How Pikmin 4 Changes the Series Timeline FOREVER

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although the Pikmin series isn't something that's super known for its plot or continuity it's definitely a noticeable and respectable detail players can appreciate when playing through the games however with the recent release of Pikmin Fox on different social media platforms on whether or not Pikmin 4 is a direct continuation to the first three main game stories or if it serves as a soft reboot to pikmin's plot as a whole so I wanted to give my thoughts on the matter and bring up some of the important things that may or may not prove that Pippin 4 serves as a timeline reset to the series what's that Captain if people don't like And subscribe then you'll never appear in another Pikmin game is that what you're saying well I guess you got you heard him Chop Chop so for starters the first three Pikmin games follow a pretty clear path cut and dry Pikmin 1 is obviously where everything begins with Captain Olimar in the middle of flying through space in his SS dolphin when suddenly a meteor crashes into a ship forcing him to land on a strange planet that he cannot breathe on normally forcing him into a Mad Dash to find all of his ship parts within a 30-day time limit before his life support systems fail completing this task within 30 days will allow Olimar to travel back to his home planet hakatate while not completing it will result in Olimar passing away where Pikmin will carry him to one of the their onions as an attempt of Revival for the guy they became so fond of Pikmin 2 picks up directly where Pikmin 1 left off Olimar is literally on his way home from his first Pikmin adventure and learns about the company that caused by Louis the repossession of his SS dolphin and how he'll need to go back there with Louis to collect as much treasure as possible as means of making up for the dead so all those guys won't be out of jobs obviously not a whole lot of breathing room for poor Olimar but yeah and although it's never explicitly stated it appears to be heavily implied that Olimar returning to hakatate at the start of Pikmin 2 was his first time meeting Louis this is further backed up by the fact that the president tells Olimar the situation with Louis losing the golden pig but carrots happened on his first ever Mission as an employee while Olimar was on piano 404 so it just seems more likely that Olimar had not formally met Louis until that very moment when returning home the rest of the game's events just go about with the two employees collecting the depth but Olimar having to go back again after collecting all the treasure with the president because Louis was left behind but the President also just wanted to get more treasure Pikmin 3 on the other hand focuses more on the copite crew of Alf Brittany and Charlie whom all travel to piano 404 as a way to get more food for their home planet that's in the middle of going through a hunger crisis mainly focusing on collecting different fruits to not only keep their own life support systems in check but to of course save their home but they end up crash landing on the planet just like Olimar did in Pikmin 1 so they also need to find a ship Park called The Cosmic Drive key so they can fast travel back to copy when they have enough food just as a quick side note Pikmin 3 is the first game where the Pikmin planet is labeled as pnf404 and that will be more important later on unbeknownst to these three at the time both Olimar and Lori were on piano 404 again this time having to recover the losses for a second company debt that the president created this time so they were in search of treasure to repay this debt which resulted in Alamar getting taken hostage by a creature known as The plasm Wraith and Louis getting taken by both the scornet Maestro and quackled Meyer clubs all the while causing the copite crew loads of trouble uh Louis anyway was causing trouble after getting Louis under control the crew is eventually able to rescue polymer from The plasm Wraith and recover the cosmic Drive key saving their planet and offering Olimar Louis a ride back to hakatate as an extra thank you now this wasn't covered until the release of Pikmin 3 Deluxe but in the Side Story Doug The olimar's Comeback Olimar and Louis have to once again return to piano 404 because they left behind the hakatake ship the president was not having any of that this side story is more Mission based but getting the ship back and running again allows the two partners to return home to hakatate presumably for good this time now on to Pikmin 4 the opening cutscene from the get-go I'm sure could raise some eyebrows of previous Pikmin players because the story of how Olimar got there seems to be weirdly similar to what happened to him in Pikmin 1. meteor hits a ship specifically flying the SS dolphin and discovering Pikmin I'm deliberately using the word discovering here because Olimar is acting as if he'd never seen them before until now which wouldn't make sense that this is supposed to be a typical continuation to the first three games he'd obviously had tons of experiences with Pikmin prior to this some notable changes between the situation in the first games is he encounters the space dog who foreign this game and tames her so we can make a ship recovery Journey less stressful as well as finding his Interstellar radio ship part first which he uses to send out a distressed signal to other planets in hopes of being rescued in case things go south the interstellar radio is something that can't be recovered in Pikmin 1 until reaching the distant spring area which is kind of the last area of the game Olimar does end up finding all of his ship parts but is forced to go back to piano 404 when he realizes Moss had snuck into a ship's cargo she's a creature that cannot survive outside piano 404's atmosphere so he went back as a way to save her life however he ended up crashing the dolphin again on the way back resulting in his life support systems failing and the Pikmin turning him into a leafling as a way to save his life meaning this version of Olimar is technically the bad ending version of Olimar from Pikmin 1. Olimar had been on piano 404 as a leafling for around a month before the rescue Corps picked up on his distress signal throughout their time on the planet this group of adventurers would learn about the other Castaways that had been stranded or leafified leading into the group rescuing and curing everyone they could curing them could only be done after harvesting something known as blow sap from glow Pikmin luminals at night time this would be used to save Olimar but not before fighting him in dandori matches four different times before he gives up I guess when he's defeated he does note that he just wants to see his wife and kids again because it's been so long that's another thing that seems weird because he should have been with them for a bit after the Alamar comeback story in three right a rescuing Olimar results in the rescue core hightailing back home but having to go back due to Ochi experiencing the same symptoms as Moss since Oshi had been exposed to the planet for so long he grew a leaf on his tail that glues him to pnf404 when Olimar realizes what's going on he doesn't call the planet PNF 404 either nobody really does in this game as far as I can recall he just calls it that planet or this planet which is weird because he definitely called it PNF 404 in Pikmin 3. at this point it seems with all the evidence presented Pikmin 4 does indeed serve as a more in-depth retelling of Pikmin 1 in many ways however there's one thing that could in theory throw a wrench into that of course I'm talking about the king of DeGeneres himself over there Louie's entire existence in this game could counteract the idea of Pikmin 4 being a timeline reboot because Olimar already knows who Louis is in this game he literally points out in Louie's first appearance post credits that the two of them are hakatite freight co-workers and he wished someone else besides Louis went out to rescue him even after Louis is fully dealt with and brought back to the rescue course home base Olimar can confide in the main character if you talk to him long enough about how he knows Louis has a good heart despite acting like a dumbass sometimes I'm paraphrasing of course but yeah so it's just strange to me how Olimar talks about Louis in a way here where it sounds like he would if this was a proper continuation to one through three but there's other evidence supporting the contrary there's also the whole thing with the original Pikmin 3 crew just not being present whatsoever which I did find a tad on being replaced with extremely similar looking characters named Dobbs Nell and York who are supposed to look like Charlie Brittany and elf respectively I mean yeah York is Alps brother but like Dobson L I don't think I have any like blood Thai connections with Charlie and Brittany to be clear I think these characters are totally really fine as is I'm just using this as another minor point to the idea of the timeline being new I also can't help but wonder if future Pikmin games like five or six will continue off of the plot that Pikmin 4 built or if those games will take place in their own little worlds having no connection to other titles like the way four seems to be with the first three games I'm sure there might be some other details I'm missing to support or not support the idea of the timeline reset but I think at the very least covered the big ones here you can of course tell me what I missed in the comments to help more context if you like whether it be supporting the idea or not supporting it so with everything landed on the table here there seems to just be more evidence to support the idea of the timeline being reset as opposed to it not being reset a Louie's inclusion and how Olimar talks about him is the only big thing really and if we're being real something so minimal like Olimar meeting Louis off screen instead of at the beginning of Pikmin 2 really isn't that serious pick when the games were never really about plot to begin with this is a game about exploring collecting stuff and dandori plot stuff is just the extra carry on top for the overall experience now I don't think there's been any interviews with Miyamoto or other producers directly about this next point but based on reviews for the game and how it played for me as well it seems like Pikmin 4 really wanted to be inviting to new Pikmin players as much as humanly possible especially when it came to the game's gameplay aspects so it's very possible that this was incorporated with the Game's plot too hence why certain things were just said in very vague manners or left up to interpretation for the player with brand new players likely never playing the previous Pikmin game since they're brand new the developers can't just pick up exactly where three or three deluxe left off because that could become confusing for some in theory even if it's just a little bit confusing to be clear this is just little crackpot theory of mine it's also possible Miyamoto and the others just felt like resetting things for the hell of it because when it comes to games he's leading continuity within stories isn't something he likes to focus on hence why Mario games or even Zelda games at times have a lot of loose ends when it comes to Major plot events uh which is again totally fine I know gameplay is the most important when it comes to games there's something like the timeline for a Pikmin game isn't that serious and I agree it's not but I still think this kind of stuff is fun to talk about as long as it's done in a civilized and respectful manner amongst one another I'd be very curious to hear your guys's thoughts about the timeline though I'm clearly more leaning towards the idea of it being a soft reboot but if you think that otherwise you know let me know why but for now I will see you guys next time peace out take care bye bye
Channel: WeegMan
Views: 99,928
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: weegman, pikmin 4, pikmin, pikmin 2, pikmin 3, pikmin explained, pikmin timeline, olimar, louie, oatchi, pikmin lore, pikmin history, nintendo, switch, ancient sirehound, moss, alph, hocotate, koppai, final boss, pikmin 4 ending
Id: itjA7297na8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 28sec (568 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 02 2023
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