This Reyna is TERRORIZING Tier 1 Valorant! - Pro VALORANT Breakdown | PRX vs. DRX

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why on Earth are we running Reina unbind like who thought this was okay ever since bind has come back into rotation we've seen some new agents take over the meta I'm talking Cypher Harbor even geckos managed to sneak his way in but Reina seriously paper Rex is known for running some aggressive and wacky comps but why would you pick an agent whose flashes don't actually flash but nearsight you instead especially on a map that's close quarters you see the issue and her other abilities are just selfish and her old sucks I mean there is a reason why Reina has had a zero percent pick rate throughout the entire planet so why would paper x bust her out multiple times in an important seating match and the grand finals of VCT Pacific League twice there has to be some secret that they're abusing that's making them run this bottom of the barrel agent but I mean hey if you're lucky enough to have someone or something to frag out hard enough Reina can single-handedly carry your games and if you want to carry your games like this Reyna did you're going to need some help so let me introduce you to Valor track the sponsor of this video valorentrekker is a free in-game real-time tracking app for your valorant stats and they show you everything for example an agent select your teammate's stats drop down so you can adjust your play style to match theirs ASAP and if you want even more information open up their Live Match page where you can get an even more accurate read on how your teammates like to play but not only is this all free but they're also doing a giveaway right now they're giving away 41 000 valorant points between three winners if you want in you need to download the app using my link the giveaway will pop up when the app opens follow the steps and the winners will be announced on July 6th so be sure to download Valor tracker using my link for a chance at essentially free skins and thank you Valor tracker for sponsoring this video now let's get back to the breakdown so if it wasn't made obvious already or you skipped the intro paper Rex are playing Reina on bind Reina is literally never picked in professional play unless the team is trolling I mean if you compare her kid to other agents she straight up has less utility than everyone else and no her dismiss and devour do not count I mean sure if she gets a kill then yeah she can get out safely or heal back to full then that's really good but like why not just run the optimal agent for getting out or another one that can heal back to full and now don't even get me started on a roll it's literally just a brimstone again if she gets a kill yeah it's pretty good but any ability that's purely situational in this case it's get a kill just doesn't seem very good to me now paper wrecks are one of the best if not most aggressive teams in the world so if there was a team to pull this comp off it would be these guys so let's see what they got paperwork start through aggressive pistol Strat in a 2-3 Zone their plan is to create pressure long with a Cascade to deny information and a skybird flying right past it then they're heading back to short for a sick pistol push and DRX are in their own a 2-3 setup and they're running a KO he's awesome at stuffing out this Viper lurk since his knife can reach so deep into short and on attack he's great at taking long hookah and showers control with some dirty lineups definitely an underrated pick on this map so paper wrecks start off with their long default and this pushes Skye back to sight and after causing this commotion they immediately dart back to short to start their hit forsaken throws out his Cascade to cut off short from the rest of sight Jing lobs his paint shells and he satchels into them planning to sweep out lamps with his shorty the push comes in the dagger is good and meanwhile and paper wrecks have taken lamps now here's the issue paper wrecks aren't running a sage in their comp and I've talked about before how Sage makes planning on a so easy since she can just wall off shower and her team can plant but the attackers don't have her they have Reina if they just plant they're going to get punished and usually teams are splitting showers or having someone lurk up late so this pressure isn't really an issue but paper x didn't do either of these things so how are they going to deal with this lack of map control well their plan is to take back sight screw showers forsaken throws up his high tide in such a way that it cuts off any potential showers players and isolates back sight players combined with these two brim smokes Jing then tries to walk out of lamps and tries to camp out in the spawn smoke but he gets shot on the back now with this kill paper x now know where the people are on site this is their time to strike so with Skye coming from short and three players pinching through lamps K1 Harbor are in for a really rough time the site and that's gonna start to bite them Buzz still alive they're trying to swarm and oh but something's able to get that first shot on topaz through the box and that's really going to open up this site now the attackers keep good spacing and rainy goes big for one kill back sight and kills the sky rotating through spawn and I told you guys in the intro paper X have some unorthodox aggressive plays and this was only the start so both teams have been trading out rounds but paper wrecks are now on an Eco with only a couple Stingers sheriffs and a Bucky to their name they're gonna have to abuse these close range spaces if they want a chance or maybe they can create some tight quarters with their abilities they're starting in a one two two setup and are going to show the same Cascade on long but they're eventually going a but DRX are playing this one safe but for now they have the better weapons so they're playing back and want to take the more favorable duels they have two on B and 3A with no one really contesting any map control and you'll see this setup a lot throughout the match their plan is that because they have a double initiator comp DRX want to constantly cycle utility to gather information if they're used in the right order the defense can then always have a three stack in the right spot and can test the site and I get the idea but against Arena you really want to squeeze those flashes out of her by fighting for map control these little purple eyes are extremely valuable to her you'll see what I'm saying so paperwork start their round with their default Cascade and Reina starts to walk in the shower and she's not facing any resistance now here's the issue Reina doesn't have a lot of utility her layers are really strong but she only has two of them and if you bait those out she's literally just an agent without utility so by playing this far back on her you're allowing her to save her lyrics for the sight hits but I mean they do have the weapon range Advantage but is that enough to beat out her potent flashes Serena manages to Simply stroll her way into showers and when she takes it she leaves and you see the Ping starting to come in none of the defense is peaking from lamps either so they plan on using their high tide to close the distance to hopefully take closer ranged fights but at the last second DRX have a change of heart they see the attackers waggle up so they cancel it out with their wall of their own and play in front of it to fight the execute I'm not gonna lie this is kind of risky at this range but do you remember the Renault ears I talked about well here's a great way to use them so paper x recognize that despite being walled off they need to hit now or they'll lose their timing and run into a stack so with the same exact time you see them throw their race actual sky Flash and rainalier all together combining rain is Flash with other utility makes them that more impactful I mean what are you supposed to do in this situation shoot the flash swing for the raise turn away from the sky flash I mean you can't do that because when you turn back there's this big creepy eyeball in your way Reyna's leaders are really strong if not dealt with properly but let's see if Dr Rex can hold off this push until that comes out Jenkins through there's the Leer the lyrics big and the spray from foxy is good but Dubai this was just a straight up overwhelming amount of utility which is kind of weird to say about Arena comp Harbor tried to get the tread on his KO but he couldn't follow through foxy did manage to punish Reyes for trying to take a close range duel and even got another through the wall but he got spammed back it's a three versus two and this is going to be a hard retake against a harbor Reckoning Viper and Sky rotate over and slowly make their way into the front half of sight now after divide doesn't take contact and lamps forsaken knows exactly what's going on he rips his ultimate for him and brimstone to pinch with puts up his wall for front sight but Stacks isn't having it he tears apart this Crossfire trades his Viper and makes it a one versus one he pops a Seekers knowing just how important this round is and the clutch begins he picks up two twos buying all will it be enough for Stacks he tries to hold it Stax gets so close but he couldn't close it out but it was a really nice try so because paper Rex pulled off the Thrifty they knocked theorex onto one of their own last round and after getting a little greedy and spawn they converted and now this brings us to where we're at now both teams are on full buys and the attackers have a similar plan as we've seen before Harper's gonna Cascade long to deny info Reyna is literally going to walk straight up into hookah like she owns the place and these three are going to fly into showers and d-rx are in their typical 2-3 default but only this time they've swapped the razen Viper is their Gathering info game plan going to start working the offense starts the round with Reyes flying in the shower behind a sky Flash and in five seconds they took showers now let's check up on the hero of the story Reina yep he's uh he's literally walking up to hookah is this really his plan TRX they try to check for showers like I said in the intro if you have someone who's this mechanically gifted and can clear out areas of the map like this Arena might be worth looking into and not only do they have hookah now but they're still holding on to two big flashes DRX are in a bad spot this kill forces KO to come back to be after not spotting anyone in shower but paper x start to group up a showers was free before so they contact up and get ready to hit it from that time out it is so oppressive and something of course with the dry beak in a hookah he just gets the headshot I mean what are you gonna do about that oh man what is this here we see another strength of Reyna's leaders so Viper tried to play in front of the harbor high tide and her poison orb to try and contest this push but she shot Reyna's flash this was a horrible idea whenever someone shoots this eyeball you basically give away your position the enemies hear you spray and they have a general idea of where they need to fire back at and because Viper didn't reposition from where she shot it from she got punished and then Harbor got pinched behind triple I mean without his true side anchor he never really stood a chance DRX tries to save but paper x hunts them down to deal even more damage than they've caused already now DRX got knocked onto another ego but they managed to recover it by hitting some absolutely disgusting Sheriff shots and with their Thrifty win both teams are back on full buys but paper X have a different plan this round they're set up in a 3-1-1 setup they're actually taking long control this time but plan on applying pressure across the map before ending B and DRX haven't changed their setup yet 2B 3A they still think that by gathering a ton of info and making sure the three stack is in the right spot they can fight off these strong executes and I'm starting to think this game plan isn't going to work paper wrecks kick off the round with a different Cascade than we've seen before in previous rounds they used this one that denies information from anyone contesting long the defense has to respect it because there could be one two three or maybe nobody behind this wall it's just hard to deal with but this Cascade is used to actually take long control a big issue with long is that when you cross this point you're exposed to anyone peeking out from sight but this Cascade makes it awkward to contest and safely lets you cross the sight line and you can add that onto the list of reasons I think Harbor is better than brim on this map so while those three can test long Arena does her signature we'll walk into places she eventually flashes into hookah but paper wrecks want to create pressure elsewhere just to make sure that the stack isn't that strong so Skye Reyes and Rayna stay back while Harbor Sprints to short and he puts up an unorthodox lurk wall this big bubble that he makes in short denies information from lamps and sight but Viper is still feeling confident once again she pushes through the wall and plays in front of it despite being punished for it previously pretty ballsy but I think Viper is kind of scared DRX think that paper wrecks are going to use this wall somehow because you see KO Sprint through spawn to come help out so that means that this added pressure that paper x has created has worked they wanted to scramble the stack and now they have a perfect opening to slam b-site the attackers scale up long and hookah and their hit begins they nade back sight and Sprint inside but the defense aren't just going to get run over foxy tells this guy to flash him in a hookah and he pops a showstopper but if you win forget it and move on and DRS the team trying to do that alongside Buzz grenade to the back they're gonna put Stacks in boxing in a rough spot but wall goes up and Foxy just gonna run into hookah something is there this was a really smart play to try and secure hookah control but these two spread out just enough and Reina gets the trade but now they're faced with another potential issue paper x don't know how many people are on this site there could be two more three more they really don't have a clue and in order to take beside ideally you want to split through hookah and long but without the Rays no one else can officially make space out of hookah so we thought but if we slow this down and you look closely Reina pops her old and uses this kill she just got to dismiss and come out of hookah if someone was here contesting sight they would have no idea that Reina made it out and look even closer Herbert also uses Cascade to make sure Reina had cover to come out of her dismiss form Skye doesn't know it but she never stood a chance but I mean hey the two sight anchors both got theirs and it's still a three versus three either team can still win this and KO just pulled up to the party but he's too late he floods on the site suppresses all three players with his knife and is trying to hold out if he can stall long enough for his teammates to rotate from a site they have a solid chance to win this round back yeah but they evened it out to a 3v3 the spike not planted just yet and Buzz playing to justify time the Reckoning comes in as well DRX is in a good position oh Buzz fantastic angle taken as RV comes in immediately the retake was too strong kale Molly the right side of sight and his Harbor sent out his Reckoning from Spawn this scrambled the offense and they couldn't find some solid footing and to top it all off Harper threw it on his Cove that leaked out onto site by doing this you allow your teammates to leak out on multiple choke points and forces the attack to watch so many more potential angles this was a picture-perfect retake foreign 's loss paper wrecks have a weaker buy with three rifles a bulldog and a judge and this round is big if they lose this one they're going to lose the round Advantage they've made for themselves they're starting in a 2-1-2 default and plan on hitting a with Rays satcheling into lamps paper wrecks Cascade long but again head to short except for Reina because just like in our ranked games she plans on lurking and hoping to shoot someone in the back as they're rotating to a with all the pressure her teammates are about to make now I don't really know how I feel about this in ranked I hate it when my Duelists are lurking and I'm sure you do too but you have to understand that in Tier 1 valorant most plays are made with a purpose something is paper Rex's best Fragger that's why he's on Reina and when you lurk there's a good chance you're going to take 1v1s so there's no one else paper wrecks would rather have in this role now let's see if the rest of his team can create enough pressure for this lurk to work forsaken puts up his high tide to block off showers activates his old engine satchels into lamps but paper wrecks are faced with a big problem their Rays only has a judge and forsaken only has a bulldog these aren't really fights that the attackers want to take so they don't peek out of lamps or short Reyna has just become their only win condition she's managed to walk all the way to hookah and Skye is the last side anchor if Raina can somehow win this duel she'll open up the round for her team the following is a reenactment of what happened because we didn't see it in the VOD so basically Skye went to check hookah but had no idea that she was peeking straight into paper Rex's win condition and as soon as this kill happens you see the offense swing back out of lamps and they're trying to take the teleporter trades go down but paper x do manage to get out and literally have so much free space Arena heads into elbow to stall for even longer with her Flash and eventually falls back to sight Reyes recognizes that Reina isn't in a position to trade out her teammates that are just now getting to sight if she can squeeze a kill this round is so much more winnable she loses the 1v1 paper x get a free sight plus the round win and I never thought I'd say this in a breakdown but it's all thanks to the lurking Reyna all right if I see any of you do what that rain it did last round of my ranked games I'm reporting you but this round she's actually going to enter like a duelist should the attack start in their 212 default to once again drain the defense of the utility before falling back to hit a sight and DRX are still in their normal setup now I'm not a tier one coach but I think that they should be fighting for certain parts of the map more that's how defense on bind is supposed to be played by fighting for map control you trade out utility with the attackers and force them to have less for the actual hit which strengthens your site setups or you can at least hold on to some part of the map so that your team can retake from a bunch of different choke points but every round we've seen them just try and fight back the entire execute you're going to get plowed by a double duelist comp if you just sit back and try to stop their hit regardless the attackers use their bird Cascade combo for long while Reyes and Rayna simply walk their way into showers I mean the defense haven't contested at all games so why start using utility now they push Harbor off the angle and their long players dog and Cascade until long again but the defense dogs back and spots Rays all by herself down long DRX don't have a good read on paper X KO is pacing back and forth in spawn and the attackers could really do whatever they want so they group up in short and get into position from TRX Jing just trying to fish for this Harbor location but this has allowed something to get deep into the site I don't know if Dr is aware of this they have no idea oh God something he just because none of their utility got baited out paper Rex rolled everyone on site the paint shells leer Ray satchling out of shower all of this was just too much to handle for the two players back sight this Reina is just going unchecked but they still haven't cleared out Viper and with lamps control this retake is still definitely doable opens up the back of the site so well as Mako still in lamps still with the judge picks up two and they are not able to take him down okay well Viper decided to play some fortnite and has managed to even out the player Advantage but dear X know what the setup is like they recognize that someone is short and won showers Skye walks over to clear out the brim takes a few shots into the corner and Tucks back in to reload brim then realizes that it's his turn to pin down sky so he peeks out and holds right where he heard her reload stalling by rotating all the way from short to shower this reposition is huge as he knows that Mako knows he's short so by doing this you choose so much time off the clock Mako realizes that he doesn't have the time for this and he heads to try and get the defuse positioning as well the post plan continues to be perfectly played by paper Rex now paper Rex needs one more round if they want to close up the half eight to four but that might be hard since they're playing against drx's Viper's pit the attack start in their 212 setup but Harbor and Skye are going to apply an insane amount of pressure on B and we're going to see another lurk style play from Reina and the defense are setting up their Viper's pit on short and are leaving Harbor to contest shower and on B they still have raisin Sky now paper x starts things off with a flash for hookah another Cascade for long and a dog to clear out the space in hindsight this is what a bee heavy default would look like use the sky utility to clear out map control and use the Renault ears for the actual side hits now combine this with Viper's pit being short DRX don't mind having a third person on B but what this does is only leave one person holding shower this is another one of those 1v1 opportunities and is exactly what Reyna players should be looking for to open up the round she's managed to scale up showers once again but Harbor did try to slow her down with the Cascade but she isn't biting DRX haven't contested this part of the map all game so they're going to do it now with their Viper ulted on short yeah right Serena keep scaling up shower and is peeking out to sight to look for her first Blood she sees Harper jump spotting from truck takes a few shots but Viper denies her with a one-way but before the one-way can completely Bloom she lears and leaps out a shower and makes it to bench she has no idea where the defense is set up so you see her swinging her Crosshair all over the place something is waiting for someone to peek into him but then he hears Harbor rip his high tide for showers he now knows where the first blood is and if he gets it the defense are screwed well he's about to get a rude awakening if that is the case says here comes something on the peak oh Arby's in so much trouble there it is the instant headshot with this kill you see the rest of paper racks leak out of showers and take the site but Reina goes the extra mile and leans up against this pillar on short now despite only taking showers they kind of have a decent amount of map control and this position from Reina is really strong with his Viper's pit if anyone decides to exit from it she'll have the advantage and kill them first plus she has a great Crossfire set up with her teammates in shower and Skye could even lurk up off of her contact in short and this is exactly what you want to see from your Arena Mains this knowledge of how angles work and when to take space and how to hold it is exactly what you see from the world's best Duelists by simply pressing up against this corner something has basically won his team around now DRX are rotating in for the retake they still technically have lamps control so there is a decent chance to pinch on the attackers from multiple angles but can they pull it off the Defenders quickly scale through spawn and know that backside is clear with the sky flash they move up to the wall and their retake begins but look at this something in the Warner I'm sure they have no idea he's there as well as he is holding it down gets the Duke Reyna saves her KO and gets one more like I said this was a strong position to hold with his Viper's pit up but after the trades it's a two versus two but Brimstone uses his alt so his Sky can fight with it but Stax puts her down it's a two versus one now and it's all up to mind freak is there enough to go for the plant the spray is not there but my freak gets the one guy in the showers and picks up the 2K Mindfreak pulls through paper Rex ends the half at eight to four and they end up dominating the rest of this map 13-6 all game we've seen Raina make play after play to lead her team to this dominating win and I hate to say it but Reina doesn't look too shabby on this map I mean if you have a Gautier Fragger like something she actually looks great hmm maybe she isn't enough to your agent after all Psych she still sucks [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Teets
Views: 486,084
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Teets, Pro Analysis, Valorant, Valorant Guide, Valorant Tips, Valorant Tips and Tricks, Valorant Pro Gameplay, Valorant Pro Breakdowns, Agent Guide, Agent Guides
Id: PBQjvh33Pqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 53sec (1313 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 15 2023
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