The Abomination of Desolation: The End Times According to Jesus 12

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[Music] [Music] [Music] let's begin with prayer before we get started god you are so good all the time lord even when we are going through hard times difficult times sickness disease lord we know that that's not your will that one day in the messianic age we're going to have peace and father we we thank you lord for your goodness in preparing for us and father we thank you lord that you're going to come back quickly thank you for giving us the signs to let us know that we are in the end times showing us that when nation rises against nation and kingdom against kingdom lord when earthquakes and famines begin to increase in magnitude and scale that lord we've entered into the end times thank you for showing us the sign that we're the final generation lord i thank you that jesus is going to come and he's going to come quickly father i pray that we would take that to heart and it would change the way we live that god we would have a desire to bring people into the kingdom of god so that no one's left behind father we thank you lord for your mercy your peace your grace all the good things about you we love you so much in christ's name amen well several weeks ago we started going through the olivet discourse verse by verse and as most of you know the olivet discourse is what jesus taught concerning the end times in fact that's the name of the series the end times according to jesus now last week we covered verses 9 through 14. if you remember verses 9 through 14 explain what's going to happen during the first half of the tribulation and according to jesus five things will happen during the first three and a half years of the tribulation first of all there will be tremendous persecution of the saints secondly false prophets will arise and they'll deceive many thirdly there will be a rise in sin and iniquity because sin will no longer be restrained as a result most people are going to give into it they're going to succumb to it they're going to fall away from the lord they're going to fall into the world but those who don't give into it and they endure into the end will be saved according to jesus fourthly the gospel will be preached worldwide in the first half of the tribulation and then last but not least number five the end will come now the word end is translated from the greek word tell us and it's not referring to the end as a point or a moment in time such as christ's return no in this context it's referring to the last part in a series of events so what this is saying is that after the gospel has been preached worldwide then the last part of the tribulation will come it will begin in other words the last three and a half years the tribulation and that's what we studied last week this week we're going to study verses 15 through 18 and if we have time we're going to get into verses 19 through 20. now this little part that we're looking at is part of the bigger group of verses verses 15 through 28. you see verses 15 through 28 explain what's going to happen during the second half of the tribulation in other words the last three and a half years of the tribulation aka the end according to verse number 14. so let's start with verses 15 through 18. therefore when you see the abomination of desolation which was spoken of through daniel the prophet we spent a lot of time on daniel why because jesus keeps mentioning him so therefore when you see the abomination of desolation which was spoken of through daniel the prophet standing in the holy place let the reader understand understand what we're going to find out then let those who are in judea flee to the mountains let him who's on the housetop not go down to get the things out that are in his house and let him who is in the field not turn back to get his cloak now i want you to notice that verse number 15 starts with the word therefore and whenever you see the word therefore you should ask yourself one question why is therefore therefore well the word therefore is a conjunctive adverb which simply means that it's a transitional word that's used to connect one sentence to another in this case it's connecting verse number 15 to verse 14. so what is the connection between those two verses does anyone know we'll look at verse number 14 again and the good news about the kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world so that all nations will hear it and then the end will come and then the end will come now remember the word end doesn't refer to one specific moment or one specific event such as christ's return no instead it refers to the last part in a series of events and in this case it's referring to the last part of the tribulation the last three and a half years but how will we know that the end has come how will we know that the last part of the tribulation has started well verse number 15 tells us in fact that's why matthew used this adverbial conjunction therefore so we would connect the abomination of desolation in verse 15 to the end in verse 14. notice what verse 14 says at the end verse 14 says and then the end will come and verse 15 starts with therefore therefore when you see the abomination of desolation which was spoken of through daniel the prophet standing in the holy place let the reader understand understand what the end has begun notice that that's in italics italics means that it's not in the original manuscript it's been it's been added and the reason it's that is because that's what's implied let the reader understand understand what that the end has come in fact the abomination of desecration is the sign that the last three and a half years of the tribulation has begun otherwise known as the end in verse number 14. now people that's so important let me say that again because as i told you the book of revelation gives us all of these facts all of this information about what's going to happen during the seven-year period known as the tribulation and even after it into the millennium but it doesn't tell us what the signs are the olivet discourse doesn't go into detail like that but it tells us what the signs are so we know where we're at when it comes to the end times so let me say that again the abomination of desecration is the sign that the last three and a half years of the tribulation has begun otherwise known as the end in verse number 14. in fact this is exactly what daniel told us in his famous 70 week prophecy turn back to daniel chapter 9 verse number 27 and i'll show you what i'm talking about we spent weeks on verses 25 26-27 now notice what he said it says he referring to the antichrist will confirm a covenant with many for one seven year period in the middle when in the middle of the seven year period he will put an end to the sacrifices and offerings and at the temple he will set up an abomination that causes desolation until the end that is decreed is poured out upon him now i want you to notice what daniel said we've already covered this but just remember this he said that the antichrist is going to establish a seven year peace treaty with israel but in the middle of that seven year peace treaty he's going to stop the sacrifices in the temple and he will commit the abomination that causes desecration so three and a half years into the seven year peace treaty he commits the abomination of desecration and that starts the last half of the tribulation also known as the end in verse number 14. now the bible is very specific in regards to time especially as it pertains to the tribulation yeah it's very specific on how long the tribulation will be it's very specific as to when the abomination of desecration will occur and how long the first half of the tribulation will be as well as how long the second half of the tribulation will be in fact daniel tells us that the tribulation will last exactly seven years and that the antichrist will commit the abomination of desecration in the middle of the tribulation that despicable act known as the abomination of desecration separates the tribulation into two equal parts the first half of the tribulation is exactly three and a half years and the second part of the tribulation is exactly three and a half years now the book of revelation confirms this time table revelation chapter 11 verse number 3 says and i will give power to my two witnesses and they will be clothed in burlap and will prophesied during those 1260 days so the two witnesses and who are the two witnesses if you've gone through my revelation series you know that it's moses and elijah the same that appeared on the mount of transfiguration moses and elijah the law and the prophets that's who they represent but my two witnesses the two witnesses shall appear at the very beginning of the tribulation and they prophesy for 1260 days now there are 360 days in a prophetical year and each month has 30 days so 1260 days is exactly three and a half years at the end of those 1260 days or three and a half years the two witnesses are killed by the antichrist look at revelation chapter 11 verse 7. it says when they complete their testimony in other words they complete their job at the end of 1260 days the beast that comes out of the bottomless pit will declare war against them and he will conquer them and kill them now the killing of the two witnesses is what emboldens the antichrist to commit the abomination of desolation this marks the middle of the tribulation and it's the sign that the end has begun the last part of the tribulation so let me say that again that's very important the abomination of desolation is the sign that the first part has ended and the last part has begun at this point the antichrist sees his power and he becomes the ultimate evil dictator contrary to what most people believe in the first half of the tribulation the antichrist seems like a pretty good guy he's riding a white horse he brings peace he establishes a seven year peace treaty allows the jews to rebuild the temple and start their sacrifices yeah all of these seals are open these bad things start happening around the world at the end of the seventh seal it begins the seven trumpets they start all these bad things start happening around the world and the antichrist is there trying to fix it all yeah but at the middle of the tribulation that all changes he kills the two witnesses he stops the sacrifices from happening and then again at that point he starts trying to commit genocide in other words he wants to destroy the entire jewish race look at revelation chapter 13 verse 5. then the beast was allowed to speak great blasphemies against god and he was given authority to do whatever he wanted for 42 months now notice what this says he was given authority to do whatever he wanted for 42 months do you see that yeah how long is he given authority to do whatever he wants not for seven years for 42 months and how many days are in a month in a prophetical year 30 days so 42 months with 30 days in each month is exactly 1260 days so the first half of the tribulation when the two witnesses are there they prophesy for 1260 days three and a half years 42 months but at that point the antichrist is given power and he's able to kill them he commits the abomination of desecration which means the end it's the sign that the end has begun he's given power to do whatever he wants for 42 months 1260 days yeah so for the first half of the tribulation the antichrist is solidifying his position he's solidifying his position of power but in the middle of the tribulation he kills the two witnesses and he commits the abomination of desolation and he seizes absolute control and does whatever he wants for the last half of the tribulation now seizing power and committing the abomination of desecration is a breach of the seven year peace treaty and at that point he turns on the jewish people and his ultimate goal is genocide to exterminate them to wipe them off the face of the earth to completely annihilate the jewish race he makes hitler look like a great guy so the jews in judea flee to the wilderness look at revelation chapter 12 verse number 6. in the woman who's the woman israel she gives birth to child who's the child jesus the savior of the world you want to know why the devil hates the jewish people because they brought forth the messiah we owe an eternal debt to the jewish people god has not forgotten them we'll see that at the end of the sermon but the woman israel fled into the wilderness where god has prepared a place to care for her for how long 1 260 days the woman represents israel and how long was she in the wilderness 1260 days which is 42 months or three and a half years now the point i'm trying to make is this the bible is very specific in regards to time it's very specific as to how long the tribulation is seven years it's very specific as to when the abomination of desolation will take place in the very middle 1 260 days into the tribulation from that point on he sees his absolute control judy judea our jews and judea have to flee and they're protected by god in the wilderness for 1 260 days so he tells us exactly how long the first half of the tribulation will be 1260 days three and a half years 42 months as well as the second half of the tribulation 1260 days three and a half years or 42 months however you want to say it now if i haven't convinced you yet that god is very specific as to how long each thing is going to be and when it's going to take place let me give you one more scripture look at revelation chapter 12 verse 14. but she talking about the woman who's the woman in israel was given two weeks like those of her great eagles so she could fly to the place prepared for her in the wilderness there she would be cared for and protected from the dragon for a time times and half a time notice that she's protected from the dragon which is satan for a time times and half a time people that's a hebraism that means three and a half years you see the word time is singular and it denotes designates one period of time in this context one year the word times is not plural it's not singular either the word times in the original hebrew is a duel a duel is more than one but not more than two we have a word that we use as a duel in the english does anyone know what that word is both let me give an example if you came to me and you said you know pastor allen i'm going to give you a choice you can either have fritos laced potato chips or cheetos which do you want and i look at you and i say both i've totally confused you you know why i've totally confused you because both is a duel it means that i want two but not more than two so you look at this you say well wait a minute i gave you a choice of three you want both well which two of the three do you want yeah because our english word both means what more than one but not more than two yeah well the word times in hebrew here is a duel and it's i'm sorry in greek is a duel and it signifies two periods of time in this context two years and then you have half a time so the phrase time times and half a time actually means three and a half so according to revelation chapter 12 verse 14 god is going to take care of israel for three and a half years so as i said god is very specific in regards to time especially as it pertains to the tribulation and the events in the tribulation now why is that important i spent a lot of time on this this morning why in the world is it important that god is very specific as to how long the tribulation is how long the first half is when the abomination desolation will take place how long the second half is why is he so concerned about being specific well the first reason is because pastors are always using that we look at that and go how in the world they know that the pastor gets up and he says the tribulation will be seven years in the first half of the tribulation the first three and a half years the two witnesses will prophesy for 1260 days at the end of the 1260 days the antichrist will come in in the middle of the tribulation and he will kill the two witnesses and he will commit the abomination of desecration the the jews will flee into the into the wilderness for 1260 days christ returns and we look at that and we go how does the pastor know that how do the scholars know that because that's what the scriptures say now that's the first reason it's important the scriptures tell us but the second reason it's so important is because god wants us to know that the tribulation won't go any longer then it has to there's a scripture that says if god did not shorten the days and people look at that and they've scratched their head and they think what in the world does that mean it says none would survive it if god didn't shorten the days none would survive and we look at that and we go how's he going to shorten the days well actually that's a hebraism what it means is it won't go any longer than what god has ordained and then god got very specific because he wants us to know that he cares for us he loves us and he will not allow it to go any longer than necessary god is good all the time god is good all the time now let's talk about the abomination of desecration and what it is the abomination of desecration believe it or not involves two phases most of us don't know that we think it's one thing but actually it involves two phases the first phase is when the antichrist enters the temple sits down in the holy of holies and proclaims himself to be god he does that immediately after he kills the two witnesses that emboldens him and as a result of that he walks up into the temple he goes right in because he's the one that's killed the two witnesses the one that none was none were able to harm because every time they did fire came down and killed them so he kills them it emboldens him he walks into the holy of holies he sits down and he proclaims himself to be god look at second thessalonians chapter 2 verse number 4 and i'll show you what i'm talking about he talking about the antichrist will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called god or is worshipped i'll explain that just a little bit so that he sets himself up in god's temple important phrase proclaiming himself to be god so the antichrist as i said will enter the temple go into the holy of holies sit down on the mercy seat and proclaim himself to be god now he won't come out and say i'm god his simply imply that he's god look look back at verse number four and i'll prove that to you notice what it says he the antichrist will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called god or his worship so that he sets himself up in god's temple proclaiming himself to be god now the word proclaiming is translated from the greek word apparently a pot ich nume and it doesn't mean to say or to speak it means to demonstrate by your actions and behavior or to declare by your actions and behavior so this verse isn't saying that the antichrist would literally say i am god no it doesn't say that at all in fact what it says is the antichrist behavior and actions will give the impression from a jewish and christian perspective that he's claiming to be god but here's what's interesting it won't give that impression from a muslim perspective yeah if you really want to understand all this and i didn't know this two years ago the holy spirit impressed me i started reading and studying and i started studying islamic eschatology and i found out oh my gosh things that i'd never seen before you see what jews and christians consider to be attributes of god muslims don't in other words if a man claims to be sinless and infallible jews and christians believe that he's claiming to be god because only god is sinless and infallible right yeah and christianity and judaism only god is sinless and infallible but muslims believe that the al-madi will be sinless and infallible yeah it's true you see muslims believe in a doctrine doctrine called tahara and a doctrine called isma tahara means purification it's the process by which allah made the prophet muhammad pure and sinless and it will be bestowed upon the al-mahdi isma is what protects who allah has made pure from sinning or doing anything that would cause them to lose their state of sinlessness so basically it makes them infallible or in other words it makes them incapable of making any mistake or any error so when the al-mahdi comes he will claim to be the sinless and fallible savior of the world which from a christian and jewish perspective is blasphemy for only god is the is sinless and fallible and the savior of the world and people that's why as christians we believe that jesus is the son of god he is god we believe in the trinity we're not we don't believe in modalism we don't believe that god is just one person sometimes he's god the father then he changes modes and he's god the son and then he changes modes again and he's god the holy spirit that's modalism the bible doesn't teach that the bible teaches three persons one nature one god three persons but the reason we know jesus is god is because he was sinless he was infallible he died for our sins his resurrection proved that he was sinless even in being made our sin for leviticus 18 5 said the men's which do it these things refer to the law shall live the reason he was resurrected and god could legally resurrect him is because he was sinless he was infallible he didn't have the sin nature because he was born of a virgin and he always obeyed god and always did his will even in becoming our sin and dying for us because no greater love has a man then he lays down his life for his friend he loved us the two greatest commandments are to love god with all your heart soul and mind and the second is likened to the first to love your neighbor as yourself jesus fulfilled that in being made our sin dying for us so he actually fulfilled the righteousness of the law and becoming our sin and dying for us therefore god could legally resurrect it but i want you to understand if anyone comes along and says well i don't sin that's blasphemy the only one that's sinless the only one that's infallible is god that's why we believe that jesus is god but from a muslim's perspective people that's not blasphemy that's part of their doctrine when the al-mahdi comes he will be the sinless infallible savior of the world and he will lead a world revolution that will set up a new world order based on sharia law and no other religion will be practiced now remember what second thessalonians chapter 2 verse number 4 said it said he will exalt himself over everything that is called god or is worshipped islamic theology says that when the almighty comes we're to give him all our love and devotion now when i'm using our i'm not a muslim people i'm a christian i believe in jesus the almighty is the antichrist yeah but they don't see that they'll see him as the sinless infallible savior of the world who's going to bring the whole world under submission to islam yeah and every muslim is supposed to give him undying love and devotion so he sets himself up according to the second only second thessalonians chapter two verse four he sets himself and exalts himself over everything that is called god and is worshiped so from a jewish and christian perspective the al-maldi will be proclaiming he's god when he claims to be the sinless and infallible savior of the world because only god is sinless and infallible so he's making himself equal to god but from a muslim perspective that's not making yourself equal to god in fact islamic eschatology as i've said teaches that the al-mahdi will be sidness torah in infallible isma that's the first face he will go into the temple and he will claim to be the al-madi yeah the second phase of the abomination of desecration is when the false prophet makes an image of the antichrist and sits it in the holy of holies now why would the false prophet do that i'll tell you why because the antichrist is not going to stay in the temple yeah he's got lots of things to do so after he goes and sets himself up and proclaims himself to be the almighty he's then going to come out of the temple so what are they going to do because that's now the temple they're going to set up an image of him in the temple daniel predicted this in chapter 12 verse 11. notice what it says and from the time that the regular sacrifice is abolished and the abomination of desolation is set up there will be 1290 days now did you notice there's a discrepancy of 30 days in my series on revelation i explain why i don't have time to do that you need to go and listen to my series on revelation and you'll know do not email me and say which one is it i'm going to email you back and say watch them all find out for yourself now notice though that an object is set up in the temple now revelation chapter 13 verses 14 and 15 gives us more insight into this notice what revelation says about this chapter 13. all right here goes and with all the miracles he talking about the false prophet was given power to perform on behalf of the beast he deceived all the people who belong to this world yeah he ordered the people to make a great statue of the beast who's the beast the antichrist who was fatally wounded then came back to life he was then given power to give life to this statue so that it could speak then the statue of the beast commanded that anyone refusing to worship it must die so the false prophet sets up an image of the antichrist in the temple in order to be worshipped and then the in the greek it actually says hebrews life into it he breathes into it it comes to life so it's not considered an idol to muslims but not only that when i was teaching on islam in the end times i showed you from the hadith that they actually believe that a beast is going to be created and it will come to life yeah they believe the very thing that's going to happen but they're going to see it as oh this is fulfillment can i go off on a tangent does anyone mind you know number one question i have is if all this is recorded in the bible why in the world when jesus comes are all of these people not going to fall down and repent instead they're going to fight him why in the world would they do that i'll tell you why because when jesus comes from islamic eschatology he's the out to child he's their antichrist our antichrist is their almighty their savior esa they believe is coming back he's going to be the false prophet he's the one that tells them that i was never the messiah he's come back he is the antichrist he is the savior and he's going to point to the almighty and so they're taught from this big up that when the al dajjal comes you need to fight him to the end well you won't make it to paradise and so they're going to see all these things take place and guess what it's fulfilling their eschatology but it's really interesting it's fulfilling christian eschatology at the same time but that's why they don't give up okay i'm sorry i've gotten off but anyways my point is this the abomination of desolation involves two phases the first phase is when the antichrist enters the temple and proclaims himself to be god he proclaims himself to be the ahmadi the second phase is when an image of the antichrist is set up in the temple and the people are ordered to worship it now the abomination of desolation as i've said is a sign for the jews to flee into the wilderness you see when that happens the jews will immediately recognize that they're in imminent danger because they know that the only way that a muslim would enter into the temple and proclaim himself to be god is if he were claiming to be the al-madi and they also know that the muslims in the middle east believe that it's time to exterminate all the jews when the almighty comes let me quote if you don't mind from sahih muslim book 41 number 69-85 it's a little bit different numbering system if you actually own them i own that set so i look it up it's a different book number but most of you are going to get on the internet so if you want to look it up it's book 41 on the internet number 69.85 but anyways how many of you know what the sahib muslim is well basically it's one of the six major hadith collections in sunni islam it is highly acclaimed by sunni muslims considered to be the second most authentic hadith collection after of course sahih al-bukhari but anyways here's what it says among the signs of the approach of the day of judgment is what the messenger of allah said in other words muhammad supposedly said this the hour of judgment shall not happen to the muslims fight the jews the muslims shall kill the jews to the point that the jews shall hide behind a big rock or a tree and the rock or tree shall call on the muslims saying hey o muslim there is a jew behind me come and kill him except the gar quad the garchad tree which will not say it for it's the tree of the jews so when the abomination of desolation occurs every jew in judea will recognize the imminent danger that they're in and they'll flee to the wilderness immediately immediately and they're not even believers at this point many of them but the thing that they know when the when that comes when that takes place they know what they believe they understand the twelfth imam they understand that when he goes into the temple he does this their life is an imminent danger and they're going to flee in fact notice what jesus said in verses 15-18 therefore when you see the abomination of desecration which was spoken unthrough daniel the prophet standing in the holy place let the reader understand the end has begun then let those who are in judea flee to the mountains let him who's on the housetop not go down to get the things out that are in his house and let him who's in the field not turn back to get his cloak people the whole emphasis is on urgency it's on speed and quickness they must act immediately and decisively if they're going to survive so jesus tells them if you're outside of the city don't go back into the city just flee if you're in the city don't start packing now leave everything in your house and just flee if you're close to the city go around the city and flee and if they become a believer before the abomination of desecration that happens or takes place they should know that it's coming therefore they should pray that their flight isn't during the winter or on the sabbath and they should hope and pray that they don't have small children look at verses 19 and 20. how terrible it will be for pregnant women and for nursing mothers in those days and pray that your flight will not be in winter or on the sabbath now why in the world would jesus say this anyone know well first of all you don't want it to happen in the winter time because in israel the wintertime is the rainy season yeah it's raining now during the rainy season flash floor floods occur in all of the wadies on the way to petra because that's where they're going to flee is to petra in fact if i have time in the next few weeks i'll explain why they're safe in petra and it has nothing to do with their topography especially with modern weapons yeah but where they're going to go is petra now here's what's interesting in the bible it's referred to as basra most of you have been taught that when jesus returns the first place he refers to is the mount of olives oh he returns to basra he protects the jews because they finally break and don't care about the covenant that they have with jordan and they go in there but jesus returns in time and then it says when he comes yeah his white tunic covered in blood then he stands on the mount of olives yeah anyways you don't want it to happen in the winter time because when you're running to petra you have to go through wadi's and they have flash floods so you pray it doesn't happen during the rainy season jesus says you also don't want it to be on the sabbath anyone know why because all public transportation shuts down on the sabbath if you've ever been in israel on the sabbath which i've been in israel several times and probably half of the time i've been on in jerusalem on the sabbath and gosh it is a pain you wonder why it's a pain because normally you're on the sixth or seventh floor of a hotel and you cannot push a button on the sabbath because that's work yeah it creates energy so according to the rabbis you can't do that so all of the elevators especially in jerusalem some of the ones outside of jerusalem are not programmed that way so you don't really want to be in jerusalem on the sabbath but if you're in jerusalem on the sabbath saturday then that means that to get on the elevator you stop at every floor that's programmed to do that and when it gets to the very top whether someone's pushing it or not then it starts coming down at every floor and it takes forever you know what jesus says pray it's not on the sabbath all public transportation will be shut down you won't be able to flee all the things stop because they observe the sabbath basically what he's saying is pray that your escape isn't hindered now we're going to stop right here and we'll start in verse 20 next week but there's something that i want you to see jeremiah referred to the last three and a half years of the tribulation as the great tribulation you see we refer to that seven year period as the tribulation but actually there's two parts to it you've got the tribulation the first half but you have the great tribulation the second half and jeremiah also referred to it as the time of jacob's trouble because it's at that point that two-thirds of all the jews will be killed if you think the holocaust was bad you haven't seen anything yet the antichrist desire will be to completely wipe out the jewish race and he'll be successful up to a point but where do we get the time of jacob's trouble we actually get that from jeremiah chapter 30 verse 7. it's not going to come up on the screen but if you don't mind let me read it to you this is the niv how awful that day will be now again it's not talking about a 24-hour day it's talking about the day that this happens in other words that's boom uh three and a half year period how awful that day will be no other will be like it it will be a time of trouble for jacob but he will be saved out of it it's through this that they finally recognize and realize as a nation jesus was the messiah and jesus said i'm not going to return and so they say blessed is he that comes in the name of the lord which is a messianic psalm and basically what he's saying is jesus come help us save us and at that point he will return notice how the nlt translates this in all history there has never been such a time of terror it will be a time of trouble for my people israel yet in the end they will be saved but you know god makes this promise this is why so specific in time it will not last any longer than it has to our god is a good god what's good about him is number one if you're prepared and ready and believe we get a chance to escape it yeah jesus comes back for his church but israel is still his people and they're not believers and there's three purposes of the tribulation but the primary purpose is to bring the jews to saving knowledge that jesus is the messiah they repent they call upon him and jesus returns that's the primary purpose of the tribulation if you've wondered why would god allow that because god wants them to be saved yeah now let me say this god wants you to be saved in fact he doesn't want you going through any of it that's the purpose of the rapture he comes back for his bride you
Channel: Cornerstone Fellowship
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Keywords: pastor allen nolan, allen nolan cornerstone, allen nolan bible study, allen nolan explained, allen nolan sermon, cornerstone church allen nolan, cornerstone pastor allen nolan, allen nolan, with pastor allen nolan, cornerstone fellowship, cornerstone tahlequah
Id: 6WEXa00lMhQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 41sec (2681 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 04 2021
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