning of the verse or verses so even though you learn these rules and I think some of you know what I'm talking about it doesn't mean you know how to apply them do you get to the passage of Scripture to go over which rule applies and if you don't apply the right rule and you don't know how to apply it and you don't know when it applies really all you do is screw up the meaning of it so it's not just a science it's also an art now one of the fundamental principles of hermeneutics is that scripture interprets Scripture how many of you ever heard that yeah whenever you come to a difficult passage you'll hear a pastor say well you know we're going to figure out what this means but we need to keep in mind that scripture interprets Scripture what does that mean in other words it means to understand what an obscure verse means or won an unusual phrase or word means we have to look at it in the context of other scriptures I mean if we come across a verse that we go oh my what in the world does that mean really to understand that we have to take it in context with other scriptures if we come upon an unusual word or an unusual phrase and we think what does that word mean well we need to go to other scriptures that uses that word or uses that phrase to find out if we can tell what that word means does that make sense so what we're going to do tonight is we're look at other scriptures that mention the sons of God to find out who the sons of God are who is that phrase referring to well let's go to other scriptures to find out the phrase sons of God is used only five times in the Old Testament once here in Genesis chapter six verse two three times in the book of Job and once in the Book of Daniel and every time it refers to angels so even if we didn't know what it meant in our instance here in Genesis chapter 6 verse number 2 we can go these others to find out what the sons of God or who they were referring to and what we'll find out is every time that title or that phrase sons of God refers to angels at the beginning of job it talks about the sons of God coming or appearing before God in heaven turn with me if you would to the book of Job chapter 2 verse number one I'm not going to show you both of them at the beginning of job the first ones in job chapter 1 verse number 6 the next ones in job chapter 2 verse 1 and they just about say the very same thing so I'm just choosing one and the one I'm choosing is Joe chapter 2 verse 1 says again there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord and Satan came also among them to present himself before the Lord now I want you to notice how the NIV translates this on another day the Angels did you see that they translated the sons of God as angels the angels came to present themselves before the Lord and Satan also came to them to present himself before him now why did Satan come because he's already fallen why did Satan come because he's an angel he's a fallen angel but he's still an angel and angels have access to God and one of the reasons that they know that the sons of God in this passage of Scripture and in job chapter 1 verse number 6 is referring to angels because in the context is talking about appearing before God's throne in heaven now can any human appear to God at this time in heaven before God in his throne no because when you died for did your spirit go your spirit didn't go to heaven it went to the bosom of Abraham now when we die today in the New Testament our spirit or so does not go to the bosom of Abraham it goes to heaven but the only reason why is because when Jesus died for our sins he descended into hell and the Bible says that he paid the penalty of her sins and when all our sins were paid for according to Leviticus 18 5 God could resurrect Jesus so Jesus can't became spiritually alive inhale and the scripture tells us in the book of Ephesians that he preached unto those that were held captive who were held captive those who were in the bosom of Abraham and so they're sitting in this visual picture because this is a great chasm between the bosom of Abraham and hell and so Jesus is over here inhaling he's paid to the print to all the penalty for sins and all the sudden he becomes spiritually he's able to throw off all these principalities powers these demons off of him and across this chasm all these people abusing Abraham oh wow and the scripture says that he's able to bridge that comes over he preaches them to captivity and then it says in Ephesians he took captivity captive in other words he took those in the bosom of Abraham to heaven so now when we die we don't go to the bosom of Abraham we go where we go to heaven but before Jesus that didn't happen so when it talks about the sons of God coming before God's throne sat all of them came and Satan came with them this is a natural occurrence these angels are sent to do the mission of God so they come before God and now Satan comes even though he's fallen alright so in the first part of job the phrase sons of God definitely refers to angels now turn to job chapter 38 verses 4 through 7 now you got to remember God's putting job in his place yes joe was an upright and just man for a man but he wasn't perfect now you might go to certain scriptures but in the context and the Hebrew that's used it doesn't mean that he was perfect like Jesus or he wouldn't need needed a redeemer in fact Joe had a big problem job's problem was I don't have time to get into that anyways he thought by works he could be perfect and that would make him good and he found out that no one can be good before God and you need a redeemer so when he finally gets to that point now God is speaking to him and he's putting job in his place and here's what God says to him where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth declare if you have understanding who laid the measures thereof if you know us and who has stretched the line upon it whereupon all the foundations thereof fastened or who laid the cornerstone thereof when the morning stars sang together and all the sons of God shouted for joy there's that phrase sons of God being Elohim and that's why you always hear like it sa Yohanan Ben Zakai riah Ben means son in Hebrew so it's saying John's son of Zechariah but that Ben in lieu him is what this is saying sons of God now this passage scriptures talking about the very beginning of creation when God laid the foundation of the earth before any life any life was ever created on the earth notice that when God laid the foundation of the earth all the sons of God shouted for joy now obviously the phrase sons of God refers to angels because they were created before that time now if you have any doubt I want you to notice how the NIV translates this passage where were you when I laid the Earth's foundation tell me if you understand who marked off its dimensions surely you know who stretched a measuring line across it now you got to remember that if our dimensions weren't the same on the earth as they are now gravity would be too great we wouldn't be able to exist if it was you know you look at all the things for just the right distance from the Sun we're just the right distance from the moon all these things just work so greatly and this is what God is talking about surely you know who stretched a measuring line across it or what where it's fitting said or who laid its cornerstone while the morning stars sang together and all the Angels shouted for joy so every time the phrase sense of God is used in the Old Testament also in the Book of Daniel every time the phrase sons of God is using the Old Testament it refers to angels now what about the New Testament well let me show you something very interesting in the genealogy of Jesus turn to Luke chapter 3 verse 38 says Kenan was the son of eNOS eNOS was the son of Seth Seth was the son of Adam Adam was the son of God now this is the last part of the genealogy of Jesus but it actually started in verse number 23 it says that Joseph was the son of Eli Eli was the son of matha and then Luke traces Jesus genealogy not all the way back to David he traces Jesus genealogy all the way back to Adam but when he gets to Adam he says an Adam was the son of God now why is Adam considered to be the son of God it's because Adam wasn't born Adam was created by the hand of God you see the phrase son sons of God refers to those who were created by God rather than being born Adam was a direct product of creation and that's why he's called a son of God and that's why in the Old Testament angels are referred to as sons of God because angels are not born trust me your little child is not an angel angels are created so angels are created beings and they were created by the hand of God and that's where the phrase sons of God comes from it means they're created beings now let me show you something interesting all right we're still in the New Testament turn to John chapter 1 verse 12 it says but as many as received him talking about Jesus to them gave he power to become the sons of God even to them that believe on his name now wait a minute this is talking about us but we're born we're not created so how can we legitimately be called sons of God well turn to 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 verse 17 it says if anyone is in Christ he is a new creation kisses in the Greek kisses the old is gone the new has come you see when we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior God creates a new spirit within us we are literally a new creation of God so we can be called legitimately sons of God that's why we we used the term born again but literally that term born again Jesus was saying it when we go further we find out that when you're born again you're regenerated but what happens is God comes in and he creates within you a new spirit and you are considered according to the Word of God to be a new creation and therefore you can legitimately be called a son of God now yes I'm the son of George Noland but I am also the son of God because I am a new creation in Christ Jesus but this is a New Testament phenomenon people this did not happen in the Old Testament no one got saved in the Old Testament the reason that in the book of Ephesians it said that when Jesus was down into hell it says that he had to preach unto those that were held captive why did he have to preach to them because only those who believe in Jesus Christ can go to heaven and they died in faith believing the Messiah had come but they never saw the Messiah so they still had to accept the Messiah as their Lord and Savior so Jesus preaches to them and I guess it was the shortest message ever recorded because they literally saw him come back to life cross the chasm that no one else could do so therefore and then he takes captivity captive but they had to receive Jesus Christ they had to wait so this is not an Old Testament phenomenon this is only a New Testament phenomenon so the only ones referred to as sons of God in the Old Testament are who angels well an Adam in the new so in the Old Testament the phrase sons of God refers to angels always so in Genesis chapter 6 the phrase sons of God refers to fallen angels we know that it's referring to fallen angels because God never created angels to have sex and to do so was even further rebellion against God now how do we know God never created angels to have sex we'll turn to mark chapter 12 verse number 25 for when the dead rise talking about us if we die before Christ returns they will neither marry nor be given in marriage in this respect they will be like the angels in heaven so what this is saying is the Angels never marry so when I say that angels were never created to have sex the reason I say that is because they do not marry and sex is only meant for marriage the Bible clearly says that the whole purpose of X is to establish the Covenant to continually reaffirm that covenant Lisa and I are one flesh we have entered into a one flesh covenant a marriage covenant and sex is never to be participated in outside of marriage so for angels to do this they had to rebel against God and the only ones that would have done this are the ones that already rebelled in other words the ones who actually fail when Lucifer fell he took a third of the angels with him so these fallen angels left their natural habitat which is the spiritual realm and they had sex with mortal women and two books in the New Testament actually talked about this refers to it in fact these two books there was a lot of discussion as whether they should have been included in the New Testament one of us the book of 2nd Peter and the other is the book of Jude now does anyone know who Jude is Jude is the half-brother of Jesus but the reason that these two books were hotly debated as to whether they should be included in the New Testament is because they actually quote from the Book of Enoch and the book of the Enoch talks about these fallen angels coming down and having sex with mortal women and they quote directly from the Book of Enoch now the Book of Enoch was a very popular book during the time of Jesus and it's very interesting but I won't go any further turn with me to Jude chapter 1 verse 6 let me just show you these two verses and the angels which kept not their first estate but left their own habitation he hath preserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day now I want to read this from the New Living Translation if you don't mind because they're to make it a little more clear and I remind you of the angels who did not stay within the limits of authority that God gave them but they left the place where they belonged where do they belong in the spiritual realm God has kept them securely chained in prisons of darkness waiting for the great day of judgment so when God causes the flood and he wipes out the offspring of these fallen angels and these mortal women this new super race we're going to find out what happened to the Nephilim but we're also going to find out and we see here that God also took these angels and judged them and he said at once that did this he actually went down and chained them into darkness that they can never again escape the habitation that they're supposed to they should have stayed in and so they're chained there and I turned a second Peter chapter two verses four through five so these can't be demons maybe we'll get into demonology in the next week or two for if God spared not the Angels that sinned but he cast them down to hell and delivered them into chains of Darkness they're chained to be reserved into judgment and they're not getting out until Judgment Day and spared not the old world but saved Noah the eighth person a preacher of righteousness bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly now I want you to notice in the second Peter I want you to notice the time period this is talking about it's the time period right before the flood and it's referring to angels he says these angels left their own habitation which is the spiritual world and the implication is they had sex with the daughters of men which is outside the boundaries but Jude chapter 1 verse number 6 was talking about outside the boundaries that God sent angels don't marry and sex is restricted to those who were married but these angels did not did not remain within the limits of authority that God had set that's Jude chapter 1 verse number 6 now most people wonder how fallen angels could have sex with mortal women they wonder is it even possible anyone ever now that I'm bringing this up how many of you thinking how is that even possible anyone even thinking that way am I the only one that thinks like that okay thank you the answer is yes they can angels are spiritual beings with spiritual bodies but those spiritual bodies have hands feet eyes mouth hair every type of characteristic or trait of our bodies angels actually have in fact their bodies have the very same characteristics and I'm not going to say as women because they don't they're the very same characteristics as men if you do a little study on angels you'll see what I'm talking about and they can manifest themselves in the physical realm in fact you could see an angel and not even know one that's how much these angels look like men when they manifest themselves in the physical realm turn to Hebrews chapter 13 verse number 2 and let me prove it to you don't forget to show hospitality to strangers for some who have done this have entertained angels the word angels there's the Greek word and jealous without realizing it now let me give you a real-life example of this and we're gonna go to the Old Testament turn with me to I got plenty of time guys to Genesis chapter 19 verses 1 through 5 says that evening the two angels came to the interests of the city of Sodom lot was sitting there when he saw them he stood up to meet them then he welcomed them and he bowed with his face to the ground my Lords he said he didn't recognize that they were angels believe it or not not to later come to my home to wash your feet and be my guests for the night you may then get up early in the morning and be on your way again oh no they replied we'll just spend the night out here in the city square but lot insisted why because he knew what would happen if they stayed in the square so at last they went home with him walked prepared to feast for them complete with fresh bread made without yeast and they ate but before they retired for the night all the men of Sodom young you know came from all over the city and they surrounded Lots house they shouted aloud to lot where are the men they saw these people and didn't recognize them as angels they were men where are the men who came to spend the night with you bring them out to us so we can have sex with them people lot didn't even recognize that they were angels and neither did the men of Sodom why because when they manifested themselves they looked just like men now some people think and I don't know why people think this I think it's because they've never really studied it but some people think that angels are sexless what do I mean by sexless in other words they're neither male nor female but people that's not true if that were true angels would be referred to in the neuter gender but they're not angels are always referred to in the New Testament and even in the Old Testament but Greek is my minor so I'm more familiar with Greek angels are always referred to in the masculine gender in fact Angelus if if I was to decline that as it would be nominative singing masculine it is never in the neuter gender angels are always male so if you follow hermeneutical principles you have to conclude that the sons of God in Genesis chapter 6 verse 2 refers to fallen angels if you don't conclude that well what you're doing is you're violating hermeneutical principles so if you follow proper or a neuticle rule scripture interprets Scripture you have to conclude that the sons of God in Genesis chapter 6 verse 2 refers to fallen angels and what we find and we'll get to verses 3 & 4 next week is these angels left their proper habitation and they had sex with mortal women and then their offspring was unbelievable and next week we'll find out why when we look at mythology in all of these ancient cultures they are so similar why is that hmm things were handed down from Noah's family after the flood about these men of renown and we'll come back to verse number 4 and we'll see why you
Channel: Cornerstone Fellowship
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Keywords: book of genesis bible study, book of genesis summary, book of genesis free, book of genesis small group, book of genesis, genesis, cain and abel, noah, creation, babel, creation of good and evil, tree of knowledge, sin, noahs ark, adam and eve, creationism, cornerstone fellowship, allen nolan, genesis sermon, genesis series, introduction to genesis, introduction to bible, book of genesis explained, book of genesis guide, how sin affects the world, effects of sin, bible study
Id: lOlscjW02Os
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Length: 46min 49sec (2809 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 01 2020
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