Can Waterproof Matches Light AFTER They're Underwater?

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in today's video we're going to try and test out whether waterproof matches really are waterproof [Music] guys these are waterproof matches I did some research and these were the best reviewed waterproof matches I could find this is the striking surface here the whole match just burns really well in theory and it isn't supposed to go out if there's wind try and blow that out yeah but I licked it I saw that that was weird try and blow but but it's this is worth it imagine using these as trick candles well I'd rather not as comparison here's blowing out a regular match here's the basic idea we've got about 250 waterproof matches they're supposed to hold up in a storm and even being submerged under water we want to test what they're like and if they really work as well as they say they do there we go waterproof match water [Music] they didn't love it but it kept going [Music] well I know the sort of badges I wouldn't keep using now when we have it submerged underwater now these say storm proof that's how it really describes them storm proof matches so even if there is wind and rain it doesn't say you can light them underwater but it did we submerged underwater pulled it out and it really did it did have a little bit of struggle reigniting when it had been underwater and took it out and then the rest of it was wet it had to sort of like boil that off before it actually ignited but it did it it did reignite so I want to try grinding all of the nonstick part off of this match and then into a powder and see what it does yes I want to try lighting that I want to try sprinkling that on top of water and seeing if it'll just float and then we can light that all right this is ground up powder approximately two matches worth probably I'm just gonna light it a lot of smoking [Music] and for water nice colors yeah [Music] well it kind of burned really fast it looks like a lot made it into the water without lighting on fire this is a balloon filtered out right here with water here's my goal I want to put a match into the balloon reach up grab the stick through the balloon like from the bottom light it and then pull it all the way into the balloon so it's under the water and still burning it's very possible we're definitely doing this outside we're gonna try it you guys all right so I have a good grip on the bottom of the match as soon as it's lit go I'm going to pull it down into the balloon and hold the balloon shut hopefully not burning my fingers or melting the balloon in the process because yeah that's gonna go very quickly yes well as soon as I see sparks it's good yeah okay [Music] I'm just trying to see how much gas is produced that's that was the main goal of this I mean that's a fair amount there was only like a little bit at the top this is definitely expanding and that's just from one match burning I can still see like the burnt up match in there here's the gross the water is there's the head of the burnt up match I don't know how you can tell but this water does not look clean at this point I'm gonna open this and see if I think we're just gonna get smoke coming out yep and then oh it smells terrible did you expect it no gross discolored water here alright so that was how much gas we got out of a single match I was impressed at how much there was yeah this is a laser I'm going to see if I can light the match with the laser then if it works I'm gonna see if I can light the match with a laser well the matches underwater that where it got enough will give it yes I can light the match with a laser haha try and hold it about as close to the edge of the glass as possible so I think that's gonna get me the best chance [Music] did not like it did not even really start to light I saw nothing happening there watch the whole match burn underwater until it just stops see how long it goes for it's interesting it's climbing up the match like where the bubbles are but it's not getting all burnt up so I think it's something inside the outer layer is what's burning yeah you can sort of see there's like a black layer under yep there you go so the orange outside layer is still there but inside something burned all the way through I wanna scale this up Kelly's already got started here's the plan we've got like 200 of these matches left we are going to hot glue them all together okay we've got 220 ish of these matches 220 you use 30 30 got 235 of these matches left whatever we've got left we're gonna glue them all together into a block and then we're gonna I think we're gonna get started like white one side this is gonna go and dunk it into a fish tank this is gonna not survive and look as cool and we're done it's just gonna be fun to watch [Music] alright we've got somewhere between 225 and 250 matches glued together right here so now we're just no fortunately that was not a storm proof matter where we blow it up we want to see how well these do under water so the plan I think is we're gonna like light one match and then as soon as like it starts going we're just gonna drop it into a fish tank full of water and let it go fast okay here's the plan we're going to light a match over on this side no ready no ready and then once once it just like starts to spread we're faced down into the water and I don't know how much it's gonna float how much is it gonna sink how much is gonna burn I expect there will be a lot of bubbling and smoke haze out on that yes don't hold it with flame like this yeah look at my hand so probably hold it on the side that's burning over there here you can get it have at it are you sure cause sure I do all this flames fun now it's the plan cuz you told up bottom started steps bottom no whatever works just it starting it yeah go you got splattered on your face a little so I I think we broke the porch it's your face okay you got splattered yeah no wait hot water probably did I get it some of it oh my gosh that took I'm so crazy I wanted to do that with not under water at some point but from a long ways away with fuse did like hot match why I am getting splattered by hots thank you I don't know hey that might have been a bad idea it was a great idea it was a porter execution I am healed all of that okay so I just want to clarify something very quickly I was shouting Wow as I backed up that was more like a defense reflex also I just burned my ankle that was it just a little spot on my ankle everything else that's hit me everything on my face that's just foot and dust and water splashing on me I'm not really hurt guys that was just a lot of ow for no good reason what I was how like this phone looks what it looks metallic yeah ah ha ha there they are I think they all burned wow that's neat and gross here's my favorite part that was a fireball I was nuts the glue stayed it didn't melt the glue I think the glue was in the water enough that it didn't get that far [Music] Oh even for me that's weird guys that's it for today but you know we've always got more for you see hit the box up the top to check out our most recent video and we'll see the next one talk to you then can I go take a shower the best [Music]
Channel: The King of Random
Views: 857,995
Rating: 4.8676882 out of 5
Keywords: thekingofrandom, tkor, grant thompson, nate, calli, random happens, matches, waterproof matches, experiments, lighting matches, fire, flame, burning, king of random, the king of random, how to make, grant thompson king of random, weekend project, fish tank, lazer, lazarbeam, waterproof matches underwater, waterproof matches diy, experiment with everything, experiments to do at home, experiment at home, mythbusters, myth busting, mythbusting 100, lighting strike, match, matches experiment
Id: MB75n_dVIU0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 9sec (609 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 02 2020
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