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I'm Joey and I'm a huge geek whoever you find she's got to be able to bring back home to mine I'm not looking for much I just want to find a girl who will give me hugs and kisses and is it my mother my mom is a bit torn about sci-fi speed-dating would you want me to find like a nice girl to bring home I don't think that's the place to find a nice girl comic-con my kind of girl we're girls go there on the other hand my mom likes me where I am right now living at home with her so as far as she's concerned like you know any woman in my life is a threat I think it's funny to watch someone who is over 300 pounds call girls who go to comic-con undesirable that lack of perspective is why your son is still living with you indefinitely at 25 years old anyway this is geek love a two season reality show that ran in 2011 and again in 2013 the show follows nerds as they go to comic-con and attend a speed-dating session to try and find their perfect match for me personally I couldn't care less about the speed-dating aspect of this show that's not why I think it's interesting what does interest me in this situation is the deep desire for these guys and mothers to keep them from developing socially so that they remain as adult children forever so the eatable situation roughly speaking is when a child is seriously overprotected usually a male child by his mother and so the relationship between the husband and the wife was either strained or non-existent and the wife would often turn to the child to be what she isn't getting from the husband the Unipol mother basically entices the child says look here's the deal you don't have to do anything but you don't get to leave but if you don't leave and you don't do these difficult things then I'll take care of you and so the reason she does that is because she's lonesome and doesn't have anybody else around and you know maybe she's also deeply deeply deeply terrified that if she helps that boy grow up he will leave and she'll have nothing our main character Joey's situation is not the end result of having a large spider-man collection I mean the Avengers and the Marvel Cinematic Universe proved that there are a whole boatload of normies who are into come book heroes as long as the storage are good what has actually happened is that no one has taught Joey or taught any of the men who were on geek love how to be men and as Jorden Pearson suggested this epidemic of adult children is occurring because there are no men in the house or the men are weak and the moms aren't setting their sons up with a strength to deal with reality in fact a lot of those mothers are actively sabotaging their sons because honestly these guys aren't incapable of being adults both of the examples of men I have on this video are guys who are completely capable of being independent but their mothers are holding them back their selfishly holding their sons back so they can simple I cold Joaquin Phoenix Sims for his mom in the Joker movie and what this is essentially saying is something really queer the kind of disgusting Joey admits that his mom is afraid of him leaving she's afraid her son will leave because she knows she has very little value as a person she knows she is so cruel and mean-spirited that she could never have real friends or build a strong relationship with other family members or god forbid her own husband so what she does is takes her son's dependence on her from childhood never lets him do anything difficult so he's always dependent on her and finally beats him down at every point while he's dependent so he constantly seeks her approval you can see her doing this on the show even though she's being polite for the camera don't you want me to find like a nice girl to bring home I don't think that's the place to find a nice girl there why would you want to date a girl at Comic Con those girls are weird they do drugs and they are good for you you see how she's giving him negative feedback when he tries to be independent the end result of this is that his mom has him right where she wants him he isn't able to do anything difficult because he always relies on her and he is so desperate for her approval that he does things that turn other people off for example he gets a date with a girl after the speed-dating session and for their very first date they go home to meet his mom and play video games Emily hi so you like to play video games I am a gamer yes oh wow so Emily you originally from New York I know I'm not I'm from Delaware I'm just up here for college Oh what do you go I go to Columbia oh great Wow we're actually just gonna go and yeah now you could say well he wanted to play video games on his first date and the only way to do that was to go home where his parents were not the case this was 2013 not that long ago there were many options to play video games outside of the house for example he could have just used a portable game like a Nintendo DS or a PSP I see plenty of people doing things like that at conventions all the time but let's pretend for a second that he didn't have any portable games I have never been to a convention that focuses on anime video games or comics especially a massive one like New York Comic Con that didn't have some place off of the side full of arcade games for classic video game systems or even a TV set up with Super Smash Brothers there was no reason this girl Emily had to meet Joey's mom on the first date Joey's need for approval is his mom's self-defense mechanism to make sure that he simps for his mom instead of some other girl because the first thing a girl is gonna think when he brings her home to mommy on a first date is this guy's weird yeah meeting a parents on the first day it was a little bit weird during this episode you can really see the detrimental effect that Joey's mom has had on him because he was extremely lacking and dating experience at 25 which is something he feels bad about but when he does the speed-dating event and shows his personality he ends up being the most popular guy Joey nails it every girl writes their number on his paper so Joey got his eye on Doctor Who and there's a good chance she likes him the problem is every girl wants him whoever gets to him first wins again this video is not about the dating it's more so about someone who is perfectly capable of achieving what he wants but his mom for her own selfish desires is holding him back while his dad basically just sits in the background now I haven't been able to figure out what has happened to Joey and the 7 years since this was filmed but it seems to me that he was in the process of escaping his mother's grasp before this show was filmed he lost 80 pounds and after the show was filmed he moved out of his parents house hey it's me Joey and what speeding at comic-con taught me was that you know it's very hard to have bring girls over the house to introduce them to my mom or to hang out here at my house if my mom's going to basically be questioning whether or not they're virgins or what their motives are with me or anything like that and so basically this entire experience taught me is that it's time to move out even though it appears that Joey made it out I can't help but think about the people who don't make it or the people who are less fortunate okay girls definitely hi I'm Alex I am 25 and I am a giant geek my love life status is a mix of forever lone and socially awkward penguin its meme tastic i'm a renaissance geek I like comics I like board games I love Doctor Who and I am also brony so what a brony isn't someone who watches My Little Pony okay this is a pinkie pie she likes to party now of course it's very easy to make fun of Alex he is a 25 year old who lives with his parents he's overweight he has an awkward beard and he watches my little pony unfortunately you don't get to see Alex's parents like you do with Joey but there is a reason the mother's basement stereotype exists there's a formula to create guys like Alex and an overprotective eatable mother is how you do it so of course you could make fun of them but I don't think that behavior is productive because it's guys like Alex who would do anything for a woman just to get her approval this means he is an easy target to be manipulated by women and a great vessel for toxic female behavior to be developed and if you think that it's just the attractive ones that engage in this bad behavior then you would be wrong would you like to meet there yeah I guess you but not crazy and hyper yeah I guess some of my challenges with girls are just the girls that I really do like that I'm really is wannabe friends this girl Carolyn who is not an 8 9 or 10 or even a 7 nihlus Alex really likes her instead of being completely honest with them and shutting him down so he doesn't sit there and orbit her for the rest of his life she keeps him around and I guess gives him dating advice clearly no one has taught Alex anything about women so he doesn't know this but she is not doing this stuff because they are friends she's doing this because she likes the attention he gives her and she's giving him dating advice because she thinks he's pathetic if she really wanted to help then she wouldn't friendzone him and participate in this weird relationship but she isn't going to do that because women don't do things like that they like clotting resources and she knows that she can eventually use Alex's attraction to her to get him to do stuff for free the most productive thing we can do in this situation is to make sure guys like Alex don't become simps for women this reminds me of a comment that gets thrown around by people who are inside Macau where they say MIG Tower just in sales and denial they are only red pill because they can't get women you know what mission accomplished red pill all the in sells because at least then they won't be enabling bad behavior from women at the very least maybe they will stop making everything about women and actually get their lives together and this is not just some impossible feat for Alex or guys like him alex is not [ __ ] alex is not autistic he is just unskilled the reason he doesn't converse well is because he hasn't practiced very much now there are two important aspects of building the skill 1 exposure to new experiences into repetition that is how skill develops and you can actually see this happening with Alex during this episode when Alex goes on to his first speed date he is absolutely terrible so how long so I've been joining comic-con so far are you doing Comic Con so far just look at that in his first conversation he can barely even speak but after a little practice he gets way better oh that teacher putting condoms on bananas things like that it's always fun [Music] he exposed himself to a new experience which was speed dating he practiced with 30 different people during the event and by the end of the events he got significantly better after that he really only needs to fix one thing in terms of conversation which is that he comes off as weird and the reason that happens is because he's seen absolutely everything on his mind and doesn't filter out unnecessary information you want to meet up sometime after this booth as well now getting back to Jordan Peterson for a second because one of the things I heard him say is that he came to a point in his life where he decided to stop saying things that make him weak in the previous clip you can see Alex sitting with the girl who likes him and he offers to walk her back to her booth not exactly a date but good enough for him then immediately after he offers to walk with her he says of course she could just walk back by herself do you see how that second statement destroys his offer to spend more time with her and makes him look weird if he had simply not said that he may not have gotten rejected by her as soon as they walked out of the room so yeah whatever the speed dating was that I'm talking to Kate basically on camera cameras are off and we walked away and what happened was that basically she told me after not a minute to be friends so basically kind of nothing ever happened of course I understood but it was kind of depressing and it's not just Alex who does this kind of stuff he may be worse than the average person but everyone is guilty at some point of doing what he did the key to good conversation is to start thinking about the best things you can say versus whatever insecure ideas come into your head first I mean even when I write I hit the Delete key a lot I do that because I'm casting out all the bad ideas so we can focus on the things that actually matter and the things I have good evidence for and this can be expanded to every aspect of your being you can start systematically getting rid of the things that make you weak imagine what Alex's life would be like if you took a razor and shave that awful looking beard imagine how much better he would be if he lost about 120 pounds imagine what his life would be like if he stopped spending $5,000 a year on video games and comics and instead invested that into himself that's how you start living a life that's fulfilling instead of wallowing in self-pity while being taken advantage of by women you like who don't like you back when you start focusing on bettering your own standing you will stop caring about which women like you in which women don't and that will be enough for this video if you liked it hit the like button subscribe if you're new comment and share if you would like to support this channel then you can do so by donating through PayPal subscribe store or patreon all those links are in the description or they're on my channel page last if you haven't checked me out on [ __ ] shoot yet then you can do so by also checking the link in the description or on the channel page other than that thanks for watching see you in the next video
Channel: Think Before You Sleep
Views: 435,848
Rating: 4.9439688 out of 5
Keywords: Geek Love, Geek Love Alex, Geek Love Joey, Jordan Peterson, Oedipus, Oedipal Complex, Oedipal Mother, Friend Zone, New York Comic Con, Comic Con, Tetris
Id: dGXdkELpsyA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 31sec (931 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 27 2020
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