When Disguised Toast Signs a VALORANT Team | DSG vs OXG | Pro VALORANT Breakdown

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because of the limited spots in Valor enfranchising the tier 2 Challengers league is more Fierce and competitive than ever talented players are starving both literally and figuratively for a chance to prove themselves to be world-class caliber and recently Hearthstone Legend TFT strategist Among Us Pioneer future shangshi cast and OTV content creator variety streamer disguised host please notice me toast decided to sign a Valor and Squad couple of weeks ago I announced that I would be starting a Valerian team but how good is the squad exactly and will they be able to get this bread let's find out today we're breaking down disguise versus oxygen from the N A Challenger's qualifiers [Music] wanna learn what it takes to play Valor at a pro level or just want to reach your dream rank well then goes to Academy's valorant Academy may be exactly what you're looking for you'll get access to Advanced Theory and body review classes every week led by professional coaches you'll learn how to actually play valon on a team level with weekly ranked base 10 mans with a coach guiding you along the entire way and once per month a franchise team coach comes in to give an exclusive lecture here's a general idea of what it'll look like two Master lessons followed by 10 mans every week and once per week you'll have Bar reviews in a q a class and of course a break in the middle to absorb and practice all you've learned but it gets even better I got you guys a banger deal the first 100 people that sign up with my code Sovereign gets a 30-day free trial that's basically free elo for you to take so accelerate your learning by signing up for Valor Academy today thank you ghost Academy for sponsoring this portion of the video now back to the breakdown disguised the open with a 113 default clearance if are going to passively hold map control B long and mid while the rest of the skies were gain main control oxygen opened with a 140 setup they have a read that the skies are going to execute through either our or streets so they're stacking four players mid killjoy still will be with the retake setup and they're leaving a open but the rate is off the skies are actually defaulting towards Oxygen's empty sight will disguise be able to recognize the opening in Oxygen's defense or will oxygen find a way to perfectly respond to this guy's default disguised disguised you know what from now on we're just gonna call him DSG the bear is dropped as if killjoy turns out mid this killjoy turret will alert DSG if anyone from oxygen decides to regress mid but oxygen aren't planning on aggressing Mid they're staying quiet hiding waiting for DSG to walk into their mid-trap meanwhile dsg's a main players silently walk up still recalls the smoke for them to cross and safely clear a main together three players in short ready to watch this cross but they have DSG knows that no one is holding them in Main and they don't hear any killjoy you tell they have a rate that oxygen are probably playing full retake on a so they call it to just silently walk onto site that's a straight walk on oxygen we're prepared for some kind of fast mid split from the skies Exile gets timinged and picked off by Verno Mitch fate dies on the a for more info the eye gets broken so oxygen know that Exile wasn't just a lone lurker there's most likely a team behind him they turned their attention towards a ready for battle and at this exact moment clear smells the Gap in the defense that just opened up and walks through mid doors you take three stars Spike okay steel all the way in the back was looking for a bit of space could have potentially gotten a random one but clear clear coming in from the back only able to get one but now has control a short might fight against the sage and actually it spots the slower clear disengages from the fight and repositions DSG are down numbers they want to make a play to stabilize the round so stealing gangster takes space secret and flower together looking for a fight disguise they're fighting so deep into the spawn but Randy Savage isn't giving them anything he knows he's alone so he doesn't want to commit to a fight meanwhile the rest of oxygen regroup and prepare to retake together disguiser just trying everything that's cheeky to get some sort of Advantage but it's not happening one-man Advantage Gangsta going down low but doesn't die Randy Savage coming in gets headshotted gangs up with a cross able to get one out of it and the crossfire is good but scuba now 1v3 35 HP remaining needs a headshot on to clear and DSG take the pistol round oh oh God kids look away DSG opened with a 221 default they know oxygen is saving this round and that they might make an aggressive play so DSG just want to start the round off slow and figure out what oxygen are up to as for oxygen they are absolutely up to something they open with 4A main they know they have worse guns so they want to band together and use their numbers advantage to make a play they're just gonna be on pistols here and again a team that has been so hot the past couple of months would be great to find this like antique around but it is really just classic steel only saw Sage plus the fade eye he's thinking what are the chances of sage is pushing up a loan on a save round very unlikely so there's probably more people a main in a lot of people a means B is weak so it calls for all of DSG to execute b a swift response from steel off of minimal info DSG walks to be long we're gonna see a lot of that they kill knife Paws knife scans nothing hause is clear related calling at least oxygen no actual contacts in the mid of B here ready full exec already they easily take side control steal plants to spike out in the open but look at the map oxygen have taken control over literally the rest of the map this means they're able to retake from every possible angle DSG are contained B and B long are we gonna have much to say I think for me at least yesterday he was underwhelming and his performance at some good moments but they come in kind of flashes and goes and now the rest of his team is going to be grouped up it's feeling like this is oxygen looking for kind of exits and Bruno spearheading this area over towards Maine where one of the rookie players had a big match I stepped up huge for his team as well he goes for the first swing doesn't really find much but that will forcibly zip the back away and they're actually doing a good job oxygen trapping these players in the middle of sight this is a lot of collateral damage if they're able to get them they're gonna try the defuse they swear say swear he sticks it off the Nano swarm takes him away and DSG win their anti-equal round that was so close from oxygen they played the retake slow at the start keeping DSG contained then at the last possible moment when they knew DSG were retreating they flooded out on the site to try to get a cheeky defuse with their Sage wall but the Nano storm got Pony off the spike while DSG lasered down the wall with the rifles oxygen lost around but ends up doing decent damage taking two guns away from DSG DSG opened with a 221 default they want to hold for pushes for a bit at the start before working B long and mid oxygen open with a 131 setup they're thinking surely this is around DSG comes mid so their setup is heavier mid and weaker towards the sights the Bears drop as if kills your turrets mid remember this turret will detect both the doors and art push from Defenders ziff and gangster are chilling waiting to pounce off the turret's contact Mitch wants some info so he follows out art the prowler sees nothing no info gained oxygen no DSG are probably just holding for pushes right now so they don't change their setup meanwhile towards B clear crosses to ramp behind the cover of his Viper smoke just gonna hold on to it though because disguised Pony jump spots from Paws and locks eyes with clear this is info for both sides in mid DSG group of S3 I'm walking up mid but they had goosebumps for at least maybe cover up some of this utility but the KJ is until 100 is gonna hit the alarm but hasn't even gone off yet scuba draws First Blood DSG wanted to take Street's control but Oxygen's util trap completely separated exalt from his team isolating a free kill for scuba but wait remember how exiled threw a kale Knight finder before he entered into the streets that knife landed mid connector in its scans mentioned Randy Savage so right now DSG know Sage was Haas vipers deep streets fading killjoy and mid connector and knowing all this they can safely assume astra's anchoring a from a safe spot with all this info DSG have a perfect picture of oxygen setup a one three one then no oxygen are heavy towards mid so they begin working the extremities In Scuba this is an instance where disguise see that one-way vipers orb and they don't your spams Pony through the Viper wall and he immediately Retreats at a steel lurks up it's the knife that catches two and steal one digs Verno aceite is completely open DSG spun up to take the space player there but steel working over tomorrow day finds another free pick and that's gonna be the site giving up three on four retaken with the rifles oxygen what a man disadvantage and now still picked up another so it's four rifles in their hand of Disguise yeah reminder we're looking at around where we saw two SMGs and two pistols from disguised oxygen is a big run for them to get back into this game they have the guns but in all the economy but here comes the actual approach Randy Savage is on the front lines face on a bit of a crossfire but this is even more cheeky steel around the corner has a nano swarm in front of him to even use two he swings out to try to take Randy Savage you have no idea where Gangsta is and there's still three people left here for disguise time is running low oxygen are down numbers and they have no space to work with on their retake the odds aren't looking good they call to save their rifles DSG win their bonus round their economy is about to snowball out of control DSG opened with a 2-2-1 default they want to slowly work B long and mid control while figuring out what oxygen are up to oxygen opened with four players towards mid they want to aggress the art together this round but look at the ashes Stars DSG place in the pre-round these Stars could become a suck stun or smoke if oxygen want to fight mid they will be forced to either commit to a wide swing out in the open to avoid the star tank the star if it becomes a stuck or stun and probably die or not aggress at all this is the power of a well-placed Astro Star let's see what happens the round starts Pony slows B long DSG put up the Viper smoke to cross and Exile kale flashes through to get on the angle they see no one peeking but they're able to break rainy Savages kills your turret oxygen just lost all control of B long now they're pressured to get info elsewhere meanwhile in mid against the fake problems mid doors and zip killed you towards mid nothing detected so mid controls dsgs steel actually turns his art star into a smoke this locks oxygen out of mid and helps DSG maintain mid control now oxygen have a choice they've already committed three players art are they going to risk blind swinging through the smoke or give up fighting mid well it's at this exact moment that DSG breaks Oxygen's kills you to be long oxygen have no info BNB long no info a a main and they already committed all five players towards mid they need more info so they call to aggress Mid they fade eye out and triple swing as if breaks the fade eye oxygen breaks this killjoy turret thinks the fade problems mid doors in response Prowler sees nothing Mitch responds with his Prowler his Prowler sees nothing too the dust settles both sides give up mid control oxygen know that while they were fighting mid a DSG player could have lurked out a main so they're very wary of that possibility but DSG aren't doing that instead they're calling to regroup and execute B no utility no information rifle clear B Halls the rest is to exit now is disguised they get onto site here there are two players in towards link neither have a rifle they diligently use all their utility to clear every angle possible on site they're not risking anything so they even Astro wall up before planning full take care from disguise and a five on fives exalt tucks himself in bad calls once the early contact ing out but oxygen because of this Cosmic divide they can they can scale they want to wait for this to drop and maybe just go for one big swing here we're waiting though that Viper wall does help them swing the island goes to Cosmic divide they're going for a triple swing back over towards holes and it works out scuba takes down clear there goes exalt there goes three four players over and long four disguise but they don't have line of sight they don't have line of sight on the spike itself no diffuse has gone down those scuba tagging away behind the smoke DSG showers that be set with an endless assault of bullets spamming down oxygen and forcing Mitch to save his rifle once again DSG take round four both teams are back on full buys now DSG opened with a 2-30 default game plan is the same work b along in mid and then figure out what to do from there oxygen opened with a 122 setup a rather standard setup with a heavier emphasis towards the a side but the B side is by no means weak because Pony is operating an operator I'm a literary genius the barriers drop DSG Prowlers and turrets mid their standard mid default scuba winway's mid doors and gets detected by the prowler but DSG can't capitalize on it because of the one-way smoke so instead of standing around and doing nothing while waiting for the door smoke to go down steel and zip double up to hold for a potential eight push at the same time towards B clear and Exile begin working be a long Pony waiting with his off one-way Viper one they're gonna hold on to it there's no kju till this time there's only one in the middle of a b but it's a pretty good player to have Pony yeah and they're walking up again towards B and pony Snipes down clear Exile doesn't want to challenge the knob alone so he backs off DSG called to all regroup mid and now disguise yeah the late exit back in towards mid steel places his star streets signaling to oxygen that a Street's push might be coming so scuba pops up every one way and Mitch powers for info just pivots back from oxygen from the side exits bow down wow still didn't shoot the prowler because he didn't want to give away that he had an Odin and a shorty plus he knew he was safe because one way smokes are a double-edged sword oxygen can't push through it either oxygen no matter who gets bonded they have a double swing it's a crossfire here just without the Astro smoke one for one trade oxygen are still up numbers DSG commit to finish working streets they stuck to close cubby and smoke off mid-link with midlink smoked off they scale up to clear the cubby 30 seconds left DSG needs to make a play before it's too late Brian exit in towards the B side they've just smoked off that b link that b connector in a spot but now they're walking in and walking in it Randy Savage might be good for a nasty surprise one for one trade 17 seconds left DSG called a commit to a nay head KJ util is down and puts it on Roberto in the backside he has stars to play with the no problem Bruno smokes himself across to safety he doesn't want to fight a 1v2 he wants to regroup with his team to leverage their numbers Advantage as if plants a spike do you actually know their down numbers so they want to make a play before oxygen regroup and retake together but oxygen are already grouped up throughout the Viper spit but don't know how much that could actually help get aggressive Barry look at this might be two picks here zip for and pony takes down gangsters to secure Oxygen's first round win even though oxygen won last round DSG made it very expensive as a result oxygen don't have enough for a full bite but they force up anyways so they have an OP two rifles and two judges this is a wild weapon Loadout but it could work because scuba has his Viper all DSG opened with a 113 default they know scuba has its Viper all in that he might all a men so do you actually want to take aim in control by storm and kill scuba before he finishes pooping out assault but scuba isn't playing a he's playing B oxygen are opening with a one two two setup they're leaving scuba in his Viper towards B and stacking towards mid and a let's see what happens the Bears dropped diester kale knife the Astro stock fate tether aiming is bombarded with util as DSG storm forward a ton of noises made oxygen have four aside now then DSG cut noise oxygen no DS2 were just heavy amen they want to be proactive they call the regroup in aggressive art if DSG are working in a split oxygen want to isolate a fight with one side of the split and if there isn't a mid split they'll at least gain some map control and restrict dsg's option but DSG aren't going mid they're actually slowly floating towards B there's such a slight change they break dsg's killjoy turret four and putting full Reliance on the fact that make control is oxygens DSG know they just lost mid control but that's fine the call is to end B even though a Viper's pit is waiting for them but this is all part of their calculations DSG know that since there's a Viper pit B oxygen are probably stacked towards the other side of the map DSG are confident in their ability to combo their util to flush scuba out of assault they will walk out towards a or a no contact yeah there's nothing that Viper spits can limit the vision of scuba so they don't know where they're walking actually now Vapor wall isn't a good spot does actually force them to push in here comes a whole lot of util here comes the double star shotgun only here for scuba shotgun only by the way that is that is too intense about to get swung on you still have school in the middle and they're planting in the middle of Viper's bit and it's perfect for the shotgun everyone down low and scuba in deep Waters it's shotgun City in here oxygen annihilates DSG with only judges huge play by scuba who masterfully weaved around the Minefield of DSU util and demonstrated why you don't mess with a Viper in her pit oxygen take round six DSG opened with a 131 default they want to focus on working mid-control this round with a player holding each extremity oxygen opened with a 122 setup Pony is opping B long they have kiljoen viper holding mid doors a killjo turret holding art and two players looking to aggress a main Vernal places this deep ashtari made to help with a push let's see what happens when these two openings Clash the berries drop against the fake problems mid doors scuba responds by activating his one-way Viper smoke as if turrets out mid like usual to hold the potential art Peak while Gangsta and Exile are out mid waiting for the Viper one-way smoke to drop meanwhile towards a steel walks the bay main Mitch fade Prowlers they main still breaks it he then silently steps back he doesn't want to go any further since he's been detected he's alone and there's a scary Azure Star right in front of them in mid DSG spams the mid doors a bit they know oxygen likes to put kiljit mollies there so they're trying to break it before working in the streets their guess was right but their spam misses the mark Oxygen's aiming players hear the noise they're thinking hey it seems like DSG are working a mid default this could be an opening for us to take a main control so they fade still avoids the eye the eye sees nothing Mitch and Verno both began walking up but even then Inferno takes down steel aiming controls oxygens back in mid Oxygen's Viper one way finally drops but before yes she could take advantage of it scoop of Viper Molly's doors this buys oxygen a few more seconds of time except Thursday when I find the mid connector the knife scans nothing clear from all the way belong throws a Viper Molly lineup That lands in the streets cubby DSU tried to push through mid doors at this exact time but scuba sees all this utility so he puts his one-way smoke back up DSG are completely locked out of streets and they haven't even triggered Oxygen's killjoy setup yet DSG figured there's no point in doing nothing while the one-way smoke is up so they call to work art in the meantime but more killjoy utility and Mitch are waiting for them One Way takes them away DSG breaks the killer turret oxygen responds with an Astra smoke at the choke which fade probably back for more info try and hold them back there's a nano storm there as well with a smoke on top so a lot of delay util here available for oxygen Esports and it will be Mitch to Reaper wow a perfectly time kill Jim Molly from Randy Savage off of nothing but pure game sense Mitch Fade Out and it pushes the SG back he takes his moment to isolate a fight a main but clear takes down Mitch this prompts DSG to work back art leaves it on Alberto in the back but he's given so much space he's given a lot of space that they could use a Viper's pit 30 seconds left DSG are committed to ending a oxygen are like guys we have killjoy and National let's just play retake a so DSG execute onto an open a size guys can write but what's the shutdown here can there be any shutdown there is a lockdown to them to be able to retake with and they're going to use it immediately 20 seconds left and the Viper's pit is gonna stay up and at least for a few seconds no it's going down it's going down for sure off of this yeah no absolutely it's gonna go down Cosmic divide are they gonna go for the defuse immediately they have to rush through this wall they have to wide swing it is so difficult for them to get any pixels well done on the cosmic and oxygen cleanly retake the site without losing a single player in the process a dominant round from oxygen DSG take a timeout Oxygen's on the full by DSG squeezed out all their credits to almost have a full buy so if DSG loses round they're going to be completely bankrupt next round DSG opened with 2B long and three mid they want to take deep mid control but faster this time oxygen opened with three players hugging the B barrier they want to change it up in a recipe Long Randy Savage has his killjoy util mid to slow down the mid push and Verno is anchoring a playing full retake let's see how this plays out redemption in these last couple of rounds after a sluggish start as well oxygen no contact back over in mid as per usual they give it up but what we usually see is that double clear Dodge is the fade eye oxygen think Club is cleared so scuba image both rotated away while they leave Pony to hold the Deep angle with the zop walk up to B but it doesn't look like Pony legs clear but at Mid did she have already walked up past dorms will oxygen expect this yeah the play over and long doesn't spot anyone look at this back it's gonna be the crossfire Midge is here alongside Randy but that big shot from Gangsta everyone's not swinging out look at the low HP Randy Savage waiting for the haunt has an opportunities oh flash comes in and the swing goes in right with it Excel picks off Randy Savage and DSG storms into mid connector Verno who's alone hears all the Stomping instead of falling back and potentially getting run down he goes forward instead to get into an unexpected angle and potentially isolate a 1v1 mid he needs to attempt something like this since oxygen are down two whole players yeah they did a kind of a switch up their oxygen only leaving a single star there without the alarm bot and they get punished because of it trying to set themselves up for Verno here with that turret and art but he's not good enough to get more Verno goes huge and finds two kills this round is suddenly winnable for oxygen so Pony goes back streets to look for a rest to bring it back to a 3v3 about 40 seconds left DSG have two art one mid oxygen have one flower one streets well two if you include the res as if pop is killed while steel plants a spike scuba's lurking in the flower smoke waiting for a timing too where the lockdown comes in and Scuba they're not planning thank you I mean the timer goes scuba gets run down DSG know they have all the space because of their kills Royale so they called her double push spawn Scuba so I had to fight it they see nothing spawn clears playing an off angle art and he sees nothing mid so DSG deduces that oxygen have to be mid-link you see they're even spam paying it but it does bring it down to the 2v3 once again off the revive clear the clear hear anything steal the waves and steal with the ice code assassination from sewers secures a round for DSG oxygen take a timeout DSG opened with a 113 default they want to take a main control and then figure out what to do from there oxygen opened with a 221 setup they have a read that DSG are going to default But ultimately and B so they're stacking towards B and playing retake on a the Bears drop XL kale knives they main the knife sees nothing aiming controls dsgs in mid as if deploys as usual killjo turret Pony actually Sage was mid doors off the bat and he's playing on top of it to look for a cheeky pick DSG aren't mid though so he doesn't spy anyone towards a DSG notice that oxygen aren't popping their smoke at the choke even though they've made so much noise DSG are thinking wow what's with this lack of respect so steel drops in Azure star mid-link making it look like an execute is coming Verna responds by finally smoking the choke and dropping another Asher star for a suck but still doesn't pop his Asher star so DSG are now ahead in terms of Astro util DSG then make the call to rotate out and leave steel aiming as a lurk they have mid and B long control right now so DSG called it NB just as oxygen predicted electing to wall off B Med of that a aggression and leave the kju till the play over towards B where it seems disguise now begin their shift they have this Astro wall to walk up on player tries to punish Randy Savage in the backside Mitch look at this wall I've seen this I love this once or twice yeah no and the uh and the turret it's at the perfect angle just before someone is able to Peak this player but oh they actually find him they know he's here Mitch gets cleared by clear DSG are so aware getting some problems through it catches Randy Savage ganks is calling he's blind he's blind so Exile pop flashes through the smoke kidding me clear through the wall dry takes down Mitch B-side is dsg's 3v5 now 2v4 on site this is looking like a lost round for oxygen unfortunate I guess awesome with three though instant 5v3 they will get out Inferno up again they're just not wait what oxygen presses the delete button and suddenly they're up 3v2 it's a 3v1 on B steel is late and sprinting back as fast as he can everything's falling apart for DSG now a 3v2 and steel zip Falls steal in a 1v3 now despite and see still doing anything he can to delay spots one in the long angle spots one and the smoke one nose is on the spike nose has got the clutch and steal clutches he saves the round for DSG wow what a round because steel was so late oxygen had no idea where he could be so oxygen had one holding be long one holding spawn in the last player defusing and because of this steel was given the window to isolate three 1v1s and he did not let the opportunity slide round nine goes to DSG oxygen background is saved DSG still on a full by DSG opened with a 221 default oxygen opened with a pretty standard spread but Verno wants to get aggressive a main the barriers drop Bruno walks up a main with his thinner steel who is defaulting in Maiden notices that oxygen placed a deep Aster star they might be up to something in their main steel is thinking still recalls is a main star to scare oxygen a bit Vernal recalls his deep Ash star letting him cross to whatever this wooden box is called but it's back to the usual Antics slow and methodical Vernal though again key to take this space it's something that they've been adapting switching up this mid setup with now two players there to wait instead no wall no alarm no ground well and steal walks away wow steel was aware that someone could be pushed up close so a place in Azure Star right on top of Verno Verna was probably thinking oh I'm so fat but then it turns out to be a recalled smoke so it quiets down again still has a gut feeling that oxygen might actually be pushed up a main though also did she know no one's pushing mid or belong so they call it keep it simple regroup and execute B play so-so these adjustments kind of are nullified in the sense that they're not finding that early impact that they want and it forces these early setups to just be changed instantly as soon as these guys make a move that's so cheeky Randy getting distracted by the other angle as we finally get into a bit of a take this guy said four of their players close something to be it's all exalt yeah I would thought there's clear those closed Spangles would have done something but they do nothing the pistols only get one and I think now oxygen now that you come out of this with your full buy it's a a big take of do we want to try and get aggressive with this guys and yeah in the sense that they've been taking a main control but it feels at least right now but disguised or being unpunished for this this slow Style and in the past the way we've seen this get countered especially steals calling it particular is play aggressive and eventually steal will have to call and adapt and say okay we need to sit back and watch DSU aren't giving Verno anything and they clean the window anti-equal round DSG open with a 131 default Exile has a scale alt so DSG want to make a play with it oxygen opened with a one two two setup the two players they mean are looking to get a bit aggressive the barriers drop against the prowler's mid doors scuba responds by popping as a one-way smoke DSG can't get through doors but they have mid control meanwhile towards a steel runs up a main and recalls the start by recalling the star he threatens to cross through this wooden box but Mitch fade problems often start in a detects deal it pushes steel back but because steel showed presence Mitch can't just freely walk up deep a main anymore Steele then regroups with his team in mid with clear holding B long and four grouping mid DSG are calling to execute B through streets but oxygen have a ton of Viper and killjo utility there DSG won't be able to get through easily scuba to play off of this impact or play off of that contact and I think EXO pops his kale out Randy Savage gets suppressed his kiljoy util deactivated actually catch Randy Savage had that util so B split is coming through and scuba has it all to do no when he does nothing not able to get the Frack of a pony shifting around and gets traded out by Gangsta the sight has been taken rise up as well so we're back to a five on five Randy looking for the kill not enough bullets and zip gets his teammate up and gets out leaving oxygen three versus five they might just have to save as well you mentioned the economy not a lot to work with after this loss oh it's still already catching burn on this rat man just sneaking around is able to find another oxygen in a 2v5 cost to save you know the thing about Oxygen's comp is that it has so much utility to stall for pushes making streets in the art very dangerous for DSG to push into but it turns out that strength gets completely nullified by kwalt well actually KO basically counters everything huh it's a last round of the half DSG have a full buy oxygen have two vandals two bulldogs and a judge I'm kind of surprised scuba isn't the one using the judge since he has his viperol DSG opened with a 2-2-1 default same as usual but they can see that oxygen has viperol they know that when oxygen viperolts they usually leave Viper alone on that side of the map and stack the other side with that in mind DSG called a show presence middle name and then immediately hit Viper's sight even though the last time they did the Strat scuba wiped them with the judge DSG are saying hey we're confident we can flush viper out of Herald don't worry the 3K scuba got lasted was a non-replicable round for them as for oxygen they open with Viper solo B and 4 towards a just as DSG predicted but will everything go as smoothly as they planned the round starts still Sprints it up a main past oxygens two Ash's stars and recalls as a main star he's faking the cross through the wooden box again Pony slows aiming off the bat this slow helps oxygen maintain a main control but it was a fatal error this is because DSG know that pony is usually Oxygen's B player the fact that he's a instead of B signals to DSG that the read is spot on in Mid as if killjo turns out millikusual and gangs of fade eye streets noise a and mid is made dieshi immediately transitioned to the next phase of the plan burning the Viper's pit in an early hot was gonna pull already player back towards to be late they got a little info before pulling out the pit they put so much impact here towards mid from the skies and now oxygen have to adjust three players here a haunt given out as well to check and it's just been a clean walk-up now they know exactly what scuba is going to get him and it forces him out wow Viper's pit is gonna go down surely there's no way that he can get back into the site if someone actually gets that back hole across and indeed they will once they pull up a smoke it's done it's dropped there goes the cross though it's gonna be five D5 for oxygen so not exactly out of the realm of possibility laughs it's about fighting in backside here for disguise they don't want this wall to go up they don't want either Sage or the cause of divide to go an excellent takes the fight to them denying any chance he could get into sight is key here and disguise have the advantage right that's a little bit of util taken away but still a lot more to do four players to come in but they're all coming in from the same angles two coming in from Maine two coming in from Spawn Exiles with the cross once again getting up a big one clearer they still haven't cleared him out he's still over in Halls and he's still shifting around Mitch has no chance and it's a nine to three oh and don't forget to follow me on Twitter and join my Discord I've got some cool stuff in the works and I wouldn't want you to miss it thank you [Music]
Channel: Airen
Views: 645,543
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: lH07WmyoM_Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 48sec (1968 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 09 2023
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