How Powerful Is An Elephant Toothpaste CANNON?

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you're wearing a shirt this is Callie yeah I'm a big fan in today's video we're teaming up with Nikki US and the king of elephant toothpaste to do some fun experiments [Music] guys before we start today's video we have an amazing guest in the studio with us today Junaid the queen of random hey for those of you that don't know me my name is janae Thompson I was married to grant and I have been here with the king of random since its inception and before I'm here also because I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart and the depths of my soul for the love the support and the prayers that I have felt from our community here at the king of random the other reason I'm here is because I want to highlight this book that grant was working on 52 random weekend projects one of the most important things grant wanted to share with us as he said I want to have a hundred videos that my children can watch in case I'm not here I had no idea how prophetic that statement would become and it's never left my mind the words that he said I want to have a hundred projects that my boys can do just in case I'm not here these are the types of projects that create that bond and that love and the experiences that a parent can share with a child or anybody that wants to create that bond that allows us to connect so I hope that you'll be able to take this book and create those amazing experiences because in the last part of grants life what he really wanted to do is spend time with his family and be with us and share his passion and share his desire and share these experiences with us and we were so lucky to be able to spend those last few months of his life doing the things that he loved and this book is a culmination of that and I'm so grateful to be able to share it from my heart and our family to yours starting today as an extra incentive to pre-order the book those who pre-order can get a signed numbered coffee and the sooner you order the lower your number will be so if you're the first one to order you can get book number one unfortunately for legal reasons the signed copies are only available in the USA in Canada but no matter where you are in the world if you send a copy of your receipt to 52 random projects at you'll be entered into a drawing to win a free t-shirt so to pre-order 52 random weekend projects now head down to the description below and click the link we're gonna try the elephant toothpaste experiment a couple times in these Erlenmeyer flasks just to get a good feel with this I've done - reaction hundreds of times here's the basic idea we're gonna try some classic elephant toothpaste experiments and then see if it's possible to make an elephant toothpaste cannon we've never tried it so we're not sure if it's gonna work we're going to amp up to this bad boy of which Nate explained how does this what what are you logic behind this all right here's the thing we've all heard this idea in theory on this trip this right here is the barrel this is a valve on the barrel so you can stop it or open it okay so that's right here fall valve and then all this back here is a chamber so the thought is that we can leave it closed so nothing can flow out we can put one liquid down in there and it won't go to work kinda valves closed that would be the hydrogen peroxide hydrogen peroxide goes in there then we can take a small balloon like a water balloon of all of the other chemical yes is the chemical Tatem iodide the potassium iodide solution will be in the balloon which hopefully will be just the right size to fit into our chamber then the cap which has a very pointy screw attached to it put that on and once that's screwed on enough that pressure is not going to escape we can tip it back so the balloon pops pressure will build up inside this to the point where it wants to escape but not the point where it will break PVC we made you a test where we're all kind of far away from it yeah just to make sure that it doesn't break out if it doesn't then the idea is that we can open it and we'll get all the pressurized elephant toothpaste foam shooting out or maybe the pressure will prevent it from turning into a foam in the first place because it needs to make bubbles or one of the other options there's several that's what I was thinking - so like here here was the runner for what I thought were the possible options right so this has never been done before so what I was thinking it could happen is once they actually mix inside this container and it builds pressure one of two things is going to happen it's skinny it's going to hold the pressure it's gonna keep all the foam in there nice for us to let it go or it's going to explode the PVC which is definitely an option or potentially another chance like what you said is like it could actually the pressure could be holding the bubbles from forming and then this yes yeah when we open it just a good it's just the saddest thing ever you know why though it's gonna be awesome this is potassium iodide tool so this is the catalyst that we're using and if you feel it can actually it's a little cool okay mmm it endothermic reaction so as the salt dissolves it actually it gets cooler and the liquid that it dissolves into this is almost at what what's called a p' molar meaning like it is to the maximum dissolved yeah okay and so we're gonna keep going it's gonna oxidize slowly it's gonna turn yellow perfect but um that's totally okay it still works when it's oxidized so now this is gonna work faster than potassium for Magnum is that right correct alright and that is what we have used in the past on our channel you've seen potassium permanganate and hydrogen peroxide per magnet potassium permanganate and we have actually had the time before to put that into a balloon how'd that expand we've even used that reaction in a shower in a bathtub it's not a huge deal you guys have seen us do that on the channel this is much faster than what we've done alright so the second step is adding roughly 1500 milliliters of 35 percent hydrogen peroxide now hydrogen peroxide is not super Durrant dangerous it's about as dangerous as bleach but it can we you've a very like you just don't like it under skin basically it dries it out very very quickly and it'll leave these little white marks so it can chemical burn your skin if you leave it on too long so this is the part that I try to like do very carefully I always do this with gloves and eye protection it'll look so sweet and innocent if you get just even a little bit on your skin so what's interesting about this reaction is is that actually like if you put too much hydrogen peroxide in there it actually doesn't go as high it doesn't react as well so we're gonna kind of show this so like I'm gonna go a little much split the difference on this one and try to get it like around exactly a thousand milliliters the one of my far left will be closer at 1200 and then in the center here will do closer to 1500 so the next step is you add two teaspoons of palm olive soap and then Kelly there's some food coloring dye okay all right now choose your color you can actually add up to 10 drops okay I would recommend like try to not do any spill back just because this is still alive him comes out right now yeah and so if you can you pick what do you go you're going blue red I go go go green tender cops about you can yeah roughly sticking one two three four five six seven eight nine ten you can go join anything really all right so this is Tessa Maya this is the go-juice this is the catalyst so juice but I'm not allowed to drink it he said the very last step is actually we want to keep these out now we're going to shake these up a bit so try not to get it on your skin shouldn't like really mix the soap in there all right so the idea is we're gonna get all of this in there as fast as you possibly can okay one two three poor poor Dolan back up glorious I feel a little silly for wearing the raincoat now but I'm still happy I did it actually I'll like blue going to this side of the table where we are it's still going it's very happy very stoked [Music] we have the soap down in the hydrogen peroxide when we poured the catalyst in there it stripped one of the oxygens off of the hydrogen peroxide that created oxygen gas that got caught up in the soap and that created a bunch of foam very fast it built pressure and it's like this warm now yeah and it's very warm it's an exothermic reaction so it's like very hot so now knowing that and seeing that what do you think about the cannon I think it's gonna hold the pressure just fine I think we're gonna be all right okay let's go bigger I like it I have a water balloon in this and I'm just gonna tip it and see if it pops against the screw that's all here goes that sounds good hey it worked great so it's not full of air it pops that's what we need to see alright so you have a water balloon of potassium iodide so now it's time for the hydrogen peroxide thank you thank you ready okay all right that's our 1 liter of fuel essentially for this I'm going to stir that up and I'm going to pour that in there [Music] all right I'm gonna turn this upside down and book it that is the foam fountain of the grenade you just made the elephant the first elephant toothpaste grenade okay Wow okay so we now know how effective the elephant toothpaste experiment really is I was wondering if it would rupture I would think would be within 30 seconds or so that was within a couple my ears are still ringing yep I mean that was so actually it hit like I can go to my chest yeah Lambie we stole the dividers in fact all right a bunch of soap and some containers that we can still do the elephant toothpaste experiment inside let's get one of the five gallon water bottles and just put as much as we can yes all right ladies you know hive is launches good all right so for this technique I'm gonna be shotgunning the potassium iodide or catalyst into the hydrogen peroxide so I'm gonna take the cap off turn it upside down and then just smash it in there okay and it actually makes it react quicker than normal so I'm gonna try to run away without getting splattered with comb okay bucks all right all right we'll let you do that and be already out of the way okay let's do it three two one go Wow no it's actually very calm and very controlled really yeah well we're great it worked awesome as y'all like 30 feet in the air and give us this beautiful foam which is just hissing nicely now yeah three two one right onto our truck I mean seriously oh man it's activated though so it shouldn't be bleaching stuff anymore right are you kidding are you serious Wow guys that's it for today but you know we've always got more to see hit the box at the top to check out our most recent video and we will see you in the next one talk to you then
Channel: The King of Random
Views: 897,912
Rating: 4.9292135 out of 5
Keywords: thekingofrandom, tkor, grant thompson, nate, calli, random happens, elephant toothpaste, elephant toothpaste reaction, elephant toothpaste world record, elephant toothpaste experiments, things to do with elephant toothpaste, tallest elephant toothpaste, elephant toothpaste huge reaction, fast reacting elephant toothpaste, elephant toothpaste launcher, elephant toothpaste record, elephant toothpaste nick uhas, elephant toothpaste david dobrik, elephant toothpaste mark rober
Id: koM2rih0lLQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 17sec (737 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 25 2020
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