How Powerful is Cere Junda? | Star Wars: Jedi Survivor

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I think it's finally time to discuss Jedi Masters see your junda a character who is deeply flawed but incredibly inspiring despite those flaws someone who very nearly destroyed one of the most powerful force users to ever live someone who forsook the dark side exercised their past demons embraced the light and became what the Jedi were always meant to be a Beacon of Hope figures who defended those who could not defend themselves so today I'd like to discuss the awe-inspiring power of seer junda it is delusional to think your actions have had any consequence The Fortress stands the inquisitorious continues its work [Music] and I have come for you [Music] [Music] I've been waiting [Music] in her younger years Seer was an emotional Padawan someone who had trouble controlling her temper she was quick to fly off the handle so she was paired with Eno Cordova the stoic well-mannered impatient master who helped to balance these flaws however her temper continued to get the better of her which led to admonishment from the Jedi Council eventually she would be sent to Anto alongside her master to oversee an excavation of a temple there however things would turn South as Seer was caught up in a battle on the planet but Seer this time proved herself and was knighted by Master of the order Mace Windu during this time Seer displays various Feats of incredible power and skill she's able to shatter a massive pillar and easily defeat multiple tomb Guardians tomb Guardians are some of the strongest enemies that cow faces off against in Jedi Fallen order and are known for powerful unblockable attacks that Sierra is able to deal with without issue Seer would eventually be given a Padawan up her own and she Rose to the rank of Jedi Master before the end of the Clone Wars following order 66 she was captured by the Empire and tortured for information concerning the location of her Padawan and the Jedi younglings they were harboring see you're held firm for a long time even resisting torture from Darth Vader himself but eventually she was broken and gave up her Padawan Trilla who was tracked down and indoctrinated into the inquisitorious as a Jedi Hunter devastated by what she had done and what her Padawan had become Seer tapped into the dark side and tore through the Fortress using this dark power to destroy anything in her path and Escape following this Seer was ashamed by using the dark side of the force and wanting to avoid falling to the dark side permanently she vowed to never tap into the force ever again however the time would eventually come when she had to after recruiting the former Jedi calcus to join her cause she and Cal infiltrated The Fortress inquisitorius while there she utilized an Inquisitor lightsaber and easily tore through Purge Troopers who are a specialized class of Imperial Soldier trained and equipped to assist the inquisitors in hunting down Jedi this alone would show that she's far above the likes of Cal who struggles with Purge troopers at this point in his journey however Seer would soon come face to face with the dark lord of the Sith himself Darth Vader Avengers yeah in this confrontation Darth Vader is likely testing the Jedi Master really seeing if she's worth his time but she is measured and she is found wanting so Vader swats her away without a second thought but Seer isn't inclined to give up that easily she Taps into the dark side once again and with her incredible power forces Darth Vader to his knees briefly while he's able to overpower her and stand up it's not easy for Vader and he even struggles a bit to break into her Force barrier this is incredibly impressive as by this time Vader would have surpassed his Peak power when he was the Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker Anakin by the tail end of the Clone Wars was pushing Yoda and Mace Windu levels of power Yoda could hold up entire mountains with a force and Mace Windu was able to overpower Darth Sidious who was magnitudes more powerful than almost any other Force user alive at the time as Sidious could Ragdoll the likes of Darth Maul and even defeated Grand Master Yoda as I mentioned Anakin was no joke at the time we see his power increase throughout the Clone Wars until he's finally able to defeat Count Dooku something only Yoda Mace Windu and a dark side amped Quinlan Voss had accomplished previously and just to reiterate Darth Vader had surpassed this level of Power by this time putting him above the likes of the two strongest Jedi of the Clone Wars and to quantify this level of power a little bit more during this time as he does get stronger later I'd like to refer to his time working with the ancient Sith Lord moment to build his castle on Mustafar moment promised Vader that if the right structure was built on this planet a dark side Nexus he could open a door to the dark side and reunite Vader with Padme after momen's sixth design Vader attempted to open the door and struggled with the portal the two opposing forces shook the planet causing storms and and earthquakes throughout the entire surface a feat which could be overlooked but not by me the amount of energy to accomplish something like this would be over 760 teratons of energy or enough energy to destroy an entire continent see you're making Vader try at all is exceptional however this is a dark side Amplified Seer as we know the dark side is not more powerful than the light side but it is easier to use in the short term making any Jedi who Taps into this much more powerful for a brief time None Shall defy me not even you must a gym [Music] all right master [Music] [Applause] [Music] corruption like yours must be eradicated no master [Music] again ashamed by her use of the dark side Seer would strive to change for good now using the force openly again she would train to control her dark urges in the years that followed Sierra and Cal would come face to face with the fifth brother an Inquisitor of great power who was second in line to becoming the grand Inquisitor in her battle with fifth brother Seer was not holding back she attempted to show the fifth brother the full power of the Light Side thinking that if he saw her incredible power with the light that maybe she could save him and find some Redemption after she failed to save Trilla seeer used the fifth Brothers exact fighting style against him but better she was the bettered list and the more powerful force wielder eventually Seer decided to hold down the fifth brother with the force while she tried to convince him to turn back to the Light Side however she was unsuccessful the only characters we've ever seen take down inquisitors so easily are characters at the top of the Heap when it comes to power Ahsoka Tano Darth Maul and Darth Vader with all this in mind cyr probably should have been approaching this level of power shortly after Fallen order after their final encounter with fifth brother the Mantis crew eventually disbanded and went their separate ways Seer reunited with her master Eno Cordova and the two worked to rebuild the Jedi archives on Jeddah eventually Cal would return to seek Sear's help however he also brought in a traitor who betrayed Cal by calling in the Empire killed Cordova and fled cow chased the backstabber which left sear to deal with the Empire she was able to defend their Hideaway until the black dread Darth Vader arrived seeking his revenge and wanting to write the mistake of failing to capture Seer and Cal all those years before it's been a while I was hoping you drowned on Noor when we blew a hole in your underwater base Seer now a true Beacon of light battled the dark lord of the Sith in what was likely the most pure Battle of light versus Darkness since Yoda dueled Darth Sidious on Coruscant Seer now a paragon of the Light Side gave Vader all she could using the force to bring him to his knees and even push him back Darth Vader even acknowledges that Seer is stronger but she denies this and states she simply let go of her fear completely emboldening her which gave her the strength to match Lord Vader you have grown stronger no no I've only let go of my fear we shall see [Music] [Music] thank you information within the data Bank gives us even more insight into just how close here came to ending Vader's reign of terror quote Sierra engaged with the Sith Lord and a Savage battle with skill and determination she came within a breath of defeating him and another quote seeer nearly defeated the Sith Lord Darth Vader ultimately giving her life to safeguard the hidden path contact codes and allow others to escape as I mentioned before Vader's power was immense this was just nine years before A New Hope where he would be at the peak of his power he'd far surpassed Anakin by this point who was nearing Yoda and Mace Windu levels see her after finally embracing the full power of the Light Side came closer than anyone in the galaxy to finally killing Darth Vader foreign [Music] but I'd also like to address the fact that the two fought on a powerful force virgins that being Jeddah force vergences or nexuses amplify the power of the force either for the light dark or both Jeddah happens to be a holy sight for Force users however that doesn't necessarily mean that it is a light side virgins Coruscant was naturally a light side virgins which was eventually corrupted into a dark side Nexus and then back again multiple times in a struggle between the Jedi and Sith for Millennia so it's shown that these nexuses can change throughout time Jetta seems like it could be a light side Nexus but it could also be a neutral one like octo which was the location of the first ever Jedi Temple it's not blatantly stated either way at least not in any of the guidebooks that I was able to search through not to mention the planet had been harvested and left a Wasteland by The Empire who needed the kyber crystals for their powerful weapons honestly it's probably safer to say it's a new neutral but if it is a light side Nexus then Seer would be Amplified however at the same time Vader's mere presence poisons the Light Side muddying the waters for Jedi and making it harder for them to fight against him with the light side only if it's a neutral virgins they'd both be amped but with Vader's natural ability to poison the force he'd have the advantage if it's a light side Nexus it's likely a wash either way it's still very impressive for seer as for skill Seer is obviously Adept with a lightsaber she's able to mimic the fifth Brothers preferred fighting style and even approve upon it just by seeing it once she's more skilled than Cal who is relative to Trilla who was stated to be an expert duelist and of course she duels Vader for an extended period even if Vader is more powerful than her it's no doubt that they are relative in lightsaber dueling ability Vader is called supremely skilled and a master of lightsaber combat not only did he surpass Anakin in power but he also did in skill while Vader is slower he's adapted to his new limitations and overcome them utilizing new forms and stances to become a better duelist than he ever was when he was Anakin Skywalker Vader is arguably the best duelist in the Galaxy his only competition being Ahsoka or Darth Sidious so see her being able to duel Vader let alone nearly kill him puts her in the top one percent of lightsaber wielders in Star Wars series actor gives us more insight into the character stating that it was very deliberate that Sierra Invader each damage each other simultaneously showing that they were relative not to mention her skill with a blaster at one point Cal refers to see her as the greatest marksman he's ever met High Praise for her considering all the bounty hunters that kallus faced not to mention bode's incredible skill that Cal has witnessed firsthand as for abilities Seer has Force pushes pulls lifts drops she could even tear down Empire dropships she has forced Crush Mind Tricks Etc of course we've seen her create powerful barriers that Vader struggled with and by the time of Survivor she could send the barrier flying outward in a massive AOE attack that flattened and even killed Imperial troops her abilities are so Advanced that the player feels like an Unstoppable force compared to when playing as Cal which falls in line with how she was able to go head to head with Vader but her Force control is something that I'd like to really emphasize in her battle with fifth brother she's able to completely disassemble his lightsaber piece by piece just by using the force the number of characters with this much force control is very very small characters that we see with similar Feats to this are Mace Windu who's able to reassemble his own lightsaber without even looking at it as well as Darth Vader who is able to return a demolished statue back to its former glory by simply reassembling it with the force Sierra also has Force tracking something that Quinlan Vos was very skilled in which allows her to follow trails that even the most seasoned trackers would be unable to pursue so in the end Seer did truly become that Paragon of the Light Side able to match Darth Vader blow for blow until he got the slight Edge in the end she died defending those that she loved and defending the light side of the force and I think she deserves everyone's respect for that let me know what you guys think down in the comments be sure to like And subscribe it does really really help us out and remember the motto it's sea urchanda over everything and I'll see you guys next time
Channel: Key Issues
Views: 101,139
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cal kestis, how powerful is cere junda, how powerful is cere, cere, cere junda, jedi master, jedi, jedi survivor ending, jedi survivor, cere vs vader, cere vs darth vader, dath vader, vader, the high republic, key issues, cere junda vs empire, master, sith, duel, jedi knight, who would win, power scaling, light side, dark side, red lightsaber, who wins, star wars, star wars jedi survivor, bode, merrin, eno cordova
Id: 6w5kGXFGjyg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 56sec (956 seconds)
Published: Thu May 11 2023
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